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Low-molecular-weight glutenin subunits (LMW-GS) have great effect on wheat processing quality, but were numerous and difficult to dissect by SDS-PAGE. The development of functional markers may be the most effective way for a clear discrimination of different LMW-GS genes. In the present study, three different approaches were used to identify SNPs of different genes at Glu-D3 and Glu-B3 loci in bread wheat for the development of six STS markers (3 for Glu-D3 and 3 for Glu-B3 genes) that were validated with distinguished wheat cultivars. Firstly, seven LMW-GS gene sequences ( AY585350, AY585354, AY585355, AY585356, AY585349, AY585351 and AY585353 ) from Aegilops tauschii, the diploid donor of the D-genome of bread wheat, were chosen to design seven pairs of AS-PCR primers for Glu-D3 genes. By amplifying the corresponding genes from five bread wheat cultivars with different Glu-D3 alleles (a, b, c, d and e) and Ae. tauschii, a primer set, S13F2/S13R1, specific to the gene AY585356, was found to be positive to cultivars with alleles Glu-D3c and d. Nevertheless, the other five pairs of primers designed from AY585350, AY585349, AY585353, AY585354 and AY585355, respectively, did not produce specific PCR products to the cultivars tested. Secondly, all the PCR products from the five primer sets without specific characteristics were sequenced and an SNP from the gene AY585350 was detected in the cultivar Hartog, which resulted in the second STS marker S1F1/S1R3 specific to the allelic variant of AY585350. Thirdly, three Glu-D3 sequences (AB062851, AB062865 and AB062872) and three Glu-B3 sequences (AB062852, AB062853 and AB062860) defined by Ikeda et al. (2002) were chosen to query wheat EST and NR databases, and DNA markers were developed based on the putative SNPs among the sequences. Using this approach, four STS markers were developed and validated with 16-19 bread wheat cultivars. The primer set T1F4/T1R1 was also a Glu-D3 gene-specific marker for AB062872, while T2F2/T2R2, T5F3/T5R1 and T13F4/T13R3 were all Glu-B3 gene specific markers for AB062852, BF293671 and AY831800, respectively. The chromosomal locations of the six markers were verified by amplifying the genomic DNA of Ae. tauschii (DD), T. monococcum (AA) and T. turgidum (AABB) entries, as well as Chinese Spring and its group 1 chromosome nulli-tetrasomic lines. The results are useful to discriminate the corresponding Glu-D3 and Glu-B3 genes in wheat breeding programs.  相似文献   

The cereal cyst nematode (CCN) (Heterodera avenae Woll.) is an economically damaging pest of wheat in many of the worlds cereal growing areas. The development of CCN-resistant cultivars may be accelerated by the use of molecular markers. The Cre gene of the wheat line AUS 10894 confers resistance to CCN. Using a pair of near-isogenic lines (NILs) that should differ only in a small chromosome segment containing the Cre locus, we screened 58 group-2 probes and found two (Tag605 and CDO588) that detect polymorphism between the NILs. Nulli-tetrasomic and ditelosomic lines confirmed that the restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) markers identified were derived from the long arm of wheat chromosome 2. Crosses between AUS 10894 and Spear and the NIL AP and its recurrent parent Prins were used to produce F2 populations that gave the expected 31 segregation ratio for the resistance gene. Linkage analysis identified two RFLP markers flanking the resistance gene. Xglk605 and Xcdo588 mapped 7.3 cM (LOD=6.0) and 8.4 cM (LOD=6.7), respectively, from the Cre locus.  相似文献   

Biological control of the cyst forming nematode Heterodera cajani was studied on sesame using plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) Pseudomonas aeruginosa LPT3 and LPT5. Based on plant growth promoting attributes, two fluorescent pseudomonads, LPT3 and LPT5 were evaluated for their efficacy against cyst forming nematode Heterodera cajani that parasitize Sesamum indicum. Pseudomonas aeruginosa LPT5 produced IAA, HCN, chitinase, glucanase and siderophore, and also solubilized inorganic phosphate in vitro. Moreover, LPT5 resulted in mortality of second stage juveniles of H. cajani, which was 13% higher as compared to P. aeruginosa LPT3. Interestingly, when both strains were inoculated together for the management of H. cajani on Sesamum indicum the population of H. cajani was reduced significantly, in field trial. Approximately 60% reduction in cyst and juveniles population was recorded with LPT5 coated seeds, while LPT3 resulted in 49% reduction in cyst and juvenile population as compared to control. Plants grown with seeds bacterized with LPT5 and reduced doses of urea, diammonium phosphate (DAP), muriate of potash (K) and gypsum gave maximum increase in yield, in comparison to that of plants raised under the influence of recommended or full doses of the chemical fertilizers. Pseudomonas aeruginosa LPT5 also showed excellent root colonization.  相似文献   

