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Phospholipase D (PLD) and its metabolic active product phosphatidic acid (PA) engage in a wide range of physiopathologic processes in the cell. PLDs have been considered as a potential and promising drug target. Recently, the crystal structures of PLDs in mammalian and plant have been solved at atomic resolution. These achievements allow us to understand the structural differences among different species of PLDs and the functions of their key domains. In this review, we summarize the sequence and structure of different species of PLD isoforms, and discuss the structural mechanisms for PLD interactions with their binding partners and the functions of each key domain in the regulation of PLDs activation and catalytic reaction.  相似文献   

Structural insights into BRCA2 function   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
BRCA2 is a tumor suppressor directly implicated in familial breast cancer. Extensive genetic and biochemical characterization has shown that BRCA2 is involved in the maintenance of chromosomal stability and that it has an important role in recombination-mediated double-strand DNA break repair. Two recent structures of BRCA2 domains have revealed that it may serve as a critical mediator of DNA repair through direct interactions with Rad51, the eukaryotic homolog of RecA, and with single-stranded DNA. Before the structures were determined, little was known about the structural basis of BRCA2 interactions with the Rad51 pathway of DNA repair. Taken together, the structures provide striking insights into the role of BRCA2 in double-strand DNA break repair and suggest a direct role for BRCA2 in homologous recombination that was not evident from earlier studies.  相似文献   

DNA topoisomerases contribute to various cellular activities that involve DNA. We previously identified a human nuclear gene that encodes a mitochondrial DNA topoisomerase. Here we show that genes for mitochondrial DNA topoisomerases (type IB) exist only in vertebrates. A 13-exon topoisomerase motif was identified as a characteristic of genes for both nuclear and mitochondrial type IB topoisomerases. The presence of this signature motif is thus an indicator of the coexistence of nuclear and mitochondrial type IB DNA topoisomerases. We hypothesize that the prototype topoisomerase IB with the 13-exon structure formed first, and then duplicated. One topoisomerase specialized for nuclear DNA and the other for mitochondrial DNA.  相似文献   

Topoisomerases are ubiquitous proteins found in all three domains of life. They change the topology of DNA via transient breaks on either one or two of the DNA strands to allow passage of another single or double DNA strand through the break. Topoisomerases are classified into two types: type I enzymes cleave one DNA strand and pass either one or two DNA strands through the break before resealing it, while type II molecules cleave both DNA strands in concert and pass another double strand through the break followed by religation of the double strand break. Here we review recent work on the structure of type I enzymes. These structural studies are providing atomic details that, together with the existing wealth of biochemical and biophysical data, are bringing our understanding of the mechanism of action of these enzymes to the atomic level.  相似文献   

Caveolin-1 (Cav-1) is emerging as the central protein controlling caveolae formation, caveolae trafficking, and cellular signalling. In particular, it is known that Cav-1 interacts and modulates the activity of several signalling proteins through the so-called caveolin scaffolding domain. In this paper, we used a bioinformatics approach to assess the validity of some long-standing structural features of Cav-1. We could confirm the existence of a membrane spanning region of Cav-1 and highlight an interesting pattern of palmitoylated cysteine residues explaining the structural features of the Cav-1 C-terminal region. Moreover, the scaffolding domain is predicted to have a different structure than previously reported.  相似文献   

The alternatively spliced type III extradomain B (EIIIB) of fibronectin (FN) is expressed only during embryogenesis, wound healing and tumorigenesis. The biological function of this domain is unclear. We describe here the first crystal structure of the interface between alternatively spliced EIIIB and its adjacent FN type III domain 8 (FN B-8). The opened CC' loop of EIIIB, and the rotation and tilt of EIIIB allow good access to the FG loop of FN-8, which is normally hindered by the CC' loop of FN-7. In addition, the AGEGIP sequence of the CC' loop of EIIIB replaces the NGQQGN sequence of the CC' loop of FN-7. Finally, the CC' loop of EIIIB forms an acidic groove with FN-8. These structural findings warrant future studies directed at identifying potential binding partners for FN B-8 interface, linking EIIIB to skeletal and cartilaginous development, wound healing, and tumorigenesis, respectively.  相似文献   

The anaphase-promoting complex or cyclosome (APC/C) controls sister chromatid segregation and the exit from mitosis by catalysing the ubiquitylation of cyclins and other cell cycle regulatory proteins. This unusually large E3 RING-cullin ubiquitin ligase is assembled from 13 different proteins. Selection of APC/C targets is controlled through recognition of short destruction motifs, predominantly the D box and KEN box. APC/C-mediated coordination of cell cycle progression is achieved through the temporal regulation of APC/C activity and substrate specificity, exerted through a combination of co-activator subunits, reversible phosphorylation and inhibitory proteins and complexes. Recent structural and biochemical studies of the APC/C are beginning to reveal an understanding of the roles of individual APC/C subunits and co-activators and how they mutually interact to mediate APC/C functions. This review focuses on the findings showing how information on the structural organization of the APC/C provides insights into the role of co-activators and core APC/C subunits in mediating substrate recognition. Mechanisms of regulating and modulating substrate recognition are discussed in the context of controlling the binding of the co-activator to the APC/C, and the accessibility and conformation of the co-activator when bound to the APC/C.  相似文献   

