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Extreme endurance training and fiber type adaptation in rat diaphragm   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Extreme endurance training was used to investigate the adaptability of the rat diaphragm muscle fibers. During the final phase of the 14-wk training program, the animals were running for 240 min/day at an estimated requirement of 80% of pretraining maximal O2 consumption. Analysis of a sample of the costal diaphragm indicated that training resulted in a 34% reduction (P less than 0.05) in the percent distribution of type IIa fibers [27.7 +/- 1.1 vs. 18.3 +/- 2.6 (SE)] and a 15% increase (P less than 0.05) in the percent of type IIb fibers (40.0 +/- 1.2 vs. 46.1 +/- 2.4). No change (P greater than 0.05) was found in the distribution of the type I fibers (32.3 +/- 1.2 vs. 35.7 +/- 1.3). Oxidative potential as assessed with NADH-tetrazolium reductase and measured microphotometrically increased (P less than 0.05) by 19% in type I fibers but did not change in either the type IIa or type IIb fibers. No effect of training was found when a different oxidative marker, succinic dehydrogenase, was employed. Similarly glycolytic potential based on the activity of alpha-glycerophosphate dehydrogenase was not affected by training. Glycogen concentration was elevated by 60% (P less than 0.01) in type I fibers and 77% (P less than 0.01) in type IIb fibers with training but was not altered (P greater than 0.05) in type IIa fibers. Reductions (P less than 0.05) in fiber area ranging from 11 to 20% were observed in all fiber types as a result of training, whereas the number of capillaries per fiber remained static.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Aerobic exercise training is associated with adaptive changes in skeletal muscles and their vascular bed; such changes in individual muscles may vary depending on their characteristics and recruitment. This study was aimed at comparing the effects of eight-week treadmill training on the locomotor and respiratory muscles in rats. The training course increased the aerobic performance in rats, which was evidenced by an increase in maximum O2 consumption and a decrease in the blood lactate concentration in ramp test. The succinate dehydrogenase activity was increased in the red portion of the gastrocnemius muscle, but not in the diaphragm of trained rats. Arterial segments were isolated from feed arteries and studied by wire myography. The relaxation in response to acetylcholine in gastrocnemius arteries in trained animals was higher as compared with controls (due to higher NO production), while contractile responses to noradrenaline (in the presence of propranolol) were not changed. On the contrary, the endothelial function of diaphragm arteries was not affected by training, but contractile responses to activation of α-adrenoceptors were markedly increased. Thus, aerobic training may increase the blood supply rate to both locomotor and respiratory muscles, but the underlying regulatory mechanisms are different. The results obtained allow us to reveal the physiological mechanisms that determine the physical performance of the body under conditions of compromised functioning of the respiratory system.  相似文献   

Based on experimental inspiratory driving pressure waveforms and active respiratory impedance data of anesthetized cats, we made model predictions of the factors that determine the immediate (first loaded breath) intrinsic (i.e., nonneural) tidal volume compensation to added inspiratory resistive loads. The time course of driving pressure (P) was given by P = atb, where a is the pressure at 1 s from onset of inspiration and represents the intensity of neuromuscular drive, t is time, and b is a dimensionless index of the shape of the driving pressure wave. For a given value of active respiratory impedance, tidal volume compensation to added resistive loads increases with increasing inspiratory duration and decreasing value of b but is independent of a. Model predictions of load compensation are compared to experimental results.  相似文献   

To study the changes in ventilation induced by inspiratory flow-resistive (IFR) loads, we applied moderate and severe IFR loads in chronically instrumented and awake sheep. We measured inspired minute ventilation (VI), ventilatory pattern [inspiratory time (TI), expiratory time (TE), respiratory cycle time (TT), tidal volume (VT), mean inspiratory flow (VT/TI), and respiratory duty cycle (TI/TT)], transdiaphragmatic pressure (Pdi), functional residual capacity (FRC), blood gas tensions, and recorded diaphragmatic electromyogram. With both moderate and severe loads, Pdi, TI, and TI/TT increased, TE, TT, VT, VT/TI, and VI decreased, and hypercapnia ensued. FRC did not change significantly with moderate loads but decreased by 30-40% with severe loads. With severe loads, arterial PCO2 (PaCO2) stabilized at approximately 60 Torr within 10-15 min and rose further to levels exceeding 80 Torr when Pdi dropped. This was associated with a lengthening in TE and a decrease in breathing frequency, VI, and TI/TT. We conclude that 1) timing and volume responses to IFR loads are not sufficient to prevent alveolar hypoventilation, 2) with severe loads the considerable increase in Pdi, TI/TT, and PaCO2 may reduce respiratory muscle endurance, and 3) the changes in ventilation associated with neuromuscular fatigue occur after the drop in Pdi. We believe that these ventilatory changes are dictated by the mechanical capability of the respiratory muscles or induced by a decrease in central neural output to these muscles or both.  相似文献   

