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Transgenic plants offer many unique opportunities for managing pest populations. However, the inheritance, integration, and expression of multiple transgenes are prerequisite for maintaining sustainable resistance against insects in crops. We took a gene-pyramiding approach to produce Bt cotton expressing two Bt genes,cry1Ac andcry2A. Using sonication-assistedAgrobacterium-mediated transformation (SAAT), we achieved an efficiency of 6.26%. Putative transgenic plants were confirmed via PCR, Southern hybridization, and western-blotting. Those showing mortality of 75 to 100% for the second instar ofHeliothis armigera (compared with 0% for the control) were considered Bt-positive. Transgenes were segregated according to a 3:1 Mendelian inheritance pattern in the T1 generation forHeliothis resistance. In our insect bioassay, the control plants showed >95% leaf damage, and insects reached the 4th instar stage of larval growth. In contrast, leaf damage on transgenic plants was limited to only a few bites, and insect mortality was 75 to 100%. ELISA confirmed transgene expression, and Bt protein was detected in leaf tissue. This performance was consistent with that of the parent transgenics. PCR and Southern blots verified integration of thecry1Ac andcry2A genes into the progeny. Therefore, this strategy provides a pathway toward cotton improvement and the development of durable resistance against insect damage.  相似文献   

Evolution of interspersed repetitive elements inGossypium (Malvaceae)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Very little is known regarding how repetitive elements evolve inpolyploid organisms. Here we address this subject by fluorescent insitu hybridization (FISH) of 20 interspersed repetitive elements tometaphase chromosomes of the cotton AD-genome tetraploid Gossypiumhirsutum and its putative A- and D-genome diploid ancestors. Theseelements collectively represent an estimated 18% of the G.hirsutum genome, and constitute the majority of high-copyinterspersed repetitive elements in G. hirsutum. Seventeen ofthe elements yielded FISH signals on chromosomes of both G.hirsutum subgenomes, while three were A-subgenome specific. Hybridization of eight selected elements, two of which were A-subgenomespecific, to the A(2) genome of G. arboreum yielded asignal distribution that was similar to that of the G. hirsutumA-subgenome. However, when hybridized to the D(5) genome ofG. raimondii, the putative diploid ancestor of the G.hirsutum D-subgenome, none of the probes, including elements thatstrongly hybridized to both G. hirsutum subgenomes, yieldeddetectable signal. The results suggest that the majority, although notall, G. hirsutum interspersed repetitive elements haveundergone intergenomic concerted evolution following polyploidizationand that this has involved colonization of the D-subgenome byA-subgenome elements and/or replacement of D-subgenome elements byelements of the A-subgenometype.  相似文献   

The Pollen-stigma Interaction: Pollen-tube Penetration in Crocus   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
In a compatible pollination in Crocus, pollen tube tips enterthe stigma papillae after the enzymic erosion of the cuticle,and the tubes continue downward growth towards the ovary betweenthe cuticle and the underlying pectocellulosic wall. The cuticleof the receptive zone of the stigma papilla is chambered, thechambers containing a secretion accumulated during the maturationof the stigma. Pollen exudates contain various acid hydrolases,but are incapable alone of eroding stigma cutin. Furthermore,there is no penetration when the proteins of the wall-held stigmasecretions are degraded enzymically. These facts are taken toindicate that the pollen contributes a ‘cutinase’precursor which is activated by a factor or factors held inthe stigma secretion. Pollens of certain Cruciferae producetubes capable of penetrating the Crocus stigma cuticle, suggestingthat notwithstanding the taxonomic remoteness of Cruciferaeand Iridaceae the enzyme activation systems are quite similar.  相似文献   

The sperm cell of a flowering plant cannot migrate unaided and it must be transported by the pollen-tube cell before successful fertilization can occur. The pollen tube is precisely guided to the target female gametophyte, the embryo sac, which contains the egg cell. The mechanism that precisely directs the pollen tube through the pistil to the female gametophyte has been studied for more than a century. There has been controversy over whether a diffusible signal attracts the pollen tube or whether female tissues define its path. Emerging genetic and physiological data show that the female gametophyte produces at least two directional signals, and that at least one of these signals is diffusible and derived from the two synergid cells.  相似文献   

