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丽江杓兰(Cypripedium lichiangense S.C.Chen & P.J.Cribb)隶属兰科杓兰属,为中国特有种,濒危(EN),已列入I UCN红色名录.为地生草本,植株高7~14 cm,具较粗壮而短的根状茎.茎直立,为2枚筒状  相似文献   

丽江杓兰(Cypripedium lichiangense S.C.Chen&P.J.Cribb)隶属兰科杓兰属,为中国特有种,濒危(EN),已列入IUCN红色名录。为地生草本,植株高7~14cm,具较粗壮而短的根状茎。茎直立,为2枚筒状叶鞘所包,顶端分别有叶和苞片(与叶形似)。叶近对生,铺地;叶片卵形,长8.5~19cm,宽7~16cm,暗绿色,有较多的黑紫色斑点。花序顶生,具1花;合萼片﹑中萼片及退化雄蕊红肝色,花瓣与唇瓣黄色缀红肝  相似文献   

汪健 《西北植物学报》2011,(6):1249+1274
丽江杓兰(Cypripedium lichiangense S.C.Chen&P.J.Cribb)隶属兰科杓兰属,为中国特有种,濒危(EN),已列入I UCN红色名录。为地生草本,植株高7~14 cm,具较粗壮而短的根状茎。茎直立,为2枚筒  相似文献   

丽江杓兰(Cypripedium lichiangense S.C.Chen & P.J.Cribb)隶属兰科杓兰属,为中国特有种,濒危(EN),已列入I UCN红色名录.为地生草本,植株高7~14 cm,具较粗壮而短的根状茎.茎直立,为2枚筒状叶鞘所包,顶端分别有叶和苞片(与叶形似).叶近对生,铺地;叶片卵形,长8.5~19 cm,宽7~16 cm,暗绿  相似文献   

黎斌 《西北植物学报》2005,25(10):1942-1942
金钱槭(Dipteronia sinensis Oliv.)隶属于槭树科金钱槭属,为中国特有的寡种属植物之一。  相似文献   

兰科植物对生境的要求较高,温带地区分布的兰科植物非常有限。利用实地定点观察,样方设置等方法对长白山区进行杓兰属植物的物种、生境及物候进行调查分析。结果表明长白山区天桥岭长2 km,宽1 km,海拔300~500 m的山沟内集中分布着4种杓兰属植物,其中杓兰组物种均具有较高的花色多样性,杓兰属植物的开花期集中在6月4~13日。  相似文献   

通过对甘肃省杓兰属植物进行系统的调查和资料整理,共发现甘肃省杓兰属植物15种,占中国杓兰属植物种类的39.47%,其中9种为中国特有种.调查发现2种甘肃省杓兰属植物分布新记录种——巴郎山杓兰(Cypripedium palangshanense T.Tang et F.T.Wang)和离萼杓兰(Cypripedium ...  相似文献   

黎斌 《西北植物学报》2005,25(9):1777-1777
金钱槭(Dipteronia sinensis Oliv.)隶属于槭树科金钱槭属,为中国特有的寡种属植物之一。金钱槭为落叶乔木,高可达10m,具裸露的冬芽。奇数羽状复叶对生,通常具7~11枚小叶。花白色,杂性,雄花与两性花同株,形成圆锥花序。翅果周围环绕着圆形的翅,嫩时粉红色,成熟时棕黄色,状如古钱。金钱槭分布于陕西、  相似文献   

羽裂雪兔子(Saussurea leucoma Diels)隶属菊科风毛菊属,为我国特有的多年生草本植物。植株高7~15cm。茎单生直立,被稠密的叶。茎中下部叶有柄,线状披针形,长3~5cm,宽0.5~2.5cm,羽状深裂,叶背灰白色,被蛛网状绒毛至绵毛;最上部叶无柄,线形,常反折,叶两面密被黄白色绵毛。头状花序多数,在膨  相似文献   

羽裂雪兔子(Saussurea leucoma Diels)隶属菊科风毛菊属,为我国特有的多年生草本植物。植株高7~15cm。茎单生直立,被稠密的叶。茎中下部叶有柄,线状披针形,长3~5cm,宽0.5~2.5cm,羽状深裂,叶背灰白色,被蛛网状绒毛至绵毛;最上部叶无柄,线形,常反折,叶两面密被黄白色绵毛。头状花序多数,在膨大的茎顶密集成半球形,直径约4~6cm;总苞片3~4层。小花管状,蓝紫色。瘦果黑色,倒圆锥形;冠毛黑  相似文献   

