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Experiments in which glycine-3H has been introduced into excised neurointermediate lobes of Xenopus laevis incubated in a modified Krebs-Ringer bicarbonate medium have shown that ~ 50% of the incorporated radioactivity is present in small peptides which have an electrophoretic mobility characteristic of the melanocyte-stimulating (MSH) peptides shown to be elaborated within the tissue. Based on these results and the demonstration that a discrete ~ 7 min pulse of the label can be introduced into the tissue, electron microscope radioautography has been employed to follow the subcellular events concerned with the synthesis, intracellular transport, and packaging of the labeled secretory product. Together, these studies indicate that the newly synthesized material arises in peptide form, rather than as part of a larger prohormone molecule, on the ribosomes of the rough endoplasmic reticulum within the parenchymal cells of the intermediate portion of the lobe. A proportion is then incorporated into and remains for an extended period within the intracisternal granules which are a feature of the rough endoplasmic reticulum within these cells in vitro Most (~ 60%) of the labeled secretory product, however, is transferred to the Golgi complex within 30 min and, within a further 10 min, becomes packaged into small (~ 200 mµ) electron-opaque secretory granules. It is probable that under the conditions employed these granules represent the final intracellular location of secretory product before it is released  相似文献   

A study has been made of the content and composition of RNA in cytoplasm, nucleoplasm, and nucleoli from growing oocytes of the starfish Asterias rubens. The determinations were carried out, using ultramicrochemical methods, on units isolated by microdissection from fixed sections. Macrochemical and interferometric control experiments show that RNA can be quantitatively evaluated in this way. The results show that the growing oocyte represents a system in which the relations between the quantities of nucleolar, nucleoplasmic, and cytoplasmic RNA undergo great changes. These changes are continuous for nucleolar and cytoplasmic RNA so that their amounts may be predicted from the size of the cell. Nucleoplasmic RNA, on the other hand, shows great variations among different cells, independent of cell size. Purine-pyrimidine analyses show that each cell component contains an RNA which differs significantly from that of the other two. Cytoplasmic and nucleolar RNA are closely related, the only difference being a slightly higher guanine/uracil quotient for the nucleolar RNA. They are both of the usual tissue RNA type, i.e., they show a preponderance of guanine and cytosine over adenine and uracil. Nucleoplasmic RNA deviates grossly from the RNA of the other two components. Here the concentrations of adenine and uracil are higher than those of guanine and cytosine, respectively. This RNA consequently shows some resemblance to the general type of animal DNA although the purine/pyrimidine ratio is far from unity. Our data favor a nucleolar origin for the stable part of the ribosomal RNA and a nucleoplasmic one for the unstable part (the messenger RNA).  相似文献   

The incorporation of 3H-guanosine as 3H-GMP into 5S RNA and into transfer RNA (tRNA) was examined in isolated large germinal vesicle oocytes, in isolated mature ootids and during and subsequent to hormonally (l-methyladenine)-induced meiotic maturation in the starfish, Asterias forbesii .Purified soluble RNA 1 preparations at each stage were fractionated by electrophoresis on 10% polyacrylamide gels, while high molecular weight RNAs were resolved by subjecting total RNA samples to electrophoresis on 2.4% acrylamide+0.5% agarose gels. The results showed that large germinal vesicle oocytes, containing a single compact nucleolus, synthesize 5S RNA and tRNA as well as the previously-reported (1, 23-26) nucleolar rRNAs. In contrast, during and subsequent to hormonally-induced meiotic maturation, after germinal vesicle braekdown and nucleolar dissolution, the synthesis of 5S RNA and tRNA continues in the absence of detectable high molecular weight rRNA synthesis.  相似文献   

