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The functional analogy between cobra venom factor (CVF), the complement-activating protein in cobra venom, and C3b, the activated form of the third complement component, prompted us to conduct a comparative analysis of structural properties of the two proteins derived from two phylogenetically distant species. We subjected CVF and human C3 and its physiologic cleavage products, C3b and C3c, to a variety of biochemical analyses. We report here structural similarities of these proteins, which include similarities in amino acid composition, far and near UV circular dichroism spectra, secondary structure, band patterns and pI values from isoelectric focusing, immunochemical cross-reactivity, ultrastructural morphology, and amino-terminal amino acid sequences. Analysis of these data reveals that, structurally, CVF resembles C3c more than C3b. We conclude that CVF is not the product of a convergent evolution, but is, in all likelihood, derived from a common C3 ancestor protein.  相似文献   

We examined the effect of acute complement activation on lung vascular permeability to proteins in awake sheep prepared with lung lymph fistulas. Complement was activated by cobra venom factor (CVF) infusion (400 U/kg for 1 h iv). Studies were made in two groups of sheep: 1) infusion of CVF containing the endogenous phospholipase A2 (PLA2) (n = 6); and 2) infusion of CVF pretreated with bromophenacyl bromide to inhibit PLA2 activity (n = 5). Intravascular complement activation transiently increased mean pulmonary arterial pressure (Ppa) and pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) in both groups. Pulmonary lymph flow (Qlym) and lymph protein clearance (Qlym X lymph-to-plasma protein concentration ratio) were also transiently increased in both groups. Pulmonary vascular permeability to proteins was assessed by raising left atrial pressure and determining the lymph-to-plasma protein concentration ratio (L/P) at maximal Qlym. In both groups the L/P at maximal Qlym was not different from normal. In a separate group (n = 4), CVF-induced complement activation was associated with 111In-oxine granulocyte sequestration in the lungs. In vitro plasma from CVF-treated animals aggregated neutrophils but did not stimulate neutrophils to produce superoxide anion generation. Therefore, CVF-induced complement activation results in pulmonary neutrophil sequestration and in increases in PVR and lymph protein clearance. The increase in lymph protein clearance is due to increased pulmonary microvascular pressure and not increased vascular permeability to proteins.  相似文献   

Cleavage of C3 by CVF-B was demonstrated by hemolytic, immunoelectrophoretic and immune adherence reactions. No cleavage of C5 was detected by immunoelectrophoresis, but C5 hemolytic activity, assayed with EAC1423, decreased although less than C3 hemolytic activity. The co-existence of C3 with limiting amounts of C5 did not reduce the final degree of hemolysis of guinea pig erythrocytes (GPE) induced by late-acting components C6 through C9 and CVF-B. Thus, a CVF-B hemolytic system composed of GPE, C5 through C9 and CVF-B provided a method for titration of terminal components of human complement. CVF-B was able to generate hemolytically active sites of C567 on GPE by activation of C5, C6 and C7. The complex C567 in the fluid-phase decayed within 1 min but C567 on GPE was quite stable. Originally insensitive sheep erythrocytes became sensitive to the CVF-B hemolytic system if C3b sites were present, suggesting that cell-bound C3b played a role in orienting the positions of C567 to be fixed. CVF-B could be recovered quantitatively from the supernatant of the reaction mixture in which the hemolytically active intermediate GPEC-5678 had been formed through the interaction between C5 to C8 and CVF-B.  相似文献   

The generation of two cleavage products of human C3, termed C3o and C3p, by incubation with a C3-cleaving protease isolated from cobra venom (Naja naja siamensis) is described. The venom protease removes the C3p fragment (Mr approximately 33,000) from the C3dg region of the C3 alpha-chain. The major cleavage fragment C3o (Mr approximately 140,000) contains the unaltered beta-chain of C3 and two alpha-chain-derived polypeptides of Mr approximately 29,000 and Mr approximately 38,000, respectively. Amino-terminal amino acids sequence analysis of C3p and the three chains of C3o allowed the identification of the exact location of the two alpha-chain-derived fragments of C3o and the three cleavage sites of the venom protease. The chain structure of C3o resembles those of C3c and cobra venom factor. In contrast to C3c but like cobra venom factor (and C3b), C3o was found to support the activation of the serine protease Factor B by cleavage in the presence of Factor D and Mg2+ into Bb and Ba, generating an enzymatically active complex that is able to cleave a fluorogenic peptide substrate for C3 convertases. Since the only stretch of amino acid residues of C3o not present in C3c is the carboxyl terminus of the Mr approximately 29,000 chain of C3o, it is suggested that this region is important for the interaction with Factor B and convertase formation.  相似文献   

