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The larval, megalopal and early juvenile stages of Pagurus granosimanus are described, illustrated and compared with other North Pacific species of the genus. Morphologically, the zoeae of P. granosimanus appear most similar to the Japanese P. brachiomastus in the majority of characters, but share the endopodal setation of the third maxilliped with a second Japanese species, P. pectinatus. The megalopae of P. granosimanus are unlike those of other North Pacific species in having 5+5 marginal setae on the telson, rather than the customary 4+4, or less frequent 3+3. Comparison of juvenile characters is limited to pleopodal changes among the regional species for which data are available. P. granosimanus is unusual in undergoing complete pleopodal loss at the second crab stage with return of left pleopods in the fourth stage.  相似文献   


Larvae of the New Zealand cockle Chione stutchburyi (Wood, 1828) reared to settlement in the laboratory are described. They are characterised by dissimilar shoulders with a large, broadly rounded anterior shoulder and end, and broadly rounded umbo, typical of the Veneridae. Setting occurred after 20 days at a minimum length of 180/µm. Shell dimensions increased linearly during larval development but hinge length did not. The L:H ratio decreased from 1.27 at L = 100 to 1.1 at L = 200 and the L:D ratio from 1.95 at L = 100 to 1.59 at L = 200. An SEM study revealed that the larval hinge is characterised by a toothed provinculum forming a broad medial projection on the right valve, opposing two projections on the left valve. Conspicuous flanges on the anterior and posterior shoulders of the left valve fit into corresponding grooves of the right valve.  相似文献   

The brown shrimp Crangon crangon supports an important fishery in Europe (over 25000 t, valued at 80 million euros in 2000). Through the course of histopathological screening of crustaceans from the Clyde estuary, western Scotland, for the biological effect of contaminants, we have discovered a highly prevalent (up to 100%) non-occluded intranuclear bacilliform virus (IBV) infection in the hepatopancreatic tubule epithelia and midgut epithelia of wild C. crangon. This is the first report of an IBV in this family. We have termed this virus Crangon crangon bacilliform virus (CcBV). Histological and ultrastructural observations suggest that this virus is similar to other IBVs previously described from crabs and penaeid shrimps. The nuclei of virus-infected epithelial cells contained an eosinophilic, hypertrophied viroplasm that marginalised the chromatin of the host nucleus. Infected cells were often separated from their neighbouring cells and their nuclei appeared apoptotic. In heavily infected shrimp, apoptotic cells were expelled into the lumen of the hepatopancreatic tubule or the midgut. Following this stage, some hepatopancreatic tubules became degenerate, with remnants of the basement membrane and myoepithelial lining remaining. Transmission electron microscopy of hypertrophic nuclei revealed the presence of rod-shaped and cylindrical, envelope-bound virions. These virions did not form arrays and were not embedded within occlusion bodies, but did appear to be partially occluded in an amorphous matrix that corresponded to a granular viroplasm. The ultrastructure, morphology and size of the nucleocapsid and the complete virion aligns the virus most closely to the IBVs previously reported from other decapod crustaceans. Due to the pathological manifestation of IBV infection in C. crangon, it appears likely that it can act as a population modulator, particularly at sites where infection prevalence is high, such as that observed in the Clyde estuary.  相似文献   

The genus Hexapanopeus Rathbun, 1898 contains eight species,of which three are found in the Brazilian coast. The larvaldevelopment of two of these species has already been studiedin the laboratory. This article describes in detail the morphologyof the complete larval stages of Hexapanopeus caribbaeus rearedunder laboratory conditions, and the morphology is comparedwith that of the larvae of the other species of the same genus.  相似文献   

The complete larval development of the Eastern Atlantic grapsidcrab, Brachynotus atlanticus, was obtained in the laboratory.Five zoeal stages, the megalopa and the first crab stage aredescribed and illustrated. Under laboratory conditions at 23°Cthe first crab appeared on the 25th day. This is the first speciesof the genus for which the complete larval development is known.Larval features are compared with those of other members ofthe subfamily Varuninae.  相似文献   