Pollen-tube growth rate and seed-siring success among Betula pendula clones   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The aim of this study was to investigate whether genetically different pollen donors ( Betula pendula clones) differed in pollen-tube growth rate across 11 maternal plants and in vitro , and whether the differences between the donors were consistent across the recipients. To compare the seed-siring success of competing pollen donors, a two-donor hand-pollination experiment with six donors and six recipients was conducted. The experiments were performed at a plastic-house seed orchard. The donors showed significant variation in pollen-tube growth rate on all the 11 recipients. The rankings of the pollen donors were statistically consistent across different maternal plants. A significant positive correlation between pollen tube growth in vivo and in vitro was found. The seed-siring success of two competing pollen donors was unequal in 20 of 29 cases and there was a significant positive correlation between seed-siring success and pollen-tube growth rate in vivo and in vitro . The results show that fertilizations are not random and pollen competition operates in a B. pendula seed orchard population.  相似文献   

花粉管通道法转基因技术的细胞胚胎学机理探讨   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
本文从细胞胚胎学出发,从理论上对花粉管通道、花粉管通道法的转化机理进行了研究。认为,外源DNA进入胚囊的途径,即外源DNA沿着连接柱头与胚囊的花粉管外界面渗入胚囊;外源DNA转化的受体应为合子;外源DNA转化的时期应限定在精卵融合至合子分裂前这一段时期,此时合子细胞壁尚未封闭;外源DNA转化受体的机制可能是外源DNA与处于原生质体状态的合子的随机融合。强调在应用此方法时,应对植物雌蕊结构以及受精经历的时间有全面了解,并列出了一些重要植物授粉后受精过程各阶段的时间,对外源DNA导入部位和方法提出了建议,并分析了花粉管通道法转基因技术转化率较低的原因。  相似文献   

MURRAY  B. G. 《Annals of botany》1990,65(6):691-698
Observations on the floral biology of Luculia gratissima (Rubiaceae)showed that this species is distylous with complementary positioningof anthers and stigmas in the two floral forms. Unusual featuresof distyly in this species include the larger size of the corolla,the stigma surface and the stigmatic papillae in the thrum flowerscompared to the pin ones. Stigmatic surfaces have similar secretionsbut they appear more copious in thrum than pin. The floral dimorphismwas accompanied by a very effective self-incompatibility systemand no seed was set on selfing. Seed number per capsule on crossingwas significantly greater in thrum flowers compared to pin.Incompatible pollen tubes were inhibited within 24 h at thebase of the stigma/top of the style in both morphs. Amputationof this region of the gynoecium removed the self-incompatibilityreaction in thrum but not pin flowers. Pollination with a mixtureof compatible and incompatible pollen and sequential pollinationwith self followed by cross pollen showed that there were interactionsbetween the two types of pollen tube. The presence of compatibletubes was found to cause the excessive swelling of the pollen-tubetip of the incompatible ones. The incompatible tubes did notappear to have any effect on the growth of compatible ones. Luculia gratissima, distyly, floral biology, self-incompatibility, pollen-tube interactions  相似文献   

花粉管通道法介导PRSV-CP基因dsRNA转化番木瓜   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以番木瓜‘蔬罗Ⅰ号’植株为受体材料,采用花粉管通道技术将番木瓜环斑病毒外壳蛋白(PRSV-CP)基因3′-端同源序列dsRNA转入番木瓜子房中。用PCR方法对T0代种子进行了分子检测,获得53株转基因番木瓜,转化率达到8.9%;对获得的T0代转基因番木瓜进行了田间抗病性鉴定,结果表明,转基因番木瓜植株对番木瓜环斑病毒(PRSV)表现为不同程度的抗性,可以推迟发病。  相似文献   

花粉管通道技术转化番木瓜的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以番木瓜"solo Ⅱ"号植株为受体材料,用花粉管通道法进行了番木瓜环斑病毒外壳蛋白基因(PRSV-CP)278 bp片段的遗传转化.采用质粒DNA和农杆菌菌液两种导入液,分别处理花187和232朵,收获成熟番木瓜105和30个.座果率分别为56.15%和12.93%,随机选择每种载体的种子100粒播种.成株率分别为61%和60%.对T1幼苗(除含空载体外)全部进行PCR检测.检测结果为质粒DNA和农杆菌菌液两种导入液转化所得的幼苗阳性率分别为50.54%和51.22%.  相似文献   

