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ApparentK s andV max values, for the transport byThiobacillus A2 of14C-labelled sucrose, hexoses and pentoses, were estimated using flow dialysis and membrane filtration techniques. Transport systems of varying degrees of specificity could be inferred from the data. For most sugars tested including glucose, fructose and arabinose, there was a close correlation between maximum rate of sugar transport and observed growth rate. Differences in transport rate were sufficient to explain slow and fast growth on glucose by wild type and GF strains ofThiobacillus A2.Abbreviations Butyl PBD 2-(4-tert-butylphenyl)-5-(4-biphenylyl)-1,3,4-oxadiazole - Tris tris(hydroxymethyl)-amino-methane - PEP phosphoenolpyruvate  相似文献   

Thiobacillus A2 grew on a number of organic acids, pentoses, hexoses and -linked disaccharides, but not on -linked disaccharides or galactosides. Growth was slow on glucose, although fast-growing strains were selectively isolated. Additive growth rates occurred on glucose and galactose; growth on glucose with fructose, pyruvate or gluconate was biphasic rather than diauxic; fructose was used preferentially over glucose; slow growth on glucose was accelerated by some disaccharides; growth on acetate, fumarate or succinate with glucose gave diauxic growth with preferential use of the acid and repression of glucose incorporation. Acetate and succinate tended to be used preferentially even with cultures grown on them in mixture with fructose or sucrose.  相似文献   

During heterotrophic growth on acetate, in batch culture, the autotrophic growth potential of Thiobacillus A2, i.e. the capacity to oxidize thiosulfate and to fix carbon dioxide via the Calvin cycle, was completely repressed. The presence of thiosulfate in a batch culture with acetate as the organic substrate partly released the repression of the thiosulfate oxidizing system. Cultivation of the organism in continuous culture at a dilution rate of 0.05 h-1 with different concentration ratios of thiosulfate and acetate in the reservoir medium led to mixotrophic growth under dual substrate limitation. Growth on the different mixtures of acetate and thiosulfate yielded upto 30% more cell dry weight than predicted from the growth yields on comparable amounts of these substrates separately. The extent to which the carbon dioxide fixation capacity and the maximum thiosulfate and acetate oxidation capacity are repressed appeared to be a function of the thiosulfate to acetate concentration ratio in the reservoir medium. The results of 14C-acetate assimilation experiments and of gas-analysis demonstrated that the extent to which acetate was assimilated depended also on the substrate ratio in the inflowing medium. Under the different growth conditions surprisingly little variation was found in some tri-carboxylic acid cycle enzyme activities. Cultivation of T. A2 at different growth rates with a fixed mixture of thiosulfate (18 mM) and acetate (11 mM) in the medium, showed that dual substrate limitation occured at dilution rates ranging from 0.03–0.20 h-1.Abbreviations PPO 2,5-diphenoloxazol - RubPCase Ribulose-1,5-bisphophate carboxylase - Tris tris (hydroxymethyl) aminomethane - EDTA ethylenediaminetetra-acetic acid  相似文献   

Magnesium deficiency has been reported to affect plant growth and biomass partitioning between root and shoot. The present work aims to identify how Mg deficiency alters carbon partitioning in sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) plants. Fresh biomass, Mg and sugar contents were followed in diverse organs over 20 days under Mg-sufficient and Mg-deficient conditions. At the end of the treatment, the aerial biomass, but not the root biomass, of Mg-deficient plants was lower compared to control plants. A clear inverse relationship between Mg and sugar contents in leaves was found. Mg deficiency promoted a marked increase in sucrose and starch accumulation in the uppermost expanded leaves, which also had the lowest content of Mg among all the leaves of the rosette. The oldest leaves maintained a higher Mg content. [14C]Sucrose labelling showed that sucrose export from the uppermost expanded leaves was inhibited. In contrast, sucrose export from the oldest leaves, which are close to, and export mainly to, the roots, was not restricted. In response to Mg deficiency, the BvSUT1 gene encoding a companion cell sucrose/H+ symporter was induced in the uppermost expanded leaves, but without further enhancement of sucrose loading into the phloem. The observed increase in BvSUT1 gene expression supports the idea that sucrose loading into the phloem is defective, resulting in its accumulation in the leaf.  相似文献   

