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分子人类学与现代人的起源*   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
盛桂莲  赖旭龙  王頠 《遗传》2004,26(5):721-728
1953年Watson & Crick 对于DNA双螺旋结构模型的提出及对其遗传机理的解释,标志着现代分子生物学的诞生。其后短短50年的时间里,分子生物学在各个学科之间广泛渗透,相互促进,不断深入和发展。在以研究人类的起源和进化为首要任务的人类学领域,由于现代分子生物学理论和方法的应用,诞生了分子人类学这一全新的结合型分支学科,为人类学的发展提供了科学可信的研究方法和具发展前景的研究方向。系统地介绍了分子人类学的发展历史、研究方法及原理;另外,结合分子人类学在古人类学研究中的应用,讨论了关于现代人起源的“非洲起源说”和“多地区连续演化说”。Abstract: Since Watson & Crick put forward the double-helix model of DNA structure and hereditary mechanism in 1953, it is generally accepted that this event marks the birth of modern molecular biology. This new field of biology has experienced a flourishing development in the past 50 years. On one hand, the development of molecular biology has been deeply influencing many relative fields; on the other hand, its own proceeding pace has been accelerated by the reaction from the other fields. Anthropology is one of the fields most deeply impacted by the theory and method of molecular biology. Most importantly, molecular anthropology was born as a result of combination of molecular biology, anthropology as well as paleoanthropology. This new branch provides reliable method and vital direction for paleoanthropology. This paper systematically reviews the history, principle and method of molecular anthropology. Two hypotheses on the origin of modern human, which include “out-of-African theory” and “theory of multiregional evolution” are also discussed for the purpose of showing how molecular anthropology is applied in paleoanthropology.  相似文献   

This paper discusses how different conceptions of the idea of ‘anthropology’ entail different views of the ‘anthropology of art’. The prevailing notion of anthropology as the Western study of small-scale non-Western societies leads to a conception of the anthropology of art as dealing with the visual arts of these societies or cultures. Anthropology is sometimes also interpreted as referring to a particular approach that is applicable in examining sociocultural phenomena in whatever culture, including its art forms. Both conceptions of anthropology may be considered subsidiary to a more encompassing view of anthropology as the multidisciplinary study of humankind. Following this view, the anthropology of art becomes the comprehensive examination of art in human existence. As such it would coincide with World Art Studies, conceived as the global and multidisciplinary study of the visual arts.  相似文献   

In the 1960s, U.S. physical anthropology underwent a period of introspection that marked a change from the old physical anthropology that was largely race based to the new physical anthropology, espoused by Washburn and others for over a decade, which incorporated the evolutionary biology of the modern synthesis. What actually changed? What elements of the race concept have been rejected, and what elements have persisted, influencing physical anthropology today? In this article, I examine both the scientific and social influences on physical anthropology that caused changes in the race concept, in particular the influence of the American Anthropological Association. The race concept is complicated but entails three attributes: essentialism, cladistic thinking, and biological determinism. These attributes have not all been discarded; while biological determinism and its social implications have been questioned since the inception of the field, essentialism and the concomitant rendering of populations as clades persists as a legacy of the race concept. [Keywords: race, essentialism, physical anthropology]  相似文献   

Reported here are the results of a survey inquiring into the rate of acceptance of four sociobiological concepts in regard to their usefulness for future research. Included in the survey were members of four subdisciplines: animal behavior (biology), biological anthropology, cultural anthropology, and developmental psychology. Three types of institutions were included: universities, four- and five-year colleges, and community colleges. A total of 1,631 responses are reported with the degree of acceptance varying from highest to lowest as follows: biology, biological anthropology, developmental psychology, and cultural anthropology. These variations are related to the central concepts of each subdiscipline.  相似文献   

