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Summary Detailed soil survey of some saline-alkali tracts on the right main canal areas of chambal river in Kota/Rajasthan/India was conducted and the experiments were laid on 3 sites having medium to heavy texture and different salinity regimes. The hybrid maize (Ganga-3) seeds were soaked for 24 hours in four concentration solutions (50, 100, 200 and 300 ppm) of Indole-acetic-acid (IAA) and sown in the experimental plots to study the effect on the yields and uptake of nutrients. The results indicated significant improvement in the grain and stalk yield and uptake of nitrogen, phosphorus, potash, calcium plus magnesium while significant decrease in the uptake of sodium with the use of IAA especially under saline conditions. Iron, however, also decreased which warrents attention when using this techanique. The study emphasize the use of appropriate hormonal concentration for achieving beneficial results. This paper is part of Ph.D. thesis submitted by senior author to the University of UDAIPUR, Rajasthan/India. This paper is part of Ph.D. thesis submitted by senior author to the University of UDAIPUR, Rajasthan/India.  相似文献   

Abiotic stress is recurrent occurring problem for sugarcane crop in terms of hindrance in achieving good and high production. In India, drought coverage is 2.97 lakh ha while 2.5 lakh ha under coverage of waterlogging which is one of the reasons behind low cane production and productivity due to alteration in metabolism, growth and development of the plant either in direct or indirect way. Therefore, we investigated the comparison of morphological losses in drought and waterlogging sugarcanes. Morphological parameters assessed were leaf length, leaf width, leaf area, stalk diameter, cane height, cane weight, internodes number and average internodal length. Also, total root weight, dry matter production of stalk, leaves and roots were observed. Results showed that leaf length was marginally increased in drought canes but it was not so in case of waterlogged canes. Besides, there was decrease in total root weight of sugarcane affected by drought by 16.99% while there was increase by 10.06% in waterlogging affected canes in comparison to normal grown canes. In cane height and stalk diameter, decrease by 18.28%, 7.52%, respectively, in drought and 11.41%, marginal decrease, respectively, in waterlogged affected canes as compared to normally grown canes. Average internodal length was also found to increase in both drought as well as waterlogged canes by 39.02% and 36.60%, respectively, in comparison to normal grown canes. Number of internodes was decreased more in drought affected canes than in waterlogged canes. This study concluded that there are higher morphological losses in sugarcane in drought condition than in waterlogging conditions with respect to normal grown canes.  相似文献   

Goicoechea  N.  Antolín  M.C.  Sánchez-Díaz  M. 《Plant and Soil》1997,192(2):261-268
The objective of this research was to study the effect of drought on nutrient content and leaf water status in alfalfa (Medicago sativa L. cv Aragón) plants inoculated with a mycorrhizal fungus and/or Rhizobium compared with noninoculated ones. The four treatments were: a) plants inoculated with Glomus fasciculatum and Rhizobium meliloti 102 F51 strain, (MR); b) plants inoculated with R. meliloti only (R); c) plants with G. fasciculatum only (M); and d) noninoculated plants (N). Nonmycorrhizal plants were supplemented with phosphorus and nonnodulated ones with nitrogen to achieve similar size and nutrient content in all treatments. Plants were drought stressed using two cycles of moisture stress and recovery. The components of total leaf water potential (osmotic and pressure potentials at full turgor), percentage of apoplastic water volume and the bulk modulus of elasticity of leaf tissue were determined. Macronutrient (N, P, K, Ca, S and Mg) and micronutrient (Co, Mo, Zn, Mn, Cu, Na, Fe and B) content per plant were also measured. Leaves of N and R plants had decreased osmotic potentials and increased pressure potentials at full turgor, with no changes either in the bulk modulus of elasticity or the percentage of apoplastic water upon drought conditions. By contrast, M and MR leaves did not vary in osmotic and turgor potentials under drought stress but had increased apoplastic water volume and cell elasticity (lowering bulk modulus). Drought stress decreased nutrient content of leaves and roots of noninoculated plants. R plants showed a decrease in nutrient content of leaves but maintained some micronutrients in roots. Leaves of M plants were similar in content of nutrients to N plants. However, roots of M and MR plants had significantly lower nutrient content. Results indicate an enhancement of nutrient content in mycorrhizal alfalfa plants during drought that affected leaf water relations during drought stress.  相似文献   

