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Temperature-shift analysis of conidial development in Aspergillus nidulans   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Temperature-shift experiments have been performed on spore-originated colonies of 11 thermosensitive aconidial mutants of Aspergillus nidulans in order to determine the latest time of shift to the restrictive temperature that prevents the initiation of conidiation. This time defines the beginning of the thermosensitive period (TSP) of the mutant. Eight of the mutants have TSPs that begin in the 7-hour period (32–39 hr) just prior to the first appearance of conidia-bearing structures, while 3 of the mutants have TSPs that begin later and very close to the time of onset of conidiation (45 hr). Thus no mutant of the set has a TSP that begins during the first 32 hr of vegetative growth of spore-originated colonies. For all mutants, an upshift performed after the beginning of the TSP allows initiation of conidiation at close to the normal time and at the normal rate, but results in an abrupt cessation of conidiation at some fixed time after upshift, characteristic of the mutant. The mutant whose TSP begins the earliest (aco-49) is exceptional in that, if conidiation is suppressed by growth of colonies in submerged culture, this mutant becomes thermoinsensitive during vegetative submerged growth; in contrast, the remaining 10 mutants become thermoinsensitive only after the suppressive condition has been relieved. We discuss the possibility that this exceptional mutant is defective in a function required for initiation of the process that ultimately results in the formation of conidia.  相似文献   

Identification of a gene for beta-tubulin in Aspergillus nidulans.   总被引:50,自引:0,他引:50  
G Sheir-Neiss  M H Lai  N R Morris 《Cell》1978,15(2):639-647
The tubulins of Aspergillus nidulans have been characterized in wild-type and ben A, B and C benomyl-resistant strains by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, co-polymerization with porcine brain tubulin and peptide mapping. Four α-tubulins and at least four β-tubulins were resolved by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis of wild-type proteins. Eighteen of 26 benA mutants studied had electrophoretically abnormal β-tubulins. In these strains, one or more of the β-tubulins had either an altered isoelectric point or an altered electrophoretic mobility in the SDS gel dimension, or was diminished in amount. The a-tubulins were normal. Two-dimensional gels of protein extracts of a ben A/wild-type diploid strain demonstrated co-expression of the wild-type β-tubulins with the variant ben A tubulin. This experiment rules out post-translational modification as the source of the β-tubulin abnormalities in the benA mutants. We therefore conclude that benA must be a structural gene for β-tubulin. Due to the variety of abnormalities affecting β-tubulins in ben A mutants, and the absence of abnormalities affecting α-tubulins in any of the benomyl-resistant mutants, we also believe that the benomyl binding site must be located on the β-subunit of the tubulin dimer. The benA mutants of A. nidulans promise to be useful not only for characterizing the biochemical determinants of the benomyl binding site of tubulin but also for understanding the relationship between tubulin structure and function.  相似文献   

Conidial laccase of Aspergillus nidulans was purified by standard protein purification methods. Although the purified material showed a cluster of several protein bands on a nondenaturing gel, each of these protein bands had laccase activity. All bands of activity, however, were absent in a strain carrying a mutation in the structural gene for laccase. Concentrated solutions (greater than 1 mg/ml) were bright blue, suggesting that, like other laccases, this enzyme contains copper. The enzyme contained asparagine-linked carbohydrate (12% by weight) which could be removed by digestion with endo-beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase H. The molecular weight of native enzyme as determined by gel filtration was 110,000, but the largest component in a sodium dodecyl sulfate gel was 80,000. Several smaller components (55,000 and 36,000 molecular weight) were also visible. We present evidence which suggests that the smaller components are in vivo cleavage products tightly associated with enzymatically active molecules. Comparison of the laccase from a white-spore (wA) and a green-spore (wA+) strain showed, surprisingly, that the enzymes differed in electrophoretic pattern, in vitro heat stability, and in vivo metabolic stability. The difference was manifested for enzymes isolated from cultures after conidial pigmentation of the wA+ strain had occurred. If examined earlier, before pigmentation, the enzymes were indistinguishable. Since wA strains lack the precursor of the wild-type green pigment, i.e., the laccase substrate, we suggest that the transformation of the enzyme of the wA strain is due to its failure to interact with its normal substrate.  相似文献   

Genetic regulation of development in Aspergillus nidulans   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  

