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Patterns of colonization of Vitis vinifera L. cv. Chardonnay plantlets by a plant growth-promoting bacterium, Burkholderia sp. strain PsJN, were studied under gnotobiotic conditions. Wild-type strain PsJN and genetically engineered derivatives of this strain tagged with gfp (PsJN::gfp2x) or gusA (PsJN::gusA11) genes were used to enumerate and visualize tissue colonization. The rhizospheres of 4- to 5-week-old plantlets with five developed leaves were inoculated with bacterial suspensions. Epiphytic and endophytic colonization patterns were then monitored by dilution plating assays and microscopic observation of organ sections. Bacteria were chronologically detected first on root surfaces, then in root internal tissues, and finally in the fifth internode and the tissues of the fifth leaf. Analysis of the PsJN colonization patterns showed that this strain colonizes grapevine root surfaces, as well as cell walls and the whole surface of some rhizodermal cells. Cells were also abundant at lateral root emergence sites and root tips. Furthermore, cell wall-degrading endoglucanase and endopolygalacturonase secreted by PsJN explained how the bacterium gains entry into root internal tissues. Host defense reactions were observed in the exodermis and in several cortical cell layers. Bacteria were not observed on stem and leaf surfaces but were found in xylem vessels of the fifth internode and the fifth leaf of plantlets. Moreover, bacteria were more abundant in the fifth leaf than in the fifth internode and were found in substomatal chambers. Thus, it seems that Burkholderia sp. strain PsJN induces a local host defense reaction and systemically spreads to aerial parts through the transpiration stream.  相似文献   

Strain DCY84T, a Gram-stain positive, rod-shaped, aerobic, spore-forming bacterium, motile by means of peritrichous flagella, was isolated from humus soil from Yongin forest in Gyeonggi province, South Korea. Strain DCY84T shared the highest sequence similarity with Paenibacillus barengoltzii KACC 15270T (96.86 %), followed by Paenibacillus timonensis KACC 11491T (96.49 %) and Paenibacillus phoenicis NBRC 106274T (95.77 %). Strain DCY84T was found to able to grow best in TSA at temperature 30 °C, at pH 8 and at 0.5 % NaCl. MK-7 menaquinone was identified as the isoprenoid quinone. The major polar lipids were identified as phosphatidylethanolamine, an unidentified aminophospholipid, two unidentified aminolipids and an unidentified polar lipid. The peptidoglycan was found to contain the amino acids meso-diaminopimelic acid, alanine and d-glutamic acid. The major fatty acids of strain DCY84T were identified as branched chain anteiso-C15:0, saturated C16:0 and branched chain anteiso-C17:0. The cell wall sugars of strain DCY84T were found to comprise of ribose, galactose and xylose. The major polyamine was identified as spermidine. The DNA G+C content was determined to be 62.6 mol%. After 6 days of incubation, strain DCY84T produced 52.96 ± 1.85 and 72.83 ± 2.86 µg/ml l-indole-3-acetic acid, using media without l-tryptophan and supplemented with l-tryptophan, respectively. Strain DCY84T was also found to be able to solubilize phosphate and produce siderophores. On the basis of the phenotypic characteristics, genotypic analysis and chemotaxonomic characteristics, strain DCY84T is considered to represent a novel species of the genus Paenibacillus, for which the name Paenibacillus yonginensis sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is DCY84T (=KCTC 33428T = JCM 19885T).  相似文献   

The metabolism of cresols under sulfate-reducing conditions was investigated in Desulfotomaculum sp. strain Groll. This strain grows on a variety of aromatic compounds, including para- and meta- but not ortho-cresol. Degradation of p-cresol proceeded by oxidation reactions of the methyl group to yield p-hydroxybenzoate, which was then dehydroxylated to benzoate. The aromatic intermediates expected for this pathway, p-hydroxybenzyl alcohol, p-hydroxybenzaldehyde, p-hydroxybenzoate, and benzoate, were readily metabolized by strain Groll. Utilization of these intermediates generally preceded and inhibited the degradation of p-cresol. p-Hydroxybenzoate and benzoate were detected in culture fluid as metabolites of p-cresol. p-Hydroxybenzaldehyde and p-hydroxybenzoate were detected in cultures degrading p-hydroxybenzyl alcohol. Enzyme activities responsible for utilization of p- and m-cresol, induced by growth on the respective cresol, were detected in cell-free extracts of strain Groll. The compounds detected in culture fluids and the enzyme activities detected in cell-free extracts indicate that the pathways for the degradation of p- and m-cresol converge on benzoate, followed by metabolism to benzoyl-coenzyme A (CoA). Strain Groll can utilize both cresol isomers under sulfate-reducing conditions by similar reactions, but the enzyme activities catalyzing these transformations of the two isomers appear distinct.  相似文献   

Herbaspirillum sp. strain GW103 was isolated from rhizosphere soil of the reed Phragmites australis on reclaimed land. Here we report the 5.05-Mb draft genome sequence of the strain, providing bioinformation about the agronomic benefits of this strain, such as multiple traits relevant to plant root colonization and plant growth promotion.  相似文献   

