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Understanding the genetic basis of phenotypic variation and the mechanisms involved in the evolution of adaptive novelty, especially in adaptive radiations, is a major goal in evolutionary biology. Here, we used whole‐genome sequence data to investigate the origin of the yellow hindwing bar in the Heliconius cydno radiation. We found modular variation associated with hindwing phenotype in two narrow noncoding regions upstream and downstream of the cortex gene, which was recently identified as a pigmentation pattern controller in multiple species of Heliconius. Genetic variation at each of these modules suggests an independent control of the dorsal and ventral hindwing patterning, with the upstream module associated with the ventral phenotype and the downstream module with the dorsal one. Furthermore, we detected introgression between H. cydno and its closely related species Heliconius melpomene in these modules, likely allowing both species to participate in novel mimicry rings. In sum, our findings support the role of regulatory modularity coupled with adaptive introgression as an elegant mechanism by which novel phenotypic combinations can evolve and fuel an adaptive radiation.  相似文献   

Ecomorphological differentiation is a key feature of adaptive radiations, with a general trend for specialization and niche expansion following divergence. Ecological opportunity afforded by invasion of a new habitat is thought to act as an ecological release, facilitating divergence, and speciation. Here, we investigate trophic adaptive morphology and ecology of an endemic clade of oreochromine cichlid fishes (Alcolapia) that radiated along a herbivorous trophic axis following colonization of an isolated lacustrine environment, and demonstrate phenotype‐environment correlation. Ecological and morphological divergence of the Alcolapia species flock are examined in a phylogenomic context, to infer ecological niche occupation within the radiation. Species divergence is observed in both ecology and morphology, supporting the importance of ecological speciation within the radiation. Comparison with an outgroup taxon reveals large‐scale ecomorphological divergence but shallow genomic differentiation within the Alcolapia adaptive radiation. Ancestral morphological reconstruction suggests lake colonization by a generalist oreochromine phenotype that diverged in Lake Natron to varied herbivorous morphologies akin to specialist herbivores in Lakes Tanganyika and Malawi.  相似文献   

Admixture, the mixing of historically isolated gene pools, can have immediate consequences for the genetic architecture of fitness traits. Admixture may be especially important for newly colonized populations, such as during range expansion and species invasions, by generating heterozygosity that can boost fitness through heterosis. Despite widespread evidence for admixture during species invasions, few studies have examined the demographic history leading to admixture, how admixture affects the heterozygosity and fitness of invasive genotypes, and whether such fitness effects are maintained through time. We address these questions using the invasive plant Silene vulgaris, which shows evidence of admixture in both its native Europe and in North America where it has invaded. Using multilocus genotype data in conjunction with approximate Bayesian computation analysis of demographic history, we showed that admixture during the invasion of North America was independent from and much younger than admixture in the native range of Europe. We tested for fitness consequences of admixture in each range and detected a significant positive heterozygosity–fitness correlation (HFC) in North America; in contrast, no HFC was present in Europe. The lack of HFC in Europe may reflect the longer time since admixture in the native range, dissipating associations between heterozygosity at markers and fitness loci. Our results support a key short‐term role for admixture during the early stages of invasion by generating HFCs that carry populations past the threat of extinction from inbreeding and demographic stochasticity.  相似文献   

The evolutionary trajectories associated with demographic, genetic and spatial disequilibrium have become an issue of growing interest in population biology. Invasive species provide unique opportunities to explore the impact of recent range expansion on life‐history traits, making it possible to test for a spatial arrangement of dispersal abilities along the expanding range, in particular. We carried out controlled experiments in laboratory conditions to test the hypothesis of an increase in dispersal capacity with range expansion in Harmonia axyridis, a ladybird that has been invading Europe since 2001. We found a marked increase in the flight speed of the insects from the core to the front of the invasion range in two independent sampling transects. By contrast, we found that two other traits associated with dispersal (endurance and motivation to fly off) did not follow the same spatial gradient. Our results provide a striking illustration of the way in which predictable directional genetic changes may occur rapidly for some traits associated with dispersal during biological invasions. We discuss the consequences of our results for invasion dynamics and the evolutionary outcomes of spatially expanding populations.  相似文献   