A study was undertaken to evaluate and to examine the role of substrate supply in 50 healthy subjects after long distance events, such as 10 km, 25 km, and marathon races. The metabolic, variables of carbohydrate metabolism were greatest in 10-km runners, with the highest increase in glucose, lactate, and pyruvate, while in marathon runners only moderate changes were observed. Marathon competitors gave the greatest decrease in insulin concentration whereas glucagon and cortisol showed a contrary tendency. As for lipid concentrations, the most remarkable point was that after the marathon competition the best runners had the highest increase in free fatty acids; the longer the race, the higher were the beta-hydroxybutyrate and acetoacetate levels after the competition. It is important to emphasize that the limiting factor up to 90 min duration is the competitor's ability to deplete the stores of glycogen. Beyond 90 min (or 25 km) the decrease in insulin, the rise in cortisol and the higher concentration of ketnne bodies found indicate a change in metabnlic response.  相似文献   

Zhan, Wen-Zhi, Hirofumi Miyata, Y. S. Prakash, and Gary C. Sieck. Metabolic and phenotypic adaptations of diaphragm musclefibers with inactivation. J. Appl.Physiol. 82(4):1145-1153, 1997.We hypothesizedthat metabolic adaptations to muscle inactivity are most pronouncedwhen neurotrophic influence is disrupted. In ratdiaphragm muscle(Diam), 2 wk ofunilateral denervation or tetrodotoxin nerve blockade resulted in areduction in succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) activity of type I, IIa, andIIx fibers (~50, 70, and 24%, respectively) and a decrease in SDHvariability among fibers (~63%). In contrast, inactivity induced byspinal cord hemisection at C2 (ST)resulted in much less change in SDH activity of type I and IIa fibers(~27 and 24%, respectively) and only an ~30% reduction in SDHvariability among fibers. Actomyosin adenosinetriphosphatase (ATPase)activities of type I, IIx, and IIb fibers in denervated andtetrodotoxin-treated Diam werereduced by ~20, 45, and 60%, respectively, and actomyosin ATPasevariability among fibers was ~60% lower. In contrast, onlyactomyosin ATPase activity of type IIb fibers was reduced (~20%) inST Diam. These results suggestthat disruption of neurotrophic influence has a greater impact onmuscle fiber metabolic properties than inactivity per se.


Suspension cultured cells of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv VFNT Cherry) adapted to water stress induced with polyethylene glycol 6000 (PEG), exhibit marked alterations in free amino acid pools (Handa et al. 1983 Plant Physiol 73: 834-843). Using computer simulation models the in vivo rates of synthesis and utilization and compartmentation of free amino acid pools were determined from 15N labeling kinetics after substituting [15N]ammonium and [15N]nitrate for the 14N salts in the culture medium of cell lines adapted to 0% and 25% PEG. The 300-fold elevated proline pool in 25% PEG adapted cells is primarily the consequence of a 10-fold elevated rate of proline synthesis via the glutamate pathway. Ornithine was insufficiently labeled to serve as a major precursor for proline. Our calculations suggest that the rate of proline synthesis only slightly exceeds the rate required to sustain both protein synthesis and proline pool maintenance with growth. Mechanisms must operate to restrict proline oxidation in adapted cells. The kinetics of labeling of proline in 25% PEG adapted cells are consistent with a single, greatly enlarged metabolic pool of proline. The depletion of glutamine in adapted cells appears to be a consequence of a selective depletion of a large, metabolically inactive storage pool present in unadapted cultures. The labeling kinetics of the amino nitrogen groups of glutamine and glutamate are consistent with the operation of the glutamine synthetase-glutamate synthase cycle in both cell lines. However, we could not conclusively discriminate between the exclusive operation of the glutamine synthetase-glutamate synthase cycle and a 10 to 20% contribution of the glutamate dehydrogenase pathway of ammonia assimilation. Adaptation to water stress leads to increased nitrogen flux from glutamate into alanine and γ-aminobutyrate, suggesting increased pyruvate availability and increased rates of glutamate decarboxylation. Both alanine and γ-aminobutyrate are synthesized at rates greatly in excess of those simply required to maintain the free pools with growth, indicating that these amino acids are rapidly turned over. Thus, both synthesis and utilization rates for alanine and γ-aminobutyrate are increased in adapted cells. Adaptation to stress leads to increased rates of synthesis of valine and leucine apparently at the expense of isoleucine. Remarkably low 15N flux via the aspartate family amino acids was observed in these experiments. The rate of synthesis of threonine appeared too low to account for threonine utilization in protein synthesis, pool maintenance, and isoleucine biosynthesis. It is possible that isoleucine may be deriving carbon skeletons from sources other than threonine. Tentative models of the nitrogen flux of these two contrasting cell lines are discussed in relation to carbon metabolism, osmoregulation, and nitrogenous solute compartmentation.  相似文献   

