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First revealed in cancer studies, HURP (hepatoma up-regulated protein) is a cell cycle-associated gene with elevated expression in the G(2)/M phase. Cell culture studies have revealed that HURP is an essential factor required for spindle formation and chromosome congression during mitosis. However, the function of HURP in an in vivo context has not been explored. We generated a Hurp knock-out (Hurp(-/-)) mouse to investigate the role of HURP in development under normal physiological conditions. Hurp(-/-) mice develop normally and are indistinguishable from their wild-type littermates. Interestingly, breeding experiments revealed that Hurp(-/-) females are completely infertile, whereas the males reproduce normally. Ovulation, fertilization, and pre-implantation embryo development are normal; however, the Hurp(-/-) females are unable to form implantation sites due to an inability to undergo the decidual reaction. This is caused by a defect in endometrial stromal proliferation that leads to implantation failure. Additionally, HURP expression in the uterus coincides with the implantation stage and can be induced by estrogen treatment. Our results demonstrate for the first time that HURP affects endometrial stromal proliferation during implantation but is dispensable during normal development in mice; specifically, HURP has an essential function in uterine biology.  相似文献   

Protamine 2 deficiency leads to sperm DNA damage and embryo death in mice   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Cytokinesis is incomplete in spermatogenic cells, and the descendants of each stem cell form a clonal syncytium. As a result, a heterozygous mutation in a gene expressed postmeiotically affects all of the haploid spermatids within a syncytium. Previously, we have found that disruption of one copy of the gene for either protamine 1 (PRM1) or protamine 2 (PRM2) in the mouse results in a reduction in the amount of the respective protein, abnormal processing of PRM2, and inability of male chimeras to transmit either the mutant or wild-type allele derived from the 129-genotype embryonic stem cells to the next generation. Although it is believed that protamines are essential for compaction of the sperm nucleus and to protect the DNA from damage, this has not been proven experimentally. To test the hypothesis that failure of chimeras to transmit the 129 genotype to offspring was due to alterations in the organization and integrity of sperm DNA, we used the single-cell DNA electrophoresis (comet) assay, ultrastructural analysis, and the intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) procedure. Comet assay demonstrated a direct correlation between the fraction of sperm with haploinsufficiency of PRM2 and the frequency of sperm with damaged DNA. Ultrastructural analysis revealed reduced compaction of the chromatin. ICSI with PRM2-deficient sperm resulted in activation of most metaphase II-arrested mouse eggs, but few were able to develop to the blastocyst stage. These findings suggest that development fails because of damage to paternal DNA and that PRM2 is crucial for maintaining the integrity of sperm chromatin.  相似文献   

Protamines are unique sperm-specific proteins that package and protect paternal chromatin until fertilization. A subset of mammalian species expresses two protamines (PRM1 and PRM2), while in others PRM1 is sufficient for sperm chromatin packaging. Alterations of the species-specific ratio between PRM1 and PRM2 are associated with infertility. Unlike PRM1, PRM2 is generated as a precursor protein consisting of a highly conserved N-terminal domain, termed cleaved PRM2 (cP2), which is consecutively trimmed off during chromatin condensation. The carboxyterminal part, called mature PRM2 (mP2), interacts with DNA and together with PRM1, mediates chromatin-hypercondensation. The removal of the cP2 domain is believed to be imperative for proper chromatin condensation, yet, the role of cP2 is not yet understood. We generated mice lacking the cP2 domain while the mP2 is still expressed. We show that the cP2 domain is indispensable for complete sperm chromatin protamination and male mouse fertility. cP2 deficient sperm show incomplete protamine incorporation and a severely altered protamine ratio, retention of transition proteins and aberrant retention of the testis specific histone variant H2A.L.2. During epididymal transit, cP2 deficient sperm seem to undergo ROS mediated degradation leading to complete DNA fragmentation. The cP2 domain therefore seems to be a key aspect in the complex crosstalk between histones, transition proteins and protamines during sperm chromatin condensation. Overall, we present the first step towards understanding the role of the cP2 domain in paternal chromatin packaging and open up avenues for further research.  相似文献   

