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Light leaf spot lesions were generally first observed as light green areas on leaves of UK winter oilseed rape crops in January or February and later became brittle and bleached. Elongated lesions, which were brown with indistinct edges, developed on stems in the spring and summer, when lesions were also observed on flower buds, pedicels and pods. Development of diagnostic white pustules (spore masses of Pyrenopeziza brassicae, which erupt through surfaces of infected tissues) for confirmation of light leaf spot infection on symptomless plants or plants with indistinct or ambiguous symptoms in the autumn, winter or spring was enhanced by incubating plants in polyethylene bags. In experiments with artificially inoculated plants, glasshouse-grown plants exposed in infected crops and plants sampled from crops, white pustules developed at all incubation temperatures from 2oC to 20oC on infected leaves of different cultivars. The period of incubation required before the appearance of pustules decreased as the time that had already elapsed since the initial infection increased. The longest periods of incubation were required at the lowest temperatures (2oC or 5oC) but leaves senesced and abscised from plants most quickly at the highest temperatures (15oC or 20oC), suggesting that the optimal incubation temperature was between 10oC and 15oC.  相似文献   

Light leaf spot, caused by Pyrenopeziza brassicae, was assessed regularly on double-low cultivars of winter oilseed rape during field experiments at Rothamsted in 1990-91 and 1991-92. Previous cropping and fungicide applications differed; seed yield and seed quality were measured at harvest. In each season, both the initial incidence of light leaf spot and the rate of disease increase were greater in oilseed rape crops sown after rape than those sown after cereals. The incidence of diseases caused by Phoma lingam or Alternaria spp. was also greater in second oilseed rape crops. In 1991-92 there was 42% less rainfall between September and March than in 1990-91, and much less light leaf spot developed. However, P. lingam and Alternaria spp. were more common. Only fungicide application schedules including an autumn spray decreased the incidence of light leaf spot on leaves, stems and pods, as indicated by decreased areas under the disease progress curves (AUDPC) and slower rates of disease increase. Summer sprays decreased incidence and severity of light leaf spot on pods only. In 1990-91, all fungicide treatments which included an autumn spray increased seed and oil yields of cv. Capricorn but only the treatment which included autumn, spring and summer sprays increased yields of cv. Falcon. No treatment increased the yields of cv. Capricorn or cv. Falcon in 1991-92. Fungicide applications decreased glucosinolate concentrations in the seed from a crop of cv. Cobra severely infected by P. brassicae in 1990-91, but did not increase yield.  相似文献   

Light leaf spot (Pyrenopeziza brassicae) was assessed as % plants with light leaf spot, % leaves with light leaf spot or % leaf area with light leaf spot in winter oilseed rape field experiments done at different sites (Rothamsted, Hertfordshire; Boxworth, Cambridgeshire; near Aberdeen, Scotland), with different cultivars (e.g. Bristol and Capitol), different fungicide treatments, on plants sampled at different dates. Regression analyses on data from these experiments showed that there were consistently good relationships between % leaves with light leaf spot and % plants with light leaf spot for plants sampled during the autumn and winter, until the % plants with light leaf spot approached 100%. The slopes and positions of regression lines were sometimes affected by cultivar, fungicide treatment or sampling date, but not by site. The relationship between % leaf area with light leaf spot (square root-transformed) and % leaves with light leaf spot was less consistent than that between % leaves with light leaf spot and % plants with light leaf spot and was sometimes affected by cultivar, fungicide treatment or sampling date but not by site. The relationship between % leaf area with light leaf spot (square root-transformed) and % plants with light leaf spot was also inconsistent and was sometimes affected by cultivar, fungicide treatment, sampling date and site.  相似文献   

