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The extension of road networks is considered one of the major factors affecting fauna survival. Roadkill has been documented widely and affects all taxonomic groups. Although roadkill is associated mainly with traffic density, some life-history traits of species and the area surrounding roads are expected to modify number of roadkills both taxonomically and geographically. Here we studied the number of roadkills of vertebrates in an extensive region in the northeastern Iberian Peninsula. We surveyed 820?km of 41 roads in two different seasons (spring and autumn), that differ in traffic intensity. In addition, we covered zones with distinct climatic characteristics and levels of protection of the surrounding habitats. Amphibians showed the highest number of roadkills whereas reptiles, birds and mammals had similar rates. General Linear Model tests showed no differences in roadkills by climatic region; however, differences in number of roadkills were linked to protection status, with the highest number of casualties in highly protected areas. Redundancy Analysis demonstrated that the number of amphibians and reptiles killed was associated with roads in highly protected areas whereas that of mammals and birds was linked to unprotected areas. Protected areas often receive many visitors, which in turn may increase wildlife casualties as a result of greater traffic density. We recommend that correction measures be taken to reduce the high number of vertebrate fauna killed along roads that cross protected areas.  相似文献   

Previous studies from Central Europe and North America showed that species richness is higher in urban than in rural landscapes. Do protected areas, which can be found in both city and countryside, reflect this species richness pattern? The impact of urban land-use might reduce conservation success and necessitate special management strategies. We compared species richness and species spatial turnover of selected animal and plant taxa (carabids, butterflies, snails, birds, lichens, mosses, vascular plants) in 30 protected areas in the city of Halle and 56 protected areas in the adjacent rural district of Saalkreis (Central Germany). Species were mapped by experienced biologists within a systematic species inventory. We corrected species numbers for the effects of landscape structure (e.g. size, shape and distance of habitats) which might influence species diversity beyond urbanisation effects. Butterflies, birds and lichens had significantly higher species numbers in the rural protected areas. Species spatial turnover was higher among urban areas than among rural areas or pairs of urban and rural areas for most taxa. Diversity in all taxa depended on the size of a protected area. We discussed these patterns in the context of the general urban-rural species diversity patterns. Our results indicate an increasing isolation of species assemblages with urbanisation and highlight that space for protected areas is even more limited in urban than rural areas. An effective conservation of urban species diversity should include both typical urban and semi-natural habitats to cover the full range of species living in cities.  相似文献   

The Bonelli’s eagle (BE) is considered by the European Union as a high-priority species for conservation in the Valencian Community (East of Spain). However, in 2006 the European Union opened a legal procedure against the Spanish Kingdom, accused of lacking of an adequate network of special protected areas (SPAs) to preserve the BE in the region. Here we evaluate whether important bird areas (IBAs) and SPAs network is enough to preserve this species, on the basis of a thorough analysis of habitat preferences. A GAP analysis is performed to conduct a revision of current SPAs and BirdLife proposed IBAs. Our results suggest that the current network of SPAs becomes insufficient to protect the BE. The IBAs network, although improves the current network of SPAs, increasing the percentage of BE potential habitat included, also results inadequate. We propose a new SPAs network according to the potential suitable habitat for the species. Given the trade-off between financial investment and the conservation of biodiversity, we propose to maximize the surface of potential habitat included in the protected network minimizing the surface of the region that would be necessary to protect, thus avoiding an unnecessary expense and otherwise unrealistic results.  相似文献   

Biodiversity and Conservation - Assessments of the performance of protected-area (PA) networks for aquatic biodiversity conservation are rare yet essential for successful conservation of species....  相似文献   

