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We have recently shown that mitochondrial fission is induced early in reprogramming in a Drp1-dependent manner; however, the identity of the factors controlling Drp1 recruitment to mitochondria was unexplored. To investigate this, we used a panel of RNAi targeting factors involved in the regulation of mitochondrial dynamics and we observed that MiD51, Gdap1 and, to a lesser extent, Mff were found to play key roles in this process. Cells derived from Gdap1-null mice were used to further explore the role of this factor in cell reprogramming. Microarray data revealed a prominent down-regulation of cell cycle pathways in Gdap1-null cells early in reprogramming and cell cycle profiling uncovered a G2/M growth arrest in Gdap1-null cells undergoing reprogramming. High-Content analysis showed that this growth arrest was DNA damage-independent. We propose that lack of efficient mitochondrial fission impairs cell reprogramming by interfering with cell cycle progression in a DNA damage-independent manner.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial morphology is controlled by the opposing processes of fusion and fission. Previously, in baker’s yeast it was shown that reduced mitochondrial fission leads to a network-like morphology, decreased sensitivity for the induction of apoptosis and a remarkable extension of both replicative and chronological lifespan. However, the effects of reduced mitochondrial fusion on aging are so far unknown and complicated by the fact that deletion of genes encoding components of mitochondrial fusion are often lethal to higher organisms. This is also true for the mammalian OPA1 protein, which is a key regulator of mitochondrial inner membrane fusion. Baker’s yeast contains an OPA1 ortholog, Mgm1p. Deletion of Mgm1 is possible in yeast due to the fact that mitochondrial function is not essential for growth on glucose-containing media. In this study, we report that absence of mitochondrial fusion in the Δmgm1 mutant leads to a striking reduction of both replicative and chronological lifespan. Concomitantly, sensitivity to apoptosis elicitation via the reactive oxygen species hydrogen peroxide is substantially increased. These results demonstrate that the unopposed mitochondrial fission as displayed by the Δmgm1 mutant strongly affects organismal aging. Moreover, our results bear important clues for translational research to intervene into age-related degenerative processes also in multicellular organisms including humans.  相似文献   

Mouse models that accumulate high levels of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mutations owing to impairments in mitochondrial polymerase γ (PolG) proofreading function have been shown to develop phenotypes consistent with accelerated aging. As increase in mtDNA mutations and aging are risk factors for neurodegenerative diseases, we sought to determine whether increase in mtDNA mutations renders neurons more vulnerable to injury. We therefore examined the in vivo functional activity of retinal neurons and their ability to cope with stress in transgenic mice harboring a neural‐targeted mutant PolG gene with an impaired proofreading capability (Kasahara, et al. (2006) Mol Psychiatry 11 (6):577–93, 523). We confirmed that the retina of these transgenic mice have increased mtDNA deletions and point mutations and decreased expression of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation enzymes. Associated with these changes, the PolG transgenic mice demonstrated accelerated age‐related loss in retinal function as measured by dark‐adapted electroretinogram, particularly in the inner and middle retina. Furthermore, the retinal ganglion cell–dominant inner retinal function in PolG transgenic mice showed greater vulnerability to injury induced by raised intraocular pressure, an insult known to produce mechanical, metabolic, and oxidative stress in the retina. These findings indicate that an accumulation of mtDNA mutations is associated with impairment in neural function and reduced capacity of neurons to resist external stress in vivo, suggesting a potential mechanism whereby aging central nervous system can become more vulnerable to neurodegeneration.  相似文献   

Accumulating evidence suggests that mitochondrial dynamics is crucial for the maintenance of cellular quality control and function in response to various stresses. However, the role of mitochondrial dynamics in cellular responses to ionizing radiation (IR) is still largely unknown. In this study, we provide evidence that IR triggers mitochondrial fission mediated by the mitochondrial fission protein dynamin-related protein 1 (Drp1). We also show IR-induced mitotic catastrophe (MC), which is a type of cell death associated with defective mitosis, and aberrant centrosome amplification in mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs). These are attenuated by genetic or pharmacological inhibition of Drp1. Whereas radiation-induced aberrant centrosome amplification and MC are suppressed by the inhibition of Plk1 and CDK2 in wild-type MEFs, the inhibition of these kinases is ineffective in Drp1-deficient MEFs. Furthermore, the cyclin B1 level after irradiation is significantly higher throughout the time course in Drp1-deficient MEFs than in wild-type MEFs, implying that Drp1 is involved in the regulation of cyclin B1 level. These findings strongly suggest that Drp1 plays an important role in determining the fate of cells after irradiation via the regulation of mitochondrial dynamics.  相似文献   

