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The blood type of 131 non-domesticated felids belonging to 26 felid species was surveyed in this study. Based upon a tube hemagglutination assay established for domestic cats, 80% of felids had type-A, 18% type-B, and 2% type-AB blood. Felids in the Puma group and African and Asian golden cats had blood type B, whereas all other species were found to have blood type A. Two cheetahs and one bobcat had type-AB blood. Red cell glycolipids analysed by high performance thin layer chromatography revealed a similar ganglioside pattern in wild cats as reported in domestic cats. Independent of the AB blood group system, incompatible blood crossmatch reactions were detected between different felid groups. In conclusion, wild felids display the same AB-erythrocyte antigens as domestic cats, and the same blood typing procedures can be applied for wild and domestic felids.  相似文献   

Comparative immobilization of wild felids in Thailand   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We immobilized individuals of four free-ranging felid species, leopard cat (Prionailurus bengalensis), clouded leopard (Neofelis nebulosa), Asiatic golden cat (Catopuma temminckii), and marbled cat (Pardofelis marmorata) with ketamine hydrochloride and xylazine hydrochloride (KH-XH) and with tiletamine hydrochloride and zolazepam hydrochloride (TH-ZH) between March 1998 and July 2002. Mean (+/-SD) dose of KH and XH was 26.51+/-5.71 mg/kg and 1.89+/-0.43 mg/kg, respectively (n=25), and mean dose of TH-ZH was 11.61+/-3.39 mg/kg (n=28). Dose was significantly correlated with induction time (P<0.001) and duration of anesthesia (P<0.05), but not with recovery time. There were significant differences between the drug combinations in time to induction (P<0.03) and time to anesthesia (P<0.01); recovery times were not significantly different. We conclude that immobilization of these felids with TH-ZH and KH-XH is effective and safe, but TH-ZH is preferred because of the smaller volume of drug necessary for sedation, faster time to induction, and absence of prolonged muscle rigidity during anesthesia.  相似文献   

在西藏羌塘国家级自然保护区发现有种群数量约200头的全身被毛为金色的野牦牛。为探究该种金丝野牦牛与普通野牦牛(Bos grunniens mutus)和家牦牛(Bos grunniens)的遗传差异,本研究通过分析金丝野牦牛线粒体DNA中的细胞色素b(Cyt b)和D-loop区基因序列差异,初步探讨了金丝野牦牛遗传分类地位。结果表明:金丝野牦牛的这两个基因片段的序列结构特征、长度、核苷酸组成与其他牦牛相似;金丝野牦牛与普通野牦牛的遗传距离最小,在系统树中,它们聚集为一支,说明金丝野牦牛与普通野牦牛亲缘关系最近;但金丝野牦牛与普通野牦牛的遗传距离较普通野牦牛个体间平均遗传距离大,加上毛色等形态区别,我们认为金丝野牦牛为野牦牛的一个亚种或者重要保护单元。但由于样本数量有限,仍需进一步深入研究确定。  相似文献   

Many felid species are endangered because of destructive human activities. As a result, zoos are being tasked with sustaining genetically healthy populations in case of catastrophic extinctions. Unfortunately, with the exception of a few species, most felids do not reproduce well in captivity. The ability to track reproductive activity via hormones is key to developing successful ex situ breeding programs. Through the development of noninvasive fecal hormone monitoring techniques, a high degree of variability in estrous cycle characteristics has been found to exist across the taxon, including the type of ovulation. For example, although all felids have induced ovulations, the occurrence of spontaneous ovulations varies across species, and even between individuals within a species. Clouded leopards, fishing cats and margays frequently have spontaneous ovulations, whereas these are rarely observed in the cheetah, tigrina and ocelot. There are marked species differences in the impact of season on reproductive function, with some being exquisitely sensitive to photoperiod (e.g., Pallas' cat), some moderately affected (tiger, clouded leopard, snow leopard), and others that are not influenced at all (e.g., ocelot, tigrina, margay, lion, leopard, fishing cat). One of the greatest challenges remaining is overcoming the problems associated with highly variable ovarian responses to ovulation induction therapies used with assisted reproductive procedures, like artificial insemination (AI). Success is relatively high in the cheetah and ocelot, but few pregnancies have resulted after AI in clouded leopard, fishing cat and tiger. Current knowledge of the reproductive physiology of nondomestic felids, including aspects of the anatomy, behavior and ovarian cycles will be presented, and how the rapidly growing endocrine database is aiding ex situ management efforts.  相似文献   