A glucodextranase (iGDase) from Arthrobacter globiformis I42 hydrolyzes alpha-1,6-glucosidic linkages of dextran from the non-reducing end to produce beta-D-glucose via an inverting reaction mechanism and classified into the glycoside hydrolase family 15 (GH15). Here we cloned the iGDase gene and determined the crystal structures of iGDase of the unliganded form and the complex with acarbose at 2.42-A resolution. The structure of iGDase is composed of four domains N, A, B, and C. Domain A forms an (alpha/alpha)(6)-barrel structure and domain N consists of 17 antiparallel beta-strands, and both domains are conserved in bacterial glucoamylases (GAs) and appear to be mainly concerned with catalytic activity. The structure of iGDase complexed with acarbose revealed that the positions and orientations of the residues at subsites -1 and +1 are nearly identical between iGDase and GA; however, the residues corresponding to subsite 3, which form the entrance of the substrate binding pocket, and the position of the open space and constriction of iGDase are different from those of GAs. On the other hand, domains B and C are not found in the bacterial GAs. The primary structure of domain C is homologous with a surface layer homology domain of pullulanases, and the three-dimensional structure of domain C resembles the carbohydrate-binding domain of some glycohydrolases.  相似文献   

Phosphatases and kinases are the cellular signal transduction enzymes that control protein phosphorylation. PRL phosphatases constitute a novel class of small (20 kDa), prenylated phosphatases with oncogenic activity. In particular, PRL-3 is consistently overexpressed in liver metastasis in colorectal cancer cells and represents a new therapeutic target. Here, we present the solution structure of PRL-3, the first structure of a PRL phosphatase. The structure places PRL phosphatases in the class of dual specificity phosphatases with closest structural homology to the VHR phosphatase. The structure, coupled with kinetic studies of site-directed mutants, identifies functionally important residues and reveals unique features, differentiating PRLs from other phosphatases. These differences include an unusually hydrophobic active site without the catalytically important serine/threonine found in most other phosphatases. The position of the general acid loop indicates the presence of conformational change upon catalysis. The studies also identify a potential regulatory role of Cys(49) that forms an intramolecular disulfide bond with the catalytic Cys(104) even under mildly reducing conditions. Molecular modeling of the highly homologous PRL-1 and PRL-2 phosphatases revealed unique surface elements that are potentially important for specificity.  相似文献   

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TbTDPX (Trypanosoma brucei tryparedoxin-dependent peroxidase) is a genetically validated drug target in the fight against African sleeping sickness. Despite its similarity to members of the GPX (glutathione peroxidase) family, TbTDPX2 is functional as a monomer, lacks a selenocysteine residue and relies instead on peroxidatic and resolving cysteine residues for catalysis and uses tryparedoxin rather than glutathione as electron donor. Kinetic studies indicate a saturable Ping Pong mechanism, unlike selenium-dependent GPXs, which display infinite K(m) and V(max) values. The structure of the reduced enzyme at 2.1 A (0.21 nm) resolution reveals that the catalytic thiol groups are widely separated [19 A (0.19 nm)] and thus unable to form a disulphide bond without a large conformational change in the secondary-structure architecture, as reported for certain plant GPXs. A model of the oxidized enzyme structure is presented and the implications for small-molecule inhibition are discussed.  相似文献   

Structural insights into the clathrin coat   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Clathrin is a cytoplasmic protein best known for its role in endocytosis and intracellular trafficking. The diverse nature of clathrin has recently become apparent, with strong evidence available suggesting roles in both chromosome segregation and reassembly of the Golgi apparatus during mitosis. Clathrin functions as a heterohexamer, adopting a three-legged triskelion structure of three clathrin light chains and three heavy chains. During endocytosis clathrin forms a supportive network about the invaginating membrane, interacting with itself and numerous adapter proteins. Advances in the field of structural biology have led us to a greater understanding of clathrin in its assembled state, the clathrin lattice. Combining techniques such as X-ray crystallography, NMR, and cryo-electron microscopy has allowed us to piece together the intricate nature of clathrin-coated vesicles and the interactions of clathrin with its many binding partners. In this review I outline the roles of clathrin within the cell and the recent structural advances that have improved our understanding of clathrin-clathrin and clathrin-protein interactions.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic cells distribute materials among intracellular organelles and secrete into the extracellular space through cargo-loaded vesicles. A concluding step during vesicular transport is the fusion of a transport vesicle with a target membrane. SNARE proteins are essential for all vesicular fusion steps, thus they possibly comprise a conserved membrane fusion machinery. According to the "zipper" model, they assemble into stable membrane-bridging complexes that gradually bring membranes in juxtaposition. Hence, complex formation may provide the necessary energy for overcoming the repulsive forces between two membranes. During the last years, detailed structural and functional studies have extended the evidence that SNAREs are mostly in accord with the zipper model. Nevertheless, it remains unclear whether SNARE assembly between membranes directly leads to the merger of lipid bilayers.  相似文献   

The ACTH receptor, also known as the melanocortin-2 receptor (MC2R), is critical for ACTH-mediated adrenal glucocorticoid release. Human MC2R (hMC2R) has 10 cysteine residues, which are located in extracellular loops (ELs), transmembrane domains (TMs), and intracellular loops (ILs). In this study, we examined the importance of these cysteine residues in receptor function and determined their involvement in disulfide bond formation. We replaced these cysteines with serine and expressed the mutated receptors in adrenal OS3 cells, which lack endogenous MC2R. Our results indicate that four mutations, C21S in NH(2) terminus, C245S, C251S, and C253S in EL3, resulted in significant decrease both in receptor expression and receptor function. Mutation of cysteine 231 in TM6 significantly decreased ACTH binding affinity and potency. In contrast, the five other mutated receptors (C64S, C158S, C191S, C267S, and C293S) did not significantly alter ACTH binding affinity and potency. These results suggest that extracellular cysteine residue 21, 245, 251, and 253, as well as transmembrane cysteine residue 231 are crucial for ACTH binding and signaling. Further experiments suggest that a disulfide bond exists between the residue C245 and C251 in EL3. These findings provide important insights into the importance of cysteine residues of hMC2R for receptor function.  相似文献   

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