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In order to scale up from the ecophysiological characters of individual plants to population-level questions, we need to determine if character patterns in natural populations are stable through time, and if the characters are related to growth and survival. We investigated these questions in a 3-year study for one character, integrated water-use efficiency (WUE) as estimated by carbon isotope discrimination () in a population of the Great Basin shrub, Chrysothamnus nauseosus. WUE was a conservative character for a given plant within and across seasons, and a previously documented difference between two size classes (represented by juveniles and adults) was maintained; smaller juveniles had a lower WUE than larger adults. The lower WUE of juveniles was often accompanied by higher rates of photosynthesis and stomatal conductance as compared to adults even though juveniles generally had more negative xylem pressure potentials. Although many discussions of the role of WUE in natural populations have been based on the expectation that higher WUE (lower ) is generally associated with less growth, we found no such relation-ship for juvenile plants in this population (i.e was not positively correlated with height increase). In addition, juvenile plant mortality was not correlated with . Although there were stable patterns of WUE for plants in this population, the positive correlation between WUE and size, and the lack of a negative correlation between WUE and height growth, make it unlikely that the WUE of an individual plant will be related in a simple manner to its growth and survival in the population.  相似文献   

Tree species occupy different hydrological niches and climate warming may affect tree performance in those niches through increased drought stress. However, the effects of climate warming on growth, carbon and water fluxes would differ depending on species’ hydrological niche. Species from wet sites should show a lower growth dependence on precipitation and also lower intrinsic water-use efficiency (WUEi), as compared with species from dry sites which should improve more the WUEi. We test these ideas by comparing radial-growth rates (basal-area increment), climate- and drought-growth associations and WUEi of hackberry (Celtis australis) vs. Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis) and maritime pine (Pinus pinaster) in two Mediterranean sites located in Spain. Species are subjected to similar regional climate conditions in each site but occupy contrasting local hydrological niches (hackberry in wet sites and pines in dry sites). Climate is warming in both study sites and drought-avoiding pines are responding by showing higher growth rates and improved WUEi. We also found a similar growth dependency on winter-spring precipitation and summer drought of all species and sites and comparable WUEi values and trends, excepting in hackberry from southern Spain which grew more, and showed a higher growth resistance to drought and lower and more stable WUEi values. Variables inferred from tree rings as growth rates and WUEi allow characterizing the hydrological niche of tree species, which may be contingent on site conditions and climate warming.  相似文献   

Li  Chunyang 《Plant and Soil》1999,214(1-2):165-171
Variation in carbon isotope composition (δ13C), water-use efficiency (WUE) and biomass productivity were compared among three populations of Eucalyptus microtheca F. Muell. in a greenhouse. Seedlings were maintained under one well-watered (Control, keeping the soil at field capacity) and two different water deficit conditions (Drought stress I, keeping the same soil water content; Drought stress II, keeping the same soil water supply). In each treatment, significant population differences in δ13C, WUE, and dry matter accumulation and allocation were detected. A negative correlation between WUE and biomass productivity was detected under control and drought stress I, but a positive correlation under drought stress II. The results suggested that there were different water-use strategies among the populations, the southeastern population with lower WUE may employ a prodigal water-use strategy, whereas the northwestern and central populations with higher WUE may employ a conservative water-use strategy. This knowledge may be useful as criteria for genotype selection within a breeding program for this species. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Summary Gas exchange patterns, diurnal malic acid fluctuations, and stable carbon isotope ratios of five species of Sedum were investigated to assess the ecophysiological characteristics of three different photosynthetic pathways under well-watered and drought-stressed conditions. All five species have succulent leaves and stems and were examined under identical environmental conditions. When well-watered, Sedum integrifolium (Raf.) Nels. and S. ternatum Michx. displayed C3 photosynthesis, S. telephioides Michx. and S. nuttallianum Raf. exhibited CAM-cycling, and S. wrightii A. Gray showed CAM. When grown under a less frequent watering regime, S. integrifolium and S. ternatum exhibited CAM-cycling, whereas S. telephioides and S. nuttallianum displayed CAM-cycling simultaneously with low-level CAM. Sedum wrightii retained its CAM mode of photosynthesis. In general, leaf 13C values reflected these variations in photosynthetic pathways. While all values of water-use efficiency (WUE) were greater than those reported for most C3 and C4 species, no correlation of malic acid accumulation in the CAM and CAM-cycling (including low-level CAM) species with increased WUE was found. Sedum wrightii (CAM) had the highest WUE value at night, yet its 24-h WUE was not different from S. ternatum when the latter was in the C3 mode. Thus, relative water-use efficiencies of these species of Sedum were not predictable based on photosynthetic pathways alone.  相似文献   

