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The roles of honey bee queen mandibular pheromone and colony congestion in the inhibition of swarming were investigated. Two colony siz.es were used: small, congested colonies and large, uncongested colonies. Both groups of colonies were treated with various dosages of the five-component, synthetic queen mandibular pheromone in the spring, and the extent and timing of swarming were followed. Most treatment groups received pheromone or a solvent blank (control) on a stationary slide; one group of the congested colonies received a pheromone treatment via an aerosol spray. The pheromone was not effective at delaying swarming in the congested colonies at any dosage applied on slides, but the aerosol spray-treated colonies swarmed significantly later in the season than the control colonies. The uncongested, pheromone-treated colonies exhibited a dose-dependent delay in swarming, with the highest dosage colonies swarming almost four weeks later than the control colonies. These results indicate an interaction between congestion and pheromone in the control of honey bee reproduction. While congestion may in itself be a factor stimulating swarming, these results are consistent with the interpretation that colony congestion reduces the transmission of queen pheromone within the nest, thereby removing the queen 's pheromone-based inhibition of queen rearing and subsequent swarming by workers.  相似文献   

To know basic information about the stingless bee, Trigona minangkabau, and the European honey bee, Apis mellifera, as pollinator of strawberry, we set three greenhouse areas: the honey bee introduced area, the stingless bee introduced area and the control area. Foraging and pollination efficiencies of the two bee species were studied comparatively. During the experimental period (10 days), the stingless bee foraged well and the nest weight did not change, though the honey bee often foraged inefficiently and the nest weight decreased by 2 kg. The average nectar volume of a flower was lower in the honey bee area (0.02 μl) and nearly the same in the other two areas (0.1 μl). We make a numerical model to describe pollination and fertilization process. This model shows that one visit of the honey bee pollinated 11% of achenes and one visit of the stingless bee did 4.7% on average and that 11 visits of the honey bee or 30 visits of the stingless bee are required per flower to attain normal berry (fertilization rate, 87%). In this study, the rate of deformed berries in the stingless bee area (73%) was lower than that of the control area (90%), but higher than that of the honey bee area (51%). From our numerical model, we conclude the stingless bee could pollinate strawberry as well as the honey bee if we introduced 1.8 times of bees used in this experiment.  相似文献   

Melissopalynological analysis of 72 Tetragonula pagdeni honey samples, collected from various locations in Chanthaburi (A) and Trat (B) provinces, Eastern Thailand during March 2015, was performed. Overall, 45 pollen types species belonging to 22 plant families were identified. The predominant pollen type was from Nephelium lappaceum and comprised 48.5% of the pollen in honey from location A2 (Pathavee district) and 45.3% in location B1 (AoYai district). The secondary pollen types, Wodyetia bifurcata and Mimosa pudica, accounted for 20.1% and 17.0%, respectively, in location B3 (Nhongsamed district), while Cocos nucifera accounted for 17.2% in location A2. In addition, pollen types of C. nucifera, M. pudica, N. lappaceum, Asystasia gangetica, Amaranthus lividus, Areca catechu, Chromolaena odorata and Durio zibethinus were found in T. pagdeni honey from all sampled locations. Furthermore, in the dearth period, T. pagdeni foraged food (as in pollen was present) from Musa sp., Acacia mangium and various weed species, such as A. gangetica, A. lividus, Ageratum conyzoides, Bidens pilosa, C. odorata, Melampodium divaricatum, Mikania cordata, Merremia umbellata, M. pudica, Pennisetum pedicellarum and Thysanoleana maxima, from within a 500?m radius around the hive to maintain their colonies.  相似文献   

