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Climate change is causing warmer and more variable temperatures as well as physical flux in natural populations, which will affect the ecology and evolution of infectious disease epidemics. Using replicate seminatural populations of a coevolving freshwater invertebrate‐parasite system (host: Daphnia magna, parasite: Pasteuria ramosa), we quantified the effects of ambient temperature and population mixing (physical flux within populations) on epidemic size and population health. Each population was seeded with an identical suite of host genotypes and dose of parasite transmission spores. Biologically reasonable increases in environmental temperature caused larger epidemics, and population mixing reduced overall epidemic size. Mixing also had a detrimental effect on host populations independent of disease. Epidemics drove parasite‐mediated selection, leading to a loss of host genetic diversity, and mixed populations experienced greater evolution due to genetic drift over the season. These findings further our understanding of how diversity loss will reduce the host populations’ capacity to respond to changes in selection, therefore stymying adaptation to further environmental change.  相似文献   

Evolution and population genetic structure of marine species across the Caribbean Sea are shaped by two complex factors: the geological history and the present pattern of marine currents. Characterizing and comparing the genetic structures of codistributed species, such as host–parasite associations, allow discriminating the relative importance of environmental factors and life history traits that influenced gene flow and demographic events. Using microsatellite and Cytochrome Oxidase I markers, we investigated if a host–parasite pair (the heart urchin Meoma ventricosa and its parasitic pea crab Dissodactylus primitivus) exhibits comparable population genetic structures in the Caribbean Sea and how the observed patterns match connectivity regions from predictive models and other taxa. Highly contrasting patterns were found: the host showed genetic homogeneity across the whole studied area, whereas the parasite displayed significant differentiation at regional and local scales. The genetic diversity of the parasitic crabs (both in microsatellites and COI) was distributed in two main groups, Panama–Jamaica–St Croix on the one hand, and the South‐Eastern Caribbean on the other. At a smaller geographical scale, Panamanian and Jamaican parasite populations were genetically more similar, while more genetic differentiation was found within the Lesser Antilles. Both species showed a signature of population expansion during the Quaternary. Some results match predictive models or data from previous studies (e.g., the Western‐Eastern dichotomy in the parasite) while others do not (e.g., genetic differentiation within the Lesser Antilles). The sharp dissimilarity of genetic structure of these codistributed species outlines the importance of population expansion events and/or contrasted patterns of gene flow. This might be linked to differences in several life history traits such as fecundity (higher for the host), swimming capacity of larval stages (higher for the parasite), and habitat availability (higher for the host).  相似文献   

Spatial structure has dramatic effects on the demography and the evolution of species. A large variety of theoretical models have attempted to understand how local dispersal may shape the coevolution of interacting species such as host–parasite interactions. The lack of a unifying framework is a serious impediment for anyone willing to understand current theory. Here, we review previous theoretical studies in the light of a single epidemiological model that allows us to explore the effects of both host and parasite migration rates on the evolution and coevolution of various life‐history traits. We discuss the impact of local dispersal on parasite virulence, various host defence strategies and local adaptation. Our analysis shows that evolutionary and coevolutionary outcomes crucially depend on the details of the host–parasite life cycle and on which life‐history trait is involved in the interaction. We also discuss experimental studies that support the effects of spatial structure on the evolution of host–parasite interactions. This review highlights major similarities between some theoretical results, but it also reveals an important gap between evolutionary and coevolutionary models. We discuss possible ways to bridge this gap within a more unified framework that would reconcile spatial epidemiology, evolution and coevolution.  相似文献   

It was suggested that parasite infections become more severe with rising temperature, as expected during global warming. In ectothermic systems, the growth of a parasite and therefore its reproductive capacity is expected to increase with temperature. However, the outcome of the interaction depends on the temperature optima of both host and parasite. Here we used experimental infections of three‐spined stickleback fish Gasterosteus aculeatus with its specific tapeworm parasite Schistocephalus solidus to investigate in detail the temperature optima for both host and parasite. We analyzed the fitness consequences thereof, focusing on growth and immunity of the host, and growth and offspring production of the parasite as fitness correlates. We checked for potential differences among populations, using the offspring of hosts and parasites derived from four study sites in Iceland, Germany and Spain that differ in average annual temperature ranging between 4.8°C and 18.4°C. We found differences in temperature optima of host and parasites that were quite consistent across the populations: while sticklebacks grew faster and had higher immune activity at low temperatures, the parasites did not even grow fast enough to reach sexual maturity in these conditions. By contrast, with increasing temperatures, parasite growth, egg production and offspring hatching increased strongly while host immunity and growth were impaired. Our results show that divergent temperature optima of hosts and parasites can have drastic fitness consequences and support the expectation that some parasites will benefit from global warming.  相似文献   

