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We have shown in 2012 the existence of telocytes (TCs) in human dermis. TCs were described by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) as interstitial cells located in non‐epithelial spaces (stroma) of many organs (see www.telocytes.com ). TCs have very long prolongations (tens to hundreds micrometers) named Telopodes (Tps). These Tps have a special conformation with dilated portions named podoms (containing mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum and caveolae) and very thin segments (below resolving power of light microscopy), called podomers. To show the real 3D architecture of TC network, we used the most advanced available electron microscope technology: focused ion beam scanning electron microscopy (FIB‐SEM) tomography. Generally, 3D reconstruction of dermal TCs by FIB‐SEM tomography revealed the existence of Tps with various conformations: (i) long, flattened irregular veils (ribbon‐like segments) with knobs, corresponding to podoms, and (ii) tubular structures (podomers) with uneven calibre because of irregular dilations (knobs) – the podoms. FIB‐SEM tomography also showed numerous extracellular vesicles (diameter 438.6 ± 149.1 nm, n = 30) released by a human dermal TC. Our data might be useful for understanding the role(s) of TCs in intercellular signalling and communication, as well as for comprehension of pathologies like scleroderma, multiple sclerosis, psoriasis, etc.  相似文献   

Telocytes have been reported to play an important role in long‐distance heterocellular communication in normal and diseased heart, both through direct contact (atypical junctions), as well as by releasing extracellular vesicles (EVs) which may act as paracrine mediators. Exosomes and ectosomes are the two main types of EVs, as classified by size and the mechanism of biogenesis. Using electron microscopy (EM) and electron tomography (ET) we have found that telocytes in culture release at least three types of EVs: exosomes (released from endosomes; 45 ± 8 nm), ectosomes (which bud directly from the plasma membrane; 128 ± 28 nm) and multivesicular cargos (MVC; 1 ± 0.4 μm), the latter containing tightly packaged endomembrane‐bound vesicles (145 ± 35 nm). Electron tomography revealed that endomembrane vesicles are released into the extracellular space as a cargo enclosed by plasma membranes (estimated area of up to 3 μm2). This new type of EV, also released by telocytes in tissue, likely represents an essential component in the paracrine secretion of telocytes and may consequently be directly involved in heart physiology and regeneration.  相似文献   

We report noninvasive imaging of the brain of adult Zebrafish (Danio rerio) using real time optical coherence tomography (OCT) capable of acquiring cross sectional 2D OCT images @ 8 frames/sec. Anatomic features such as telencephalon, tectum opticum, eminentia Granularis and cerebellum were clearly resolved in the OCT images. A 3D model of Zebrafish brain was reconstructed, for the first time to our knowledge, using these 2D OCT images. (© 2009 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

A single‐channel high‐resolution cross‐polarization (CP) optical coherence tomography (OCT) system is presented for multicontrast imaging of human myocardium in one‐shot measurement. The intensity and functional contrasts, including the ratio between the cross‐ and co‐polarization channels as well as the cumulative retardation, are reconstructed from the CP‐OCT readout. By comparing the CP‐OCT results with histological analysis, it is shown that the system can successfully delineate microstructures in the myocardium and differentiate the fibrotic myocardium from normal or ablated myocardium based on the functional contrasts provided by the CP‐OCT system. The feasibility of using A‐line profiles from the 2 orthogonal polarization channels to identify fibrotic myocardium, normal myocardium and ablated lesion is also discussed.   相似文献   

Telocytes (TCs) are a distinct type of interstitial cells, which are featured with a small cellular body and long and thin elongations called telopodes (Tps). TCs have been widely identified in lots of tissues and organs including heart. Double staining for CD34/PDGFR‐β (Platelet‐derived growth factor receptor β) or CD34/Vimentin is considered to be critical for TC phenotyping. It has recently been proposed that CD34/PDGFR‐α (Platelet‐derived growth factor receptor α) is actually a specific marker for TCs including cardiac TCs although the direct evidence is still lacking. Here, we showed that cardiac TCs were double positive for CD34/PDGFR‐α in primary culture. CD34/PDGFR‐α positive cells (putative cardiac TCs) also existed in mice ventricle and human cardiac valves including mitral valve, tricuspid valve and aortic valve. Over 87% of cells in a TC‐enriched culture of rat cardiac interstitial cells were positive for PDGFR‐α, while CD34/PDGFR‐α double positive cells accounted for 30.25% of the whole cell population. We show that cardiac TCs are double positive for CD34/PDGFR‐α. Better understanding of the immunocytochemical phenotypes of cardiac TCs might help using cardiac TCs as a novel source in cardiac repair.  相似文献   

