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Experiments were conducted on 100 rabbits with asscending, hematogenic and cerebral tetanus caused by the administration of tetanus toxin (1 Dcl). The therapeutic efficacy of "Diaferm-3" antitoxin was compared depending on the route--intracysternal or intralumbar--of its administration (400 IU/kg). Intracysternal antitoxin administration proved to be thrice as effective as the intralumbar one (31.4 and 10.2% of the sick animals recovered, respectively). The latter route was effective only in animals with the ascending intoxication, this apparently being connected with the site of entrance of the toxin into the central nervous system by the peripheral nerves of the hind limbs.  相似文献   

Heptapeptide Semax (MEHFPGP) is the fragment of ACTH(4-10) analogue with prolonged neurotropic activity. The aim of the present work was to study the Semax effects on learning capability and pain sensitivity in white rats following intraperitoneal and intranasal administration in different doses. Semax nootropic effects were studied in the test of acquisition of passive avoidance task. Pain sensitivity was estimated in Randall-Selitto paw-withdrawal test. It was shown that Semax exerts nootropic and analgesic activities following intraperitoneal administration. Analysis of dependence of these effects on dose resulted in different dose-response curves. Following intranasal administration, Semax was more potent in learning improvement compared to intraperitoneal administration. The peptide failed to affect the animal pain sensitivity following intranasal administration as opposed to intraperitoneal administration. The data obtained suggest different mechanisms and brain structures involved in realization of the nootropic and analgesic effects of Semax.  相似文献   

The control of gastrointestinal nematodes relies at present mostly on antihelmintic treatments using synthetic molecules. This approach, however, has led to the appearance of resistance to some types of antihelmintics which, together with the need to cut down on the use of chemicals, has fostered the development of other control methods, such as biological control, which is the use of living organisms that are naturally antagonistic to an unwanted species. Among the natural enemies of nematode parasitic larvae is the microfungus Duddingtonia flagrans. Research has shown the ability of this fungus to reduce the number of nematode larvae in faeces, the ability of its chlamydospores to survive the passage through the gastrointestinal tract of livestock and, moreover, to keep its germinative ability, thus facilitating the development of formulations. The present review looks at the species currently used and the different ways of administering already tested nematophagous fungi.  相似文献   

In our study, we wanted to evaluate the clinical effect of s.c. DDAVP on haemostasis in different kinds of bleeding disorders. A total of 109 patients was treated with DDAVP s.c. at a dose of 0.4 microgram/Kg body weight. An effect of DDAVP on F VIII modalities was found after s.c. injection in all patients, but in comparison to i.v. DDAVP, the effect seems to be somewhat less. From our data, the patients blood groups do not influence the amount of F VIII modalities. Furthermore, the s.c. injection of DDAVP was found to be effective in patients with disorders of primary haemostasis. A number of operations was performed under the use of s.c. DDAVP in 24 patients with different kinds of bleeding disorders, in none of them, bleeding complications occurred.  相似文献   

An experimental rat model of aluminum accumulation in the brain was developed to aid in determining neurotoxity of aluminum (Al). Al was administered orally, intravenously, and intraperitoneally, in the absence or presence of citric acid or maltol. Oral administration of Al hydroxide [Al (OH)3] or aluminum chloride (AlCl3) with citric acid for 7 wk was not found to increase brain Al levels. Similarly, a single intravenous injection of AlCl3 in the presence or absence of either citric acid or maltol did not alter brain Al levels after 48 h. Only daily intraperitoneal injections of AlCl3 (8 mg Al/kg body weight) and an equimolar amount of maltol over a 14-d period enhanced accumulation of Al in rat brain. No significant increases were observed for the experimental groups receiving intraperitoneal AlCl3 alone or with citric acid. This result suggests that the chemical form of Al strongly influences its bioavailability and that intraperitoneal administration of the Al-maltol complex appears to be useful in creating subacute model of Al accumulation in brain tissue.  相似文献   

Placenta is a non-controversial and promising source of cells for the treatment of several liver diseases. We previously reported that transplanted human amnion epithelial cells (hAECs) differentiate into hepatocyte-like cells, resulting in correction of mouse models of metabolic liver disease or acute hepatic failure. As part of preclinical safety studies, we investigated the distribution of hAECs using two routes of administration to efficiently deliver hAECs to the liver. Optical imaging is commonly used because it can provide fast, high-throughput, whole-body imaging, thus DiR-labeled hAECs were injected into immunodeficient mice, via the spleen or the tail vein. The cell distribution was monitored using an in vivo imaging system over the next 24 h. After splenic injection, the DiR signal was detected in liver and spleen at 1, 3 and 24 h post-transplant. The distribution was confirmed by analysis of human DNA content at 24 h post-transplant and human-specific cytokeratin 8/18 staining. Tail vein infusion resulted in cell engraftment mainly in the lungs, with minimal detection in the liver. Delivery of cells to the portal vein, via the spleen, resulted in efficient delivery of hAECs to the liver, with minimal, off-target distribution to lungs or other organs.  相似文献   

Solid lipid nanoparticles (SLN) have been reported to be an alternative system to emulsions, liposomes, microparticles and their polymeric counterparts for various application routes since the early 1990s due to their advantages. Various research groups have also increasingly focused on improving their stability in body fluids after administration by coating of particles with hydrophilic molecules such as poly(ethylene)glycol (PEG) derivatives. Altering surface characteristics by coating SLN with hydrophilic molecules improves plasma stability and biodistribution, and subsequent bioavailability of drugs entrapped. Their storage stability is also increased. This paper basicly reviews types of SLN, principles of drug loading and models of drug incorporation. The influence of PEG coating on particle size and surface characteristics is discussed followed by alteration in pharmacokinetics and bioavailability of drugs in order to target the site of action via SLN. The future direction of research and clinical implications of SLN is also considered.  相似文献   

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