During autotrophic growth, cells of Thiobacillus A 2 retained a considerable capacity to oxidize various organic energy sources. Heterotrophically grown cultures, on the other hand, were completely devoid of the capacity to fix CO2 via the Calvin cycle and to generate energy from thiosulfate. During transitions from organic media to inorganic thiosulfate-containing media in the chemostat, a long lag-phase was observed before energy generation, CO2 fixation and, consequenctly, measurable growth occurred. This lag-phase was practically abolished if substrates were presentm at very low concentrations in the thiosulfate mineral medium which could be used as an energy source. The same result was obtained when the cells contained reserve material at the moment of the transition. During transitions from thiosulfate-limited growth to starvation, the -thiosulfate and the capacity to fix CO2 decreased very slowly, after an initial short (± 4 h) increase of both enzyme systems. In contrast, these two metabolic functions were inactivated relatively rapidly in the presence of an oxidizable organic carbon and energy source. This process of inactivation was instantaneously stopped and reversed into rapid enzyme synthesis upon replacement of the organic substrate by thiosulfate.  相似文献   

Glucose catabolism was evaluated radiorespirometrically in a fast-growing strain (GFI) ofThiobacillus A2, using glucose specifically labelled ith14C in carbon atoms 1, 2, 3, 3 + 4, 6 and universally labelled. Three simultaneously functional catabolic pathways were found to operate: Embden Meyerhof (54.6%), Entner-Doudoroff (34.4%) and pentose phosphate (11%).Abbreviations EM Embden-Meyerhof - ED Enter-Doudoroff - PP pentose phosphate  相似文献   

Enzymes essential to the operation of the Embden-Meyerhof glycolytic pathway, the Entner-Doudoroff pathway and oxidative pentose phosphate pathway were present in Thiobacillus A2 grown on glucose and other sugars. Radiorespirometry under various conditions with Thiobacillus A2 oxidising glucose specifically labelled with 14C in carbon atoms 1, 2, 3, 3+4, 6 or universally labelled demonstrated the simultaneous operation of the Embden-Meyerhof (48%), Entner-Doudoroff (28%), and pentose phosphate (24%) pathways in release of carbon dioxide from glucose. Growth on succinate, or autotrophically on formate or thiosulphate resulted in repression of most enzymes of the pathways, but high aldolase levels were retained indicating its role in gluconeogenesis and the Calvin cycle. Different fructose diphosphatase activities were found in succinate- and thiosulphate-grown organisms. The results indicate that all three major catabolic pathways for glucose function in Thiobacillus A2 grown on sugars. Thiobacillus acidophilus showed a different radiorespirometric pattern and apparently used the Entner-Doudoroff (64.5%) and pentose phosphate (35.5%) pathways, but showed unusually high release of carbon atom 6, as was also found for T. ferrooxidans.Abbreviations EM Embden-Meyerhof - ED Entner-Doudoroff - EDTA ethylene diamine tetra-acetic acid, disodium salt - FDP fructose 1,6-diphosphate - KDPG 2-keto-3-deoxy-6-phosphogluconate - 6-PG 6-phosphogluconate - Pa Pascal (105 Pa=1 bar) - PP pentose phosphate - POPOP 1,4-di[2-(5-phenyloxazolyl)] benzene - PPO 2,5-diphenyloxazole  相似文献   

The cellular pathway of postphloem sugar transport in developing tomato fruit   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
The cellular pathway of postphloem sugar transport was elucidated in the outer pericarp of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill cv. Floradade) fruit at 13–14 and 23–25 days after anthesis (DAA). These developmental stages are characterized by phloem-imported sugars being accumulated as starch and hexose, respectively. The symplasmic tracer, 5(6)-carboxyfluorescein, loaded into the storage parenchyma cells of pericarp discs, moved readily in the younger fruit but was immobile in fruit at 23–25 DAA. Symplasmic mobility of [14C]glucose was found to be identical to 5(6)-carboxyfluorescein. For the older fruit, the pericarp apoplasm was shown to be freely permeable to the apoplasmic tracer, trisodium 3-hydroxy-5,8,10-pyrenetrisulfonate. Indeed, the transport capacity of the pericarp apoplasm was such that the steady-state rate of in-vitro glucose uptake by pericarp discs accounted fully for the estimated rate of in-vivo glucose accumulation. For fruit at 23–25 DAA, the inhibitory effects of the sulfhydryl group modifier, p-chloromer-curibenzenesulfonic acid (PCMBS), on [14C]glucose and [14C]fructose uptake by the pericarp discs depended on the osmolality of the external solution. The inhibition was most pronounced for pericarp discs enriched in storage parenchyma. Consistent with the PCMBS study, strong fluorescent signals were exhibited by the storage parenchyma cells of pericarp discs exposed to the membrane-impermeable thiol-binding fluorochrome, mono-bromotrimethylammoniobimane. The fluorescent weak acid, sulphorhodamine G, was accumulated preferentially by the storage parenchyma cells. Accumulation of sulphorhodamine G was halted by the ATPase inhibitor erythrosin B, suggesting the presence of a plasma-membrane-bound H+-ATPase. A linkage between the putative H+-ATPase activity and hexose transport was demonstrated by an erythrosin-B inhibition of [14C]glucose and [14C]fructose uptake. In contrast, comparable evidence for an energy-coupled hexose porter could not be found in the pericarp of younger fruit at 13–14 DAA. Overall, the data are interpreted to indicate that: (i) The postphloem cellular pathway in the outer fruit pericarp shifts from the symplasm during starch accumulation (13–14 DAA) to the apoplasm for rapid hexose accumulation (23–25 DAA). (ii) An energy-coupled plasma-membrane hexose carrier is expressed specifically in storage parenchyma cells at the latter stage of fruit development.  相似文献   