Rose M  Hermanutz L 《Oecologia》2004,139(3):467-477
Although biological invasion by alien species is a major contributor to loss of indigenous biological diversity, few studies have examined the susceptibility of the boreal biome to invasion. Based on studies of other ecosystems, we hypothesized that alien plants will be restricted to disturbed areas near human activity and will not be found in natural areas of boreal ecosystems in Gros Morne National Park (Canada), a protected area experiencing a wide range of disturbance regimes. The distribution of alien plants in the region was evaluated using surveys, and study sites were established in naturally and anthropogenically disturbed habitats that had been invaded. Within study sites, randomization tests evaluated the importance of disturbance to alien plant invasion by examining changes in environmental conditions and species abundance within various disturbance regimes, while the importance of site characteristics limiting the distribution of alien plants were examined using Canonical Correspondence Analysis. Consistent with studies in a variety of biomes, areas of high disturbance and human activity had the greatest abundance of resources and the highest percentage of alien species. However, contrary to our hypothesis, natural areas of boreal ecosystems were found susceptible to alien plant invasion. Vegetation types vulnerable to invasion include forests, riparian areas, fens, and alpine meadows. Natural disturbance occurring in these vegetation types caused increases in bare ground and/or light availability facilitating alien plant invasion. Although high soil pH was associated with alien plants in these areas, disturbance was not found to cause changes in soil pH, suggesting susceptibility to invasion is pre-determined by bedrock geology or other factors influencing soil pH. Moose (Alces alces), a non-native herbivore, acts as the primary conduit for alien plant invasion in GMNP by dispersing propagules and creating or prolonging disturbance by trampling and browsing vegetation. The recurrent nature of disturbance within the boreal biome and its interaction with site conditions and herbivores enables alien plants to persist away from areas of high human activity. Managers of natural lands should monitor such interactions to decrease the invasion potential of alien plants.  相似文献   

The implementation of biodiversity studies to set conservation priorities assumes that the different criteria used in prioritisation are correlated. Based on butterfly data, we examined whether high total diversity (species density and richness), unique species assemblages, and high numbers of different categories of Species of European Conservation Concern (SPEC) were co-located in the same habitats in the Picos de Europa National Park, Spain. Species density (number of species per sample) declined with elevation and was significantly higher in Genista shrublands on southern slopes (Southern Genista shrubland). We found unique species assemblages for Southern Genista shrublands, heathlands, mown meadows and subalpine meadows, whereas Genista shrubland on northern slopes (Northern Genista shrubland) and pastures were occupied by more habitat generalist species. We also found an effect of elevation on species composition. Species with global distributions concentrated in Europe (SPECs 4b) tended to be associated with Southern Genista shrubland, whereas species with global distributions restricted to Europe (SPECs 4a) were associated with higher elevations. Thus, we suggest a higher conservation value for butterfly assemblages located both on Southern Genista shrublands and at high elevations as they contain unique assemblages with a higher number of SPECs. By comparing our data with a previous study on carabid beetles, we found a low coincidence between butterflies and beetles for habitats with high species diversity and unique assemblages. Our study suggests that preserving areas in the landscape supporting higher butterfly diversity only partially preserves those species of greater conservation concern, and that butterflies cannot be used as a reliable indicator of other priority taxa for conservation, such as carabid beetles.  相似文献   

The importance of conservation status of the forest (protected versus unprotected) at two sites with differing human population density (high versus low) on the tree diversity of a Sudanian dry forest in Burkina Faso was studied. All woody species were recorded in 127 circular plots (area = 456.16 m2), and density, dominance, frequency, importance value indices and a variety of diversity measures were calculated to assess the species composition, structure and heterogeneity. A total of 69 species, representing 26 families and 52 genera, were found. Combretaceae, Leguminosae subfamily Caesalpinioideae and Rubiaceae were the dominant families. Neither human pressure nor forest conservation status significantly influenced the tree species richness. Stem density and basal area were significantly higher at the site with high population density than otherwise. Fisher’s diversity index revealed the unprotected forest at the site with low population density as the most diverse. We identified species with high conservation importance that should be enriched to maintain a viable population size. In conclusion, the current designation of protected areas seems inefficient at ensuring the conservation of tree diversity in the forest reserve. Thus, participatory conservation programme should be initiated.  相似文献   

Forest management modified the original structure of most European forests, and in the most extreme cases, genuinely natural and semi-natural forests were turned into plantations through clear felling and replanting, often using non-native species. We compared the bird community structure of native oak woods of northern Italy with that of their anthropogenic counter-parts: black locust and sweet chestnut woods. The three stand types were compared in terms of vegetation structure, bird species richness, diversity and abundance of foraging guilds. We analysed both the overwintering and the breeding community, to assess whether management had specific seasonal effects on bird diversity. Forestry-imposed disturbances affected bird diversity more consistently in winter than in breeding time: bird species richness and diversity were significantly greater in oak and chestnut stands, which were the preferred habitat for bark foragers and foliage gleaners. In the breeding period, bird diversity of black locust woodlands increased, and inter-stand differences were not significant. At this time of year, understorey gleaners were more abundant in black locust stands (where shrubs were denser). In winter, species richness, diversity and the abundance of several guilds were positively correlated with stand age, whereas in the breeding period canopy gleaners preferred younger woodlots. Despite the lack of inter-stand differences in breeding bird diversity, young-managed woods benefited generalist birds that need no particular conservation efforts. Conversely, priority species for forest conservation such as specialised bark foragers positively selected native and mature stands throughout the year. We suggest that detailed year-round studies on diversity and community composition could sharpen the precision with which it is possible to prescribe conservation measures in forested areas.  相似文献   

