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Parent birds show a continuous spectrum of breeding strategies, ranging from a low‐fecundity and high‐survival pattern to a high‐fecundity, low‐survival pattern. Investigations of parental breeding strategies under variable environmental conditions can illustrate how parents trade‐off the benefits and costs of these two extreme strategies. White‐collared Blackbirds Turdus albocinctus can breed twice a year on the Tibetan Plateau. We show that both life‐history traits and parental feeding behaviour differ between these two breeding attempts. In the first attempt, the birds produced small clutches and fledged a small number of nestlings of high body condition. In the second attempt, they produced larger clutches and fledged more nestlings of lower body condition. Males made greater contributions to brood provisioning compared with females in the first attempt but there was no sex difference in brood provisioning in the second attempt. In the first attempt, producing smaller clutches can shorten the nestling period, and the increased male contribution to brood provisioning can protect the energy reserves of females. Thus, females can begin a second attempt sooner and produce larger clutches. During the second nesting attempt, when conditions are warmer and wetter, parents rely on a broader array of food types (both invertebrates and plant material, primarily berries) than during the first attempt, which includes only animal food such as arthropods and annelids. We suggest that this difference in breeding strategies between nesting attempts and sexes is in part influenced by marked seasonal variation in food availability.  相似文献   

Distribution of food to early and late hatched nestlings was studied in asynchronously hatched broods of the great tit Parus major, the blackbird Turdus merula, and the fieldfare T. pilaris. Food distribution is related to the locomotory and begging behaviour and positions in the nest of these nestlings. Late hatched (small) nestlings were found to beg more often per feed than bigger nestlings and move more towards favoured positions in the nest to counteract selective feeding of bigger young. The functional significance of these differences in the behaviour of early and late hatched nestlings are discussed. It is argued that they are adaptive by 1) ensuring that each nestling survives when food supplies are ample, and 2) by mediating an optimal brood reduction when food is insufficient to raise the entire brood. The roles of asynchronous hatching, and selective feeding which follows from differential behaviour of early and late hatched young are discussed in relation to food conditions during the breeding season.  相似文献   

Growth is a fundamental life history trait in all organisms and is closely related to individual fitness. In altricial birds, growth of many traits is restricted to the short period between hatching and fledging and strongly depends on the amount of food that parents deliver and the extent of hatching asynchrony. However, empirical studies of energy allocation to growth of different body size traits as a function of hatching asynchrony are scarce. We studied growth and mortality of Eurasian Hoopoe Upupa epops, a species with a long breeding season and high brood size variance, whose nestlings show pronounced hatching asynchrony, in order to test how hatching asynchrony affects different growth traits in the context of territory quality, season and brood size. The growth of five body traits (body mass, and lengths of tarsus, third primary, bill and longest crest feather) was investigated to understand how it was affected by brood size, hatching date and order, and territory quality. In total, 241 nestlings from 39 nests were measured every 4 days in 2014 in south‐western Switzerland. Brood size, hatching date and hatching order had the strongest influence on growth trajectories, although tarsus growth was only marginally affected by these variables. Nestlings that hatched earlier than their siblings were heavier and had longer third primaries, bills and crest feathers compared with later‐hatched siblings. In territories of high quality, hatching order differences disappeared for body mass growth, but persisted for lengths of third primary, bill and crest feathers. Brood size was inversely associated with third primary, bill and crest feather lengths, but positively associated with body mass. Nestling mortality was higher in later‐hatched nestlings and in broods that were raised in territories of lower quality. Our study shows that in nestlings, energy was allocated differentially between body traits and this allocation interacted with hatching order and territory quality. Rapid mass gain by nestlings was prioritized in order to increase competitive ability. Our results provide support for the brood reduction hypothesis as an explanation of hatching asynchrony in Hoopoes.  相似文献   

