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Time-dependent reproductive decisions in the blue tit   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Jan-Åke Nilsson 《Oikos》2000,88(2):351-361
Many breeding attempts in birds do not result in any fledged young due to predation on eggs or young. Consequently, the influence of time constraints on reproductive decisions are integrated parts of the reproductive behaviour of birds breeding within short, seasonal climate zones. In this study, I mimicked nest predation by removing blue tit (Parus caeruleus) clutches shortly after completion. Around 75% of the removed clutches were followed by a repeat clutch. Females producing their first clutch early in the season and females with an early onset of incubation in the laying sequence (an indication of high parental or territory quality) were most likely to initiate a repeat clutch. A trade‐off between the benefits of a repeat clutch and survival likely stopped late females in bad condition from investing more in the current reproductive season. Females producing a repeat clutch laid fewer eggs, had an earlier onset of incubation in the laying sequence and produced larger eggs than they did when producing their original first clutch. Eggs produced after the onset of incubation were especially large in the repeat clutches. Since food availability was presumably higher when the female produced her repeat clutch compared with her first clutch, females made a strategical decision when reducing clutch size, whereas onset of incubation and egg size may have been energetically constrained when producing the first clutch. Females that produced a relatively large clutch, had a relatively early onset of incubation, and laid relatively large eggs in their first clutch also did so when producing a repeat clutch, indicating that some of the variation in breeding parameters are due to differences in parental or territory quality. Differences between years in the temperature‐dependent development rate of caterpillars seem to affect the time constraints on breeding. A year with a predicted early seasonal decline in caterpillars resulted in short intervals between removal and relaying, small clutches and an early onset of incubation.  相似文献   

Telomeres have recently been suggested to play important role in ageing and are considered to be a reliable ageing biomarkers. The life history theory predicts that costs of reproduction should be expressed in terms of accelerated senescence, and some empirical studies do confirm such presumption. Thus, a link between reproductive effort and telomere dynamics should be anticipated. Recent studies have indeed demonstrated that reproduction may trigger telomere loss, but actual impact of reproductive effort has not received adequate attention in experimental studies. Here, we experimentally manipulated reproductive effort by increasing the brood size in the wild blue tit (Cyanistes caeruleus). We show that parents attending enlarged broods experienced larger yearly telomere decay in comparison to control birds attending unaltered broods. In addition, we demonstrate that the change in telomere length differs between sexes, but this effect was independent from our treatment. To our knowledge, this is the first experimental study in the wild revealing that telomere dynamics may be linked to reproductive effort. Thus, telomere shortening may constitute one of the potential proximate mechanisms mediating the costs of reproduction.  相似文献   

Maternal allocation of antioxidants to egg yolk has been shown to affect early embryonic development and nestling survival. In environments with high levels of anthropogenic pollution, antioxidants (such as carotenoids) are important to protect the body from elevated oxidative stress. Thus, female allocation of antioxidants to yolk may be traded off against self-maintenance. Here we investigate maternal reproductive investment with respect to yolk carotenoid content and composition in relation to subsequent female condition and carotenoid status in urban and rural great tits Parus major. We found no differences between the urban and rural populations in total yolk carotenoids, egg mass, clutch size, hatching success, or female carotenoid status. Interestingly, however, rural eggs contained more zeaxanthin, a more potent antioxidant than lutein, which suggests that rural embryos have better antioxidant protection than urban embryos. Whether rural females actively transfer more zeaxanthin to the yolk or whether it passively reflects differences in dietary access or uptake needs to be further investigated. This highlights the importance of carotenoid identity and composition in future studies of carotenoid physiology, ecology, and signaling.  相似文献   

Infection of mice with Plasmodium Berghei Anka (PbA) leads to a thrombocytopenia, due to a reduced platelet life span, eventually associated with a syndrome of severe or cerebral malaria (CM). Thrombocytopenia was associated with an increase in the number of microparticles (mcp) in plasma. More than >60% of these mcp were of platelet origin, as seen by staining with an anti-platelet antibody. The thrombocytopenia and the amount of mcp were decreased in mice treated with anti CD40L mAb, suggesting that CD40L is the main effector of the thrombocytopenia. Caspase-1, -3, -6, -8, -9 were activated in platelets from infected mice, as seen by the binding of labeled probes or the amount of pro-caspase-3. Treatment of infected mice with the caspases inhibitor ZVAD-fmk decreased the number of mcp and the thrombocytopenia, shoving that platelet caspases are responsible for platelet fragmentation. In addition, the caspase inhibitor also caused a decrease in the mortality associated with CM, indicating a critical role of caspases in the expression of CM.  相似文献   

