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The effects of leaf pubescence and rosette geometry on thermal balance were studied in a subspecies of a Hawaiian giant rosette plant, Argyroxiphium sandwicense. This species, a member of the silversword alliance, grows above 2000 m elevation in the alpine zone of two Hawaiian volcanoes. Its highly pubescent leaves are very reflective (absorptance in the 400–700 nm waveband=0.44). Temperature of the expanded leaves was very similar to, or even lower than, air temperature during clear days, which was somewhat surprising given that solar radiation at the high elevation sites where this species grows can exceed 1100 W m–2. However, the temperature of the apical bud, which is located in the center of the parabolic rosette, was usually 25°C higher than air temperature at midday. Experimental manipulations in the field indicated that incoming solar radiation being focussed towards the center of the rosette resulted in higher temperatures of the apical bud. Attenuation of wind speed inside the rosette, which increased the thickness of the boundary layer surrounding the apical bud, also contributed to higher temperatures. The heating effect on the apical bud of the large parabolic rosette, which apparently enhances the rates of physiological processes in the developing leaves, may exclude the species from lower elevations by producing lethal tissue temperatures. Model simulations of apical bud temperatures at different elevations and laboratory estimates of the temperature threshold for permanent heat injury predicted that the lower altitude limit should be approximately 1900 m, which is reasonably close to the lower limit of distribution of A. sandwicense on Haleakala volcano.  相似文献   

We examined the photosynthetic acclimation of three tropical species of Miconia to canopy openings in a Costa Rican rainforest. The response of photosynthesis to canopy opening was very similar in Miconia affinis, M. gracilis, and M. nervosa, despite differences in growth form (trees and shrubs) and local distributions of plants (understory and gap). Four months after the canopy was opened by a treefall, photosynthetic capacity in all three species had approximately doubled from closed canopy levels. There were no obvious signs of high light damage after treefall but acclimation to the gap environment was not immediate. Two weeks after treefall, Amax, stomatal conductance, apprarent quantum efficiency, and dark respiration rates had not changed significantly from understory values. The production of new leaves appears to be an important component of light acclimation in these species. The only variables to differ significantly among species were stomatal conductance at Amax and the light level at which assimilation was saturated. M. affinis had a higher stomatal conductance which may reduce its water use efficiency in gap environments. Photosynthesis in the more shade-tolerant M. gracilis saturated at lower light levels than in the other two species. Individual plant light environments were assessed after treefall with canopy photography but they explained only a small fraction of plant variation in most measures of photosynthesis and growth. In conclusion, we speculate that species differences in local distribution and in light requirements for reproduction may be more strongly related to species differences in carbon allocation than in carbon assimilation.  相似文献   

Interspecific ecophysiological differences in response to different light environments are important to consider in regeneration behavior and forest dynamics. The diurnal changes in leaf gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence of two dipterocarps, Shorea leprosula (a high light-requiring) and Neobalanocarpus heimii (a low light-requiring), and a pioneer tree species (Macaranga gigantea) growing in open and gap sites were examined. In the open site, the maximum net photosynthetic rate (Pn), photosystem II (PSII) quantum yield (; F/Fm), and relative electron transport rate (r-ETR) through PSII at a given photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) was higher in S. leprosula and M. gigantea than in N. heimii, while non-photochemical quenching (NPQ) at a given PPFD was higher in N. heimii. The maximum values of net photosynthetic rate (Pn) in M. gigantea and S. leprosula was higher in the open site (8–11 mol m–2 s–1) than in the gap site (5 mol m–2 s–1), whereas that in N. heimii was lower in the open site (2 mol m–2 s–1) than in the gap site (4 mol m–2 s–1), indicating that N. heimii was less favorable to the open site. These data provide evidence to support the hypothesis that ecophysiological characteristics link with plants regeneration behavior and successional status. Although Pn and stomatal conductance decreased at midday in M. gigantea and S. leprosula in the open site, both r-ETR and leaf temperature remained unchanged. This indicates that stomatal closure rather than reduced photochemical capacity limited Pn in the daytime. Conversely, there was reduced r-ETR under high PPFD conditions in N. heimii in the open site, indicating reduced photochemical capacity. In the gap site, Pn increased in all leaves in the morning before exposure to direct sunlight, suggesting a relatively high use of diffuse light in the morning.  相似文献   