Temporal heterogeneity in the effects of food supply during the breeding season on the productivity of the Common Buzzard Buteo buteo was investigated in a supplementary feeding experiment. Pairs were fed artificially (1) before egg‐laying, (2) after chicks hatched and (3) continuously throughout the season, and compared with (4) unfed controls. Pairs fed before egg‐laying had marginally larger clutches than those not fed, but lay date, egg volume and weight, brood size and hatching success were unaffected. Territorial quality had far greater effects, with pairs nesting in low‐quality habitats (bog, scrub and semi‐natural grassland) laying later and having lower hatching success, smaller broods and fewer fledglings than those in more productive agricultural landscapes. Supplementary feeding after egg hatching neutralized the negative effect of poor habitat, resulting in fed birds having significantly more fledglings. This study emphasizes the importance of food availability when provisioning chicks in suboptimal habitats and has implications for the success of diversionary feeding in reducing game losses to Buzzards.  相似文献   

It is common in birds that the sizes of nestlings vary greatly when multiple young are produced in one nest. However, the methods used by parents to establish size hierarchy among nestlings and their effect on parental provisioning pattern may differ between species. In the Azure‐winged Magpie Cyanopica cyanus, we explored how and why parents controlled the sizes of nestlings. Asynchronous hatching was the main cause of size hierarchy within the brood, although the laying of larger eggs later in the laying sequence reduced this effect. Parents with asynchronous broods produced more eggs and fledged more nestlings than those with synchronous broods but their brood provisioning rates, food delivery per feeding bout and feeding efficiency did not differ. We performed a cross‐fostering experiment to synchronize some asynchronous broods. Provisioning rates of asynchronous broods were lower than those of synchronized broods, but the daily growth rates and fledging body mass of their nestlings were not different. Our findings indicate that parents of asynchronous broods can achieve higher reproductive success than those of synchronous broods based on the same parental care, and the same reproductive success as those of synchronized broods based on less parental care. It appears that parent birds can better trade off reproductive success and parental care by establishing a size hierarchy among nestlings.  相似文献   

ALAN TYE 《Ibis》1992,134(3):273-285
This paper examines how a returning migrant assesses the quality of an area as a breeding territory before the period of peak food demand and how effective the assessment is in terms of breeding success. Male Wheatears Oenanthe oenanthe return from Africa to choose territories in the Breckland of eastern England about March, females arriving shortly after males. The food supply was predictable: prey densities during the breeding period (egg-laying to chick independence) were strongly correlated with prey densities at the same sites during the period of arrival and territory establishment. Prey densities were also related to vegetation structure, averaging highest on short turf. Male arrival date and territory size were not significantly related to prey density but were strongly related to vegetation structure, implying that birds used vegetation as an indirect clue to prey availability. Neither territory size nor nest spacing appeared to affect nest losses caused by predators. The major variations in number of young fledged (other than predation) were caused by the number of nestlings hatched and presence of a second brood. Both early arrival and an early first brood improved first-brood success and were necessary for a second brood. Not all birds which arrived early bred early enough for a second brood. First-brood hatching date was strongly negatively correlated with pre-breeding prey availability but not significantly related to vegetation structure. Thus by using vegetation as a clue to habitat quality, some pairs suffered reduced breeding success. This result implies that birds may not be able adequately to assess prey density directly at the time of territory establishment. The critical period for food availability may not be the period of peak demand (nestling period), when food is relatively abundant, but is probably the pre-breeding period when females must accumulate reserves for eggs and when the food supply is poor. Food supply during this period may determine the timing of breeding and the ability to rear a second brood, and may thus have a greater effect on breeding success.  相似文献   

