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Campylobacter jejuni is the leading cause of food- and water-borne illness world-wide. The membrane-associated proteome of a recent C. jejuni gastrointestinal isolate (JHH1) was generated by sodium carbonate precipitation and ultracentrifugation followed by 2-DE and MALDI-TOF MS as well as 2-DLC (strong cation exchange followed by RP chromatography) of trypsin digests coupled to MS/MS (2-DLC/MS/MS). 2-DE/MS identified 77 proteins, 44 of which were predicted membrane proteins, while 2-DLC/MS/MS identified 432 proteins, of which 206 were predicted to be membrane associated. A total of 453 unique proteins (27.4% of the C. jejuni theoretical proteome), including 187 bona fide membrane proteins were identified in this study. Membrane proteins were also compared between C. jejuni JHH1 and ATCC 700297 to identify factors potentially associated with increased gastrointestinal virulence. We identified 28 proteins that were significantly (>two-fold) more abundant in, or unique to, JHH1, including eight proteins involved in chemotaxis signal transduction and flagellar motility, the amino acid-binding surface antigens CjaA and CjaC, and four outer membrane proteins (OMPs) of unknown function (Cj0129c, Cj1031, Cj1279c, and Cj1721c). Immunoblotting using convalescent patient sera generated post-gastrointestinal infection revealed 13 (JHH1) and 12 (ATCC 700297) immunoreactive proteins. These included flagellin (FlaA) and CadF as well as Omp18, Omp50, Cj1721c, PEB1A, PEB2, and PEB4A. This study provides a comprehensive analysis of membrane-associated proteins from C. jejuni.  相似文献   

Human colorectal carcinoma (Caco-2) cells undergo in culture spontaneous enterocytic differentiation, characterized by polarization and appearance of the functional apical brush border membrane. To provide insights into the biology of differentiation, we have performed a comparative proteomic analysis of the plasma membranes from proliferating cells (PCs) and the apical membranes from differentiated cells (DCs). Proteins were resolved by SDS-PAGE, in-gel digested and analyzed by RP-LC and MS/MS. Alternatively, proteins were digested in solution, and tryptic peptides were labeled with isotopic tags and analyzed by 2-D LC followed by MS/MS. Among the 1125 proteins identified in both proteomes, 76 were found to be significantly increased in the membranes of DCs and 61 were increased in PCs. Majority of the proteins increased in the apical membranes were metabolic enzymes, proteins involved in the maintenance of cellular structure, transmembrane transporters, and proteins regulating vesicular transport. In contrast, majority of the proteins increased in the membranes of PCs were involved in gene expression, protein synthesis, and folding. Both groups contained many novel proteins with yet to be identified functions, which could provide potential new markers of the intestinal cells or of colorectal cancer.  相似文献   

To investigate aberrant plasma proteins in lung cancer, we compared the proteomic profiles of serum from five lung cancer patients and from four healthy volunteers. Immuno-affinity chromatography was used to deplete highly abundant plasma proteins, and the resulting plasma samples were separated into eight fractions by anion-exchange chromatography. Quantitative protein profiles of the fractionated samples were generated by two-dimensional difference gel electrophoresis, in which the experimental samples and the internal control samples were labeled with different dyes and co-separated by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. This approach succeeded in resolving 3890 protein spots. For 364 of the protein spots, the expression level in lung cancer was more than twofold different from that in the healthy volunteers. These differences were statistically significant (Student's t-test, p-value less than 0.05). Mass spectrometric protein identification revealed that the 364 protein spots corresponded to 58 gene products, including the classical plasma proteins and the tissue-leakage proteins catalase, clusterin, ficolin, gelsolin, lumican, tetranectin, triosephosphate isomerase and vitronectin. The combination of multi-dimensional liquid chromatography and two-dimensional difference gel electrophoresis provides a valuable tool for serum proteomics in lung cancer.  相似文献   