Comparisons of epidemics of light leafspot of differing duration and time of initiation were made in two experiments using a single cultivar of Brassica napus. Fungicide was applied before introduction of disease to prevent infection or some time after inoculation to stop further disease development. In the first experiment, substantial reductions in green leaf area and total plant dry-matter were found at flowering when disease was introduced in the autumn or in January. Plant dry weight at maturity was also greatly reduced in these treatments. The detrimental effect of an epidemic initiated in the autumn was avoided to a large extent if fungicide application began in February. Epidemics initiated in March had only small effects on final dry-matter yield. Seed yield was negatively correlated with the length of the epidemic. In a second experiment, early epidemics initiated in the autumn were halted after different time intervals. Commencing fungicide application even as early as December failed to prevent some loss of dry weight at flowering. At maturity, however, dry weight and seed yield were reduced significantly when fungicide application was delayed until February. Failure to control the disease resulted in a 46% loss of seed yield.  相似文献   

Ascospores of Pyrenopeziza brassicae were produced in apothecia (cup‐shaped ascomata) on oilseed rape debris. The conidia, which were morphologically identical to the ascospores, were produced in acervular conidiomata was greater than for lesions caused by ascospores. In June 2000, on the ground under a crop with light on the surface of living oilseed rape tissues. Ascospores were more infective than conidia on oilseed rape leaves. The proportion of lesions caused by conidia located on leaf veins leaf spot, numbers of petioles with apothecia decreased with increasing distance into the crop from the edge of pathways. Air‐borne ascospores of P. brassicae were first collected above debris of oilseed rape affected with light leaf spot on 5 October 1998 and 18 September 1999,12 or 23 days, respectively, after the debris had been exposed outdoors. P. brassicae conidia were first observed on leaves of winter oilseed rape on 6 January 1999 and 15 February 2000, respectively, after plots had been inoculated with debris in November 1998 and October 1999. In 1991/92, numbers of ascospores above a naturally infected crop were small from January to April and increased in June and July. P. brassicae conidia were first observed in February and the percentage plants with leaves, stems or pods with light leaf spot increased greatly in May and June. In 1992/93, in a crop inoculated with debris, numbers of airborne ascospores were small from October to January and increased from April to June. P. brassicae conidia were first observed on leaves in late November and light leaf spot was seen on stems and pods in March and June 1993, respectively.  相似文献   

Models were constructed to describe the relationships between incidence of phoma leaf spot at different growth stages in autumn/winter or early spring and incidence of stem canker (basal canker or stem lesions) in summer on winter oilseed rape in southern England. Model 1, describing the phoma leaf spot/basal canker relationship, was y101x12(x2x1) if x2 > x1, and y101x1 if x2x1, in which y1 was the incidence (% plants affected) of basal canker at harvest, x1 was the maximum incidence of phoma leaf spot during the period from sowing to growth stage (G.S.) 1,6‐1,7 (about 100 days after sowing) and x2 was the maximum incidence of phoma leaf spot between G.S. 1,7 and G.S. 2,0 (start of stem extension). Model 2, describing the phoma leaf spot/stem lesion relationship, was y201x32x4, in which y2 was the incidence of stem lesions at harvest, x3 was the incidence of phoma leaf spot at G.S. 3,3–3,5 (flower buds visible) and x4 was the incidence of phoma leaf spot at G.S. 4,5–5,5 (flower buds opening). Data from field experiments with four winter oilseed rape cultivars at Boxworth or Rothamsted in the 1992/93, 1993/94, 1996/97, 1997/98 or 1998/99 seasons were used to test the models. The values of R2 for the regression equations testing model 1 for the phoma leaf spot/basal canker relationship were 0.75, 0.93, 0.91 and 0.89 for cvs Apex, Bristol, Capitol and Envol, respectively. The values of R2 for the regression equations testing model 2 for the phoma leaf spot/stem lesion relationship were 0.58, 0.57, 0.54 and 0.71 for cvs Apex, Bristol, Capitol and Envol, respectively. The phoma leaf spot/basal canker relationship (model 1) could also be fitted to the combined data set for all four cultivars (R2= 0.65), whereas the phoma leaf spot/stem lesion relationship (model 2) could not to be fitted to the combined data set for the four cultivars. The relationships between incidence and severity of stem canker were examined and the values of R2 for the regressions of severity on incidence were 0.91 for basal canker and 0.89 for stem lesions.  相似文献   

