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Unidirectional Na fluxes in isolated fibers from the frog''s semitendinosus muscle were measured in the presence of strophanthidin and increased external potassium ion concentrations. Strophanthidin at a concentration of 10-5 M inhibited about 80 per cent of the resting Na efflux without having any detectable effect on the resting Na influx. From this it is concluded that the major portion of the resting Na efflux is caused by active transport processes. External potassium concentrations from 2.5 to 7.5 mM had little effect on resting Na efflux. Above 7.5 mM and up to 15 mM external K, the Na efflux was markedly stimulated; with 15 mM K the Na influx was 250 to 300 per cent greater than normal. On the other hand, Na influx was unchanged with 15 mM K. The stimulated Na efflux with the higher concentrations was not appreciably reduced when choline or Li was substituted for external Na, but was completely inhibited by 10-5 M strophanthidin. From these findings it is concluded that the active transport of Na is stimulated by the higher concentrations of K. It is postulated that this effect on the Na "pump" is produced as a result of the depolarization of the muscle membranes and is related to the increased metabolism and heat production found under conditions of high external K.  相似文献   

Fluxes of Sodium and Potassium in Acetabularia mediterranea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sodium efflux in Acetabularia mediterranea occurs against agradient of electrochemical potential and is a light-stimulated,temperature-sensitive process; it is not sensitive to the uncouplerCCCP. Sodium influx is stimulated in CCCP and at low temperature.Potassium influx is temperature- and uncoupler-sensitive, butis not light-stimulated. Tracer K efflux shows complex kinetics,which cannot be explained by any arrangement of intracellularcompartments; it appears to be stimulated at low temperatureand is insensitive to light and uncouplers. There is no evidencefor any chemical linkage between fluxes of Na+, K+, or Cl.It is concluded that Na efflux at the plasmalemma isan active process, but no consistent explanation can be advancedto account for the results of K+ flux measurements.  相似文献   

Cerebrovascular Permeability Coefficients to Sodium, Potassium, and Chloride   总被引:13,自引:9,他引:4  
CSF and regional brain concentrations of 42K, 22Na, 36Cl, and [14C]mannitol were determined 3-45 min after intravenous injection of the tracers in pentobarbital-anesthetized rats. Rapid influx of 36Cl and 22Na into ventricular CSF immediately established concentration gradients from CSF to brain extracellular fluid. The CSF contribution to brain uptake of tracers was greatest in periventricular brain regions, where brain 36Cl concentrations were up to ninefold higher than concentrations in regions distant from ventricular CSF. Acetazolamide (20 mg kg-1 i.p.), an inhibitor of CSF formation, decreased 36Cl uptake into CSF and into periventricular brain regions but not into frontal cortex. 36Cl uptake into brain was unidirectional for 10 min after intravenous injection, and, during that period, diffusion from ventricular CSF did not contribute to uptake in the frontal cortex. Therefore, cerebrovascular permeability coefficients could be calculated from tracer concentrations in frontal cortex at 10 min and equaled, in cm s-1, 13.5 X 10(-7) for 42K, 1.4 X 10(-7) for 22Na, 0.9 X 10(-7) for 36Cl, and 1.5 X 10(-7) for [14C]mannitol. The low cerebrovascular permeabilities to K, Na, and Cl, comparable to those of some cell membranes, and the permselectivity (K much greater than Na greater than Cl) suggest that a significant fraction of ion transport across cerebral capillaries is transcellular, i.e., across the endothelial cell membrane.  相似文献   

Unidirectional Na fluxes from frog''s striated muscle were measured in the presence of 0 to 5 mM sodium azide. With azide concentrations of 2 and 5 mM the Na efflux was markedly stimulated; the Na efflux with 5 mM azide was about 300 per cent greater than normal. A similar increase was present when all but the 5.0 mM sodium added with azide was replaced by choline. 10-5 M strophanthidin abolished the azide effect on Na24 efflux. Concentrations of azide of 1.0 mM or less had no effect on Na efflux. The Na influx, on the other hand, was only increased by 41 per cent in the presence of 5 mM NaN3. From these findings it is concluded that the active transport of Na is stimulated by the higher concentrations of azide. The hypothesis is advanced that the active transport of Na is controlled by the transmembrane potential and that the stimulation of Na efflux is produced as a consequence of the membrane depolarization caused by the azide.  相似文献   

