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Chen L  Zhu X  Gu L  Wu J 《Plant cell reports》2005,24(7):401-407
Callus culture has, to date, been reported only in a few species of Narcissus. We used anthers of Chinese narcissus (Narcissus tazetta L. var. chinensis Roem) as explants for callus induction and plant regeneration. A high percentage of anthers at the early- to mid-uninucleate microspore stage were responsive on the basal MS medium supplemented with 0.5–1 mg l–1 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid and 0.5–2 mg l–1 6-benzyladenine under dark conditions. Calli were initiated from anther connective tissue or anther wall tissue, and no division of microspores occurred during callus formation, as determined by histological observation. Using 20 random amplified polymorphic DNA primers, we verified the genetic integrity of the anther-derived plants of Chinese narcissus with respect to the donor plants. These results suggest that anther culture in vitro can provide an efficient new micropropagation technique for Chinese narcissus as well as a new strategy for in vitro mass propagation of other daffodils.  相似文献   

The present work reports on a study of plant regeneration carried out with callus from the leaf blades and petioles of field-grown male adult kiwifruit plants (Actinidia deliciosa (Chev.) Liang and Ferguson). The cultivars used were ‘Tomuri’ and clone A, a selected male plant grown in north western Spain. The best shoot induction conditions were obtained in ‘Tomuri’ leaf blades cultured in K(h) medium in the presence of 23 μM Zeatin and 0.1 μM NAA. Under these conditions, more than 80% of organogenic callus induction was observed, with an average of 14 new shoots in the second subculture. The initial length of the shoots affected shoot elongation, which was accomplished by culturing isolated shoots in K(h) medium with half-strength salts, supplemented with 0.4 μM Zeatin and 0.1 μM NAA. A possible detrimental long-term effect of cytokinins on shoot elongation can account for the results, since elongation was not observed until 1 month of culture in elongation medium. For rooting, shoots (1 cm in length) were basally immersed in a 5 mM IBA solution for 15 s, and transferred to half-strength K(h) basal medium. Regenerated plants were acclimated in a sterile peat:perlite substrate for 10 days, and then transferred to soil. AFLP analysis was accomplished with 15 primer combinations from which 13 showed reproducible and well-resolved bands, producing a total of 1321 fragments from which 1281 were polymorphic (97%). A dendrogram was constructed using both monomorphic and polymorphic bands, showing genetic variation among field-grown plants and tissue culture-derived regenerants.  相似文献   

Chinese narcissus (Narcissus tazetta var. chinensis Roem) blooms but has no seeds. Embryological studies on the species were conducted to discover the causes of its sterility. Its anther wall is composed of four layers of cells, and its tapetum is of the secretory type. The cytokinesis of microspore mother cells is of the successive type, and the tetrad is tetrahedral. During meiosis of microspore mother cells, some chromosomes lagged, and several micronuclei were found in tetrads. Only 27.7% of the pollen grains contained full cytoplasm, and 1.3% of them germinated in culture medium. No pollen grain, however, could germinate on the stigma. The ovary is trilocular with axile placenta, and the ovules are bitegmic, tenuinucellate, and anatropous. Its embryo sac is of the polygonum type. Most embryo sacs degenerated, and only about 4.5% of the ovules contained a normal embryo sac with an egg cell, two synergids, three antipodal, and a central cell containing two polar nuclei. One reason for the sterility of Chinese narcissus is the abnormality of microsporogenesis and megasporogenesis, in which only a few functional pollen grains and embryo sacs are produced. The other reason is that the pollen grains cannot germinate on the stigma. This paper was translated from Journal of Xiamen University (Natural Science), 2005, 44(1) (in Chinese)  相似文献   