The seasonal variation in 13C values was measured in leaves from 17 upper canopy, five mid- canopy and in four gap tree species, as well as in five epiphyte and five vine species, in a seasonally dry lowland tropical forest at Parque Natural Metropolitano near Panama City, Republic of Panama. No seasonal variation was detected in the 13C values of mature exposed leaves from either the upper or mid- canopy. However, canopy position did influence the 13C value. The mean isotopic composition of leaves from the mid- canopy was more negative than that of the upper canopy throughout the year. The 13C value was also influenced by leaf development, with juvenile leaves on average 1.5 less negative than mature leaves. The five epiphyte species exhibited 13C values that were typical of crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM). Codonanthe uleana, with isotopic values of –19.9 to –22.1, is only the second species in the Gesneriaceae reported to express CAM, whereas values between –14.6 and –22.0 indicate that Peperomia macrostachya can exhibit different degrees of CAM. The isotopic composition of exposed mature leaves from the vines showed little interspecific variation and was similar to the upper-canopy leaves of the trees.  相似文献   

Stable carbon isotope (δ(13)C) series were developed from analysis of sequential radial wood increments from AD 1850 to AD 2009 for four mature primary rainforest trees from the Danum and Imbak areas of Sabah, Malaysia. The aseasonal equatorial climate meant that conventional dendrochronology was not possible as the tree species investigated do not exhibit clear annual rings or dateable growth bands. Chronology was established using radiocarbon dating to model age-growth relationships and date the carbon isotopic series from which the intrinsic water-use efficiency (IWUE) was calculated. The two Eusideroxylon zwageri trees from Imbak yielded ages of their pith/central wood (±1 sigma) of 670 ± 40 and 759 ± 40 years old; the less dense Shorea johorensis and Shorea superba trees at Danum yielded ages of 240 ± 40 and 330 ± 40 years, respectively. All trees studied exhibit an increase in the IWUE since AD 1960. This reflects, in part, a response of the forest to increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration. Unlike studies of some northern European trees, no clear plateau in this response was observed. A change in the IWUE implies an associated modification of the local carbon and/or hydrological cycles. To resolve these uncertainties, a shift in emphasis away from high-resolution studies towards long, well-replicated time series is proposed to develop the environmental data essential for model evaluation. Identification of old (greater than 700 years) ringless trees demonstrates their potential in assessing the impacts of climatic and atmospheric change. It also shows the scientific and applied value of a conservation policy that ensures the survival of primary forest containing particularly old trees (as in Imbak Canyon and Danum).  相似文献   

Similar to other photosynthetic microorganisms, the cyanobacterium Arthrospira platensis can be used to produce pigments, single cell proteins, fatty acids (which can be used for bioenergy), food and feed supplements, and biofixation of CO2. Cultivation in a specifically designed tubular photobioreactor is suitable for photosynthetic biomass production, because the cultivation area can be reduced by distributing the microbial cells vertically, thus avoiding loss of ammonia and CO2. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of light intensity and dilution rate on the photosynthetic efficiency and CO2 assimilation efficiency of A. platensis cultured in a tubular photobioreactor in a continuous process. Urea was used as a nitrogen source and CO2 as carbon source and for pH control. Steady‐state conditions were achieved in most of the runs, indicating that continuous cultivation of this cyanobacterium in a tubular photobioreactor could be an interesting alternative for the large‐scale fixation of CO2 to mitigate the greenhouse effect while producing high protein content biomass.  相似文献   

