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Thirteen polymorphic microsatellite loci were isolated and characterized from the clam shrimp Eulimnadia texana. In analyses of 20–50 individuals from two populations the number of alleles ranged from two to seven with observed heterozygosity ranging between 0.00 and 0.37. The low values for heterozygosity were not unexpected for a group characterized by its unusual androdioecious mating system, in which males compete with self‐compatible hermaphrodites for offspring production. These microsatellites are likely to be useful for further evolutionary investigations of this rare mating system in these crustaceans.  相似文献   

Androdioecy (populations of males and hermaphrodites) is a rare reproductive form, being described from only a handful of plants and animals. One of these is the shrimp Eulimnadia texana, which has populations comprised of three mating types: two hermaphroditic types (monogenics and amphigenics) and males. In a recent study, the amphigenic hermaphrodites were found to be in greater abundance than that predicted from a model of this mating system. Herein, we compare the relative fitness of offspring from amphigenic and monogenic siblings, attempting to understand the greater relative abundance of the former. Populations started with offspring from selfed monogenic hermaphrodites had a net reproductive rate (R) 87% that of offspring from their amphigenic siblings. Additionally, within populations of amphigenic offspring (which included males, monogenics and amphigenics), amphigenics survived longer than monogenics. These differences help to explain the increased relative abundance of amphigenics in natural populations, but amphigenics continue to be more abundant than expected.  相似文献   

Lana Knoll 《Hydrobiologia》1995,298(1-3):73-81
The clam shrimp,Eulimnadia texana (Crustacea, Conchostraca), is found in freshwater ephemeral environments throughtout the United States. Individual clam shrimp of this species are either hermaphroditic or male, a relatively rare mating system for animals known as androdioecy. Comparison of sex ratios between four neighboring populations ofE. texana in Southern New Mexico showed wide variation in the ratio of males to hermaphrodites with males making up as much as 42% of some populations and not occurring at all within others. Since little is known about the behavior of this species, an ethogram and time budget were prepared based on observations of laboratory populations. Males attempt to clasp hermaphrodites prior to mating. Precopulatory mate guarding occurs in this species. Outcrossing generally occurs during mate guarding and after the hermaphrodite molts. Hermaphrodites, however, seem to control the mating process. Successful mating by males never occured if the hermaphrodite struggled with him; hermaphrodite will self in the presence of males.  相似文献   

Androdioecy (mixtures of males and hermaphrodites) is a rare mating system in both plants and animals. Theory suggests that high levels of inbreeding depression can maintain males in androdioecious populations if hermaphrodites commonly self-fertilize. However, if inbreeding depression (delta) can be 'purged' from selfing populations, maintaining males is more difficult. In the androdioecious clam shrimp, Eulimnadia texana, delta is estimated to be as high as 0.7. Previous work suggests that this high level is maintained in the face of high levels of inbreeding due to an associative overdominance of fitness-related loci with the sex-determining locus. Such associative overdominance would make purging of inbreeding depression difficult to impossible. The current experiment was designed to determine if delta can be purged in these shrimp by tracking fitness across seven generations in selfing and outcrossing treatments. Evidence of purging was found in one of four populations, but the remaining populations demonstrated a consistent pattern of delta across generations. Although the experimental design allowed ample opportunity for purging, the majority of populations were unable to purge their genetic load. Therefore, delta in this species is likely due to associative overdominance caused by deleterious recessive alleles linked to the sex determining locus.  相似文献   

Androdioecy, coexistence of hermaphrodites and males, is an extremely rare breeding system in angiosperms. In the present study, Schizopepon bryoniaefolius (Cucurbitaceae) was confirmed to be functionally androdioecious based on observations of floral and pollen morphology and bagging experiments. Six out of the 11 studied populations consisted of only hermaphrodites, while the other five populations were androdioecious and the frequencies of males were consistently lower than those of hermaphrodites (5.5–28.3%). To understand the consequences of an androdioecious breeding system, genetic variation was estimated using four polymorphic allozyme loci. The degree of genetic differentiation among 11 populations was high (GST = 0.688). Inbreeding coefficients (FIS) for all loci significantly deviated from zero. In particular, the FIS values averaged across the polymorphic loci in hermaphrodite populations were close to unity, suggesting that hermaphrodites are predominantly selfing in the absence of males. A significant negative correlation was found between the frequencies of males and inbreeding coefficients, indicating that outcrossing rates depend on the population sex ratio.  相似文献   

