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Calciferol 25-hydroxylase activity of vitamin D-deficient rats was measured in both liver microsomes and submicrosomal fractions. The smooth and rough-surfaced microsomes were prepared by a density gradient centrifugation technique in the presence of cesium chloride. Purity of the isolated microsomal membranes was ascertained by electron microscopy, RNA determination, measurement of enzyme markers, and by labeling of the cytoplasmic RNA with [5-3H]orotic acid. Calciferol 25-hydroxylase activity was present in both smooth and rough-surfaced microsomes. The specific activity of the enzyme was greater in the rough fraction. There was a linear relation between enzymic activity and the concentration of enzyme for both total and submicrosomal fractions. These data show the presence of calciferol 25-hydroxylase activity in both smooth and rough-surfaced microsomes isolated from livers of vitamin D-deficient rats.  相似文献   

Summary Light-microscopic analysis of mouse liver homogenates six days after partial hepatectomy, showed a higher percentage of nuclei with adherent cytoplasm than homogenates from normal liver. This observation was true for animals with either a slow or rapid recovery of body weight after the operation. The phenomenon was not a function of the changes in the proportions of parenchymal and non-parenchymal tissue in the regenerating liver.Electron-microscopic analysis of random samples from normal and regenerating livers indicated an increase in the perinuclear rough endoplasmic reticulum, and a displacefment of the glycogen depots within the regenerating cells six days after partial hepatectomy.The marked resistance towards homogenization, shown by the cytoplasm of the regenerating cells, may have been due to the observed increase of perinuclear membranes. However, qualitative changes of the cell membranes and a general decrease of proteolytic activity connected with liver regeneration may also have contributed.  相似文献   

Low-speed centrifugation (640 g) of rat liver homogenates, prepared with a standard ionic medium, yielded a pellet from which a rapidly sedimenting fraction of rough endoplasmic reticulum (RSER) was recovered free of nuclei. This fraction contained 20-25% of cellular RNA and approximately 30% of total glucose-6-phosphatase (ER marker) activity. A major portion of total cytochrome c oxidase (mitochondrial marker) activity was also recovered in this fraction, with the remainder sedimenting between 640 and 6,000 g. Evidence is provided which indicates that RSER may be intimately associated with mitochondria. Complete dissociation of ER from mitochondria in the RSER fraction required very harsh conditions. Sucrose density gradient centrifugation analysis revealed that 95% dissociation could be achieved when the RSER fraction was first resuspended in buffer containing 500 mM KCl and 20 mM EDTA, and subjected to shearing. Excluding KCl, EDTA, or shearing from the procedure resulted in incomplete separation. Both electron microscopy and marker enzyme analysis of mitochondria purified by this procedure indicated that some structural damage and leakage of proteins from matrix and intermembrane compartments had occurred. Nevertheless, when mitochondria from RSER and postnuclear 6,000-g pellet fractions were purified in this way fromanimals injected with [35S]methionine +/- cycloheximide, mitochondria from the postnuclear 6,000-g pellet were found to incorporate approximately two times more cytoplasmically synthesized radioactive protein per milligram mitochondrial protein (or per unit cytochrome c oxidase activity) than did mitochondria from the RSER fraction. Mitochondria-RSER associations, therefore, do not appear to facilitate enhanced incorporation of mitochondrial proteins which are newly synthesized in the cytoplasm.  相似文献   

The presence of anionic channels in stripped rough endoplasmic reticulum membranes isolated from rat hepatocytes was investigated by fusing microsomes from these membranes to a planar lipid bilayer. Several types of anion-selective channels were observed including a voltage-gated Cl- channel, the activity of which appeared in bursts characterized by transitions among three distinct conductance levels of 0 pS (0 level), 160 pS (O1 level), and 320 pS (O2 level), respectively, in 450 mM (cis) 50 mM (trans) KCl conditions. A chi 2 analysis on current records where interburst silent periods were omitted showed that the relative probability of current levels 0 (baseline), O1, and O2 followed a binomial statistic. However, measurements of the conditional probabilities W(level 0 at tau/level O2 at 0) and W(level O2 at tau/level 0 at 0) provided clear evidence of direct transitions between the current levels 0 and O2 without any detectable transitions to the intermediate level O1. It was concluded on the basis of these results that the observed channel was controlled by at least two distinct gating processes, namely 1) a voltage-dependent activation mechanism in which the entire system behaves as two independent monomeric channels of 160 pS with each channel characterized by a simple Open-Closed kinetic, and 2) a slow voltage-dependent process that accounts for both the appearance of silent periods between bursts of channel activity and the transitions between the current levels 0 and O2. Finally, an analysis of the relative probability for the system to be in levels 0, O1, and O2 showed that our results are more compatible with a model in which all the states resulting from the superposition of the two independent monomeric channels have access at different rates to a common inactivated state than with a model where a simple Open-Closed main gate either occludes or exposes simultaneously two independent 160-pS monomers.  相似文献   