Nepotism is an important potential conflict in animal societies.However, clear evidence of nepotism in the rearing of queensin social insects is limited and controversial. In the honeybee, Apis mellifera, multiple mating by queens leads to thepresence of many patrilines within each colony. When the coloniesreproduce through swarming, workers rear a number of new queens,only a few of which will ultimately head a colony. Workers canpotentially increase their inclusive fitness by nepotisticallyfavoring full-sister over half-sister queens during the queenrearing and elimination process. Most studies have focused oninteractions between workers and immature queens (eggs and larvae)or adult queens who have exited their queen cells. However,adult queens often remain in their queen cells for up to 1 weekafter emerging from their pupa. In this situation, workers preventthe queens from emerging, feed them, and protect them from otheremerged queens. This stage in queen rearing is therefore onein which nepotism could occur. The current study is the firstto investigate the kinship between workers and adult queenswho have not emerged from their queen cells. We observed thefull suite of behaviors expected during this phase of colonyreproduction. Although there was no evidence for nepotism inthe worker–queen interactions, there was a nonrandom distributionacross patrilines of the workers interacting with the queencells. In addition, in one colony we found differential treatmentof fostered (nonkin)-queen cells.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. 1. The effects of colony size and time of reproduction on the survival and size of offspring colonies and on drone production were examined for honey bees, Apis mellifera L. Drone and worker production and survival of parental and offspring colonies were monitored following swarming. Also, the temporal patterns of drone emergence and availability of unmated queens were examined.
2. Colony size at swarming was positively correlated with the number of workers invested in offspring colonies and the number of queens produced. However, colony size at swarming was not correlated with the number of offspring colonies produced.
3. Swarm size was positively correlated with drone and worker production after swarms were hived. Worker production of hived swarms was positively correlated with colony survival. Offspring queens which inherited a parental nest survived longer than queens in either primary swarms or afterswarms, presumably due to the advantage of inheriting a nest.
4. Drone emergence peaked just prior to swarming, the time when unmated queens were available. High drone production by colonies initiated by swarms probably reflected an attempt to reproduce prior to winter. The probabilities of a second swarming cycle within the same year and of surviving the winter were low for colonies initiated from swarms.  相似文献   

Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a metabolic disease characterised by chronic hyperglycaemia with impaired carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism caused by defects in insulin secretion or action. Based on our previous research, stingless bee honey (SLBH) from Tetragonula biroi and T. laeviceps can inhibit alpha-glucosidase activities. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to determine the effects of daily oral administration of SLBH on body weight (BW) and fasting blood glucose (FBG) levels of male rats with streptozotocin (STZ)-induced DM. Thirty-six male Sprague Dawley rats were divided into six groups of six rats each. One group of normal non-diabetic rats served as a positive control. The diabetic groups were intraperitoneally (i.p.) injected with STZ (50 mg/kg BW) for induction of DM and divided into five equal subgroups of six animals each: an untreated group as a negative control; a group treated with 0.6 mg/kg BW of glibenclamide as a positive control and three SLBN treatment groups that had daily oral administration of 0.5, 1.0 or 2.0 g/kg BW, respectively, for 35 days. The results showed that SLBH significantly reduced loss of BW in diabetic rats. FBG levels in diabetic rat blood, collected from the tail, were measured using Accu-Chek test strips. The FBG levels in diabetic rats that have oral administered intake with glibenclamide and SLBH were stable. There were no changes in serum FBG levels in SLBH-treated diabetic rats for 35 days. Pancreatic histopathology results from all groups showed no abnormalities or tissue damage in either diabetic or non-diabetic rats. The results of this study show that administration of SLBH reduced BW loss or improved BW of rats with STZ-induced DM. Meanwhile, the reduction in loss of BW that occurred in diabetic rats after 35 days of SLBH administration was the result of reduced formation of fats and proteins, which are broken down into energy. Further research is needed to determine the antidiabetic effects of honey from other stingless honeybee species.  相似文献   

Tetragonisca angustula is one of the most widespread stingless bees in the Neotropics. This species swarms frequently and is extremely successful in urban environments. In addition, it is one of the most popular stingless bee species for beekeeping in Latin America, so nest transportation and trading is common. Nest transportation can change the genetic structure of the host population, reducing inbreeding and increasing homogenization. Here, we evaluate the genetic structure of 17 geographic populations of T. angustula in southern Brazil to quantify the level of genetic differentiation between populations. Analyses were conducted on partially sequenced mitochondrial genes and 11 microsatellite loci of 1002 workers from 457 sites distributed on the mainland and on 3 islands. Our results show that T. angustula populations are highly differentiated as demonstrated by mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and microsatellite markers. Of 73 haplotypes, 67 were population‐specific. MtDNA diversity was low in 9 populations but microsatellite diversity was moderate to high in all populations. Microsatellite data suggest 10 genetic clusters and low level of gene flow throughout the studied area. However, physical barriers, such as rivers and mountain ranges, or the presence or absence of forest appear to be unrelated to population clusters. Factors such as low dispersal, different ecological conditions, and isolation by distance are most likely shaping the population structure of this species. Thus far, nest transportation has not influenced the general population structure in the studied area. However, due to the genetic structure we found, we recommend that nest transportation should only occur within and between populations that are genetically similar.  相似文献   