雄全异株流苏树的花部特征及繁育系统研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
何艳霞  孔令茜  陈鹏臻  苗欣  尚富德 《生态学报》2017,37(24):8467-8476
雄全异株是自然界罕见的繁育系统。通过野外观察和人工授粉实验对雄全异株植物流苏树传粉生物学特征及繁育系统进行研究。结果表明:流苏树的雄花与两性花的雄蕊发育过程基本一致,均能产生功能花粉粒。两性花的两个心皮原基愈合分化形成雌蕊,雄花的两个心皮原基愈合后形成一个空室并停止发育至整体退化。雌蕊先熟,柱头可授期长,花粉在花药开裂后具有活力,室温下,活力维持在10%以上约2周。流苏树靠风和昆虫(主要是蓟马和食蚜蝇)传粉。控制授粉30 d后,自然对照结实率为34.36%;两性花不存在无融合生殖现象,自交亲和,但自发自交的结实率仅10.70%;人工授粉下杂交结实率显著高于自交(同株异花);有性生殖受到传粉者限制;是混合交配系统。证实流苏树是木犀科又一功能性的雄全异株,其依靠雄株增加异交花粉的数量和质量,避免自交衰退;同时两性花的自交亲和保障生殖成功。流苏树雄花的雌蕊退化,从另一个角度证明木犀科的雄全异株是两性株向雌雄异株进化的过渡状态。  相似文献   

The influence of seasonal variations in the temperature of the environment on the kinetic parameters of LDH have been followed in the shrimp Palaemon serratus. The results obtained show that this system compensates partially the effects of the temperature on its activity. The complex pattern of the monthly variations of Km values along the year can be resolved into a 2 plateaux system corresponding to the extreme temperature of the environment.  相似文献   

The clam shrimp Eulimnadia texana has a rare mating system known as androdioecy, in which males and hermaphrodites cooccur butthere are no pure females. In this species, reproduction takesplace by outcrossing between males and hermaphrodites, or byselfing within a hermaphrodite; this system provides a uniqueopportunity to examine the adaptive significance of out-crossingand selfing in animals. Our study examined mating behavior in hermaphrodites and males from two populations to understandthe propensity of these shrimp to mate and to estimate a parameterof a model developed by Otto et al. (American Naturalist 141:329-337),which predicts the conditions for stability of the mixed matingsystem in E. texana. Here we present evidence that mating frequencyis environmentally sensitive, with greater numbers of encountersand matings per male when males are rare and in younger males.However, the effects of shrimp density, relative male frequency,and shrimp age interact in a complex way to determine malemating success. Overall, mating frequency was determined bya combination of encounter rates between the sexes and theproportion of encounters resulting in mating. The mating rateswere then used to estimate one of four parameters of the Ottoet al. model, and these estimates were combined with previousestimates of the other three parameters to examine the fitof the predicted to the observed sex ratios in the two populations.  相似文献   

Using immunohistochemical labeling against acetylated a‐tubulin and serotonin in combination with confocal laser scanning microscopy and 3D‐reconstruction, we investigated the temporary freshwater pond inhabitant Branchinella sp. (Crustacea: Branchiopoda: Anostraca) for the first time to provide detailed data on the development of the anostracan nervous system. Protocerebral sense organs such as the nauplius eye and frontal filament organs are present as early as the hatching stage L0. In the postnaupliar region, two terminal pioneer neurons grow from posterior to anterior to connect the mandibular neuromeres. The first protocerebral neuropil to emerge is not part of the central complex but represents the median neuropil, and begins to develop from L0+ onwards. In stage L3, the first evidence of developing compound eyes is visible. This is followed by the formation of the visual neuropils and the neuropils of the central complex in the protocerebrum. From the deutocerebral lobes, the projecting neuron tract proceeds to both sides of the lateral protocerebrum, forming a chiasma just behind the central body. In the postnaupliar region, the peripheral nervous system, commissures and connectives develop along an anterior–posterior gradient after the fasciculation of the terminal pioneer neurons with the mandibular neuromere. The peripheral nervous system in the thoracic segments consists of two longitudinal neurite bundles on each side which connect the intersegmental nerves, together with the ventral nervous system forming an orthogon‐like network. Here, we discuss, among other things, the evidence of a fourth nauplius eye nerve and decussating projecting neuron tract found in Branchinella sp., and provide arguments to support our view that the crustacean frontal filament (organ) and onychophoran primary antenna are homologous. J. Morphol. 277:1423–1446, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