本研究旨在探讨小鼠卵母细胞成熟与钙和钙调素的关系。研究发现,20μmol/L W7、50μM BAPTA/AM对GVBD发生没有影响,但阻断了中期Ⅰ的卵母细胞进入中期Ⅱ。通过测定成熟不同阶段细胞内钙的分布,发现GVBD后染色体周围区域有较高水平的钙分布,并且该现象能被加BAPTA/AM而消除。GVBD发生后6h左右高钙分布现象消失。我们还测定了成熟过程中MPF活性的变化,20μmol/L W7、50μmol/L BAPTA/AM对卵母细胞成熟过程中MPF活性的升高没有影响。结果表明:小鼠卵母细胞GVBD的发生不依赖钙和钙调素;钙和钙调素对中期Ⅰ的发育是必需的,并且核周区钙分布可能起着重要作用。  相似文献   

[3H]Fucose was incorporated into glycoproteins in the rabbit retinal ganglion cells and subsequently transported at a rapid rate along the optic pathway to the nerve terminals of the lateral geniculate body and the superior colliculus. Radioautographic results indicated a preferential labelling of the terminal part of the axon. Cell fractionation showed that the major part of the transported fucose-containing glycoproteins were associated with membranes. Sodium dodecy 1 sulphate electrophoresis of rapidly transported glycoproteins showed that most of the polypeptides had a mol. wt. of more than 40,000.  相似文献   

To estimate the duration of oocyte DNA synthesis 36, 3-day-old female rabbits received 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, or 18 injections of tritiated thymidine (thy-3H) at hourly intervals. The ovaries, removed at 1, 10, or 20 days after the first injection, were radioautographed. Counts made of the number of silver grains associated with oocyte nuclei in meiotic Prophase I indicate that the duration of DNA synthesis is between 9 and 12 hr. To determine the length of the stages of meiotic Prophase I, a group of 2-3-day-old rabbits was given a single sub-cutaneous injection of thy-3H, and the ovaries were removed at hourly and/or daily intervals after treatment. The minimum duration of leptotene was 3 hr and the maximum duration probably was less than 8 hr. The maximum durations of zygotene, pachytene, and diplotene were estimated to be 44, 216, and 96 hr, respectively. The interval from the end of oogonial DNA synthesis to the beginning ofpremeiotic DNA synthesis (G2 + Mitosis + G1) appeared to be less than 6 hr.  相似文献   

以胞内微注射技术向爪蟾卵内注射羊气管上皮细胞抽提的Poly(A)~ mRNA,以电压钳技术观察卵膜离子流的变化。注射前卵膜上主要有Ca~(2 ),Cl~-,K~ 和Na~ 流,在高钙溶液(10Ca-ND96)中,瞬间的Ca~(2 )激活Cl~-流较大,此离子流可被9-羟蒽阻断。注射mRNA后在9-羟蒽存在的情况下,向浴槽加入1mmol/L 8-Br-cAMP后新出现一个电压敏感的离子流,使电流电压曲线的零电流电位向右移;但在注射去离子水组未见此离子流。表明羊气管上皮里含有cAMP敏感的离子通道,并可被移植到爪蟾卵膜上。  相似文献   

The incorporation of [3H]fucose in the somatotrophic and gonadotrophic cells of the rat adenohypophysis has been studied by electron microscope autoradiography to determine the site of synthesis of glycoproteins and to follow the migration of newly synthesized glycoproteins. The pituitaries were fixed 5 min, 20 min, 1 h, and 4 h after the in vivo injection of [3H]fucose and autoradiographs analyzed quantitatively. At 5 min after [3H]fucose administration, 80–90% of the silver grains were localized over the Golgi apparatus in both somatotrophs and gonadotrophs. By 20 min, the Golgi apparatus was still labeled and some radioactivity appeared over granules. At 1 h and 4 h, silver grains were found predominantly over secretory granules. The kinetic analysis showed that in both protein-secreting cells (somatotrophs) and glycoprotein-secreting cells (gonadotrophs), the glycoproteins have their synthesis completed in the Golgi apparatus and migrate subsequently to the secretory granules. It is concluded from these in vivo studies that glycoproteins which are not hormones are utilized for the formation of the matrix and/or of the membrane of the secretory granules. The incorporation of [3H]fucose in gonadectomy cells (hyperstimulated gonadotrophs) was also studied in vitro after pulse labeling of pituitary fragments in medium containing [3H]fucose. The incorporation of [3H]fucose was localized in both the rough endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and the Golgi apparatus. Later, the radioactivity over granules increased while that over the Golgi apparatus decreased. The concentration of silver grains over the dilated cisternae of the rough ER was not found to be modified at the longest time intervals studied.  相似文献   