Summary Rough microsomes were subfractionated on the basis of different properties in order to investigate the nature and extent of the enzyme heterogeneity of these vesicles. A discontinuous gradient, containing monovalent cations allowed the separation of a ribosome-poor membrane fraction which was enriched in electron transport enzymes and relatively poor in phosphatases. Zonal centrifugation on a stabilizing gradient separated 3 fractions characterized by enrichment of electron transport enzymes, glucose-6-phosphatase and adenosinetriphosphatase, respectively. An essentially similar pattern was seen when ribosomes were removed with EDTA and the denuded vesicles subfractionated on a sucrose gradient. Rough microsomes from phenobarbitaltreated rats exhibited the same pattern both qualitatively and quantitatively. It appears that electron transport enzymes and two types of phosphatases are heterogeneously distributed among rough microsomal vesicles.This work has been supported by grants from the Swedish Medical Research Council. The authors wish to thank Mrs. Ulla-Britta Torndal for her valuable technical assistance  相似文献   

Ethionine causes a decrease in the amount of rough endoplasmic reticulum in rat liver, the effect being greater in female than in male rats. Rough endoplasmic reticulum isolated from rat liver 24 hr after ethionine injection and stripped of its ribosomes partially lost itsin vitro ribosome binding capacity. However, no differences were detected between the binding affinities of ribosomes, isolated from either untreated animals or intoxicated rats, to stripped rough membranes derived from normal rats. Structural changes occur in the rough endoplasmic reticulum of the ethionine treated rats, while the ribosomes are still bound to the membrane.  相似文献   

A subfraction of rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) characterized by its close association with mitochondria (MITO) was isolated from low speed pellets of normal rat liver homogenate under defined ionic conditions. This fraction enriched in MITO-RER complexes contained 20% of cellular RNA, 20% of glucose-6-phosphatase and 47% of cytochrome c oxidase activities. Morphologically, the isolated MITO-RER complexes closely resembled physiological associations between the two organelles commonly seen in intact liver. Partial dissociation of RER from mitochondria of the MITO-RER fraction was achieved by either EDTA (0.5 mM) or by hypotonic/hypertonic treatment of MITO-RER complexes. With the latter procedure approx. 70% of RER (RERmito) with 50% of ribosomes still attached could be separated from the inner compartments of mitochondria. This RERmoto exhibited a higher glucose-6-phosphatase activity than RER isolated as rough microsomes from the postmitochondrial supernatant. Isopycnic centrifugation on linear metrizamide gradients revealed that the mitochondria-associated part of RER corresponds to the high density, ribosome-rich subfraction of rough microsomes isolated in cation-free sucrose solution. The combined data demonstrate that a morphologically and biochemically distinct portion of RER is associated with mitochondria and support the concept of considerable intracellular heterogeneities in distribution of enzymes and enzyme systems along the lateral plane of the endoplasmic reticulum membrane system.  相似文献   

A mixture of UDP-N-acetylglucosamine labeled with different radioisotopes in the uridine and glucosamine was used to show that the intact sugar nucleotide was translocated across the membrane of vesicles derived from rat liver rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) and Golgi apparatus. Translocation was dependent on temperature, saturable at high concentrations of sugar nucleotide, and inhibited by treatment of vesicles with proteases, suggesting protein carrier mediated transport. Translocation of UDP-GlcNAc by RER-derived vesicles appeared to be specific since these vesicles were unable to translocate UDP-galactose, in contrast to those derived from the Golgi apparatus. Preliminary results suggest that the mechanism of UDP-GlcNAc translocation into RER-derived vesicles is via a coupled exchange with lumenal nucleoside monophosphate. This is similar to the recently postulated mechanism for translocation of sugar nucleotides into vesicles derived from the Golgi apparatus.  相似文献   

There is a dramatic rise in the protein synthetic activity of rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) of liver from starved and starved-refed rats, compared to normal controls. This observation is similar to the doubling of protein synthetic activity of rat liver RER observed 20 hours after partial hepatectomy (1). Oxidised glutathione (GSSG), a potent inhibitor of protein synthesis by normal RER, was a much less effective inhibitor when assayed with RER from the livers of starved rats, this again is in parallel with our earlier observations in regenerating liver. This common pattern of response is discussed in terms of a cellular control system which responds to changes in the cytoplasmic sulphydryl concentration.  相似文献   