海水混养池塘虾蛤肠道与养殖环境的微生物多样性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【背景】海水混养池塘环境微生物以及动物肠道微生物的群落结构已有研究,但对混养环境中多品种动物肠道与环境微生物群落的关系尚未见报道。【目的】研究海水虾蛤混养环境中微生物多样性以及与养殖动物健康之间的关系。【方法】采用Illumina高通量测序技术测定冬季莆田市北江养殖区2个混养池塘中水体、底泥以及虾蛤肠道的菌群结构。【结果】同一池塘水体与底泥之间、不同池塘水体或底泥之间的微生物结构存在一定的差异;同一养殖区2个混养池塘虾与蛤肠道微生物结构之间具有极高的相似性,与养殖环境存在显著的差异。微生物多样性和丰富度差异很大,表现出底泥水体肠道;虾蛤肠道微生物以厚壁细菌和γ-变形细菌为主;池塘水体以放线菌、α-变形细菌以及拟杆菌为主,底泥以γ-变形细菌和δ-变形细菌为主。养殖动物肠道微生物主要优势种为乳球菌属和假单胞菌属,池塘环境内存在较高丰度的黄杆菌类潜在致病菌,而在虾和蛤的肠道中基本未检出。2个池塘底泥硫还原细菌含量较高,增加了底质产生硫化氢等有害物质的风险。【结论】比较混养池塘中水体、底泥以及虾蛤肠道三者之间微生物群落结构的差异,揭示虾、贝混养模式微生物与养殖环境的关系,为池塘养殖虾、贝疾病防治和混养结构的优化提供参考。  相似文献   

The analysis of fecal ovarian steroids provides a powerful noninvasive method to obtain insights into ovulatory cycles, gestation length, and the timing of sexual interactions relative to the periovulatory period in wild primates. Techniques developed to collect and assay feces from free-ranging muriqui monkeys (Brachyteles arachnoides) for estradiol and progesterone yield the first explicit reproductive data on this species, and provide the first opportunity to evaluate the timing of observed copulations with muriqui ovarian cycles. Hormonal profiles from seven females indicate average cycle lengths of 21.0 ± 5.4 days (n=20). Females conceived after 3–6 ovulatory cycles. Gestation length averaged 216.4 ± 1.5 days for the five females for which conception cycles were sampled. Discrete copulation periods spanned an average of 2.1 ± 1.2 days (n=29), with intervals between these concentrated periods of copulations averaging 15.6 ± 6.7 days (n=20). There were no significant differences among females in cycle lengths, copulation period lengths, or copulation interval lengths. Ejaculation was visible following 71.8 ± 26.7% of copulations during the females' preovulatory periods. All females copulated outside the periovulatory period. The proportion of copulation days outside the periovulatory period was slightly greater (p=0.08) for primiparous females (64.8 ± 28.3%) than for multiparous females (28.7 ± 19.7%). Am. J. Primatol. 42:299–310, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

通过扫描电镜重新研究了产自俄罗斯维特奴河流域下三叠统维特奴宽网叶肢介(Loxomegaglypta wetlugiana Novo-jilov, 1958)的正模标本。扫描电镜成像揭示了光学照相无法分辨的重要分类学新特征, 其中包括: 生长带饰有圆形、角状或椭圆形小筛坑状装饰(直径15–25 μm), 筛坑被不同形状的隆起包围。均匀分布的针孔(直径4–6 μm)不但出现在筛坑里, 而且布满了筛坑周围的隆起。这种装饰与该属建立时描述的多角状大网格装饰区别较大。在此基础上,本研究修订了宽网叶肢介属生长带的装饰特征。  相似文献   

Eighteen microsatellite loci were isolated and characterized from the blue and red shrimp, Aristeus antennatus Risso 1816, a commercially exploited marine crustacean widely distributed throughout the Mediterranean Sea and in the eastern Atlantic. Polymorphism was assessed in a population (n = 20) from the southwestern Sardinian seas; 14 loci resulted polymorphic and showed from three to 13 alleles. The observed heterozygosity ranged from 0.2 to 0.85. These microsatellites will be potentially useful for the study of A. antennatus population genetic structure.  相似文献   

Workers of the ant Cardiocondyla elegans drop female sexuals into the nest entrance of other colonies to promote outbreeding with unrelated, wingless males. Corroborating the results from previous years, we document that carrier and carried female sexuals are typically related and that the transfer initially occurs mostly from their joint natal colonies to unrelated colonies. Female sexuals mate multiply with up to seven genetically distinguishable males. Contrary to our expectation, the colony growth rate of multiple‐mated and outbred female sexuals was lower than that of inbred or single‐mated females, leading to the question of why female sexuals mate multiply at all. Despite the obvious costs, multiple mating might be a way for female sexuals to “pay rent” for hibernation in an alien nest. We argue that in addition to evade inbreeding depression from regular sibling mating over many generations, assisted dispersal might also be a strategy for minimizing the risk of losing all reproductive investment when nests are flooded in winter.  相似文献   