A modified sol-gel method for a one-step on-column frit preparation for fused-silica capillaries and its utility for peptide separation in LC-MS/MS is described. This method is inexpensive, reproducible, and does not require specialized equipments. Because the frit fabrication process does not damage polyimide coating, the frit-fabricated column can be tightly connected on-line for high pressure LC. These columns can replace any capillary liquid transfer tubing without any specialized connections up-stream of a spray tip column. Therefore multiple columns with different phases can be connected in series for one- or multiple-dimensional chromatography.  相似文献   

Mapping differential expression of soluble proteins has become fairly routine using chromatofocusing in combination with the reversed-phase HPLC (ProteomeLab PF-2D by Beckman Coulter Inc.); however, identification of membrane antigens has not been reported thus far. In this report, we demonstrate a targeted proteomic approach employing immunoprecipitation, prior to 2D-LC separation, in tandem with MS/MS that can be used to identify tumor-associated membrane antigens. This system is very sensitive and reproducible in that only 1/4th the amount of starting material is required for analysis as compared to gel-based analysis, and permits a focused environment for eliminating non-specific interactions leading to an accurate resolution of the cognate antigen. This system also circumvents the well-known limitations associated with gel-based approaches. This approach has been validated in the identification of ErB2/HER-2 and was subsequently used to identify CD44E as the cognate antigen for VB1-008, one of our fully human, tumor-specific, monoclonal antibodies.  相似文献   

Two protein extraction procedures were tested in order to remove interfering compounds prior to 2-DE of potato tubers. These methods using SDS lysis buffer and phenol-phase extraction were compared regarding the quality of the resulting 2-D gel. While the resolution of SDS extracts on semipreparative gels seems better, both methods lead to similar extraction yields and total number of spots. The procedures are complementary regarding the Mr range of preferentially extracted proteins.  相似文献   

Wang YY  Cheng P  Chan DW 《Proteomics》2003,3(3):243-248
Although it is possible to identify new proteins from crude cell extracts using proteomics technology, it is often difficult to elucidate low-abundant biomarkers in the presence of a large amount of high-abundant proteins in serum. We have developed a simple and rapid method using an affinity spin tube filter to remove high-abundant common proteins and enrich the low-abundant biomarkers. The affinity spin tube filter contains protein G, coupled with antibodies against either high-abundant proteins or specific proteins of interest. After incubating with serum, the flow-through or the elute was collected and analyzed by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. By using this affinity spin tube filter, the possibilities of identifying new biomarkers are shown. This technique could be used for large-scale sample preparation for high-throughput proteomic analysis.  相似文献   

A few well-characterized protein assemblies aside, little is known about the topology and interfaces of multiconstituent protein complexes. Here we report on a novel indirect strategy for low-resolution topology mapping of protein complexes. Following crosslinking, purified protein complexes are subjected to chemical cleavage with cyanogen bromide (CNBr) and the resulting fragments are resolved by 2-D electrophoresis. The side-by-side comparison of a thus generated and a 2-D CNBr fragment map obtained from uncrosslinked material reveals candidate gel spots harboring crosslinked CNBr fragments. In-gel trypsinization and MALDI MS analysis of these informative spots identify the underlying crosslinked CNBr fragments based on unmodified tryptic peptides. Matching the cumulative theoretical molecular mass and predicted pI of these crosslinked CNBr fragments with original gel spot coordinates is required for confident crosslink assignment. The above strategy was successfully validated with the Escherichia coli RNA polymerase (RNAP) core complex and subsequently applied to query the quaternary structure of components of the yeast Skp1-Cdc53/Cullin-F box (SCF) ubiquitin ligase complex. This protocol requires low picomole sample quantities, can be applied to multisubunit protein complexes, and does not rely on specialized data mining software.  相似文献   

The available archive of sequence databases compiled from whole genome projects and budding proteomics efforts have enabled us to develop VIRTUAL2D, an interactive system for the assembly of virtual protein expression maps computed on the basis of theoretical isoelectric focusing point, molecular weight, tissue specificity and relative abundance for any set of proteins currently catalogued. This tool will assist in the preliminary, albeit putative, prediction of the identity and location of unknown and/or low abundance proteins in experimentally derived two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis maps.  相似文献   