Pathogens are a significant component of all plant communities. In recent years, the potential for existing and emerging pathogens of agricultural crops to cause increased yield losses as a consequence of changing climatic patterns has raised considerable concern. In contrast, the response of naturally occurring, endemic pathogens to a warming climate has received little attention. Here, we report on the impact of a signature variable of global climate change – increasing temperature – on the long‐term epidemiology of a natural host–pathogen association involving the rust pathogen Triphragmium ulmariae and its host plant Filipendula ulmaria. In a host–pathogen metapopulation involving approximately 230 host populations growing on an archipelago of islands in the Gulf of Bothnia we assessed changes in host population size and pathogen epidemiological measures over a 25‐year period. We show how the incidence of disease and its severity declines over that period and most importantly demonstrate a positive association between a long‐term trend of increasing extinction rates in individual pathogen populations of the metapopulation and increasing temperature. Our results are highly suggestive that changing climatic patterns, particularly mean monthly growing season (April‐November) temperature, are markedly influencing the epidemiology of plant disease in this host–pathogen association. Given the important role plant pathogens have in shaping the structure of communities, changes in the epidemiology of pathogens have potentially far‐reaching impacts on ecological and evolutionary processes. For these reasons, it is essential to increase understanding of pathogen epidemiology, its response to warming, and to invoke these responses in forecasts for the future.  相似文献   

Understanding the coevolution of hosts and parasites is a long‐standing goal of evolutionary biology. There is a well‐developed theoretical framework to describe the evolution of host–parasite interactions under the assumption of direct, two‐species interactions, which can result in arms race dynamics or sustained genotype fluctuations driven by negative frequency dependence (Red Queen dynamics). However, many hosts rely on symbionts for defence against parasites. Whilst the ubiquity of defensive symbionts and their potential importance for disease control are increasingly recognized, there is still a gap in our understanding of how symbionts mediate or possibly take part in host–parasite coevolution. Herein we address this question by synthesizing information already available from theoretical and empirical studies. First, we briefly introduce current hypotheses on how defensive mutualisms evolved from more parasitic relationships and highlight exciting new experimental evidence showing that this can occur very rapidly. We go on to show that defensive symbionts influence virtually all important determinants of coevolutionary dynamics, namely the variation in host resistance available to selection by parasites, the specificity of host resistance, and the trade‐off structure between host resistance and other components of fitness. In light of these findings, we turn to the limited theory and experiments available for such three‐species interactions to assess the role of defensive symbionts in host–parasite coevolution. Specifically, we discuss under which conditions the defensive symbiont may take over from the host the reciprocal adaptation with parasites and undergo its own selection dynamics, thereby altering or relaxing selection on the hosts' own immune defences. Finally, we address potential effects of defensive symbionts on the evolution of parasite virulence. This is an important problem for which there is no single, clear‐cut prediction. The selection on parasite virulence resulting from the presence of defensive symbionts in their hosts will depend on the underlying mechanism of defence. We identify the evolutionary predictions for different functional categories of symbiont‐conferred resistance and we evaluate the empirical literature for supporting evidence. We end this review with outstanding questions and promising avenues for future research to improve our understanding of symbiont‐mediated coevolution between hosts and parasites.  相似文献   

