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Echinorhynchus trachyrinci n. sp. (Palaeacanthocephala: Echinorhynchidae) is described from Trachyrincus scabrus (Rafinesque) (Macrouridae: Trachyrincinae) (type-host) and T. murrayi Günther from the northeast Atlantic. The most important diagnostic features of this species are: the number of longitudinal rows of hooks 17–22; the number of hooks per row 17–22+; the maximum length of hook blade 38–52m; the proboscis width 139–224m; and the proboscis length to width ratio 3.9–6.4:1. E. trachyrinci n. sp. is differentiated from E. gadi, E. malacocephali, E. longiproboscis, E. petrotschenkoi, E. melanoglaeae, E. theragrae and E. sebastolobi. Metechinorhynchus malacocephali Parukhin, 1985 is transferred to Echinorhynchus as E. malacocephali n. comb  相似文献   

Acanthocephalus tahlequahensis sp. n. was recovered from the intestines of 4 species of freshwater fishes, Etheostoma punctulatum, E. spectabile, Nocomis asper, and Notropis pilsbryi, collected in northeastern Oklahoma. The new species is distinguished from all other species of Acanthocephalus, except A. japonicus (Fukui and Morisita 1936) Petrochenko 1956, and A. fluviatilus Paperna 1964, by having smaller proboscis hooks. The length of the proboscis hooks for males is 27 to 38 (33) mum and for females 35 to 46 (42) mum. A. tahlequahensis is smaller than either A. japonicus or A. fluviatilis, and has about half the number of longitudinal rows of proboscis hooks of A. japonicus and half the number of proboscis hooks in each longitudinal row of A. fluviatilus. In addition to having smaller hooks. A. tahlequahensis differs from other species of Acanthocephalus parasitizing North American fishes by its smaller, spindle-shaped trunk and more hooks in each longitudinal row.  相似文献   

This study describes a new species of Pomphorhynchus collected from Percilia gillissi Girard, 1855 from the Za?artu canal, between the sister basins of the Itata and Laja rivers, in central Chile. Pomphorhynchus moyanoi n. sp. is characterized by an asymmetrical, well-differentiated subspherical bulb and 12-14 longitudinal rows of 13-14 hooks; the third and the fourth hook in each row are stout. Among South American species, P. moyanoi n. sp. shows some similarities to the Chilean species P. yamagutii Schmidt & Hugghins, 1973, but it differs in having a longer neck, larger bulb, and different proboscis armature arrangement. Pomphorhynchus moyanoi n. sp. differs from P. patagonicus Ortubay, Ubeda, Semenas & Kennedy 1991, in the bulb shape (protuberances), number of rows, fourth hook size and basal hook size. Pomphorhynchus moyanoi n. sp. also differs from P. sphaericus in the arrangement of hooks (number of rows and hooks per row), length and width of the proboscis, neck width, and symmetry of the bulb.  相似文献   

The following Acanthocephala, all Echinorhynchidae, were found on examination of 229 amphibians and 191 reptiles collected in the Eastern Arc Range, Tanzania: Acanthocephalus bufonis from the frogs Arthroleptis stenodactylus and Arthroleptides martiensseni, the toad Nectophnyroides viviparous, and the chameleon Rhampholeon brevicaudatus; Pseudoacanthocephalus betsileo from the frogs Probreviceps macrodactylus and Ptychadero anchietae; and Pseudoacanthocephalus rhampholeontos n. sp. from the chameleons Rhampholeon sp. and Rhampholeon uluguruensis. Pseudoacanthocephalus rhampholeontos differs from the only other acanthocephalan occurring in chameleons, Pseudoacanthocephalus bigueti, in being a larger worm with fewer, smaller hooks in the proboscis armature. The status of the Acanthocephalus and Pseudoacanthocephalus is still problematic and requires further attention and study.  相似文献   

The status of species of Pomphorhynchus Monticelli, 1905 is examined and 23 species are recognised as valid. These include P. spindletruncatus n. sp., which is described herein from two species of freshwater fishes in northern Iraq, Aspius vorax Heckel and Barbus xanthopterus (Heckel) (Cyprinidae). Only one other species, P. yunnanensis Wang, 1981, has a spindle-shaped trunk similar to that of P. spindletruncatus, but is distinguished from it by a distinctly different proboscis armature. A key separating the new taxon from other species of Pomphorhynchus is included. P. heronensis Pichelin, 1997 is reassigned to a new pomphorhynchid genus, Pyriproboscis n. g., based on its unique proboscis shape and armature, short proboscis receptacle and tubular cement glands. A key to the genera of the Pomphorhynchidae is also included.  相似文献   