We investigated the characteristics of gaseous exchanges and chlorophyll a fluorescence under different irradiances in two liana species Canavalia parviflora Benth. (Fabaceae) and Gouania virgata Reissk (Rhamnaceae), both of a semi-deciduous tropical forest of Southeast Brazil. We used cultivated plants growing under irradiances of 100, 40, 10, and 1.5 % of the photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD). Higher net photosynthetic rates (P N) were observed during early morning under full sunlight. After this, reduced P N values were recorded due to pronounced stomatal closure. In Canavalia, the gas exchange responses diminished concomitant with reduced irradiance. Gouania exhibited a narrower range of response, with high P N values even at 10 % PPFD. Marked reduction of the effective photochemical yield (ΔF/Fm’) near midday was observed, followed by increases in the non-photochemical quenching for both species under full sunlight. Despite the common occurrence of these species in open areas of the forest, both were able to maintain relatively high P N in shaded environments. We suggest that lianas present an intermediate physiological behaviour between shade and non-shade tolerant species.  相似文献   

We assessed how small patches of contrasting urban ground cover [mesiscape (turf), xeriscape (gravel), concrete, and asphalt] altered the microclimate and performance of adjacent oleander (Nerium oleander L.) plants in Phoenix, Arizona during fall/winter (September–February) and spring/summer (March–September). Ground-cover and oleander canopy surface temperatures, canopy air temperatures and pot soil temperatures tended to be lowest in the mesiscape and highest in the asphalt and concrete. Canopy air vapor pressure deficits were lowest in the mesiscape and highest in the asphalt plot. Rates of net photosynthesis of all oleander plants were highest in October and May, and declined through mid-summer (June–July), when rates tended to be highest in the cooler mesiscape, particularly when water was limiting. During fall/winter, oleanders in the mesiscape produced 20% less biomass, 13% less leaf area, and had 12% lower relative growth rates (RG) than those in the other ground covers. Lower nighttime temperatures in the mesiscape in December led to oleander frost damage. During spring/summer, oleanders in the mesiscape produced 11% more biomass, 16% more leaf area, and had 3% higher RG than those in the other cover types. The effects of urban ground cover on oleander performance were season-specific; while oleander growth was greatest in the mesiscape during spring/summer, it was lowest during fall/winter and these plants experienced frost damage. Because all oleander plants produced >10 times as much biomass during the spring/summer, on an annual basis oleanders in the mesiscape produced 5–11% more biomass than plants in the warmer ground covers.  相似文献   

Z. Kaniuga  W. Michalski 《Planta》1978,140(2):129-136
The composition of free fatty acids (FFA) in relation to Hill reaction activity and photoperoxidation of lipids was studied in chloroplasts isolated from fresh, cold and dark-stored as well as illuminated leaves of Lycopersicon esculentum Mill., Phaseolus vulgaris L. and Cucumis sativus L. Following the cold and dark-storage of leaves the loss of Hill reaction activity is accompanied by approximately a 5-fold increase in the amount of FFA and by an increase in the percentage of unsaturated FFA, particularly that of linolenic acid. Illumination of the cold- and dark-stored leaves restores both Hill reaction activity and the content and composition of chloroplast FFA. Following the second and third cycles of cold storage and illumination of leaves the percentage of unsaturated fatty acids in chloroplasts increases while that of saturated ones decreases despite of the significant restoration of Hill reaction activity. Since the illumination of cold-stored leaves results in peroxidation of inhibitory fatty acids it seems likely that this phenomenon could, at least partially, be responsible for the restoration of Hill reaction activity. Inhibition of Hill reaction activity by exogenous linolenic acid in chloroplasts of fresh, cold-stored as well as cold-stored and illuminated leaves could be reversed following the incubation of chloroplast suspension with BSA, however only to a value measured in the absence of unsaturated fatty acid. All these results indicate that the inhibition of Hill reaction activity due to the cold and dark storage of leaves is caused by both inhibitory FFA released from chloroplast lipids as well as by damage to the thylakoid structure affecting the electron transport within photosystem II.Abbreviations BSA bovine serum albumin - DCIP 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol - DGDG digalactosyl diglyceride - HEPES 2-(4(2-hydroxyethyl)-piperazinyl) ethanesulfonic acid - FFA free fatty acids - MDA malondialdehyde - MGDG monogalactosyldiglyceride - TBA thiobarbituric acid - Tris tris-(Hydroxymethyl)aminomethane  相似文献   