An acid glycoprotein (mol. m. 60 kDa) containing 6 sialic acid residues and N-terminal Thr was isolated from the venom of the central asian cobra Naja naja oxiana. The protein has an anticomplementary activity selectively inactivating of the C4 component of the human complement. This factor (CFA-Ib) binds C4 with Ki = 0.27 +/- 0.13 microM and then irreversible inactivates it with a rate constant k = 0.75 +/- 0.25 min-1. Membrane bound C4b restores its ability of CFA-Ib binding. This binding hinders component C2 sorption on C4b and C3 convertase formation.  相似文献   

An alternative pathway C3 convertase is formed by the equilibrium association of Factor B with cobra venom factor (CVF) followed by the activation step catalyzed by Factor D. However, the association of Factor B with CVF has only occasionally been demonstrated and has not been quantitatively analyzed. Here we show that in the absence of metals the two proteins have significant affinity for each other and reversibly associate in a one-to-one stoichiometry with a dissociation constant of 11.6 microM. Upon the addition of metal ions, the complex is stabilized only 2- to 30-fold in the order Ni2+(Kd = 6.6 microM) less than Mg2+(Kd = 1.1 microM) less than Mn2+(Kd = 0.4 microM). These results suggest that metal ions may be less important in stabilizing the CVF.B complex and more important in promoting the subsequent equilibrium association of CVF.B with Factor D. The stability of the CVF.B complex is variously dependent on temperature in the range studied (14-21 degrees C) depending on the metal ion that is present. The complex formation was demonstrated in the analytical ultracentrifuge at sedimentation equilibrium employing a combination of single- and multiple-independent variable nonlinear least squares analytical techniques. Two different numerical approaches gave very similar results.  相似文献   

Immune protection by the complement system critically depends on assembly of C3 convertases on the surface of pathogens and altered host cells. These short‐lived protease complexes are formed through pro‐convertases, which for the alternative pathway consist of the complement component C3b and the pro‐enzyme factor B (FB). Here, we present the crystal structure at 2.2‐Å resolution, small‐angle X‐ray scattering and electron microscopy (EM) data of the pro‐convertase formed by human FB and cobra venom factor (CVF), a potent homologue of C3b that generates more stable convertases. FB is loaded onto CVF through its pro‐peptide Ba segment by specific contacts, which explain the specificity for the homologous C3b over the native C3 and inactive products iC3b and C3c. The protease segment Bb binds the carboxy terminus of CVF through the metal‐ion dependent adhesion site of the Von Willebrand factor A‐type domain. A possible dynamic equilibrium between a ‘loading’ and ‘activation’ state of the pro‐convertase may explain the observed difference between the crystal structure of CVFB and the EM structure of C3bB. These insights into formation of convertases provide a basis for further development of complement therapeutics.  相似文献   

The presence of a factor immunologically related to cobra venom factor (CVF) was demonstrated in serum and plasma from the Indian cobra (Naja naja kaoutia). The factor was purified from cobra plasma by affinity chromatography on an anti-CVF gel and was found to consist of a protein composed of two polypeptide chains similar in size to those of human C3. With use of immunoblotting technique, common antigenic determinants were found in the smaller chain of the prepared material and the beta-chain of human C3; the larger chain may display antigenic determinants present in the alpha-chain of human C3. These findings suggest that this molecule represents the C3 of the cobra complement system. Common antigenic determinants were also demonstrated in the alpha-chain of CVF and the beta-chains of human and cobra C3. No reactions were observed between the beta- and gamma-chains of CVF and any antiserum against human C3 or its subunits. Upon immunodiffusion analysis, cobra serum was found to contain a factor besides C3 sharing antigens specific for CVF, while cobra C3 was antigenically deficient compared to CVF. This suggests that cobra C3 physiologically is degraded to a molecule very similar to or identical with CVF.  相似文献   

Preformed immune aggregates, containing antigen and either IgG (immunoglobulin G) or F(ab')2 rabbit antibody, were incubated with normal human serum under conditions allowing activation of only the alternative pathway of complement. Both the IgG and F(ab')2 immune aggregates bound C3b, the activated form of the complement component C3, in a similar manner, 2-3% of the C3 available in the serum being bound to the aggregates as C3b, and the rest remaining in the fluid phase as inactive C3b or uncleaved C3. It was found that the C3b was probably covalently bound to the IgG in the aggregates, since C3b-IgG complexes could be demonstrated on sodium dodecyl sulphate/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis, after repeated washing with buffers containing high salt or boiling under denaturing conditions. Incubation of the C3b-antibody-antigen aggregates in buffers known to destroy ester linkages had little effect on the C3b-IgG complexes, which suggested that C3b and IgG might be linked by an amide bond. Two main types of C3b-IgG complexes were found that had apparent mol.wts. of 360000 and 580000, corresponding to either one to two C3b molecules respectively bound to one molecule of antibody. On reduction of the C3b-IgG complexes it was found that the beta-chain, but not the alpha'-chain, of C3b was released along with all the light chain of IgG but only about half or less of the heavy chain of IgG. These results indicate that, during activation of the alternative pathway of complement by immune aggregates containing IgG antibody, the alpha'-chain of C3b may become covalently bound at one or two sites in the Fd portion of the heavy chain of IgG.  相似文献   

