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Full accounting of ecosystem carbon (C) pools and fluxes in coastal plain ecosystems remains less studied compared with upland systems, even though the C stocks in these systems may be up to an order of magnitude higher, making them a potentially important component in regional C cycle. Here, we report C pools and CO2 exchange rates during three hydrologically contrasting years (i.e. 2005–2007) in a coastal plain loblolly pine plantation in North Carolina, USA. The daily temperatures were similar among the study years and to the long‐term (1971–2000) average, whereas the amount and timing of precipitation differed significantly. Precipitation was the largest in 2005 (147 mm above normal), intermediate in 2006 (48 mm below) and lowest in 2007 (486 mm below normal). The forest was a strong C sink during all years, sequestering 361 ± 67 (2005), 835 ± 55 (2006) and 724 ± 55 (2007) g C m?2 yr?1 according to eddy covariance measurements of net ecosystem CO2 exchange (NEE). The interannual differences in NEE were traced to drought‐induced declines in canopy and whole tree hydraulic conductances, which declined with growing precipitation deficit and decreasing soil volumetric water content (VWC). In contrast, the interannual differences were small in gross ecosystem productivity (GEP) and ecosystem respiration (ER), both seemingly insensitive to drought. However, the drought sensitivity of GEP was masked by higher leaf area index and higher photosynthetically active radiation during the dry year. Normalizing GEP by these factors enhanced interannual differences, but there were no signs of suppressed GEP at low VWC during any given year. Although ER was very consistent across the 3 years, and not suppressed by low VWC, the total respiratory cost as a fraction of net primary production increased with annual precipitation and the contribution of heterotrophic respiration (Rh) was significantly higher during the wettest year, exceeding new litter inputs by 58%. Although the difference was smaller during the other 2 years (Rh : litterfall ratio was 1.05 in 2006 and 1.10 in 2007), the soils lost about 109 g C m?2 yr?1, outlining their potential vulnerability to decomposition, and pointing to potential management considerations to protect existing soil C stocks.  相似文献   

Summary Slash pine seedlings on Bladen, Leon, and Lakeland soils responded differently to P and N fertilization. Seedling growth was increased by all treatments on Bladen soil, whereas responses by seedlings on the other soils were nil. All soils were low in extractable P with both Bladen and Lakeland yielding 0.85 ppm P. Growth response to fertilizer was positive on Bladen soil because soil and tissue levels of P were raised above “critical” levels and other nutrients were present in adequate quantities. Tissue analyses indicated, and subsequent experiments utilizing macro- and micronutrients proved, that excess P applications reduced certain micronutrients to growth-limiting levels on both Leon and Lakeland soils. Best growth on Leon soil occurred when P and N were supplemented with Cu. On the Lakeland soil macronutrients supplemented with Cu, Mn, or Zn produced greatest growth. Toxicity levels of five micronutrients on the latter soil also were determined. Journal Series No. 3506, Florida Agricultural Experiment Station, Gainesville. Research supported by Cooperative Research in Forest Fertilization program.  相似文献   

The climate conditions of the current and previous growing seasons have been shown to influence growth of coniferous trees in mineral soils sites. These dependencies may be different in peatlands where growth is generally more dependent on variations in soil water conditions. In the Nordic and Baltic countries, millions of hectares of peatlands and wetlands have been drained in order to enhance forest production. These drainage networks do not guarantee stable soil water conditions for the whole stand rotation. It is thus likely that precipitation in particular may have a different influence on annual growth in peatland to that in mineral soil sites. We studied the effect of precipitation and temperature on the inter-annual diameter growth of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) in Finland in drained peatland forests. The diameter growth data were limited to periods when growth response to drainage had levelled out. For comparison, growth data were also collected from adjacent mineral soil trees. The climate variables were monthly mean temperature and precipitation in a given location estimated from observations at the nearest weather stations by means of spatial smoothing. We used mixed linear models in describing the annual diameter growth of individual trees as a function of tree size and stand properties and expressed the residual variation as a function of climate parameters. The peatland and mineral soil growth variations showed different dependence on climate parameters. Peatland trees within 5 m of a ditch showed different climate responses compared to those located further away. Precipitation in July was negatively correlated with the diameter growth of peatland trees but there was no correlation with temperature. Growth of trees in mineral soils was positively correlated with March and April mean temperatures and May and June mean precipitation. The residual growth indices showed largely similar patterns in peatlands and mineral soil sites.  相似文献   

