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The adaptor protein Grb2 plays a central role in cell proliferation and/or cell cycle progression. In this study, we investigate the role of Grb2 in signalling pathways involved in meiotic reinitiation. For that purpose, Xenopus Grb2 cRNA and its mutated forms or human Grb2 protein was microinjected into immature Xenopus oocytes. Reinitiation of meiosis was seen in unstimulated oocytes. Induction of the meiosis was time dependent and Ras dependent, and the presence in Grb2 of SH2 and SH3 domains was required. Several tyrosine phosphorylated proteins were solely detected in oocytes responsive to Grb2 injection. Our results are in favour of an unusual recruitment and initiation of the Grb2 transduction cascade independent of a receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) stimulation.  相似文献   

Although maturation or M-phase-promoting factor (MPF) was originally identified as a cytoplasmic activity responsible for induction of maturation or meiosis reinitiation in oocytes, MPF is now thought to be the universal trigger of G2/M-phase transition in all eukaryotic cells, and its activity is ascribed to cyclin B. Cdc2 kinase. Here, the activation process of cyclin B. Cdc2 at meiosis reinitiation in starfish oocytes is compared with that at G2/M-phase transition in mitotic somatic cells. Based on this comparison, the role of cyclin B. Cdc2 in the original cytoplasmic MPF activity is reexamined.  相似文献   

In amphibian oocytes meiosis, the transition from G2 to M phase is regulated by the maturation promoting factor (MPF), a complex of the cyclin-dependent kinase p34/cdc2 and cyclin B. In immature oocytes there is an inactive complex (pre-MPF), in which cdc2 is phosphorylated on both Thr-161 and Thr-14/Tyr-15 residues. The dephosphorylation of Thr-14/Tyr-15 is necessary for the start of MPF activation and it is induced by the activation of cdc25 phosphatase. Late, to complete the activation, a small amount of active MPF induces an auto-amplification loop of MPF stimulation (MPF amplification). Dehydroleucodine (DhL) is a sesquiterpenic lactone that inhibits mammalian cell proliferation in G2. We asked whether DhL interferes with MPF activation. For this question, the effect of DhL (up to 30 microM) on the resumption of meiosis was evaluated, and visualized by germinal vesicle break down (GVBD), of Bufo arenarum oocytes induced in vitro by either: (i) removing follicle cells; (ii) progesterone stimulation; (iii) VG-content injection; or (iv) injection of mature cytoplasm. The results show that DhL induced GVBD inhibition, in a dose-dependent manner, in spontaneous and progesterone-induced oocyte maturation. Nevertheless, DhL at the doses assayed had no effect on GVBD induced by mature cytoplasm injection, but exerted an inhibitory effect on GVBD induced by GV content. On the basis of these results, we interpreted that DhL does not inhibit MPF amplification and that the target of DhL is any event in the early stages of the cdc25 activation cascade.  相似文献   

Oocytes of the surf clam, Spisula solidissima, underwent germinal vesicle breakdown and two meiotic divisions to give off polar bodies when they were fertilized or parthenogenetically activated with KCl. Fertilized eggs further proceeded to mitosis and cleaved, while parthenogenetically activated eggs remained uncleaved. We examined changes in microtubule-containing structures during meiotic divisions and subsequent mitotic processes by immunofluorescence. A monoclonal anti-tubulin antibody was applied to alcohol-fixed eggs from which the vitelline membrane had been removed by protease digestion. Up to the stage of second polar body formation, the pattern of microtubule organization in the first and second meiotic spindles was identical in both fertilized and parthenogenetically activated eggs. However, while fertilized eggs formed a sperm aster and mitotic spindles later, activated eggs formed only monaster- or ring-shaped microtubule-containing structures which underwent cycles of alternating formation and breakdown. Lactoorecin staining of parthenogenetically activated eggs revealed that the chromosome cycle could occur in these eggs, in phase with this microtubule cycle.  相似文献   

Endogenous protein phosphorylation in oocytes of Marthasterias glacialis was examined by incubating living oocytes with [32P]phosphate and cortical and endoplasmic fractions with [γ-32P]ATP. Individual phosphorylated proteins were detected by autoradiography after bidimensional and monodimensional electrophoresis, using SDS-polyacrylamide gradient gel slabs. An increased phosphorylation of several protein species was observed as early as 5 min following in vivo hormonal stimulation by 1-methyladenine. No dephosphorylation nor any change in protein staining of the gels was observed. In vitro phosphorylation patterns were consistent with those observed in vivo. They did not change upon in vitro 1-methyladenine addition and remained unaffected when the incubations were carried out in the presence of cAMP or beef heart protein kinase inhibitor. Cortical phosphorylation was inhibited by calcium ions. The results suggest that the hormone promotes alterations in the availability of phosphorylation sites in some proteins already present in the control oocytes which, as well as the corresponding activated cAMP-independent protein kinases, may play a significant role during formation of the maturation promoting factor.  相似文献   