A complete survey of La Pacifica in Guanacaste Province, Costa Rica was conducted in July 1984 in order to determine whether the howler (Alouatta palliata) population had declined since 1972 as a result of deforestation. During the 6-day survey, 257 howlers were located, representing 16 different social groupings and nine solitary animals. The total number of howlers, the number and location of groups, and the age-sex composition were very similar to a 1972–1976 survey of the same population. Age-sex composition of La Pacifica howler groups was similar to those of another population of mantled howlers in Costa Rica and of populations in Mexico and in Panama, although La Pacifica had a higher mean number of adult females per group. There was no evidence to support the hypothesis that the La Pacifica howler population has declined in recent times.  相似文献   

Despite the recent rapid growth of tropical dry forest succession ecology, most studies on this topic have focused on plant community attribute recovery, whereas animal community successional dynamics has been largely overlooked, and the few existing studies have used taxonomic approaches. Here, we analyze the successional changes in the bee community in a Mexican tropical dry forest, by integrating taxonomic (species, genus, and family diversity) and functional (sociability, nesting strategy, and body size) information for bees. Over one year, in a successional chronosequence (2–67 years after abandonment) we collected 469 individual bees, representing five families, 36 genera, and 69 species. Linear modeling showed decreases in taxonomic diversity with succession, more strongly so for species. Bee species turnover along succession ranged from moderate to high, decreasing slightly at intermediate stages. An RLQ analysis (ordination method that allows relating environmental variables with functional attributes) revealed clear relations between bee functional traits and the plant community. RLQ axis 1 was positively related to vegetation structural and diversity variables, and to eusociality, while solitary, parasociality, and ground nesting was negatively associated with it. Early successional fallows attract mostly solitary and parasocial bees; older fallows tend to attract eusocial bees with aerial nesting. The continuous taxonomic turnover observed by us and the functional analysis suggest that the disappearance of old fallows from agricultural landscapes would likely result in significant reductions and even local extinctions of particular bee guilds. Considering the low viability of preserving large mature tropical dry forest tracts, the conservation of older successional stands emerges as a crucial component of landscape management.Abstract in Spanish is available with online material.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity is a major component of the biological diversity of an ecosystem. The survival of a population may be seriously threatened if its genetic diversity values are low. In this work, we measured the genetic diversity of the stingless bee Plebeia remota based on molecular data obtained by analyzing 15 microsatellite loci and sequencing two mitochondrial genes. Population structure and genetic diversity differed depending on the molecular marker analyzed: microsatellites showed low population structure and moderate to high genetic diversity, while mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) showed high population structure and low diversity in three populations. Queen philopatry and male dispersal behavior are discussed as the main reasons for these findings.  相似文献   

Summary The relationship between the annual colony cycle and seasonal patterns of forage availability was investigated for the African honey bee,Apis mellifera scutellata, in the Okavango River Delta, Botswana. The annual cycle occurred in three distinct periods. The swarming season occurred from October-November, following two to three months of intense brood production, and coincided with the end of peak forage abundance. The migration season occurred from November-May and coincided with reduced and variable floral resources. During the migration season, brood production and food storage were generally low but quite variable from month to month, and swarms passing over the study area at this time traveled in an easterly direction. The migration season was followed by the establishment period (June-September), in which large numbers of new colonies traveling from the west moved into the study area. The establishment period coincided with, and slightly preceded, the period of peak forage abundance, and colonies devoted resources collected at this time almost entirely to brood rearing, which culminated in swarm production. The data suggest that honey bee colonies in the Okavango are mobile and gear their reproduction and movement to seasonally shifting resource pattern.  相似文献   