Abstract— The high affinity transport of choline (Ch) and the synthesis of acetylcholine (ACh) were measured in synaptosomes by measuring the utilization of [2H4]Ch. The synthesis of ACh was reduced under several conditions which reduce the availability of acetyl coenzyme A (AcCoA) including no glucose added, replacement of glucose with succinate or impairment of glucose utilization by bromopyr-uvate, NaCN, or pentobarbital. These conditions did not reduce the amount of unacetylated [2H4]Ch in the synaptosomes indicating that the high affinity transport of Ch is not directly coupled to the synthesis of ACh.  相似文献   

In autoradiograms of slices of costal cartilage, incubated for 4 hours in a salt solution containing S35-sulfate and then washed extensively and dehydrated, about 85 per cent of the radioactivity was assignable to the chondrocytes. From alkaline extracts of similarly prepared slices of cartilage, 64 to 83 per cent of the total sulfur-35 in the slices was isolated as chondroitin sulfate by chromatography on an anion-exchange resin. In view of the estimate that only about 15 per cent of the radioactivity was in the matrix, the isolation of 64 to 83 per cent of the total sulfur-35 as chondroitin sulfate is a strong argument that the chondrocytes are the loci in which chondroitin sulfate(s) is synthesized.  相似文献   

The intracellular site of synthesis of mitochondrial ribosomal proteins (MRP) in Neurospora crassa has been investigated using three complementary approaches. (a) Mitochondrial protein synthesis in vitro: Tritium-labeled proteins made by isolated mitochondria were compared to 14C-labeled marker MRP by cofractionation in a two-step procedure involving isoelectric focusing and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Examination of the electrophoretic profiles showed that essentially none of the peaks of in vitro product corresponded exactly to any of the MRP marker peaks. (b) Sensitivity of in vivo MRP synthesis to chloramphenicol: Cells were labeled with leucine-3H in the presence of chloramphenicol, mitochondrial ribosomal subunits were subsequently isolated, and their proteins fractionated by isoelectric focusing followed by gel electrophoresis. The labeling of every single MRP was found to be insensitive to chloramphenicol, a selective inhibitor of mitochondrial protein synthesis. (c) Sensitivity of in vivo MRP synthesis to anisomycin: We have found this antibiotic to be a good selective inhibitor of cytoplasmic protein synthesis in Neurospora. In the presence of anisomycin the labeling of virtually all MRP is inhibited to the same extent as the labeling of cytoplasmic ribosomal proteins. On the basis of these three types of studies we conclude that most if not all 53 structural proteins of mitochondrial ribosomal subunits in Neurospora are synthesized by cytoplasmic ribosomes.  相似文献   

In the mammary glands of lactating albino mice injected intravenously with 9, 10-oleic acid-3H or 9, 10-palmitic acid-3H, it has been shown that the labeled fatty acids are incorporated into mammary gland glycerides. The labeled lipid in the mammary gland 1 min after injection was in esterified form (> 95%), and the radioautographic reaction was seen over the rough endoplasmic reticulum and over lipid droplets, both intracellular and intraluminal. At 10–60 min after injection, the silver grains were concentrated predominantly over lipid droplets. There was no concentration of radioactivity over the granules in the Golgi apparatus, at any time interval studied. These findings were interpreted to indicate that after esterification of the fatty acid into glycerides in the rough endoplasmic reticulum an in situ aggregation of lipid occurs, with acquisition of droplet form. The release of the lipid into the lumen proceeds directly and not through the Golgi apparatus, in contradistinction to the mode of secretion of casein in the mammary gland or of lipoprotein in the liver. The presence of strands of endoplasmic reticulum attached to intraluminal lipid droplets provides a structural counterpart to the milk microsomes described in ruminant milk.  相似文献   