In 1944 a single mandibular specimen was found in Pyrgos, southern Greece.von Koenigswald (1972) described this specimen and allocated it to a new taxon,Graecopithecus freybergi.de Bonis and colleagues later described new hominid specimens from northern Greece and allocated them to the new taxon,Ouranopithecus macedoniensis.Martin andAndrews (1984), however, argued that there was no reason for maintaining a generic or specific distinction between the northern and southern Greek fossil populations as suggested byde Bonis andMelentis. This paper reexamines the taxonomic status of the southern and northern Greek hominids in light of recent fossil discoveries and concludes that there is no evidence for recognizing two hominine genera from the Miocene of Greece. There is evidence, however, to suggest that the Macedonian hominid is specifically distinct from the southern Greek hominid. Thus, becauseGraecopithecus has taxonomic priority overOuranopithecus, it is concluded that the Macedonian specimens should be allocated to a separate species ofGraecopithecus.  相似文献   

Summary The taxonomic status ofToxoplasma gondii is reviewed. Two electron photographs are figured, in which up to now non described structures are visible: 1. at the anterior end a conus, which is not identical with the conoid ofGustafson, Agar andCramer; 2. the invagination of this conoid into the anterior pole (conus). Arguments are mentioned speaking for the possibility of a relationship ofToxoplasma with theGregarines. So long as no more arguments are put forward, it deserves recommendation to classifyToxoplasma with unclassifiedSporozoa.  相似文献   

The longevity of zoo animals is increasing due to continuous improvement in husbandry and veterinary medicine. However, increasing age is correlated to a higher prevalence of neoplasia. Despite tremendous improvement in diagnoses and monitoring capacities, cancers are still a challenge for veterinarians within the global zoo community. The recent use of copper isotopes as biomarkers for neoplasia in both human and veterinary medicine is a promising and cost‐effective diagnostic tool. Two hundred and twenty‐nine serum samples from 10 different species of wild felids under human care were processed through mass spectrometry to determine the ratio of heavy and light copper isotopes (65Cu/63Cu). The results of this preliminary study exhibit an important variability between felid species, with a ratio ranging between ?1.71 and 0.63. Additionally, copper isotopes seem to be a promising diagnostic tool in monitoring cancer in wild animals, as in human medicine, where the isotopic ratio decreases significantly with time in the presence of a tumor.  相似文献   

Summary Studies on the morphological and physiological characteristics of two strains of Lineola longa showed that these aerobic bacteria form endospores, are Gram-positive and have peritrichous flagella. On the basis of these observations it was concluded that L. longa is, in fact, a Bacillus species. This conclusion was strengthened by the fact that both strains exhibited nutritional characteristics often encountered among the aerobic sporeforming rods, such as requirements for biotin and thiamine in the growth medium. The base ratio of the DNA purified from L. longa was found to be within the range reported for a number of species of Bacillus.Additional investigation of the nutritional behavior of L. longa indicated that neither strain studied used glucose as an oxidizable substrate or as a carbon source. However, fatty acids and amino acids were readily utilized for growth.L. longa, on the basis of its morphological and physiological properties, could not be identified with any of the established species of Bacillus. It is suggested, therefore, that L. longa be recognized as a new species within the genus Bacillus and that it be renamed Bacillus macroides.  相似文献   

A review of past work on the taxonomic status of the bonobo chimpanzee is presented. It is suggested that differences in size and morphology of the common and the bonobo chimpanzees have been exaggerated or poorly understood. It is concluded that not enough data from the field on both bonobo and rainforest-living common chimpanzees exist to classify the bonobo. However, using Simpson's ('61) evolutionary species definition and the preliminary ecological data available, a subspecies designation for the bonobo chimpanzee is supported. Resolution of this taxonomic question through extensive field studies of both the bonobo and rainforest-dwelling common chimpanzees may greatly aid our interpretation of the hominoid fossil record.  相似文献   