Samples of 01/02, A1, E2 and Bh horizons collected from a coastal pine forest were assayed for the potential capacity to adsorb and to form organic sulfur from added sulfate. The subsequent mobilization (mineralization) of organic S was also assayed to determine potential capacities of the samples for organic S accumulation. Organic and inorganic forms of S were quantified, as were total carbon and nitrogen levels. Relationships between these parameters and the above S processing capacities for each sample were examined, and fluctuations were statistically analyzed. Of the organic S present, sulfonate-S (non-Raney Ni-reducible S) was found to be the major component irrespective of horizon. Adsorbed and soluble S were found to be low, suggesting that loss by leaching may be an important fate of incoming sulfate at this site. Results from this study were compared with those obtained for two additional sites, which have been examined in detail and documented previously to be S accumulating. Soils from the pine forest site adsorbed substantially less sulfate than those from the other two sites. The organic S accumulation capacity was relatively low for the pine site, averaging less than one third of the potential established for the other two sites.requests for offprints  相似文献   

The study examined the relationships between whole tree hydraulic conductance ( K tree) and the conductance in roots ( K root) and leaves ( K leaf) in loblolly pine trees. In addition, the role of seasonal variations in K root and K leaf in mediating stomatal control of transpiration and its response to vapour pressure deficit ( D ) as soil-dried was studied. Compared to trunk and branches, roots and leaves had the highest loss of conductivity and contributed to more than 75% of the total tree hydraulic resistance. Drought altered the partitioning of the resistance between roots and leaves. As soil moisture dropped below 50%, relative extractable water (REW), K root declined faster than K leaf. Although K tree depended on soil moisture, its dynamics was tempered by the elongation of current-year needles that significantly increased K leaf when REW was below 50%. After accounting for the effect of D on g s, the seasonal decline in K tree caused a 35% decrease in g s and in its sensitivity to D , responses that were mainly driven by K leaf under high REW and by K root under low REW. We conclude that not only water stress but also leaf phenology affects the coordination between K tree and g s and the acclimation of trees to changing environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Depending on the balance between sink and source processes for C, drained organic forest soil ecosystems can be in balance or act as net sinks or sources of CO2 to the atmosphere. In order to study the effect of groundwater level and soil temperature on C-flux, the CoupModel was calibrated (climate data, groundwater levels, soil CO2 flux, net ecosystem fluxes of CO2-exchange, sensible heat flux and latent heat flux, forest production etc.) for a drained forest in Sweden. Bayesian calibration techniques were used to elucidate how different parameters and variables were interlinked in C-circulation. The calibrated model reproduced abiotic and biotic variables reasonably well except for root respiration, which was largely underestimated. Bayesian calibration reduced the uncertainties in the model and highlighted the fact that calibrations should be performed with a high number of parameters instead of specific parameter values.  相似文献   

A system was designed, constructed, tested, and used to growBrassica rapa L. seedling roots which were exposed to O2 concentrations from 0 to 0.21 mol mol−1, water potentials from 0 to −80 kPa, temperatures from 10 to 34°C, and mechanical impedance from 0 to 20.8 kPa. The experimental design was a central composite rotatable design with seven replications of the center point. Measurements were taken of taproot length, taproot diameter at the point of initiation of root hairs (diameter 1), and one cm above the first measurement (diameter 2), and total length and number of first-order laterals. Temperature had the greatest effect on seedling root growth, with linear and quadratic temperature effects significant for all root measurements except taproot diameter 2 which just had a significant linear effect. Water potential had a significant linear effect on lateral length and number of laterals and a significant quadratic effect on taproot diameter 1. Mechanical impedance had a significant effect only on taproot diameter 2. Oxygen was not significant for any root measurement. The mechanical impedance by water potential interaction was significant for taproot length and taproot diameter 1. A temperature optimum was found for taproot length, taproot diameter 1, lateral length, and lateral number, at 26.0, 42.5, 26.5, and 26.4°C, respectively. Taproot diameter 1 had a water potential optimum at −36.5 kPa, whereas taproot diameter 2 had a mechanical impedance optimum at 12.5 kPa. A growth cell designed for this study allows independent control of soil strength, water potential, oxygen concentration, and temperature. Thus, the cell provides the capability which was demonstrated forBrassica rapa L. to grow seedling roots under complete control of the soil physical properties.  相似文献   

A new soil testing procedure has been used to demonstrate the effect of an overfertilization by potassium during the preceding years. The total concentration of cations was governed by the amount of soluble anions and the proportion between the different cations was dependent on exchange reactions and is described by activity ratio. High activity ratio between potassium and calcium induced Ca-deficiency, which resulted in a restricted root functioning shown by periodic decreases of nutrient uptake rates and plant growth rate. P-deficiency restricted root growth, but although ammonium phosphate was most effective to increase P-concentration in soil extracts and P-absorption by plants, ordinary superphosphate gave the highest yield and the best utilization of the absorbed phosphorus, magnesium, and calcium.  相似文献   