Chang MH  Chae KS  Han DM  Jahng KY 《Genetics》2004,167(3):1305-1315
We isolated the ganB gene encoding the Galpha-protein homolog from Aspergillus nidulans. To investigate the cellular function of GanB, various mutant strains were isolated. Deletion of constitutively inactive ganB mutants showed conidiation and derepressed brlA expression in a submerged culture. Constitutive activation of GanB caused a reduction in hyphal growth and a severe defect in asexual sporulation. We therefore propose that GanB may negatively regulate asexual sporulation through the BrlA pathway. In addition, deletion or constitutive inactivation of GanB reduced germination rate while constitutive activation led to precocious germination. Furthermore, conidia of a constitutively active mutant could germinate even without carbon source. Taken together, these results indicated that GanB plays a positive role during germination, possibly through carbon source sensing, and negatively regulates asexual conidiation in A. nidulans.  相似文献   

We have cloned two different beta-tubulin sequences from the filamentous fungus Aspergillus nidulans. Each was used in the construction of transforming plasmids that carry the pyr4 gene of Neurospora crassa. We used these plasmids to transform a pyrG-strain of Aspergillus to uridine prototrophy. Both plasmids were shown to integrate site specifically into the homologous chromosomal sequences. We then used transformant strains in genetic crosses to demonstrate that one of the cloned beta-tubulin sequences was the benA beta-tubulin gene, which codes for the beta 1-and beta 2-tubulins. The other cloned beta-tubulin sequence was shown to be the structural gene for beta 3-tubulin by gene disruption and to participate in conidial development. This is the first report of a gene disruption by site specific, integrative recombination in Aspergillus nidulans.  相似文献   

The parasexual cycle with parameiosis has been characterized previously by the occurrence of genetic recombination and haploidization inside heterokaryotic hyphae prior to conidial formation. The aim of current research was to characterize, through genetic and cytological analyses, an asexual development mutant strain of A. nidulans and to use it to obtain parameiotic segregants. Analyses showed the medusa phenotype of the B84 strain, whose mutant allele was mapped in the chromosome I. The heterokaryons B84(med)//G422(med+) and B84(med)//G839(brl) were formed in liquid MM+2% CM and inoculated in the appropriate selective media. Two mitotic segregant groups were obtained: aneuploids and haploid stable recombinants. Mitotic segregants, wild-types, and developmental mutants, which did not produce new visible mitotic sectors in the presence of Benomyl and which showed normal meiotic behavior during the sexual cycle, were classified as parameiotics.  相似文献   

An endogenous inducer of sexual development in Aspergillus nidulans   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
During development of the homothallic ascomycete Aspergillus nidulans, asexual sporulation is followed by sexual sporulation. We report here the detection of a solvent-extractable activity which inhibits asexual sporulation and stimulates premature sexual sporulation. This activity, called precocious sexual inducer (psi), is overproduced by certain mutants that are blocked in both modes of sporulation. Using partially purified preparations of psi, biological response could be elicited with as little as 50 ng of material. We suggest that psi is a hormone-precursor which is converted to a hormone by normal sporulating strains that respond to psi, but not by the asporogenous mutants that overproduce psi. The stability of psi activity gives promise that the compound can be purified and identified.  相似文献   

We isolated a class I chitin synthase gene (chsC) from Aspergillus nidulans. Expression of this gene was confirmed by Northern analysis and by sequencing of the PCR-amplified DNA fragments from cDNA. chsC disruptants showed no difference of morphology in the asexual cycle and no difference of growth rate compared to a wild-type strain.  相似文献   

A gene for a synthetic protein-based polymer, G-(VPGVG)119-VPGV, coding for the EG-120mer (elastomer), was cloned into a fungal expression vector to allow constitutive expression of the polymer controlled by the gpdA (glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase) promoter sequence of Aspergillus nidulans. Stable transformants of A. nidulans showed plasmid integration with varying copy number when analyzed by Southern-blot hybridization. Expression of the synthetic gene was demonstrated by Northern-blot hybridization. However, the translational efficiency for production of the polymer polypeptide was low, presumably because of certain codons in the polymer gene (CCG and GUA) that are rarely used by A. nidulans. Partial purification by reversible phase transition followed by sodium dodecyl sulfate/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed the presence of polymer protein in a transformant that contained multiple copies of the polymer gene. This study represents the first attempt to express a synthetic gene (with no natural analog) in a fungus. Received: 23 July 1996 / Received revision: 19 November 1996 / Accepted: 23 November 1996  相似文献   