The microbial community in the human colon contains bacteria that reduce cholesterol to coprostanol, but the species responsible for this conversion are still unknown. We describe here the first isolation and characterization of a cholesterol-reducing bacterium of human intestinal origin. Strain D8 was isolated from a 10(-8) dilution of a fresh stool sample provided by a senior male volunteer with a high capacity to reduce luminal cholesterol to coprostanol. Cholesterol-to-coprostanol conversion by strain D8 started on the third day, while cells were in stationary phase, and was almost complete after 7 days. Intermediate products (4-cholesten-3-one and coprostanone) were occasionally observed, suggesting an indirect pathway for cholesterol-to-coprostanol conversion. Resting-cell assays showed that strain D8 could reduce 1.5 mumol of cholesterol/mg bacterial protein/h. Strain D8 was a gram-negative, non-spore-forming, rod-shaped organism identified as a member of the genus Bacteroides closely related to Bacteroides vulgatus, based on its morphological and biochemical characteristics. The 16S rRNA gene sequence of strain D8 was most similar (>99.5%) to those of two isolates of the recently described species Bacteroides dorei. Phylogenetic tree construction confirmed that Bacteroides sp. strain D8 clustered within an independent clade together with these B. dorei strains. Nevertheless, no cholesterol-reducing activity could be detected in cultures of the B. dorei type strain. Based on Bacteroides group-specific PCR-temporal temperature gradient gel electrophoresis, there was no correlation between the presence of a band comigrating with the band of Bacteroides sp. strain D8 and cholesterol conversion in 11 human fecal samples, indicating that this strain is unlikely to be mainly responsible for cholesterol conversion in the human population.  相似文献   

镍胁迫下产铁载体细菌对花生的促生性   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
【目的】挖掘镍耐受性强、产铁载体活性高的植物根际促生细菌,研究镍胁迫下产铁载体细菌对花生的促生作用及其对花生吸收镍的影响。【方法】利用CAS(Chrome azurol S)培养基对花生根际产铁载体细菌定性筛选及定量测试获得产铁载体能力强的菌株,16S r RNA基因相似性及系统进化分析鉴定产铁载体细菌,并用含Ni~(2+)牛肉膏蛋白胨培养基测试细菌对Ni的耐受性;通过花生盆栽实验,测试花生的株高、根长、生物量、氮磷钾含量及镍含量来分析镍胁迫下产铁载体细菌对花生的影响。【结果】从花生根际分离筛选产铁载体芽孢杆菌5株,其中HSGJ1产铁载体能力最强,培养2 d后产156.56 mg/L的铁载体。HSGJ1对Ni~(2+)具有较强的耐受性,最小致死浓度为150 mg/L。在50、100 mg/kg的Ni~(2+)盆栽基质中,HSGJ1能够有效地促进花生的生长、增加花生的生物量及氮磷钾含量,并使花生根部和地上部分的镍含量降低。【结论】产铁载体芽孢杆菌HSGJ1是一株优良的植物根际促生细菌,可应用于镍污染农耕土壤的作物种植中,以提高作物在镍胁迫下的抗逆性,降低作物对镍的富集量,具有较好的应用价值。  相似文献   

A plant growth promoting bacterial isolate (D5/23T) from the phyllosphere of winter wheat, able to fix atmospheric nitrogen and to produce auxines and cytokinins was investigated in a polyphasic taxonomy approach. Phylogenetic analyses using the 16S rRNA gene sequence of the strain clearly indicated that the strain belonged to the family Enterobacteriaceae, most closely related to Enterobacter cloacae with 99.0% and Enterobacter dissolvens with 98.5% sequence similarity. Phylogenetic analysis derived from the sequence of the rpoB gene showed the highest sequence similarities to Enterobacter cowanii (93.0%) but supported the distinct position of strain D5/23T. The isolate produced a fatty acid pattern typical for members of the family Enterobacteriaceae. On the basis of the phylogenetic analyses, DNA-DNA hybridizations, and the unique physiological and biochemical characteristics, we propose that strain D5/23T represents a new species of the genus Enterobacter for which we propose the name Enterobacter radicincitans sp. nov.  相似文献   

Metabolism of the phenylurea herbicide isoproturon by Sphingomonas sp. strain SRS2 was significantly enhanced when the strain was grown in coculture with a soil bacterium (designated strain SRS1). Both members of this consortium were isolated from a highly enriched isoproturon-degrading culture derived from an agricultural soil previously treated regularly with the herbicide. Based on analysis of the 16S rRNA gene, strain SRS1 was assigned to the beta-subdivision of the proteobacteria and probably represents a new genus. Strain SRS1 was unable to degrade either isoproturon or its known metabolites 3-(4-isopropylphenyl)-1-methylurea, 3-(4-isopropylphenyl)-urea, or 4-isopropyl-aniline. Pure culture studies indicate that Sphingomonas sp. SRS2 is auxotrophic and requires components supplied by association with other soil bacteria. A specific mixture of amino acids appeared to meet these requirements, and it was shown that methionine was essential for Sphingomonas sp. SRS2. This suggests that strain SRS1 supplies amino acids to Sphingomonas sp. SRS2, thereby leading to rapid metabolism of (14)C-labeled isoproturon to (14)CO(2) and corresponding growth of strain SRS2. Proliferation of strain SRS1 suggests that isoproturon metabolism by Sphingomonas sp. SRS2 provides unknown metabolites or cell debris that supports growth of strain SRS1. The role of strain SRS1 in the consortium was not ubiquitous among soil bacteria; however, the indigenous soil microflora and some strains from culture collections also stimulate isoproturon metabolism by Sphingomonas sp. strain SRS2 to a similar extent.  相似文献   