草木灰对四种松属种子发芽和幼苗生长的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘发林 《生态学报》2017,37(17):5673-5680
火干扰不仅影响森林生态系统的结构与功能,而且影响群落更新与演替。为了研究草木灰对4种松属种子萌芽和幼苗生长的影响,在湖南省株洲市黄丰桥林场采集马尾松、云南松、湿地松和火炬松种子,以马尾松次生林火烧迹地的草木灰为基质,设置对照和3个草木灰处理,进行播种试验及生长观测。结果表明:(1)草木灰处理下4个物种的种子发芽率比对照试验低,并呈现随草木灰含量的增加而降低的趋势,低草木灰含量处理马尾松种子发芽率不及对照一半,中、高草木灰含量处理发芽率更低;云南松、湿地松和火炬松种子发芽率规律类似于马尾松,而高草木灰含量处理发芽率为0。(2)培养皿播种平均发芽时间比花盆播种长,无论草木灰处理还是培养条件(培养皿或花盆),马尾松和云南松种子平均发芽时间比湿地松和火炬松短。(3)4个物种种子播种14周后,对照试验中马尾松和云南松幼苗死亡率最低,而火炬松和湿地松幼苗死亡率相对增加。(4)播种14周后不同试验处理4个物种幼苗生长差异不明显。火炬松、湿地松、云南松和马尾松幼苗的单株平均干重分别达0.038、0.031、0.027、0.024 g。各物种叶干重按降序排列依次是火炬松(0.026 g)湿地松(0.019 g)云南松(0.017 g)马尾松(0.016 g),根和茎的干重比重相当,约占对应物种幼苗叶干重的三分之一。研究表明以草木灰为培养基质,马尾松和云南松种子的发芽率较高,平均发芽时间较短,更适合作为火烧迹地植被恢复先锋树种,为火干扰后选择人工促进天然更新树种提供参考。  相似文献   

Coastal plain halophytes and their relation to soil ionic composition   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Halophytic coastal communities in Bahia Blanca, Argentina, were examined in relation to soil salinity along a transect from inland to the sea. The relationships between soil electrical conductivity and dominance-abundance values for different species were determined. The Chañaral community with its most conspicuous species Geoffroea decorticans was present in soils with the lowest salinity levels in the area. Halophytic underbush develops at soil salinity values of intermediate soil electrical conductivity, the characteristic species being Cyclolepis genistoides, Atriplex undulata and Salicornia ambigua. Halophytic shrub-like steppe vegetation, dominated by Allenrolfea patagonica or Heterostachys ritteriana, is present in soils with high salinity. It is concluded that the ionic composition of plants was a stable characteristic for different species and did not vary with changes in soil salinity.  相似文献   

Beon  Mu-Sup  Bartsch  Norbert 《Plant Ecology》2003,167(1):97-105
In climatic chambers seed germination and seedling growth of Pinus densiflora Sieb. et Zucc., Quercus serrata Thunb., Quercus mongolica Fisch. ex Turcz. and Quercus variablilis Bl. were investigated as functions of light intensity and soil moisture. In Korea these tree species occur widely and form mixed forests with different distributions. Species clearly differed in the pattern of germination and early seedling growth between light and soil treatments. The germination of pine did not differ between the experimental treatments until the breaking of the primary buds. After that, light intensity was the deciding factor for further development. In the most moist treatment (approx. field capacity) growth of the pine seedlings was strongly inhibited. For the three oak species, differences between experimental treatments first occurred after complete formation of primary leaves. Seed development strongly correlated with the weight of the acorn. The large seeded Q. variabilis (acorns with mean weight of 4.7 g) developed faster and reached larger dimensions towards the end of the experiment than Q. mongolica (2.8 g per acorn) and Q. serrata (0.9 g per acorn). Regarding height and biomass growth, the oak species showed a higher shade tolerance than pine. The proleptic shoot growth was clearly influenced by the light intensity. Root formation was favoured by a high exposure to light. In case of the oak species reduction of soil moisture increased the length of primary roots and the number of secondary roots.  相似文献   

