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We investigate the retrieval dynamics in a feature-based semantic memory model, in which the features are coded by neurons of the Hindmarsh-Rose type in the chaotic regime. We consider the retrieval process as consisting of the synchronized firing activity of the neurons coding for the same memory pattern. The retrieval dynamics is investigated for multiple patterns, with particular attention to the case of overlapping memories. In this case, we hypothesize a dynamical nontransitive mechanism based on synchronization, that allows for a shared feature to participate in multiple memory representations. The problem of the choice of a cognitive plausible time-scale for the retrieval analysis is investigated by analyzing the information that can be inferred from finite-time analyses. Different types of indicators are proposed in order to evaluate the temporal dynamics of the neurons engaged in the retrieval process. We interpret the simulation results as suggestive of a role for chaotic dynamics in allowing for flexible composition of elementary meaningful units in memory representations.  相似文献   

《Bio Systems》2007,87(1-3):100-109
We investigate the retrieval dynamics in a feature-based semantic memory model, in which the features are coded by neurons of the Hindmarsh–Rose type in the chaotic regime. We consider the retrieval process as consisting of the synchronized firing activity of the neurons coding for the same memory pattern. The retrieval dynamics is investigated for multiple patterns, with particular attention to the case of overlapping memories. In this case, we hypothesize a dynamical nontransitive mechanism based on synchronization, that allows for a shared feature to participate in multiple memory representations. The problem of the choice of a cognitive plausible time-scale for the retrieval analysis is investigated by analyzing the information that can be inferred from finite-time analyses. Different types of indicators are proposed in order to evaluate the temporal dynamics of the neurons engaged in the retrieval process. We interpret the simulation results as suggestive of a role for chaotic dynamics in allowing for flexible composition of elementary meaningful units in memory representations.  相似文献   

Neural coding     
Johnson KO 《Neuron》2000,26(3):563-566

Cortical neurons show irregular but structured spike trains. This has been interpreted as evidence for 'temporal coding', whereby stimuli are represented by precise spike-timing patterns. Here, we suggest an alternative interpretation based on the older concept of the cell assembly. The dynamic evolution of assembly sequences, which are steered but not deterministically controlled by sensory input, is the proposed substrate of psychological processes beyond simple stimulus-response associations. Accordingly, spike trains show a temporal structure that is stimulus-dependent and more variable than would be predicted by strict sensory control. We propose four signatures of assembly organization that can be experimentally tested. We argue that many observations that have been interpreted as evidence for temporal coding might instead reflect an underlying assembly structure.  相似文献   

《Current biology : CB》2022,32(18):4093-4100.e6
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Planning to speak is a challenge for the brain, and the challenge varies between and within languages. Yet, little is known about how neural processes react to these variable challenges beyond the planning of individual words. Here, we examine how fundamental differences in syntax shape the time course of sentence planning. Most languages treat alike (i.e., align with each other) the 2 uses of a word like “gardener” in “the gardener crouched” and in “the gardener planted trees.” A minority keeps these formally distinct by adding special marking in 1 case, and some languages display both aligned and nonaligned expressions. Exploiting such a contrast in Hindi, we used electroencephalography (EEG) and eye tracking to suggest that this difference is associated with distinct patterns of neural processing and gaze behavior during early planning stages, preceding phonological word form preparation. Planning sentences with aligned expressions induces larger synchronization in the theta frequency band, suggesting higher working memory engagement, and more visual attention to agents than planning nonaligned sentences, suggesting delayed commitment to the relational details of the event. Furthermore, plain, unmarked expressions are associated with larger desynchronization in the alpha band than expressions with special markers, suggesting more engagement in information processing to keep overlapping structures distinct during planning. Our findings contrast with the observation that the form of aligned expressions is simpler, and they suggest that the global preference for alignment is driven not by its neurophysiological effect on sentence planning but by other sources, possibly by aspects of production flexibility and fluency or by sentence comprehension. This challenges current theories on how production and comprehension may affect the evolution and distribution of syntactic variants in the world’s languages.

Little is known about the neural processes involved in planning to speak. This study uses eye-tracking and EEG to show that speakers prepare sentence structures in different ways and rely on alpha and theta oscillations differently when planning sentences with and without agent case marking, challenging theories on how production and comprehension affect language evolution.  相似文献   