Genetic similarity among 45 Brassica Oleracea genotypes was compared using two molecular markers, random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs). The genotypes included 37 broccolis (var. italica), five cauliflowers (var. botrytis) and three cabbages (var. capitata) which represented a wide range of commercially-available germplasm, and included open-pollinated cultivars, commercial hybrids, and inbred parents of hybrid cultivars. Fifty-six polymorphic RFLP bands and 181 polymorphic RAPD bands were generated using 15 random cDNA probes and 62 10-mer primers, respectively. The objectives were to compare RFLP and RAPD markers with regard to their (1) sampling variance, (2) rank correlations of genetic distance among sub-samples, and (3) inheritance. A bootstrap procedure was used to generate 200 random samples of size n (n=2,3,5,... 55) independently from the RAPD and RFLP data sets. The coefficient of variance (CV) was estimated for each sample. Pooled regressions of the coefficient of variance on bootstrap sample size indicated that the rate of decrease in CV with increasing sample size was the same for RFLPs and RAPDs. The rank correlation between the Nei-Li genetic similarity values for all pairs of genotypes (990) based on RFLP and RAPD data was 0.745. Differences were observed between the RFLP and RAPD dendrograms of the 45 genotypes. Overlap in the distributions of rank correlations between independent sub-samples from the RAPD data set, compared to correlations between RFLP and RAPD sub-samples, suggest that observed differences in estimation of genetic similarity between RAPDs and RFLPs is largely due to sampling error rather than due to DNA-based differences in how RAPDs and RFLPs reveal polymorphisms. A crossing algorithm was used to generate hypothetical banding patterns of hybrids based on the genotypes of the parents. The results of this study indicate that RAPDs provide a level of resolution equivalent to RFLPs for detemination of the genetic relationships among genotypes.  相似文献   

为揭示我国东部归化水仙(Narcissus tazetta var. chinensis)的群体遗传多样性,利用2个叶绿体基因mat K和trn H-psb A片段对采自沪、浙、闽的5个代表群体的49株水仙进行了评估。结果表明,双基因联合序列的总长为1443bp,共定义6个单倍型,各归化群体的遗传多样性水平为DLSYPTDNJD=ZZCMD。AMOVA分析表明,群体内变异为遗传变异的主要来源(91.98%),群体间的遗传分化较低(Fst=0.080 22)。群体物种水平上的谱系结构不显著(Nst=0.020Gst=0.031;P0.05)。Mantel检验表明水仙群体间的遗传距离与地理距离呈显著的线性相关(r=0.929,P=0.02 0.05)。中性检验和错配分布分析结果均暗示水仙群体背离了快速扩张模型的假设。单倍型分布的中介网络图结合系统发育NJ树均将所有群体划分为2大分支。因此,我国东部沿海水仙归化群体整体遗传多样性水平较低,各群体间遗传分化较弱,遗传变异主要来自群体内,物种近期未经历扩张事件,可能是基因流受海岛隔离、自身生物学特征、生境异质性与及人为干扰的综合作用影响。  相似文献   

The genetic variability based on random-amplified polymorphic DNA markers was analysed among 10 cultivated rose varieties and 9 wild species from three different series of the genus Rosa. Using 13 different RAPD primers, 104 polymorphic DNA fragments with a high potential to differentiate rose genotypes could be produced. A dendrogram displaying the relative genetic similarities among the genotypes shows the existence of large genetic diversity among the cultivated roses as compared to the wild species. Furthermore, the main clusters found here are in agreement with known pedigrees and the classical taxonomy. However, the relationships between cultivated roses as inferred by RAPD markers do not correlate with the classical rose classification system. From the present data it is concluded that cultivated roses display a high level of genetic variability despite the fact that single morphological and physiological characters may be less polymorphic within rose groups. This contrasts with the widely accepted opinion of a lack of genetic variability in roses. This is also in accordance with the reported history of rose breeding which makes it highly probable that rose genomes comprise mosaics of different species genomes. As a consequence, it may be possible to utilize the high genetic variability of all genetic traits not under actual selection by breeders for future breeding programmes.  相似文献   

采用RT-PCR和RACE技术,从中国水仙(Narcissus tazetta var.chinensis)幼嫩花芽中分离得到1个与花发育相关的MADS-box基因,将其命名为NtAP1(GenBank登录号为JN704304)。该基因全长1 155bp,含有1个762bp的开放阅读框,编码253个氨基酸。系统进化分析表明,该基因属于AP1-like基因。半定量RT-PCR分析表明,该基因在水仙品种‘金盏银台’和‘玉玲珑’的花瓣、副冠、雄蕊和雌蕊中均有表达,且在雌蕊中的表达量最高。研究认为,该实验分离出的NtAP1基因在‘玉玲珑’重瓣的形成过程中没有发挥重要的作用。  相似文献   

