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Wang W  Wu X  Xiong E  Tai F 《Proteomics》2012,12(7):938-943
The presence of high-abundance proteins in complex protein mixtures often masks low-abundance proteins and causes loss of resolution of 2DE. Protein fractionation steps conducted prior to 2DE can enhance the detection of low-abundance proteins and improve the resolution of 2DE. Here, we report a method to prefractionate soluble protein extracts based on protein thermal denaturation. Soluble proteins were extracted from maize embryos and leaves and Escherichia coli cells. Through heating at 95°C for 5 min, soluble protein extracts were prefractionated as heat stable protein fraction (the supernatant) and heat labile protein fraction (the precipitate). Our results showed that heat prefractionation enhanced the separation of proteins in both fractions by 2DE, thereby increasing the chance of detecting low-abundance proteins, many of which were nonvisible in unfractionated extract. In maize embryo, 330 spots were detected in soluble protein extract, while 577 spots were detected after prefractionation. Furthermore, this prefractionation method facilitated the enrichment, detection, and identification of de novo synthesized stress proteins. Because of its simplicity, the one-step heat prefractionation minimizes protein loss. Finally, heat prefractionation requires no expensive special hardware or reagents, and provides an alternative prefractionation for increasing the resolving power of 2DE.  相似文献   

Feng JT  Liu YK  Song HY  Dai Z  Qin LX  Almofti MR  Fang CY  Lu HJ  Yang PY  Tang ZY 《Proteomics》2005,5(17):4581-4588
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the third leading cause of cancer mortality worldwide and ranks second in China. The prognosis of HCC remains dismal mainly because of its late diagnosis, especially in patients with coexisting chronic liver diseases. To identify serum biomarkers for HCC, sera from 20 healthy volunteers, 20 hepatitis B virus (HBV) infected patients and 20 HCC patients were selected for screening study and same number of sera into the same three groups were used for validation study. A strategy including sonication, albumin and immunoglobulin G (IgG) depletion and desalting was optimized for screening differentially expressed proteins of low abundance in serum. By 2-DE image analysis and MALDI-TOF-MS/MS identification, eight proteins including heat-shock protein 27 (HSP27), alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), alpha-1 antitrypsin, clusterin, caeruloplasmin, haptoglobin alpha2 chain, tranferrin and transthyretin were found significantly changed among the healthy, HBV and HCC groups. Further validation study by Western blot showed the detection of HSP27 in 90% HCC sera and two HBV sera, but in none of normal sera. Thus, 2-DE based serum proteome analysis can be useful in the screening of serum biomarkers for HCC and HSP27 could aid in the diagnosis of HCC though further validation is needed.  相似文献   

Protein degradation that occurs in tissue during post‐mortem interval or sample preparation is problematic in quantitative analyses as confounding variables may arise. Ideally, such artefacts should be prevented by preserving the native proteome during sample preparation. We assessed the efficacy of thermal treatment (TT) to preserve the intact proteome of mouse heart and brain tissue in comparison to standard snap‐freezing with liquid nitrogen (LN). Tissue samples were collected, either snap frozen (LN), subjected to TT, or snap frozen followed by thermal treatment, and subsequently analysed by 2‐DE. In heart tissue, following quantitative image analysis, we observed 77 proteins that were significantly altered across the three treatment groups (ANOVA, p<0.05). Principal component and clustering analyses revealed LN and TT to be equally beneficial. These findings were confirmed by MS identification of the significantly altered proteins. In brain tissue, 189 proteins were significantly differentially expressed across the three treatment groups (ANOVA, p<0.05). Brain tissue appeared to be more responsive to TT than heart and distinct clusters of differentially expressed proteins were observed across treatments. Overall, TT of brain tissue appears to have beneficial effects on protein stabilisation during sample preparation with preservation of high‐molecular‐weight proteins and reduction in protein fragmentation.  相似文献   

Vohradsky J  Branny P  Li XM  Thompson CJ 《Proteomics》2008,8(12):2371-2375
Proteolysis, a regulated biological process, is reflected by protein spot molecular weight distribution in 2-D gel electrophoretograms. Here we report studies of Streptomyces cultures as they undergo two different developmental processes involving proteolysis. Systematic changes in protein molecular weight distribution between the control samples and those with high activity of proteases were demonstrated. The observations were supported by a numerical model of degradation and its influence on the M(r) distribution. Simple statistics could be used to distinguish between normal and degradative 2-D gel electrophoretic patterns.  相似文献   

