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The asymmetric bioreduction of activated alkenes catalyzed by flavin-dependent enoate reductases from the OYE-family represents a powerful method for the production of optically active compounds. For its preparative-scale application, efficient and economic NADH-recycling is crucial. A novel enzyme-coupled NADH-recycling system is proposed based on the concurrent oxidation of a sacrificial sec-alcohol catalyzed by an alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH-A). Due to the highly favorable position of the equilibrium of ene-reduction versus alcohol-oxidation, the cosubstrate is only required in slight excess.  相似文献   

A putative enoate reductase, Achr-OYE4, was mined from the genome of Achromobacter sp. JA81, expressed in Escherichia coli, and was characterized. Sequence analysis and spectral properties indicated that Achr-OYE4 is a typical flavin mononucleotide-dependent protein; it preferred NADH over NADPH as a cofactor. The heterologously expressed protein displayed good activity and excellent stereoselectivity toward some activated alkenes in the presence of NADH, NADPH, or their recycling systems. The glucose dehydrogenase-based recycling system yielded the best results in most cases, with a product yield of up to 99 % and enantiopurity of >99 % ee. Achr-OYE4 is an important addition to the asymmetric reduction reservoir as an “old yellow enzyme” from Achromobacter.  相似文献   

Several independent studies of bacterial degradation of nitrate ester explosives have demonstrated the involvement of flavin-dependent oxidoreductases related to the old yellow enzyme (OYE) of yeast. Some of these enzymes also transform the nitroaromatic explosive 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT). In this work, catalytic capabilities of five members of the OYE family were compared, with a view to correlating structure and function. The activity profiles of the five enzymes differed substantially; no one compound proved to be a good substrate for all five enzymes. TNT is reduced, albeit slowly, by all five enzymes. The nature of the transformation products differed, with three of the five enzymes yielding products indicative of reduction of the aromatic ring. Our findings suggest two distinct pathways of TNT transformation, with the initial reduction of TNT being the key point of difference between the enzymes. Characterization of an active site mutant of one of the enzymes suggests a structural basis for this difference.  相似文献   

A recombinant enoate reductase from Gluconobacter oxydans was heterologously expressed, purified, characterised and applied in the asymmetric reduction of activated alkenes. In addition to the determination of the kinetic properties, the major focus of this work was to utilise the enzyme in the biotransformation of different interesting compounds such as 3,5,5-trimethyl-2-cyclohexen-1,4-dione (ketoisophorone) and (E/Z)-3,7-dimethyl-2,6-octadienal (citral). The reaction proceeded with excellent stereoselectivities (>99% ee) as well as absolute chemo- and regioselectivity, only the activated C═C bond of citral was reduced by the enoate reductase, while non-activated C═C bond and carbonyl moiety remained untouched. The described strategy can be used for the production of enantiomerically pure building blocks, which are difficult to prepare by chemical means. In general, the results show that the investigated enoate reductase is a promising catalyst for the use in asymmetric C═C bond reductions.  相似文献   