Intravital fluorescence microscopy (IVM) is a powerful technique for imaging multiple organs, including the brain of living mice and rats. It enables the direct visualisation of cells in situ providing a real‐life view of biological processes that in vitro systems cannot. In addition, to the technological advances in microscopy over the last decade, there have been supporting innovations in data storage and analytical packages that enable the visualisation and analysis of large data sets. Here, we review the advantages and limitations of techniques predominantly used for brain IVM, including thinned skull windows, open skull cortical windows, and a miniaturised optical system based on microendoscopic probes that can be inserted into deep tissues. Further, we explore the relevance of these techniques for the field of parasitology. Several protozoan infections are associated with neurological symptoms including Plasmodium spp., Toxoplasma spp., and Trypanosoma spp. IVM has led to crucial findings on these parasite species, which are discussed in detail in this review.  相似文献   

One of the major challenges in evolutionary biology is to unravel the genetic basis of adaptation. This issue has been gaining momentum in recent years with the accelerated development of novel genetic and genomic techniques and resources. In this issue of Molecular Ecology, Cogni et al. (2016) address the genetic basis of resistance to two viruses in Drosophila melanogaster using a panel of recombinant inbred lines with unprecedented resolution allowing detection of rare alleles and/or alleles of small effect. The study confirms the role of previously identified genes of major effect and adds novel regions with minor effect to the genetic basis of Drosophila resistance to the Drosophila C virus or the sigma virus. Additional analyses reveal the absence of cross‐resistance and of epistasis between the various genomic regions. This detailed information on the genetic architecture of host resistance constitutes an important step towards the understanding of both the physiology of antiviral immunity and the evolution of host–parasite interactions.  相似文献   

Understanding fluctuating selection is important for our understanding of patterns of spatial and temporal diversity in nature. Host–parasite theory has classically assumed fluctuations either occur between highly specific genotypes (matching allele: MA) or from specialism to generalism (gene‐for‐gene: GFG). However, while MA can only generate one mode of fluctuating selection, we show that GFG can in fact produce both rapid ‘within‐range’ fluctuations (among genotypes with identical levels of investment but which specialise on different subsets of the population) and slower cycling ‘between ranges’ (different levels of investment), emphasising that MA is a subset of GFG. Our findings closely match empirical observations, although sampling rates need to be high to detect these novel dynamics empirically. Within‐range cycling is an overlooked process by which fluctuating selection can occur in nature, suggesting that fluctuating selection may be a more common and important process than previously thought in generating and maintaining diversity.  相似文献   

The Red Queen hypothesis posits a promising way to explain the widespread existence of sexual reproduction despite the cost of producing males. The essence of the hypothesis is that coevolutionary interactions between hosts and parasites select for the genetic diversification of offspring via cross‐fertilization. Here, I relax a common assumption of many Red Queen models that each host is exposed to one parasite. Instead, I assume that the number of propagules encountered by each host depends on the number of infected hosts in the previous generation, which leads to additional complexities. The results suggest that epidemiological feedbacks, combined with frequency‐dependent selection, could lead to the long‐term persistence of sex under biologically reasonable conditions.  相似文献   

Host parasite diversity plays a fundamental role in ecological and evolutionary processes, yet the factors that drive it are still poorly understood. A variety of processes, operating across a range of spatial scales, are likely to influence both the probability of parasite encounter and subsequent infection. Here, we explored eight possible determinants of parasite richness, comprising rainfall and temperature at the population level, ranging behavior and home range productivity at the group level, and age, sex, body condition, and social rank at the individual level. We used a unique dataset describing gastrointestinal parasites in a terrestrial subtropical vertebrate (chacma baboons, Papio ursinus), comprising 662 fecal samples from 86 individuals representing all age-sex classes across two groups over two dry seasons in a desert population. Three mixed models were used to identify the most important factor at each of the three spatial scales (population, group, individual); these were then standardized and combined in a single, global, mixed model. Individual age had the strongest influence on parasite richness, in a convex relationship. Parasite richness was also higher in females and animals in poor condition, albeit at a lower order of magnitude than age. Finally, with a further halving of effect size, parasite richness was positively correlated to day range and temperature. These findings indicate that a range of factors influence host parasite richness through both encounter and infection probabilities but that individual-level processes may be more important than those at the group or population level.  相似文献   