Photosynthetic acclimation was studied in seedlings of three subtropical rainforest species representing early (Omalanthus populifolius), middle (Duboisia myoporoides) and late (Acmena ingens) successional stages in forest development. Changes in the photosynthetic characteristics of pre-existing leaves were observed following the transfer of plants between deep shade (1–5% of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), selectively filtered to produce a red/far-red (R/FR) ratio of 0.1) and open glasshouse (60% PAR and a R/FR ratio of 1.1–1.2), and vice versa. The extent and rate of response of the photosynthetic characteristics of each species to changes in light environment were recorded in this simulation of gap formation and canopy closure/overtopping. The light regimes to which plants were exposed produced significant levels of acclimation in all the photosynthetic parameters examined. Following transfer from high to low light, the light-saturated rate of photosynthesis was maintained near pre-transfer levels for 7 days, after which it decreased to levels which closely approximated those in leaves which had developed in low light. The decrease in photosynthetic capacity was associated with lower apparent quantum yields and stomatal conductances. Dark respiration was the parameter most sensitive to changes in light environment, and responded significantly during the first 4–7 days after transfer. Acclimation of photosynthetic capacity to increases in irradiance was significant in two of the three species studied, but was clearly limited in comparison with that of new leaves produced in the high light conditions. This limitation was most pronounced in the early-successional-stage species, O. populifolius. It is likely that structural characteristics of the leaves, imposed at the time of leaf expansion, are largely responsible for the limitations in photosynthetic acclimation to increases in irradiance.  相似文献   

Light conditions on the floor of deciduous forests are determined by the leaf dynamics of canopy trees and gap formation. Such spatiotemporal variations of light availability should affect the resource partitioning strategies of understory herbs. Although rhizomatous species are common in understory, relationships between rhizome structure, vegetative growth, and sexual reproduction are unclear in terms of carbon allocation. We compared the photosynthetic characteristics and carbon translocation patterns in the under-canopy and light-gap sites between two summer-green perennial species: Cardamine leucantha with an annual long rhizome, and Smilacina japonica with a perennial short rhizome system. Flowering of both species occurs in early summer under decreasing light availability. In the light-gap, C. leucantha maintained high photosynthetic activity due to continuous leaf production, resulting in higher seed production than in the under-canopy. In contrast, the photosynthetic rate of S. japonica, producing leaves simultaneously, decreased with time irrespective of light conditions, resulting in stable seed production in both sites. Although seasonally decreasing light availability commonly restricts carbon assimilation of understory herbs, the responses of resource partitioning to variations in light availability depend greatly on the belowground structure of individual species.  相似文献   

贵州喀斯特森林三种植物对不同坡位环境的光合生理响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该研究以贵州普定喀斯特森林中、下坡位生长的构树( Broussonetia papyrifera)、朴树( Celtis sinensis)和光滑悬钩子( Rubus tsangii)为材料,通过对碳酸酐酶( CA)活性、光合作用日变化、净光合速率对CO2与光的响应曲线、叶绿素荧光特性以及稳定碳同位素组成等指标的测定,进而对比分析三种植物不同的光合生理响应特性。结果表明:构树光合作用过程的无机碳源既可来自大气中的CO2,也可以在气孔部分闭合的情况下利用细胞内的HCO3-,下坡位的构树较高的CA活性使其利用HCO3-的效率会更高,并能在较低光强下具有较高的光能利用效率。这可能与下坡位的构树具有较高的CA活性有关,对下坡位具有更好的适应性。朴树光合无机碳的同化能力最低,且光合无机碳源较单一,主要利用大气CO2,其较慢的生长速率使其对无机碳的需求最低,且能保持较稳定的无机碳同化速率。相对来说,中坡位的朴树具有相对较高的净光合速率和光能利用效率,对中坡位表现出较好的适应性。光滑悬钩子主要利用大气中的CO2进行光合作用。中坡位的光滑悬钩子具有较强的光能利用效率,并表现出较高的净光合速率,光滑悬钩子对中坡位同样表现出较好的适应性。该研究结果为喀斯特生态脆弱区植被重建过程中树种的选择及合理配置提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