The effects of temperature on the relationships among the rates of pyruvate carboxylation, O(2) uptake (J(o)), oxidative phosphorylation (J(p)), and the free energy of ATP hydrolysis (G(p)) were studied in liver mitochondria isolated from 250-g female rats. Pyruvate carboxylation was evaluated at 37, 40, and 43 degrees C. In disrupted mitochondria, pyruvate carboxylase maximal reaction velocity increased from 37 to 43 degrees C with an apparent Q(10) of 2.25. A reduction in ATP/ADP ratio decreased enzyme activity at all three temperatures. In contrast, in intact mitochondria, increasing temperature failed to increase pyruvate carboxylation (malate + citrate accumulation) but did result in increased J(o) and decreased extramitochondrial G(p). J(p) was studied in respiring mitochondria at 37 and 43 degrees C at various fractions of state 3 respiration, elicited with a glucose + hexokinase ADP-regenerating system. The relationship between J(o) and G(p) was similar at both temperatures. However, hyperthermia (43 degrees C) reduced the J(p)/J(o) ratio, resulting in lower G(p) for a given J(p). Fluorescent measurements of membrane phospholipid polarization revealed a transition in membrane order between 40 and 43 degrees C, a finding consistent with increased membrane proton conductance. It is concluded that hyperthermia augments nonspecific proton leaking across the inner mitochondrial membrane, and the resultant degraded energy state offsets temperature stimulation of pyruvate carboxylase. As a consequence, at high temperatures approaching 43 degrees C, the pyruvate carboxylation rate of intact liver mitochondria may fail to exhibit a Q(10) effect.  相似文献   

Changes in mitochondrial dynamics (fusion and fission) are known to occur during stem cell differentiation; however, the role of this phenomenon in tissue aging remains unclear. Here, we report that mitochondrial dynamics are shifted toward fission during aging of Drosophila ovarian germline stem cells (GSCs), and this shift contributes to aging‐related GSC loss. We found that as GSCs age, mitochondrial fragmentation and expression of the mitochondrial fission regulator, Dynamin‐related protein (Drp1), are both increased, while mitochondrial membrane potential is reduced. Moreover, preventing mitochondrial fusion in GSCs results in highly fragmented depolarized mitochondria, decreased BMP stemness signaling, impaired fatty acid metabolism, and GSC loss. Conversely, forcing mitochondrial elongation promotes GSC attachment to the niche. Importantly, maintenance of aging GSCs can be enhanced by suppressing Drp1 expression to prevent mitochondrial fission or treating with rapamycin, which is known to promote autophagy via TOR inhibition. Overall, our results show that mitochondrial dynamics are altered during physiological aging, affecting stem cell homeostasis via coordinated changes in stemness signaling, niche contact, and cellular metabolism. Such effects may also be highly relevant to other stem cell types and aging‐induced tissue degeneration.  相似文献   

Recently it was convincingly shown that the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae does possess the basic modules of programmed cell death machinery. As programmed cell death is suicide for a unicellular organism, it is reasonable to assume that they trigger the program when the death is beneficial for the rest of the population. Not surprisingly, most of the scenarios of physiological death of S. cerevisiae, i.e. cell death in stationary culture, during meiosis, during mating, and driven by viruses are dependent on quorum sensing, meaning that they depend on the cell density. Here we also discuss possible mechanisms that govern fitness decline during replicative aging of S. cerevisiae cells. We argue that loss of mitochondrial DNA function that occurs during replicative aging is programmed and adaptive. Indeed, yeast cells with nonfunctional mitochondrial DNA are known to be extremely stress-resistant, and also the presence of a subpopulation of such cells might protect the culture from degeneration by preventing the fixation of opportunistic mutations.  相似文献   