For laboratory techniques that require well-preserved proteins, such as 2-DE, fresh tissue must be harvested and processed as fast as possible to avoid proteolytic degradation. We describe a modified method for harvesting tissue from radical prostatectomy specimens for proteome analysis and compare it with the standard technique. Cells were scraped from cut surfaces of 11 prostate specimens. A fraction of the material was smeared on a glass slide and Giemsa stained for morphological control. The sample was collected in a medium with protease inhibitors, and the protein material was prepared for 2-DE. Filtering and Percoll centrifugation were omitted. Sample locations were noted on a specimen map. From the same area, a tissue block was harvested for comparison. The block was processed with the conventional technique including mechanical disintegration, filtering and Percoll centrifugation. Quality measures of 2-DE were similar with both methods. With the scrape sampling technique, control smears showed abundant epithelial cells and a cleaner background and processing was faster than with tissue block sampling. For proteomic analysis, the scrape sample technique has several advantages over the tissue block method.  相似文献   

Julia E. Bandow 《Proteomics》2010,10(7):1416-1425
Efforts to discover protein biomarkers in plasma are hampered by the high abundance of few proteins, which interfere with the detection of low‐abundant proteins. Different commercially available protein‐partitioning products were tested for their ability to lower the detection limit of proteins in 2‐D gels. Immuno‐depletion using polyclonal antibodies raised against the proteins of highest abundance (Seppro IgY14 System) was compared with a two‐step immuno‐depletion strategy, where depletion with the Seppro IgY14 column was followed by depletion with the Seppro IgY‐SuperMix system. The third strategy tested was protein pre‐fractionation using the ProteoMiner kit, where proteins compete for binding sites on bead‐bound peptide hexamers with different binding properties. The pre‐fractionated protein samples were analyzed using 2‐DE, which revealed stunning differences in protein patterns. However, detectable protein spots in the different plasma fractions contained exclusively high‐abundant proteins normally present in plasma at concentrations between 1 μg and 40 mg/mL.  相似文献   

The marine bacterium Rhodopirellula baltica, a member of the phylum Planctomycetes, has distinct morphological properties and contributes to remineralization of biomass in the natural environment. On the basis of its recently determined complete genome we investigated its proteome by 2-DE and established a reference 2-DE gel for the soluble protein fraction. Approximately 1000 protein spots were excised from a colloidal Coomassie-stained gel (pH 4-7), analyzed by MALDI-MS and identified by PMF. The non-redundant data set contained 626 distinct protein spots, corresponding to 558 different genes. The identified proteins were classified into role categories according to their predicted functions. The experimentally determined and the theoretically predicted proteomes were compared. Proteins, which were most abundant in 2-DE gels and the coding genes of which were also predicted to be highly expressed, could be linked mainly to housekeeping functions in glycolysis, tricarboxic acid cycle, amino acid biosynthesis, protein quality control and translation. Absence of predictable signal peptides indicated a localization of these proteins in the intracellular compartment, the pirellulosome. Among the identified proteins, 146 contained a predicted signal peptide suggesting their translocation. Some proteins were detected in more than one spot on the gel, indicating post-translational modification. In addition to identifying proteins present in the published sequence database for R. baltica, an alternative approach was used, in which the mass spectrometric data was searched against a maximal ORF set, allowing the identification of four previously unpredicted ORFs. The 2-DE reference map presented here will serve as framework for further experiments to study differential gene expression of R. baltica in response to external stimuli or cellular development and compartmentalization.  相似文献   

Diabetic nephropathy is one of the most common complications of diabetes mellitus and the leading cause of end‐stage renal disease. A reduction in podocyte number has been documented in the kidneys of these patients. To identify the molecular changes in podocytes that are primarily caused by high glucose (HG) concentrations and not by secondary alterations (e.g. glomerular hypertension), we investigated the protein expression profiles in a podocyte cell line under long‐term HG exposure (30 versus 10 mM for 2 wk). Proteins were separated by 2‐DE, and we identified 39 different proteins in 48 spots that were differentially regulated by more than twofold in response to HG concentrations using MALDI‐TOF MS and MASCOT software. These proteins belong to several protein classes, including cytoskeletal proteins and specific annexins (annexins III and VI). Downregulation of annexins III and VI by HG concentrations was confirmed by qRT‐PCR, Western blot, and immunostaining, and was also observed in glomeruli of kidney biopsies from patients with diabetic nephropathy. Our data demonstrate that HG concentrations per se are sufficient to strongly modify the protein expression profile of podocytes, the analysis of which contributes to the identification of novel targets involved in diabetic nephropathy.  相似文献   

This report reviews the 7th Siena Meeting 'From Genome to Proteome: Back to the Future' which took place in Italy from 3-7 September, 2006. There was a significant rise in the number of delegates attending compared with previous Siena meetings. A diversity of speakers and presentations addressed the theme of the meeting in moving proteomics forward to integrate with biology as a whole entity rather than in isolated fractions. In addition, technological advancements in sample preparation and separation as well as identification were discussed.  相似文献   