不同生态习性热带雨林树种的幼苗对光能的利用与耗散   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
研究了生长于100%、25%和8%光照条件下的热带雨林先锋树种团花、演替顶极阶段的冠层树种绒毛番龙眼和中下层树种滇南风吹楠幼苗的光合能力及光能分配特性对光强的响应。与绒毛番龙眼和滇南风吹楠相比,团花具有较高的最大光合速率和最大电子传递速率,从光能分配对光强的响应曲线可以看出,随着光强的增加,3个树种幼苗叶片吸收的光能分配到光化学反应的比例减少,分配到热耗散的比例增加,光能在光化学反应与热耗散之间的分配呈显著负相关,与其它两个种相比,100%光下的团花幼苗将较多的光能分配到光化学反应中,热耗散较弱且未达到饱和。过剩光能少,没有引起长期光抑制,绒毛番龙眼和滇南风吹楠将叶片吸收的较多光能分配到热耗散中,但生长于100%光下的幼苗过剩光能仍然较多,导致幼苗遭受长期光抑制,结果表明,不同生态习性热带雨林树种幼苗更新对光环境的要求与这些幼苗对光能的利用和耗散特性密切相关。  相似文献   

The photosynthetic response of juveniles of Decussocarpus rospigliosii, an emergent primary forest species and shade tolerant in its juvenile stages and Alchornea triplinervia, a gap-colonizing species of tropical cloud forest in Venezuela was studied. Daily courses of microenvironmental variables and gas exchange under contrasting light conditions (gap and understory) were carried out in their natural environment and transplanted to different light regimes (shade and sun) in the field. The photosynthetic response and some anatomical characteristics of plants from different treatments were analyzed in the laboratory. Photosynthetic rates were low for both species, and were negative during some diurnal periods, related to the low photosynthetically active radiation levels obtained at both gap (6% of total radiation) and understory (2%). A. triplinervia shows higher rates (1.5–3.0 molm-2 -1) than D. rospigliosii (0.7–1.1 molm-2s-1). Both species showed increased photosynthetic rates when grown in gaps. A. triplinervia did not adjust its maximum photosynthetic rates to the prevailing light conditions. In contrast, D. rospigliosii responded to increased light levels. Both species showed low light compensation points when grown under total shade. There was a partial stomatal closure generally during midday in D. rospigliosii. A. triplinervia presented lower leaf conductances, transpiration rates and lesser stomatal control. Some leaf anatomical characteristics, in both species, were affected by variations in the light regime (i.e. increased leaf thickness, leaf specific weight and stomatal density). These results suggest that both species have the ability to respond to variations in their natural light environments, therefore maintaining a favorable carbon balance during the day.  相似文献   