The southern king crab, Lithodes santolla Molina, is distributed in cold-temperate and subantarctic waters ranging from the southeastern Pacific island of Chiloé (Chile) and the deep Atlantic waters off Uruguay, south to the Beagle Channel (Tierra del Fuego, Argentina/Chile). Recent investigations have shown that its complete larval development from hatching to metamorphosis, comprising three zoeal stages and a megalopa, is fully lecithotrophic, i.e. independent of food. In the present study, larvae were individually reared in the laboratory at seven constant temperatures ranging from 1 to 18 °C, and rates of survival and development through successive larval and early juvenile stages were monitored throughout a period of 1 year. The highest temperature (18 °C) caused complete mortality within 1 week; only a single individual moulted under this condition, 2 days after hatching, to the second zoeal stage, while all other larvae died later in the zoea I stage. At the coldest condition (1 °C), 71% of the larvae reached the zoea III stage, but none of these moulted successfully to a megalopa. A temperature of 3 °C allowed for some survival to the megalopa stage (17-33% in larvae obtained from two different females), but only a single individual passed successfully, 129 days after hatching, through metamorphosis to the first juvenile crab instar. At all other experimental conditions (6, 9, 12 and 15 °C), survival through metamorphosis varied among temperatures and two hatches from 29% to 90% without showing a consistent trend. The time of nonfeeding development from hatching to metamorphosis lasted, on average, from 19 days at 15 °C to 65 days at 6 °C. The relationship between the time of development through individual larval or juvenile stages (D) and temperature (T) was described as a power function (D=aTb, or log[D]=log[a]blog[T]). The same model was also used to describe the temperature dependence of cumulative periods of development from hatching to later larval or juvenile stages. One year after hatching, the 7th (6 °C) to 9th (15 °C) crab instar was reached. Under natural temperature conditions in the region of origin of our material (Beagle Channel, Argentina), L. santolla should reach metamorphosis in October-December, i.e. ca. 2 months after hatching (taking place in winter and early spring). Within 1 year from hatching, the crabs should grow approximately to juvenile instars VII-VIII. Our results indicate that the early life-history stages of L. santolla tolerate moderate cold stress as well as planktonic food-limitation in winter, implying that this species is well adapted to subantarctic environments with low temperatures and a short seasonal plankton production.  相似文献   

The complete larval development of the porcellanid crabNeopisosoma negluctum Werding, 1986, was studied under laboratory conditions. At 27°C, the megalopa appeared after 9 days. The development consists of a transitory prezoea, two zoeal stages and a megalopa stage. The larvae exhibit telsonal features which places them in thePetrolisthes-group of porcellanid larvae. Larval morphology gives no additional support for the status ofNeopisosoma as an independent genus.  相似文献   

P. semisulcatus is a commercially important species of the ArabianSea. In the present studies the mature females were broughtfrom the sea to the laboratory for spawning. The spawned eggswere reared in laboratory conditions up to the post larval stage.Five naupliar, three protozoeal, three mysis and first postlarval stages were described. The diagrams were made with thehelp of camera lucida. The measurements were made with a micrometer.  相似文献   

The complete larval development of the grapsid crab Brachynorusgemmellari (Rizza, 1839) was obtained by culture in the Iabomtoiy.Five zoeal stages, the megalopa and the first crab stage aredescribed and illustrated. Larval development from hatchingto first crab took 26 days at 20C. The morphological charaeiarsof the larvae of B.gemmellari are compared with those of otherknown larvae of the genus Brachynosus.  相似文献   