Spike trains from individual antennal olfactory cells of tsetse flies (Glossina spp.) obtained during steady-state conditions (spontaneous as well as during stimulation with 1-octen-3-ol) and dynamic stimulation with repetitive pulses of 1-octen-3-ol were investigated by studying the spike frequency and the temporal structure of the trains. In general, stimulation changes the intensity of the spike activity but leaves the underlying stochastic structure unaffected. This structure turns out to be a renewal process. The only independently varying parameter in this process is the mean interspike interval length, suggesting that olfactory cells of tsetse flies may transmit information via a frequency coding. In spike records with high firing rates, however, the stationary records had significant negative first- order serial correlation coefficients and were non-renewal. Some cells in this study were capable of precisely encoding the onset of the odour pulses at frequencies up to at least 3 Hz. Cells with a rapid return to pre-stimulus activity at the end of stimulation responded more adequately to pulsed stimuli than cells with a long increased spike frequency. While short-firing cells process information via a frequency code, long-firing cells responded with two distinctive phases: a phasic, non-renewal response and a tonic, renewal response which may function as a memory of previous stimulations.   相似文献   

Neural dynamics of envelope coding   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We consider the processing of narrowband signals that modulate carrier waveforms in sensory systems. The tuning of sensory neurons to the carrier frequency results in a high sensitivity to the amplitude modulations of the carrier. Recent work has revealed how specialized circuitry can extract the lower-frequency modulation associated with the slow envelope of a narrowband signal, and send it to higher brain along with the full signal. This paper first summarizes the experimental evidence for this processing in the context of electroreception, where the narrowband signals arise in the context of social communication between the animals. It then examines the mechanism of this extraction by single neurons and neural populations, using intracellular recordings and new modeling results contrasting envelope extraction and stochastic resonance. Low noise and peri-threshold stimulation are necessary to obtain a firing pattern that shows high coherence with the envelope of the input. Further, the output must be fed through a slow synapse. Averaging networks are then considered for their ability to detect, using additional noise, signals with power in the envelope bandwidth. The circuitry that does support envelope extraction beyond the primary receptors is available in many areas of the brain including cortex. The mechanism of envelope extraction and its gating by noise and bias currents is thus accessible to non-carrier-based coding as well, as long as the input to the circuit is a narrowband signal. Novel results are also presented on a more biophysical model of the receptor population, showing that it can encode a narrowband signal, but not its envelope, as observed experimentally. The model is modified from previous models by stimulus reducing contrast in order to make it sufficiently linear to agree with the experimental data.  相似文献   

Mammalian axons are thought to act as digital signaling devices, conveying information only by the timing and rate of all-or-none action potentials. Two recent studies now show that synaptic potentials can also spread far down the axon and influence action potential-triggered transmitter release in a graded, 'analog' manner. Axons thus encode information both about subthreshold and suprathreshold synaptic activity.  相似文献   

Leukemia results from the expansion of self-renewing hematopoietic cells that are thought to contain mutations that contribute to disease initiation and progression. Studies of the gene expression profiles of human acute myeloid leukemia samples has allowed their classification based on the presence of translocations and French-American-British subtypes, but it is not yet clear whether their molecular signatures reflect the initiating mutations or mutations acquired during progression. To begin to address this question, we examined the expression profiles of normal murine promyelocyte-enriched samples, nontransformed murine promyelocytes expressing human promyelocytic leukemia-retinoic acid receptor alpha (PML-RARalpha) fusion gene, and primary acute promyelocytic leukemia cells. The expression profile of nontransformed cells expressing PML-RARalpha was remarkably similar to that of wild-type promyelocytes. In contrast, the expression profiles of fully transformed cells from three acute promyelocytic leukemia model systems were all different, suggesting that the expression signature of acute promyelocytic leukemia cells reflects the genetic changes that contributed to progression. To further evaluate these progression events, we compared two high-penetrance acute promyelocytic leukemia models that both commonly acquire an interstitial deletion of chromosome 2 during progression. The two models exhibited distinct gene expression profiles, suggesting that the dominant molecular signatures of murine acute promyelocytic leukemia can be influenced by several independent progression events.  相似文献   

Neural coding in the chick cochlear nucleus   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Physiological recordings were made from single units in the two divisions of the chick cochlear nucleus-nucleus angularis (NA) and nucleus magnocellularis (NM). Sound evoked responses were obtained in an effort to quantify functional differences between the two nuclei. In particular, it was of interest to determine if nucleus angularis and magnocellularis code for separate features of sound stimuli, such as temporal and intensity information. The principal findings are: 1. Spontaneous activity patterns in the two nuclei are very different. Neurons in nucleus angularis tend to have low spontaneous discharge rates while magnocellular units have high levels of spontaneous firing. 2. Frequency tuning curves recorded in both nuclei are similar in form, although the best thresholds of NA units are about 10 dB more sensitive than their NM counterparts across the entire frequency range. A wide spread of neural thresholds is evident in both NA and NM. 3. Large driven increases in discharge rate are seen in both NA and NM. Rate intensity functions from NM units are all monotonic, while a substantial percentage (22%) of NA units respond to increased sound level in a nonmonotonic fashion. 4. Most NA units with characteristic frequencies (CF) above 1000 Hz respond to sound stimuli at CF as 'choppers', while units with CF's below 1000 Hz are 'primary-like'. Several 'onset' units are also seen in NA. In contrast, all NM units show 'primary-like' response. 5. Units in both nuclei with CF's below 1000 Hz show strong neural phase-locking to stimuli at their CF. Above 1000 Hz, few NA units are phase-locked, while phase-locking in NM extends to 2000 Hz. 6. These results are discussed with reference to the hypothesis that NM initiates a neural pathway which codes temporal information while NA is involved primarily with intensity coding, similar in principle to the segregation of function seen in the cochlear nucleus of the barn owl (Sullivan and Konishi 1984).  相似文献   

