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Stopped-flow measurements have been carried out to study some basic allosteric properties of muscle and yeast phosphofructokinase at physiological concentration of enzyme. An important increase in the affinity for fructose-6-P accompanied by an intense decrease in the ATP inhibition was observed with the muscle enzyme, which also became insensitive to fructose-2,6-P2 under these conditions. Yeast phosphofructokinase exhibited a significant diminution in the inhibition by ATP, although with no apparent change in the affinity for fructose-6-P. These results provide strong support in favor of the dependence of the allosteric regulation of phosphofructokinase on its concentration in vivo.  相似文献   

In this paper, we describe an efficient procedure for the purification of yeast phosphofructokinase. This procedure eliminates any time delay and enables to obtain an enzyme with minimum proteolytic alterations. The molecular weights of the oligomeric enzyme and of its constitutive subunits were both evaluated by means of several independent methods. However, the accuracy of each measurement was not sufficient to discriminate between an hexameric and an octameric structure of the enzyme oligomer. On the other hand, crosslinking experiments demonstrated the octameric structure of yeast phosphofructokinase. Obviously, some methods of molecular weight determination have led to erroneous results. In particular, our experiments show that the reliability of molecular weight determinations performed by gel filtration of native proteins must be considered with caution.  相似文献   

The activity of yeast phosphofructokinase assayed in vitro at physiological concentrations of known substrates and effectors is 100-fold lower than the glycolytic flux observed in vivo. Phosphate synergistically with AMP activates the enzyme to a level within the range of the physiological needs. The activation by phosphate is pH-dependent: the activation is 100-fold at pH 6.4 while no effect is observed at pH 7.5. The activation by AMP, phosphate, or both together is primarily due to changes in the affinity of the enzyme for fructose-6-P. Under conditions similar to those prevailing in glycolysing yeast (pH 6.4, 1 mM ATP, 10 mM NH4+) the apparent affinity constant for fructose-6-P (S0.5) decreases from 3 to 1.4 mM upon addition of 1 mM AMP or 10 mM phosphate; if both activators are present together, S0.5 is further decreased to 0.2 mM. In all cases the cooperativity toward fructose-6-P remains unchanged. These results are consistent with a model for phosphofructokinase where two conformations, with different affinities for fructose-6-P and ATP, will present the same affinity for AMP and phosphate. AMP would diminish the affinity for ATP at the regulatory site and phosphate would increase the affinity for fructose-6-P. The results obtained indicate that the activity of phosphofructokinase in the shift glycolysis-gluconeogenesis is mainly regulated by changes in the concentration of fructose-6-P.  相似文献   

Mutant studies of yeast phosphofructokinase   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
D Clifton  D G Fraenkel 《Biochemistry》1982,21(8):1935-1942

Fructose 2,6-bisphosphate is a powerful activator of yeast phosphofructokinase when assayed at pH levels of ≥7.0. Half maximal stimulation of enzyme activity occurs at 10?7 M levels of Fru 2,6-P2 concentration. This stimulating effect by Fru 2,6-P2 can be synergistic to that exerted by AMP in counteracting the inhibition of phosphofructokinase activity by ATP. The affinity (S0.5) of the yeast enzyme to fructose 6-phosphate changes from 1.5 mM in the absence of Fru 2,6-P2 to 40 μM in its presence.  相似文献   

Proteinase A from yeast causes a stepwise degradation of yeast phosphofructokinase, resembling the action of subtilisin on this enzyme. Proteinase B, however, exhibits a limited proteolysis similar to the action of alpha-chymotrypsin.  相似文献   

Evidence for phosphorylation of yeast phosphofructokinase   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Radioactively labelled material from yeast cells grown in the presence of [32P]phosphate was specifically recognized by antibodies raised against yeast phosphofructokinase. Purified yeast phosphofructokinase was phosphorylated in a cyclic AMP-independent manner by a protein kinase enriched from yeast extracts. This phosphorylation occurred specifically on the beta-subunit, and 0.56 mol of phosphate/mol of subunit was incorporated. The results indicate the phosphorylation of yeast phosphofructokinase both in vivo and in vitro. Phosphofructokinase phosphorylated in vitro was more stable against proteolytic degradation compared to the non-phosphorylated enzyme.  相似文献   