Intravital microscopy allows imaging of biological phenomena within living animals, including host–parasite interactions. This has advanced our understanding of both, the function of lymphoid organs during parasitic infections, and the effect of parasites on such organs to allow their survival. In parasitic research, recent developments in this technique have been crucial for the direct study of host–parasite interactions within organs at depths, speeds and resolution previously difficult to achieve. Lymphoid organs have gained more attention as we start to understand their function during parasitic infections and the effect of parasites on them. In this review, we summarise technical and biological findings achieved by intravital microscopy with respect to the interaction of various parasites with host lymphoid organs, namely the bone marrow, thymus, lymph nodes, spleen and the mucosa‐associated lymphoid tissue, and present a view into possible future applications.  相似文献   

Proteins selectively upregulated in infective parasitic forms could be critical for disease pathogenesis. A mammalian prohibitin orthologue is upregulated in infective metacyclic promastigotes of Leishmania donovani, a parasite that causes visceral leishmaniasis. Leishmania donovani prohibitin shares 41% similarity with mammalian prohibitin and 95–100% within the genus. Prohibitin is concentrated at the surface of the flagellar and the aflagellar pole, the aflagellar pole being a region through which host–parasite interactions occur. Prohibitin is attached to the membrane through a GPI anchor. Overexpression of wild‐type prohibitin increases protein surface density resulting in parasites with higher infectivity. However, parasites overexpressing a mutant prohibitin with an amino acid substitution at the GPI anchor site to prevent surface expression through GPI‐link show lesser surface expression and lower infective abilities. Furthermore, the presence of anti‐prohibitin antibodies during macrophage–Leishmania interaction in vitro reduces infection. The cognate binding partner for Leishmania prohibitin on the host cell appears to be macrophage surface HSP70, siRNA mediated downregulation of which abrogates the capability of the macrophage to bind to parasites. Leishmania prohibitin is able to generate a strong humoral response in visceral leishmaniasis patients. The above observations suggest that prohibitin plays an important role in events leading to Leishmania–host interaction.  相似文献   

Since the 1990s, increasing populations of a blood feeding land leech (Haemadipsa japonica) have become a serious issue in several Japanese prefectures, and it may be caused by the increases in sika deer (Cervus nippon) populations seen over the last quarter of the century. Therefore, this study aimed to reveal the host animal species of H. japonica using iDNA (vertebrate DNA isolated from invertebrates) and to test the hypothesis that the increasingly widespread distribution of sika deer results in increased H. japonica populations through changes to the host–parasite interface. We amplified mitochondrial DNA 16S ribosome RNA fragments from iDNA isolated from the blood clots of H. japonica collected across Japan. We identified 17 host animal species, including four orders of Mammalia (Carnivora, Artiodactyla, Rodentia, and Lagomorpha) and two orders of Amphibia (Caudata and Anura). The sika deer was the dominant host species of H. japonica. Additionally, the host animal species composition of H. japonica differed according to the presence or absence of sika deer. In the sites where sika deer were not found, Anura (frog) species were the most commonly identified hosts of H. japonica. These results suggest that the increases in H. japonica populations might have occurred via a change in host preference to sika deer. This change might be driven by the increases in sika deer populations and subsequent increase in the frequency that H. japonica uses the sika deer as easy prey, as well as by sika deer providing more reproductive energy per blood meal than blood meal from frog species. The present study suggests that a more widespread distribution of sika deer resulted in an increase in H. japonica through a change in the host–parasite interface. Therefore, management that focuses on decreasing sika deer populations would likely be an effective method for the reduction of H. japonica populations.  相似文献   

Intravital microscopy allows the visualisation of how pathogens interact with host cells and tissues in living animals in real time. This method has enabled key advances in our understanding of host–parasite interactions under physiological conditions. A combination of genetics, microscopy techniques, and image analysis have recently facilitated the understanding of biological phenomena in living animals at cellular and subcellular resolution. In this review, we summarise findings achieved by intravital microscopy of the skin and adipose tissues upon infection with various parasites, and we present a view into possible future applications of this method.  相似文献   