Abstract In the light leaf spot fungus Pyrenopeziza brassicae , the kinetics of uptake of sucrose, glucose and fructose are all biphasic. At low and high concentrations, glucose and fructose share a high-affinity and a low-affinity hexose carrier respectively, with K m s of 3.5 and 4.6 μM for uptake of glucose and fructose respectively by the high-affinity system, and K s s of 690 and 750 uM for uptake of glucose and fructose by the low-affinity system. The data also suggest the existence of separate high-affinity and low-affinity uptake systems for sucrose. P. brassicae possesses both soluble and paniculate invertase activity, with pH optima of 5.0 and 4.0 respectively. Activity of the particulate invertase is considerably in excess of the highest rates of sucrose uptake.  相似文献   

When leaves of oilseed rape (cv. Cobra) were inoculated with conidial suspensions of Mycosphaerella capsellae (white leaf spot) and incubated in controlled environments, the lag period from inoculation to the appearance of the first lesions decreased, and the total number of lesions produced increased, as temperature increased from 5oC to 20oC, although differences between 15oC and 20oC were small. With incubation period estimated as the time from inoculation until 5%, 50% or 95% of the lesions were produced, there was a linear relationship between l/(incubation period in days) and temperature over the range 5oC to 20oC, from which values at intermediate temperatures could be estimated. Summed mean daily temperatures from inoculation to the production of 5% of the lesions were estimated as 115–130 degree-days in the controlled environment experiments at 5oC to 20oC. When pods or leaves of plants in oilseed rape crops (cv. Cobra or cv. Libravo) were inoculated with conidial suspensions of M. capsellae on five occasions from January to October, with variable temperatures during the incubation period, degree-days until the first appearance of lesions were in the range 115–230. The numbers of white leaf spot lesions cm-2 which developed on inoculated leaves differed greatly between nine oilseed rape cultivars, with most on cv. Tapidor and fewest on cv. Libravo, but the incubation period differed little between cultivars. Similarly, the number of lesions which developed differed between four M. capsellae isolates from different regions but the incubation period did not.  相似文献   

In winter oilseed rape experiments at Rothamsted in 1997/98 (cvs Lipton and Capitol), 1998/99 (cv. Apex) and 1999/2000 (cvs Apex, Lipton and Capitol), development of crown canker and phoma stem lesions in spring was related to development of phoma leaf spot in the previous autumn/winter. There were differences in thermal time (degree‐days) from the first appearance of phoma leaf spot (autumn) to the first appearance of crown canker (spring) between cultivars (cvs Lipton and Capitol, 1220–1240; cv. Apex, 1120–1140 degree‐days) but not between growing seasons. In 1998/99 and 1999/2000, fungicide (November) treatment delayed the start of crown canker development in the spring but did not affect the rate of increase in severity. In 1997/98, fungicide treatments did not delay the appearance of crown canker but decreased the rate of increase in crown canker severity. In all three seasons, fungicide treatments generally decreased the proportions of plants at harvest with crown canker severity scores 3 or 4 and increased the proportions with scores 0 or 1. There were differences between seasons in the distributions of crown canker severity scores at harvest. The severity of both crown canker and phoma stem lesions increased linearly with accumulated degree‐days in plots with or without fungicide treatment in 1997/98 (cv. Lipton), 1998/99 (cv. Apex) and 1999/2000 (cv. Apex). Regressions showed that severity of crown canker at harvest in July was related to severity in the spring in 1997/98 (early June, cv. Lipton), 1998/99 and 1999/2000 (April, cv. Apex).  相似文献   

