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Adaptation and survival of surface-deprived red blood cells in mice   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The consequences of lost membrane area for long-termerythrocyte survival in the circulation were investigated. Mouse red blood cells were treated with lysophosphatidylcholine to reduce membrane area, labeled fluorescently, reinfused into recipient mice,and then sampled periodically for 35 days. The circulating fraction ofthe modified cells decreased on an approximately exponential timecourse, with time constants ranging from 2 to 14 days. The ratio ofvolume to surface area of the surviving cells, measured usingmicropipettes, decreased rapidly over the first 5 days after infusionto within 5% of normal. This occurred by both preferential removal ofthe most spherical cells and modification of others, possibly due tomembrane stress developed during transient trapping of cells in themicrovasculature. After 5 days, the cell area decreased with time inthe circulation, but the ratio of volume to surface area remainedessentially constant. These results demonstrate that the ratio of cellvolume to surface area is a major determinant of the ability oferythrocytes to circulate properly.


Erythrocyte glutathione reductase is responsible for generating reduced glutathione, which has been implicated in maintaining the integrity of the red blood cell.Erythrocytes from peripheral blood were separated into fractions of increasing age and the activity of glutathione reductase and aspartate amino transferase determined in each fraction.The age-related decline in activity of both enzymes was confirmed, but with detailed resolution of the cells by age a significant secondary rise in only glutathione reductase activity was found in very old cells. As red blood cells from the same cohort survive in the circulation for varying periods they must vary in some way from one another. It is postulated that glutathione reductase is a critical enzyme which limits erythrocyte survival and that the rate of decline in activity varies from cell to cell. A simple mathematical model based on this postulate accounted quantitatively for both the pattern of glutathione reductase activity and the erythrocyte survival curve. In addition, a simplified model of the passage of erythrocytes through the circulation was designed and run. The predicted erythrocyte survival curve and pattern of glutathione reductase activity were very similar to observed patterns. This model may be useful in other situations where a finite resource is degraded at different rates by random passages through different pathways.  相似文献   

Estimating, comparing and modelling survival rates are central to population biology. However, there are many difficulties in measuring these rates in animal populations in the wild. The most relevant information is based on samples of marked individuals, i.e. capture-recapture data. In recent years, a number of new statistical approaches to the analysis of such data have been developed, permitting more sophisticated and precise measurement of survival rates.  相似文献   

Some of the requirements for survival of human red blood cells were studied in vitro at 25 and 37 degrees C for 1--2 weeks. During the first week at 25 degrees C in Krebs-Ringer bicarbonate medium with glucose, the cells at 2--5% hematocrit (HCT) maintained normal K+, Na+, and water contents with negligible hemolysis. After six days ion gradients decreased, preceded by decline of ATP. With adenosine, ATP was maintained for 1--2 weeks. Sustained in vitro survival of human red blood cells at 25 or 37 degrees C requires constant pHo and sufficient substrates to support a glycolytic carbon flux as well as a nitrogen flux via nucleotide turnover. In Earle's salts buffered with HEPES and supplemented with glucose, Eagle's essential vitamins, albumin, and antibiotics, suspensions at 0.1% HCT exhibited constant pH at 7.39 +/- 0.03 for at least two weeks at 37 degrees C. With glucose alone, ATP declined steadily to negligible levels despite constant pHo, but 0.1 mM adenine supported ATP for one week. Also, several amino acids partially prevented the decline of reduced glutathione during the first week at 37 degrees C. These results and current knowledge of red cell metabolism suggest a new defined medium for experiments requiring long term incubations, and extend the characterization of human red cell in vitro survival to a time period not previously studied.  相似文献   

Red blood cells were frozen in small capillaries down to ?196 °C at different linear cooling rates with or without the cryoadditive HES; the thawing rate was 3000 or 6500 °C/min. Hematocrit and hydroxyethyl starch concentration varied independently. The hemolysis of red blood cells was determined photometrically after 250-fold dilution and compared to totally hemolyzed samples. The typical U-shaped curves for hemolysis as a function of the cooling rate were obtained for all cell suspensions investigated. Relative optimum cooling rates were determined for the respective combinations of HES and hct. The results show that increasing hct causes an increased hemolysis; increased HES concentration CHES reduces the optimum cooling rate Bopt; increased hct results in higher optimal cooling rates. The findings allow one to establish a linear correlation of the HES concentration and the optimum cooling rates when the dilution of the extracellular medium by the cell water efflux during freezing is taken into account. A comparison with results from larger volumes frozen (25 ml) shows that the established relationship between hematocrit, HES concentration, and optimal cooling rate remains valid.  相似文献   