Larvae of Mithrax caribbaeus were reared in the laboratoryin a factorial experiment employing three temperatures (22,25 and 28°C) and three salinities (32, 35 and 38). Survivaland duration of larval stages were recorded. Ovigerous femalesof M.caribbaeus were collected from the south-eastern coastof Margarita Island, Venezuela, and maintained in individualaquaria until hatching. Eggs from three of the females hatchedin the laboratory. Larvae from each hatching were subdividedinto groups of 10 and reared in plastic bowls containing 200ml filtered and UV-irradiated sea water at different temperature–salinitycombinations. Larvae were transferred daily to clean bowls withnewly hatched Artemia nauplii, and the number of molts and mortalitywithin each bowl was recorded. Complete larval development ofM.caribbaeus occurred under all experimental conditions. Salinityhad the greatest effect on percentage survival of each larvalstage and complete development up to the first crab stage. Thefirst zoeal stage exhibited the highest survival rate. Maximumsurvival for this stage occurred at 25°C, 32–35. Survivalin the second zoeal stage and the megalopa was affected onlyby salinity. Effects of temperature and salinity on survivaldecreased with advance in development. The duration of the twozoeal stages, the megalopa, and development to the first crabstage showed a gradual reduction with increasing temperature.Salinity showed an effect on the duration of zoeal stages butnot on the megalopal stage. Development from hatching to thefirst crab stage required 8–18 days, depending on thetemperature–salinity combination, and was inversely relatedto temperature, averaging 14.3 days at 22°C, 11.8 days at25°C and 9.2 days at 28°C.  相似文献   

SEM investigations of laboratory-reared larvae of Briarosaccus tenellus Boschma, 1970, revealed five naupliar instars, one more than previously described for the Rhizocephala. The external features of these and the cypris larva are described in detail. The youngest instar (NO) is characterised by a better developed furca than in subsequent stages and one additional antennulary seta. Differences in outline, shape of antennulae, and hind-body denticulation, offer the potential of individual discrimination. All the nauplii possess a transparent, hollow cuticular ring around their body. This flotation collar represents the bulged margin of the larval head shield and is attached to the body along a delicate ridge. Three pairs of tiny pores in contact with the ridge possibly regulate inflation of the ring, but details of this mechanisms remain unknown. Due to total lecithotrophy, the nauplii of B. tenellus have limbs setation reduced to that needed for swimming only, and other feeding structures such as the labrum are also highly reduced. In the antennulae, the morphological changes in form and setation were followed from nauplius to cypris and shown to largely resemble events in ontogeny of the thoracican barnacle Semibalanus balanoides. On this basis we establish a homology scheme between antennulary setae in these two species. In both B. tenellus and S. balanoides, a naupliar seta, apically on the fourth antennulary segment develops into a conspicuous aesthetasc while one (B. tenellus) or two (S. balanoides) subapical and postaxially sited setae on the same segment develops into into four short setae in the cypris. Our study reveals that the terminology used in describing cirripede nauplius and cypris larvae is often misleading or even erroneous and improvements are suggested. Notably replacing cypris carapace with the ontogenetically and phylogenetically more informative term head shield.  相似文献   

The larval development of the squat lobster Munida subrugosa from subantarctic waters of the Beagle Channel (Tierra del Fuego, Argentina) was studied under controlled laboratory conditions of temperature, salinity, and food supply. Developmental times, survival, and growth of larvae and early juveniles were investigated. Hatching of the entire brood always occurred during one night. Larvae were kept in 100ml individual bowls with filtered seawater at 8 ± 0.5°C and fed with Artemia spp. nauplii three times a week. Larvae passed through 6 zoeal instars and one megalopa. Previously, only five zoeal instars were known from this species. Mean cumulative durations of the zoeal stages I to VI were: 20.5 ± 2.5, 33.9 ± 4.1, 43.3 ± 5.4, 52.6 ± 5, 61.2 ± 3.9, and 83days, respectively. By adding the 28days that a single megalopa took to metamorphose to crab I stage, the complete larval development lasted 111days. Highest mortality occurred prior to the moult from the zoea I to zoea II stage (79.21% ± 18.65%) and during the moult from zoea VI to megalopa (92.86%). Carapace length was 1.64 ± 0.06, 1.52 ± 0.16, 1.57 ± 0.26, 1.64 ± 0.21, 2.11 ± 0.35, and 2.58 ± 0.19mm, for zoeal stages I to VI, respectively. Carapace length of megalopae and crab I instars was similar (2.85 ± 0.28 and the 2.84 ± 0.05, respectively). Unlike other subantarctic decapods, which show a tendency towards abbreviated larval development and/or some degree of endotrophy, M. subrugosa shows an extended planktotrophic larval development synchronized with short seasonal plankton production in austral summers.  相似文献   

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