 Quantitative trait loci (QTL), involved in the polygenic field resistance of rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) to light leaf spot disease, were mapped using 288 DNA markers on 152 doubled-haploid (DH) lines derived from the cross ‘Darmor-bzh’בYudal’. Over two years (1995 and 1996), the DH population was evaluated for light leaf spot resistance on leaves (L) and stems (S), and for blackleg disease resistance in same field trials. For the L resistance criterion, a total of five and seven QTL were detected in 1995 and in 1996 respectively, accounting for 53% and 57% of the genotypic variation. For the S criterion, three and five QTL were identified in 1995 and in 1996 respectively, explaining 29% and 43% of the genotypic variation. The locations of the QTL detected were quite consistent over the two years (4- and 2-year common QTL for L and S, respectively). Three genomic regions, located on the DY5, DY10 and DY11 groups, were common to the resistance on leaves and stems. In comparison with the QTL for blackleg resistance described by Pilet et al. (1998), two regions on the DY6 and DY10 groups, were associated with the two disease resistances. These ‘multiple disease resistance’ (‘MDR’) QTL may correspond to genes involved in common resistance mechanisms towards the two pathogens or else to clusters of resistance genes. Received: 21 November 1997 / Accepted: 3 March 1998  相似文献   

Replicated small plot field experiments were done at two sites growing winter oilseed rape (ADAS Boxworth, Cambridgeshire and ADAS High Mowthorpe, North Yorkshire) and two sites growing spring oilseed rape (ADAS Bridgets, Hampshire and ADAS Rosemaund, Herefordshire) to investigate the effect of cabbage aphid (Brevicoryne brassicae) on crop yield and quality. All four sites were included in the first 2 yr of the experiment in 1994 and 1995 but only those with winter oilseed rape were continued into the final year in 1996. Plots were artificially inoculated with cabbage aphids at either five aphid 4 m-2 or 5 aphids 16 m-2 or left uninoculated to become naturally infested. In 1995 and 1996 the naturally infested treatment was omitted. Sprays of the aphicide pirimicarb at GS 3.3, 3.7, 4.5, 4.9 and 5.5 were used to manipulate aphid populations. Once a plot had been treated at a target growth stage it was sprayed on all subsequent occasions to prevent recolonisation. Aphid numbers were assessed prior to each spray date and their effect on the crop measured in terms of yield of seed and oil and glucosinolate content. Artificial inoculation of aphids was often successful in establishing different populations of the pest at a range of growth stages. Results showed that cabbage aphid sometimes reduced both crop yield and quality. Yield responses to insecticide treatment tended to be larger in spring oilseed rape than in winter oilseed rape mainly because it became more heavily infested at an early growth stage. Tentative thresholds are proposed for control of the pest in both winter and spring oilseed rape. It is stressed that cabbage aphid is a sporadic pest and rarely likely to reach these threshold levels in field crops.  相似文献   

Two recent studies have mapped QTLs associated with the level of seed glucosinolates in oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.). It was likely that the two most significant QTLs identified in each study were the same, as they were linked to RFLP alleles identified by common DNA probes. To investigate the utility of these probes in breeding programmes, they were used to study RFLPs in a range of low- and high-glucosinolate cultivars and breeding lines. It was shown that all low glucosinolate spring and winter cultivars possessed a specific RFLP fragment identified by probe wg3f7 which is linked to theGSL-1 QTL, and all high-glucosinolate cultivars possessed a specific RFLP fragment identified by probe wg7a8, which is linked to theGSL-2 QTL. Cultivar Ariana, which has intermediate levels of glucosinolates possessed the low-glucosinolate fragment atGSL-1 but the high-glucosinolate fragment atGSL-2. A similar result was found with the cvs. Martina and Bronowski which have intermediate and variable levels of glucosinolates. There were no other RFLP fragments identified by other DNA probes which were specific to either the low- or high-glucosinolate phenotypes. The use of probes wg3f7 and wg7a8 in selection of low-glucosinolate lines in breeding programmes is discussed.  相似文献   