This paper investigates impacts of the creation of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), in both economic and biological perspectives. The economic indicator is defined as the sum of discounted benefits derived from exploitation of the resource in the fishery sector, assumed to be optimally managed. The biological indicator is taken as the stock density of the resource. The basic fishery model (C.W. Clark, Mathematical Bioeconomics: The Optimal Management of Renewable Resources, second ed., John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1990) will serve as a convenient benchmark in comparing results with those that are derived from a model of two patchy populations (cf. R. Hannesson, Marine reserves: what would they accomplish, Mar. Resour. Econ. 13 (1998) 159). In the latter, a crucial characteristic is the migration coefficient with describes biological linkages between protected and unprotected areas. A set of situations where both economic and biological criteria are enhanced, after introducing a MPA, is presented. These results are obtained with the help of numerical simulations.  相似文献   

To develop effective protected area policies, scholars and practitioners must better understand the mechanisms through which protected areas affect social and environmental outcomes. With strong evidence about mechanisms, the key elements of success can be strengthened, and the key elements of failure can be eliminated or repaired. Unfortunately, empirical evidence about these mechanisms is limited, and little guidance for quantifying them exists. This essay assesses what mechanisms have been hypothesized, what empirical evidence exists for their relative contributions and what advances have been made in the past decade for estimating mechanism causal effects from non-experimental data. The essay concludes with a proposed agenda for building an evidence base about protected area mechanisms.  相似文献   

A biological survey was carried out in 640 stations spread over the Loire-Bretagne National Network (France) between 1996 and 2000. Epilithic diatom inventories were obtained following standard methods. A total of 934 diatom taxa were identified. Common diversity indices (species richness, Shannon’s diversity, equitability, dominance, etc.) were calculated and compared against abiotic factors verify their reliability as biomonitoring metrics. Sampling stations were classified according to their trophic status (TP concentration). Several theoretical predictions about the relationship between community structural parameters and limnological variables were tested. In general, diversity indices exhibited poor linear correlations with environmental factors indicating ecological status. No clear patterns were found concerning species accumulation curves, occurrence-abundance, frequency-abundance and frequency distribution of diatom taxa between different trophic levels, although assemblages from stations with lower TP levels were characterized by relatively high dominances of certain taxa, mainly Achnanthidium minutissimum. In the light of these findings, the use of diatom diversity indices in biological quality surveillance protocols in continental waters is discouraged. Results are compared and discussed with similar studies.  相似文献   

Are viruses driving microbial diversification and diversity?   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
Viruses can influence the genetic diversity of prokaryotes in various ways. They can affect the community composition of prokaryotes by 'killing the winner' and keeping in check competitive dominants. This may sustain species richness and the amount of information encoded in genomes. Viruses can also transfer (viral and host) genes between species. Such mechanisms have probably influenced the speciation of prokaryotes. Whole-genome sequencing has clearly revealed the importance of (virus-mediated) gene transfer. However, its significance for the ecological performance of aquatic microbial communities is only poorly studied, although the few available reports indicate a large potential. Here, we present data supporting the hypothesis that viral genes and viral activity generate genetic variability of prokaryotes and are a driving force for ecological functioning and evolutionary change.  相似文献   

The margins of protected areas are usually considered to have greater forest degradation, and given that most mammals live outside protected areas, researchers and conservation practitioners are increasingly recognizing that nonprotected areas must be incorporated into conservation strategy. However, the strategy used to manage these areas still involves increasing the size of protected areas, while not considering the habitat characteristics and requirements of the species. In this study, during a 3‐year period, camera trap and habitat characteristic surveys were used to estimate composition, diversity, and habitat characteristics of mammals to determine habitat characteristics or increase the size of protected areas what should be considered first for mammals’ conservation in a nonprotected area near the Huangshan Mountains in Anhui Province, China. From June 2017 to October 2019, 18 species of mammals were recorded, more than in any other protected area nearby. The linear model analysis results showed that habitat characteristics of mammals were different and showed a significant correlation with their relative abundance. Most species were related to vegetation characteristics, except primates (Macaca thibetana), and rodents (Leopoldamys edwardsi). Therefore, to establish conservation policies for nonprotected areas, habitat characteristics should be of prime concern, followed by increasing the size of protected areas to provide effective refuge areas for species conservation.  相似文献   