Survivorship and growth of seedlings of four dipterocarp species (Dipterocarpus actangulus, D. globosus, Dryobalanops aromatica, Dryobalanops lanceolata) were studied for 2.5 years in a mixed dipterocarp forest in Sarawak, East Malaysia. Predispersal seed predation rates were larger forD. globosus (75%) thanD. lanceolata (27–34%) andD. aromatica (18–26%). Less than 20% of the twoDryobalanops seeds were damaged by vertebrates after seed dispersal. During the period from seed dispersal to the time when the seedlings had shed cotyledons, more dispersed seeds died in the twoDipterocarpus (ca 90%) than the twoDryobalanops (ca 60–70%). The major mortality factors during this period were uprooted and seed/seedling predation by insects or vertebrates. After the seedlings shed cotyledons, all species showed constant mortality rates of 34, 15–16, 17 and 6%/year forD. actangulus, D. lanceolata, D. aromatica andD. globosus, respectively, in the forest understorey. Mortality was lower in less shaded conditions than in more shaded ones forD. aromatica andD. actangulus, but not significantly different forD. lanceolata andD. globosus. A majority of dead seedlings were killed by fallen branches or were found standing with wilted leaves, probably due to water stress. No significant correlation was found between seed/seedling mortality and distance from mother trees or the initial density of seeds/seedings for all species. The mean leaf production was positively correlated with the estimated diffuse light factor of their habitats for each species.  相似文献   

B. Schaffer  L. J. Mason 《Oecologia》1990,84(4):468-473
Summary The scale insect, Toumeyella sp., feeds exclusively on the subtropical hammock tree lignum vitae (Guaiacum sanctum L.). The combined effects of scale herbivory and shading on leaf gas exchange characteristics and growth of lignum vitae trees were studied using a factorial design. Trees grown in full sun or in 75% shade were manually infested with scale or left noninfested. Beginning 4 weeks after infestation, net CO2 assimilation, stomatal conductance, transpiration, internal partial pressure of CO2, and water-use efficiency were determined on single-leaves at 4-week intervals for trees in each treatment. At the end of the experiment, net CO2 assimilation was determined for whole plants. Total leaf area, leaf, stem, and root dry weights, and leaf chlorophyll and nitrogen concentrations were also determined. Scale infested trees generally had lower net CO2 assimilation, stomatal conductance, and transpiration rates as well as less leaf area, and root, stem, and leaf dry weights than noninfested trees. Twenty four weeks after the shade treatment was imposed, sun-grown trees had approximately twice the leaf area of shade-grown trees. Shade-grown trees compensated for the reduced leaf area by increasing their photosynthetic efficiency. This resulted in no difference in light saturated net CO2 assimilation on a whole plant basis between sun-grown and shade-grown trees. Chlorophyll and nitrogen concentrations per unit leaf area were greater in leaves of shade-grown trees than in leaves of sun-grown trees. Shading and herbivory by Toumeyella sp. each resulted in decreased growth of Guaiacum sanctum. Scale insect herbivory did not result in greater detrimental effects on leaf gas exchange characteristics for shade-grown than for sun-grown trees. Herbivory by Toumeyella resulted in a greater decrease in tree growth for sun-grown than for shade-grown trees.  相似文献   

Summary Piper auritum (H.B. & K.), a pioneer tree restricted to open sites and Piper hispidum (Swartz), a shrub common in sites ranging from recent clearings to shaded understory, both adjust photosynthetic characteristics in response to light availability during growth. The sensitivity of photosynthetic capacity to light availability during growth was indistinguishable for the two species growing in their natural habitat. Photosynthetic capacity was strongly correlated with leaf nitrogen in both species, and the relationship was similar between species. Dark respiration and leaf specific mass were more sensitive to light during growth in P. hispidum, the species with the broad habitat ange, than in P. auritum. In general, similarities between the species were more striking than differences between them. The differences in dark respiration could have important implications for carbon balance. The difference in the responsiveness of leaf specific mass to light indicates that the broad-ranging species maintains access to modes of response little utilized by the open-site specialist. We did not and, in the gas exchange characteristics, any evidence that the open site specialist is better suited than the generalist to high-light sites.This CIW DPB publication number 962  相似文献   