Deterministic and stochastic class structured population models were used to simulate the life cycle of Avicennia bicolor of the Pacific coast of Costa Rica. The models were based on an extensive data set collected during a 6 year period in a 0.52 ha plot of monospecific A. bicolor. This data set included density, growth, mortality and transition rates of seedlings, saplings and trees of eight different diameter classes, as well as propagule production for the reproductive tree classes. Model simulations carried out over a 100 year period indicated a stable size class structure of the forest. Sensitivity analysis showed a significantly greater sensitivity of the model population to simulated changes in the mortality of seedlings, in comparison with the mortality of saplings and trees. An increase of 1% in the mortality of seedlings, for example, was sufficient to cause significant changes in the density of individual size classes. In contrast, neither a 10% increase in the mortality of saplings and trees nor a 20% decrease in the propagule production of fecund trees significantly affected the overall forest structure.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to determine the rôle of population density of queenright honey bee colonies, and that of the queen bee pheromonal secretions, on the induction and inhibition of swarming queen cup construction during swarming and non-swarming seasons. Construction of queen cups was induced experimentally in overcrowded queenright colonies, during winter, which is a non-swarming season. This construction was induced by high population density of bee workers: above a threshold of 2.3 bee workers/ml there was a relationship between the number of cups constructed and the colony density. During the swarming season a relationship was established between the free volume of a hive (population density) and the number of queen cups constructed: 1.5 cups in a colony that occupied 80,960 ml, compared with 77 cups in a colony hived within a volume of 20, 240 ml. Observations of the queen's movements upon combs in colonies of high and normal population densities showed that in an overcrowded colony the queen bee was almost absent from the bottom edges of the comb, where queen swarming cups and cells are constructed. The tarsal glands of queens are located in the fifth tarsomere and the glandular oily secretion is deposited by the foot-pads upon the combs surface. The rate of secretion by the queen's tarsal glands was about 13 times higher than by those of the workers. A bioassay for testing the inhibitory effects of the queen's glandular extracts on the construction of queen cups was developed. It was based on increasing worker bee population densities, and can be used effectively throughout the year in a subtropical climate.The application of tarsal and mandibular glands' secretion to comb bottom edges in overcrowded colonies (bioassay) caused the inhibition of queen cup construction. None of these two secretions affected construction of these cups when applied separately. We presume that due to colony overcrowding the queen bee is unable to deposit the non-volatile secretions from tarsal glands along the comb edges and that the deficiency of the foot-print pheromone triggers the construction of swarming cups along the non-inhibited areas.  相似文献   

In this study we quantified invertebrate drift and related it to the structure of the benthic community, over a 6–8 month period, in a 4th-order tropical stream in Costa Rica. Relative to reports from similar-sized temperate and tropical streams, drift densities were high (2-fold greater: mean 11.2 m−3; range 2.5–25 m−3), and benthic insect densities were relatively low (>3-fold lower: mean 890 m−2; range 228–1504 m−2). Drift was dominated by larval shrimps that represented more than 70% of total drift on any given date; the remaining 30% was composed of 54 insect taxa. Among insects, Simuliidae and Chironomidae (Diptera) and Baetidae, Leptohyphes and Tricorythodes (Ephemeroptera) comprised 24% of total drift. Drift periodicity was strongly nocturnal, with peaks at 18:00 h (sunset) and 03:00 h. Our results, and those of previous experiments in the study stream, suggest that nighttime drift is driven by the presence of predatory diurnal drift-feeding fishes and nocturnal adult shrimps. There were no clear seasonal patterns over both ‘dry’ and wet seasons, suggesting that benthic communities are subject to similar stresses throughout the year, and that populations grow and reproduce continuously. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The multiple environmental issues of loss of forest cover due to cattle farming combined with pasture degradation leading to low levels of production, consequent extensification and therefore to more deforestation, are serious concerns in Costa Rica. To test the feasibility of countering these by combining a more productive pasture system with indigenous tree species, a silvopastoral experiment was established on a farm in the seasonally dry lowlands of Cañas, Guanacaste Province. A rapidly growing pasture species (Brachiaria brizantha) was tested against a traditional pasture dominated by Hyparrhenia rufa. Three indigenous tree species were established: Pithecellobium saman, Diphysa robinioides and Dalbergia retusa. Plots were grazed by cattle for 4 or 5 days with one to 2 month intervals between grazing episodes. After 51 months, D. robinioides was the fastest growing species, and P. saman the slowest, while B. brizantha produced three times the above ground and twice the below ground biomass as H. rufa, and trees had no effect upon grass yield. Contrary to competition theory, there was no effect of pasture species upon the two faster growing tree species. The carbon in above and below ground phytomass varied between 3.5 and 12.5 Mg C ha?1 in treeless pasture controls and silvopastoral systems, respectively, and total soil organic carbon (TSOC) in the upper 0.6 m averaged 110 Mg ha?1. B. brizantha appeared to stimulate tree root production, which in turn was highly correlated with TSOC, resulting in annual increments in TSOC of up to 9.9 Mg ha?1 year?1. These early results indicate the promising potential of this silvopastoral system for combining cattle production, and increasing tree cover and carbon sequestration.  相似文献   