Aspergillus section Nigri strains Aspergillus aculeatus Ege-K 258, A. foeditus var. pallidus Ege-K156, A. niger Ege-K 4 and A. tubingensis Ege-K 265 were used to treat olive mill wastewater (OMW) in an investigation aimed at exploring their dephenolisation and decolourisation ability and, consequently, the economic feasibility of using any or all of these strains in a pre-treatment step in the processing of OMW. Of these strains A. tubingensis Ege-K 265 resulted in an 80% decolourisation of twofold-diluted OMW and a 30% decolourisation of undiluted OMW; in addition, it was able to remove approximately 30% of all phenolic compounds in both twofold-diluted and undiluted OMW. We conclude that A. tubingensis Ege-K 265 could be effectively used in the pre-treatment step of a combined aerobic-anaerobic process to solve the environmental problems caused by OMW in Mediterranean countries.  相似文献   

Forty-one Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) standard reference strains and 118 Bt local isolates were screened for vip1/vip2 genes by PCR amplification, with only three strains (HD201, HD109 and HD12) producing the desired bands. Southern blot showed that vip1/vip2 genes were located on a 10 Kb EcoRV fragment of their total DNAs. Furthermore, the vip1Ca/vip2Ac genes were cloned from a partial genomic library of HD201. Sequence homologous analysis revealed that vip2Ac gene was highly conserved and encoded a protein possibly having ADP-ribosyltransferase activity, and that vip1Ca gene was of low homology, especially at its 3-terminus. Western blot showed that Vip1Ca and Vip2Ac proteins could be detected from middle logarithmic phase to the stationary phase in Bt HD201. However, bioassays of HD201 supernatants exhibited no activity against Culex quinquefasciatus, Spodoptera exigua, S. litura, Helicoverpa amigera and Tenebrio molitor larvae. Whether Vip1Ca and Vip2Ac proteins have any toxicity to other susceptible targets still needs to be investigated.  相似文献   

Summary  The name Pavetta modesta (Hiern) S. E. Dawson is a later homonym of P. modesta Bremek. Pavetta crystalensis is proposed as a new name.  相似文献   

Mutations in each of the genes mPer1, mPer2, mCry1 and mCry2 separately cause deviations from the wild type circadian system. Differences between these mutant strains have inspired the hypothesis that the duality of circadian genes (two mPer and two mCry genes involved) is related to the existence of two components in the circadian oscillator (Daan et al., J Biol Rhythms 16:105–116, 2001). We tested the predictions from this theory that the circadian period (τ) lengthens under constant illumination (LL) in mCry1 and mPer1 mutant mice, while it shortens in mCry2 and mPer2 mutants. mCry1 −/− and mCry2 −/− knockout mice both consistently increased τ with increasing light intensity, as did wild type mice. With increasing illumination, rhythmicity is reduced in mCry1, mCry2 and mPer1, but not in mPer2 deficient mice. Results for mPer mutant mice are in agreement with data reported on these strains earlier by Steinlechner et al. (J Biol Rhythms 17:202–209, 2002), and also with the predictions from the model. The increase in cycle length of the circadian system by light in the mCry2 deficient mice violates the predictions. The model is thereby rejected: the mCry genes do not play a differential role, although the opposite responses of mPer mutants to light remain consistent with a functional Evening–Morning differentiation.  相似文献   

Septobasidium parviflorae sp. nov. on Pinus parviflora is described and illustrated. This species is characterized by its whitish-gray, gray to dark gray-colored fungus body with an indeterminate margin, hyphal strands, and cylindrical basidia with long sterigmata. This is the first report of Septobasidium occurring on a member of the genus Pinus in Japan.  相似文献   