The hypothesis of a preferential biosynthesis of a major phenobarbital inducible form of hepatic cytochrome P-450 (P-450b) in mitochondria-associated rough endoplasmic reticulum (RERmito) was tested by measuring incorporation rates of [35S]methionine and delta-amino[3H]levulinate into the hemoprotein in adult rats. RERmito, rough microsomes (RM representing RER not associated with mitochondria) and smooth microsomes (SM) were quantitatively isolated from the same homogenate by rate zonal centrifugation and their content of P-450b determined by rocket immunoelectrophoresis. P-450b was isolated by immunoprecipitation from detergent-solubilized membrane fractions. The time course and rate of incorporation of [35S] methionine into immunoprecipitable P-450b of RERmito and of RM were similar at all time points studied (2-15 min) both under conditions of maximal induction (4 injections of phenobarbital in 4 days) and after a single injection of phenobarbital. The incorporation of [35S]methionine into P-450b of SM was slower at early time points (2-8 min) but similar to RERmito and RM after 15 min. In contrast, at short labeling periods (less than 8 min) more delta-amino[3H]levulinate was incorporated into P-450b of RERmito than into P-450b of RM and SM. No significant accumulation of free apocytochrome P-450b was found in either membrane fraction. These data indicate a close coordination of the biosynthesis and assembly of apocytochrome P-450b and its prosthetic heme but do not support the hypothesis of a major functional role of MITO X RER complexes in the synthesis of microsomal cytochrome P-450b.  相似文献   

Rat liver microsomal sphingomyelin synthetase (CDPcholine: N-acylspingosine choline phosphotransferase (EC has been shown to be markedly stimulated by ATP and pantothenic acid derivatives such as CoA, pantethine, pantetheine and 4'-phosphopantetheine.  相似文献   

The relationship between the neutral lipid and phospholipid metabolism and some structure-function peculiarities of regenerating rat liver endoplasmic reticulum membranes (13 hours after surgery, i.e., corresponding to the G1-period of the cell cycle) was studied. There was an increase in the degree of the endoplasmic reticulum membrane development and the nonesterified fatty acid (NFA) and triglyceride (TG) content in regenerating rat liver microsomes. The relative specific radioactivity of neutral lipid and phospholipid fractions in regenerating rat liver microsomes was lower than in control animals, presumably due to the high rate of the microsomal lipid exchange in the regenerating liver with other cell organelles. The changes in the lipid content and rate of their metabolism in the regenerating rat liver were associated with the increase in the membrane microviscosity and the decrease in the activity of the membrane-bound enzyme (glucose-6-phosphatase). The differences in the time-dependent changes in the synthesis and metabolism of lipids in the NFA and TG fractions may be regarded as an endogenous factor determining the structure-function peculiarities of endoplasmic reticulum membranes.  相似文献   

We examined regulatory properties of bilirubin UDP-glucuronyltransferase in sealed RER (rough endoplasmic reticulum)- and SER (smooth endoplasmic reticulum)-enriched microsomes (microsomal fractions), as well as in nuclear envelope from rat liver. Purity of membrane fractions was verified by electron microscopy and marker studies. Intactness of RER and SER vesicles was ascertained by a high degree of latency of the lumenal marker mannose-6-phosphatase. No major differences in the stimulation of UDP-glucuronyltransferase by detergent or by the presumed physiological activator, UDPGlcNAc, were observed between total microsomes and RER- or SER-enriched microsomes. Isolated nuclear envelopes were present as a partially disrupted membrane system, with approx. 50% loss of mannose-6-phosphatase latency. The nuclear transferase had lost its latency to a similar extent, and the enzyme failed to respond to UDPGlcNAc. Our results underscore the necessity to include data on the integrity of the membrane permeability barrier when reporting regulatory properties of UDP-glucuronyltransferase in different membrane preparations.  相似文献   

The synthesis of cytochrome P450 by heavy rough endoplasmic reticulum and light rough endoplasmic reticulum has been examined in vitro, using immunochemical techniques. Contrary to previous indications the results show no evidence for preferential segregation of the cytochrome P450 m-RNA and that the presence of mitochondrial protein synthesis accounts for the differences that have previously been reported.  相似文献   