Most, if not all, microtubules in vivo grow unidirectionally from a nucleation site such as the centrosome. This organized growth of microtubules can generate and maintain the radially symmetrical array of interphase microtubules as well as the bipolar mitotic apparatus. To investigate the regulation of polarized microtubule growth, we have prepared a cell-free extract from surf clam oocytes that exhibits unidirectional microtubule assembly. Immunofluorescence microscopy was used to visualize the net assembly of microtubules onto the fast (plus)- and slow (minus)- growing ends of isolated ciliary axonemes. All detectable microtubule growth in these cytoplasmic extracts occurred at the plus (+) ends and the extent of (+) end growth was regulated by subtle changes in pH. Microtubule assembly in these crude extracts was highly favored at pH 7.3, the pH of the post-fertilization cytoplasm. In contrast, when tubulin was purified from these oocyte extracts, integral components were lost, and microtubule growth became predominantly bidirectional and was favored at acidic pH. These results indicate that cytoplasmic factors may inhibit bidirectional growth in vivo and that temporal or local changes in cytoplasmic pH may influence microtubule assembly during the cell cycle.  相似文献   

A heat-stable factor has been found in starfish (Patiria miniata and Marthasterias glacialis) oocytes that activates two calmodulin-dependent enzymes: bovine brain phosphodiesterase (10-fold increase) and sea urchin egg NAD-kinase (10- to 50-fold increase). The dose-response curves for activation of these enzymes were found to be parallel for the starfish egg extract and pure mammalian brain calmodulin. The active factor was purified by chromatography on DE 52 cellulose to which it remained bound and was eluted by 0.225 M ammonium sulfate. Active fractions were pooled, dialyzed, and run on a polyacrylamide gel. The starfish active factor comigrated with pure bovine brain calmodulin. A radioimmunoassay was performed on the purified factor; it cross-reacted with antibodies against pure calmodulin. That calmodulin may play a role in hormonally induced maturation of starfish oocytes is suggested by the fact that two calmodulin antagonists (trifluoperazine and vinblastine), which are also inhibitors of NAD-kinase, were found to block 1-methyladenine-induced oocyte maturation. The inhibition could be reversed by increasing the hormone concentration. Oocytes were sensitive to trifluoperazine only during the hormone-dependent period.  相似文献   

In vitro phosphorylation of endogenous proteins is increased in homogenates prepared from 1-methyladenine-treated starfish oocytes when compared with control oocytes, although addition of the hormone to homogenates from control oocytes has no such effect. Following hormonal stimulation the best endogenous substrate is by far a 16 000 dalton (D) protein, the content of which also seems to increase, perhaps through proteolysis of a 21 000 D precursor. cAMP-dependent protein kinases are not involved in either basal or hormone-stimulated phosphorylations, as demonstrated by the lack of effect of either cAMP or of the heat-stable inhibitor of cAMP-dependent protein kinase on the extent of phosphorylation of individual endogenous substrates. Addition of 0.1 mM Ca2+ decreases to some extent the protein kinase activity in starfish homogenates and specifically suppresses the phosphorylation of a 40 000 D membrane protein. Starfish oocytes appear to contain myosin light chain kinase activity, as shown by the ability of homogenates to catalyse phosphorylation of exogenous 20 000 D myosin light chains.  相似文献   

During meiotic nuclear envelope breakdown (NEBD) in maturing oocytes of the surf clam, Spisula solidissima, the 67-kDa lamin is extensively phosphorylated, concurrently with its solubilization. This is accompanied by a reduction of the nuclear diameter. Quercetin, a protein kinase inhibitor, does not affect lamin phosphorylation and release, nor NEBD per se, but specifically inhibits the early phosphorylation of a set of proteins, on which NEBD seems to depend. Our results suggest that meiotic NEBD in Spisula oocytes may be controlled by a mechanism which involves lamin phosphorylation, similar to that which is thought to operate in mitosis.  相似文献   