武丹  吴菁华  张志忠 《西北植物学报》2017,37(10):1889-1895
以中国水仙‘金盏银台’为实验材料,采用RACE和RT-PCR技术获得1个与开花相关的转录因子(SOC1)的同源基因NtSOC1。NtSOC1的cDNA全长1 603bp,含有1个687bp开放阅读框,编码228个氨基酸。生物信息学分析表明,NtSOC1与单子叶植物的SOC1同源基因的氨基酸序列较为相似,且在C末端同样含有一个保守性很高的SOC1motif序列,说明NtSOC1是属于SOC1/TM3亚家族基因。荧光定量PCR分析显示,NtSOC1在花芽分化阶段的表达量随着花芽的分化而升高,花芽分化结束时减少,表明NtSOC1基因可能参与中国水仙的花芽分化。成功构建了NtSOC1基因表达载体pCAMBIA1302-NtSOC1,通过农杆菌转化洋葱表皮对编码蛋白进行亚细胞定位结果显示,NtSOC1基因编码蛋白定位于细胞核,符合转录因子的亚细胞定位特征。该实验结果为进一步研究NtSOC1基因的生物学功能奠定了基础。  相似文献   

为研究中国水仙类黄酮代谢调控网络,从中国水仙(Narcissus tazetta var.chinensis)中克隆得到一个R2R3-MYB基因,命名为NtMYB7(GenBank登录号:MF522208)。序列分析表明,NtMYB7基因cDNA开放阅读框(ORF)为753bp,编码250个氨基酸。氨基酸多重序列比对分析发现,NtMYB7含有R2和R3保守结构域,属于R2R3-MYB家族;系统进化树分析结果显示,NtMYB7与花青素合成抑制因子聚为一类。实时荧光定量PCR分析发现,NtMYB7基因在中国水仙不同时期花瓣和副冠以及不同器官中均有表达,且NtMYB7基因在鳞茎盘中表达量最高。瞬时表达分析发现,NtMYB7使花青素合成激活因子StMYB诱导产生的红色变浅;定量PCR分析表明,NtMYB7基因显著抑制烟草黄酮醇代谢分支FLS基因的表达,同时抑制StMYB激活的花青素和原花青素合成结构基因的表达。研究结果初步判断,NtMYB7基因是中国水仙类黄酮代谢途径的抑制因子。  相似文献   

Polymorphisms among Mediterranean basin Pistacia species and accessions within species were assessed by random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analyses. Twenty-eight Pistacia accessions representing six species from geographically diverse locations in the Mediterranean area were analyzed. With RAPD, a total of 259 DNA fragments were amplified by 27 pre-selected primers, 254 were polymorphic fragments. AFLP analysis with 15 primer sets, produced 954 (93%) polymorphic bands out of a total of 1026. A Mantel test revealed an extremely high correlation (r=0.99) between similarity matrices generated from RAPD and AFLP data sets, indicating that similar results were obtained by the two techniques. Dendrograms constructed from the similarity matrices showed that Pistacia species could be clustered into two groups, one group containing all the #E5/E5#. lentiscus and the second group containing all other accessions. The latter group was divided into two subgroups, one consisting of #E5/E5#. palaestina and #E5/E5#. terebinthus; the other consisting of #E5/E5#. atlantica, #E5/E5#. khinjuk and #E5/E5#. vera. P. vera and P. khinjuk were highly similar, as were P. palaestina and P. terebinthus.  相似文献   

Summary. Narcissus tazetta is one of the major geophyte crops worldwide, but little is known about its cell biology. The narcissus storage organ was studied by monitoring scale cell biology during the growth stage and dormancy, and it was found that amyloplasts gradually increased in size and reached a maximum at dormancy. In parallel, microtubules changed their organisation: during the growth phase (February to March) they were oblique; during April and May, microtubules formed a network with round “holes”; by late June and the beginning of July, when dormancy started, they were organised in parallel arrays. The holes formed in the microtubule array corresponded to amyloplasts. A closer look showed that during a short time window, while the plants were preparing for dormancy, the microtubules surrounded the amyloplasts. In vitro reconfirmation of this phenomenon was obtained when fluorescent bovine brain microtubules enwrapped isolated amyloplasts that had been purified between April and July but not those purified between January and March. Interestingly, protease treatment of amyloplasts did not completely prevent binding of microtubules, which suggests the existence of a protease-resistant factor that docks microtubules to the outer membrane of amyloplasts. Correspondence and reprints: Department of Ornamental Horticulture, Volcani Center, Bet Dagan 50250, Israel.  相似文献   

We compared genetic variation of sexualAmelanchier bartramiana and facultatively agamospermous (asexually seed-producing)A. laevis at one site where the two species are sympatric. We analyzed 77 random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers in 29A. bartramiana individuals and 76 RAPD markers in 31A. laevis individuals. The two species do not differ significantly in mean genetic variation. However, 22.4% of genetic similarity values betweenA. laevis individuals exceed the highest value ofA. bartramiana and may represent the effect of agamospermy. Variation withinA. laevis may be the result of sexuality, hybridization, polyploidy, and other factors.  相似文献   