Pomphorhynchus patagonicus n. sp. is described from Lake Rosario, Chubut Province, Argentina. It is characterized by a long neck forming an asymmetrical bulb with 2 well differentiated dorsal protruberances and 14 alternating rows of 13 and 14 proboscis hooks, each row with a stout fourth hook. It most closely resembles Pomphorhynchus sebastichthydis Yamaguti, 1939, from Japan, but differs in the bulb protruberances and in having more rows of hooks and more hooks per row and in the shapes of the fourth and basal hooks. Among American species P. patagonicus shows some similarities to Pomphorhynchus yamagutii Schmidt and Hugghins, 1973, from Chile, but differs with respect to the longer neck, bulb protruberances, and proboscis armature. Pomphorhynchus patagonicus is endemic to Patagonia, where its definitive type host is the endemic fish Patagonina hatcheri (Atherinidae) and its intermediate host the endemic freshwater amphipod Hyalella patagonica. It has been found also in autochthonous fishes belonging to the families Galaxiidae and Percichthyidae and in introduced salmonid fishes.  相似文献   

Anuracanthorhynchus tritaxisentis n. gen., n. sp. from the intestines of the Brazilian frog Hylodes phyllodes (Leptodactylidae) is described and illustrated. Anuracanthorhynchus tritaxisentis n. gen., n. sp., is unique among the echinorhynchid Acanthocephala by possessing a spherical proboscis supporting a small number of hooks of equal size. It is the sixth acanthocephalan species reported from South American anurans.  相似文献   

Neoechinorhynchus beringianus sp. n. is described from Pungitius pungitius L. in north-eastern Russia. Since 1986, when it was first found, it was reported as 'N. pungitius Dechtiar, 1971'. However, this new species differs from the latter in having an egg shell without a prolongation of the fertilisation membrane, a larger proboscis and proboscis hooks, a subterminal position of the female genital pore and a more slender trunk, and it occurs in a different site in the intestine. N. beringianus has a small, stout body with an asymmetrical position of the proboscis, which is located ventrally to and at an angle with the longitudinal axis of the body. The proboscis is wider than long, the hooks are of equal size in each circle but diminish in size posteriorly, whereas the lemnisci are subequal in length. It differs from those species of Neoechinorhynchus Stiles & Hassall, 1905 with somewhat similar characteristics in body length, proboscis size and proportions, proboscis hook lengths, egg size, size-ratio of the cement gland and testes, and the number of giant nuclei in the tegument and lemnisci. In different geographical populations of the new species, the sizes of both the proboscis and proboscis hooks exhibit some variation.  相似文献   

A new species of arhythmacanthid acanthocephalan, Heterosentis martini n. sp., parasitic in the Argentinean sandperch Pseudopercis semifasciata (Cuvier) (Perciformes, Pinguipedidae) from the coasts of Argentina is described. Heterosentis martini n. sp. differs from all congeneric species by having 10 longitudinal rows of hooks in the proboscis, each with 7-8 hooks, consisting of 1 medium apical and 3 larger sub-apical hooks with root, and 3-4 smaller, basal, curved hooks with rudimentary roots and spines in both ventral and dorsal regions of the body. The most similar species, Heterosentis heteracanthus (Linstow, 1896) Van Cleave, 1931, and Heterosentis brasiliensis Vieira, Felizardo and Luque, 2009, also have 10 longitudinal rows of hooks, but H. heteracanthus differs from the new species by having only 3-5 (more frequently 4) hooks in each row, with only the anterior hook large and bearing a developed root. Heterosentis brasiliensis differs from the new species by possessing 2 sub-apical hooks in each row (instead of 3), similar body length but shorter proboscis, and trunk spines restricted to the ventral surface of body.  相似文献   

Species characters in Mediorhynchus are discussed, and a consistent method of describing hook arrangement, longitudinal rows, is proposed. Mediorhynchus papillosus Van Cleave 1916, and M. orientalis Belopol'skaya 1953 are redescribed, and M. edmondsi sp. n. is described from Palawan. The new species is most similar to M. rodensis Cosin 1971 in armature, but differs from it in proboscis shape and overall size. Among other new records are M. gallinarum (Bhalerao, 1937) in chickens in Palawan, and M. turnixena (Tubangui, 1933) from a button quail in Palawan. Several synonymies are pointed out and several unidentifiable species are mentioned. A key to 29 species recognized as valid is provided.  相似文献   