In winter oilseed rape (WOSR), only a subset of ovules can develop into seeds in the majority of pods. Any difficulty during the process of seed production may result in seed or pod abortion. This study aimed to reproduce the process of seed development in WOSR based on a limited number of parameters. As a result of the complexity of the developmental patterns of WOSR, it is challenging to identify the roles of various factors that influence seed production using an experimental approach. Here, we present a stochastic probabilistic model of seed development. The generalised least squares method was implemented to estimate the model parameters using the experimental data. Experiments were done in Grignon (France) in 2008 and 2009. The variations in the parameters were analysed according to the following four factors: year, pod rank, inflorescence position and ramification‐clipping treatment. The year had no effect on the number of ovules per ovary (μ) and the probability of seed viability (p). The proportion of effective pollen grains (k) significantly decreased with pod rank at the end of the main stem. Inflorescence position influenced the number of ovules per ovary (μ: 30.8–33.8 from top to bottom) and the parameter k. The mean number of seeds per pod on the main stem and the bottom ramification along the stem was larger than the other ramifications within one plant. Ramification‐clipping treatment increased the number of ovules per ovary (μ: 31 for control plants and 32 for clipped plants), the parameter k and the number of seeds per pod (p). This effect could be due to the competition for assimilates between the pods and seeds. Furthermore, the distribution parameters of the pollen number per stigma (m) remained stable, and the probability of pod survival (Bo) varied with different factors, including the year, pod rank and inflorescence position. Our results indicate that pollen germination is a factor that determines final seed number. This model can identify the impact of each of the factors that lead to the abortion of seeds and pods in WOSR, which include the position effect, assimilate competition and pollination limitation. However, further studies on the pollination process in WOSR should help to refine this model.  相似文献   

转基因油菜的基因流及生态风险   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
综合评述了转基因油菜的基因流及其生态风险.油菜作为最早的转基因作物之一目前已在加拿大和澳大利亚大面积商业化应用.(常)异花授粉作物油菜的天然异交率可达30%左右,也易与其它芸苔属作物杂交,因此转基因油菜的生态风险已引起各国科学家的高度重视.转基因油菜主要通过与其野生近缘种的花粉交换和与非转基因油菜的花粉交换两种方式进行花粉的输出.基因可能逃逸到相关野生近缘种,但在大田环境下能够得到杂种的可能性很小;由于基因的漂流在油菜田块间确实存在,因此在种植转基因油菜的过程中必须考虑其间隔距离.  相似文献   

接种蚯蚓对油菜籽粒产量和含油率的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
通过田间接种试验,研究了威廉腔环蚓(Metaphire guillelmi)活动对冬油菜(Brassica napus)中双9号产量构成因素、籽粒产量和含油率的影响.结果表明:接种蚯蚓后,中双9号的一次有效分枝数、主花序角果数、每角粒数和千粒重均较未接种对照有增加趋势,但差异不显著;而单株角果数、单株产量和小区产量较对照显著提高,分别比对照增加了36.7%、46.5%和29.7%,这可能与蚯蚓促进油菜营养生长阶段植株生长及对氮素的吸收、累积有关.接种蚯蚓后,油菜籽粒含油率较对照有所降低,但由于蚯蚓活动显著提高了油菜籽粒产量,因此单株产油量和小区产油量仍比对照提高了37.4%和21.0%.  相似文献   

The rate of photosynthesis and its relation to tissue nitrogen content was studied in leaves and siliques of winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) growing under field conditions including three rates of nitrogen application (0, 100 or 200 kg N ha-1) and two levels of irrigation (rainfed or irrigated at a deficit of 20 mm). The predominant effect of increasing N application under conditions without water deficiency was enhanced expansion of photosynthetically active leaf and silique surfaces, while the rate of photosynthesis per unit leaf or silique surface area was similar in the different N treatments. Thus, oilseed rape did not increase N investment in leaf area expansion before a decline in photosynthetic rate per unit leaf area due to N deficiency could be avoided. Much less photosynthetically active radiation penetrated into high-N canopies than into low-N canopies. The specific leaf area increased markedly in low light conditions, causing leaves in shade to be less dense than leaves exposed to ample light. In both leaves and siliques the photosynthetic rate per unit surface area responded linearly to increasing N content up to about 2 g m-2, thus showing a constant rate of net CO2 assimilation per unit increment in N (constant photosynthetic N use efficiency). At higher tissue N contents, photosynthetic rate responded less to changes in N status. Expressed per unit N, light saturated photosynthetic rate was three times higher in leaves than in silique valves, indicating a more efficient photosynthetic N utilization in leaves than in siliques. Nevertheless, from about two weeks after completion of flowering and onwards total net CO2 fixation in silique valves exceeded that in leaves because siliques received much higher radiation intensities than leaves and because the leaf area declined rapidly during the reproductive phase of growth. Water deficiency in late vegetative and early reproductive growth stages reduced the photosynthetic rate in leaves and, in particular, siliques of medium- and high-N plants, but not of low-N plants.  相似文献   