Summary We have isolated large numbers of conditionally lethal -tubulin mutations to provide raw material for analyzing the structure and function of tubulin and of microtubules. We have isolated such mutations as intragenic suppressors of benA33, a heat-sensitive (hs-) -tubulin mutation of Aspergillus nidulans. Among over 2,600 revertants isolated, 126 were cold-sensitive (cs-). In 41 of 78 cs- revertants analyzed, cold sensitivity and reversion from hs- to hs+ were due to mutations linked to benA33. In three cases reversion was due to mutations closely linked to benA33 but cold sensitivity was due to a coincidental mutation unlinked to benA33. In the remaining 34 cases reversion was due to mutations unlinked to benA33. Thirty-three of the revertants in which cold sensitivity and reversion were linked to benA33 were sufficiently cold-sensitive to allow us to select for rare recombinants between benA33 and putative suppressors in a revertant x wild-type (wt) cross. We found only one recombinant among 1,000 or more viable progeny from crosses of each of these revertants with a wt strain. Reversion is thus due to a back mutation or very closely linked suppressor in each case. We have analyzed 17 of these 33 revertants with greater precision and have found that, in each case, reversion is due to a suppressor mutation that maps to the right of benA33. The recombination frequencies between benA33 and the suppressors are very low (less than 1.2×10-4) in all cases. Five of these 33 revertants have been examined microscopically and in each of them nuclear division and nuclear migration are inhibited at a restrictive temperature. We conclude that at least some and perhaps all of these revertants carry intragenic suppressors of benA33 that, in combination with benA33, cause cold sensitivity by inhibiting the functioning of microtubules at low temperatures. Of the 17 suppressors mapped, 11 map to two clusters. These clusters are likely to define regions particularly important to the functioning of the -tubulin molecule.  相似文献   

The Aspergillus nidulans fluG gene is necessary for the synthesis of a small diffusible factor that is required for the endogenously regulated induction of asexual sporulation that takes place during the development of an air-exposed colony. Previous work established that FluG is present at nearly constant levels throughout the Aspergillus life cycle, leading to the hypothesis that FluG factor is constitutively produced and development initiates after its concentration surpasses a fixed threshold. Here we show that overexpression of fluG can overcome the developmental block normally imposed on vegetative cells in submerged culture and leads to the formation of complex conidiophores that are remarkably similar to wild-tye conidiophores made by air- exposed colonies. This fluG-induced sporulation requires the activities of other early developmental regulatory genes including, flA, flB, flC, flD, flE, and brlA. The requirement for flbA in fluG-induced sporulation is particularly interesting because overexpression of flbA can also induce sporulation in submerged culture and this flbA activity requires fluG. The interdependence of fluG and flbA activities suggests a close relationship between the products of these two genes in controlling conidiophore development. In addition to the endogenous sporulation signal provided by fluG, several environmental factors, including air exposure, carbon or nitrogen stress, and increased osmolarity, can influence developmental activation. We demonstrate that each of these signals requires the brlA beta gene, but not brlA alpha, to initiate conidiophore development. We present a model to account for the complex genetic and environmental controls leading to the activation of brlA beta and sporulation.  相似文献   

Lafon A  Seo JA  Han KH  Yu JH  d'Enfert C 《Genetics》2005,171(1):71-80
The role of heterotrimeric G-proteins in cAMP-dependent germination of conidia was investigated in the filamentous ascomycete Aspergillus nidulans. We demonstrate that the G alpha-subunit GanB mediates a rapid and transient activation of cAMP synthesis in response to glucose during the early period of germination. Moreover, deletion of individual G-protein subunits resulted in defective trehalose mobilization and altered germination kinetics, indicating that GanB(alpha)-SfaD(beta)-GpgA(gamma) constitutes a functional heterotrimer and controls cAMP/PKA signaling in response to glucose as well as conidial germination. Further genetic analyses suggest that GanB plays a primary role in cAMP/PKA signaling, whereas the SfaD-GpgA (G betagamma) heterodimer is crucial for proper activation of GanB signaling sensitized by glucose. In addition, the RGS protein RgsA is also involved in regulation of the cAMP/PKA pathway and germination via attenuation of GanB signaling. Genetic epistatic analyses led us to conclude that all controls exerted by GanB(alpha)-SfaD(beta)-GpgA(gamma) on conidial germination are mediated through the cAMP/PKA pathway. Furthermore, GanB may function in sensing various carbon sources and subsequent activation of downstream signaling for germination.  相似文献   

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