Eleven flavoproteins from the old yellow enzyme family were found to catalyze the disproportionation (“dismutation”) of conjugated enones. Incomplete conversions, which were attributed to enzyme inhibition by the co‐product phenol could be circumvented via in situ co‐product removal by scavenging the phenol using the polymeric adsorbent MP‐carbonate. The optimized system allowed to reduce an alkene activated by ester groups in a “coupled‐substrate” approach via nicotinamide‐free hydrogen transfer with >90% conversion and complete stereoselectivity. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2013;110: 3085–3092. © 2013 The Authors. Biotechnology and Bioengineering Published by Willey Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Heterogeneity of brewer's yeast old yellow enzyme (OYE) was found by anion-exchange high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) as well as by 13C-NMR spectroscopy of [4a-13C]FMN reconstituted into apo OYE. Though the OYE sample prepared according to the conventional procedure gave a single protein band on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE), the OYE sample was found to consist of five species on anion-exchange HPLC. The 13C-NMR spectrum of the [4a-13C]FMN-reconstituted OYE gave multiple peaks corresponding to 4a-13C. This multiplicity indicates that this OYE preparation possesses heterogeneity in the environment surrounding FMN, i.e., the active site of OYE. The different species of OYE were separately obtained by preparative HPLC on an anion-exchange column. These species as well as the unresolved sample showed identical mobility on SDS-PAGE and similar but slightly different NADPH oxidase activities. This heterogeneity was shown not to have resulted from proteolytic modification during the conventional purification procedure, which includes autolysis of the yeast cells, since the enzyme extracted by mechanical destruction of the yeast cells in the presence of various protease inhibitors exhibited identical heterogeneity. The pure OYE forms obtained by preparative anion-exchange HPLC are homogeneous in the flavin environment as revealed by a single 13C-NMR signal for the [4a-13C]FMN-reconstituted species.  相似文献   

Glutamine 114 of OYE1 is a well conserved residue in the active site of the Old Yellow Enzyme family. It forms hydrogen bonds to the O2 and N3 of the flavoprotein prosthetic group, FMN. Glutamine 114 was mutated to asparagine, introducing an R-group that is one methylene group shorter. The resultant enzyme was characterized to determine the effect of the mutation on the mechanistic behavior of the enzyme, and the crystal structure was solved to determine the effect of the mutation on the structure of the protein. The Q114N mutation results in little change in the protein structure, moving the amide group of residue 114 out of H-bonding distance, allowing repositioning of the FMN prosthetic group to form new interactions that replace the lost H-bonds. The mutation decreases the ability to bind ligands, as all dissociation constants for substituted phenols are larger than for the wild type enzyme. The rate constant for the reductive half-reaction with beta-NADPH is slightly greater, whereas that for the oxidative half-reaction with 2-cyclohexenone is smaller than for the wild type enzyme. Oxidation with molecular oxygen is biphasic and involves formation and reaction with O(2), a phenomenon that is more pronounced with this mutation than with wild type enzyme. When superoxide dismutase is added to the reaction, we observe a single-phase reaction typical of the wild type enzyme. Turnover reactions using beta-NADPH with 2-cyclohexenone and molecular oxygen were studied to further characterize the mutant enzyme.  相似文献   

Within the framework of a large-scale screening carried out on 146 yeasts of environmental origin, 16 strains (11% of the total) exhibited the ability to biotransform (4S)-(+)-carvone. Such positive yeasts, belonging to 14 species of 6 genera (Candida, Cryptococcus, Hanseniaspora, Kluyveromyces, Pichia and Saccharomyces), were thus used under different physiological state (growing, resting and lyophilised cells). Yields (expressed as% of biotransformation) varied from 0.14 to 30.04%, in dependence of both the strain and the physiological state of the cells. Products obtained from reduction of (4S)-(+)-carvone were 1S,4S- and 1R,4S-dihydrocarvone, (1S,2S,4S)-, (1S,2R,4S)- and (1R,2S,4S)-dihydrocarveol. Only traces of (1R,2R,4S)-dihydrocarveol were observed in a few strains. As far as the stereoselectivity of the biocatalysis, with the sole exception of a few strains, the use of yeasts determined the prevalent accumulation of 1S,4S-isomers [(1S,4S)-dihydrocarvone + (1S,2S,4S)-dihydrocarveol + (1S,2R,4S)-dihydrocarveol].The addition of glucose (acting as auxiliary substrate for cofactor-recycling system) to lyophilised yeast cells determined a considerable increase of biocatalytic activity: in particular, two strains showed a surprising increase of the% of biotransformation of (4S)-(+)-carvone (to values >98%).  相似文献   