New sources of red blood cells (RBCs) would improve the transfusion capacity of blood centers. Our objective was to generate cells for transfusion by inducing a massive proliferation of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells, followed by terminal erythroid differentiation. We describe here a procedure for amplifying hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) from human cord blood (CB) by the sequential application of specific combinations of growth factors in a serum-free culture medium. The procedure allowed the ex vivo expansion of CD34+ progenitor and stem cells into a pure erythroid precursor population. When injected into nonobese diabetic, severe combined immunodeficient (NOD/SCID) mice, the erythroid cells were capable of proliferation and terminal differentiation into mature enucleated RBCs. The approach may eventually be useful in clinical transfusion applications.  相似文献   

Variability is a hallmark of microbial systems. On the one hand, microbes are subject to environmental heterogeneity and undergo changeable conditions in their immediate surroundings. On the other hand, microbial populations exhibit high cellular diversity. The relation between microbial diversity and variability of population dynamics is difficult to assess. This connection can be quantitatively studied from a perspective that combines in silico models and thermodynamic methods and interpretations. The infection process of Plasmodium falciparum parasitizing human red blood cells under laboratory cultivation conditions is used to illustrate the potential of Individual-based models in the context of predictive microbiology and parasitology. Experimental data from several in vitro cultures are compared to the outcome of an individual-based model and analysed from a thermodynamic perspective. This approach allows distinguishing between intrinsic and external constraints that give rise to the diversity in the infection forms, and it provides a criterion to quantitatively define transient and stationary regimes in the culture. Increasing the ability of models to discriminate between different states of microbial populations enhances their predictive capability which finally leads to a better the control over culture systems. The strategy here presented is of general application and it can substantially improve modelling of other types of microbial communities.  相似文献   

In a previous report [Z. T?r?k, G. Satpathy, M. Banerjee, R. Bali, E. Little, R. Novaes, H. Van Ly, D. Dwyre, A. Kheirolomoom, F. Tablin, J.H. Crowe, N.M. Tsvetkova, Preservation of trehalose loaded red blood cells by lyophilization, Cell Preservation Technol. 3 (2005) 96-111.], we presented a method for preserving human red blood cells (RBCs) by loading them with trehalose and then freeze-drying. We have now improved that method, based on the discovery that addition of phospholipid vesicles to the lyophilization buffer substantially reduces hemolysis of freeze-dried RBCs after rehydration. The surviving cells synthesize 2,3-DPG, have low levels of methemoglobin, and have preserved morphology. Among the lipid species we studied, unsaturated PCs were found to be most effective in suppressing hemoglobin leakage. RBC-vesicle interactions depend on vesicle size and structure; unilamellar liposomes with average diameter of less than 300 nm were more effective in reducing the hemolysis than multilamellar vesicles. Trehalose loaded RBCs demonstrated high survival and low levels of methemoglobin during 10 weeks of storage at 4 degrees C in the dry state when lyophilized in the presence of liposomes.  相似文献   

生境破碎化对动物种群存活的影响   总被引:39,自引:12,他引:39  
武正军  李义明 《生态学报》2003,23(11):2424-2435
生境破碎是生物多样性下降的主要原因之一。通常以岛屿生物地理学、异质种群生物学和景观生态学的理论来解释不同空间尺度中生境破碎化的生态学效应。生境破碎化引起面积效应、隔离效应和边缘效应。这些效应通过影响动物种群的绝灭阈值、分布和多度、种间关系以及生态系统过程,最终影响动物种群的存活。野外研究表明,破碎化对动物的影响,因物种、生境类型和地理区域不同而有所变化,因此,预测物种在破碎生境中的存活比较困难。研究热点集中于:确定生境面积损失和生境斑块的空间格局对破碎景观中物种绝灭的相对影响,破碎景观中物种的适宜生境比例和绝灭阈值,异质种群动态以及生态系统的生态过程。随着3S技术的发展,生境破碎化模型趋于复杂,而发展有效的模型和验证模型将成为一项富有挑战性的任务。  相似文献   

Liquid-stored red blood cells and washed, previously frozen red blood cells were studied to determine whether a correlation existed between morphology and post-transfusion survival. Red cell concentrates were stored at 4 °C in citrate-phosphate-dextrose (CPD) for 21 days or in CPD-adenine (CPDA-1, CPDA-2, or CPDA-3) for as long as 35 days as liquid-preserved red cells. Both nonrejuvenated and rejuvenated red blood cells were frozen with 40%wv glycerol at ?80 °C and were washed prior to testing.Samples of fresh, liquid-stored, and washed, previously frozen red blood cells were fixed with a 2% veronal glutaraldehyde solution. Phase, light, and electron microscopy were used to measure the numbers of discocytes, discoechinocytes, echinocytes, echinospherocytes, and spherocytes in each sample. A morphology score was assigned, with 100 representing all discocytes and 500 all spherocytes. In all samples phase and light microscopy gave nearly identical scores (r = 0.94), and phase and electron microscopy gave highly similar scores (r = 0.83).The morphology score proved to be a good indicator of 24-hr post-transfusion survival in liquid-stored red blood cells but not in washed, previously frozen red blood cells. Red blood cells stored in the liquid state at 4 °C in CPD, CPDA-1, CPDA-2, or CPDA-3 showed a significant inverse correlation between morphology and 24-hr post-transfusion survival (r = ?0.611) and a significant correlation between red cell ATP and 24-hr post-transfusion survival (r = 0.742). We saw no significant correlation between morphology scores and 24-hr post-transfusion values or between ATP levels and post-transfusion survival values in nonrejuvenated or rejuvenated washed, previously frozen red blood cells.  相似文献   