Telocytes (TCs), a novel type of interstitial cells, were recently described in the interstitial space of tissues ( www.telocytes.com ). Telocytes TCs have several very long, moniliform extensions, namely telopodes (Tps). However, the functional role(s) of TCs is not yet understood. Successive photomicrographs of ultrathin sections were concatenated to capture the entire length of Tps which usually measure tens to hundreds of micrometres. Besides the podoms (dilations) and podomers (thin segments), ultrastructural features of Tps include the dichotomous branching and establishing homo‐ and heterocellular contacts. Telopodes make a labyrinthine system by 3D convolution and overlapping, their number being roughly estimated at approximately 20 per 1000 μm2. Moreover, the presence of extracellular vesicles (shedding vesicles/exosomes) along the Tps suggests an active intercellular signalling (micro‐ and macromolecules), with possible significance in regulating uterine contractility.  相似文献   

The midterm effects of cardiac telocytes (CTs) transplantation on myocardial infarction (MI) and the cellular mechanisms involved in the beneficial effects of CTs transplantation are not understood. In the present study, we have revealed that transplantation of CTs was able to significantly decrease the infarct size and improved cardiac function 14 weeks after MI. It has established that CT transplantation exerted a protective effect on the myocardium and this was maintained for at least 14 weeks. The cellular mechanism behind this beneficial effect on MI was partially attributed to increased cardiac angiogenesis, improved reconstruction of the CT network and decreased myocardial fibrosis. These combined effects decreased the infarct size, improved the reconstruction of the LV and enhanced myocardial function in MI. Our findings suggest that CTs could be considered as a potential cell source for therapeutic use to improve cardiac repair and function following MI, used either alone or in tandem with stem cells.  相似文献   

Telocytes, newly discovered in the last decade, are interstitial cells found in numerous organs, with multiple proposed potential biological functions. Toll‐like receptors (TLRs) play an important role in innate and adaptive immunity by recognizing pathogen‐associated molecular patterns (PAMPs). However, it is still unknown whether telocytes express these innate receptors. We sought to determine the expression and role of TLRs in telocytes. In our study, we primarily detected TLR1‐9 expression in telocytes. The proliferation, apoptosis and immunoregulatory activity of telocytes activated with or without TLR ligands were determined. Our results showed that purified telocytes expressed TLR2, TLR3 and TLR5. In particular, telocytes expressed high levels of TLR2 as observed using flow cytometry. When we stimulated telocytes with TLR2 or TLR3 agonists (Pam3CSK4, PolyI:C), iNOS expression was greatly increased after Pam3CSK4 treatment. Additionally, telocyte proliferation was reduced and cell apoptosis was increased after TLR agonist stimulation. A co‐culture experiment showed that supernatant from telocytes pretreated with Pam3CSK4 inhibited T cell activation much more than that from untreated telocytes and this effect was mediated by iNOS. Overall, our results demonstrated TLR expression on telocytes for the first time and provided evidence of an immunoregulatory role of telocytes, indicating their clinical potential.  相似文献   

LiCoO2 electrodes contain three phases, or domains, each having specific‐intended functions: ion‐conducting pore space, lithium‐ion‐reacting active material, and electron conducting carbon‐binder domain (CBD). Transport processes take place in all domains on different characteristic length scales: from the micrometer scale in the active material grains through to the nanopores in the carbon‐binder phase. Consequently, more than one imaging approach must be utilized to obtain a hierarchical geometric representation of the electrode. An approach incorporating information from the micro‐ and nanoscale to calculate 3D transport‐relevant properties in a large‐reconstructed active domain is presented. Advantages of focused ion beam/scanning electron microscopy imaging and X‐ray tomography combined by a spatial stochastic model, validated with an artificially produced reference structure are used. This novel approach leads to significantly different transport relevant properties compared with previous tomographic approaches: nanoporosity of the CBD leads to up to 42% additional contact area between active material and pore space and increases ionic conduction by a factor of up to 3.6. The results show that nanoporosity within the CBD cannot be neglected.  相似文献   