A Comparison of Chloride and Potassium Fluxes in Red Beet Tissue   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Vacuoles were isolated via protoplasts from the leaves of a halophyte Atriplex gmelini C.A.Mey., grown in culture solution supplemented with 250 millimolar NaCl. Lysis of the protoplasts was induced by lowering the medium osmolarity (1.2 to 1.0 molar sorbitol) and adding a detergent, a synthesized cholate derivative, 3-([3-cholamidopropyl] dimethylammonio)-1-propanesulfonate at a concentration of 0.5 millimolar and the resulting vacuoles were purified by successive dilution and floatation. Isolated vacuoles contained almost the same concentration of sodium (569 millimolar) and chloride (260 millimolar) as recorded in protoplasts (582 and 254 millimolar, respectively), suggesting that the vacuoles are the major sequestration site of NaCl in leaves of halophytes. Betaine concentration in the protoplasts was about 16 millimolar, while that in vacuoles was only about 0.24 millimolar, indicating that betaine is accumulated in the cytoplasm as a compatible solute.  相似文献   

Rubidium uptake in potassium-starved cells followed biphasic kinetics in the micromolar and millimolar range and was independent of the temperature. In contrast, Rb+ uptake in normal-K+ cells followed a monophasic kinetics in the millimolar range and increased at temperatures higher than 30°C. Differences in the K m values and in the Arrhenius plots of Rb+ uptake suggest different uptake systems in K+-starved and in normal-K+ cells. In addition, the substantial inhibition of Rb+ uptake caused by carbonyl cyanide-m-chlorophenyl hydrazone indicates that these systems are strongly dependent on membrane voltage. Lithium (sodium) tolerance, influx, and efflux were separately studied. F. oxysporum was shown to be very tolerant to sodium, while lithium caused a specific toxic effect. Li+ uptake in K+-starved cells exhibits a monophasic kinetics with low affinity. Li+ efflux was not affected by external pH or addition of potassium to the medium, suggesting that a Na+/cation antiporter is not involved in this process. Received: 14 March 2000 / Accepted: 5 June 2000  相似文献   

High Potassium and Low Sodium Contractures in Sheep Cardiac Muscle   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Contractures develop in sheep atrial trabeculae if Tyrode's solution is rapidly replaced by a solution containing elevated potassium, reduced sodium, or both. Two phases of the contracture can be identified on the basis of differences in physiological behavior: a rapid and transient phase that predominates during the first few seconds of the contracture, and a slowly developed phase that is responsible for the steady level of tension reached later in the contracture. The transient phase is particularly prominent if the muscle is stimulated rapidly before the contracture, and reduced or absent if the muscle is not stimulated or if calcium is not present before the contracture. Recovery of the transient phase after a contracture parallels the recovery of twitches. This transient phase appears to reflect the depolarization-induced release of activator (calcium) from an internal store, possibly the same store that is involved in the normal contraction. The slowly developed tension is dependent on the contracture solution used, and is decreased if the calcium concentration is reduced or if the sodium concentration is increased. It does not depend on conditions before the contracture and does not require time to recover. This phase of the contracture may be due to entry of calcium from the extracellular solution.  相似文献   

Unidirectional fluxes and the cytoplasmic and vacuolar contentsof potassium and sodium in root cells of intact barley seedlings(Hordeum vulgare L., cv. Villa) were determined by use of compartmentalanalysis. In addition, the net vacuolar accumulation Jcv andthe xylem transport øcx of K+ and Na+ were measured.Both of these data were needed for the evaluation of the effluxdata. Fluxes and compartmental contents of K+ and Na+ were comparableto data obtained with excised roots. The effect of the shoot-to-rootratio—as varied by partial excision of the seedlings seminalroots—on the fluxes and contents was investigated. Highershoot-to-root ratios induced an increase in xylem transport,in plasmalemma influx, and also in the cytoplasmic content ofK+ and Na+. With potassium the plasmalemma efflux was almostunaltered while the tonoplast fluxes and vacuolar content weredecreased (in presence of Na+). With sodium, on the other hand,the plasmalemma efflux and the tonoplast fluxes were also increasedin the plants having one root and a high shoot-to-root ratio.These changes occurred even under conditions of low humidity,when transpiration was low and guttation occurred. The latterwas also increased at the high shoot-to-root ratio. The observedchanges could be due to a relieved feedback control of ion fluxesby the shoot and mediated in part by a relatively higher supplyof photosynthates in the plants having one root In addition,hormonal signals were suggested to participate. In particulara possibly decreased level of cytokinins in the plants havingonly one root could contribute to the signal. The observed changesappear to be responses of the plant to an alteration that canoccur under natural conditions when the root system is damaged.  相似文献   