合成生物学是一门21世纪生物学的新兴学科,它着眼生物科学与工程科学的结合,把生物系统当作工程系统"从下往上"进行处理,由"单元"(unit)到"部件"(device)再到"系统"(system)来设计,修改和组装细胞构件及生物系统.合成生物学是分子和细胞生物学、进化系统学、生物化学、信息学、数学、计算机和工程等多学科交叉的产物.目前研究应用包括两个主要方面:一是通过对现有的、天然存在的生物系统进行重新设计和改造,修改已存在的生物系统,使该系统增添新的功能.二是通过设计和构建新的生物零件、组件和系统,创造自然界中尚不存在的人工生命系统.合成生物学作为一门建立在基因组方法之上的学科,主要强调对创造人工生命形态的计算生物学与实验生物学的协同整合.必须强调的是,用来构建生命系统新结构、产生新功能所使用的组件单元既可以是基因、核酸等生物组件,也可以是化学的、机械的和物理的元件.本文跟踪合成生物学研究及应用,对其在DNA水平编程、分子修饰、代谢途径、调控网络和工业生物技术等方面的进展进行综述.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT   Biological anthropologists inform a largely professional discourse on the evolutionary history of our species. In addition, aspects of our biology, the ways in which we vary, and certain patterns of behavior are the subjects of a more public and popular conversation. The social contexts in which we work not only define our times but also produce the anthropologists that in turn construct an emergent understanding of our species' (and our societies') inner workings. In this review of scholarly production, I focus on developments within a selection of "sub-subdisciplines" that were particularly influential in bending the arc of biological anthropology in 2008, namely: evolutionary medical anthropology, anthropological neuroscience, forensic anthropology, primatology, and paleoanthropology. Ultimately, this review demonstrates, yet again, anthropology's great contribution: the ability to incorporate new technologies and research methodologies into a synthetic and integrative interdisciplinary approach toward the elucidation of human behavior, evolution, and biocultural engagements with the environment. [Keywords: biological anthropology, year in review, 2008, science and society]  相似文献   

Synthetic biology, encompassing the design and construction of novel artificial biological pathways and organisms and the redesign of existing natural biological systems, is rapidly expanding the number of applications for which biological systems can play an integral role. In the context of chemical production, the combination of synthetic biology and metabolic engineering approaches continues to unlock the ability to biologically produce novel and complex molecules from a variety of feedstocks. Here, we utilize a synthetic approach to design and build a pathway to produce 2-hydroxyisovaleric acid in Escherichia coli and demonstrate how pathway design can be supplemented with metabolic engineering approaches to improve pathway performance from various carbon sources. Drawing inspiration from the native pathway for the synthesis of the 5-carbon amino acid l-valine, we exploit the decarboxylative condensation of two molecules of pyruvate, with subsequent reduction and dehydration reactions enabling the synthesis of 2-hydroxyisovaleric acid. Key to our approach was the utilization of an acetolactate synthase which minimized kinetic and regulatory constraints to ensure sufficient flux entering the pathway. Critical host modifications enabling maximum product synthesis from either glycerol or glucose were then examined, with the varying degree of reduction of these carbons sources playing a major role in the required host background. Through these engineering efforts, the designed pathway produced 6.2 g/L 2-hydroxyisovaleric acid from glycerol at 58% of maximum theoretical yield and 7.8 g/L 2-hydroxyisovaleric acid from glucose at 73% of maximum theoretical yield. These results demonstrate how the combination of synthetic biology and metabolic engineering approaches can facilitate bio-based chemical production.  相似文献   

Considerable tension among the subfields has existed within the discipline of anthropology. As a result, some anthropology departments have splintered, and the hallmark "holistic approach" of anthropology has been considered more myth than reality. However, as promoted by the American Anthropological Association and the American Anthropologist for over one hundred years, enhancing the holistic nature of anthropology remains an important and necessary endeavor. This article provides an introduction to this special issue of the American Anthropologist , which focuses on the subfield of biological anthropology. Hopefully, as a result, increased connections among the subfields will be fostered, for the betterment of both biological anthropology and anthropology in general. The underlying theme of this article and the subtext for the entire special issue is clear: Biological anthropology needs anthropology, and anthropology needs biological anthropology. [Keywords: biological anthropology, subfields, four-field approach, holistic]  相似文献   

In this article, we inquire into the intellectual history ofthe application of the biological concept of metabolism to social systems-not as a metaphor; but as a material and energetic process within the economy and society vis-A-vis various natural systems. The paper reviews several scientific traditions that may contribute to such a view, including biology and ecology, social theory, cultural anthropology, and social geography It assembles widely scattered approaches dating from the 1860s onward and shows how they prepare the ground for the pioneers of "industrial metabolism" in the late 1960s. In connection to varying political perspedives, metabolism gradually takes shape as a powerful interdisciplinary concept It will take another 25 years before this approach becomes one of the most important paradigms for the empirical analysis of the society-nature-interaction across various disciplines. This later period will be the subject of part II of this literature review  相似文献   