Serotonin (5-HT) was found to inhibit steroid (17α,20β-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one; 17,20βP)-induced resumption of oocyte meiosis (oocyte maturation) in vitro in the teleost Fundulus heteroclitus. Serotonin inhibited both follicle-enclosed and denuded oocytes, which indicates the presence of oocyte-associated 5-HT sensitive sites. The response of oocytes to 5-HT was characterized pharmacologically, i.e., the capacity of serotonergic agonists and antagonists to mimic or block the 5-HT inhibition of the steroid-induced oocyte maturation was assessed by the changes in the percentage of oocyte germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD). Dose-response curves for each compound were drawn and compared. The rank order of potency among the agonists was: 5-HT > 5-methoxytryptamine > tryptamine = 5,6-diHT = 5-carboxidotryptamine > 5,7-diHT = 5-methoxy-dimethyltryptamine > α-methyl-5-HT > 2-methyl-5-HT. Incubation of ovarian follicles with high doses of some antagonists (mianserin and metergoline) induced oocyte GVBD, although this effect was associated with high levels of oocyte atresia during GVBD or shortly after maturation. Consequently, doses of the antagonist too low to induce GVBD were tested for their ability to block the 5-HT inhibitory action; the rank order of potency was: MDL-72222 = metoclopramide > metergoline > propanolol > ketanserin. Dopamine, acetylcholine, epinephrine, and norepinephrine could also inhibit 17,20βP-induced GVBD, although at doses much higher than those of 5-HT; melatonin and histamine had no effect on oocyte maturation. These results suggest that specific receptors mediate the inhibitory action of 5-HT on the steroid-triggered meiosis resumption. The pharmacological profile of these 5-HT receptors is different from those of any known mammalian 5-HT receptor, although they showed some similarities to the 5-HT1A, 5-HT2, and 5-HT3 receptors, as well as to 5-HT receptors on oocytes of some bivalve molluscs. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 48:282–291, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Shortening-deactivation has been identified and characterized in ventricular trabeculae of the bivalve, Spisula solidissima (Heterodonta, Mactridae). This muscle had ultrastructural similarities to vertebrate smooth muscle. Deactivation was defined as the fraction of maximal force lost during a contraction when a muscle is shortened rapidly (by a quick-release, QR) to a known length, relative to a control isometric contraction at that same length. The magnitude of deactivation was dependent on the size of the release and the point at which the release was applied during the cycle of contraction. QR/quick-stretch (QS) perturbations at the same point during the contraction resulted in negligible deactivation. The magnitude of deactivation was independent of shortening rate. Deactivation was attenuated by applying caffeine (100 μM) and blocked with high extracellular Ca2+ (56 mM). The Ca2+ ionophore, A23187 (10 μM), augmented deactivation as did the positive inotrope serotonin (100 nM). Treatment with ryanodine (5 μM) had no significant effect on deactivation. These results suggest that a reduction in Ca2+ at the contractile element and/or sequestration of Ca2+ may occur during shortening. Deactivation may minimize the magnitude of work done during active shortening of bivalve cardiac muscle, particularly against the low afterload exhibited in the bivalve peripheral circulatory system. Intracellular Ca2+ fluxes during sudden length perturbations may explain the effect of stretch on action potential duration in the bivalve heart, as shown previously.  相似文献   

Germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD) of amphibian Bufo oocytes can be induced if Paramecium extracts were injected into them. The activity of meiosis-reinitiation-inducing factor (MRIF) appeared in premeiotic G1 cells, then the activity fluctuates according to the degrees of micronuclear chromatin condensation in meiosis. Proliferating micronucleate and amicronucleate cells also showed the same activity. MRIF differed from MPF (M phase promoting factor), because MRIF appeared not only in M phase cells but also in premeiotic interphase cells and its action on the induction of GVBD was inhibited by cycloheximide. Preliminary experiments showed that MRIF was a heat-labile soluble protein.  相似文献   

Short-term exposure to okadaic acid (OA), a specific inhibitor of protein phosphatases 1 and 2A, induced resumption of meiosis, including metaphase spindle formation, in mouse oocytes treated with a phosphodiesterase inhibitor, while long incubations with OA arrested oocyte maturation at a step prior to spindle formation. To explore the basis for this difference, the overall patterns of protein synthesis and phosphorylation and the production of tissue-type plasminogen activator (tPA), the synthesis of which is induced after germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD), were analyzed under various OA treatments. Short-term exposure to OA led to tPA production and did not greatly affect the maturation-associated changes in protein phosphorylation. By contrast, a long application of OA did not result in tPA production and induced more marked changes in protein phosphorylation. Microinjection into prophase oocytes of the product of the fission yeast gene p13suc1, known to inhibit p34cdc2 kinase activation and/or activity, prevented meiotic reinitiation. This effect was overcome by microinjection of OA, at concentrations higher than those required for induction of maturation in the absence of p13suc1. These observations suggest that inhibition of phosphatase 1 or 2A or both triggers meiotic resumption by acting at the same site or at a site proximal to the p13suc1-sensitive step of cdc2 kinase activation.  相似文献   

