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In plants, the shikimate pathway occurs in the plastid and leads to the biosynthesis of aromatic amino acids. The bifunctional 3-dehydroquinate dehydratase/shikimate dehydrogenase (DHD/SHD) catalyses the conversion of dehydroquinate into shikimate. Expression of NtDHD/SHD was suppressed by RNAi in transgenic tobacco plants. Transgenic lines with <40% of wild-type activity displayed severe growth retardation and reduced content of aromatic amino acids and downstream products such as cholorogenic acid and lignin. Dehydroquinate, the substrate of the enzyme, accumulated. However, unexpectedly, so did the product, shikimate. To exclude that this finding is due to developmental differences between wild-type and transgenic plants, the RNAi approach was additionally carried out using a chemically inducible promoter. This approach revealed that the accumulation of shikimate was a direct effect of the reduced activity of NtDHD/SHD with a gradual accumulation of both dehydroquinate and shikimate following induction of gene silencing. As an explanation for these findings the existence of a parallel extra-plastidic shikimate pathway into which dehydroquinate is diverted is proposed. Consistent with this notion was the identification of a second DHD/SHD gene in tobacco (NtDHD/SHD-2) that lacked a plastidic targeting sequence. Expression of an NtDHD/SHD-2-GFP fusion revealed that the NtDHD/SHD-2 protein is exclusively cytosolic and is capable of shikimate biosynthesis. However, given the fact that this cytosolic shikimate synthesis cannot complement loss of the plastidial pathway it appears likely that the role of the cytosolic DHD/SHD in vivo is different from that of the plastidial enzyme. These data are discussed in the context of current models of plant intermediary metabolism.  相似文献   

In Antirrhinum majus only autonomous Tam3 transposons have been characterized. We investigated whether an artificial dTam3 element, with a deletion in the presumptive transposase coding region, can be trans-activated in tobacco by an activator Tam3 element, which was immobilized by the deletion of one inverted repeat. A phenotypic assay based on restored hygromycin resistance demonstrates that a dTam3 element harbouring a bacterial plasmid can be trans-activated with a low frequency. Molecular analysis confirms that the dTam3 element has been excised from the HPTII marker gene. Reintegration of the dTam3 element into the tobacco genome is detected only in one out of six hygromycin-resistant plants analysed. PCR analysis of empty donor sites shows that excision of the dTam3 element in tobacco results in rearrangements (deletions and additions), that have been shown to be characteristic of Tam3 excision in the original host Antirrhinum majus. This trans-activation assay allowed us to establish that, in contrast to what has been detected in Antirrhinum majus, a periodical temperature shift down to 15°C does not enhance dTam3 transposition in regenerating tobacco calli.  相似文献   

To investigate the various integration patterns of T-DNA generated by infection withAgrobacterium, we developed a vector (pRCV2) for the effective T-DNA tagging and applied it to tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum cv. Havana SR1). pRCV2 was constructed for isolating not only intact T-DNA inserts containing both side borders of T-DNA, but also for partial T-DNA inserts that comprise only the right or left side. We also designed PCR confirmation primer sets that can amplify in several important regions within pRCV2 to detect various unpredictable integration patterns. These can also be used for the direct inverse PCR. Leaf disks of tobacco were transformed withAgrobacterium tumefaciens LBA4404 harboring pRCV2. PCR and Southern analysis revealed the expected 584 bp product for thehpt gene as well as one of 600 bp for thegus gene in all transformants; one or two copies were identified for these integrated genes. Flanking plant genomic DNA sequences from the transgenic tobacco were obtained via plasmid rescue and then sequenced. Abnormal integration patterns in the tobacco genome were found in many transgenic lines. Of the 17 lines examined, 11 contained intact vector backbone; a somewhat larger deletion of the left T-DNA portion was encountered in 4 lines. Because nicking sites at the right border showed irregular patterns when the T-DNA was integrated, it was difficult to predict the junction regions between the vector and the flanking plant DNA.  相似文献   