Summary Steady-state and dynamic stomatal and assimilation responses to light transients were characterized in sun- and shade-acclimated plants of Piper auritum, a pioneer tree, and Piper aequale a shade-tolerant shrub from a tropical forest at Los Tuxtlas, Veracruz, México. Despite essentially identical steady-state responses of stomatal conductance to PFD of P. aequale and P. auritum shade plants, the dynamic responses to lightflecks were markedly different and depended on the growth regime. For both species from both growth environments, the increase in stomatal conductance occurring in response to a lightfleck continued long after the lightfleck itself so that the maximum stomatal conductance was not reached until 20–40 min after the lightfleck. Closing then occurred until stomatal conductance returned to near its original value before the lightfleck. Plants that were grown under light regimes similar to those of their natural habitat (high light for P. auritum and shade for P. aequale) had large maximum excursions of stomatal conductance and slower closing than opening responses. Plants grown under the opposite conditions had smaller excursions of stomatal conductance, especially in P. auritum, and more symmetrical opening and closing. The large and hysteretic response of stomatal conductance of P. aequale shade plants to a lightfleck was shown to improve carbon gain during subsequent lightflecks by 30–200%, depending on lightfleck duration. In contrast the very small stomatal response to lightflecks in P. auritum shade plants, resulted in no significant improvement in use of subsequent lightflecks.  相似文献   

The photosynthetic response of juveniles of Decussocarpus rospigliosii, an emergent primary forest species and shade tolerant in its juvenile stages and Alchornea triplinervia, a gap-colonizing species of tropical cloud forest in Venezuela was studied. Daily courses of microenvironmental variables and gas exchange under contrasting light conditions (gap and understory) were carried out in their natural environment and transplanted to different light regimes (shade and sun) in the field. The photosynthetic response and some anatomical characteristics of plants from different treatments were analyzed in the laboratory. Photosynthetic rates were low for both species, and were negative during some diurnal periods, related to the low photosynthetically active radiation levels obtained at both gap (6% of total radiation) and understory (2%). A. triplinervia shows higher rates (1.5–3.0 molm-2 -1) than D. rospigliosii (0.7–1.1 molm-2s-1). Both species showed increased photosynthetic rates when grown in gaps. A. triplinervia did not adjust its maximum photosynthetic rates to the prevailing light conditions. In contrast, D. rospigliosii responded to increased light levels. Both species showed low light compensation points when grown under total shade. There was a partial stomatal closure generally during midday in D. rospigliosii. A. triplinervia presented lower leaf conductances, transpiration rates and lesser stomatal control. Some leaf anatomical characteristics, in both species, were affected by variations in the light regime (i.e. increased leaf thickness, leaf specific weight and stomatal density). These results suggest that both species have the ability to respond to variations in their natural light environments, therefore maintaining a favorable carbon balance during the day.  相似文献   

1. Photosynthetic characteristics of an annual herb, Chenopodium album , and an evergreen tree, Quercus myrsinaefolia , were compared to clarify causes of the difference in photosynthetic nitrogen-use efficiency (photosynthetic capacity per unit nitrogen) between leaves of herbaceous and evergreen species.
2. When leaves with the same nitrogen content on an area basis were compared, photosynthetic capacity of C. album was twice as high as that of Q. myrsinaefolia . Gas-exchange measurements showed higher intercellular CO2 concentration in C. album . Biochemical analyses indicated larger allocation of nitrogen into ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase, a key enzyme of photosynthesis, and higher specific activity of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase in C. album . However, these differences were not large.
3. Compositional deviation of 13C in leaves of the two species suggested that the drop of CO2 level between the intercellular space and the chloroplast was slightly larger in Q. myrsinaefolia when compared between the leaves with the same photosynthetic capacity.
4. It is concluded that the difference in photosynthetic nitrogen-use efficiency between C. album and Q. myrsinaefolia is not caused by a sole factor that is markedly different between the two species but by several factors each of which is slightly disadvantageous to Q. myrsinaefolia compared with C. album .  相似文献   