The genus Xanthomonas is characterized by its phytopathogenic diversity and the host specificity of its members. In the past, the classification of the members of this genus has been based primarily on the criterion of host specificity. This has led to a classification system which focused only on naming phytopathogenic variants on different hosts. Extensive taxonomic examination of Xanthomonas has shown that the phytopathogenic specialization of the bacteria is not correlated with the actual relationships within the genus. Based upon total genomic DNA homology, the genus has been reclassified into 20 species. At present, non-pathogenic xanthomonads are frequently isolated from plant material. As these strains often cannot be classified to existing species, it becomes clear that the diversity of the genus is much greater than expected from the phytopathogenic subpopulation, which has been the primary subject in the past. The example of Xanthomonas also illustrates that attempts to divide bacterial populations into discrete taxa conflict with the actual continuous nature of biodiversity. Received 16 April 1996/ Accepted in revised form 27 September 1996  相似文献   

AIMS: To investigate the activity response of the antioxidant enzymes superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione peroxidase (GSHPx) of the rumen bacterium Streptococcus bovis following exposure to mercury(II) chloride (HgCl(2) in the presence of plant antioxidants. METHODS AND RESULTS: Streptococcus bovis was grown with 0 or 5 microg ml(-1) of HgCl(2) alone or together with antioxidant substances (AOS): seleno-l-methionine (Se), alpha-tocopherol (alpha toc), beta-carotene (beta car), melatonin (mel). The activities of SOD and GHPx were estimated in supernatants of disrupted bacterial cells. A significant decrease in the Strep. bovis SOD activity in the presence of HgCl(2) and tested AOS, except mel, was observed. The GSHPx activity of Strep. bovis was under the same cultivation conditions nonsignificantly changed and a significant decrease in the GSHPx activity was recorded only in the presence of beta car. CONCLUSIONS: The positive effect of Se, alpha toc and beta car on the elimination of environmental stress, evoked by mercury, in ruminal bacterium Strep. bovis in vitro was documented. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The potential role of plant antioxidants in elimination of the environmental stress of ruminal bacteria evoked by heavy metals is discussed.  相似文献   

Habitat loss and fragmentation are serious threats to biodiversity conservation in the Atlantic Forest. A network of protected areas is essential to the protection of native biodiversity. However, internal and external factors may threaten the preservation of biota, thus population viability analyses (PVA) are important tools in protected area design and management planning. A PVA was carried out, using the computer package VORTEX, to assess the effectiveness of the protected area network within the Atlantic Forest in Brazil in retaining viable populations of the endemic primate Brachyteles hypoxanthus. The Brazilian Atlantic Forest has 42 protected areas within B. hypoxanthus geographic distribution area, and only five of those were considered to retain viable populations for 50 generations, whereas 28 were predicted to suffer from genetic decay, seven from both genetic decay and demographic stochasticity, and two of them are probably extinct populations. The model indicates that although the protected area network of the Atlantic Forest will likely keep B. hypoxanthus populations for the next 50 generations, most of them (35 out of 42, or 83%) will be facing some kind of demographic and/or genetic problem and will probably need management actions to be implemented in order to ensure their persistence.  相似文献   

With 76% of its 3063 native species of flora endemic, the New Caledonia biodiversity hotspot has long been recognized as having a high potential for conservation. Under the new IUCN Red List categories, 25% of the endemic plants are at risk (Conservation Dependent, Vulnerable, Endangered, Critically Endangered), and five species are already extinct. A review of their distribution demonstrates that 83% of the threatened species do not occur at all in a conservation area, and only 11% have their conservation status improved by a protected area. The protected area network is geographically and floristically very unbalanced, with the rainforest and high altitude maquis in the south concentrating most of the conservation effort. Conversely, the middle and northern segments of the island, as well as all of the dry west coast, are left without adequate conservation area. Two vegetation types, the sclerophyll forest and the unique low/middle altitude maquis, are virtually totally unprotected. We conclude that the current network of protected areas needs to be considerably expanded, in terms of both geographical/floristic subregions within New Caledonia and vegetation type covered. With only 54% of the conservation area covered by strict mining restrictions, existing reserves need to have their conservation efficiency improved by a more vigorous enforcement of their status, and by extending mining bans to all of them.  相似文献   

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