C. Clément  J. C. Audran 《Protoplasma》1995,187(1-4):172-181
Summary Anthers ofLilium were for the first time investigated at the ultrastructural level in order to appreciate the possible ways of sugar transport in the microsporangium. Our results have shown that the cells of the outer anther wall layers and the cell of the connective were interconnected by plasmodesmata, thus allowing assimilates to travel through the symplasmic pathway from the vascular bundle to the most internal middle layer (ML 1). ML 1 was devoid of cell communication throughout pollen development. Tapetal cells were also lacking plasmodesmata on their external face towards ML 1, but adjacent tapetal cells developed lateral junctions: the tapetum could represent a syncytium. Sugars destinated to pollen in the loculus have then to cross the ML 1 and the tapetal layers by the apoplasmic pathway; it is suggested that these two envelopes could be involved in the control of sugar transport from the outer anther wall layers to the locular fluid. Before microspore mitosis, the tapetum degenerated but ML 1 remained structurally unchanged. During pollen development, the guard cells of stomata were lacking cell communication, and preserved their starch content, which could be the sign of photosynthesis within the anther wall. In order to check whether these structural disconnections in anther tissues corresponded to physiological barriers, isolated pollen and stamens were cultivated during the anther maturation phase, on a medium containing increasing concentrations of sucrose (0 M, 1/6 M, 1/2 M, 1 M). After 7 days of culture, isolated pollen was engorged with starch grains and was unable to germinate, whereas in cultivated stamens, pollen did not contain any starch grain: sporophytic tissues, however, accumulated abnormal amylaceous reserves. These results strongly suggest that the anther wall layers, in particular ML 1, starve pollen with sugars during its maturation. They are acting as a physiological buffer storing nutriment surplus in starch grains.Abbreviations ML 1 middle layer 1 - ML 2 middle layer 2 - PAS periodic acid Schiff - PATAg periodic acid thiosemicarbazide silver nitrate  相似文献   

Summary Necturus small intestine actively absorbs sugars and amino acids by Na-coupled mechanisms that result in increases in the transepithelial electrical potential difference ( ms ) and the short-circuit current (I sc) which can be attributed entirely to an increase in the rate of active Na absorption. Studies employing conventional microelectrodes indicate that the addition of alanine or galactose to the mucosal solution is followed by a biphasic response. Initially, there is a rapid depolarization of the electrical potential difference across the apical membrane ( ms ) which reverses polarity (i.e. cell interior becomes positive with respect to the mucosal solution) and a marked decrease in the ratio of the effective resistance of the mucosal membrane to that of the serosal membrane (R m /R s ); these events do not appear to be dependent on the availability of metabolic energy. These initial, rapid events are followed by a slow increase in (R m /R s ) toward control values which is paralleled by a repolarization of ms and increases in ms andI sc; this slow series of events is dependent upon the availability of metabolic energy.The results of these studies indicate that: (i) the Na-coupled mechanisms that mediate the entry of sugars and amino acids across the apical membrane are rheogenic (conductive) and result in a decrease inR m and a depolarization of ms ; and (ii) the subsequent increase in (R m /R s ) and repolarization of ms are the results of a decrease inR s which is associated with an increase in the activity of the Na pump at the basolateral membrane.The physiologic implications of these findings are discussed and an equivalent electrical circuit model for rheogenic Na-coupled solute transport processes is analyzed.  相似文献   