Xu CY  Griffin KL  Schuster WS 《Oecologia》2007,154(1):11-21
Early leafing and extended leaf longevity can be important mechanisms for the invasion of the forest understory. We compared the leaf phenology and photosynthetic characteristics of Berberis thunbergii, an early leafing invasive shrub, and two co-occurring native species, evergreen Kalmia latifolia and late leafing Vaccinium corymbosum, throughout the 2004 growing season. Berberis thunbergii leafed out 1 month earlier than V. corymbosum and approximately 2 weeks prior to the overstory trees. The photosynthetic capacity [characterized by the maximum carboxylation rate of Rubisco (V cmax) and the RuBP regeneration capacity mediated by the maximum electron transport rate (J max)] of B. thunbergii was highest in the spring open canopy, and declined with canopy closure. The 2003 overwintering leaves of K. latifolia displayed high V cmax and J max in spring 2004. In new leaves of K. latifolia produced in 2004, the photosynthetic capacity gradually increased to a peak in mid-September, and reduced in late November. V. corymbosum, by contrast, maintained low V cmax and J max throughout the growing season. In B. thunbergii, light acclimation was mediated by adjustment in both leaf mass per unit area and leaf N on a mass basis, but this adjustment was weaker or absent in K. latifolia and V. corymbosum. These results indicated that B. thunbergii utilized high irradiance in the spring while K. latifolia took advantage of high irradiance in the fall and the following spring. By contrast, V. corymbosum generally did not experience a high irradiance environment and was adapted to the low irradiance understory. The apparent success of B. thunbergii therefore, appeared related to a high spring C subsidy and subsequent acclimation to varying irradiance through active N reallocation and leaf morphological modifications.  相似文献   

Factors that contribute to interspecific variation in photosynthetic nitrogen-use efficiency (PNUE, the ratio of CO2 assimilation rate to leaf organic nitrogen content) were investigated, comparing ten dicotyledonous species that differ inherently in specific leaf area (SLA, leaf area:leaf dry mass). Plants were grown hydroponically in controlled environment cabinets at two irradiances (200 and 1000 μmol m–2 s–1). CO2 and irradiance response curves of photosynthesis were measured followed by analysis of the chlorophyll, Rubisco, nitrate and total nitrogen contents of the leaves. At both irradiances, SLA ranged more than twofold across species. High-SLA species had higher in situ rates of photosynthesis per unit leaf mass, but similar rates on an area basis. The organic N content per unit leaf area was lower for the high-SLA species and consequently PNUE at ambient light conditions (PNUEamb) was higher in those plants. Differences were somewhat smaller, but still present, when PNUE was determined at saturating irradiances (PNUEmax). An assessment was made of the relative importance of the various factors that underlay interspecific variation in PNUE. For plants grown under low irradiance, PNUEamb of high-SLA species was higher primarily due to their lower N content per unit leaf area. Low-SLA species clearly had an overinvestment in photosynthetic N under these conditions. In addition, high SLA-species allocated a larger fraction of organic nitrogen to thylakoids and Rubisco, which further increased PNUEamb. High-SLA species grown under high irradiance showed higher PNUEamb mainly due to a higher Rubisco specific activity. Other factors that contributed were again their lower contents of Norg per unit leaf area and a higher fraction of photosynthetic N in electron transport and Rubisco. For PNUEmax, differences between species in organic leaf nitrogen content per se were no longer important and higher PNUEmax of the high SLA species was due to a higher fraction of N in␣photosynthetic compounds (for low-light plants) and a higher Rubisco specific activity (for high-light grown plants). Received: 11 October 1997 / Accepted: 9 April 1998  相似文献   