通过田间试验研究了播种期和种植密度对冬油菜籽粒产量和含油率的影响.结果表明: 播种期主要影响分枝花序籽粒产量,而种植密度不仅影响分枝花序籽粒产量,还对主花序籽粒产量产生一定影响;籽粒含油率不受播种期的影响.主花序籽粒产量占单株籽粒产量的比例随种植密度的增加而升高,主花序籽粒含油率比分枝花序高约1%,因此小区籽粒含油率随种植密度的增加显著升高.研究区冬油菜播种期不能晚于10月中旬,10月下旬播种会显著降低籽粒产量;种植密度在每平方米36~48株可以提高冬油菜籽粒产量和含油率.  相似文献   

Low-Zn seed (around 80 ng Zn per seed) and high-Zn seed (around 160 ng Zn per seed) of Zhongyou 821 (a traditional Brassica napus genotype from China found to be Zn-inefficient in our previous experiments), Narendra (Zn-efficient B. napus genotype from Australia) and CSIRO-1 (a Zn-efficient B. juncea genotype from Australia) oilseed rape genotypes were sown in pots containing Zn-deficient siliceous sand fertilized with low Zn supply (0.05 mg Zn kg–1 soil) or high Zn supply (2.0 mg Zn kg–1 soil) in a controlled environment. After six weeks, plants derived from the high-Zn seed had better seedling vigour, increased root and shoot growth, more leaf area and chlorophyll concentration in fresh leaf, and higher Zn uptake in shoot compared to those from low-Zn seed at low Zn supply; the impact of high-Zn seed was more marked in Zhongyou 821 compared with CSIRO-1 and Narendra. The influence of high-Zn seed was dissipated at high Zn supply. CSIRO-1 was superior in terms of shoot dry matter production and Zn uptake in shoots at low Zn supply. The results demonstrate that although oilseed rape has very small seeds (about 3 mg per seed weight) compared with wheat (30 mg per seed weight), Zn reserves present in this very small seed still have a strong impact on early vegetative growth as well as on Zn uptake of plants in Zn-deficient soils. The results suggest that sowing high-Zn seed coupled with growing Zn-efficient genotypes may help in sustaining the production of oilseed rape in Zn-deficient soils, and this has implications for improved seed technology.  相似文献   

One concern over growing herbicide-tolerant crops is that herbicide-tolerance genes may be transferred into the weeds they are designed to control. Brassica napus (oilseed rape) has a number of wild relatives that cause weed problems and the most widespread of these is Sinapis arvensis (charlock). Sinapis arvensis seed was collected from 102 populations across the UK, within and outside B. napus-growing areas. These populations were tested for sexual compatibility with B. napus and it was found that none of them hybridized readily in the glasshouse. In contrast to previous studies, we have found that hybrids can be formed naturally with S. arvensis as the maternal parent. Six diverse B. napus cultivars (Capricorn, Drakkar, Falcon, Galaxy, Hobson and Regent) were tested for their compatibility with S. arvensis but no cultivar hybridized readily in the glasshouse. We were unable to detect gene transfer from B. napus to S. arvensis in the field, confirming the extremely low probability of hybridization predicted from the glasshouse work.  相似文献   

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