To identify the initial stages of membrane fusion induced by vesicular stomatitis virus, we performed stopped-flow kinetic measurement with fluorescently labeled virus attached to human erythrocyte ghosts that contained symmetric bilayer distributions of phospholipids. Fusion was monitored spectrofluorometrically using an assay based on mixing of the lipid fluorophore octadecylrhodamine. At 37 degrees C and pH values near the threshold for fusion, a lag phase of 2 s was observed. The lag time decreased steeply as the pH decreased, while the initial rate of fusion showed the reverse functional dependence on pH. The observed rapid fluorescence changes resulted from fusion of virus bound to the target, and the time lags were not due to association-dissociation reactions between virus and target. For a given pH value, the temperature dependence of the lag time was similar to that of the initial rate of fusion. The results were fitted to a multistate model similar to that resulting from ion channel gating kinetics. The model allows testing of hypotheses concerning the role of cooperativity and conformational changes in viral spike glycoprotein-mediated membrane fusion.  相似文献   

Purified phosphofructokinase from bakers yeast is activated by d-fructose in low concentrations (up to 1 mM) and inhibited by high concentrations. The stimulatory effect of d-fructose is similar, but smaller than that of AMP. In the presence of AMP (0.4 mM or higher) d-fructose does no longer stimulate, but its inhibitory effect persists (K I =8 mM). Its dualistic action on phosphofructokinase activity indicates that d-fructose might induce low frequency in glycolytic oscillations by direct interaction with the enzyme.  相似文献   

The kinetics of the phosphofructokinase reaction were studied by computer modeling. A general random order, two-state allosteric model, of which the Monod--Wyman--Changeux model is a limiting case, was found to most accurately reproduce the experimental observations of Pettigrew & Frieden (1979 a,b). A simplified model with Hill coefficients was found to fit almost as well. In these models substrates bind preferentially to and stabilize the enzyme in the R state, and ATPH3-, the inhibitory species, binds preferentially to and stabilizes the enzyme in the T state. Enzymatic activity is regulated by conversion from the R to the T state, which is effected by protonation, especially of the uncomplexed enzyme, but the experimental data are inadequate for accurate estimation of the pKa of the enzyme. Random order binding of substrates is an important cause of sigmoidal kinetics. Additional experiments that would aid in the discrimination among rival models are described.  相似文献   

J Alves  C Urbanke  A Fliess  G Maass  A Pingoud 《Biochemistry》1989,28(19):7879-7888
We have investigated in fluorescence stopped-flow and temperature-jump experiments the EcoRI-catalyzed cleavage of synthetic palindromic tridecadeoxynucleotides which contain the EcoRI site but differ in the flanking sequences. The overall reaction can be resolved in several reactions which were analyzed by a nonlinear least-squares fitting procedure on the experimental data. The result of this analysis is a minimal scheme that describes the overall reaction in terms of the rate constants of the individual reactions. According to this scheme EcoRI and the tridecadeoxynucleotide substrates associate in the presence of Mg2+ in a nearly diffusion-controlled process. This is followed by a reaction which is or includes the cleavage of the first phosphodiester bond. There is no indication for a time-resolved conformational transition prior to catalysis. After cleavage of the first strand, dissociation of the nicked double strand can occur, which then rearranges to the original palindromic double-stranded substrate and is bound again by the enzyme. Alternatively, the nicked double strand can be cleaved in the second strand. This reaction is followed by product release from the enzyme. The magnitude of the individual rate constants depends on the substrate used; the differences explain the preference of EcoRI for substrates that contain AT as compared to GC base pairs next to the recognition site.  相似文献   

Initial rate data obtained with purified yeast phosphofructokinase (PFK) show an ATP dependent kinetic cooperativity with respect to fructose-6-phosphate. In the presence of 25 mM phosphate, the cooperativity index (Hill number) is related to the half saturation concentration of fructose-6-phosphate as predicted by the concerted allosteric model in the case of a “K-system”. In the absence of phosphate, however, the kinetic behavior of yeast PFK is more complex and the cooperativity index is invariant with respect to the half saturation concentration of fructose-6-phosphate which is increased by ATP. In both cases, 5′AMP behaves as a strong activator of the enzyme. These kinetic data suggest that the two distinct functions of ATP as phosphate donnor and as allosteric inhibitor, respectively, are supported by different binding sites. These regulatory properties of yeast PFK are discussed in relation to glycolytic oscillations.  相似文献   

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