Encheva V  Gharbia SE  Wait R  Begum S  Shah HN 《Proteomics》2006,6(11):3306-3317
Streptococcus pneumoniae is an important human pathogen causing life-threatening invasive diseases such as pneumonia, meningitis and bacteraemia. Despite major advances in our understanding of pneumococcal mechanisms of pathogenicity obtained through genomic studies very little has been achieved on the characterisation of the proteome of this pathogen. The highly complex structure of its cell envelope particularly amongst the various capsular forms enables the cell to resist lysis by conventional mechanical methods. It is therefore highly desirable to develop a cellular lysis and protein solubilisation procedure that minimises protein losses and allows for maximum possible coverage of the proteome of S. pneumoniae. Here we have utilised various combinations of mechanical or enzymatic cell lysis with two protein solubilisation mixtures urea/CHAPS-based mixture or SDS/DTT-based mixture in order to achieve best quality protein profiles using two proteomic technologies surface-enhanced laser desorption ionisation (SELDI) TOF MS and 2-DE. While urea/CHAPS-based mixture combined with freeze/thawing provided enough material for good-quality SELDI TOF MS fingerprints, a combination of mechanical, enzymatic and chemical lysis was needed to be used to successfully extract the desired protein content for 2-DE analysis. The methods chosen were also assessed for reproducibility and tested on various capsular types of S. pneumoniae. As a result, good-quality and reproducible profiles were created using various ProteinChip arrays and more than 800 protein spots were separated on a single 2-D gel of S. pneumoniae. Twenty-five of the most abundant protein spots were identified using LC/MS/MS to create a reference map of S. pneumoniae. The proteins identified included glycolytic enzymes such as glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase, phosphoglycerate kinase, enolase etc. Several fermentation enzymes were also present including two of the components of the arginine deiminase system. Proteins involved in protein synthesis, such as translation factors and ribosomal proteins, as well as several chaperone proteins were also identified.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to test the extent to which differences in spot intensity can be reliably recognized between two groups of two-dimensional electrophoresis gels (pH 4-7, visualized with ruthenium fluorescent stain) each loaded with different amounts of protein from rat brain (power analysis). Initial experiments yielded only unsatisfactory results: 546 spots were matched from two groups of 6 gels each loaded with 200 microg and 250 microg protein, respectively. Only 72 spots were higher (p<0.05), while 58 spots were significantly lower in the 250-microg group. The construction of new apparatuses that allowed the simultaneous processing of 24 gels throughout all steps between rehydration and staining procedure considerably lowered the between-gel variation. This resulted in the detection of significant differences in spot intensities in 77-90% of all matched spots on gel groups with a 25% difference in protein load. This applied both when protein from 24 biological replicates was loaded onto two groups of 12 gels and when two pooled tissue samples were each loaded onto 6 gels. At a difference of 50% in protein load, more than 90% of all spots differed significantly between two experimental groups.  相似文献   

A novel approach for revealing patterns of proteome variation among series of 2-DE gel images is presented. The approach utilises image alignment to ensure that each pixel represents the same information across all gels. Gel images are normalised, and background corrected, followed by unfolding of the images to 1-D pixel vectors and analysing pixel vectors by multivariate data modelling. Information resulting from the data analysis is refolded back to the image domain for visualisation and interpretation. The method is rapid and suitable for automatic routines applied after the gel alignment. The approach is compared with spot volume analysis to illustrate how this approach can solve persistent problems like mismatch of protein spots, erroneous missing values and failure to detect variation in overlapping proteins. The method may also detect variation in the border area of saturated proteins. The approach is given the name pixel-based analysis of multiple images for the identification of changes (PMC). The method can be used for multiple images in general. Effects of pretreatment of the images are discussed.  相似文献   