Costal strips of diaphragmatic muscle obtained from animals with elastase-induced emphysema generate maximum tension at significantly shorter muscle fiber lengths than muscle strips from control animals. The present study examined the consequences of alterations in the length-tension relationship assessed in vitro on the pressure generated by the diaphragm in vivo. Transdiaphragmatic pressure (Pdi) and functional residual capacity (FRC) were measured in 22 emphysematous and 22 control hamsters 4-5 mo after intratracheal injection of pancreatic elastase or saline, respectively. In 12 emphysematous and 12 control hamsters Pdi was also measured during spontaneous contractions against an occluded airway. To allow greater control over muscle excitation, Pdi was measured during bilateral tetanic (50 Hz) electrical stimulation of the phrenic nerves in 10 emphysematous and 10 control hamsters. Mean FRC in the emphysematous hamsters was 183% of the value in control hamsters (P less than 0.01). During spontaneous inspiratory efforts against a closed airway the highest Pdi generated at FRC tended to be greater in control than emphysematous hamsters. When control hamsters were inflated to a lung volume approximating the FRC of emphysematous animals, however, peak Pdi was significantly greater in emphysematous animals (70 +/- 6 and 41 +/- 8 cmH2O; P less than 0.05). With electrophrenic stimulation, the Pdi-lung volume curve was shifted toward higher lung volumes in emphysematous hamsters. Pdi at all absolute lung volumes at and above the FRC of emphysematous hamsters was significantly greater in emphysematous compared with control animals. Moreover, Pdi continued to be generated by emphysematous hamsters at levels of lung volume where Pdi of control subjects was zero.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

When a subject breathes against an inspiratory resistance, the inspiratory pressure, the inspiratory flow, and the lung volume at which the breathing task takes place all interact to determine the length of time the task can be sustained (Tlim). We hypothesized that the mechanism actually limiting tasks in which these parameters were varied involved the rate of energy utilization by the inspiratory muscles. To test this hypothesis, we studied four experienced normal subjects during fatiguing breathing tasks performed over a range of pressures and flows and at two different lung volumes. We assessed energy utilization by measuring the increment in the rate of whole body O2 consumption due to the breathing task (VO2 resp). Power and mean esophageal pressure correlated with Tlim but depended also on lung volume and inspiratory flow rate. In contrast, VO2 resp closely correlated with Tlim, and this relationship was not systematically altered by inspiratory flow or lung volume. The shape of the VO2 resp vs. Tlim curve was approximately hyperbolic, with high rates of VO2 resp associated with short endurance times and lower rates of VO2 resp approaching an asymptotic value at high Tlim. These findings are consistent with a mechanism whereby a critical rate of energy utilization determines the endurance of the inspiratory pump, and that rate varies with pressure, flow, and lung volume.  相似文献   

Endothelial cells are known to be metabolicallyrather robust. To study the mechanisms involved, porcine aorticendothelial cells (PAEC), cultured on microcarrier beads, were perfusedwith glucose (10 mM) or with substrate-free medium. Substrate-free perfusion for 2 h induced an almost complete loss of nucleoside triphosphates (31P-NMR) anddecreased heat flux, a measure of total energy turnover, by >90% inparallel microcalorimetric measurements. Heat flux and nucleosidetriphosphates recovered after addition of glucose. Because proteinsynthesis is a major energy consumer in PAEC, the rate of proteinsynthesis was measured([14C]leucineincorporation). Reduction or blockade of energy supply resulted in apronounced reduction in the rate of protein synthesis (up to 80%reduction). Intracellular triglyceride stores were decreased by ~60%after 2 h of substrate-free perfusion. Under basal perfusionconditions, PAEC released ~30 pmol purine · mg protein1 · min1,i.e., 16% of the cellular ATP per hour, while ATP remained constant. Substrate deprivation increased the release of various purines andpyrimidines about threefold and also induced a twofold rise in purinede novo synthesis([14C]formate). Theseresults demonstrate that PAEC are capable of recovering from extendedperiods of substrate deprivation. They can do so by a massivedownregulation of their energy expenditure, particularly proteinsynthesis, while at the same time using endogenous triglycerides assubstrates and upregulating purine de novo synthesis to compensate forthe loss of purines.  相似文献   

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