Summary Alteration of uninfected erythrocytes, fromPlasmodium (the malaria parasite)-infected blood remained an open question. In this study we compared the in vivo fatty acid compositions of control and uninfected monkey erythrocytes. A large (40%) increase in the linoleic acid level was observed, which was recovered mostly in neutral lipids. An in vitro system was developed to study medium-mediated alterations of cultured erythrocytes byPlasmodium falciparum. The increase in the linoleate level was reproduced in vitro and was also localized in the neutral lipid fraction, especially in triacylglycerols. Studies using proteolytic digestion and heat denaturation showed that a heat-labile serum protein is indispensable for the increase in the linoleate level of red cells treated with the supernatant, ofP. falciparum cultures. Both the function and the mechanism of this modification of uninfected erythrocytes still remain unknown. This work was supported by the UNDP/World Bank/WHO special program for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (grant T16-181-M2-15B).  相似文献   

Red blood cell samples from several patients with erythremia have been studied by M?ssbauer spectroscopy. Quadrupole splitting and isomer shift for oxyhemoglobin from erythremic red blood cells and those of oxyhemoglobin from normal ones differ slightly, while these hyperfine parameters for deoxyhemoglobins are the same. An additional component in M?ssbauer spectra of red blood cell samples was observed in some cases of erythremia. It is proposed that this component is related to ferritin-like iron and its content ranged from 13-15% to 5-7%.  相似文献   

We describe here the large-scale ex vivo production of mature human red blood cells (RBCs) from hematopoietic stem cells of diverse origins. By mimicking the marrow microenvironment through the application of cytokines and coculture on stromal cells, we coupled substantial amplification of CD34(+) stem cells (up to 1.95 x 10(6)-fold) with 100% terminal differentiation into fully mature, functional RBCs. These cells survived in nonobese diabetic/severe combined immunodeficient mice, as do native RBCs. Our system for producing 'cultured RBCs' lends itself to a fundamental analysis of erythropoiesis and provides a simple in vitro model for studying important human viral or parasitic infections that target erythroid cells. Further development of large-scale production of cultured RBCs will have implications for gene therapy, blood transfusion and tropical medicine.  相似文献   

The oxidative state of glutathione in red blood cells (RBC) and plasma of diabetic patients and of age-matched volunteers has been studied. Oxidized glutathione (GSSG) levels in plasma from diabetic subjects were higher than those from controls (17.2 +/- 2.5 and 3.3 +/- 0.4 micrograms/ml, respectively). This phenomenon was evident also in in vitro experiments: incubated RBC from diabetic patients released very high amounts of GSSG in medium. Thus, erythrocytes are responsible for the enhanced amounts of GSSG found in plasma from diabetic patients. The fall in the conversion of GSSG to reduced glutathione in RBC could be due to a reduced activity of the glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH) enzyme which has been observed in diabetic patients. In this way, G6PDH supplies reduced amounts of NADPH to the glutathione reductase enzyme affecting the integrity of the glutathione system; on the other hand, the activation by glucose of the polyol pathway also reduces the levels of NADPH for the glutathione reductase enzyme.  相似文献   

M T Pérez  M Pinilla  P Sancho 《Life sciences》1999,64(24):2273-2283
In order to explore possibilities of using erythrocytes as carrier systems for delivery of pharmacological agents, we have studied the in vivo survival of murine carrier red blood cell populations enriched in young or old cells. Hypotonic-isotonic dialysis has been used to modify the cells as carrier systems and Percoll/albumin density gradients or counter-current distribution in aqueous polymer two-phase systems to separate them according to age. Hypotonic-isotonic dialysis produces a decrease in the red blood cell populations in vivo survival rate (from 9.5 to 7.8 days). Among the cells modified as carriers, the enriched young red blood cell populations show a higher in vivo survival (half-life 6.5-7.4 days) than populations made up of predominantly old red blood cells (half-life 4.7-6.2 days). Half-life of young or old circulating red blood cells was approximately one day longer when these cells were separated by counter-current distribution rather than by Percoll density gradients. Based on these results, hypotonic-isotonic dialysis of whole and enriched young or old red blood cell populations, with higher or lower survival rates, can be considered as a useful tool for modification of these cells as carriers. The final outcome of such changes can be translated into better control of plasma drug delivery during therapy.  相似文献   

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