Rates of sperm nuclear expansion were measured and correlated with processing of the maternal chromatin in synchronous populations of fertilized surf clam (Spisula solidissima) oocytes fixed at regular intervals following insemination and stained with the DNA fluorochrome Hoechst 33342. Sperm nuclei expanded in four distinct phases each temporally coordinate with events of meiotic maturation: germinal vesicle stage (phase A), germinal vesicle breakdown (phase B), polar body formation (phase C), and female pronuclear development (phase D). Sperm nuclei were essentially unchanged during phase A (rate = 0.1 micron2/min, enlarged during phases B (rate = 8.2 microns2/min) and D (rate = 6.2 microns2/min), and condensed during phase C (rate = -1.9 micron2/min). Sperm nuclear enlargement during phase D was significantly less in polyspermic and polygynic zygotes. The effects of various treatments (temperature, microtubule disruption, pH alterations, and metabolic and protein synthesis inhibitions) which perturbed sperm nuclear enlargement and meiotic processing of the maternal chromatin indicated that the two processes are coupled and may be linked by common regulatory agents.  相似文献   

Most of the DNA in the sperm of the bivalve mollusc. Spisula solidissima, is found to be associated with a specific high-molecular-mass, protamine-like component, sharing features common both to protamines and to histones. We have found that this component coexists, in the mature sperm nucleus, with a complete set of histones, including an H1-like histone. Such histones account for approximately 20% of the whole protein content in the sperm chromatin, the overall protein/DNA ratio (w/w) being 0.87. These data, together with micrococcal nuclease digestions in combination with salt fractionation, have allowed us to propose a structural model for this chromatin in which short nucleosomal domains are interspersed in a highly saturated protamine-DNA complex.  相似文献   

In the oocytes of many animals, the germinal vesicle (GV) relocates from the center to the periphery of the oocyte upon meiosis reinitiation, which is a prerequisite to the formation of meiotic spindles beneath the cell surface in order for meiosis to succeed. In the present study, we have investigated nuclear positioning using sea-cucumber oocytes. Upon meiosis reinitiation, the GV relocates to the cell periphery beneath a surface protuberance. After GV breakdown, polar bodies were extruded from the top of the protuberance, which we therefore called the animal pole process. The GV relocation was inhibited by nocodazole but not by cytochalasin. Immunofluorescent staining and electron microscopy of microtubular arrays revealed that: (i) in immature oocytes, two centrosomes were situated beneath the animal pole process far apart from the GV, anchoring to the cortex via astral microtubules; (ii) upon meiosis reinitiation, microtubular bundles were newly formed between the centrosomes and the GV; and (iii) the microtubular bundles became short as GV migration proceeded. These observations suggest that microtubules and centrosomes participate in GV relocation. A very large mass of annulate lamellae, having a 20-microm diameter, was found in the vegetal pole of the oocytes.  相似文献   

Intracellular microinjection of alkaline Hepes-KOH buffers, which increases intracellular pH (pHI) from 6.92 to 7.70 in fully grown prophase-blocked oocytes of the starfish Marthasterias glacialis, like external application of ammonia and other weak bases (M. Doree, K. Sano, and H. Kanatani, 1982, Dev. Biol.90, 13–17), inhibited meiosis reinitiation induced by 1-methyladenine (1-MeAde) or dithiothreitol (DTT), a mimetic of the hormone. Oocytes could be released from inhibition by raising the concentration of hormone or of its mimetic. Increasing pHI to 7.70 neither inhibited nor delayed meiosis reinitiation when pH was clamped after the end of the hormone-dependent period, the period during which 1-MeAde is required in the external medium for meiosis to occur, whereas it blocked the action of the hormone at low concentration when performed before the end of the hormone-dependent period. When hormone concentration was higher, germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD) occurred, but duration of the hormone-dependent period was increased. Delay introduced by alkalinization for oocytes to reach GVBD after 1-MeAde addition was smaller at high than at medium concentrations of the hormone. Increasing pHI did not inhibit action of MPF, the cytoplasmic maturation factor which induces GVBD and the subsequent process of meiotic maturation following hormonal treatment of prophase-blocked oocytes.  相似文献   

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