Scorpions have survived successfully over millions of years without detectable changes in their morphology. Instead, they have developed an efficient alomonal machinery and a stinging device supporting their needs for prey and defense. They produce a large variety of polypeptidic toxins that bind and modulate ion channel conductance in excitable tissues. The binding site, mode of action, and chemical properties of many toxins have been studied extensively, but little is known about their genomic organization and diversity. Genes representing each of the major classes of Buthidae scorpion toxins, namely, ``long' toxins, affecting sodium channels (alpha, depressant, and excitatory), and ``short' toxins, affecting potassium and chloride channels, were isolated from a single scorpion segment and analyzed. Each toxin type was found to be encoded by a gene family. Regardless of toxin length, 3-D structure, and site of action, all genes contain A+T-rich introns that split, at a conserved location, an amino acid codon of the signal sequence. The introns vary in length and sequence but display identical boundaries, agree with the GT/AG splice junctions, and contain T-runs downstream of a putative branch point, 5′-TAAT-3′. Despite little sequence similarity among all toxin classes, the conserved gene organization, intron features, and common cysteine-stabilized α-helical (CSH) core connecting an α-helix to a three-stranded β-sheet suggest, that they all evolved from an ancestral common progenitor. Furthermore, the vast diversity found among genomic copies, cDNAs, and their protein products for each toxin suggests an extensive evolutionary process of the scorpion ``pharmaceutical factory,' whose success is due, most likely, to the inherent permissiveness of the toxin exterior to structural alterations. Received: 16 March 1998 / Accepted: 30 July 1998  相似文献   

Washed carrot slices take up more K than Na during accumulationof C1 salts from a mixed salt solution. Ouabain does not affectthe overall influx of labelled K or Na to the vacuole, but inhibitsthe efflux of labelled Na from the vacuole. The simplest hypothesisis the ouabain inhibits a Na efflux pump at the plasmalemma.Some suggestions to explain the transient changes in Na effluxafter the addition of ouabain are put forward.  相似文献   

The exothermic and endothermic peaks in cooling and heating curves of differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) for gellan gum gels without and with potassium chloride and sodium chloride were analyzed. The gelling and melting temperatures shifted to higher temperatures with increasing gellan and salt concentration in the concentration range of gellan from 0.3 to 2.0% (w/w). The exothermic and endothermic enthalpy increased with increasing gellan and salt concentrations. Cooling DSC curves showed one exothermic peak for samples with salts and at low gellan concentration. Heating DSC curves showed many peaks for all samples except 0.3% (w/w) gellan gum gels. The sol-gel transition of samples was examined numerically by using a zipper model approach. The introduction of cations increases the number of junction zones or zippers and decreases the rotational freedom of parallel links. This makes the structure of junction zones more heat resistant, and increases the elastic modulus of the gel.  相似文献   

Three washes of Phaeodactylum tricornutum with potassium free sodium chloride solution reduced the potassium content of the cells to approximately 7% of the control value at pH 7.0. There was a concomitant reduction of the light induced evolution of oxygen to a value of approximately 20% of the control value. This reduction was less at pH 8.0. Addition of potassium to the washed cells gave rise, after 15 min, to a partial regain of the photosynthetic activity and of cellular potassium. Activities of the two photosystems as assayed here were not dependent on the maintainance of a high potassium content in the cells. The level of ribulose-1,5-diphosphate carboxylase activity was the same whether the cells had been washed with potassium free or potassium containing saline. Ruptured cells rapidly lost their ability to catalyse the photoreduction of dichlorophenolindophenol by water.  相似文献   