A proteome study of the first five days of Medicago truncatula protoplast cultures was done to investigate molecular changes taking place during protoplast proliferation. A total of 1556 protein spots were analysed, of which 886 protein spots showed significant (p<0.005) changes in abundance at some time during the first five days of protoplast culture. Of the 886 significantly changing protein spots, 89 proteins were identified by MALDI-TOF MS. The majority of the identified proteins were part of four main cellular processes that may be involved in protoplast proliferation: energy metabolism, defence or stress response, secondary metabolism and protein synthesis and folding. The accumulation pattern of these proteins indicates extensive changes in the energy metabolism of the cells, accompanied by the activation of stress response pathways and modifications of the cell wall. In addition, seven PR10-like (pathogenesis related) proteins were identified. The accumulation pattern of these seven PR10-like proteins suggests that they could have a developmental role during protoplast proliferation.  相似文献   

Cell dedifferentiation is a cell fate switching process in which differentiated cells undergo genome reprogramming to regain the competency of cell division and organ regeneration. The molecular mechanism underlying the cell dedifferentiation process remains obscure. In this report, we investigate the cell dedifferentiation process in Arabidopsis using a shotgun proteomics approach. A total of 758 proteins are identified by two or more matched peptides. Comparative analyses at four time points using two label-free methods reveal that 193 proteins display up-regulation and 183 proteins display down-regulation within 48 h. While the results of the two label-free quantification methods match well with each other, comparison with previously published 2-DE gel results reveal that label-free quantification results differ substantially from those of the 2-DE method for proteins with peptides common to multiple proteins, suggesting a limitation of the label-free methods in quantifying proteins with closely related family members in complex samples. Our results show that the shotgun approach and the traditional 2-DE gel approach complement each other in both protein identification and quantification. An interesting observation is that core histones and histone variants are subjected to extensive down-regulation, indicating that there is a dramatic change in the chromatin during cell differentiation.  相似文献   

Huang SY  Lin JH  Chen YH  Chuang CK  Chiu YF  Chen MY  Chen HH  Lee WC 《Proteomics》2006,6(7):2217-2224
Serum is believed to harbor thousands of distinct proteins that are either actively secreted or leak from various blood cells or tissues. Exploring protein composition in serum may accelerate the discovery of novel protein biomarkers for specific economic traits in livestock species. This study analyzed serum protein composition to establish a 2-DE reference map, and monitored protein dynamics of single-comb White Leghorn hens at 8, 19 and 23 weeks after hatching. A total of 119 CBB-stained and 315 silver-stained serum protein spots were analyzed by MALDI-TOF MS. Of these, 98 CBB-stained and 94 silver-stained protein spots were significantly matched to existing chicken proteins. The identified spots represented 30 distinctive proteins in the serum of laying hens. To compare protein expression during development, expression levels of 47 protein spots were quantified by relative spot volume with Melanie 3 software. Ten protein spots increased and 3 protein spots decreased as hen age increased. Previous research has suggested that some of these proteins play critical roles in egg production. The differentially expressed proteins with unknown identities will be valuable candidates for further explorations of their roles in egg production of laying hens.  相似文献   

Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) Bright Yellow‐2 (TBY‐2) cells undergo different fates when exposed for 10 minutes to heat stresses of different severity. A 35 °C treatment causes a homeostatic response (HRE) allowing cells to cope with the stress; 55 °C triggers processes leading to programmed cell death (PCD), which is complete after 72 h. We have used a proteomic approach to gain insight into the molecular mechanisms defining the fate of TBY‐2 cells induced by these two heat stresses. Tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) and two‐dimensional electrophoresis (2‐DE) analysis revealed little overlap of differentially‐accumulated proteins: the different severities of heat treatment induced the modulation of specific proteins, some of which are responsible for different cell fates. When the imposed heat shock is beyond a certain threshold, the overall reduced metabolism may be the result of a series of events involving gene expression and oxidative damage that would lead to PCD. Our data suggest that the down‐accumulation of several proteins involved in cellular redox homeostasis could provide, until now, an unappreciated contribution to understanding how many partners are involved in promoting the redox impairment leading to PCD. Moreover post‐translational modifications seem to play important regulatory roles in the adaptation of TBY‐2 cells to different intensities of heat stress.  相似文献   

The multivariate method PCA is an exploratory tool often used to get an overview of multivariate data, such as the quantified spot volumes of digitized 2‐DE gels. PCA can reveal hidden structures present in the data, and thus enables identification of potential outliers and clustering. Based on PCA, we here present an approach for identification of protein spots causing 2‐DE gels to become outliers. The approach can potentially obviate analytical exclusion of entire 2‐DE gels.  相似文献   