Light‐sheet fluorescence microscopy (LSFM) allows volumetric live imaging at high‐speed and with low photo‐toxicity. Various LSFM modalities are commercially available, but their size and cost limit their access by the research community. A new method, termed sub‐voxel‐resolving (SVR) light‐sheet add‐on microscopy (SLAM), is presented to enable fast, resolution‐enhanced light‐sheet fluorescence imaging from a conventional wide‐field microscope. This method contains two components: a miniature add‐on device to regular wide‐field microscopes, which contains a horizontal laser light‐sheet illumination path to confine fluorophore excitation at the vicinity of the focal plane for optical sectioning; an off‐axis scanning strategy and a SVR algorithm that utilizes sub‐voxel spatial shifts to reconstruct the image volume that results in a twofold increase in resolution. SLAM method has been applied to observe the muscle activity change of crawling C. elegans, the heartbeat of developing zebrafish embryo, and the neural anatomy of cleared mouse brains, at high spatiotemporal resolution. It provides an efficient and cost‐effective solution to convert the vast number of in‐service microscopes for fast 3D live imaging with voxel‐super‐resolved capability.  相似文献   

Ion-abrasion scanning electron microscopy (IASEM) takes advantage of focused ion beams to abrade thin sections from the surface of bulk specimens, coupled with SEM to image the surface of each section, enabling 3D reconstructions of subcellular architecture at 30 nm resolution. Here, we report the first application of IASEM for imaging a biomineralizing organism, the marine diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana. Diatoms have highly patterned silica-based cell wall structures that are unique models for the study and application of directed nanomaterials synthesis by biological systems. Our study provides new insights into the architecture and assembly principles of both the “hard” (siliceous) and “soft” (organic) components of the cell. From 3D reconstructions of developmentally synchronized diatoms captured at different stages, we show that both micro- and nanoscale siliceous structures can be visualized at specific stages in their formation. We show that not only are structures visualized in a whole-cell context, but demonstrate that fragile, early-stage structures are visible, and that this can be combined with elemental mapping in the exposed slice. We demonstrate that the 3D architectures of silica structures, and the cellular components that mediate their creation and positioning can be visualized simultaneously, providing new opportunities to study and manipulate mineral nanostructures in a genetically tractable system.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Symmelia is a rare birth defect, often combined with severe malformations of the urogenital system and the lower gastrointestinal tract. Additionally, a deformed pelvis and various degrees of separation of the lower limbs are present. CASES: We report the examination findings of 3 autopsy specimens of symmelia using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT) with 3-dimensional (3D) reconstructions, and conventional X-ray. CONCLUSIONS: MRI and CT with the addition of 3D visualization can be used additionally with autopsy and conventional X-ray images in the investigation of such complex anatomical abnormalities.  相似文献   

Immunogold labeling of permeabilized whole‐mount cells or thin‐sectioned material is widely used for the subcellular localization of biomolecules at the high spatial resolution of electron microscopy (EM). Those approaches are well compatible with either 3‐dimensional (3D) reconstruction of organelle morphology and antigen distribution or with rapid cryofixation—but not easily with both at once. We describe here a specimen preparation and labeling protocol for animal cell cultures, which represents a novel blend of specifically adapted versions of established techniques. It combines the virtues of reliably preserved organelle ultrastructure, as trapped by rapid freezing within milliseconds followed by freeze‐substitution and specimen rehydration, with the advantages of robust labeling of intracellular constituents in 3D through means of pre‐embedding NANOGOLD‐silver immunocytochemistry. So obtained thin and semi‐thick epoxy resin sections are suitable for transmission EM imaging, as well as tomographic reconstruction and modeling of labeling patterns in the 3D cellular context.   相似文献   

Exercise can induce physiological cardiac growth, which is featured by enlarged cardiomyocyte cell size and formation of new cardiomyocytes. Telocytes (TCs) are a recently identified distinct interstitial cell type, existing in many tissues and organs including heart. TCs have been shown to form a tandem with cardiac stem/progenitor cells in cardiac stem cell niches, participating in cardiac regeneration and repair. Although exercise‐induced cardiac growth has been confirmed as an important way to promote cardiac regeneration and repair, the response of cardiac TCs to exercise is still unclear. In this study, 4 weeks of swimming training was used to induce robust healthy cardiac growth. Exercise can induce an increase in cardiomyocyte cell size and formation of new cardiomyocytes as determined by Wheat Germ Lectin and EdU staining respectively. TCs were identified by three immunofluorescence stainings including double labelling for CD34/vimentin, CD34/platelet‐derived growth factor (PDGF) receptor‐α and CD34/PDGF receptor‐β. We found that cardiac TCs were significantly increased in exercised heart, suggesting that TCs might help control the activity of cardiac stem/progenitor cells, cardiomyocytes or endothelial cells. Adding cardiac TCs might help promote cardiac regeneration and renewal.  相似文献   