The onset of incubation before the end of laying imposes asynchrony at hatching and, therefore, a size hierarchy in the brood. It has been argued that hatching asynchrony might be a strategy to improve reproductive output in terms of quality or quantity of offspring. However, little is known about the mediating effect of hatching asynchrony on offspring quality when brood reduction occurs. Here, we investigate the relationship between phenotypic quality and hatching asynchrony in Common Kestrel Falco tinnunculus nestlings in Spain. Hatching asynchrony did not increase breeding success or nestling quality. Furthermore, hatching asynchrony and brood reduction had different effects on nestlings’ phytohaematogglutinin (PHA)‐mediated immune response and nestling growth. In asynchronous and reduced broods (in which at least one nestling died), nestlings showed a stronger PHA‐mediated immune response and tended to have a smaller body size compared with nestlings raised in synchronous and reduced broods. When brood reduction occurred in broods hatched synchronously, there was no effect on nestling size, but nestlings had a relatively poor PHA‐mediated immune response compared with nestlings raised in asynchronous and reduced broods. We suggest that resources for growth can be directed to immune function only in asynchronously hatched broods, resulting in improved nestling quality, as suggested by their immune response. We also found that males produced a greater PHA‐mediated immune response than females only in brood‐reduced nests without any effect on nestling size or condition, suggesting that females may trade off immune activities and body condition, size or weight. Overall, our results suggest that hatching pattern and brood reduction may mediate resource allocation to different fitness traits. They also highlight that the resolution of immune‐related trade‐offs when brood reduction occurs may differ between male and female nestlings.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to examine differences in paternal and maternal care in a double-brooded, monogamous species, the Treecreeper Certhia familiaris, in relation to food availability. As a measure of parental care, we recorded the hourly feeding activity of parents when the nestlings from their first and second breeding attempts were 7 and 12 days old. Feeding frequency of the first brood increased with the age of the nestlings and also with the brood size when 12 days old. While the feeding activities of the females were similar with respect to the first and second broods, the males were less active and failed to provide any food to their nestlings in 15 cases out of 28 second broods. In spite of this, the fledglings from the second broods were heavier than those in the first. Such a pattern of male behaviour was possible without being a disadvantage to the chicks because the food supply increased during the breeding season and the female could provide food for the young alone. Thus paternal care was particularly important in times of poor food supply, i.e. during the first brood, where the extent of these males' activity in feeding the 7-day-old nestlings was positively correlated with the average mass of the nestlings. Our results support the idea that the male of monogamous, altricial bird species often makes important contributions to raising the young, especially during periods when it is difficult for the female to do so alone. Males show flexibility in their pattern of parental care, and male Treecreepers change their contribution to the first and second broods within the same season.  相似文献   

In many bird species with asynchronous hatching, smaller, later‐hatched nestlings are out‐competed for food by their larger, earlier‐hatched siblings and therefore suffer increased mortality via starvation. It is thought that female birds can either maintain or reduce the survival disadvantage of later‐hatched nestlings by differentially allocating maternal resources across the eggs of a clutch. Carotenoid pigments are an example of resources that female birds allocate differentially when producing a clutch, but laying sequence patterns for these pigments remain poorly studied in North American songbirds. We examined intraclutch variation in yolk carotenoids and egg metrics in 27 full clutches of red‐winged blackbird Agelaius phoeniceus eggs collected from eight wetlands in central Alberta, Canada. We predicted that carotenoids would decrease across the laying sequence, as in this species, later‐hatched, marginal nestlings suffer greater mortality than earlier‐hatched, core nestlings. We found nine carotenoid pigments in red‐winged blackbird egg yolks, including two that have never been described from avian yolks: α‐doradexanthin and adonirubin. As predicted, concentrations and amounts of most carotenoids decreased across the laying sequence, suggesting that female red‐winged blackbirds depleted their carotenoid resources as they laid more eggs. However, egg mass and yolk mass both increased across the laying sequence, suggesting that female red‐winged blackbirds may use other maternal resources to compensate for the size and survival disadvantage experienced by later‐hatched, marginal nestlings.  相似文献   

PIRKKO SIIKAMÄKI 《Ibis》1996,138(3):471-478
The growth pattern and mortality of young Pied Flycatchers Ficedula hypoleuca were studied to focus on the mechanisms and constraints behind the widely studied optimization of clutch size. The clutch sizes were modified, and the growth and survival of chicks from different clutch sizes were monitored along with the prevailing weather during the nestling period to detect the effect of weather on reproductive success. The weather conditions during the feeding period of the nestlings varied within a season as well as between breeding seasons. The prevailing weather markedly affected both the growth rate and the survival of chicks, yet, the effects of weather on growth were not greater in enlarged clutches. The impact of adverse weather was more pronounced in the later phases of nesting, when the food demand of a brood was highest. Brood reduction and total nest losses were more likely during extensive rainfall during the nestling phase and also in the enlarged clutches. Thus, weather is a very important determinant of reproductive success in this species. Weather conditions during the breeding season are unpredictable, however, and therefore brood reduction through sibling competition is a mechanism whereby brood size can be adjusted to the level the parents can rear under the prevailing conditions.  相似文献   