Decisions are said to be ‘risky’ when they are made in environments with uncertainty caused by nature. By contrast, a decision is said to be ‘trusting’ when its outcome depends on the uncertain decisions of another person. A rapidly expanding literature reveals economically important differences between risky and trusting decisions, and further suggests these differences are due to ‘betrayal aversion’. While its neural foundations have not been previously illuminated, the prevailing hypothesis is that betrayal aversion stems from a desire to avoid negative emotions that arise from learning one''s trust was betrayed. Here, we provide evidence from an fMRI study that supports this hypothesis. In particular, our data indicate that the anterior insula modulates trusting decisions that involve the possibility of betrayal.  相似文献   

The motivation to start or terminate a meal involves the continual updating of information on current body status by central gustatory and reward systems. Previous electrophysiological and neuroimaging investigations revealed region-specific decreases in activity as the subject's state transitions from hunger to satiety. By implanting bundles of microelectrodes in the lateral hypothalamus, orbitofrontal cortex, insular cortex, and amygdala of hungry rats that voluntarily eat to satiety, we have measured the behavior of neuronal populations through the different phases of a complete feeding cycle (hunger-satiety-hunger). Our data show that while most satiety-sensitive units preferentially responded to a unique hunger phase within a cycle, neuronal populations integrated single-unit information in order to reflect the animal's motivational state across the entire cycle, with higher activity levels during the hunger phases. This distributed population code might constitute a neural mechanism underlying meal initiation under different metabolic states.  相似文献   

Neural coding of gustatory information.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The nervous system encodes information relating chemical stimuli to taste perception, beginning with transduction mechanisms at the receptor and ending in the representation of stimulus attributes by the activity of neurons in the brain. Recent studies have rekindled the long-standing debate about whether taste information is coded by the pattern of activity across afferent neurons or by specifically tuned 'labeled lines'. Taste neurons are broadly tuned to stimuli representing different qualities and are also responsive to stimulus intensity and often to touch and temperature. Their responsiveness is also modulated by a number of physiological factors. In addition to representing stimulus quality and intensity, activity in taste neurons must code information about the hedonic value of gustatory stimuli. These considerations suggest that individual gustatory neurons contribute to the coding of more than one stimulus parameter, making the response of any one cell meaningful only in the context of the activity of its neighbors.  相似文献   

Flexible control of behavior requires the selective processing of task-relevant sensory information and the appropriate linkage of sensory input to action. A great deal of evidence suggests a central role for the parietal cortex in these functions. Recent results from neurophysiological studies in non-human primates and neuroimaging experiments in humans illuminate the importance of parietal cortex for attention, and suggest how parietal neurons might allow the dynamic representation of behaviorally relevant information.  相似文献   

The effective use of echolocation requires not only measuring the delay between the emitted call and returning echo to estimate the distance of an ensonified object. To locate an object in azimuth and elevation, the bat’s auditory system must analyze the returning echoes in terms of their binaural properties, i.e., the echoes’ interaural intensity and time differences (IIDs and ITDs). The effectiveness of IIDs for echolocation is undisputed, but when bats ensonify complex objects, the temporal structure of echoes may facilitate the analysis of the echo envelope in terms of envelope ITDs. Using extracellular recordings from the auditory midbrain of the bat, Phyllostomus discolor, we found a population of neurons that are sensitive to envelope ITDs of echoes of their sonar calls. Moreover, the envelope-ITD sensitivity improved with increasing temporal fluctuations in the echo envelopes, a sonar parameter related to the spatial statistics of complex natural reflectors like vegetation. The data show that in bats envelope ITDs may be used not only to locate external, prey-generated rustling sounds but also in the context of echolocation. Specifically, the temporal fluctuations in the echo envelope, which are created when the sonar emission is reflected from a complex natural target, support ITD-mediated echolocation.  相似文献   

Starting from an established correlation between specific molecular vibration patterns and the olfactory responses of organisms, a method is described by which equivalently specific patterns of neural excitation may be identified electrophysiologically. A molecular mechanism for the interaction is proposed which also takes into account such related matters as olfactory thresholds, and the possibility of both “specialist” and “generalist” receptors.  相似文献   

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