The formation of insoluble protein deposits in human tissues is linked to the onset of more than 40 different disorders, ranging from dementia to diabetes. In these diseases, the proteins usually self-assemble into ordered β-sheet enriched aggregates known as amyloid fibrils. Here we study the structure of the inclusions formed by maize transglutaminase (TGZ) in the chloroplasts of tobacco transplastomic plants and demonstrate that they have an amyloid-like nature. Together with the evidence of amyloid structures in bacteria and fungi our data argue that amyloid formation is likely a ubiquitous process occurring across the different kingdoms of life. The discovery of amyloid conformations inside inclusions of genetically modified plants might have implications regarding their use for human applications.  相似文献   

Silencing ofNia host genes and transgenes (encoding nitrate reductase) was previously achieved by introducing into tobacco plants the tobaccoNia2 cDNA cloned downstream of the cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) 35S promoter. To check whetherNii host genes and transgenes (encoding nitrite reductase, the second enzyme of the nitrate assimilation pathway) were also susceptible to silencing, a transgene consisting of the tobaccoNii1 gene with two copies of the enhancer of the 35S promoter cloned 1 kb upstream of theNii promoter region was introduced into tobacco plants. Among nine independent transformants analysed, two showed silencing ofNii host genes and transgenes in some descendants after selfing, but never after back-crossing with wild-type plants, suggesting that silencing depends on the number of transgene loci and/or on certain allelic or ectopic combinations of transgene loci. In one transformant carrying a single transgene locus in a homozygous state, silencing was triggered in all progeny plants of each generation, 20 to 50 days after germination. Field trial analysis confirmed that silencing was not triggered when the transgene locus of this latter line was present in a hemizygous state. In addition, it was revealed that silencing can be triggered, albeit at low frequency and later during the development, when this transgene locus is brought into the presence of a non-allelic transgene locus by crossing, suggesting that a homozygous state is not absolutely required.  相似文献   

Previous work has shown that the octopine synthase (ocs) gene encoded by the Agrobacterium tumefaciens Ti-plasmid contains an upstream activating sequence necessary for its expression in plant cells. This sequence is composed of an essential 16-bp palindrome and flanking sequences that modulate the level of expression of the ocs promoter in transgenic tobacco calli. In this study, we have used RNA gel blot analysis of RNA extracted from transgenic tobacco plants to show that the octopine synthase gene is not constitutively expressed in all plant tissues and organs. This tissue-specific pattern of expression is determined, to a large extent, by the 16-bp palindrome. Histochemical analysis, using an ocs-lacZ fusion gene, has indicated that the 16-bp palindrome directs the expression of the ocs promoter in specific cell types in the leaves, stems, and roots of transgenic tobacco plants. This expression is especially strong in the vascular tissue of the leaves, leaf mesophyll cells, leaf and stem guard cells, and the meristematic regions of the shoots and roots. Sequences surrounding the palindrome in the upstream activating sequence restrict the expression of the ocs promoter to fewer cell types, resulting in a reduced level of expression of beta-galactosidase activity in the central vascular tissue of leaves, certain types of leaf trichomes, and the leaf primordia.  相似文献   

转基因抗虫烟草研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
烟草为模式植物,也是外源杀虫基因最早转化成功的植物。文章从转Bt内毒素基因,植物凝集素GNA,Plec,AHA基因,蛋白酶抑制剂PIⅠ,PIⅡ,MTI,SKTI基因,昆虫特异性神经毒素基因,几丁质酶基因,畸形细胞分泌蛋白基因以及双抗虫基因等方面综述了转基因抗虫烟草的抗虫性、转基因抗虫烟草的经济性状等,展望了转基因抗虫烟草的研究和应用前景,以期对烟草害虫的治理尤其是对其他转基因抗虫作物的培育和研究有借鉴作用。  相似文献   

Ecdysone agonist inducible transcription in transgenic tobacco plants   总被引:15,自引:5,他引:10  
A novel chemical-induced gene regulatory system for plants consisting of two molecular components is described. The first, or regulatory, cassette comprises a chimeric receptor composed of the hinge and ligand binding domains of the Heliothis virescens ecdysone receptor and the transactivation domain of the Herpes simplex VP16 protein fused to the DNA binding domain and transactivation of a mammalian glucocorticoid receptor. The second component, a reporter cassette, contains six copies of the glucocorticoid response element (GRE) fused to the minimal 35SCaMV promoter and β-glucuronidase. The system uses a commercially available non-steroidal ecdysone agonist, RH5992 (tebufenozide), as an inducer. Activation of gene expression is shown in both tobacco transient protoplasts and transgenic plants. The response is ligand dependent and is modulated by the change in minimal promoter context. The system is capable of inducing transgene activity up to 420-fold corresponding to 150% of the activity observed with positive controls (35SCaMV:GUS).  相似文献   