In many bird species, eggs in a brood hatch within days of each other, leading to a size asymmetry detrimental to younger siblings. Hatching asynchrony is often thought of as an adaptive strategy, and the most widely studied hypothesis in relation to this is the ‘brood reduction hypothesis’. This hypothesis states that when food resources are unpredictable, hatching asynchrony will allow the adjustment of the brood size maximizing fledging success and benefitting parents. The Magellanic penguin Spheniscus magellanicus is an appropriate species to test this hypothesis because it has a 2‐egg clutch that hatches over a 2‐d interval with a broad range of variation (–1 to 4 d), it shows facultative brood reduction, and food abundance between breeding seasons is variable. We performed a manipulative study at Isla Quiroga, Argentina, during three breeding seasons (2010–2012) by forcing broods to hatch synchronously (0 d) or asynchronously (2 or 4 d). Years were categorized based on estimated food abundance. Our study provided mixed results because in the low estimated food abundance year asynchronous broods did not have higher nestling survival than synchronous broods, and the second‐hatchling in asynchronous broods did not die more often than those in synchronous broods. On the other hand, younger siblings of 4‐d asynchronous broods starved earlier than those of synchronous broods, and 2‐d asynchronous broods fledged heavier young than synchronous broods. Asynchronous hatching would seem to benefit reproduction in this species, not with respect to survival, but in terms of the advantages it can accord to nestlings and, in terms of lower costs, for parents raising nestlings.  相似文献   

Costs imposed by brood parasitic birds exert strong selection on their hosts to avoid parasitism. While egg rejection is a common defence, nestling rejection is rarer and less well understood. Theoretical models suggest that among non‐evicting parasites such as cowbirds nestling rejection can only evolve when levels of parasitism are high. Here we describe a possible case of early rejection of cowbird nestlings, by an infrequently parasitised host, the firewood‐gatherer Anumbius annumbi. Firewood‐gatherers accepted most shiny cowbird Molothrus bonariensis eggs despite clear differences in coloration. Cowbird eggs usually hatched 4–5 d before host eggs. All parasitic nestlings died within 48 h, and hosts continued their breeding attempts. Nestling death was most likely due to neglect since little food was found in the stomach of dead nestlings. Feeding neglect could be due to differences in visual or acoustic appearance between host and parasite hatchlings. Alternatively, hosts may refrain from feeding nestlings that hatch too early compared to their normal incubation time. At the moment our data do not allow distinction between active nestling recognition or cowbird nestling failure due to the unsuitability of the firewood‐gatherer as a host (i.e. too long incubation). Experiments are needed to tease these alternatives apart.  相似文献   