Climate and disturbance are considered key factors in explaining plant invasion, mainly by their effect on alien seedling recruitment. We tested whether soil disturbance by digging and altitude, as a sub-set of climate, affected the seedling recruitment of two alien species (Cirsium vulgare and Melilotus alba) in the mountain grasslands of central Argentina. We performed a seed-addition factorial experiment with altitude as a fixed factor co-variable (6 levels), time since sowing (6 levels) as an autoregressive co-variable, and soil disturbance by digging (two levels) and seed addition (two levels) as fixed factors. Seeds of the studied species were sown in replicated undisturbed and disturbed soil plots, in grassland stands located every 200 m from 1200 to 2200 m a.s.l. The number of emerging seedlings at each plot was recorded during a period of 8 months, at intervals of 30–60 days. Seedlings of both alien species emerged at all the studied altitudes, but only the recruitment of C. vulgare increased linearly with altitude. Moreover, the time window of seedling recruitment for this species increased with altitude. Soil disturbance produced a significant decrease in overall seedling emergence of both species; however, an increase in emergence was observed for C. vulgare at an altitude over 2000 m a.s.l. Natural emergence inside control plots without seed addition was only observed for Cirsium vulgare, which indicates that this species was not seed limited. Our results show that altitude and the absence of disturbance do not restrict the recruitment of C. vulgare and M. alba in these natural mountain grasslands. Moreover, these alien species seem to be tolerant to and even favoured by conditions occurring at higher altitudes and in absence of micro-site soil disturbances in the Córdoba mountain grasslands.  相似文献   

Greenhouse experiments were conducted to assess the effects of supplemental calcium in salinised soil on the response of germination and seedling growth of Caesalpinia crista, L. (Fabaceae). NaCl and CaSO4·2H2O were added to the soil and 0:0, !:0, 1:0.25, 1:0.50, 1:0.75, 1:1, 1:1.25, and 1:1.50 Na/Ca ratios were maintained. Salinity significantly retarded the seed germination and seedling growth, but the injurious effects of NaCl on seed germination were ameliorated and seedling growth was restored with calcium supply at the critical level (1:0.50 Na/Ca ratio) to salinised soil. Calcium supply above the critical level further retarded the seed germination and seedling growth due to the increased soil salinity. Salt stress reduced N, P, K and Ca content in plant tissues, but these nutrients were restored by addition of calcium at the critical level to saline soil. The opposite was true for Na+. The results are discussed in terms of the beneficial effects of calcium supply on the seedling growth of C. crista grown under saline conditions.  相似文献   

Sod cutting (i.e. top soil removal) is a restoration management option for enhancing seedling establishment and for lowering the nutrient concentration in eutrophicated soils of nutrient-poor species-rich grasslands. Removal of the upper soil changes not only abiotic soil properties but may also affect the resident soil community. We investigated the effects of sod cutting on the establishment and performance of two endangered plant species (Cirsium dissectum and Succisa pratensis) while simultaneously manipulating the interaction between seedlings and soil biota. In intact grassland and sod-cut areas at two localities, seedlings were grown in plastic tubes. Half of the tubes had a filter that excluded roots but allowed entry of fungal hyphae and soil microorganisms. The other tubes were closed (i.e. no contact with the surrounding soil). In a greenhouse experiment we studied the effect of soil solutions (with or without fungal tissue) from three grasslands and three sod-cut areas on seedling growth. Sod cutting had a positive net effect on seedling growth for S. pratensis. Access to (mycorrhizal) fungi and other soil biota resulted in a negative impact on seedling growth of both plant species, both in grassland and sod-cut areas. The greenhouse experiment confirmed that the soil biota in these meadows reduced seedling growth. Although sod cutting did not mitigate negative plant-soil feedback, it enhanced seedling growth, presumably by decreasing competition for light. Sod cutting is therefore very useful when seedling establishment needs to be stimulated.  相似文献   

We have examined the effects of sediment grain size and depth on the abundance and activity of aerobic bacteria at two coastal plain sites in Virginia. Samples were collected at centimeter intervals as well as meter intervals because fine‐scale sampling can be essential to assess microbial variability. At the Oyster site, grain size varied from 0.12 to 0.25 mm below 1.5 m depth and did not correlate with either bacterial abundance or activity. Perhaps due to the fairly uniform grain size at this site, variations in bacterial numbers were less than fivefold between replicate samples of 0,1 to 100 g and generally less than 15‐fold among closely spaced intervals (~5 cm). At the Abbott Pit site, grain size was about threefold greater (0.50 ± 0.17mm) in an interval of 4.35 to 5.0m below land surface than grain size in the surrounding sediments. In the same interval, bacterial abundance increased by 11‐fold and activity increased by 217‐fold relative to the surrounding sediments. Overall, grain size correlated significantly with bacterial abundance and activity below the soil zone at the Abbott Pit site. This suggests that changes in grain size, even at the centimeter scale, could have a predominant effect on microbial variability in sandy aquifers of the coastal plain. Besides grain size, depth correlated significantly with total organic carbon and bacterial abundance and activity at both sites, suggesting that depth is also an important factor controlling microbial variability in the subsurface environments.  相似文献   

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