Injection of choline-3H into choline-deficient rats resulted in an enhanced incorporation of the label into liver lecithin, as compared to the incorporation of label into liver lecithin of normal rats. The results obtained with the use of different lecithin precursors indicate that in the intact liver cell, both in vivo and in vitro, exchange of choline with phosphatidyl-choline is not significant. The synthesis and secretion of lecithins by the choline-deficient liver compare favorably with the liver of choline-supplemented rats, when both are presented with labeled choline or lysolecithin as lecithin precursors. Radioautography of the choline-deficient liver shows that 5 min after injection of choline-3H the newly synthesized lecithin is found in the endoplasmic reticulum (62%), mitochondria (13%), and at the "cell boundary" (20%). The ratio of the specific activity of microsomal and mitochondrial lecithin, labeled with choline, glycerol, or linoleate, was 1.53 at 5 min after injection, but the ratio of the specific activity of phosphatidyl ethanolamine (PE), labeled with ethanolamine, was 5.3. These results indicate that lecithin and PE are synthesized mainly in the endoplasmic reticulum, and are transferred into mitochondria at different rates. The site of a precursor pool of bile lecithin was studied in the intact rat and in the perfused liver. Following labeling with choline-3H, microsomal lecithin isolated from perfused liver had a specific activity lower than that of bile lecithin, but the specific activity of microsomal linoleyl lecithin was comparable to that of bile lecithin between 30 and 90 min of perfusion. It is proposed that the site of the bile lecithin pool is located in the endoplasmic reticulum and that the pool consists mostly of linoleyl lecithin.  相似文献   

稀有鮈鲫产卵频次和卵子发育的研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
对室养条件下20尾雌性稀有鮈鲫的产卵频次、成熟卵巢卵径分布及卵子补充过程进行了研究。产卵间隔中卵径分布呈现不同的峰值,卵母细胞成熟是分批的,Ⅴ期卵巢中MA、RE卵母细胞的数量代表了即将进行的一次产卵的产卵量;卵子补充速度快,成熟卵巢每隔数天可发育成熟一批卵,一级贮备库在12─33d即更新一次,不同发育时期卵母细胞的补充是连续的。对273批鮈产卵进行了统计,每尾雌鱼平均4.5d产卵一次,平均批产卵量265.6粒。稀有鮈鲫的产卵类型为连续产卵类型。    相似文献   

The net rate of proximo-distal transport of tyrosine hydroxylase, dopamine β-hydroxylase, DOPA decarboxylase and choline acetyltransferase was determined by measuring the accumulation of these enzymes proximal to a ligature of the rat sciatic nerve. The rate of accumulation was constant for at least 12 h. For the enzymes involved in the biosynthesis of norepinephrine the rate of transport was correlated to their subcellular distribution and a close correlation between these two parameters was found. Dopamine β-hydroxylase, an enzyme mainly localized in the particulate fraction of the sciatic nerve, showed the fastest rate of transport (1·94 mm/h) whereas DOPA decarboxylase, exclusively located in the high-speed supernatant fluid, gave the slowest (0·63 mm/h) rate of transport. Tyrosine hydroxylase, predominantly located in the non-particulate fraction of the sciatic nerve was transported much slower (0·75 mm/h) than dopamine β-hydroxylase but still significantly (P < 0.005) faster than DOPA decarboxylase. The subcellular distribution of dopamine β-hydroxylase in ganglia did not differ significantly (0·45 > P > 0·40) from that in the sciatic nerve, but in nerve endings a greater proportion of dopamine β-hydroxylase was localized in particulate fractions. Tyrosine hydroxylase and DOPA decarboxylase were found exclusively in the non-particulate fractions of ganglia. In the nerve endings of the effector organs a small but consistent portion of tyrosine hydroxylase was found in particulate fractions, whereas DOPA decarboxylase was exclusively localized in the high-speed supernatant fluid.  相似文献   