1. The review aims to provide a simple conceptual framework on which to place recent studies of hatching asynchrony in altricial birds and to assess the evidence used in support of specific hypotheses. 2. Hatching asynchrony arises bsecause parents start incubation before laying is complete, but the precision of parental control is largely unknown. 3. Hypothesses concerning the functional significance of hatching asynchrony fall into four broad types. Hatching asynchrony might: (i) arise because of selection on the timing of events during the nesting period; (ii) facilitate the adaptive reduction in brood size; (iii) increase the energetic efficiency of raising the brood, or (iv) result from environmental or phylogenetic constraints. 4. The incubation pattern could function to minimize the losses of eggs, nestlings or adults to predators (or climatic sources of mortality), particularly in species which cannot actively defend their nest. The best evidence comes from comparative studies of hatching asynchrony. Early incubation might also be favoured if the food supply declines sharply through the breeding season, although the evidence is weak and indirect, or if there is a risk of brood parasitism. In species in which only the female incubates, early incubation could ‘force’ the male to invest more in the nestlings, but this idea remains to be tested. Males may be constrained by the risk of cuckoldry to delay incubation until laying is complete. 5. Hatching asynchrony could be adaptive by enabling the efficient reduction of brood size if food proves short after hatching (primarily because of a shortage of food in the environment or possibly because of a large proportion of ‘expensive’ nestlings in the brood in species which are sexually dimorphic). Observational evidence is often consistent with this hypothesis but few experimental studies provide adequate tests. Brood reduction could be adaptive in species (primarily eagles and pelecaniformes) which lay an extra egg to act as insurance against hatching failure, and again hatching asynchrony might facilitate brood reduction, although there are few experimental tests on such species. Hatching asynchrony might also enable sex ratio manipulation through selective brood reduction, although there is as yet no clear supportive evidence. 6. Ins species in which young have a marked peak in energy demand during the period of parental care, hatching asynchrony can reduce the peak demand of the brood, which might allow the parents to raise more healthy young. In many species such savings are likely to be small or absent. There is some behavioural evidence that hatching asynchrony can reduce fighting amongst nestlings and therefore lead to the more efficient use of energy by the brood. In general this effect seems small and the only energetic study found no difference in the energy requirements of synchronous and asynchronous broods. Other possible energetic advantages to hatching asynchrony have not been tested. 7. Environmental conditions during laying can influence both egg size and laying interval in aerial insectivores, and might directly influence incubation in this and other groups. Thus some variation in hatching asynchrony and the relative size of siblings is probably non-adaptive. The variability of incubation pattern within and across species suggests that hatching asynchrony is not under strong phylogenetic constraint. 8. The hypotheses about the adaptive significance of hatching asynchrony are complementary rather than mutually exclusive: within a species, several selective pressures could influence the optimal incubation pattern, and the relative importance of selective pressures will differ among species. Furthermore one should expect that the incubation pattern and parent–offspring interactions will be coadapted to maximize brood productivity.  相似文献   

T.R Royama 《Ibis》1966,108(3):313-347
SUMMARY Observations were made on feeding rates and food-consumption of nestling Great Tits Parus major mainly in Larch plantations at lake Yamanaka, Japan. Feeding frequencies were recorded by an automatic recorder. There were marked differences between early and late broods; the feeding frequencies were twice as great in early than in late broods of the same size. No clear tendency was observed in the variations of feeding frequencies in relation to brood size. There was, however, a clear inverse relationship between the frequencies and the average size of food brought to the nests. The males' share in terms of feeding frequencies is described. These figures, however, did not follow the males' contribution in terms of weight of food, which was nearly always higher than the females'. It is pointed out that feeding frequencies are far too variable to be used as a true index of food consumption by nestlings, and are not reliable. Attempts were made to measure the weight of food; the method is described. The average weight of food brought by males was lighter in early than in later broods. The total weight of food was estimated. The trend of daily food consumption per chick was similar to that of the chick's growth curve. It was found that up to about the tenth day of the nestling period daily food-intake per chick increased linearly as body weight increased. At some nests, rate of defaecation was observed. This was at first low, but it increased steeply on the third day, with a steady increase thereafter. By comparing the rates of food intake, faeces output, and weight increment of a chick, it was found that only 20–30% of digested matter (the difference between food-intake and faeces-output was used up daily (for body temperature regulation various external effort, etc.). The factors responsible for this high efficiency of growth in nestlings are discussed. There was a clear inverse relationship between the total weight of food brought per chick per day and the brood size. This is largely because the heat-loss is greater in small than in large broods, so that a chick from a small brood in fact needs more energy to maintain its body temperature after a certain age than one from a large brood. This is discussed in detail. Factors which caused variations in size of food are discussed in relation to feeding frequencies. It is pointed out that, because of the inverse relationship between energy requirement by each chick and brood size, the total food requirement by a brood as a whole did not vary directly in proportion to the brood size. An estimation showed that a b/3 still required about 75% of the total food required by a b/8. A smaller brood is less advantageous than expected to parents feeding nestlings when they encounter adverse conditions, e.g. food shortage in the habitat, or a lack of help by their mates, etc. On the other hand, it is suggested that once they have left the nest, the food-demand by a brood of fledglings the parents have to feed, so that, in the fledging period, in times of food shortage it would certainly be advantageous to have fewer young. It is suggested that, although fledglings may consume three to four times as much food as nestlings, the parents, in providing this food, would not work proportionately harder, since the parents' efficiency of providing food could be higher in feeding the fledglings, which always follow the parents as they are hunting, than in feeding the nestlings to which food has to be brought. On this basis, the adaptive significance of the length of the nestling period in nidicolous species is discussed in relation to clutch size, brood size and food requirement.  相似文献   