The evolutionary theories of senescence predict that investment in reproduction in early life should come at the cost of reduced somatic maintenance, and thus earlier or more rapid senescence. There is now growing support for such trade-offs in wild vertebrates, but these exclusively come from females. Here, we test this prediction in male red deer (Cervus elaphus) using detailed longitudinal data collected over a 40-year field study. We show that males which had larger harems and thereby allocated more resources to reproduction during early adulthood experienced higher rates of senescence in both harem size and rut duration. Males that carried antlers with more points during early life did not show more pronounced declines in reproductive traits in later life. Overall, we demonstrate that sexual competition shapes male reproductive senescence in wild red deer populations and provide rare empirical support for the disposable soma theory of ageing in males of polygynous vertebrate species.  相似文献   

The thermal environment experienced by birds during early postembryonic development may be an important factor shaping growth and survival. However, few studies have directly manipulated nest temperature (T n) during the nestling phase, and none have measured the consequences of experimental heat stress on nestlings’ body temperature (T b). It is therefore not known to what extent any fitness consequences of development in a thermally challenging environment arise as a direct, or indirect, effect of heat stress. We, therefore, studied how experimentally increased T n affected T b in 8–12 d old blue tit Cyanistes caeruleus nestlings, to investigate if increased thermoregulatory demands to maintain normothermic T b influenced nestling growth and apparent long‐term survival. Nestlings in heated nest‐boxes had significantly higher T b compared to unheated nestlings during most of the experimental period. Yet, despite facing T n  50°C (as measured in the bottom of the nest cup below the nestlings), the highest nestling T b recorded was 43.8°C with nestlings showing evidence of controlled facultative hyperthermia without any increased nestling mortality in heated nests. However, body mass gain was lower in these nestlings compared to nestlings from control nest‐boxes. Contrary to our prediction, a larger proportion of nestlings from heated nest‐boxes were recaptured during their first winter, or subsequently recruited into the breeding population as first‐ or second‐year breeders. This result should, however, be treated with caution because of low recapture rates. This study highlights the importance of the thermal environment during nestling development, and its role in shaping both growth patterns and possibly also apparent survival.  相似文献   

Aim The laying of eggs and the building of a nest structure to accommodate them are two of the defining characteristics of members of the class Aves. Nest structures vary considerably across avian taxa and for many species the structure of the completed nest can have important consequences both for parents and their offspring. While nest characteristics are expected to vary adaptively in response to environmental conditions, large‐scale spatial variation in nest characteristics has been largely overlooked. Here, we examine the effects of latitudinal variation in spring temperatures on nest characteristics, including insulatory properties, and reproductive success of blue tits, Cyanistes caeruleus, and great tits, Parus major. Location Great Britain. Methods Nests and reproductive data were collected from seven study sites, spread over 5° of latitude. The nest insulatory properties were then determined before the nests were separated into nest base material and cup lining material. Results As spring temperatures increased with decreasing latitude, the mass of the nest base material did not vary in either species, while the mass of the cup lining material and nest insulatory properties decreased in both species. This suggests that in response to increasing temperatures the breeding female reduces the mass of the cup lining material, thereby maintaining an appropriate microclimate for incubating and brooding. The mean first egg date of both species advanced with decreasing latitude and increasing spring temperatures, although clutch size and brood size at hatching and fledging did not vary. Main conclusions This is the first study to demonstrate that the nest‐construction behaviour of birds varies in response to large‐scale spatial variation in ambient temperatures. Therefore, nest composition reliably indicates environmental conditions and we suggest that studies of nest structure may be sentinels for the early signs of rapid climate change.  相似文献   