T. P. Bolger  N. C. Turner 《Oecologia》1998,115(1-2):32-38
Attempts to improve water use efficiency in regions with Mediterranean climates generally focus on increasing plant transpiration relative to evaporation from the soil and increasing transpiration efficiency. Our aim was to determine if transpiration efficiency differs among key species occurring in annual pastures in southern Australia. Two glasshouse experiments were conducted with three key pasture species, subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum L.), capeweed [Arctotheca calendula (L.) Levyns] and annual ryegrass (Lolium rigidum Gaudin), and wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Transpiration efficiency was assessed at the levels of␣whole-plant biomass and water use (W), leaf gas exchange measurements of the ratio of CO2 assimilation to leaf conductance to water vapour (A/g), and carbon isotope discrimination (Δ) in leaf tissue. In addition, Δ was measured on shoots of the three pasture species growing together in the field. In the glasshouse studies, annual ryegrass had a consistently higher transpiration efficiency than subterranean clover or capeweed by all methods of measurement. Subterranean clover and capeweed had similar transpiration efficiencies by all three methods of measurement. Wheat had W values similar to ryegrass but A/g and Δ values similar to subterranean clover or capeweed. The high W of annual ryegrass seems to be related to a conservative leaf gas exchange behaviour, with lower assimilation and conductance but higher A/g than for the other species. In contrast to the glasshouse results, the three pasture species had similar Δ values when growing together in mixed-species swards in the field. Reasons for these differing responses between glasshouse and field-grown plants are discussed in terms of the implications for improving the transpiration efficiency of mixed-species annual pasture communities in the field. Received: 6 March 1997 / Accepted: 23 December 1997  相似文献   

Liu Y  Zhong Z C 《农业工程》2009,29(2):124-129
We measured diurnal changes in photosynthetic rate, transpiration rate, stomatal conductance and water use efficiency in three species of herbaceous climbing plants (Luffa cylindrica, Trichosanthes kirilowii and Dioscorea opposita) exposed to two intensities of UV-B radiation: 3.0 μw cm?2 (R1) and 8.0 μw cm?2 UV-B (R2) radiation under ambient growth conditions. Responses differed per species and per treatment. In Luffa all values increased compared to the Control in both treatments, except for stomatal conductance in R2. In Trichosanthes photosynthetic rates and water use efficiency increased, while the transpiration rates decreased under both treatments, and stomatal conductance was lower in R1. In Dioscorea photosynthetic rates and water use efficiency decreased under both treatments, while the transpiration rates and stomatal conductance increased. The results suggested that to some extent increased UV-B radiation was beneficial to the growth of L. cylindrica and T. kirilowii, but detrimental to D. opposita.  相似文献   

 Black and white spruce (Picea mariana and P. glauca) exhibit a striking micro-geographic distribution pattern at the southern edge of the boreal forest. Black spruce grows in flooded nutrient-poor muskegs, while white spruce is found primarily on drier upland sites, and the two rarely form mixed stands. In an attempt to characterize the physiological and, hence, mechanistic basis of this pattern, we sampled five adjacent populations of black and white spruce from northern British Columbia and measured a suite of physiological and allocative characteristics, and associated trade-offs, that may be important to survival in habitats limited in nutrient or water availability. Two laboratory experiments were conducted: a greenhouse dry-down experiment to assess relative degree of drought tolerance; and a 2×2 nested factorial experiment in which seedlings were subjected to varying water and nitrogen regimes for approximately 16 weeks. White spruce was more drought-tolerant (i.e., maintained positive net photosynthesis at lower shoot water potential) and more efficient in water-use (as indicated by carbon isotopic composition) than black spruce. Black spruce was found to be significantly less sensitive to nitrogen stress, exhibited greater plasticity in nitrogen-use efficiency (measured as the carbon-to-nitrogen ratio in total plant tissue), and had a greater specific N absorption rate under high-N conditions than white spruce. Trade-offs hypothesized to be associated with these nitrogen and water relations traits were examined, but few were confirmed. Water-use efficiency and nitrogen-use efficiency did not trade-off between species, but did trade-off plastically (i.e., across treatments) within species. When exposed to simultaneous limitations of N and water both species were forced to utilize each resource with suboptimal efficiency. The change in isotopic composition per unit change in C/N ratio was not the same in the two species. This difference may reflect optimization of the trade-off, whereby each species maximizes the use efficiency of the most limiting resource (respective to its habitat), while minimizing the concomitant reduction in the use efficiency of the other resource. Received: 10 June 1996 / Accepted: 8 October 1996  相似文献   