Genetic polymorphism of the third component of human complement (C3) has been considered as a powerful marker for population genetics. Some studies on the distribution of gene frequencies have been performed among numerous populations all over the world. This review takes stock of population genetic studies reported up to now and points out some remarks on the distribution of the observed allelic frequencies.  相似文献   

Alternative complement pathway C3 convertase formation involves the cleavage of C3b-associated factor B into fragments Ba and Bb. Whereas Bb, in complex with C3b, has proteolytic specificity toward native C3, the function of the Ba moiety in the formation and/or decay of alternative complement pathway C3 convertase is uncertain. Therefore, we have examined the effect of purified Ba fragment on both fluid-phase and surface-bound enzymatic activity and showed that whereas Ba could inhibit the rate of C3 convertase formation, the rate of intrinsic decay remained unaffected. A specific, metal ion-independent interaction between Ba and C3b was subsequently demonstrated by use of the cross-linking reagent dithiobis(succinimidyl propionate). When cell-associated 125I-B was activated by D, the dissociation of Bb fragment displayed simple first-order kinetics with a half-time of 2.4 min, this value being in reasonable agreement with the hemolytically determined decay rate of 1.8 min. In contrast, most of the Ba fragment undergoes rapid dissociation, but there is also evidence to suggest the establishment of a new equilibrium due to the ability of Ba to rebind to C3b. Cumulatively, these data are consistent with a model in which the attachment of intact B to C3b is mediated by two points of contact, one being in the Ba domain and the other in the Bb domain. Due to avidity effects, each of these interactions could be of relatively low intrinsic affinity, and the characteristic unidirectionality of alternative complement pathway C3 convertase decay may simply result from the low intrinsic association of "univalent" Bb for the C3b subunit.  相似文献   

The fluid phase C3 convertase of the alternative pathway of human complement activation has been constructed from the isolated C3 component and from purified factors B and D. The enzyme was able to activate the isolated components C4 and C2 in the presence of C4 but had no effect on C2 in the absence of C4. The C4 and C2 activation was monitored by the loss of their hemolytic activity during the incubation with the alternative fluid phase C3 convertase. The activation of C4 and C2 components by the membrane-bound alternative C3 convertase formed on red cells (EC3bBb) was followed by the formation of C3 convertase of the classic pathway--EC4b2a. This resulted in the enhancement of hemolysis.  相似文献   

Complement, determined by hemolytic assay, and the third component of complement (C3), determined by radial immunodiffusion assay, were measured in nine nonhuman primate species. The species studied were the titi (Callicebus mollach). The sooty mangabey (Cercocebus atys), the thick-tailed galago or bushbaby (Galago crassicaudatus panganiensis), the crab-eating monkey (Macaca fascicularis), the rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta), the bonnet monkey (Macaca radiata), the stumptailed macaque (Macaca speciosa), the yellow baboon (Papio cynocephalus), and the black-and-red tamarin (Saguinus nigricollis). Both sheep and bovine erythrocytes were used in the hemolytic complement assays. With the sheep erythrocyte system, sera from four species (yellow baboon, sooty mangabey, bonnet monkey, black-and-red tamarin) had similar titers with both antibody sensitized and non-sensitized erythrocytes. In contrast, the titers obtained using sensitized bovine erythrocytes was always higher than the values obtained using non-sensitized bovine erythrocytes. In all species, the titers for non-sensitized sheep erythrocytes was higher than the titer for non-sensitized bovine erythrocytes. When the species were compared for cross reactivity using the radial immunodiffusion assay for human C3, the rhesus monkey showed the strongest cross reaction; the thick-tailed galago, a prosimian, showed no detectable cross reactivity; and the other species examined showed intermediate degrees of reactivity.  相似文献   

The 192-kDa protein HX, a major component of serum that specifically binds to zymosan particles, was prepared from the plasma of the hagfish (Eptatretus burgeri) by ion-exchange chromatography and gel filtration. HX, present at a concentration of 0.8 mg/ml in the original plasma, was composed of two distinct subunits of 115 kDa and 77 kDa, respectively, which were linked by disulfide bonds. The protein had the same electrophoretic mobility as beta-globulin. Digestion by trypsin resulted in a specific cleavage of the 115-kDa subunit and a change in its immunoelectrophoretic mobility in the anodal direction, leaving the 77-kDa subunit intact. Treatment with SDS and urea resulted in the splitting of the 115-kDa subunits into 68-kDa and 45-kDa components, but this splitting was inhibited by pretreatment with methylamine, suggesting the presence of a thiol ester bond in the 115-kDa subunit. The amino acid composition of HX revealed a striking resemblance to that of human C3. We conclude, therefore, that the 192-kDa protein isolated in this study is analogous to C3, which plays a key role in the mammalian C system.  相似文献   

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