荫蔽和微生物可在分子水平上调控植物激素以增强植物的耐旱性 植物在其生命周期内会受到一系列不利环境的影响。其中,干旱胁迫是限制农业生产力的重要因素之一。为了在逆境的环境中得以生存,植物进化出了识别环境胁迫严重性的机制。植物可通过多种方式调节激素活性,以减轻干旱带来的不良影响。受荫蔽和微生物调控,植株的抗旱性提高,产量损失减少。脱落酸、生长素和乙烯等植物激素,可调控多种代谢途径,在荫蔽和微生物介导的植株抗旱性增强过程中起着重要作用。如我们的调控模型所示,CLAVATA3/EMBRYOSURROUNDING REGION-RELATED 25多肽因其可影响ABA合成而在此过程中具有重要作用。  相似文献   

Crop plants are regularly exposed to an array of abiotic and biotic stresses, among them drought stress is a major environmental factor that shows adverse effects on plant growth and productivity. Because of this these factors are considered as hazardous for crop production. Drought stress elicits a plethora of responses in plants resulting in strict amendments in physiological, biochemical, and molecular processes. Photosynthesis is the most fundamental physiological process affected by drought due to a reduction in the CO2 assimilation rate and disruption of primary photosynthetic reactions and pigments. Drought also expedites the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), triggering a cascade of antioxidative defense mechanisms, and affects many other metabolic processes as well as affecting gene expression. Details of the drought stress-induced changes, particularly in crop plants, are discussed in this review, with the major points: 1) leaf water potentials and water use efficiency in plants under drought stress; 2) increased production of ROS under drought leading to oxidative stress in plants and the role of ROS as signaling molecules; 3) molecular responses that lead to the enhanced expression of stress-inducible genes; 4) the decrease in photosynthesis leading to the decreased amount of assimilates, growth, and yield; 5) the antioxidant defense mechanisms comprising of enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidants and the other protective mechanisms; 6) progress made in identifying the drought stress tolerance mechanisms; 7) the production of transgenic crop plants with enhanced tolerance to drought stress.  相似文献   

Using water culture technique, some experiments have been performed to investigate the effect of 60 days salinization treatments (0.0–100 meq 1−1 NaCl) on dry weight and on the content of some nutrient elements (Na, K, Ca, Mg, P, N) in castor bean, sunflower and flax plants. In general the content of sodium increased progressively with the rise of salinity level. The relatively low and moderate salinization levels (20 and 40 meq I−1 NaCl) resulted in a promotion rather than inhibition of the dry weight and in the content of most of the investigated elements in the different organs of the test plants. However with the rise of salinization level from 60 to 100 meq l−1, the dry weight and the content of these nutrient elements were mostly reduced.  相似文献   

J. A. M. Janssen 《Oecologia》1993,95(3):401-409
The effects of organic nitrogen, nitrate, phosphorus, potassium and water content of leaves of intact maize plants, grown in a gravel culture system, on the fitness of the African armyworm, Spodoptera exempta (Walker)(Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) were studied. Organic nitrogen concentrations ranged from 1.3% to 3.7% over four treatments differing only in nitrate supply to the plants. Water content and other mineral levels were all positively correlated with the organic nitrogen level. Feeding damage by the caterpillars was most severe on the lowest nitrate treatments, where it could be least well compensated for by new leaf growth. Larval and pupal fitness variables were not affected by treatment, except for larval development on the lowest nitrate treatment which was delayed by just 1 day. The large compensatory capacity of the larvae was underlined by a similar mineral composition of the pupae in all treatments. Adult fitness variables hardly differed between the upper three nitrate treatments, but revealed a trend over all treatments: the higher the organic nitrogen content of the leaves, the shorter the pre-oviposition period and the higher the fecundity. This trend, however, might have been due to differences in available food quantity rather than in food quality. It is concluded that fitness of the African armyworm is only slightly affected over a wide range of nitrogen concentrations in its food. Though effects might be larger under field conditions, the large differences in outbreak development between years seem not to be attributable to observed differences in nitrogen levels in host plants between years in primary outbreak areas. Other environmental factors appear to be of greater importance.  相似文献   



The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of future warming and drought on (1) the biochemical composition of above-ground biomass of forage plants (Festuca arundinacea and Dactylis glomerata), (2) the potential mineralization of this material in soil, and (3) its priming effect on native soil organic matter.


We sampled above-ground plant material from spring regrowth and summer regrowth of a climate change experiment. While in spring, the plants were well watered, the summer regrowth was exposed to drought and elevated temperature (+3 °C) by infrared heating of the canopy during 3 weeks. We assessed the elemental and isotopic composition, lignin and non-cellulosic carbohydrate content and composition of plant material grown under all three conditions. Its mineralization potential in soil and priming effects were evaluated during laboratory incubation.