We describe a quantitative fluorescence projection tomography technique which measures the 3‐D fluorescence lifetime distribution in optically cleared specimens up 1 cm in diameter. This is achieved by acquiring a series of wide‐field time‐gated images at different relative time delays with respect to a train of excitation pulses, at a number of projection angles. For each time delay, the 3‐D time‐gated intensity distribution is reconstructed using a filtered back projection algorithm and the fluorescence lifetime subsequently determined for each reconstructed horizontal plane by iterative fitting to a mono‐exponential decay. Due to its inherently ratiometric nature, fluorescence lifetime is robust against intensity based artefacts as well as producing a quantitative measure of the fluorescence signal. We present a 3‐D fluorescence lifetime reconstruction of a mouse embryo labelled with an alexa‐488 conjugated antibody targeted to the neurofilament, which clearly differentiates between the extrinsic label and the autofluorescence, particularly from the heart and dorsal aorta. (© 2008 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

This study aims to develop a novel cross‐sectional imaging of fluorescence in over‐1000 nm near‐infrared (OTN‐NIR), which allows in vivo deep imaging, using computed tomography (CT) system. Cylindrical specimens of composite of OTN‐NIR fluorophore, NaGdF4 co‐doped with Yb3+ and Ho3+ (ex: 980 nm, em: 1150 nm), were embedded in cubic agar (10.5–12 mm) or in the peritoneal cavity of mice and placed on a rotatable stage. When the fluorescence from inside of the samples was serially captured from multiple angles, the images were disrupted by the reflection and refraction of emitted light on the sample‐air interface. Immersing the sample into water filled in a rectangular bath suppressed the disruption at the interface and successfully reconstructed the position and concentration of OTN‐NIR fluorophores on the cross‐sectional images using a CT technique. This is promising as a novel three‐dimensional imaging technique for OTN‐NIR fluorescent image projections of small animals captured from multiple angles.  相似文献   

Temporally low‐coherent optical diffraction tomography (ODT) is proposed and demonstrated based on angle‐scanning Mach‐Zehnder interferometry. Using a digital micromirror device based on diffractive tilting, the full‐field interference of incoherent light is successfully maintained during every angle‐scanning sequences. Further, current ODT reconstruction principles for temporally incoherent illuminations are thoroughly reviewed and developed. Several limitations of incoherent illumination are also discussed, such as the nondispersive assumption, optical sectioning capacity and illumination angle limitation. Using the proposed setup and reconstruction algorithms, low‐coherent ODT imaging of plastic microspheres, human red blood cells and rat pheochromocytoma cells is experimentally demonstrated.   相似文献   



In this study, we intend to compare two different setup procedures for female breast cancer patients.


Imaging in radiotherapy provides a precise localization of the tumour, increasing the accuracy of the treatment delivery in breast cancer.

Materials and methods

Twenty breast cancer patients who underwent whole breast radiotherapy (WBRT) were selected for this study. Patients were divided into two groups of ten. Group one (G1) was positioned by tattoos and then the patient positioning was adjusted with the aid of AlignRT (Vision RT, London, UK). In group two (G2), patients were positioned only by tattoos. For both groups, the first 15 fractions were analyzed, a daily kilovoltage (kV) cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) image was made and then the rotational and translational displacements and, posteriorly, the systematic (Σ) and random (σ) errors were analyzed.


The comparison of CBCT displacements for the two groups showed a statistically significant difference in the translational left–right (LR) direction (ρ = 0.03), considering that the procedure with AlignRT system has smaller lateral displacements. The results of systematic (Σ) and random (σ) errors showed that for translational displacements the group positioned only by tattoos (G2) demonstrated higher values of errors when compared with the group positioned with the aid of AlignRT (G1).


AlignRT could help the positioning of breast cancer patients; however, it should be used with another imaging method.  相似文献   

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