The scope of this paper is to highlight models of reticulate evolution in a dual sense: (1) by stressing the importance of early models of horizontal/lateral transfer instead of models of unilinear vertical transfer in biology, linguistics, anthropology and related disciplines, and (2) by demonstrating that the acceptance of evolutionism as leitmotif in the nineteenth century was only possible by intense and repeated networks between scholars of different academic realms which lead to the assumption that the development of biological species and human cultures could be perceived as part of the same co-evolutionary process. Contrary to these widely popularized models of unilinear evolution, I would like to draw attention to alternative theories emphasizing the horizontal transfer of words, phenotypes/genotypes, and culture traits. Examples are the method of areal typology in linguistics, the theory of endosymbiosis in biology, and the anti-evolutionist attitude in Boasian anthropology, combined with an emphasis on the diffusion of culture traits. Further, it shall be pointed out that, even when—after the general dismissal of evolutionist ideas in the beginning of the twentieth century—the idea of co-evolutionary processes in the development of human populations and languages was again forwarded in the late twentieth century, this ‘modern synthesis’ of genetics, linguistics and archeology relied largely on interdisciplinary reticulations between sciences and humanities and serves as another example of reticulate evolution.  相似文献   

Evolutionary approaches to cultural change are increasingly influential, and many scientists believe that a 'grand synthesis' is now in sight. The papers in this Theme Issue, which derives from a symposium held by the AHRC Centre for the Evolution of Cultural Diversity (University College London) in December 2008, focus on how the phylogenetic tree-building and network-based techniques used to estimate descent relationships in biology can be adapted to reconstruct cultural histories, where some degree of inter-societal diffusion will almost inevitably be superimposed on any deeper signal of a historical branching process. The disciplines represented include the three most purely 'cultural' fields from the four-field model of anthropology (cultural anthropology, archaeology and linguistic anthropology). In this short introduction, some context is provided from the history of anthropology, and key issues raised by the papers are highlighted.  相似文献   

Primate Behavioral Ecology: From Ethnography to Ethology and Back   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Nonhuman primates occupy a special niche in anthropology because of the comparative insights into humans they provide. Initial anthropological interest in primates targeted the apes for their close phylogenetic relationships with humans, and the semiterrestrial Old World monkeys for their ecological similarities with hominids adapting to life on the ground. From the earliest anecdotal reports of tool use and hunting to more contemporary quantitative analyses of local "cultural" traditions, nonhuman primates have challenged deep-rooted concepts of human uniqueness and redefined the boundaries between us and other animals. Yet, despite the long-standing influence of primate studies in anthropology, approaches to studying primates began diverging from those of earlier ethnographers. Advances in primatology, particularly during the 1990s, have included a much deeper understanding of how ecology, phylogeny, and demography affect behavior. Insights into intraspecific, population-level variation represent an important area of convergence between primatology, other areas of anthropology, and conservation biology. [Keywords: primate behavioral ecology, anthropocentrism, evolutionary theory, systematic methods, biology]  相似文献   

This article about medical anthropology was inspired by the work of Pierre Bourdieu, specifically, his efforts to reconcile the antinomy of a "social structuralist" and a "cultural constructivist" perspective. These perspectives are often opposed in the literature, but, in Bourdieu's view, human life cannot be studied without taking into account both how individuals are situated within and constrained by social structures and how those individuals construct an understanding of and impose meaning on the world around them. I argue that the special subject matter of medical anthropology--human health--demands that a synthetic approach be taken in our theory and research. I illustrate this argument with examples from my own research on social and cultural factors associated with blood pressure, and I point to other examples of this synthesis in medical anthropology. The results of this research hold promise for the continuing refinement of culture theory.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT   Anthropologists often disagree about whether, or in what ways, anthropology is "evolutionary." Anthropologists defending accounts of primate or human biological development and evolution that conflict with mainstream "neo-Darwinian" thinking have sometimes been called "creationists" or have been accused of being "antiscience." As a result, many cultural anthropologists struggle with an "anti-antievolutionism" dilemma: they are more comfortable opposing the critics of evolutionary biology, broadly conceived, than they are defending mainstream evolutionary views with which they disagree. Evolutionary theory, however, comes in many forms. Relational evolutionary approaches such as Developmental Systems Theory, niche construction, and autopoiesis–natural drift augment mainstream evolutionary thinking in ways that should prove attractive to many anthropologists who wish to affirm evolution but are dissatisfied with current "neo-Darwinian" hegemony. Relational evolutionary thinking moves evolutionary discussion away from reductionism and sterile nature–nurture debates and promises to enable fresh approaches to a range of problems across the subfields of anthropology. [Keywords: evolutionary anthropology, Developmental Systems Theory, niche construction, autopoeisis, natural drift]  相似文献   