Summary It has been suggested that DNA bending could play a role in the regulation of gene expression, chromosome segregation, specific recombination and/or DNA packaging. We have previously demonstrated that an Alul DNA family of repeats is the major component of constitutive heterochromatin in the brine shrimp A. franciscana. By the analysis of cloned oligomeric (monomer to hexamer) heterochromatic fragments we verified that the repetitive AluI DNA shows a stable curvature that determines a solenoidal geometry to the double helix. This particular structure could be of relevant importance in conferring the characteristic heterochromatic condensation. In this paper we evaluate how the point mutations that occurred during the evolution of the Alul sequence of A. franciscana could influence the sequence-dependent tridimensional conformation. The obtained data underline that, in spite of the high sequence mutation frequency (10%) of the repetitive DNA, the general structure of the heterochromatic DNA is not greatly influenced, but rather there is a substantial variation of the copy number of the repetitive AluI fragment. This variation could be responsible for the hypothetical function of the constitutive heterochromatin.Offprint requests to: N. Landsberger  相似文献   

Weeks  Stephen C.  Marcus  Vivien  Alvarez  Sheila 《Hydrobiologia》1997,359(1-3):191-197
Several life history measures (growth rate, egg production, molt frequency, age at maturity and lifespan) were measured on several clam shrimp hermaphrodites (Eulimnadia texana Packard) grown in a laboratory setting under optimal growth conditions. Growth rates were high early in life, and then dropped dramatically when egg production began (day 5–6). Early egg production was low, and increased until approximately day 7, after which production leveled off for several days. Reproductive senescence was noted after day 17, with clutch sizes continuously dropping until death. Average molts per day was approximately 1.1, and molting seemed to be more closely associated with egg production than with growth. Growth and egg production were negatively correlated, indicating a possible trade-off between these two traits. No other trade-offs were detected. These shrimp show typical early-colonist life history traits, displaying high initial growth, early reproduction at a high rate, and then early senescence and death. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   


The shrimp Penaeus chinensis at moult stage Do were subjected to one of the three following treatments: bilateral eyestalk ablation, amputation of the fifth pair of pereiopods, and both of the above treatments. Two consecutive ecdyses after treatments were followed. Intact animals served as control. Precocious moulting was exhibited in all treated groups. Eyestalk ablation shortened the time to the first ecdysis more than does limb amputation. Additive effect was found in shrimps receiving both treatments. The duration between the first and second ecdyses in treated shrimps was shorter than that of intact animals, but the durations in the three treated groups were not significantly different from one another. Regenerates of limbs appeared after the second ecdysis following limb amputation. Further, change of body colour from black and green to red and white was observed in shrimps with eyestalk ablation.  相似文献   

Androdioecy, the coexistence of males and hermaphrodites within a population, is a rare breeding system, often considered as unlikely to evolve because of restrictive conditions for its maintenance. Phillyrea angustifolia, a wind-pollinated shrub, is one of the handful species reported to be androdioecious. Our previous studies have shown that natural populations of this species in southern France exhibit higher male frequencies (approximately 50%) than predicted on theoretical grounds. Thus, the male functionality of hermaphrodites is still debated. To assess the functional breeding system of this species in the wild, a paternity analysis was performed with two highly polymorphic microsatellite loci on 729 seeds collected on 10 maternal shrubs in a natural population of 24 mature individuals of P. angustifolia. A large proportion of seeds were found to have been sired by pollen from outside the population. Analysis of seeds sired by individuals within the study population revealed a high male fertility of hermaphrodites resulting in a low male advantage in fertility for male plants. Intermate distances were found to have a strong impact on male reproductive success, whereas sexual morph had no effect, with males and hermaphrodites performing equivalently. This study is the first to unequivocally document the occurrence of a male function of hermaphrodites in a natural population of an androdioecious species.  相似文献   

The influence of mating on the extent to which males are attracted to females in Trigonotylus caelestialium (Heteroptera: Miridae) was examined. No differences in attraction of males to mated and virgin females were observed within 3–5 h of mating, but males became less attracted to females 1 to 2 days after the first mating. The difference in male attraction to mated vs virgin females disappeared at 4 days after mating. These results indicate that reduced attraction of males to mated females occurs after a certain time interval, and persists for a few days. Furthermore, males were less attracted to females that had mated with virgin vs recently mated males, i.e. males that had just mated with another female at 1 and 2 days after mating. The ejaculate expenditure of recently mated males was less than that of virgin males. Hence, the amount of male ejaculate transferred to females during mating, rather than the act of mating, might influence the attraction of males to females. The results demonstrate that mating reduces the attraction of males to females in T. caelestialium on the basis of direct observation of male behavior.  相似文献   

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