The Antarctic Gram-negative bacterium Psychrobacter sp. TA144 contains two small cryptic plasmids, called pTAUp and pTADw. pTAUp encodes a replication enzyme (PsyRep) whose activity is responsible for plasmid replication via the rolling circle replication pathway. Several attempts to produce the wild-type biologically active PsyRep in Escherichia coli failed, possibly due to auto-regulation of the protein population. However, the serendipitous occurrence of a frameshift mutation during the preparation of an expression vector resulted in the over-production of a recombinant protein, changed in its last 14 amino acid residues (PsyRep*), that precipitates in insoluble form. The purification of PsyRep* inclusion bodies and the successful refolding of the cold adapted enzyme allowed us to carry out its functional characterization. The mutated protein still displays a double stranded DNA nicking activity, while the change at the C-terminus impairs the enzyme specificity for the pTAUp cognate Ori+ sequence.  相似文献   

A strain of Pseudomonas has been studied for its nickel accumulation capacity. Most assays were carried out exposing cells to the metal in a resting state. Results indicate an extracellular, metabolically independent adsorption that is decreased by the presence of acetate. A possible exchange of nickel for magnesium from the outer membrane is suggested. Nickel tolerance of this strain in minimal medium is limited.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas sp. strain KC was grown on a medium with a low content of transition metals in order to examine the conditions for carbon tetrachloride (CT) transformation. Several carbon sources, including acetate, glucose, glycerol, and glutamate, were able to support CT transformation. The chelators 2,2'-dipyridyl and 1,10-phenanthroline stimulated CT transformation in a rich medium that otherwise did not support this activity. Low (< 10 microM) additions of dissolved iron(II), iron(III), and cobalt(II), as well as an insoluble iron(III) compound, ferric oxyhydroxide, inhibited CT transformation. The addition of 50 microM iron to actively growing cultures resulted in delayed inhibition of CT transformation. CT transformation was seen in aerobic cultures of KC, but with reduced efficiency compared with denitrifying cultures. Inhibition of CT transformation by iron was also seen in aerobically grown cultures. Optimal conditions were used in searching for effective CT transformation activity among denitrifying enrichments grown from samples of aquifer material. No activity comparable to that of Pseudomonas sp. strain KC was found among 16 samples tested.  相似文献   

A growth medium based on starch and fish flour, optimal for the inducible synthesis of elastase by strain Streptomyces sp. 82 was composed using a factorial experiment. Elastase yield was raised 7.5 times compared to the basic medium.  相似文献   

Chromobacterium sp. strain C-61 is a plant-associated bacterium with proven capacities to suppress plant diseases. Here, we report the draft genome sequence and automatic annotation of strain C-61. A comparison of this sequence to the sequenced genome of Chromobacterium violaceum ATCC 12472 indicates the novelty of C-61 and a subset of gene functions that may be related to its biocontrol activities.  相似文献   

Here we report the full genome sequence of marine phototrophic bacterium Erythrobacter sp. strain NAP1. The 3.3-Mb genome contains a full set of photosynthetic genes organized in one 38.9-kb cluster; however, it does not contain genes for CO(2) or N(2) fixation, thereby confirming that the organism is a photoheterotroph.  相似文献   

Pseudogulbenkiania sp. strain NH8B is a Neisseriales bacterium isolated from an agricultural field. This strain has strong denitrification and N(2)O reduction activities. Here, we report the finished and annotated genome sequence of this organism.  相似文献   

AIMS: To construct a luxAB-labelled Sphingomonas sp. strain SRS2 maintaining the ability to mineralize the herbicide isoproturon and usable for monitoring the survival and distribution of strain SRS2 on plant roots in laboratory systems. METHODS AND RESULTS: We inserted the mini-Tn5-luxAB marker into strain SRS2 using conjugational mating. In the transconjugant mutants luciferase was produced in varying levels. The mutants showed significant differences in their ability to degrade isoproturon. One luxAB-labelled mutant maintained the ability to mineralize isoproturon and was therefore selected for monitoring colonization of barley roots. CONCLUSIONS: We successfully constructed a genetically labelled isoproturon-mineralizing-strain SRS2 and demonstrated its ability to survive in soil and its colonization of rhizosphere. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The construction of a luxAB-labelled strain SRS2 maintaining the degradative ability, provides a powerful tool for ecological studies serving as the basis for evaluating SRS2 as a bioremediation agent.  相似文献   

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