This study addresses the phylogenetic relationships among Pistacia species by amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs). A total of 31 wild Pistacia accessions belonging to P. eurycarpa, P. khinjuk, P. atlantica, P. mutica, P. integerrima, P. terebinthus, P. palaestina, P. mexicana, P. lentiscus species and to a hybrid between P. atlantica and P. integerrima and four P. vera cultivars were the plant materials of this study. Six AFLP primer combinations generated a total of 275 fragments, an average of 45.8 bands per primer pair, of which 254 (92.4) were polymorphic. Unweighted pair group method based on arithmetic average (UPGMA) and principle coordinates (PCo) analysis were performed using both mean character difference and Jaccard similarity matrices. According to the results, P. vera, P. khinjuk, P. eurycarpa, P. atlantica, P. mutica, P. integerrima and P. atlantica x P. integerrima hybrids were in the first cluster. UPGMA analysis using mean character difference clustered P. palaestina, P. terebinthus, P. mexicana and P. lentiscus in the second cluster, whereas UPGMA analysis using Jaccard coefficient separated P. palaestina and P. terebinthus from P. lentiscus and P. mexicana. The P. khinjuk accessions had closer relationships to P. eurycarpa and P. atlantica than to P. vera which led to mis-identification of P. khinjuk samples as P. eurycarpa in this tudy. P. atlanticaP. mutica and P. terebinthusP. palaestina pairs were the closest species, and therefore P. mutica were classified as P. atlantica, and P. palaestina were as P. terebinthus. The resulted dendrograms and the PCo plots in this study did not support evergreen versus deciduous sectional division of Pistacia species and suggested classifying P. terebinthus in a separate group rather than being in the first cluster. Further study is inevitable including more evergreen species and accessions to clarify the position of P. terebinthus and the evergreen species.  相似文献   

采用RT-PCR和RACE技术,从中国水仙‘金盏银台’中获得1个MADS-box基因NtPI2。NtPI2基因全长810bp,含有1个627bp开放阅读框,编码208个氨基酸。系统进化树显示,NtPI2属于B类MADS-box基因家族的PI/GLO类基因。荧光定量PCR分析表明,NtPI2基因在中国水仙‘金盏银台’各营养器官中都有表达;在单瓣和重瓣水仙花朵的各个部位均有表达,但表达模式存在差异。比较NtPI2在单瓣和重瓣中国水仙中的表达模式,发现重瓣水仙‘玉玲珑’的瓣化雄蕊和副冠的NtPI2基因表达量较单瓣水仙‘金盏银台’显著增高,推测NtPI2基因在瓣化雄蕊中表达量显著增高可能是重瓣中国水仙发生的直接原因。成功构建了NtPI2基因的pCAMBIA1302-NtPI2超表达载体,并通过农杆菌介导法进行烟草的遗传转化,分子鉴定结果表明共获得了8株转NtPI2基因植株。本研究为深入探索NtPI2基因的功能及其与中国水仙重瓣花形成的关系奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Genetic diversity has been investigated by the application of molecular markers in, for the first time, all the taxa recognised in recent treatises of the genusHippophae. RAPD (random amplified polymorphic DNA) analyses were conducted with 9 decamer primers, which together yielded 219 polymorphic markers. We found 16 fixed RAPD markers, i.e. markers that either occurred in all plants of a population or were absent from all plants. Several of these markers were useful for analysis of interspecific relationships, whereas others can be considered as taxon-specific markers. Clustering of taxa and populations in our neighbour-joining based dendrogram was in good agreement with some recently suggested taxonomic treatises ofHippophae. Amount and distribution of genetic variability varied considerably between species. Partitioning of molecular variance withinH. rhamnoides supported earlier findings that a considerable part of the total variance resides among subspecies (59.6%) Within-population variability also differed considerably. Percentage polymorphic RAPD loci and Lynch and Milligan within-population gene diversity estimates showed relatively high values for some species close to the geographic centre of origin in Central Asia, e.g.H. tibetana and the putatively hybridogenousH. goniocarpa. Spatial autocorrelation analyses performed on 12 populations ofH. rhamnoides revealed positive autocorrelation of allele frequencies when geographic distances ranged from 0 to 700 km, and no or negative autocorrelation at higher distances. At distances between 700 and 1900 km, we observed deviations from the expected values with strongly negative autocorrelation of allele frequencies. A corresponding relationship between geographic and genetic distances could not be found when the analysis instead was based on one population from each of 8 species.  相似文献   