Summary The failure of pollen-tube dissolution in the synergid region, with subsequent pollen-tube overgrowth well into the central cell, was observed within embryo sacs following interspecific crosses between Solanum melongena and S. sisymbriifolium and between Lycopersicon esculentum and L. peruvianum. Such pollen-tube hypertrophy (PTH) was examined under fluorescence using both light and confocal microscopy in order to characterize this anomalous pollen-tube behavior and to verify its occurrence within the embryo sac central cell. Three genetically unrelated L. esculentum cultivars (Peto 95, Apex 1000, Nagcarlang) were utilized as the female parents in interspecific pollinations with L. peruvianum accession LA 1708, and seed set was obtained from all crosses. It was observed that PTH was not a rare event in these crosses, with the proportion of PTH ranging from 2.6% to 6.5% of all ovules examined. Self-pollinated controls revealed zero (e.g., Nagcarlang) to extremely low (<0.01%) frequencies (Apex 1000 and Peto 95). The differences in frequencies suggests that the specific genotypes of the parents has an affect on the occurrence of successful pollen-tube dissolution and sperm-nuclei transfer. Pollen-tube hypertrophy represents a poorly understood, though easily identified, form of fertilization failure occurring within the ovule. Its conspicuous nature, along with a relatively high frequency of occurrence in certain crossing combinations, should provide a valuable opportunity to better study the nature of such fertilization failures in angiosperms.  相似文献   

Electrophoretic variation in alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) was examined in tetraploidGossypium hirsutum and its putative diploid progenitorsG. ramondii, G. herbaceum, and a close relative,G. arboreum. All the diploids had three isozymes, while strains of the tetraploidG. hirsutum had either 4 or 6. Each isozyme was eluted from starch gels and significant differences in activity were noted between several of the isozymes relative to pH, substrate, temperature and salinity. This suggests that an increase in enzyme heterozygosity can result in higher levels of developmental homeostasis, but it depends on the isozyme alleles involved. Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station Journal Article No. 10379.  相似文献   

通过花粉管通道法将普通野生稻(Oryza rufipogon)DNA导入宁夏水稻品种宁粳16号和宁粳23号中,获得外源DNA导入系(以D表示),选择的导入系经4次连续自交获得D4代材料.选择其中36个株系在北京种植,进行农艺性状调查和变异类型分析.结果表明,这些导入系分别在株型、生育期、分蘖力、株高、每穗粒数、每穗粒重、穗长、千粒重等性状上发生变异;一些导入系的每穗实粒数、每穗粒重、穗长、千粒重和分蘖数等明显高于受体,表现出高产潜力.本文着重阐述导入系的每穗实粒数、千粒重、分蘖数等与产量相关性状的遗传变异.  相似文献   

Gladiolus has a dry type of stigma. Compatible pollen grainsalight and germinate on the receptive surface of the papillae,penetrate the cuticle and grow towards the style through a sub-cuticularpollen-tube guide of mucilage. This is secreted from epidermalcells of the stylodium and style canal. The cuticle, which coversthe pollen tube guide mucilage, is continuous through the stylecanal to the ovary. The wet stigma of Lilium also has cuticulartissue running through the style canal, covering the mucilage.  相似文献   

利用FITC(fluorescein is othiocyanate,异硫氰酸荧光素)标记的外源DNA对小麦进行了花粉管通道法转化,在荧光显微镜下观察了外源DNA进入小麦胚囊的情况,并初步研究了转化时间及转化溶液组成对DNA进入胚囊效率的影响。结果表明,外源DNA沿着花粉管生长过程中形成的花粉管通道进入胚囊;授粉45 min和60min进行转化外源DNA进入胚囊的几率较大,因此在此段时间开始转化较为合适;相对于TE缓冲液,将0.05%Silwet L-77和5%蔗糖作为转化溶液可以缩短DNA进入胚囊的时间,但不能提高外源DNA进入胚囊的几率。研究表明,使用FITC标记观察外源DNA进入胚囊效率的方法,可简便有效地应用于花粉管通道法转化条件的初步优化。  相似文献   

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