Warming had no significant effect on elemental and stable isotope composition of both plant materials. In contrast, it resulted in reduction of lignin content for both plant species and decrease of the lignin-to-N ratio for F. arundinacea and increased non-cellulosic carbohydrate content for D. glomerata. Summer regrowth was characterised by increase of δ13C values, which is consistent with variations in stomatal conductance due to water shortage. Moreover, summer drought induced an increase in N content leading to decrease of the C/N ratio and increase of lignin-to-N ratio of summer regrowth compared to spring regrowth. Differences in decomposition were small, while priming effects were more strongly altered by the different exposure to enviromental.


Our results provide direct experimental evidence that extreme climatic events (high temperature and precipitation deficit) have an influence on soil carbon storage particularly through their effect on priming of native soil organic matter induced by altered plant litter. These effects seem to be governed by alterations of stoichiometry and to a smaller extent by alterations of plant chemical composition.  相似文献   

New strains of rhizosphere microorganisms Azotobacter chroococcum Az d10, Bacillus megaterium Pl-04, and Bacillus mucilaginosus B-1574 were found to be able to synthesize cytokinins (CKs) and indolylacetic acid (IAA). Three forms of CKs—dihydrozeatin riboside, isopentenyl adenosine, and trans-zeatin riboside—were identified, whose ratio was different in the three bacterial cultures. Inoculation of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) plants increased the content of CKs and IAA in them by 35.6 and 21.3%, respectively, and also stimulated seed germination and increased the growth rate, the biomass of shoots, the number of lateral roots, and the root hair area, which ensured better plant nutrition. The IAA/CKs ratio shifted during bacterization towards CKs due to increase in the content of riboside forms, which apparently caused growth stimulation.  相似文献   

The effect of kinetin, spermine and their combination on growth vigor, photosynthetic pigments, some metabolites, some enzymes, polyamines and productivity of salt-stressed Vigna sinensis plants was investigated. Salt stress reduced all evaluated growth criteria and yield components of used plants. Chlorophyll (CHL (a, b, carotenoids, carbohydrates, protein, spermidine and spermine level as well as and amylase activity were also decreased in response to salinity. On the other hand, proline, K+, Na+ and putrescine concentration, and peroxidase activity were increased in the salt-stressed plants. Exogenous application of kinetin and spermine mitigated the deleterious effects of salinity stress on growth and yield of the used plants. Conversely, the combined treatment of kinetin and spermine induced additional reduction in growth and yield of the stressed plants, and the effect appeared to be constitutive. The protective effect of kinetin and spermine on V. sinensis plants appeared mainly due to the enhancement effect of these growth regulators on chlorophylls and protein content and polyamines titer.  相似文献   

The effects of different concentrations of various macroelements on growth and endogenous GAs levels in root, stem, and leaf tissue of maize plants (Zea mays L.) were studied. Plants were cultivated in sand and supplied twice a week with a nutrient solution containing optimum, excessive, or deficient concentrations of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, and iron. Plants were harvested from three different periods: vegetation (4–5 leaves), flowering, and fruiting. The levels of gibberellic acid-like substances (GA3 equivalents ng g-1 FW) were determined by using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). In the first period (vegetative; 4–5 leaves), the levels of GAs in root, stem, and leaf of maize plants treated with excessive concentration of N, P, and Mg were increased between 6% and 27%. In the second period (flowering), significant increase was not observed in the levels of GAs, whereas a decrease was determined between 8% and 35%. In the third period (fruiting), the levels of GAs were lower (between 11% and 76%) than control plants in all applications.  相似文献   

Effects of sodium on mineral nutrition in rose plants   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The effects of sodium (Na+) ion concentration on shoot elongation, uptake of ammonium (NH4+) and nitrate (NO3?) and the activities of nitrate reductase (NR) and glutamine synthetase (GS) were studied in rose plants (Rosa hybrida cv. “Lambada”). The results showed that shoot elongation was negatively correlated with sodium concentration, although no external symptoms of toxicity were observed. Nitrate uptake decreased at high sodium levels, specifically at 30 meq litre4 of sodium. As flower development was normal under high saline conditions, this could suggest that nitrogen was being mobilised from shoot and leaf reserves. Ammonium uptake was not affected by any of the salt treatments applied probably because it diffuses through the cell membrane at low concentrations. Nitrate reductase activity was reduced by 50% at 30 meq litre 1 compared with control treatment, probably due to a decrease in the free nitrate related to nitrate uptake pattern. None of the salt treatments used affected total leaf GS activity (both chloroplastic and cytosolic isoforms) or leaf NPK mineral contents. Nitrate reductase activity in leaves increased at 10 meq litre?1 of sodium and GS activity in roots (cytosolic isoform only) followed the same pattern as NR. It is suggested that the activation of both enzymes at low salt level could be attributed to the beneficial effect of increased sulphur in the nutrient solutions.  相似文献   