Summary Effects of zinc supply on shoot and root dry weight, root length, zinc concentrations and carbonic anhydrase activity were measured in 52 day old seedlings ofEucalyptus maculata, E. marginata, E. patens and wheat grown in a zinc deficient soil in the glasshouse.Symptoms of zinc deficiency in the eucalyptus and wheat appeared within 20 to 35 days. Eucalypt seedlings had short internodes and small necrotic leaves, reduced dry weight of shoots and roots, root length and zinc concentrations in young leaves; the measurable level of leaf carbonic anhydrase activity decreased to zero. Similar responses also occurred in wheat.The level of zinc fertilizer required for normal growth of Eucalyptus seedlings is therefore likely to be similar to that used for wheat and other agricultural crops.  相似文献   

We investigated how leaf gas exchange and hydraulic properties acclimate to increasing evaporative demand in mature beech trees, Fagus crenata Blume and Fagus japonica Maxim., growing in their natural habitat. The measurements in the top canopy leaves were conducted using a 16-m-high scaffolding tower over two growing seasons. The daily maxima of net photosynthetic rate for the early growing season were close to the annual maximum value (11.9 mol m–2 s–1 in F. crenata and 7.7 mol m–2 s–1 in F. japonica). The daily maxima of water vapor stomatal conductance were highest in the summer, approximately 0.3 mol m–2 s–1 in F. crenata and 0.15 mol m–2 s–1 in F. japonica. From the early growing season to the summer season, the leaf-to-air vapor pressure deficit increased and the daily minima of leaf water potentials decreased. However, there was no loss of leaf turgor in the summer as a result of effective osmotic adjustment. Both the soil-to-leaf hydraulic conductance per unit leaf area and the twig hydraulic conductivity simultaneously increased in the summer, probably as a result of production of new vessels in the xylem. These results suggest that both osmotic adjustment and increased hydraulic conductance resulted in the largest diurnal maximum of stomatal conductance in the summer, resulting in the lowest relative stomatal limitation on net photosynthetic rate, although the leaf-to-air vapor pressure deficit was highest. These results indicate that even in a mesic forest, in which excessive hydraulic stress does not occur, the seasonal acclimation of hydraulic properties at both the single leaf and whole plant levels are important for plant carbon gain.  相似文献   

We investigated the physiological effect of night chilling (CN) on potted seedlings of two tropical tree species, Calophyllum polyanthum and Linociera insignis, in Xishuangbanna, southwest China. Seedlings grown under 8, 25, and 50 % daylight for five months were moved to a 4–6 °C cold storage house for three consecutive nights, and returned to the original shaded sites during the day. CN resulted in strong suppression of photosynthesis and stomatal conductance for L. insignis, and reduced photorespiration rates, carboxylation efficiency, and maximum photochemical efficiency of photosystem 2 (PS2) at dawn and midday for both species. CN increased dawn and midday rates of non-photochemical quenching, and the contents of malondialdehyde and H2O2 for both species. CN also induced inactivation or destruction of PS2 reaction centres. The impacts of CN on tropical seedlings increased with the number of CN. Shading could significantly mitigate the adverse effects of CN for both species. After 3-d-recovery, gas exchange and fluorescence parameters for both species returned to pre-treatment levels in most cases. Thus CN induced mainly stomatal limitation of photosynthesis for L. insignis, and non-stomatal limitation for C. polyanthum. C. polyanthum was more susceptible to CN than L. insignis. Fog, which often occurs in Xishuangbanna, could be beneficial to chilling sensitive tropical seedlings in this area through alleviating photoinhibition or photodamage by reducing sunlight.  相似文献   