Limited proteolysis of brewer's yeast old yellow enzyme (OYE) was carried out with bovine pancreatic alpha-chymotrypsin. The reaction proceeded with a decrease of the NADPH oxidase activity, generating specifically two peptides (designated as 34K and 14K fragments) with apparent molecular weights of 34,000 and 14,000, respectively. The same proteolytic treatment of apo OYE resulted in rapid and complete digestion of the protein. The 34K and 14K fragments are so intimately associated with each other that the isolation of each peptide from the other in the native form was unsuccessful. However, the complex of the two fragments was separated from the intact OYE and termed "nicked OYE." Nicked OYE still retained FMN and showed a visible-absorption spectrum slightly modified from that of intact OYE. Nicked OYE showed decreased affinity toward rho-bromophenol as compared to intact OYE. Nicked OYE exhibited lower Km and Vmax values than intact OYE in the NADPH oxidase reaction. The 34K and 14K fragments could be separated from each other by reversed-phase HPLC under denaturing conditions and the amino acid sequences of the two fragments and intact OYE in the amino terminal regions were determined. The N-terminal sequence of the 34K fragment coincided with that of intact OYE, indicating that the 34K fragment lies in the N-terminal side of OYE. The N-terminal sequence of the 14K fragment was found to show homology with the site of flavodoxin where it forms an electron-transfer complex with cytochrome c. The characteristic feature of this region is the presence of acidic residues and is shared by the FMN domain of NADPH-cytochrome P-450 reductase. We interpret these findings as indicating that OYE has a physiological role as an electron transfer component.  相似文献   

Bacteria can reduce toxic and carcinogenic Cr(VI) to insoluble and less toxic Cr(III). Thermus scotoductus SA-01, a South African gold mine isolate, has been shown to be able to reduce a variety of metals, including Cr(VI). Here we report the purification to homogeneity and characterization of a novel chromate reductase. The oxidoreductase is a homodimeric protein, with a monomer molecular mass of approximately 36 kDa, containing a noncovalently bound flavin mononucleotide cofactor. The chromate reductase is optimally active at a pH of 6.3 and at 65 degrees C and requires Ca(2+) or Mg(2+) for activity. Enzyme activity was also dependent on NADH or NADPH, with a preference for NADPH, coupling the oxidation of approximately 2 and 1.5 mol NAD(P)H to the reduction of 1 mol Cr(VI) under aerobic and anaerobic conditions, respectively. The K(m) values for Cr(VI) reduction were 3.5 and 8.4 microM for utilizing NADH and NADPH as electron donors, respectively, with corresponding V(max) values of 6.2 and 16.0 micromol min(-1) mg(-1). The catalytic efficiency (k(cat)/K(m)) of chromate reduction was 1.14 x 10(6) M(-1) s(-1), which was >50-fold more efficient than that of the quinone reductases and >180-fold more efficient than that of the nitroreductases able to reduce Cr(VI). The chromate reductase was identified to be encoded by an open reading frame of 1,050 bp, encoding a single protein of 38 kDa under the regulation of an Escherichia coli sigma(70)-like promoter. Sequence analysis shows the chromate reductase to be related to the old yellow enzyme family, in particular the xenobiotic reductases involved in the oxidative stress response.  相似文献   