We have been attempting for some time to discover a compound evidencing antibacterial activity against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). The dieckol isolated from Ecklonia stolonifera has been shown to exhibit antibacterial activity against methicillin-susceptible S. aureus (MSSA) and MRSA. The minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) of dieckol were determined in a range of 32 to 64 μg/mL against standard MSSA and MRSA strains. Furthermore, dieckol clearly reversed the high-level ampicillin and penicillin resistance of MRSA. The MICs of ampicillin against two standard strains of MRSA were dramatically reduced from 512 to 0.5 μg/mL in combination with 1/4 MIC of dieckol (16 μg/mL). The fractional inhibitory concentration (FIC) indices of ampicillin and penicillin were measured from 0.066 to 0.266 in combination with 8 or 16 μg/mL of dieckol against all tested MRSA strains, thereby suggesting that dieckol-ampicillin or dieckol-penicillin combinations exert a synergistic effect against MRSA. The results of this study indicate that dieckol, administered in combination with β-lactams, may prove effective in the treatment of MRSA infections. Our finding may also contribute to the development of an alternative phytotherapeutic anti-MRSA agent.  相似文献   

Summary  The type specimen of Metrosideros regelii is discussed. It contains a mixture of two species, representing different genera, and a lectotype is chosen. The generic position of the species is considered in the light of morphology and recent molecular evidence and the new combination, Mearnsia regelii, made.  相似文献   

Callus cultures derived from leaf segments of chrysanthemum cultivar ‘Snow Ball’ which was susceptible to Septoria obesa were successfully used for in vitro selection for resistance to this pathogenic fungus. Resistant cell lines were selected by culturing callus on growth medium containing various concentrations of S. obesa filtrate. Resistant calluses obtained after two cycles (30 d each cycle) of selection were used for plant regeneration. About 30% of the plants regenerated from the resistant calluses and 70–80% of the plants raised from cuttings had acquired considerable resistance against the pathogen in the field. No phenotypic variation was observed in the selected regenerates.  相似文献   

Capsicum chinense is a recalcitrant species for in vitro morphogenesis, and up to date there is no efficient system for genetic transformation and regeneration of this species via somatic embryogenesis. Here, we carried out an in vitro transformation of C. chinense via Agrobacterium tumefaciens co-cultivation with a system that expresses the heterologous gene WUSCHEL from Arabidopsis thaliana. WUSCHEL has been shown to promote the transition from vegetative to embryogenic state when overexpressed. We tested if the expression of WUSCHEL in C. chinense would promote an embryogenic response in this species. After 15 days of induction, the segments of transformed stems begun to form globular structures, suggesting that heterologus WUSCHEL was active and involved in the process of morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Genes with overlapping expression and function may gradually diverge despite retaining some common functions. To test whether such genes show distinct patterns of molecular evolution within species, we examined sequence variation at the bric à brac (bab) locus of Drosophila melanogaster. This locus is composed of two anciently duplicated paralogs, bab1 and bab2, which are involved in patterning the adult abdomen, legs, and ovaries. We have sequenced the 148 kb genomic region spanning the bab1 and bab2 genes from 94 inbred lines of D. melanogaster sampled from a single location. Two non-coding regions, one in each paralog, appear to be under selection. The strongest evidence of directional selection is found in a region of bab2 that has no known functional role. The other region is located in the bab1 paralog and is known to contain a cis-regulatory element that controls sex-specific abdominal pigmentation. The coding region of bab1 appears to be under stronger functional constraint than the bab2 coding sequences. Thus, the two paralogs are evolving under different selective regimes in the same natural population, illuminating the different evolutionary trajectories of partially redundant duplicate genes.  相似文献   

Leaf rust, caused by Puccinia triticina, is one of the most damaging diseases of wheat worldwide. Lr16 is a widely deployed leaf rust resistance gene effective at the seedling stage. Although virulence to Lr16 exists in the Canadian P. triticina population, Lr16 provides a level of partial resistance in the field. The primary objective of this study was to identify markers linked to Lr16 that are suitable for marker-assisted selection (MAS). Lr16 was tagged with microsatellite markers on the distal end of chromosome 2BS in three mapping populations. Seven microsatellite loci mapped within 10 cM of Lr16, with the map distances varying among populations. Xwmc764 was the closest microsatellite locus to Lr16, and mapped 1, 9, and 3 cM away in the RL4452/AC Domain, BW278/AC Foremost, and HY644/McKenzie mapping populations, respectively. Lr16 was the terminal locus mapped in all three populations. Xwmc764, Xgwm210, and Xwmc661 were the most suitable markers for selection of Lr16 because they had simple PCR profiles, numerous alleles, high polymorphism information content (PIC), and were tightly linked to Lr16. Twenty-eight spring wheat lines were evaluated for leaf rust reaction with the P. triticina virulence phenotypes MBDS, MBRJ, and MGBJ, and analyzed with five microsatellite markers tightly linked to Lr16. There was good agreement between leaf rust infection type (IT) data and the microsatellite allele data. Microsatellite markers were useful for postulating Lr16 in wheat lines with multiple leaf rust resistance genes.  相似文献   