 We studied photosynthetic acclimation of eastern hemlock [Tsuga canadensis (L.) Carr.] seedlings in the first month after sudden exposure of shade-grown seedlings to full sunlight. In a greenhouse experiment, seedlings were grown under full sun or 80% shade, and after 7 months, a sample of the shaded trees was transferred to full sun in the greenhouse. Photosynthetic responses of shaded, transferred, and sun trees were followed over the course of 26 days to track short to medium-term acclimation responses. A partial acclimation of photosynthesis at high light occurred in pre-existing (formed in the previous environment) and new foliage of transferred seedlings. This was associated with non-stomatal limitations to photosynthesis. Pre-existing foliage of transferred plants had a prolonged reduction in the ratio of variable to maximal fluorescence, and a limited capacity to adjust photochemical quenching or photosystem II quantum yield in the light to increasing light intensity compared to sun foliage, and apparently had some difficulty sustaining non-photochemical quenching. Seedling survival was only 58% among transferred seedlings, compared to 80% and 100% in the shade or sun groups, respectively. Photosystem II quantum yield in the light, and photochemical and non-photochemical quenching were similar between newly formed foliage of transferred and sun plants. These findings indicate that eastern hemlock depends strongly on the production of new foliage for photosynthetic adjustments to high light, and that development of photosynthetic competence may be a gradual process that occurs over successive foliar production cycles. Received: 12 May 1998 / Accepted: 27 July 1998  相似文献   

为揭示水生植物对富营养化河涌底泥的生理生态适应性及其净化能力,选取11种水生挺水植物(包含6种本土植物和5种外来植物)结合河涌底泥进行试验。通过测定试验一年后植物叶片的光饱和光合速率(P_(sat),μmol m~(-2)s~(-1))、比叶面积(SLA,m~2/kg)、总氮含量(TN,mg/g)和光合作用氮利用效率(PNUE,μmol mol~(-1)s~(-1)),比较分析物种间生理与结构特性及其相互关系。结果表明:种间的SLA层次比较分明,最高的大叶皇冠草(20.31±0.30)与最低的鸢尾草(7.22±0.31)相差近3倍。种间的P_(sat)在(3.76±0.57)(鸢尾草)—(21.53±1.20)(水罂粟)之间,水罂粟比鸢尾草高81.79%。种间的PNUE从42.53±8.42(鸢尾草)至655.8±100.93(天使花),美人蕉、水罂粟、风车草和香蒲的PNUE值均较高,且差异不明显(P0.05),这些植物的PNUE显著高于较低PNUE的种类(包括菖蒲、蓝花草和鸢尾草)(P0.05)。种间SLA分别与PNUE和P_(sat)(μmol kg~(-1)s~(-1))呈显著的正相关,SLA和P_(sat)(μmol m~(-2)s~(-1))分别与TN(mmol/m~2)呈显著负相关(P0.05)。外来植物类群的PNUE、SLA、P_(sat)和TN均显著高于本地植物类群(T-test,P0.05),说明外来水生植物在养分富集化环境下能更有效地利用资源,具有潜在的高生长速率和种间竞争优势。  相似文献   

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