Identifying sources of genetic variation and reconstructing invasion routes for non‐native introduced species is central to understanding the circumstances under which they may evolve increased invasiveness. In this study, we used genome‐wide single nucleotide polymorphisms to study the colonization history of Centaurea solstitialis in its native range in Eurasia and invasions into the Americas. We leveraged this information to pinpoint key evolutionary shifts in plant size, a focal trait associated with invasiveness in this species. Our analyses revealed clear population genomic structure of potential source populations in Eurasia, including deep differentiation of a lineage found in the southern Apennine and Balkan Peninsulas and divergence among populations in Asia, eastern Europe and western Europe. We found strongest support for an evolutionary scenario in which western European populations were derived from an ancient admixture event between populations from eastern Europe and Asia, and subsequently served as the main genetic ‘bridgehead’ for introductions to the Americas. Introductions to California appear to be from a single source region, and multiple, independent introductions of divergent genotypes likely occurred into the Pacific Northwest. Plant size has evolved significantly at three points during range expansion, including a large size increase in the lineage responsible for the aggressive invasion of the California interior. These results reveal a long history of colonization, admixture and trait evolution in C. solstitialis, and suggest routes for improving evidence‐based management decisions for one of the most ecologically and economically damaging invasive species in the western United States.  相似文献   

? Premise of the study: The mechanisms for range expansion in invasive species depend on how genetic variation is structured in the introduced range. This study examined neutral genetic variation in the invasive annual grass Bromus tectorum in the Intermountain Western United States. Patterns of microsatellite (SSR) genotype distribution in this highly inbreeding species were used to make inferences about the roles of adaptively significant genetic variation, broadly adapted generalist genotypes, and facultative outcrossing in the recent range expansion of B. tectorum in this region. ? Methods: We sampled 20 individuals from each of 96 B. tectorum populations from historically and recently invaded habitats throughout the region and used four polymorphic SSR markers to characterize each individual. ? Key results: We detected 131 four-locus SSR genotypes; however, the 14 most common genotypes collectively accounted for 79.2% of the individuals. Common SSR genotypes were not randomly distributed among habitats. Instead, characteristic genotypes sorted into specific recently invaded habitats, including xeric warm and salt desert as well as mesic high-elevation habitats. Other SSR genotypes were common across a range of historically invaded habitats. We observed very few heterozygous individuals (0.58%). ? Conclusions: Broadly adapted, generalist genotypes appear to dominate historically invaded environments, while recently invaded salt and warm desert habitats are dominated by distinctive SSR genotypes that contain novel alleles. These specialist genotypes are not likely to have resulted from recombination; they probably represent more recent introductions from unknown source populations. We found little evidence that outcrossing plays a role in range expansion.  相似文献   

Currently many attempts are made to reconstruct the colonization history of plant species after the last ice age. A surprising finding is that during the colonization phase genetic diversity did not decrease as much as expected. In this paper we examine whether long distance seed dispersal events could play a role in the unexpected maintenance of genetic diversity during range expansion. This study is based on simulations carried out with a maternally inherited haploid locus using a cellular automaton. The simulations reveal a close relationship between the frequency of long distance seed dispersal events and the amount of genetic diversity preserved during colonization. In particular, when the colonized region is narrow, a complete loss of genetic diversity results from the occurrence of very rare long distance dispersal (LDD) events. We call this phenomenon the 'embolism effect'. However, slightly higher rates of LDD events reverse this effect, up to the point that diversity is better preserved than in a pure diffusion model. This phenomenon is linked to the reorganization of the genetic structure during colonization and is called the 'reshuffling effect'.  相似文献   

Interbreeding between historically allopatric species with incomplete reproductive barriers may result when species expand their range. The genetic consequences of such hybridization depend critically on the dynamics of the range expansion. Hybridization models during range expansion have been developed but assume dispersal to be independent from neighboring population densities. However, organisms may disperse because they are attracted by conspecifics or because they prefer depopulated areas. Here, through spatially explicit simulations, we assess the effect of various density‐dependent dispersal modes on the introgression between two species. We find huge introgression from the local species into the invasive one with all dispersal modes investigated, even when the hybridization rate is relatively low. This represents a general expectation for neutral genes even if the dispersal modes differ in colonization times and amount of introgression. Invasive individuals attracted by conspecifics need more time to colonize the whole area and are more introgressed by local genes, whereas the opposite is found for solitary individuals. We applied our approach to a recent expansion of European wildcats in the Jura Mountains and the hybridization with domestic cats. We show that the simulations explained better the observed level of introgression at nuclear, mtDNA, and Y chromosome markers, when using solitary dispersal for wildcats instead of random or gregarious dispersal, in accordance with ecological knowledge. Thus, use of density‐dependent dispersal models increases the predictive power of the approach.  相似文献   