Summary. This paper considers a little-studied topic in the biology of social insects: the formation of self-assemblages. It focuses on the mechanisms whereby the outermost workers in a bivouacked swarm of honey bees, when rained upon, form a water repellent curtain of bees over the swarm cluster. Specifically, we analyzed how the worker bees in the mantle of a swarm cluster adjust their body orientation, wing spread, and inter-individual spacing to form a protective curtain when wetted. When warm and dry, the mantle bees orient their bodies weakly with respect to gravity, do not tuck their heads under adjacent bees, have high variability in wing spread, and space themselves widely. In contrast, when warm and wet, the mantle bees orient uniformly with head upward, tuck their heads beneath the abdomens of bees above, hold their wings together, and press tightly together. This produces a surface that closely resembles a tiled roof. When cool and dry, the mantle bees generally orient their bodies with head upward, press their heads into the interior of the cluster, hold their wings wide apart, and draw close together. We also examined the age distribution of the mantle bees. Older bees are more likely than younger bees to be found in the mantle of a swarm, perhaps because younger bees are more important than older bees to colony survival after swarming and so occupy a more sheltered position in a swarm. Finally, we tested whether swarm clusters that have formed a protective curtain shed water more effectively than ones that have not formed a curtain. We found that this is the case.Received 28 November 2003; revised 29 February 2004; accepted 11 April 2004.  相似文献   

To evaluate the effects of partial deforestation of the home range of a group of free-ranging howlers on Hacienda La Pacifica, Costa Rica, we compared activity patterns, social interactions, daily travel lengths, group sizes and migration patterns before, during, and after habitat destruction. Immediate responses were a decrease in social interactions and increase in start to travel. Long-term responses included an increase in feeding time and longer daily path length. The long-term responses were associated with the adjustment to a new home range which was longer and narrower, with the patchiest resources at the furthest end points. Group size decreased due to a significant decrease in adult males and females and a significant increase in infant deaths between the predeforestation period and the deforestation/postdeforestation periods. Significant increase in adult female deaths/emigration continues, though emigration of immatures remains unchanged. Reduced group size could be due to reduced resources or disturbed migration routes throughout the farm due to the construction of a major canal system.  相似文献   

Insect immune proteins and peptides induced during bacterial infection are predominantly synthesized by the fat body or by haemocytes and released into the hemolymph. However, tissues other than the "immune-related" ones are thought to play a role in bacteria-induced responses. Here we report a proteomic study of honey bee heads designed to identify the proteins that are differentially expressed after bacterial challenge in a major body segment not directly involved in insect immunity. The list of identified proteins includes structural proteins, an olfactory protein, proteins involved in signal transduction, energy housekeeping, and stress responses, and also two major royal jelly proteins. This study revealed a number of bacteria-induced responses in insect head tissue directly related to typical functions of the head, such as exocrine secretion, memory, and senses in general.  相似文献   

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