Little is known about the process or causes of fledging or nest‐leaving in passerine birds because researchers can rarely predict when fledging will occur in a given nest. We used continuous videotaping of nests to both document the process of fledging in the house wren, Troglodytes aedon, a small, cavity‐nesting songbird, and test hypotheses as to what might cause fledging to begin. Fledging began any time from 14 to 19 d after hatching commenced. Slower‐developing broods fledged later than faster‐developing broods. Fledging typically began within 5 h of sunrise and over 80% of all nestlings fledged before noon. All nestlings fledged on the same day at 65% of nests and over two consecutive days in most other nests. We found no evidence that fledging was triggered by changes in parental behaviour. Parental rate of food delivery to nestlings did not decline during a 3‐h period leading up to the first fledging, nor was the rate of feeding just prior to the first fledging lower than the rate at the same time the day before. Moreover, parents did not slow the rate of food delivery to nests after part of the brood had fledged. Hatching is asynchronous in our study population which creates a marked age/size hierarchy within broods. At most nests, the first nestling to fledge was the most well‐developed nestling in the brood or nearly so (as measured by feather length). This suggests that fledging typically begins when the most well‐developed nestlings in the brood reach some threshold size. However, at about one‐fifth of nests, the first nestling to fledge was only moderate in size. At these nests, severe competition for food may have caused smaller, less competitive nestlings to fledge first to increase their access to food. We found no strong support for the suggestion that the oldest nestlings delay fledging until their least‐developed nestmate reaches some minimum size, although further experimental work on this question is warranted.  相似文献   

Previous work suggests that short‐term changes in feeding rate are usually produced by the parent‐offspring interaction. However, few studies have properly tested this assumption. In this study, we attempt to explore the short‐term consequences of daily (within‐pair) brood size manipulations (reduced, original, and enlarged) on feeding behavior (provisioning rates, prey size, and prey type) of Mediterranean blue tits Cyanistes caeruleus. Total provisioning rates were lowest when broods were reduced in size and greatest when broods were enlarged. Mean prey size was also affected by the brood size changes: parents tended to bring larger prey when confronted with low brood demand reinforcing the view that a trade‐off exists between minimizing foraging time and maximizing food quantity. Such differences in feeding frequencies and the load sizes delivered may be explained by changes in the parents’ foraging tactic. Increase of brood size compelled parents to work harder and be less selective in prey choice; we found that stressed birds with a high level of feeding responsibility (hungry nestlings) opted to concentrate on more readily available food items (Tortricids). On the other hand, their immediate reaction when faced with a low level of feeding responsibility was to decrease this prey type in the diet, so that the percentage of other preys (Noctuids) in the diet increased. There was no intersexual difference in the way in which parents responded to the manipulation. In sum, our results revealed a flexibility in foraging strategies of blue tits to cope with changing scenarios, which supports the idea that provisioning behavior is largely governed by nestling demand.  相似文献   

The fitness-related consequences of egg mass, independent of confounding influences associated with parental quality, remain poorly understood for wild birds in general and for passerines in particular. We performed cross-fostering experiments to test the hypothesis that egg mass, independent of parental quality, is the primary determinant of fitness-related traits in nestling house wrens (Troglodytes aedon), an insectivorous passerine. Nestling mass was significantly correlated with the mass of the eggs from which nestlings hatched early but not late in the nestling period in early-season broods. In contrast, in late-season broods, nestling mass was correlated with egg mass until nestlings achieved asymptotic mass. Neither nestling growth nor survival to nest leaving was related to egg mass in either early- or late-season broods; however, nestlings in late-season broods grew more slowly than did nestlings in early-season broods. We propose that nestling mass and egg mass remained correlated throughout the nestling period in late-season broods because decreased arthropod food resources late in the breeding season constrain parents'' ability to provision nestlings. We conclude that female house wrens in this population trade-off clutch size for greater egg mass to maximise reproductive success in late-season broods.  相似文献   