天蚕卵黄原蛋白的合成、运转与沉积   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
叶恭银  胡萃  洪健  龚和 《昆虫学报》1999,42(3):225-233
系统测定了天蚕Antheraea yamamai吐丝结茧至成虫期脂肪体、血淋巴和卵巢中卵黄蛋白和可溶性蛋白总含量的动态变化。结果表明,脂肪体是卵黄原蛋白(Vg)合成场所,Vg合成始于吐丝结茧后第4天;脂肪体、血淋巴中Vg滴度在吐丝结茧后第4天开始上升,化蛹后第6天或第8天达高峰,成虫羽化第1天则明显下降。卵巢对Vg摄取始于化蛹第1天,此后随蛹日龄逐渐上升,并渐趋平稳。同一卵巢管中卵黄蛋白(Vt)含量自顶端至基端随卵室增大而逐渐升高,不同日龄蛹中相应序号卵室的Vt含量以日龄大者为高;卵室中Vt含量与卵室体积大小呈正线性关系。电镜观察表明,Vg被卵母细胞摄入后以卵黄体形式存在,不同发育阶段卵巢中卵母细胞内卵黄体大小不同,以早期者为小;同一卵巢管中不同卵母细胞内卵黄体以顶端为小,基端明显增大,且卵黄体呈网状。  相似文献   

A comparative biochemical and radioautographic in vivo study was performed to identify the site of synthesis and route of migration of albumin in the parenchymal liver cell after labeling with leucine-14C or leucine-3H via the portal vein. Free cytoplasmic ribosomes, membrane-bound ribosomes, rough- and smooth-surfaced microsomes, and Golgi membranes were isolated. The purity of the Golgi fraction was examined morphologically and biochemically. After administration of leucine-14C, labeled albumin was extracted, and the sequence of transport was followed from one fraction to the other. Approximately 2 min after the intravenous injection, bound ribosomes displayed a maximal rate of leucine-14C incorporation into albumin. 4 min later, a peak was reached for rough microsomes. Corresponding maximal activities for smooth microsomes were recorded at 15 min, and for the Golgi apparatus at ~20 min. The relative amount of albumin, calculated on a membrane protein basis, was higher in the Golgi fraction than in the microsomes. By radioautography the silver grains were preferentially localized over the rough-surfaced endoplasmic reticulum at the 5 min interval. Apparent activity in the Golgi zone was noted 9 min after the injection; at 15 and 20 min, the majority of the grains were found in this location. Many of the grains associated with the Golgi apparatus were located over Golgi vacuoles containing 300–800 A electron-opaque bodies. It is concluded that albumin is synthesized on bound ribosomes, subsequently is transferred to the cavities of rough-surfaced endoplasmic reticulum, and then undergoes migration to the smooth-surfaced endoplasmic reticulum and the Golgi apparatus. In the latter organelle, albumin can be expected to be segregated together with very low density lipoprotein in vacuoles known to move toward the sinusoidal portion of the cell and release their content to the blood.  相似文献   

Rat hearts pulse-labeled by perfusion in vitro with 9,10-oleic acid-3H for 15 or 30 sec were shown to take up the fatty acid extensively. In hearts postperfused with unlabeled medium for 15 sec or more, 90% of the radioactivity was recovered in esterified lipids. The radioautographic reaction was localized initially over elements of the sarcoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria. After longer periods of postperfusion (2–20 min), there was concentration of silver grains over lipid droplets. In mitochondria and sarcoplasmic reticulum isolated from hearts postperfused for 1 min or more, most of the esterified lipid was in the form of triglyceride. The ratio of the specific activity of isolated sarcoplasmic reticulum triglyceride to mitochondrial triglyceride changed from a value of 3.2 to 1.3 during 5 min of postperfusion. Under conditions of hypothermia, considerable uptake of free fatty acid occurred. The radioactivity recovered in the heart was mostly in the form of free fatty acid, and the radioautographic reaction was seen over sarcoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria, but not over lipid droplets or myofibrils. The results are interpreted to show that intracellular transport of free fatty acid, which occurs also when esterification is repressed, proceeds through intracellular channels, i.e. the sarcoplasmic reticulum. Esterification of fatty acid into triglycerides occurs mostly in the sarcoplasmic reticulum, especially in the region of the dyad, in the vicinity of which lipid is stored in the form of droplets.  相似文献   

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