Forty-five wildcats (Felis silvestris), 17 sand cats (Felis margarita), and 17 feral domestic cats were captured in central west Saudi Arabia, between May 1998 and April 2000, with the aim to assess their exposure to feline immunodeficiency virus/puma lentivirus (FIV/PLV), feline leukaemia virus (FeLV), feline herpesvirus (FHV-1), feline calicivirus (FCV), feline coronavirus (FCoV), and feline panleukopenia virus (FPLV). Serologic prevalence in wildcats, sand cats, and feral domestic cats were respectively: 6%, 0%, 8% for FIV/PLV; 3%, 8%, 0% for FeLV; 5%, 0%, 15% for FHV-1; 25%, 0%, 39% for FCV; 10%, 0%, 0% for FCoV; and 5%, 0%, 8% for FPLV. We recorded the first case of FeLV antigenemia in a wild sand cat. Positive results to FIV/PLV in wildcats and feral cats confirmed the occurrence of a feline lentivirus in the sampled population.  相似文献   

Wild felids and canids are usually the main predators in the food chains where they dwell and are almost invisible to behavior and ecology researchers. Due to their grooming behavior, they tend to swallow shed hair, which shows up in the feces. DNA found in hair shafts can be used in molecular studies that can unravel, for instance, genetic variability, reproductive mode and family structure, and in some species, it is even possible to estimate migration and dispersion rates in given populations. First, however, DNA must be extracted from hair. We extracted successfully and dependably hair shaft DNA from eight wild Brazilian felids, ocelot, margay, oncilla, Geoffroy's cat, pampas cat, jaguarundi, puma, and jaguar, as well as the domestic cat and from three wild Brazilian canids, maned wolf, crab-eating fox, and hoary fox, as well as the domestic dog. Hair samples came mostly from feces collected at the S?o Paulo Zoo and were also gathered from non-sedated pet or from recently dead wild animals and were also collected from museum specimens. Fractions of hair samples were stained before DNA extraction, while most samples were not. Our extraction protocol is based on a feather DNA extraction technique, based in the phenol:chloroform:isoamyl alcohol general method, with proteinase K as digestive enzyme.  相似文献   

Of the 37 felid species, all but the domestic cat are classified as threatened with extinction in all or part of their native range. Additionally, the domestic cat is a valuable model for human biomedical research. Propagating some wild felids as well as domestic cat populations serving as human models is a major challenge primarily due to difficulties in transporting animals between facilities to ensure the pairing of genetically matched individuals, behavioral incompatibility between pairs and low fertility. Artificial insemination (AI) and in vitro fertilization/embryo transfer (IVF/ET) are powerful tools for helping manage rare populations. Developing successful assisted reproductive techniques requires knowledge of the female reproductive cycle and precise control of ovarian activity. Successful ovarian stimulation for AI and IVF/ET has been achieved in at least one-third of all cat species. However, sensitivity to a given gonadotropin treatment appears highly species-specific, and poor responses are common, particularly in felid species that exhibit spontaneous ovulations. Furthermore, current gonadotropin regimens have been demonstrated to perturb female reproductive function often leading to reduced fertility. Overall, ovarian response to exogenous hormonal stimulation has been highly variable, and pregnancy success after AI or IVF/ET remains low (<20%) in most species. Therefore, there is an immediate need to develop improved regimens that would allow more predictable ovarian responses in felids. We contend that recent research involving the use of progestins to control the ovary prior to gonadotropin stimulation shows promise for providing consistent ovarian stimulation in felids.  相似文献   



Insights into the biological and evolutionary traits of species, and their ability to cope with global changes, can be gained by studying genetic diversity within species. A cornerstone hypothesis in evolutionary and conservation biology suggests that genetic diversity decreases with decreasing population size, however, population size is difficult to estimate in threatened species with large distribution ranges, and evidence for this is limited to few species. To address this gap, we tested this hypothesis across multiple closely related species at a global scale using population density which is a more accessible measure.



Time Period


Major Taxa Studied

Wild felids in their natural habitats.


We obtained data from published estimates of population density assessed via camera trap and within-population genetic diversity generated from microsatellite markers on 18 felid species across 41 countries from 354 studies. We propose a novel method to standardize population density estimates and to spatially join data using K-means clustering. Linear mixed-effect modelling was applied to account for confounding factors such as body mass, generation length and sample size used for the genetic estimates.