The apoenzyme of NADPH oxidoreductase, 'old yellow enzyme', was reconstituted with selectively 13C-enriched flavin mononucleotides and investigated by 13C NMR spectroscopy. The 13C NMR results confirm the results obtained by 15N NMR spectroscopy and yield additional information about the coenzyme-apoenzyme interaction. A strong deshielding of the C(2) and C(4) atoms of enzyme-bound FMN both in the oxidized and reduced state is observed, which is supposed to be induced by hydrogen-bond formation between the protein and the two carbonyl groups at C(2) and C(4) of the isoalloxazine ring system. The chemical shifts of all 13C resonances of the flavin in the two-electron-reduced state indicate that the N(5) atom is sp3-hybridized. From 31P NMR measurements it is concluded that the FMN phosphate group is not accessible to bulk solvent. The unusual 31P chemical shift of FMN in old yellow enzyme seems to indicate a different binding mode of the FMN phosphate group in this enzyme as compared to the flavodoxins. The 13C and 15N NMR data on the old-yellow-enzyme--phenolate complexes show that the atoms of the phenolate are more deshielded whereas the atoms of the enzyme-bound isoalloxazine ring are more shielded upon complexation. A non-linear correlation exists between the chemical shifts of the N(5) and the N(10) atoms and the pKa value of the phenolate derivative bound to the protein. Since the chemical shifts of N(5), N(10) and C(4a) are influenced most on complexation it is suggested that the phenolate is bound near the pyrazine ring of the isoalloxazine system. 15N NMR studies on the complex between FMN and 2-aminobenzoic acid indicate that the structure of this complex differs from that of the old-yellow-enzyme--phenolate complexes.  相似文献   

A novel NADH dehydrogenase (NADH-dh) involving FAD as coenzyme, distinct from NADPH dehydrogenase (NADPH-dh, old yellow enzyme, EC, was found in the same cytoplasmic fraction of Gluconobacter strains. Conventional artificial electron acceptors were more effective than molecular oxygen in the NADH-dh reaction. NADH-dh did not appear to be identical with any previously described flavoproteins, although the N-terminal amino acid sequence showed 100% similarity with a non-heme chloroperoxidase. The N-terminal amino acid sequence of NADPH-dh matched 100% a putative oxidoreductase containing the old yellow enzyme-like FMN-binding domain. NADH-dh might function to regenerate NAD coupling with NAD-dependent dehydrogenases in the cytoplasm of Gluconobacter strains.  相似文献   

B Zhu  RH Peng  XY Fu  XF Jin  W Zhao  J Xu  HJ Han  JJ Gao  ZS Xu  L Bian  QH Yao 《PloS one》2012,7(7):e39861
2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene (TNT) is released in nature from manufacturing or demilitarization facilities, as well as after the firing or detonation of munitions or leakage from explosive remnants of war. Environmental contamination by TNT is associated with human health risks, necessitating the development of cost-effective remediation techniques. The lack of affordable and effective cleanup technologies for explosives contamination requires the development of better processes. In this study, we present a system for TNT phytoremediation by overexpressing the old yellow enzyme (OYE3) gene from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The resulting transgenic Arabidopsis plants demonstrated significantly enhanced TNT tolerances and a strikingly higher capacity to remove TNT from their media. The current work indicates that S. cerevisiae OYE3 overexpression in Arabidopsis is an efficient method for the phytoremoval and degradation of TNT. Our findings have the potential to provide a suitable remediation strategy for sites contaminated by TNT.  相似文献   

The reaction of Old Yellow Enzyme (OYE) with pyridine nucleotides has been examined using steady state kinetics, rapid reaction kinetics, and equilibrium binding. alpha-NADPH, beta-NADPH, and the acid breakdown products of NADPH all bind to oxidized OYE with dissociation constants below 1 microM. These complexes produce characteristic red shifts in the absorption spectrum of OYE. A similar red shift which occurs after multiple turnovers of OYE with NADPH has been found to be due to an impurity in the NADPH preparation, possibly an acid breakdown product. Anions such as chloride, acetate, azide, and phenolates compete with the pyridine nucleotides for binding to a common site in oxidized OYE. Anaerobic reduction of OYE by NADPH proceeds via two intermediates to establish a readily reversible equilibrium. In contrast to most other NADPH-dependent enzymes, both alpha- and beta-NADPH are capable of reducing OYE, and alpha-NADPH is more effective. Using beta-[4(R)-2H]NADPH, a primary deuterium isotope effect was observed in the reduction reaction. Results from rapid reaction and steady state studies showed that reduction of OYE was rate limiting in turnover. Consistent with this, the turnover number with alpha-NADPH was significantly higher than that with beta-NADPH.  相似文献   

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