The development of contracture related to changes of ionic environment (ionic contracture coupling) has been studied in the slowly responding fibers of frog skeletal muscle. When deprived of external ions for 30 minutes by use of solutions of sucrose, mannitol, or glucose, the slow skeletal muscle fibers, but not the fast, develop pronounced and easily reversible contractures. Partial replacement of the non-ionic substance with calcium or sodium reduces the development of the contractures but replacement by potassium does not. The concentration of calcium necessary to prevent contracture induced by a non-ionic solution is greater than that needed to maintain relaxation in ionic solutions. To suppress the non-ionic-induced contractures to the same extent as does calcium requires several fold higher concentrations of sodium. Two types of ionic contracture coupling occur in slow type striated muscle fibers: (a) a calcium deprivation type which develops maximally at full physiological concentration of external sodium, shows a flow rate dependency for the calcium-depriving fluid, and is lessened when the sodium concentration is decreased by replacement with sucrose; (b) a sodium deprivation type which occurs maximally without external sodium, is lessened by increasing the sodium concentration, and has no flow rate dependency for ion deprivation. Both types of contracture are largely prevented by the presence of sufficient calcium. There thus seem to be calcium- and sodium-linked processes at work in the ionic contracture coupling of slow striated muscle.  相似文献   

Epidermal strips were taken from plants of Commelina communisat opposite phases of an entrained circadian rhythm, at timeswhich corresponded to the middle of the day phase and the middleof the night phase. Earlier observations of much reduced openingin response to external stimuli in the night phase were confirmed. Evidence is now presented that uptake or retention of specificions by the guard cells is affected by the phase of the rhythm.The overt expression of the rhythm was reduced if the epidermiswas presented with potassium iminodiacetate instead of potassiumchloride. Iminodiacetate is a non-absorbable anion, and thisresult suggested that chloride uptake is important for the fullexpression of the rhythm. The use of an anion channel inhibitor(DIDS) gave strong support for this conclusion. Reduced uptakeof chloride would explain an earlier observation that formationof malate is greater during the night phase. When the guard cells were presented with sodium chloride insteadof potassium chloride there was still an overt expression ofthe rhythm, but this was of reduced magnitude. This suggeststhat potassium movements might contribute to the rhythm, andstudies of ionic fluxes using 86Rb as a tracer showed greatereffluxes during the night phase. It is concluded that the circadian rhythm in stomatal openingmay be the result of a varying ability of the guard cells toaccumulate or retain both chloride and potassium ions. Key words: Circadian rhythm, stomatal opening, Commelina communis, potassium and chloride fluxes  相似文献   

The lipid bilayer technique was used to examine the effects of the ATP-sensitive K+ channel inhibitor (glibenclamide) and openers (diazoxide, minoxidil and cromakalim) and Cl channel activators (GABA and diazepam) on two types of chloride channels in the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) from rabbit skeletal muscle. Neither diazepam at 100 μm nor GABA at 150 μm had any significant effect on the conductance and kinetics of the 75 pS small chloride (SCl) channel. Unlike the 150 pS channel, the SCl channel is sensitive to cytoplasmic glibenclamide with K i ∼ 30 μm. Glibenclamide induced reversible decline in the values of current (maximal current amplitude, I max and average mean current, I′) and kinetic parameters (frequency of opening F o , probability of the channel being open P o and mean open time, T o , of the SCl channel. Glibenclamide increased mean closed time, T c , and was a more potent blocker from the cytoplasmic side (cis) than from the luminal side (trans) of the channel. Diazoxide increased I′, P o , and T o in the absence of ATP and Mg2+ but it had no effect on I max and also failed to activate or remove the glibenclamide- and ATP-induced inhibition of the SCl channel. Minoxidil induced a transient increase in I′ followed by an inhibition of I max, whereas cromakalim reduced P o and I′ by increasing channel transitions to the closed state and reducing T o without affecting I max. The presence of diazoxide, minoxidil or cromakalim on the cytoplasmic side of the channel did not prevent [ATP] cis or [glibenclamide] cis from blocking the channel. The data suggest that the action(s) of these drugs are not due to their effects on the phosphorylation of the channel protein. The glibenclamide- and cromakalim-induced effects on the SCl channel are mediated via a ``flicker' type block mechanism. Modulation of the SCl channel by [diazoxide] cis and [glibenclamide] cis highlights the therapeutic potential of these drugs in regulating the Ca2+-counter current through this channel. Received: 2 September 1997/Revised: 20 March 1998  相似文献   

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