We found a significant positive correlation between population density and genetic diversity, particularly observed heterozygosity and allelic richness. While the confounding factors did not affect the main results, long generation length and large sample size were significantly associated with high genetic diversity. Body mass had no effect on genetic diversity, likely because large-bodied species were over-represented in our data sets.

Main Conclusions

Our study emphasizes how recent demographic processes shape neutral genetic diversity in threatened and small populations where extinction vortex is a risk. Although caution is needed when interpreting the small population density effect in our findings, our methodological framework shows promising potential to identify which populations require actions to conserve maximal genetic variation.  相似文献   

Ongoing global landscape change resulting from urbanization is increasingly linked to changes in species distributions and community interactions. However, relatively little is known about how urbanization influences competitive interactions among mammalian carnivores, particularly related to wild felids. We evaluated interspecific interactions between medium‐ and large‐sized carnivores across a gradient of urbanization and multiple scales. Specifically, we investigated spatial and temporal interactions of bobcats and pumas by evaluating circadian activity patterns, broad‐scale seasonal interactions, and fine‐scale daily interactions in wildland–urban interface (WUI), exurban residential development, and wildland habitats. Across levels of urbanization, interspecific interactions were evaluated using two‐species and single‐species occupancy models with data from motion‐activated cameras. As predicted, urbanization increased the opportunity for interspecific interactions between wild felids. Although pumas did not exclude bobcats from areas at broad spatial or temporal scales, bobcats responded behaviorally to the presence of pumas at finer scales, but patterns varied across levels of urbanization. In wildland habitat, bobcats avoided using areas for short temporal periods after a puma visited an area. In contrast, bobcats did not appear to avoid areas that pumas recently visited in landscapes influenced by urbanization (exurban development and WUI habitat). In addition, overlap in circadian activity patterns between bobcats and pumas increased in exurban development compared to wildland habitat. Across study areas, bobcats used sites less frequently as the number of puma photographs increased at a site. Overall, bobcats appear to shape their behavior at fine spatial and temporal scales to reduce encounters with pumas, but residential development can potentially alter these strategies and increase interaction opportunities. We explore three hypotheses to explain our results of how urbanization affected interspecific interactions that consider activity patterns, landscape configuration, and animal scent marking. Altered competitive interactions between animals in urbanized landscapes could potentially increase aggressive encounters and the frequency of disease transmission.  相似文献   

The taxonomic status of the hedgehog fungus Trichophyton erinacei   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A A Padhye  L Ajello 《Sabouraudia》1977,15(2):103-114

  • 1 Tuberculosis (TB) is a chronic disease caused by Mycobacterium bovis and related members of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex. Infection affects not only cattle but also other livestock species, companion animals and wild mammals. Humans are also susceptible; hence, zoonotic infection is a driver for disease control in animal hosts. As bovine TB prevalence has been reduced in livestock, the relative epidemiological and socio‐economic importance of wildlife reservoirs has increased, and there is a need for disease management strategies.
  • 2 We review the current status of TB in European wild mammals, identifying epidemiological trends and areas for future research and management. TB has a complex epidemiology, which may involve multiple hosts, and is influenced by climate and habitat.
  • 3 Consequently, the role of wild and domestic hosts in the epidemiology of TB varies among regions. In Europe, there are three regional examples of M. bovis maintenance hosts: the Eurasian badger Meles meles in Great Britain and Ireland, the Eurasian wild boar Sus scrofa in the Iberian Peninsula and deer belonging to the subfamily Cervinae in several European regions. In other parts of Europe, these species are currently regarded as spillover hosts, although in time their status may change depending on local or regional risk factors. Nevertheless, in most situations, the relative contribution of wild mammals to M. bovis infection in cattle is still a matter of debate. Also, the outcome of management interventions to control disease in wildlife populations may be complex and counter‐intuitive.
  • 4 As our knowledge of disease dynamics in wild mammals improves, options for disease control in wildlife reservoirs, such as vaccination, improved biosecurity and population management, are likely to broaden. In order to evaluate our existing control options, we must monitor the effects of interventions on TB occurrence in the affected regions of Europe and share our collective experiences.

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