Competition in a chemostat between the versatile Thiobacillus A2 and the specialized T. neapolitanus for thiosulfate as the sole growth-limiting substrate, led to dominance of the specialized over the versatile organism, at dilution rates 0.025 h-1. Increasing concentrations of acetate or glycollate in the thiosulfate medium caused increased relative numbers of T. A2 in steady states at D=0.07 h-1. Eventually, with 10–12 mmol of organic substrate per litre, complete dominance of T. A2 over T. neapolitanus occurred.Mixed cultures of T. A2 and a specialized spirillumshaped heterotroph, competing for acetate as sole growth-limiting substrate resulted in complete dominance of the heterotroph at dilution rates of 0.07 and 0.15 h-1. In this case increasing concentrations of thiosulfate in the acetate medium, up to 10 mM, eventually led to the elimination of the heterotroph.These results have been interpreted as evidence that T. A2 was growing mixotrophically. As the concentration of the second substrate was raised, the number of T. A2 cells increased and as a result T. A2 consumed an increasing portion of the common substrate.In mixed chemostat cultures containing all three organisms, T. A2 could maintain itself with all tested ratios of acetate and thiosulfate in the inflowing medium. The heterotroph was excluded from the culture below a relatively low acetate to thiosulfate ratio, whilst above a relatively high acetate to thiosulfate ratio T. neapolitanus was completely eliminated.These results were discussed in relation to the ecological niche of Thiobacillus A2-type organisms.  相似文献   

Poynton CY  Huang JW  Blaylock MJ  Kochian LV  Elless MP 《Planta》2004,219(6):1080-1088
Several species of fern from the Pteris genus are able to accumulate extremely high concentrations of arsenic (As) in the fronds. We have conducted short-term unidirectional As influx and translocation experiments with 73As-radiolabeled arsenate, and found that the concentration-dependent influx of arsenate into roots was significantly larger in two of these As-hyperaccumulating species, Pteris vittata (L.) and Pteris cretica cv. Mayii (L.), than in Nephrolepis exaltata (L.), a non-accumulating fern. The arsenate influx could be described by Michaelis-Menten kinetics and the kinetic parameter K m was found to be lower in the Pteris species, indicating higher affinity of the transport protein for arsenate. Quantitative analysis of kinetic parameters showed that phosphate inhibited arsenate influx in a directly competitive manner, consistent with the hypothesis that arsenate enters plant roots on a phosphate-transport protein. The significantly augmented translocation of arsenic to the shoots that was seen in these As hyperaccumulator species is proposed to be due to a combination of the increased root influx and also decreased sequestration of As in the roots, as a larger fraction of As could be extracted from roots of the Pteris species than from roots of N. exaltata. This leaves a larger pool of mobile As available for translocation to the shoot, probably predominantly as arsenite.Abbreviations As V Arsenate - As III Arsenite - K m Michaelis-Menten constant - P i Phosphate - V max Maximum rate of an enzyme-catalyzed reaction  相似文献   

A mutant in Saccharomyces cerevisiae required one hundred times more K+ than wild type for the same half maximal growth rate. Mutant cells and wild type cells grown at millimolar K+ did not show significant differences in Rb+ transport. In the mutant, a rapid K+ loss induced by azide or incubation (4 h) in K+-free medium decreased the Rb+ transport K m by one half; in the wild type, those treatments decreased the Rb+ K m twenty and one hundred times, respectively. Mutant and wild type did not show significant differences in Na+ transport and in the Na+ inhibition of Rb+ transport, either in normal-K+ cells or in K+-starved cells. The results suggest that either two systems or one system with two interacting sites mediate K+ transport in S. cerevisiae.Abbreviations YPD yeast-peptone-dextrose medium  相似文献   

Enzymatic properties and asparagine (Asn)-linked sugar-chain structures of N-acetyl β- -hexosaminidase A (Hex A) were compared in human tissues between normal renal cortex and renal cell carcinoma (RCC). No significant differences between the two Hex A preparations were observed with respect to enzymatic properties such as molecular mass, Michaelis–Menten value or optimal pH. With RCC preparations, relatively more Hex A passed through the concanavalin A (Con A) column, bound weakly to Con A, or bound strongly to Con A and also to the wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) column, than with preparations from normal renal cortex. In contrast, relatively less Hex A bound strongly to the Con A column, but passed through the WGA column with RCC preparations than with those from normal renal cortex. Asn-linked sugar-chain structures might apparently be altered during human renal oncogenesis.  相似文献   