There is an increasing evidence that populations of ectotherms can diverge genetically in response to different climatic conditions, both within their native range and (in the case of invasive species) in their new range. Here, we test for such divergence in invasive whitefly Bemisia tabaci populations in tropical Colombia, by considering heritable variation within and between populations in survival and fecundity under temperature stress, and by comparing population differences with patterns established from putatively neutral microsatellite markers. We detected significant differences among populations linked to mean temperature (for survival) and temperature variation (for fecundity) in local environments. A QST FST analysis indicated that phenotypic divergence was often larger than neutral expectations (QST > FST). Particularly, for survival after a sublethal heat shock, this divergence remained linked to the local mean temperature after controlling for neutral divergence. These findings point to rapid adaptation in invasive whitefly likely to contribute to its success as a pest species. Ongoing evolutionary divergence also provides challenges in predicting the likely impact of Bemisia in invaded regions.  相似文献   

1. Range expansions mediated by recent climate warming have been documented for many insect species, including some important forest pests. However, whether climate change also influences the eruptive dynamics of forest pest insects, and hence the ecological and economical consequences of outbreaks, is largely unresolved. 2. Using historical outbreak records covering more than a century, we document recent outbreak range expansions of two species of cyclic geometrid moth, Operophtera brumata Bkh. (winter moth) and Epirrita autumnata L. (autumnal moth), in subarctic birch forest of northern Fennoscandia. The two species differ with respect to cold tolerance, and show strikingly different patterns in their recent outbreak range expansion. 3. We show that, during the past 15-20 years, the less cold-tolerant species O. brumata has experienced a pronounced north-eastern expansion into areas previously dominated by E. autumnata outbreaks. Epirrita autumnata, on the other hand, has expanded the region in which it exhibits regular outbreaks into the coldest, most continental areas. Our findings support the suggestion that recent climate warming in the region is the most parsimonious explanation for the observed patterns. 4. The presence of O. brumata outbreaks in regions previously affected solely by E. autumnata outbreaks is likely to increase the effective duration of local outbreaks, and hence have profound implications for the subarctic birch forest ecosystem.  相似文献   

We used a community of Lake Malawi rock‐dwelling cichlids to study secondary contact during adaptive radiation. Using abundance data from survey plots we constructed a matrix of pair‐wise interaction coefficients for males of 21 native and eight transplanted species. After controlling for the effects of habitat variation, correlations among residual male abundances suggest that coevolved species compete less than those brought into artificial secondary contact 30 years ago and that species with the same body colour compete more than those with different body colours. The latter result provides evidence that a trait related to reproductive isolation affects competitive interactions and the distribution of individuals throughout an entire community. Our results further suggest lake level fluctuations that divide and reconnect communities act to increase local (alpha), as well as total (gamma) diversity, in this adaptive radiation. The communities are not, however, unsaturated in the simplest sense; new species can enter a community, but they disproportionately reduce the abundance of original community members.  相似文献   

Correct identification of the source population of an invasive species is a prerequisite for testing hypotheses concerning the factors responsible for biological invasions. The native area of invasive species may be large, poorly known and/or genetically structured. Because the actual source population may not have been sampled, studies based on molecular markers may generate incorrect conclusions about the origin of introduced populations. In this study, we characterized the genetic structure of the invasive ladybird Harmonia axyridis in its native area using various population genetic statistics and methods. We found that native area of H. axyridis most probably consisted of two geographically distinct genetic clusters located in eastern and western Asia. We then performed approximate Bayesian computation (ABC) analyses on controlled simulated microsatellite data sets to evaluate (i) the risk of selecting incorrect introduction scenarios, including admixture between sources, when the populations of the native area are genetically structured and sampling is incomplete and (ii) the ability of ABC analysis to minimize such risks by explicitly including unsampled populations in the scenarios compared. Finally, we performed additional ABC analyses on real microsatellite data sets to retrace the origin of biocontrol and invasive populations of H. axyridis, taking into account the possibility that the structured native area may have been incompletely sampled. We found that the invasive population in eastern North America, which has served as the bridgehead for worldwide invasion by H. axyridis, was probably formed by an admixture between the eastern and western native clusters. This admixture may have facilitated adaptation of the bridgehead population.  相似文献   