Runx2 transcribes Runx2-II and Runx2-I isoforms with distinct N-termini. Deletion of both isoforms results in complete arrest of bone development, whereas selective loss of Runx2-II is sufficient to form a grossly intact skeleton with impaired endochondral bone development. To elucidate the role of Runx2-II in osteoblast function in adult mice, we examined heterozygous Runx2-II (Runx2-II(+/-)) and homozygous Runx2-II (Runx2-II(-/-))-deficient mice, which, respectively, lack one or both copies of Runx2-II but intact Runx2-I expression. Compared to wild-type mice, 6-week-old Runx2-II(+/-) had reduced trabecular bone volume (BV/TV%), cortical thickness (Ct.Th), and bone mineral density (BMD), decreased osteoblastic and osteoclastic markers, lower bone formation rates, impaired osteoblast maturation of BMSCs in vitro, and significant reductions in mechanical properties. Homozygous Runx2-II(-/-) mice had a more severe reduction in BMD, BV/TV%, and Ct.Th, and greater suppression of osteoblastic and osteoclastic markers than Runx2-II(+/-) mice. Non-selective Runx2(+/-) mice, which have an equivalent reduction in Runx2 expression due to the lack one copy of Runx2-I and II, however, had an intermediate reduction in BMD. Thus, selective Runx2-II mutation causes diminished osteoblastic function in an adult mouse leading to low-turnover osteopenia and suggest that Runx2-I and II have distinct functions imparted by their different N-termini.  相似文献   

A deficit in brain serotonin is thought to be associated with deteriorated stress coping behaviour, affective disorders and exaggerated violence. We challenged this hypothesis in mice with a brain-specific serotonin depletion caused by a tryptophan hydroxylase 2 (TPH2) deficiency. We tested TPH2-deficient (Tph2−/–) animals in two social situations. As juveniles, Tph2−/− mice displayed reduced social contacts, whereas ultrasonic vocalizations (USVs) were unchanged within same-sex same-genotype pairings. Interestingly, juvenile females vocalized more than males across genotypes. Sexually naive adult males were exposed to fresh male or female urine, followed by an interaction with a conspecific, and re-exposed to urine. Although Tph2−/− mice showed normal sexual preference, they were hyper-aggressive towards their interaction partners and did not vocalize in response to sexual cues. These results highlight that central serotonin is essential for prosocial behaviour, especially USV production in adulthood, but not for sexual preference.  相似文献   

Male infertility is one possible consequence of a group of disorders arising from dysfunction of cilia. Ciliopathies include primary ciliary dyskinesia, polycystic kidney disease, Usher syndrome, nephronophthisis, Bardet-Biedl syndrome, Alstrom syndrome, and Meckel-Gruber syndrome as well as some forms of retinal degenerations. Mutations in the retinitis pigmentosa GTPase regulator gene (RPGR) are best known for leading to retinal degeneration but have also been associated with ciliary dysfunctions affecting other tissues. To further study the involvement of RPGR in ciliopathies, transgenic mouse lines overexpressing RPGR were generated. Animals carrying the transgene in varying copy numbers were investigated. We found that infertility due to aberrant spermatozoa correlated with increased copy numbers. In animals with moderately increased gene copies of Rpgr, structural disorganization in the flagellar midpiece, outer dense fibers, and fibrous sheath was apparent. In contrast, in animals with high copy numbers, condensed sperm heads were present, but the flagellum was absent in the vast majority of spermatozoa, although early steps of flagellar biogenesis were observed. This complexity of defects in flagellar assembly suggests a role of RPGR in intraflagellar transport processes.  相似文献   

Syndecan-4 is a transmembrane heparan sulfate proteoglycan belonging to the syndecan family. Following intraperitoneal injection of lipopolysaccharide (LPS), syndecan-4-deficient mice exhibited high mortality compared with wild-type controls. Severe endotoxin shock was observed in the deficient mice: systolic blood pressure and left ventricular fractional shortening were lower in the deficient mice than in the wild-type controls 9 h after LPS injection. Although histological examinations revealed no apparent differences between two groups, the plasma level of interleukin (IL)-1beta was higher in the deficient mice than in the wild-type controls 9 h after LPS injection. Consistent with the regulatory roles of syndecan-4, its expression in monocytes and endothelial cells of microvasculature increased in the wild-type mice after LPS administration. Although IL-1beta was produced to the same extent by macrophages from syndecan-4-deficient and wild-type mice after LPS stimulation, inhibition of its production by transforming growth factor-beta1 was impaired in the syndecan-4-deficient macrophages. These results indicate that syndecan-4 could be involved in prevention of endotoxin shock, at least partly through the inhibitory action of transforming growth factor-beta1 on IL-1beta production.  相似文献   