Pea (Pisum sativum L.) is the most cultivated European pulse crop and the pea seeds mainly serve as a protein source for monogastric animals. Because the seed protein composition impacts on seed nutritional value, we aimed at identifying the determinants of its variability. This paper presents the first pea mature seed proteome reference map, which includes 156 identified proteins (http://www.inra.fr/legumbase/peaseedmap/). This map provides a fine dissection of the pea seed storage protein composition revealing a large diversity of storage proteins resulting both from gene diversity and post‐translational processing. It gives new insights into the pea storage protein processing (especially 7S globulins) as a possible adaptation towards progressive mobilization of the proteins during germination. The nonstorage seed proteome revealed the presence of proteins involved in seed defense together with proteins preparing germination. The plasticity of the seed proteome was revealed for seeds produced in three successive years of cultivation, and 30% of the spots were affected by environmental variations. This work pinpoints seed proteins most affected by environment, highlighting new targets to stabilize storage protein composition that should be further analyzed.  相似文献   

Towards the proteome of Brassica napus phloem sap   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The soluble proteins in sieve tube exudate from Brassica napus plants were systematically analyzed by 1-DE and high-resolution 2-DE, partial amino acid sequence determination by MS/MS, followed by database searches. 140 proteins could be identified by their high similarity to database sequences (135 from 2-DE, 5 additional from 1-DE). Most analyzed spots led to successful protein identifications, demonstrating that Brassica napus, a close relative of Arabidopsis thaliana, is a highly suitable model plant for phloem research. None of the identified proteins was formerly known to be present in Brassica napus phloem, but several proteins have been described in phloem sap of other species. The data, which is discussed with respect to possible physiological importance of the proteins in the phloem, further confirms and substantially extends earlier findings and uncovers the presence of new protein functions in the vascular system. For example, we found several formerly unknown phloem proteins that are potentially involved in signal generation and transport, e.g., proteins mediating calcium and G-protein signaling, a set of RNA-binding proteins, and FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT) and its twin sister that might be key components for the regulation of flowering time.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Proteomic analysis of cultured postimplantation rat embryos is expected to be useful for investigation into embryonic development. Here we analyzed protein expression in cultured postimplantation rat embryos by two-dimensional electrophoresis (2-DE) and mass-spectrometric protein identification. METHODS: Rat embryos were cultured from day 9.5 for 48 h or from day 10.5 for 24 h. Proteins of the embryo proper and yolk sac membrane were isolated by 2-DE and differentially analyzed with a 2-D analysis software. Selected protein spots in the 2-DE gels were identified by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of flight tandem mass spectrometric analysis and protein database search. RESULTS: About 800 and 1,000 protein spots were matched through the replicate 2-DE gels each from one embryo in the embryo proper and yolk sac membrane, respectively, and virtually the same protein spots were observed irrespective to the length of culture period. From protein spots specific to the embryo proper (126 spots) and yolk sac membrane (304 spots), proteins involved in tissue-characteristic functions, such as morphogenesis and nutritional transfer, were identified: calponin, cellular retinoic acid binding protein, cofilin, myosin, and stathmin in the embryo proper, and Ash-m, dimerization cofactor of hepatocyte nuclear factor, ERM-binding phosphoprotein, cathepsin, and legumain in the yolk sac membrane. CONCLUSION: Proteomic analysis of cultured postimplantation rat embryos will be a new approach in developmental biology and toxicology at the protein level.  相似文献   

Pathogenic staphylococci can form biofilms in which they show a higher resistance to antibiotics and the immune defense system than their planktonic counterparts, which suggests that the cells in a biofilm have an altered metabolic activity. Here, 2-D PAGE was used to identify secreted, cell wall-associated and cytoplasmic proteins expressed in Staphylococcus aureus after 8 and 48 h of growth. The proteins were separated at pH ranges of 4-7 or 6-11. The protein patterns revealed significant differences in 427 protein spots; from these, 258 non-redundant proteins were identified using ESI-MS/MS. Biofilm cells expressed higher levels of proteins associated with cell attachment and peptidoglycan synthesis, and in particular fibrinogen-binding proteins. Enzymes involved in pyruvate and formate metabolism were upregulated. Furthermore, biofilm cells expressed more staphylococcal accessory regulator A protein (SarA), which corroborates the positive effect of SarA on the expression of the intercellular adhesion operon ica and biofilm growth. In contrast, proteins, such as proteases and particularly immunodominant antigen A (IsaA) and staphylococcal secretory antigen (SsaA), were found in lower amounts. The RNA expression profiling largely supports the proteomic data. The results were mapped onto KEGG pathways.  相似文献   

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