Amongst raptor species, individuals with specialized diets are commonly observed to have higher reproductive output than those with general diets. A suggested cause is that foraging efficiency benefits accrue to diet specialists. This diet specificity hypothesis thus predicts that diet breadth and reproductive success should be inversely related within species. We highlight, however, that a prey availability hypothesis also makes the same prediction in some circumstances. Hence, when high diet specificity results from high encounter rates with an abundant, preferred prey, then prey availability may affect reproductive success, with diet specialization as an incidental correlate. Using three insular study areas in western Scotland, we examine diet specificity and reproductive success in Golden Eagles Aquila chrysaetos. Diet breadth and breeding productivity were not negatively related in any of our study areas, even though birds with specific diets did tend to have a higher incidence of preferred prey (grouse and lagomorphs) in the diet. Indeed, in two study areas there was evidence that diet generalists had higher breeding productivity. Our results therefore failed to support the diet specificity hypothesis but were consistent with the prey availability hypothesis. We highlight that although many other studies are superficially consistent with the diet specificity hypothesis, our study is not alone in failing to provide support and that the hypothesis does not provide a generic explanation for all relevant results. Diet specificity in predators can be at least partially a response to prey diversity, availability and distribution, and benefits associated with different prey types, so that being a generalist is not necessarily intrinsically disadvantageous. We suggest that the available evidence is more consistent with variation in prey abundance and availability as a more influential factor explaining spatial and temporal variation in breeding productivity of ‘generalist’ species such as the Golden Eagle. Under this argument, prey abundance and availability are the main drivers of variation in reproductive output. Diet specificity is a consequence of variation in prey availability, rather than a substantial cause of variation in reproductive success.  相似文献   

Indirect sexual selection arises when reproductive individuals choose their mates based on heritable ornaments that are genetically correlated to fitness. Evidence for genetic associations between ornamental colouration and fitness remains scarce. In this study, we investigate the quantitative genetic relationship between different aspects of tail structural colouration (brightness, hue and UV chroma) and performance (cell‐mediated immunity, body mass and wing length) in blue tit (Cyanistes caeruleus) nestlings. In line with previous studies, we find low heritability for structural colouration and moderate heritability for performance measures. Multivariate animal models show positive genetic correlations between the three measures of performance, indicating quantitative genetic variation for overall performance, and tail brightness and UV chroma, two genetically independent colour measures, are genetically correlated with performance (positively and negatively, respectively). Our results suggest that mate choice based on independent aspects of tail colouration can have fitness payoffs in blue tits and provide support for the indirect benefits hypothesis. However, low heritability of tail structural colouration implies that indirect sexual selection on mate choice for this ornament will be a weak evolutionary force.  相似文献   

Råberg L  Stjernman M  Nilsson JA 《Oecologia》2005,145(3):496-503
In birds and mammals with sexual size dimorphism (SSD), the larger sex is typically more sensitive to adverse environmental conditions, such as food shortage, during ontogeny. However, some recent studies of altricial birds have found that the larger sex is less sensitive, apparently because large size renders an advantage in sibling competition. Still, this effect is not an inevitable outcome of sibling competition, because several studies of other species of altricial birds have found the traditional pattern. We investigated if the sexes differ in environmental sensitivity during ontogeny in the blue tit, a small altricial bird with c. 6% SSD in body mass (males larger than females). We performed a cross-fostering and brood size manipulation experiment during 2 years to investigate if the sexes were differently affected as regards body size (body mass, tarsus and wing length on day 14 after hatching) and pre-fledging survival. We also investigated if the relationship between body size and post-fledging survival differed between the sexes. Pre-fledging mortality was higher in enlarged than in reduced broods, representing poor and good environments, respectively, but the brood size manipulation did not affect the mortality rate of males and females differently. In both years, both males and females were smaller on day 14 after hatching in enlarged as compared to reduced broods. In one of the years, we also found significant Sex × Experiment interactions for body size, such that females were more affected by poor environmental conditions than that of males. Body size was positively correlated with post-fledging survival, but we found no interactive effects of sex and morphological traits on survival. We conclude that in the blue tit, females (the smaller sex) are more sensitive to adverse environmental conditions which, in our study, was manifest in terms of fledgling size. A review of published studies of sex differences in environmental sensitivity in sexually size-dimorphic altricial birds suggests that the smaller sex is more sensitive than the larger sex in species with large brood size and vice versa.  相似文献   

Growing evidence suggests that structural feather colours honestly reflect individual quality or body condition but, contrary to pigment‐based colours, it is not clear what mechanism links condition to reflectance in structural feather colours. We experimentally accelerated the moult speed of a group of blue tits (Cyanistes caeruleus) by exposing them to a rapidly decreasing photoperiod and compared the spectral characteristics of their structural feather colours with those of control birds. Blue tits were sexually dimorphic on the UV/blue crown and on the white cheek feathers. Moult speed, however, dramatically reduced brightness and the saturation only on the UV/blue crown feathers, whereas structural white on the cheek feathers was basically unaffected by moult speed. Given that the time available for moulting is usually confined to the period between the end of the breeding season and migration or wintering, UV/blue colours, but not structural white, may convey long‐term information about an individual’s performance during the previous breeding season. The trade‐off between fast moulting and structural colour expression may represent a previously unrecognized selective advantage for early‐breeding birds.  相似文献   