The occurrence of acanthocephalans of the genus Neoechinorhynchus Stiles and Hassall, 1905 in Vietnamese waters is reported for the first time. Six new species are described from seven species of marine fish of the families Belonidae, Clupeidae, Megalopidae, Mugilidae, and Sciaenidae, collected in Halong Bay of the eastern seaboard of Vietnam in 2008 and 2009. These are Neoechinorhynchus (Neoechinorhynchus) plaquensis n. sp. characterized by dermal plaques covering the entire trunk; Neoechinorhynchus manubriensis n. sp. with very long anterior proboscis hooks having roots with prominent anterior manubria and very small and equal middle and posterior hooks, two pseudo-retractors in the receptacle, simple vagina, and terminal gonopore; Neoechinorhynchus pennahia n. sp. with equal anterior and middle proboscis and somewhat smaller posterior hooks, and terminal female gonopore; Neoechinorhynchus ampullata with many giant nuclei in the body wall and lemnisci and a parareceptacle structure complex which includes pumping ampullas reported for the first time; Neoechinorhynchus (Neoechinorhynchus) longinucleatus n. sp. with very long giant nuclei in the Lemnisci, anteriorly twisted vagina, and subterminal female gonopore. Neoechinorhynchus (Neoechinorhynchus) ascus n. sp. is the second species of Neoechinorhynchus found with the parareceptacle structure/ampulla complex. Neoechinorhynchus (Neoechinorhynchus) johnii Yamaguti, 1929 of Bilqees, 1972 is not N. johnii because of proboscis armature and other discrepancies with the Yamaguti material. Notes on host distribution and feeding habits are also included.  相似文献   

Isthmosacanthus fitzroyensis n. g., n. sp. is described from two species of protandrous fish, Eleutheronema tetradactylum (Shaw) and Polydactylus macrochir (Günther), from the waters around the coast of northern Australian. The new species can be distinguished from all others by the following combination of characters: proboscis shape and armature (22 rows of 13-14 hooks), short neck, trunk spined anteriorly and having two swellings (one bulbous) with a narrow isthmus in between, long tubular lemnisci and six tubular cement glands. Although I. fitzroyensis has been confused with a species of Pomphorhynchus Monticelli, 1905 in the literature, it can be distinguished from all pomphorhynchids, including species of Longicollum Yamaguti, 1935 and Pyriproboscis Amin, Abdullah & Mhaisen, 2003, by the suite of characters listed above. The placement of the species of Pyriproboscis in the Pomphorhynchidae Yamaguti, 1939 is problematical, because it has a short neck, two distinct hook types comprising the proboscis armature and only two rather than six cement glands. A new family, the Isthmosacanthidae n. fam., is erected to contain Isthmosacanthus together with Gorgorhynchoides Cable & Linderoth, 1963 and Golvanorhynchus Noronha, Fabio & Pinto, 1978, genera having an elongate to clavate proboscis, anterior trunk spines, elongate lemnisci, and six tubular cement glands. The validity of this determination, based on the importance of cement gland number and phylogenetic analysis, is argued.  相似文献   

Entomelas duellmani n. sp. (Rhabditida: Rhabdiasidae) from the lungs and Skrjabinodon cortagoensis n. sp. (Oxyurida: Pharyngodonidae) from the intestines of Mesaspis monticola (Sauria: Anguidae) are described and illustrated. E. duellmani is the sixth species assigned to the genus and is the third species described from the Western Hemisphere. It is easily separated from other neotropical species in the genus by pre-equatorial position of its vulva. Skrjabinodon cartagoensis is the 24th species assigned to the genus and differs from other neotropical species in the genus by female tail morphology.  相似文献   

A new species of the Macrochironidae Humes & Boxshall, 1996 (Copepoda: Cyclopoida), Pseudomacrochiron aureliae n. sp., is described based on adult specimens extracted from the gastrovacular cavity of the scyphistomae of Aurelia sp. (Cnidaria: Scyphozoa) collected in the Seto Inland Sea and Ise Bay off the coast of Japan. The new species differs from its congeners by having the following combination of characters: a caudal ramus with a length to width ratio of 3.1; an accessory flagellum on caudal setae II, III and VI; three apical setae on the maxillule; only setae I and II on the maxillary basis; two short spines on the female maxilliped claw (endopod); an armature of III, I, 4 on the terminal exopodal segment of leg 3; an armature of I, II, 2 on the terminal endopodal segment of leg 3; an armature of II, I, 4 on the terminal exopodal segment of leg 4; and a short free exopodal segment of leg 5 (length to width ratio of 1.4) armed with a long seta and short spine. P. aureliae n. sp. is the first member of the genus reported from off Japan and from the scyphistomae of its scyphozoan host.  相似文献   