Serum proteins may often serve as indicators of disease and is a rich source for biomarker discovery. However, the large dynamic range of proteins in serum makes the analysis very challenging because high-abundant proteins tend to mask those of lower abundance. A prefractionation step, such as depletion of a few high-abundant proteins before protein profiling, can assist in the discovery and detection of less abundant proteins that may prove to be informative biomarkers. In the present study, five different depletion columns were investigated considering efficiency, specificity, and reproducibility. Our research included quantitative determination of total protein, albumin, and immunoglobulin G (IgG) concentrations, one- and two-dimensional gels and mass spectrometric analysis of the serum samples before and after the depletion step. Our results showed that all five depletion columns tested removed albumin and IgG with high efficiency. We found that based on reproducibility and binding specificity, the Multiple Affinity Removal Column that removed a total of six high-abundant proteins (albumin, IgG, antitrypsin, IgA, transferring, and haptoglobin) offered the most promising depletion approach. Among the disposable (single-use) products, the ProteoExtract Albumin/IgG Removal kit displayed the best results. Depleted serum from the Multiple Affinity Removal column was further evaluated by 2-D gel electrophoresis (2-DE) analysis, and the results indicated increased resolution and improved intensity of low-abundant proteins in a reproducible fashion. Our study provides a comprehensive investigation of commercially available depletion columns and will be of high importance for future proteomic studies on serum samples.  相似文献   

Polyphasic-taxonomic studies of the past decade have shown that the Burkholderia cepacia complex (Bcc) comprises at least nine species, which share a high degree of 16S rDNA (98-100%) sequence similarity but only moderate levels of DNA-DNA hybridization. Members of the Bcc are well known as opportunistic pathogens of plants, animals and humans but also as biocontrol and bioremediation agents. In this study intra-, surface-associated and extracellular proteins of B. cenocepacia H111, which was isolated from a cystic fibrosis patient, were examined by 2-DE coupled to MALDI-TOF MS. MS and MS/MS data were searched against a database comprising all currently available annotated proteins of genetically closely related strains. In total 642 proteins spots were successfully identified corresponding to 390 different protein species, which were classified into functional categories. The majority of these proteins could be linked to housekeeping functions in energy production, amino acid metabolism, protein folding, post-translational modification and turnover, and translation. Noteworthy is the fact that a significant number of truly secreted and membrane proteins were identified in the extracellular and surface-associated sub-proteomes. This indicates that the pre-fractionation protocol used in this study is a highly valuable strategy for unravelling the cellular location of the identified proteins.  相似文献   

Necrotrophic fungal pathogen Cochliobolus miyabeanus causes brown spot disease in rice leaves upon infection, resulting in critical rice yield loss. To better understand the rice–C. miyabeanus interaction, we employed proteomic approaches to establish differential proteomes of total and secreted proteins from the inoculated leaves. The 2DE approach after PEG‐fractionation of total proteins coupled with MS (MALDI‐TOF/TOF and nESI‐LC‐MS/MS) analyses led to identification of 49 unique proteins out of 63 differential spots. SDS‐PAGE in combination with nESI‐LC‐MS/MS shotgun approach was applied to identify secreted proteins in the leaf apoplast upon infection and resulted in cataloging of 501 unique proteins, of which 470 and 31 proteins were secreted from rice and C. miyabeanus, respectively. Proteins mapped onto metabolic pathways implied their reprogramming upon infection. The enzymes involved in Calvin cycle and glycolysis decreased in their protein abundance, whereas enzymes in the TCA cycle, amino acids, and ethylene biosynthesis increased. Differential proteomes also generated distribution of identified proteins in the intracellular and extracellular spaces, providing a better insight into defense responses of proteins in rice against C. miyabeanus. Established proteome of the rice–C. miyabeanus interaction serves not only as a good resource for the scientific community but also highlights its significance from biological aspects.  相似文献   