Summary We have investigated the diurnal response of photosynthesis and variable photosystem II (PSII) chlorophyll fluorescence at 77 K for thalli of the chlorophyte macroalga, Ulva rotundata, grown in outdoor culture and transplanted to an intertidal sand flat in different seasons. The physiological response in summer indicated synergistic effects of high PFD and aerial exposure, the latter probably attributable to temperature, which usually increased by 8 to 10° C during midday emersion. Except at extreme emersed temperatures in summer (38° C), the light-saturated photosynthesis rate (Pm) did not decline at midday. In contrast, light-limited quantum yield of photosynthetic O2 exchange () and the ratio of variable to maximum fluorescence yield (Fv/Fm) reversibly declined during midday low tides in all seasons. Shade-grown thalli exhibited a fluorescence response suggestive of greater photodamage to PSII, whereas sun-grown thalli had greater photoprotective capacity. The fluorescence decline was smaller when high tide occurred at midday, and was delayed during morning cloudiness. These results suggest that the diurnal response to PFD in this shallow water species is modified by tidal and meteorological factors. U. rotundata has a great capacity for photoprotection which allows it to tolerate and even thrive in the harsh intertidal environment.Abbreviations Fo instantaneous yield of chlorophyll fluorescence - Fm maximum yield of fluorescence - Fv variable yield (Fm–Fo) of fluorescence - PFD photon flux density (400–700 nm) - Pm light-saturated rate of photosynthesis - PSH photosystem II - QA electron acceptor of PSII - light-limited quantum yield of photosynthesis  相似文献   

Summary Gas exchange patterns and nocturnal acid accumulation were examined in four species of Clusia under simulated field conditions in the laboratory. Clusia alata and C. major had midday stomatal closure, substantial net CO2 exchange ( ) during the night, and the highest water use efficiency (WUE). C. venosa showed a pattern similar to a C3 plant, with nighttime stomatal closure, while C. minor maintained positive continuously throughout a 24-h period. However, large changes in titratable acidity, which closely matched changes in citrate and malate levels, indicated that Crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) is active in all four species. C. venosa showed dawn-dusk oscillations in titratable acidity that were higher than the values reported for other C3-CAM intermediates, while the nighttime acid accumulation of 998 mol m–3 observed in C. major is unsurpassed by any other CAM plant. Moreover, the dawn-dusk changes in citrate levels of over 65 mol m–3 in C. alata and C. minor, and over 120 mol m–3 in C. major, are 3–6 times higher than values reported for other CAM plants. Although these oscillations in citrate levels were quite large, and the nighttime dark respiration rates were high, the O2 budget analysis suggestes that only part of the reducing power generated by the synthesis of citric acid enters the respiratory chain. Dawn-dusk changes in malate levels were just over 50 mol m–3 for C. venosa but over 300 mol m–3 for C. major. Between 28% (C. major) and 89% (C. venosa) of the malate accumulated during the night was derived from recycled respiratory CO2. These daily changes in malate and citrate levels also contributed significantly to changes in leaf sap osmolality. This variability in CO2 uptake patterns, the recycling of nighttime respiratory CO2, and the high WUE may have contributed to the successful invasion of Clusia into a wide range of habitats in the tropics.  相似文献   