Altricial nestlings in structured families show a diverse array of behavioural mechanisms to compete for food, ranging from signalling scrambles to aggressive interference. Rates of filial infanticide are moderately high in white storks. It has been hypothesized that this unusual behaviour is an adaptive parental response to the absence of efficient mechanisms of brood reduction (aggression or direct physical interference) by nestlings. To test this latter assumption, we analyzed video recordings of 41 complete feeding episodes at 32 broods during the first half of the nestling period, when nestlings complete 90% of growth and chick mortality and size asymmetries are highest. Parents delivered food to all nestlings simultaneously by regurgitating on the nest floor. No direct (bill to bill) feeding was recorded. Senior nestlings were never observed to limit their junior nestlings from eating food, either by aggression or physical interference. Experimental feeding tests revealed that heavier nestlings handled prey items more efficiently and ate food at a higher speed. The high degree of tolerance shown by senior nestlings is unusual among birds with similar ecological and phylogenetic affinities, such as herons. Tolerance by seniors cannot be easily explained by absence of parental favouritism or proximate factors known to affect the occurrence of sibling aggression in other species (rate of food transfer, brood size, hatching asynchrony or length of nestling period).  相似文献   

Summary First clutches of double-brooded eastern phoebes Sayornis phoebe were manipulated (up two eggs, down 2 eggs or no change) to test for intraseasonal reproductive tradeoffs and to test whether size of first brood influenced food delivery rates to nestlings and nestling quality in second broods.Considering all nests from both broods, rate of feeding nestlings increased linearly with brood size but nestling mass per nest decreased with increasing brood size. High nestling weights in small broods may have resulted from parents delivering better quality food, but we did not test this.Among treatment groups in first broods, nestlings from decreased broods weighed more than those in control or increased broods. Treatment did not influence the likelihood that second nests would be attempted after successful first nests nor did it alter the interval between nests. Nestlings of parents that renested weighed more than those of parents that did not, regardless of treatment, suggesting that post-fledging care may preclude renesting. Mass of individual females did not change between broods, regardless of brood size. Clutch sizes of second attempts were not affected by manipulations of first broods but increasing first broods reduced the number of nestlings parents were able to raise to day 11 in their second broods. However, manipulation of first broods did not affect mean nestling mass per nest of nestlings that survived to day 11.In phoebes, parents of small first broods are able to raise nestlings in better condition. We predict that in harsh years, parents of small first broods would be more likely to renest. Parents of enlarged first broods sacrificed quality of offspring in second broods, which seems a reasonable strategy if nestlings from second broods have lower reproductive value.  相似文献   

The fitness‐related consequences of egg size, independent of the influences of parental quality, are poorly understood in altricial birds. Not only can egg size and parental quality influence growth and survival, but each could influence the development of condition‐dependent plumage coloration in offspring. The Eastern Bluebird Sialia sialis is an altricial, multi‐brooded, cavity‐nesting passerine in which juveniles display dichromatic UV‐blue plumage. Previous research suggests that plumage coloration acts as a signal of individual quality among juvenile and adult Eastern Bluebirds. Here, we separate the effects of egg size and parental quality (defined by egg size laid) on nestling growth and plumage ornamentation by exchanging clutches of large eggs with clutches of small eggs. Nestlings were significantly larger immediately post‐hatching when hatched from a large egg, but to maintain a larger size, nestlings needed to have hatched from a large egg and to have been reared by high‐quality parents. Nestlings were brighter when reared by high‐quality parents and this relationship was strongest later in the breeding season. Nestlings exhibited greater UV chroma if hatched early in the season, but UV chroma was not significantly affected by egg size or parental quality. These findings demonstrate varying influences of both egg size and parental quality on offspring growth and plumage ornamentation but suggest that quality of post‐hatching investment is more influential than pre‐hatching investment.  相似文献   

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