Long‐term data on host and parasite fitness are important for predicting how host–parasite interactions will be altered in an era of global change. Here, we use data collected from 1997 to 2013 to explore effects of changing environmental conditions on bird–blowfly interactions in northern New Mexico. The objectives of this study were to examine what climate variables influence blowfly prevalence and intensity and to determine whether blowflies and climate variables affect bird fledging success. We examined how temperature, precipitation, and drought affect two parasitic blowflies and their hosts, Western Bluebirds (Sialia mexicana) and Ash‐throated Flycatchers (Myiarchus cinerascens). We found that blowfly prevalence did not change over time. Blowfly intensity increased over time in bluebird nests, but not in flycatcher nests. More blowflies result in slightly higher fledging success in bluebirds, but not flycatchers. There was a significant interaction between blowflies and precipitation on bluebird fledging success. For flycatchers, there was a significant interaction between blowflies and temperature and between blowflies and drought severity on fledging success. Given that the southwest is projected to be hotter and have more frequent and prolonged droughts, we predict that flycatchers may be negatively impacted by blowflies if these trends continue. Future work should focus on investigating the role of both blowflies and climate on fledging success. Climate patterns may negatively impact host fitness through altered parasite pressure.  相似文献   

Genetically specific interactions between hosts and parasites can lead to coevolutionary fluctuations in their genotype frequencies over time. Such fluctuating selection dynamics are, however, expected to occur only under specific circumstances (e.g., high fitness costs of infection to the hosts). The outcomes of host–parasite interactions are typically affected by environmental/ecological factors, which could modify coevolutionary dynamics. For instance, individual hosts are often infected with more than one parasite species and interactions between them can alter host and parasite performance. We examined the potential effects of coinfections by genetically specific (i.e., coevolving) and nonspecific (i.e., generalist) parasite species on fluctuating selection dynamics using numerical simulations. We modeled coevolution (a) when hosts are exposed to a single parasite species that must genetically match the host to infect, (b) when hosts are also exposed to a generalist parasite that increases fitness costs to the hosts, and (c) when coinfecting parasites compete for the shared host resources. Our results show that coinfections can enhance fluctuating selection dynamics when they increase fitness costs to the hosts. Under resource competition, coinfections can either enhance or suppress fluctuating selection dynamics, depending on the characteristics (i.e., fecundity, fitness costs induced to the hosts) of the interacting parasites.  相似文献   

The impact of community complexity on pairwise coevolutionary dynamics is theoretically dependent on the extent to which species evolve generalised or specialised adaptations to the multiple species they interact with. Here, we show that the bacteria Pseudomonas fluorescens diversifies into defence specialists, when coevolved simultaneously with a virus and a predatory protist, as a result of fitness trade‐offs between defences against the two enemies. Strong bacteria–virus pairwise coevolution persisted, despite strong protist‐imposed selection. However, the arms race dynamic (escalation of host resistance and parasite infectivity ranges) associated with bacteria–virus coevolution broke down to a greater extent in the presence of the protist, presumably through the elevated genetic and demographic costs of increased bacteria resistance ranges. These findings suggest that strong pairwise coevolution can persist even in complex communities, when conflicting selection leads to evolutionary diversification of different defence strategies.  相似文献   

Comparative studies of genetic diversity and population structure can shed light on the ecological and evolutionary factors that influence host–parasite interactions. Here we examined whether geography, time and genetic variation in Alaskan three‐spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus Linneaus) hosts shape the population genetic structure of the diphyllobothridean cestode parasite Schistocephalus solidus (Müller, 1776). Host lineages and haplotypes were identified by sequencing the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene, and host population structure was assessed by Bayesian clustering analysis of allelic variation at 11 microsatellite loci. Parasite population structure was characterized according to allelic variation at eight microsatellite loci. Mantel tests and canonical redundancy analysis were conducted to evaluate the proportion of parasite genetic variation attributable to time and geography vs. host lineage, haplotype, and genotypic cluster. Host and parasite population structure were largely discordant across the study area, probably reflecting differences in gene flow, environmental influences external to the host, and genomic admixture among host lineages. We found that geography explained the greatest proportion of parasite genetic variation, but that variation also reflects time, host lineage, and host haplotype. Associations with host haplotypes suggest that one parasite genotypic cluster exhibits a narrower host range, predominantly infecting the most common host haplotypes, whereas the other parasite cluster infects all haplotypes equally, including rare haplotypes. Although experimental infection trials might prove otherwise, distributional differences in hosts preferentially infected by S. solidus could underlie the observed pattern of population structure.  相似文献   

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