The oocytes of B6.Y(TIR) sex-reversed female mice can be fertilized but the resultant embryos die at early cleavage stages. In the present study, we examined chromosome segregation at meiotic divisions in the oocytes of XY female mice, compared to those of XX littermates. The timing and frequency of oocyte maturation in culture were comparable between the oocytes from both types of females. At the first meiotic division, the X- and Y-chromosomes segregated independently and were retained in oocytes at equal frequencies. However, more oocytes retained the correct number of chromosomes than anticipated from random segregation. The oocytes that had reached MII-stage were activated by fertilization or incubation with SrCl(2). As expected, the majority of oocytes from XX females completed the second meiotic division and reached the 2-cell stage in 24 h. By contrast, more than half of oocytes from XY females initially remained at the MII-stage while the rest precociously entered interphase after SrCl(2) activation; very few oocytes were seen at the second anaphase or telophase and they often showed impairment of sister-chromatid separation. Eventually the majority of oocytes entered interphase and formed pronuclei, but very few reached the 2-cell stage. Similar results were obtained after fertilization. We conclude that the XY chromosomal composition in oocyte leads to impairment in the progression of the second meiotic division.  相似文献   

Data suggests that modulation of FcgammaRIIB expression represents a significant risk factor for the development of autoimmunity. In this study, we investigated this notion in mice that possess genetics permissible for the development of autoimmunity. To this end, Mrl-MpJ Fcgr2b-/- mice were monitored for the development of autoreactivity. We found that FcgammaRIIB deficiency led to chronic B cell activation associated with increased germinal center and plasma cell accumulation in the spleen. Likewise, Mrl-MpJ Fcgr2b-/- mice exhibited significant serum IgG reactivity against DNA. We further analyzed the IgG isotype contribution to the anti-dsDNA response and found increases in all subtypes with the exception of IgG3. In particular, we found large increases in IgG1 and IgG2b autoreactivity correlating with significant increases in immune complex deposition and kidney pathology. Finally, we found dendritic cells derived from Mrl-MpJ Fcgr2b-/- mice greatly increased IL-12 expression upon coincubation with apoptotic thymocytes compared with wild-type controls. The results indicate that FcgammaRIIB is an important regulator of peripheral tolerance and attenuation of the inhibitory signal it provides enhances autoimmune disease on susceptible backgrounds. Additionally, the data indicates FcgammaRIIB function has a significant impact on APC activity, suggesting a prominent role in dendritic cell activity in response to interaction with particulate autoantigens.  相似文献   

Kinins are vasoactive and pro-inflammatory peptides generated by the cleavage of the kininogen by kallikreins. Two kinin receptors have been described and denominated B1 and B2. Obesity frequently accompanies other pathologies, such as diabetes and hypertention. The clustering of these pathologies is usually known as "metabolic syndrome". Mice lacking leptin gene (ob/ob) are severely obese and hyperphagic. Using quantitative RT-PCR analysis of B1 and B2 mRNAs expression, we described for the first time a correlation between the kallikrein-kinin system (KKS) and severe obesity in mice. The ob/ob mice presented lower expression of B2 mRNA in the white adipose tissue (WAT) and hypothalamus, both primary sites for neuroendocrine regulation of the energetic metabolism. B1 mRNA, however, is overexpressed in these tissues of ob/ob mice. An upregulation of the B1 mRNA has also been seen in liver, abdominal aorta and stomach fundus. However, different from the lean mice, the expression of the B1 mRNA in brown adipose tissue (BAT) and heart is completely abolished. Our data show that kinin receptors are differently modulated in distinct tissues in obesity. These findings suggest a connection between the KKS and obesity, and suggest that kinin receptors could be involved in the ethiopathogenesis of the metabolic syndrome.  相似文献   