Quaternary environmental changes substantially impacted the landscape and promoted rapid evolutionary changes in many species; however, analyses of adaptive phenotypic variation in plants have usually neglected the underlying historical context. Here, we associate phylogeography and phenotypic evolution by analysing the divergence of Calceolaria polyrhiza multivariate floral phenotype after a Pleistocene post‐glacial expansion in Patagonia. Phenotypic matrix ( P ) properties (size, shape, orientation and phenotypic integration) of six refugium and six recent populations from two different phylogroups were compared following different approaches. We found that P ‐matrix shape and orientation remained stable despite the strong phylogeographic footprint of post‐glacial expansion. However, average proportional reductions in matrix size supported the expectation that drift had a significant effect on the floral phenotype in the northern phylogroup. When phylogeographic history was not included in the analyses, the results overestimated phenotypic differences, whereas under explicit phylogeographic control, drift appeared as the best explanation for matrix differences. In general, recent populations showed a larger phenotypic divergence among them, but a lower overall phenotypic variation than refugium populations. Random Skewers analyses indicated a lower potential response to selection in recently colonized populations than in refugium populations. We discuss that the combination of phylogeographic analyses with geographical distribution of functional phenotypic (genotypic) variation is critical not only to understand how historical effects influence adaptive evolution, but also to improve field comparisons in evolutionary ecology studies.  相似文献   

Biologic invasions can have important ecological, economic and social consequences, particularly when they involve the introduction and spread of plant invasive pathogens, as they can threaten natural ecosystems and jeopardize the production of human food. Examples include the grapevine downy mildew, caused by the oomycete Plasmopara viticola, an invasive species native to North America, introduced into Europe in the 1870s. We investigated the introduction and spread of this invasive pathogen, by analysing its genetic structure and diversity in a large sample from European vineyards. Populations of P. viticola across Europe displayed little genetic diversity, consistent with the occurrence of a bottleneck at the time of introduction. Bayesian coalescent analyses revealed a clear population expansion signal in the genetic data. We detected a weak, but significant, continental‐wide population structure, with two geographically and genetically distinct clusters in Western and Eastern European vineyards. Approximate Bayesian computation, analyses of clines of genetic diversity and of isolation‐by‐distance patterns provided evidence for a wave of colonization moving in an easterly direction across Europe. This is consistent with historical reports, first mentioning the introduction of the disease in Bordeaux vineyards (France) and sub‐sequently documenting its rapid spread across Europe. This initial introduction in the west was probably followed by a ‘leap‐frog’ event into Eastern Europe, leading to the formation of the two genetic clusters we detected. This study shows that recent population genetics methods within the Bayesian and coalescence frameworks are extremely powerful for increasing our understanding of pathogen population dynamics and invasion histories.  相似文献   

A computer simulation is performed of allele frequency changes resulting from genetic drift at eleven loci during the probable course of colonization of Australia by populations of the Giant Toad, Bufo marinus. The history of twelve populations for which allele frequency data are available is modelled. Account is taken of the likely pattern of relationship among the populations, the effective size of the populations (as indicated by the observed variance of allele frequencies) and the probable isolation of the populations from each other following their separation. In all simulations, allele frequencies at some loci show a significant association with latitude while others do not. In six of ten simulations, there is a significant association between degree of variation at a locus and the presence of a latitudinal cline of allele frequencies. There are also indications of this kind of association in simulations of a uni-directional range expansion. These results demonstrate that such associations, which were also observed in the data from the actual populations, can result from genetic drift during a range expansion, and therefore cannot be taken as evidence of the action of natural selection.  相似文献   

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