Jaleh Daie 《Planta》1987,171(4):474-482
The uptake of different sugars was studied in segments of isolated phloem from petioles of celery (Apium graveolens L.) in order to determine the kinetics and specificity of phloem loading in this highly uniform conductive tissue. The uptake kinetics of sucrose and the sugar alcohol, mannitol, which are both phloem-translocated, indicated presence of a single saturable system, while uptake of non-phloem sugars (glucose and 3-O-methylglucose) exhibited biphasic kinetics with lower uptake rates than those for sucrose and mannitol. The presence of unlabeled mannitol, 3-O-methylglucose and maltose in the incubation solution did not cause inhibition of labeled-sucrose uptake, indicating high carrier specificity and lack of sucrose hydrolysis in vivo. The pH optimum for sucrose uptake was 5–6. Furthermore, a rapid and transient alkalinization of the external media by sucrose indicated a sugar/H+-cotransport mechanism. Dual-labeling experiments showed that sucrose influx continued at a constant rate (V max=15 mol·h-1·(g FW)-1), whereas sucrose efflux was low and insensitive to external concentration. Therefore, the saturable uptake kinetics for sucrose did not appear to be the result of an equilibrium between rates of sucrose influx and efflux.Abbreviations 3-OMG 3-O-methylglucose - PCMBS p-chloromercuribenzene sulfonate - SE-CC sieve element-companion cell - VB vascular bundle  相似文献   

Phosphoketolase (E.C. was found in crude extracts of Thiobacillus novellus (ATCC 8093) with a specific activity of 0.070 mol triose formed min-1 (mg protein)-1. The pH optimum, 6.0, temperature optimum, 43° C, and K m , 4.27 mM, are in good agreement with values observed for phosphoketolase from other organisms.The level of phosphoketolase in lithotrophically grown T. novellus was observed to be much lower, 0.002 mol triose formed min-1 (mg protein)-1 than the level in heterotrophically grown cells. T. thioparus, a lithotroph, and T. intermedius, a mixotroph, were examined and found not to contain phosphoketolase. T. A2, a mixotroph reported to be very similar to T. novellus, was examined and found to have about 20% of the level of phosphoketolase as that seen in heterotrophically grown T. novellus.Fructose-6-phosphate was examined as a possible alternate substrate but was found not to be enzymatically cleaved in our system.It therefore appears that T. novellus utilizes a previously unknown combination of a partially complete hexose monophosphate pathway, the phosphoketolase reaction, and a partially complete Embden-Meyerhof-Parnas pathway, in conjunction with the Krebs Cycle, for glucose catabolism.  相似文献   

Summary We have established a first linkage map for beets based on RFLP, isozyme and morphological markers. The population studied consisted of 96 F2 individuals derived from an intraspecific cross. As was expected for outbreeding species, a relatively high degree of polymorphism was found within sugar beet; 47% of the DNA markers were polymorphic for the chosen population. The map consists of 115 independent chromosomal loci designated by 108 genomic DNA probes, 6 isozyme and one morphological marker. The loci cover 789 cM with an average spacing of 6.9 cM. They are dispersed over nine linkage groups corresponding to the haploid chromosome number of Beta species. Eighteen markers (15.4%) showed distorted segregation which, in most instances, can be explained by gametic selection of linked lethal loci. The application of the linkage map in sugar beet breeding is discussed.  相似文献   

In contrast to its diauxic behaviour in batch culture, Thiobacillus A2 grew in chemostat culture using glucose and succinate as dual limiting substrates. Biomass production under dual limitations was the sum of that on single substrates with each substrate being oxidized and assimilated to similar extents in single and dual substrate-limited cultures. In glucose and glucose + succinate-limited cultures glucose was oxidized largely by the Entner-Doudoroff and pentose phosphate pathways, but other mechanisms also contributed and the ratios of pathways depended on substrate ratios and the previous substrate-history of the culture. Variations in specific activities of enzymes of carbohydrate metabolism following switches from single to mixed substrates were considerable, ranging from fourfold for fructose diphosphate aldolase to more than 200-fold for hexokinase, fructose diphosphatase, glucose 6-phosphate and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenases. Changes in specific activities occurred only over prolonged time periods in the chemostat, probably reflecting low concentrations of free substrates in carbon-limited cultures and consequent low levels of catabolite repression.  相似文献   

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