Musella lasiocarpa(Fr.)C.Y.Wu ex H.W.Li,also known as“Thousand Petal Lotus”“Thousand leaf Lotus”,is a large perennial herb of Musa.Pseudostem formed by overlapping leaf sheaths in imbricate arrangement is 30-80 cm in height.Leaves are ovoid to oblong,50-110 cm in length and 30-50 cm in width.Rosette inflorescence grows erectly on pseudostem with flowering time from March to October.Bracts are yellow to orange-red,petal-like,layers from bottom to top,30-50 cm in diameter,bracts oval-shaped to oblong,13-20 cm in length,7-13 cm in width.Flowers grow at the base of the bracts,arranged in 1-2 rows with 2-4 flowers per row.Berry is triangulate ovate,3-5 cm long and about 3 cm in diameter.Each fruit contains 30-80 seeds with 6-7 mm wide,dark brown or brown,smooth,with a large white hilum on the ventral surface.Musella lasiocarpa is endemic to China,and its wild populations are rare.It mainly distributes in cliff habitats ranging from 1600 to 2200 m in Yunnan and Sichuan.Plants and flowers have high ornamental value,and as one of the“Five Trees and Six Flowers”in Buddhism has been endowed with profound cultural connotation.Pseudostem is rich in starch and can be eaten and used as fodder.Flowers are nectar rich.Flowers and Leaves can be used as medicine which has the effect of astringent hemostasis,treating leucorrhea,red collapse and bleeding under the large intestine;The stem juice is used to alleviate the alcohol intoxication and to avoid kusnezoff monkshood poisoning.  相似文献   

印度蛇菰[Balanophora indica(Arn.)Griff.]隶属于蛇菰科蛇菰属,是一种寄生植物。根状茎黄橙色到棕色,表面粗糙并具有星状疣;分枝近球形,直径0.5~5.6 cm,很少圆筒状。雄花序红色,卵球形椭圆形,(5~10)cm×(2~6)cm。雄花:略带红色,辐射对称,每朵被一个粗壮的截形苞片包围。花被裂片4~6,椭圆形披针形,(3~7)mm×(1~2.5)mm,聚药雄蕊椭圆形卵形,长2.5~5 mm,具柄;花药4或5,U形,纵向开裂。雌花序球状,直径3~5 cm。花期10~12月。  相似文献   

Balanophora indica(Arn.)Griff.belongs to Balanophoraceae.Plants dioecious.Rhizome yellowish orange to brown,surface coarsely tessellated and with stellate warts;branches subglobose,0.5-5.6 cm in diam,rarely cylindric.Scapes yellow,7.2-20 cm.Male inflorescences red,ovoid-ellipsoid,(5-10)cm×(2-6)cm.Male flowers:reddish,actinomorphic,each subtended by a single stout and truncate bract.Perianth lobes 4-6,elliptic-lanceolate,(3-7)mm×(1-2.5)mm.Synandria elliptic-ovate,2.5-5 mm,stalked;anthers 4 or 5,U-shaped,longitudinally dehiscent.Female inflorescences globose,3-5 cm in diam.Spadicles subclavate,to 2 mm,apical 1/2 to 2/3 ellipsoid-obovoid;cuticular ridges of apical cells short but distinct and congested all over.Female flowers:basally on spadicles and main axis of inflorescence.Flowering October to December.  相似文献   

Musella lasiocarpa(Fr.)C.Y.Wu ex H.W.Li,also known as“Thousand Petal Lotus”“Thousand leaf Lotus”,is a large perennial herb of Musaceae.Pseudostem formed by overlapping leaf sheaths in imbricate arrangement is 30-80 cm in height.Leaves are ovoid to oblong,50-110 cm in length and 30-50 cm in width.Rosette inflorescence grows erectly on pseudostem with flowering time from March to October.Bracts are yellow to orange-red,petal-like,layers from bottom to top,30-50 cm in diameter,bracts oval-shaped to oblong,13-20 cm in length,7-13 cm in width.  相似文献   

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