Five caesalpinioid legumes, Afzelia africana, Afzelia bella, Anthonotha macrophylla, Cryptosepalum tetraphylum and Paramacrolobium coeruleum, and one Euphorbiaceae species, Uapaca somon, with a considerable range in seed sizes, exhibited different responses to inoculation by four species of ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi, Scleroderma dictyosporum, S. verrucosum, Pisolithus sp. and one thelephoroid sp. in greenhouse conditions. Thelephoroid sp. efficiently colonized seedlings of all of the five caesalpinioid legumes except U. somon, but provided no more growth benefit than the other fungi. Thelephoroid sp. and S. dictyosporum colonized seedlings of U. somon poorly, but stimulated plant growth more than the other fungi. The relative mycorrhizal dependency (RMD) values of the caesalpinioid legumes were never higher than 50%, whilst U. somon had RMD values ranging from 84.6 to 88.6%, irrespective of the fungal species. The RMD values were negatively related to seed mass for all plant species. Potassium concentrations in leaves were more closely related than phosphorus to the stimulation of seedling biomass production by the ECM fungi. Our data support the hypothesis that African caesalpinioid legumes and euphorbe tree species with smaller seeds show higher RMD values than those with the larger seeds.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in minimum leaf conductance to water vapor (gmin), an estimate of cuticular conductance, and photosynthetic gas exchange in two co-occurring oak species in north-east Kansas (USA) were examined to determine if leaf gas exchange characteristics correlated with differences in tree distribution. Bur oak (Quercus macrocarpa Michx.) is more abundant in mesic gallery forest sites, whereas chinquapin oak (Quercus muehlenbergii Englm.) is more abundant in xeric sites. Early, during leaf expansion, gmin was significantly lower in chinquapin oak than in bur oak, though midday water potentials were similar. After leaves had fully expanded, gmin decreased to seasonal minimum values of 4.57 (±0.274) mmol m-2 s-1 in bur oak, and 2.66 (±0.156) mmol m-2 s-1 in chinquapin oak. Water potentials at these times were significantly higher in chinquapin oak. As leaves were expanding, photosynthesis (Anet) was significantly higher in chinquapin oak than in bur oak. Later in the growing season, Anet and gleaf increased dramatically in both species, and were significantly higher in bur oak relative to chinquapin oak. We concluded that bur and chinquapin oak have a number of leaf gas exchange characteristics that minimize seasonal water loss. These characteristics are distinct from trees from more mesic sites, and are consistent with the distribution patterns of these trees in tall-grass prairie gallery forests.  相似文献   

The relationship between the gas-exchange characteristics of attached leaves of Phaseolus vulgaris L. and the pool sizes of several carbon-reduction-cycle intermediates was examined. After determining the rate of CO2 assimilation at known intercellular CO2 pressure, O2 pressure and light, the leaf was rapidly killed (<0.1 s) and the levels of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP), 3-phosphoglyceric acid (PGA), fructose-1,6-bisphosphate, fructose-6-phosphate, glucose-6-phosphate, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate, and dihydroxyacetone phosphate were measured. In 210 mbar O2, photosynthesis appeared RuBP-saturated at low CO2 pressure and RuBP-limited at high CO2 pressure. In 21 mbar (2%) O2, the level of RuBP always appeared saturating. Very high levels of PGA and other phosphate-containing compounds were found with some conditions, especially under low oxygen.Abbreviations and symbols C1 intercellular CO2 pressure - PGA 3-phosphoglyceric acid - RuBP ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate - Rubisco ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase-oxygenase  相似文献   

The photosynthetic and respiratory responses to irradiance, salinity and temperature of the red alga, Gracilaria vermiculophylla, collected from Kumamoto, Shizuoka and Iwate in Japan were studied using an electronic Dissolved Oxygen sensor. The parameters derived from the photosynthesis versus irradiance relationship indicated the potential to acclimate to broad irradiance variations in all of the populations of G. vermiculophylla collected from these three sites. In addition, the light-saturated photosynthesis rate (P max) and the dark respiration rate of all populations increased with increasing temperature up to 20–30°C, while the P max decreased at 35°C. All populations also showed a broad variation of photosynthetic responses to salinity changes in the range from 10 to 30 psu. On the other hand, the population from Iwate showed high photosynthetic efficiency, especially in the temperature range of 5–10°C, and showed low values of saturation irradiance compared to the populations from Shizuoka and Kumamoto. These results suggest that there is greater potential to acclimate to low irradiance and low temperature in the population from Iwate compared to those from the Shizuoka and Kumamoto populations. However, the P max of the populations from Iwate and Shizuoka was reached at 20°C and 25°C, respectively, while the Kumamoto population reached P max at 30°C. This implies that the latter population has greater potential to tolerate higher temperatures than the former. Such characteristics in photosynthesis and respiration of G. vermiculophylla collected from the three locations probably indicate an acclimation to prevailing environmental conditions in their respective habitats.  相似文献   

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