Tribulus terrestris is well known for its medicinal importance in curing urino-genital disorders. Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP), selective amplification of microsatellite polymorphic loci (SAMPL), inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) and randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers were used for the first time for the detection of genetic polymorphism in this medicinal herb from samples collected from various geographical regions of India. Six assays each of AFLP and SAMPL markers and 21 each of ISSR and RAPD markers were utilized. AFLP yielded 500 scorable amplified products, of which 82.9% were polymorphic. SAMPL primers amplified 488 bands, 462 being polymorphic (94.7%). The range of amplified bands was 66 [(TC)8G + M-CAG] to 98 [(CA)6AG + M-CAC] and the percentage polymorphism, 89.9 [from (CT)4C (AC)4A + M-CTG] to 100 [from (GACA)4 + M-CTA]. The ISSR primers amplified 239 bands of 0.4–2.5 kb, 73.6% showed polymorphism. The amplified products ranged from 5 to 16 and the percentage polymorphism 40–100. RAPD assays produced 276 bands, of which 163 were polymorphic (59%). Mantel test employed for detection of goodness of fit established cophenetic correlation values above 0.9 for all the four marker systems. The dendrograms and PCA plots derived from the binary data matrices of the four marker systems are highly concordant. High bootstrap values were obtained at major nodes of phenograms through WINBOOT software. The relative efficiency of the four molecular marker systems calculated on the basis of multiplex ratio, marker index and average heterozygosity revealed SAMPL to be the best. Distinct DNA fingerprinting profile, unique to every geographical region could be obtained with all the four molecular marker systems. Clustering can be a good indicator for clear separation of genotypes from different regions in well-defined groups that are supported by high bootstrap values.  相似文献   

AFLP and RAPD marker techniques have been used to evaluate and study the diversity and phylogeny of 54 lentil accessions representing six populations of cultivated lentil and its wild relatives. Four AFLP primer combinations revealed 23, 25, 52 and 48 AFLPs respectively, which were used to partition variation within and among Lens taxa. The results of AFLP analysis is compared to previous RAPD analysis of the same material. The two methods provide similar conclusions as far as the phylogeny of Lens is concerned. The AFLP technique detected a much higher level of polymorphyism than the RAPD analysis. The use of 148 AFLPs arising from four primer combinations was able to discriminate between genotypes which could not be distinguished using 88 RAPDs. The level of variation detected within the cultivated lentil with AFLP analysis indicates that it may be a more efficient marker technology than RAPD analysis for the construction of genetic linkage maps between carefully chosen cultivated lentil accessions.  相似文献   

Summary The use of scaled-up liquid cultures could be an efficient system for mass propagation of Narcissus, as it can greatly reduce the costs involved with manual handling. Induction of hyperhydric meristematic leaf section clusters and proliferation were carried out in an ancymidol (ANC)-containing liquid medium in flasks and disposable presterilized plastic bioreactors. Non-hyperhydric bulblets started to develop from hyperhydric meristematic leaf section clusters after subculture on a 0.8% agar strength medium, and young bulbs formed after 10 mo. in vivo acclimatization with a 98% survival rate. The present study reveals that in Narcissus leaf sections cultured in liquid medium, morphogenetic changes in leaf sections were associated with metabolic changes. The changes in carbohydrate, protein, and water potential of the liquid media and leaf sections were found to be closely related to meristematic center initiation on Narcissus hyperhydric leaf sections. Starch, sucrose, and glucose were significantly higher in the hyperhydric leaf sections cultured in ANC medium. The water potential was signifieantly higher in ANC-treated leaf sections and significantly lower in the medium containing ANC, at the stage shortly before or after hyperhydricity and meristematic centers hegan forming on the leaf sections. A 30kDa protein was found to be present in the hyperhydric leaf sections. Based on the present study, a largescale micropropagation protocol of Narcissus in agar and liquid cultures is proposed.  相似文献   

In our present study assessment of genetic diversity and identification of pigeonpea cultivars has been done by employing 76 random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) primers. Out of 796 amplified products, 587 showed polymorphism (73.7 %) and an average of 10.47 bands were amplified per primer. Cluster analysis based on Jaccard’s similarity coefficient using UPGMA grouped all the cultivars into three clusters. The cluster I consists of 7 cultivars, cluster II of 11 cultivars in 4 sub-clusters and cluster III 4 cultivars. Two cultivars were not included in any cluster. The clustering was strongly supported by high bootstrap values. Furthermore, high values of the average heterozygosity (Hav) and marker index (MI) also indicated the efficiency of RAPD as a marker system.  相似文献   

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