The pattern and amount of phenotypic and genetic variation in growth was analysed using the infinite-dimensional model in natural populations of the blue tit (Parus caeruleus). A size-index was used to analyse patterns of variation and covariation across ages (2, 5, 8, 11 and 14 days). Genetic variation was analysed using mother-, father-, and midparent-offspring regressions in the blue tit. Phenotypic variation in growth was limited to a few dimensions only, while heritabilities were close to zero at all ages except at 2 days when a significant mother-offspring relation was found. The phenotypic variance-covariance matrix over ages was found to be singular, which suggests that there are trajectories for which there is no phenotypic variation, and which therefore they cannot evolve. The phenotypic growth trajectory associated with the largest amount of variation basically showed a high to moderately high covariation across ages. These results have macroevolutionary implications in terms of the outcome of selection which generally will be in terms of overall size changes but with a slow rate of change due to low heritabilities; an outcome consistent with macro-evolutionary patterns of morphological variation in birds. A simulation study supported the conclusion that high covariances among traits and ages can impose considerable constraint on a microevolutionary scale.  相似文献   

Intersexual niche differentiation in the blue tit (Parus caeruleus)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The intersexual niche differentiation hypothesis, according to which sexual size dimorphism (SSD) has evolved to facilitate niche separation between the sexes, has received equivocal support in studies of birds. One explanation for the inconsistency of the results is that other factors crucial for reproductive success, such as variation in food abundance among territories, may obscure food niche differentiation between parents. We studied the effects of SSD, food availability and food demands of broods on niche differentiation in the blue tit ( Parus caeruleus ). Parents attending experimentally enlarged broods delivered the same amount, but more diverse food items, to their offspring than parents attending reduced broods, although this effect was significant in only one of the two study years. The time-lag (deviation from the peak food abundance in habitat in days) and squared time-lag were the most important determinants of the diversity of food items delivered to young and their condition (fitness surrogate). SSD, as measured by principal component scores of morphological traits, did not explain any variation neither in the diversity or amount of food provided, nor in offspring condition. These results suggest that synchronization of breeding with peak food availability is the most important determinant of diversity of food delivered to young and, more importantly, Their condition. No evidence for intersexual food niche differentiation was found; at best, it is likely to constitute only a weak selection pressure on the maintenance or enhancement of SSD in this system.  相似文献   

A recent study reported the incidence of intraspecific brood parasitism (IBP) in the blue tit, based on differences in pigmentation between eggs within clutches and the appearance of multiple eggs within a nest in a single day. Here we present data from another population of blue tits Cyanistes caeruleus in which we show that such evidence is not necessarily indicative of IBP. As in many other studies of birds, we found that the patterning and degree of pigmentation on eggs is individually highly characteristic of a female. As in the previous study of blue tits, a minority of clutches (about 3% of 904 clutches) contained one, two or three eggs that were distinctly different from the other eggs in the clutch, either in size or patterning, but not both. Molecular genetic analyses of parentage in a sample of these clutches with suspected IBP demonstrated unequivocally that all eggs within each clutch had in fact been laid by a single female, in all cases the social parent. We also found no evidence of IBP from paternity analyses of a sample of 3,529 offspring from 427 broods in this population, adding to previous evidence of the absence of IBP in this species. These findings cast doubt on the utility of purely observational approaches to provide evidence of intraspecific brood parasitism; our study suggests that egg morphology and records of laying patterns are inadequate to enable the identification of IBP.  相似文献   

Carotenoid‐based coloration in adult birds has been often regarded as an honest signal of individual quality. However, few studies have demonstrated a link between carotenoid display and the quantity or quality of resources provided to the offspring. The present study investigated the expression of a carotenoid‐based ornament, the breast plumage yellowness of the blue tit Cyanistes caeruleus, in relation to the level of parental provisioning effort and the amount of carotenoid‐rich prey provided to the young. The study was conducted in two forest types (evergreen and deciduous), which also allowed an exploration of the possible existence of habitat effects on the coloration of breeding birds. It was found that plumage colour intensity (carotenoid chroma) correlated positively with nestling provisioning rates of both males and females, supporting the good parent hypothesis. In addition, carotenoid chroma was positively related with the proportion of Lepidoptera larvae brought to the nest in both sexes. Female but not male coloration was positively linked to breeding success (proportion of fledged young). Nestling coloration did not correlate with that of their parents, nor the frequency with which they were fed. Hue and lightness of nestling's plumage correlated positively with body mass and tarsus length, respectively. The results obtained in the present study indicate that ventral plumage coloration in blue tits may advertise the ingested carotenoids (carotenoid foraging ability) and also their overall parental quality in terms of nestling provisioning rates. This suggests that plumage yellowness can be used as an indicator of foraging ability in this species. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 106 , 418–429.  相似文献   

Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is a common herpesvirus infection and stimulates the expansion of very large numbers of CMV‐specific T cells that reduce the CD4/CD8 ratio and suppress the number of naïve T cells. CMV infection has been associated with frailty and impaired survival. We investigated the correlates of CMV and the impact of the CMV infection on mortality within a cohort of 511 individuals aged at least 65 years who were followed up for 18 years. The mean age of the participants was 74 years of which 70% were CMV‐seropositive. CMV was strongly linked to socio‐economic status, and CMV infection increased the annual mortality rate by 42% (Hazard ratio = 1.42, 95% CI: 1.11–1.76 after adjusting for age, sex and baseline socio‐economic and health variables) corresponding to 3.7 years lower life expectancy from age 65. Infection was associated with a near doubling of cardiovascular deaths, whereas there was no increase in mortality from other causes. These results show that CMV infection markedly increases the mortality rate in healthy older individuals due to an excess of vascular deaths. These findings may have significant implications for the study of immune senescence and if confirmed more generally could have important implications for measures to optimize the health of the elderly.  相似文献   



Areas that are endemic for malaria are also highly endemic for hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection. Nevertheless, it is unknown whether HBV infection modifies the clinical presentation of malaria. This study aimed to address this question.

Methodology and Findings

An observational study of 636 individuals was performed in Rondônia, western Amazon, Brazil between 2006 and 2007. Active and passive case detections identified Plasmodium infection by field microscopy and nested Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). HBV infections were identified by serology and confirmed by real-time PCR. Epidemiological information and plasma cytokine profiles were studied. The data were analyzed using adjusted multinomial logistic regression. Plasmodium-infected individuals with active HBV infection were more likely to be asymptomatic (OR: 120.13, P<0.0001), present with lower levels of parasitemia and demonstrate a decreased inflammatory cytokine profile. Nevertheless, co-infected individuals presented higher HBV viremia. Plasmodium parasitemia inversely correlated with plasma HBV DNA levels (r = −0.6; P = 0.0003).


HBV infection diminishes the intensity of malaria infection in individuals from this endemic area. This effect seems related to cytokine balance and control of inflammatory responses. These findings add important insights to the understanding of the factors affecting the clinical outcomes of malaria in endemic regions.  相似文献   

Sex differences in immunity are often observed, with males generally having a weaker immune system than females. However, recent data in a sex-role-reversed species in which females compete to mate with males suggest that sexually competitive females have a weaker immune response. These findings support the hypothesis that sexual dimorphism in immunity has evolved in response to sex-specific fitness returns of investment in traits such as parental investment and longevity, but the scarcity of data in sex-reversed species prevents us from drawing general conclusions. Using an insect species in which males make a large but variable parental investment in their offspring, we use two indicators of immunocompetence to test the hypothesis that sex-biased immunity is determined by differences in parental investment. We found that when the value of paternal investment was experimentally increased, male immune investment became relatively greater than that of females. Thus, in this system, in which the direction of sexual competition is plastic, the direction of sex-biased immunity is also plastic and appears to track relative parental investment.  相似文献   

Egg quality and parental ornamentation in the blue tit Parus caeruleus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Components of avian egg quality often show remarkable variation between females and yet the causes of variation in this fitness-related trait remain poorly understood. We investigated the egg size and yolk carotenoid investment of blue tit Parus caeruleus females in relation to multiple parental traits. We show that females produce eggs with more colourful yolks when mated to ultraviolet (UV) attractive males. Since yolk carotenoids may enhance offspring fitness, but may be available to females in limiting amounts, the correlation we found suggests adaptive egg quality adjustment in response to mate attractiveness, but an experimental approach is required to rule out alternative explanations. Yolk colour was also correlated with laying date and yolk mass. Though the effect of laying date could not be explained by ambient temperature during egg formation, it suggests a proximate constraint of general carotenoid availability on yolk composition. Egg size was not affected by male attractiveness; however, females with a brighter crown produced larger eggs, suggesting that crown coloration might indicate individual quality in females too.  相似文献   

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