The two giant notothenioid species, the Patagonian toothfish Dissostichus eleginoides and the Antarctic toothfish D. mawsoni, are important components of the Antarctic ichthyofauna and heavily exploited commercially. They have similar appearance and size, both are piscivorous and bentho-pelagic, but differ in their geographic distribution and absence/presence of the antifreeze trait. We karyotyped these two sister species by analyzing specimens collected from multiple Antarctic and sub-Antarctic sites. Both species have a diploid number of 48, but differ in karyotypic formula, (2m + 2sm + 44a) for D. eleginoides and (2m + 4sm + 42a) for D. mawsoni, due to an extra pair of submetacentric chromosomes in the latter. Chromosomal fluorescence in situ hybridization with rDNA probes revealed unexpected species-specific organization of rRNA genes; D. mawsoni possesses two rDNA loci (versus one locus in D. eleginoides), with the second locus mapping to its additional submetacentric chromosome. The additional rRNA genes in D. mawsoni may be a cold-adaptive compensatory mechanism for growth and development of this large species in freezing seawater.  相似文献   

Resistance to Fusarium head blight (FHB) caused by Fusarium graminearum Schwabe in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) was identified in disomic chromosome substitution and translocation lines, into which chromosome 7el2 had been introgressed from wheatgrass, Thinopyrum ponticum. In this study, two chromosome substitution lines with different origins (designated as el1 and el2) and with different reactions to infection by F. graminearum were crossed to develop a segregating mapping population. The objectives of this study were to determine the effectiveness of this type II resistance and map it on chromosome 7el2. Type II resistance to FHB was characterized in the F2, F2:3 families, F4:5 plants and F5:6 recombinant inbred lines developed by single-seed descent; and the population was characterized in the F2 and F5 with DNA markers along the long arm of 7el. Composite interval mapping revealed a FHB resistance QTL, designated Qfhs.pur-7EL, located in the distal region of the long arm of 7el2 and delimited with flanking markers XBE445653 and Xcfa2240. Additive effects of Qfhs.pur-7EL reduced the number of diseased spikelets per spike following inoculation of one floret in four experiments by 1.5–2.6 and explained 15.1–32.5% of the phenotypic variation in the populations. Several STS-derived and EST-derived PCR or CAPS markers were developed in this chromosomal region, and showed the specificity of 7el2 compared to an array of wheat lines possessing other sources of FHB resistance. These markers are useful in an effort to shorten the chromosome segment of 7el2 and to use for marker-assisted introgression of this resistance into wheat.  相似文献   

The research on incidence of mistletoe (Viscum album ssp. abietis) on silver fir (Abies alba) was carried out in natural fir stands in Croatia. In the area of Gorski Kotar 32.8 % of the examined dominant fir trees were infected with mistletoe. The mistletoe incidence was presented according to the damage degrees of silver fir from 0 (healthy trees) to 4 (dead trees), rated by the crown defoliation and needle discoloration. With the increase of incidence, mistletoe spreads more onto more vital, i.e. less damaged trees. In the Dinaric Alps 28.6% of the examined fir trees were infected, this percentage amounting to 27.1% for the mountainous regions between the Sava and Drava rivers. The site and stand parameters (exposure, elevation, site quality, forest community and crown closure) were analysed in order to establish whether there was a correlation between these parameters and mistletoe incidence. There was a negative correlation between the elevation and mistletoe incidence. Among the compartments with a closed stands there were considerably less compartments with higher mistletoe incidence than among compartments with a sparsely closed and understocked stands. The other analysed site and stand parameters individually had no significant influence on mistletoe incidence. The correlation of silver fir mortality in 2004 and mistletoe incidence in 2002/03 was analysed, and their strong correlation was established. Mistletoe could be considered as a bioindicator of silver fir decline, and probably a significant contributor to that decline. In the areas where mistletoe incidence is great it can be presumed that silver fir is significantly damaged.  相似文献   

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