Polymorphus spindlatus n. sp. is described from the black-crowned night heron, Nycticorax nycticorax, in Lake Titicaca, Peru. It is distinguished from all 27 known species of the subgenus Polymorphus by its spindle-shaped proboscis and its trunk shape, the anterior 2/3 of which is ovoid, tapering into a tubular posterior end. It resembles Polymorphus brevis (=Arhythmorhynchus brevis), which is, however, longer and considerably more slender, and has smaller and more numerous proboscis hooks per row and smaller eggs. It is separated also from Polymorphus swartzi, Polymorphus striatus, Polymorphus contortus, and Polymorphus cincli by its proboscis armature (usually 18 longitudinal rows of 11-13 hooks each), among other characters. Histopathological sections of host tissue show well defined localized damage including hemorrhaging with subsequent phagocyte cell migration (granular tissue). The lumen of the host intestine is obstructed and villi show compression. The proboscis of P. spindlatus extends through the intestinal mucosa and submucosa, displacing the smooth muscle layers of the muscularis externa. Fibrosis also was observed.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown considerable variability in morphological features and the existence of genetically distinct sibling species in the acanthocephalan Echinorhynchus gadi Zoega in Müller, 1776. The aim of the present study was to follow up and extend those earlier studies by using a combination of DNA analysis and morphometrics to investigate differences between samples of E. gadi from Atlantic cod Gadus morhua L. caught at five fishing grounds in the Baltic Sea and three in different parts of the North Atlantic. Twelve morphological features were measured in 431 specimens of E. gadi, 99 individuals were studied by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphosm (PCR-RFLP), and selected PCR products were sequenced. The molecular analyses showed the nucleotide sequences of E. gadi rDNA from cod caught at all the sampling sites to be identical. The comparative morphological study, in contrast, revealed significant differences between samples of E. gadi from different sampling sites and showed the separation of E. gadi into two groups corresponding approximately to the systematic classification of cod into the two subspecies, Atlantic G. morhua morhua and Baltic G. morhua callarias. The E. gadi infrapopulation size had a significant effect on some of the morphological features. The results are discussed in relation to cod population biology, the hydrography of the study area and the history of the Baltic Sea formation.  相似文献   

Porrorchis nickoli n. sp. is described from the intestine of the gray four-eyed opossum Philander opossum (type host), the Virginia opossum Didelphis virginiana, the common opossum Didelphis marsupialis, and the white-nosed coati Nasua narica. Hosts were collected in southeastern Mexico in the Los Tuxtlas region of the state of Veracruz (type locality) and in the states of Tabasco and Chiapas. This new species is distinguished from other Porrorchis species by its small proboscis (0.286-0.428 mm long x 0.273-0.438 mm wide), a proboscis armature consisting of 22-24 vertical rows of 7 or 8 hooks per row, and the male reproductive system extending postequatorially and occupying only half of the trunk. This is the first known occurrence of a Porrorchis species in the Western Hemisphere.  相似文献   

Echinorhynchus brayi n. sp. (Palaeacanthocephala: Echinorhynchidae) is described from Pachycara crassiceps (Roule) (Zoarcidae) from the Porcupine Seabight, Northeast Atlantic. The new species closely resembles E. canyonensis Huffman & Kliever, 1977, a parasite of a Pacific zoarcid, but has longer lemnisci, larger eggs and larger testes. E. brayi n. sp. can be readily differentiated from the ten other Echinorhynchus spp. recorded from deep-sea fishes (E. abyssicola, E. gadi, E. longiproboscis, E. malacocephali, E. melanoglaeae, E. muraenolepisi, E. petrotschenkoi, E. sebastolobi, E. trachyrinci and E. truttae), because it has fewer hooks per longitudinal row.  相似文献   

New collections of cestodes from the spiral intestines of the lanternsharks Etmopterus spinax and Etmopterus pusillus off the island of Faial, in the Azores, Atlantic Ocean, have yielded 2 new species of trypanorhynchs belonging to Aporhynchus. Both species share the distinctive lack of all elements of the rhyncheal system that are characteristic of this genus. The identity of Aporhynchus norvegicus is clarified to allow it to be distinguished from A. menezesi n. sp., which also parasitizes E. spinax. This new species differs conspicuously from its congeners in that its mature and gravid proglottids are wider than long, rather than longer than wide, and also in its lack of spinitriches on the scolex. Aporhynchus pickeringae n. sp., the new species from E. pusillus , differs from all of its congeners except A. norvegicus in that it is a relatively delicate worm with relatively fewer testes. It also possesses fewer proglottids and a wider pedunculus scolecis than does A. norvegicus. Sections through the scolex of A. menezesi n. sp. support use of the term bothriate, rather than difossate, in reference to the scolex configuration of some trypanorhynchs. A key to the 4 species of Aporhynchus is provided.  相似文献   

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