Docking protein (or SRP receptor) is an integral membrane protein essential for translocation of nascent polypeptides across the membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Anti-docking protein antibodies were used to localize this protein in situ in thin frozen sections using protein A-gold detection methods. The majority of gold particles was restricted to ribosome-studded membranes, whereas particles were rarely seen in areas rich in smooth ER. Quantitative evaluation of labeling suggests that there is one molecule of docking protein for roughly 10 to 20 bound ribosomes. On the basis of these results we conclude that docking protein is the first functionally-characterized integral marker protein specific for the rough membranes of ER.  相似文献   

There is a higher activity of ethyl morphine N-demethylase (EM-ase) and cytochrome P-450 (P-450) reductase as well as higher P-450 content in the smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER) than in the rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER). The extent of the irreversible binding of the14C from14CCl4 to lipids and proteins, as well as the CCl4-induced destruction of P-450 is more intense in SER than in RER while the opposite was found for glucose 6-phosphatase (G6P-ase) destruction. CCl4-induced lipid peroxidation is as intense in SER as is in RER.14C from14CCl4 gets irreversibly bound to ribosomal proteins.  相似文献   

The biosynthesis of phosphatidylcholine in rat liver microsomal preparations catalysed by CDP-choline-1,2-diacylglycerol cholinephosphotransferase (EC was inhibited by a combination of ATP and CoA or ATP and pantetheine. ATP alone at high concentrations (20 mM) inhibits phosphatidylcholine formation to the extent of 70%. In the presence of 0.1 mM-CoA, ATP (2 mM) inhibits to the extent of 80% and in the presence of 1 mM-pantetheine to the extent of 90%. ADP and other nucleotide triphosphates in combination with either CoA or pantetheine are only 10-30% as effective in inhibiting phosphatidylcholine synthesis. AMP(CH2)PP [adenosine 5'-(alphabeta-methylene)triphosphate] together with CoA inhibits to the extent of 59% and with pantetheine by 48%. AMP-P(CH2)P [adenosine 5'-(betagamma-methylene)triphosphate] together with either CoA or pantetheine had no significant effect on phosphatidylcholine formation. Other closely related derivatives of pantothenic acid were without effect either alone or in the presence of ATP, as were thiol compounds such as cysteine, homocysteine, cysteamine, dithiothreitol and glutathione. Several mechanisms by which this inhibition might take place were ruled out and it is concluded that ATP together with either CoA or pantetheine interacts reversibly with phosphatidylcholine synthetase to cause temporarily the inhibition of phosphatidylcholine formation.  相似文献   

Smooth and rough endoplasmic reticulum from rat liver and hepatomas exhibited endogenous protein kinase activity independent of adenosine 3':5'-monophosphate. The phosphorylation of smooth membranes by this process was consistently higher than that of rough membranes. When histone was added along with the smooth endoplasmic reticulum, cyclic AMP stimulated protein phosphorylation. Analysis of membrane-phosphorylated proteins by gel electrophoresis showed 5 major phosphorylated bands with estimated molecular weights of 155 000, 62 000, 50 000, 46 000 and 43 000, whereas major bands having estimated molecular weights of 62 000, 50 000 and 43 000 were found in membranes of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum of the Morris hepatoma 5123 C. Since previous studies in this and other laboratories have demonstrated the similarity of the protein components of membranes of the endoplasmic reticulum of normal liver and hepatoma, our findings indicate an inability of the protein kinase of hepatoma intracellular membranes to phosphorylate protein species that are found in membranes of both liver and the neoplasm.  相似文献   

Previous studies in this laboratory (1) have shown that tunicamycin-treatment inhibits the secretion of three secretory glycoproteins--alpha 2-macroglobulin, ceruloplasmin, and alpha 1-protease inhibitor in human hepatoma (Hep G2) cell cultures. In the present study, we have investigated (i) their site of accumulation within the endoplasmic reticulum/Golgi pathway, and (ii) the solubility characteristics of these unglycosylated proteins. Using percoll density gradient centrifugation, we found that tunicamycin-treatment markedly inhibited the transport of alpha 2-macroglobulin, ceruloplasmin and alpha 1-protease inhibitor from the rough endoplasmic reticulum. However, there was no detectable changes in their solubility properties as both the glycosylated and unglycosylated species were associated with the 100,000 xg supernatant fraction following disruption of the microsomal fraction (i) with 0.2% Triton X-100 and (ii) by repeated freeze-thaw cycles. Also no evidence of protein aggregation was detected by liquid chromatography of the unglycosylated proteins on Bio-Gel A-1.5 column.  相似文献   

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