Separation of basic proteins with 2-DE presents technical challenges involving protein precipitation, load limitations, and streaking. Cardiac mitochondria are enriched in basic proteins and difficult to resolve by 2-DE. We investigated two methods, cup and paper bridge, for sample loading of this subproteome into the basic range (pH 6-11) gels. Paper bridge loading consistently produced improved resolution of both analytical and preparative protein loads. A unique benefit of this technique is that proteins retained in the paper bridge after loading basic gels can be reloaded onto lower pH gradients (pH 4-7), allowing valued samples to be analyzed on multiple pH ranges.  相似文献   

Alzheimer's disease (AD) is characterized by Abeta peptide-containing plaques and tau-containing neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs). Both pathologies have been combined by crossing Abeta plaque-forming APP mutant mice with NFT-forming P301L tau mutant mice or by stereotaxically injecting beta-amyloid peptide 1-42 (Abeta42) into brains of P301L tau mutant mice. In cell culture, Abeta42 induces filamentous tau aggregates. To understand which processes are disrupted by Abeta42 in the presence of tau aggregates, we applied comparative proteomics to Abeta42-treated P301L tau-expressing neuroblastoma cells and the amygdala of P301L tau transgenic mice stereotaxically injected with Abeta42. Remarkably, a significant fraction of proteins altered in both systems belonged to the same functional categories, i.e. stress response and metabolism. We also identified model-specific effects of Abeta42 treatment such as differences in cell signaling proteins in the cellular model and of cytoskeletal and synapse associated proteins in the amygdala. By Western blotting (WB) and immunohistochemistry (IHC), we were able to show that 72% of the tested candidates were altered in human AD brain with a major emphasis on stress-related unfolded protein responsive candidates. These data highlight these processes as potentially important initiators in the Abeta42-mediated pathogenic cascade in AD and further support the role of unfolded proteins in the course of AD.  相似文献   

Stable isotope labelling in combination with mass spectrometry has emerged as a powerful tool to identify and relatively quantify thousands of proteins within complex protein mixtures. Here we describe a novel method, termed isotope-coded protein label (ICPL), which is capable of high-throughput quantitative proteome profiling on a global scale. Since ICPL is based on stable isotope tagging at the frequent free amino groups of isolated intact proteins, it is applicable to any protein sample, including extracts from tissues or body fluids, and compatible to all separation methods currently employed in proteome studies. The method showed highly accurate and reproducible quantification of proteins and yielded high sequence coverage, indispensable for the detection of post-translational modifications and protein isoforms. The efficiency (e.g. accuracy, dynamic range, sensitivity, speed) of the approach is demonstrated by comparative analysis of two differentially spiked proteomes.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE) is currently the method of choice for separating complex mixtures of proteins for visual comparison in proteome analysis. This technology, however, is biased against certain classes of proteins including low abundance and hydrophobic proteins. Proteins with extremely alkaline isoelectric points (pI) are often very poorly represented using 2-DE technology, even when complex mixtures are separated using commercially available pH 6-11 or pH 7-10 immobilized pH gradients. The genome of the human gut pathogen, Helicobacter pylori, is dominated by genes encoding basic proteins, and is therefore a useful model for examining methodology suitable for separating such proteins. H. pylori proteins were separated on pH 6-11 and novel pH 9-12 immobilized pH gradients and 65 protein spots were subjected to matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry, leading to the identification of 49 unique proteins. No proteins were characterized with a theoretical pI of greater than 10.23. A second approach to examine extremely alkaline proteins (pI > 9.0) utilized a prefractionation isoelectric focusing. Proteins were separated into two fractions using Gradiflow technology, and the extremely basic fraction subjected to both sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and liquid chromatography (LC) - tandem mass spectrometry post-tryptic digest, allowing the identification of 17 and 13 proteins, respectively. Gradiflow separations were highly specific for proteins with pI > 9.0, however, a single LC separation only allowed the identification of peptides from highly abundant proteins. These methods and those encompassing multiple LC 'dimensions' may be a useful complement to 2-DE for 'near-to-total' proteome coverage in the alkaline pH range.  相似文献   

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