Rethinking genes     
The gene is the central construct of twentieth-century biology and evolution. It is a construct because, like “culture” in anthropology, “gene” is widely used and is central to the discipline's discourse, but eludes rigorous definition. Although the gene is acknowledged as a material entity, its membership criteria are unclear and its boundaries are fuzzy—indeed, more than one can occupy the same space at the same time. The purpose of this essay is to bring to light recent refinements in our conception of the gene and their implications for its use in biological anthropology.  相似文献   

Synthetic biology is built on the synthesis, engineering, and assembly of biological parts. Proteins are the first components considered for the construction of systems with designed biological functions because proteins carry out most of the biological functions and chemical reactions inside cells. Protein synthesis is considered to comprise the most basic levels of the hierarchical structure of synthetic biology. Cell-free protein synthesis has emerged as a powerful technology that can potentially transform the concept of bioprocesses. With the ability to harness the synthetic power of biology without many of the constraints of cell-based systems, cell-free protein synthesis enables the rapid creation of protein molecules from diverse sources of genetic information. Cell-free protein synthesis is virtually free from the intrinsic constraints of cell-based methods and offers greater flexibility in system design and manipulability of biological synthetic machinery. Among its potential applications, cell-free protein synthesis can be combined with various man-made devices for rapid functional analysis of genomic sequences. This review covers recent efforts to integrate cell-free protein synthesis with various reaction devices and analytical platforms.  相似文献   

Anthropological insights into the use of race/ethnicity to explore genetic contributions to disparities in health were developed using in-depth qualitative interviews with editorial staff from nineteen genetics journals, focusing on the methodological and conceptual mechanisms required to make race/ethnicity a genetic variable. As such, these analyses explore how and why race/ethnicity comes to be used in the context of genetic research, set against the background of continuing critiques from anthropology and related human sciences that focus on the social construction, structural correlates and limited genetic validity of racial/ethnic categories. The analyses demonstrate how these critiques have failed to engage geneticists, and how geneticists use a range of essentially cultural devices to protect and separate their use of race/ethnicity as a genetic construct from its use as a societal and social science resource. Given its multidisciplinary, biosocial nature and the cultural gaze of its ethnographic methodologies, anthropology is well placed to explore the cultural separation of science and society, and of natural and social science disciplines. Anthropological insights into the use of race/ethnicity to explore disparities in health suggest that moving beyond genetic explanations of innate difference might benefit from a more even-handed critique of how both the natural and social sciences tend to essentialize selective elements of race/ethnicity. Drawing on the example of HIV/AIDS, this paper demonstrates how public health has been undermined by the use of race/ethnicity as an analytical variable, both as a cipher for innate genetic differences in susceptibility and response to treatment, and in its use to identify 'core groups' at greater risk of becoming infected and infecting others. Clearly, a tendency for biological reductionism can place many biomedical issues beyond the scope of public health interventions, while socio-cultural essentialization has tended to stigmatize 'unhealthy behaviours' and the communities where these are more prevalent.  相似文献   

Accounting for the evolutionary origins of morphological novelty is one of the core challenges of contemporary evolutionary biology. A successful explanatory framework requires the integration of different biological disciplines, but the relationships between developmental biology and standard evolutionary biology remain contested. There is also disagreement about how to define the concept of evolutionary novelty. These issues were the subjects of a workshop held in November 2009 at the University of Alberta. We report on the discussion and results of this workshop, addressing questions about (i) how to define evolutionary novelty and understand its significance, (ii) how to interpret evolutionary developmental biology as a synthesis and its relation to neo-Darwinian evolutionary theory, and (iii) how to integrate disparate biological approaches in general.  相似文献   

Synthetic biology can be defined as the “repurposing and redesign of biological systems for novel purposes or applications, ” and the field lies at the interface of several biological research areas. This broad definition can be taken to include a variety of investigative endeavors, and successful design of new biological paradigms requires integration of many scientific disciplines including (but not limited to) protein engineering, metabolic engineering, genomics, structural biology, chemical biology, systems biology, and bioinformatics. This review focuses on recent applications of synthetic biology principles in three areas: (i) the construction of artificial biomolecules and biomaterials; (ii) the synthesis of both fine and bulk chemicals (including biofuels); and (iii) the construction of “smart” biological systems that respond to the surrounding environment.  相似文献   

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