Summary The single glucoamylase gene (SGA1) of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is expressed exclusively during the sporulation phase of the life cycle. Enzymatic studies and nucleic acid sequence comparisons have shown that the SGA1 glucoamylase is closely related to the secreted enzymes of S. cerevisiae var. diastaticus. The latter are encoded by any of three unlinked STA genes, which have been proposed to derive from the ancestral SGA1 form by genomic rearrangement. We show that the regulation of SGA1 is distinct from that of the other members of the STA gene family. SGA1 expression did not respond to STA10, the primary determinant of glucoamylase expression from STA2. Unlike STA2, SGA1 was not regulated directly by the mating type locus. Expression of SGA1 depended on the function of the MAT products in supporting sporulation and not on the formation of haploid progeny spores or on the composition of the mating type locus per se. We conclude that the STA genes acquired regulation by STA10 and MAT by the genomic rearrangements that led to their formation. This regulation is thus distinct from that of the ancestral SGA1 gene.  相似文献   

Overproduction of alfalfa glutamine synthetase in transgenic tobacco plants   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Summary We have obtained transgenic tobacco plants overexpressing the enzyme glutamine synthetase (GS) by fusing an alfalfa GS gene to the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promotor and integrating it intoNicotiana tabacum var. W38 plants byAgrobacterium tumefaciens mediated gene transfer. The amount of RNA specific to alfalfa GS was about 10 times higher in transgenic tobacco plants than in alfalfa. The alfalfa GS produced by these transgenic plants was identified by Western blotting and represented 5% of total soluble protein in the transformed plants, amounting to a 5-fold increase in specific GS activity and in a 20-fold increase in resistance to the GS inhibitorl-phosphinothricin in vitro. Tissue from GS overproducing plants showed a sevenfold lower amount of free NH3. The amino acid composition of the plant tissue was not altered significantly by GS overproduction. GS overproducing plants were fertile and grew normally. These data show that a high level of expression of a key metabolic enzyme such as glutamine synthetase does not interfere with growth and fertility of plants.  相似文献   

From the total DNA of 17 transgenic tobacco plants the DNA fragments containing T-DNA/plant DNA junctions were amplified using inverse polymerase chain reaction. Comparison of the nucleotide sequences of 34 fragments with the GENEBANK sequences revealed homology with vector sequences outside T-DNA in 10 cases and no homology with the known nucleotide sequences in most clones. The AT-content varied from 51 up to 72% that is close to the total percentage of AT pairs in tobacco genome. Alignment of the sequences truncated during embedding of the left and the right borders has shown that for the left border significant clusterization (10 bp region) of truncation sites was observed, and five sequences had identical sites of truncation (+23 T) that showed the preferable use of this nucleotide. Nine created nucleotide sequences were homologous to the repeating sequences in tobacco genome. The percentage of homology varied from 70 up to 90%. The identified repeats belong to different types.  相似文献   

Suo G  Chen B  Zhang J  Gao Y  Wang X  He Z  Dai J 《Plant cell reports》2006,25(12):1316-1324
Bone morphogenetic protein 2 (BMP2) is important for bone tissue repair. The goal of this research is to construct a high level human BMP2 (hBMP2) expression system using transgenic tobacco plants as a bioreactor. Cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) 35S promoter, alfalfa mosaic virus (AMV) enhancer, tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) enhancer, matrix attachment regions (MARs) sequence, and “Kozak” sequence were used to construct recombinant expression vectors and the high-expression vectors were screened out through GUS-fusions assay. The promoter is the most important factor; double-CaMV 35S promoter is more effective than single promoter. The AMV or TMV enhancer is able to promote the foreign protein expression. After four-step purification, the activated hBMP2 (0.02% total soluble protein) was obtained. Our results suggested that the transgenic tobacco has great potential to be used as a bioreactor to produce hBMP2.  相似文献   

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