Summary The utility of spraying some known N2-fixing microorganisms on rice leaves grown both in N-less sand culture and under field conditions was examined. The effect was compared with that of spraying a phyllosphere N2-fixing isolate of Klebsiella, KUPBR2, and application of nitrogenous fertilizers. All the growth parameters studied including dry weight and N-content were enhanced. Under field conditions number of tillers was increased by 26% withKlebsiella pneumoniae M5al and by 65% with Aphanothece. The dry weight of the plants was enhanced by 61–119%. The yield per 10 m2 was almost doubled with Aphanothece, Beijerinckia 8007,Mycobacterium flavum, K. pneumoniae M5al and KUPBR2. The increases observed withStreptomyces sp. G12 though less spectacular was significant at 1% level with respect to several growth parameters.K. pneumoniae M5al,M. flavum andStreptomyces sp. G12 exhibited nitrogenase activity both in laboratory culture and in association with rice plants.  相似文献   

Summary Sand culture technique was used to study the effect of irrigation with saline nutrient solutions on the water and mineral elements content of leaves of safflower, sunflower, wheat and radish. Saline culture solutions were prepared by adding NaCl and CaCl2 to Pfeffer's nutrient solution. The water content of wheat leaves was not affected by salinity, whereas that of leaves of safflower, sunflower and radish was significantly decreased at the high salinity level (6000 ppm) only.Sodium and calcium content of all test plants was generally increased progressively with salinity. The total nitrogen content of safflower and sunflower leaves was significantly increased, whereas that of wheat and radish leaves was almost significantly decreased by salinity. Salinity induced nonsignificant effect on phosphorus content of all test plants. Potassium content of the test plants was significantly reduced by salinity. Magnesium content of safflower and sunflower was significantly decreased by salinity, but the effect was non-significant in case of wheat and radish leaves. re]19760625  相似文献   

Effects of ultraviolet-B radiation on the growth and yield of crop plants   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
This paper reviews growth chamber, greenhouse, and field studies on the effects of ultraviolet-B (UV-B. between 280 and 320 nm) radiation on agricultural crop plants. Our understanding of the physiological effects of UV-B radiation comes primarily from growth chamber studies, where UV-B is artificially supplied via filtered lamps. Both photosystems I and II, as well as carboxylating enzymes, are sensitive to UV-B radiation. Ultraviolet-B radiation also affects stomatal resistance, chlorophyll concentration, soluble leaf proteins, lipids, and carbohydrate pools. In general, the effects of UV-B radiation are accentuated by the low levels of visible radiation typically found inside growth chambers. Ultraviolet-B radiation has also been shown to affect anatomical and morphological plant characteristics. Commonly observed UV-B induced changes include plant stunting, reductions in leaf area and total biomass, and alterations in the pattern of biomass partitioning into various plant organs. In sensitive plants, evidence of cell and tissue damage often appears on the upper leaf epidermis as bronzing, glazing, and chlorosis. Epidermal transmission in the UV region decreases in irradiated leaves. This decrease is primarily associated with a stimulation in flavonoid biosynthesis and is thought to be a protective, screening response to the deleterious effects of UV-B. A considerable degree of variability exists in sensitivity to UV-B radiation between different species. Approximately 30% of the species tested were resistant, another 20% were extremely sensitive, and the remainder were of intermediate sensitivity, in terms of reductions in total dry weight. In addition to this sizable interspecific variability, there appears to be a similarly wide intraspecific variability in UV-B response. The effects of UV-B radiation on crop yield have only been examined in a limited number of field studies, with ambient levels of UV-B radiation being supplemented with fluorescent sun lamps. Due to various deficiencies, all these field experiments to date have only limited utility for assessing the potential impact of enhanced levels of UV-B on crop productivity.  相似文献   

Most of southern Brazil is located in a subtropical region, thus representing a climatic and biogeographic transition, which results in different floristic contingents of both tropical and temperate origin in any particular study area. In order to verify the biogeographic affinities of climbing plants, a floristic survey was carried out in a Semideciduous Seasonal Forest remnant located in mideastern Rio Grande do Sul. The presence of the sampled species was recorded for three gradually more distant areas along four divergent expansion lines starting from the study area: northeast, northwest, midwest, and southwest. The distribution data were compiled from the available local and regional literature. The 82 species found comprised 55 genera and 33 families; most species occurred in a single family (Asteraceae), followed secondarily by Apocynaceae, Passifloraceae, Bignoniaceae and Fabaceae. Many species presented a relatively large geographic range, and most species occurred along the northern tropical expansion line. Multivariate analysis included the study area in a group formed exclusively by rain forests of a northeastern expansion line, indicating a southern continuity of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest, although it was locally represented by a lower number of species.  相似文献   

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