Ku70 and Ku86 together with DNA-PKcs form the DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK) complex that is involved in DNA double-strand break repair by nonhomologous end joining. We investigated the effect of Ku86 mutation on intrachromosomal homologous recombination (HR) resulting in deletions in vivo in mice. We quantified such deletion events using a phenotypic pigmentation assay. Deletion of one copy of a 70 kb DNA duplication in the pink-eyed unstable (pun) allele results in reversion to the wildtype pink-eyed dilution (p) gene, allowing black pigment accumulation in cells of the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE). We found that the frequency of homologous recombination was significantly reduced in Ku86 deficient mice. Furthermore, the proliferation of cells in which recombination events occurred was reduced and developmentally delayed in the Ku86 deficient mice. These data indicate a role for Ku86 directly or indirectly in homologous recombination in vivo.  相似文献   

Peroxisomal testis-specific 1 gene (Pxt1) is the only male germ cell-specific gene that encodes a peroxisomal protein known to date. To elucidate the role of Pxt1 in spermatogenesis, we generated transgenic mice expressing a c-MYC-PXT1 fusion protein under the control of the PGK2 promoter. Overexpression of Pxt1 resulted in induction of male germ cells' apoptosis mainly in primary spermatocytes, finally leading to male infertility. This prompted us to analyze the proapoptotic character of mouse PXT1, which harbors a BH3-like domain in the N-terminal part. In different cell lines, the overexpression of PXT1 also resulted in a dramatic increase of apoptosis, whereas the deletion of the BH3-like domain significantly reduced cell death events, thereby confirming that the domain is functional and essential for the proapoptotic activity of PXT1. Moreover, we demonstrated that PXT1 interacts with apoptosis regulator BAT3, which, if overexpressed, can protect cells from the PXT1-induced apoptosis. The PXT1-BAT3 association leads to PXT1 relocation from the cytoplasm to the nucleus. In summary, we demonstrated that PXT1 induces apoptosis via the BH3-like domain and that this process is inhibited by BAT3.  相似文献   

Several glycoproteins in mammalian brains contain α2,8-linked disialic acid residues. We previously showed a constant expression of disialic acid (DiSia) in the hippocampus, olfactory bulb and cortex, and a gradual decrease of expression in the cerebellum from neonatal to senile mice. Previous publications indicate that neurite extension of neuroblastoma-derived Neuro2A cells is inhibited in the presence of DiSia antibody. Based on this, we treated Neuro2A cell cultures with RNA interference for ST8SiaIII mRNA, the enzyme responsible for DiSia formation. We observed that neurite extension was inhibited by this treatment.  相似文献   

Meiotic crossover(CO) formation between homologous chromosomes ensures their subsequent proper segregation and generates genetic diversity among offspring. In maize, however, the mechanisms that modulate CO formation remain poorly characterized. Here, we found that both maize BREAST CANCER SUSCEPTIBILITY PROTEIN 2(BRCA2) and AAA-ATPase FIDGETIN-LIKE-1(FIGL1)act as positive factors of CO formation by controlling the assembly or/and stability of two conserved DNA recombinases RAD51 and DMC1 filame...  相似文献   

The existing XYY meiotic data for mice present a very heterogeneous picture with respect to the relative frequencies of different sex chromosome associations, both at pachytene and diakinesis/metaphase I. Furthermore, where both pachytene and diakinesis/MI data are available for the same males, the frequencies of the different configurations at the two stages are very different. In the present paper we utilise "XYY" and "XY/XYY" mosaic mice with cytologically distinguishable Y chromosomes to investigate the factors responsible for this heterogeneity between different males and between the two meiotic stages. It is concluded (1) that the initial pattern of synapsis is driven by the relatedness of the three pseudoautosomal regions (PARs); (2) that the order and extent of PAR synapsis within radial trivalents are also affected by PAR relatedness and that this leads to chiasmata being preferentially formed between closely related PARs; (3) that trivalents with a single chiasma resolve into a bivalent + univalent by the diakinesis stage; (4) that although many spermatocytes with asynapsed sex chromosomes are eliminated between pachytene and diakinesis, those that survive this phase of elimination progress to the first meiotic metaphase (MI) and accumulate in large numbers, leading to an over-representation of those with univalents as compared to radial trivalents; and (5) that the arrested MI cells are eventually eliminated, so that very few "XYY" cells contribute products to MII.  相似文献   

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