Astrocytes express laminin and assemble basement membranes (BMs) at their endfeet, which ensheath the cerebrovasculature. The function of astrocytic laminin in cerebrovascular integrity is unknown. We show that ablation of astrocytic laminin by tissue-specific Cre-mediated recombination disrupted endfeet BMs and led to hemorrhage in deep brain regions of adult mice, resembling human hypertensive hemorrhage. The lack of astrocytic laminin led to impaired function of vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs), where astrocytes have a closer association with VSMCs in small arterioles, and was associated with hemorrhagic vessels, which exhibited VSMC fragmentation and vascular wall disassembly. Acute disruption of astrocytic laminin in the striatum of adult mice also impaired VSMC function, indicating that laminin is necessary for VSMC maintenance. In vitro, both astrocytes and astrocytic laminin promoted brain VSMC differentiation. These results show that astrocytes regulate VSMCs and vascular integrity in small vessels of deep brain regions. Therefore, astrocytes may be a possible target for hemorrhagic stroke prevention and therapy.  相似文献   

In this study a well-characterized pathological mutation at nucleotide position 3243 of human mitochondrial DNA was introduced into human rho(0) teratocarcinoma (NT2) cells. In cloned and mixed populations of NT2 cells heteroplasmic for the mutation, mitotic segregation toward increasing levels of mutant mitochondrial DNA always occurred. Rapid segregation was frequently followed by complete loss of mitochondrial DNA. These findings support the idea that pathological mitochondrial DNA mutations are particularly deleterious in specific cell types, which can explain some of the tissue-specific aspects of mitochondrial DNA diseases. Moreover, these findings suggest that mitochondrial DNA depletion may be an important and widespread feature of mitochondrial DNA disease.  相似文献   



Mutations in Parkin are the most common cause of autosomal recessive Parkinson disease (PD). The mitochondrially localized E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase Parkin has been reported to be involved in respiratory chain function and mitochondrial dynamics. More recent publications also described a link between Parkin and mitophagy.

Methodology/Principal Findings

In this study, we investigated the impact of Parkin mutations on mitochondrial function and morphology in a human cellular model. Fibroblasts were obtained from three members of an Italian PD family with two mutations in Parkin (homozygous c.1072delT, homozygous delEx7, compound-heterozygous c.1072delT/delEx7), as well as from two relatives without mutations. Furthermore, three unrelated compound-heterozygous patients (delEx3-4/duplEx7-12, delEx4/c.924C>T and delEx1/c.924C>T) and three unrelated age-matched controls were included. Fibroblasts were cultured under basal or paraquat-induced oxidative stress conditions. ATP synthesis rates and cellular levels were detected luminometrically. Activities of complexes I-IV and citrate synthase were measured spectrophotometrically in mitochondrial preparations or cell lysates. The mitochondrial membrane potential was measured with 5,5′,6,6′-tetrachloro-1,1′,3,3′-tetraethylbenzimidazolylcarbocyanine iodide. Oxidative stress levels were investigated with the OxyBlot technique. The mitochondrial network was investigated immunocytochemically and the degree of branching was determined with image processing methods. We observed a decrease in the production and overall concentration of ATP coinciding with increased mitochondrial mass in Parkin-mutant fibroblasts. After an oxidative insult, the membrane potential decreased in patient cells but not in controls. We further determined higher levels of oxidized proteins in the mutants both under basal and stress conditions. The degree of mitochondrial network branching was comparable in mutants and controls under basal conditions and decreased to a similar extent under paraquat-induced stress.


Our results indicate that Parkin mutations cause abnormal mitochondrial function and morphology in non-neuronal human cells.  相似文献   

Growing evidence suggest that, in the heart, sphingosine participates to contractile dysfunction by altering calcium transients and mitochondria function. However, mechanisms underlying sphingosine-induced cardiac mitochondria dysfunction are poorly understood. Here, we studied the effects of sphingosine on isolated cardiac mitochondria of either wild-type or Bcl-2 overexpressing transgenic mice. Sphingosine induced reductions in ADP-coupled respiration, membrane potential, mitochondrial cytochrome c content and ATP production, which were partially prevented by cyclosporine A and mitochondrial Bcl-2 overexpression. These data suggest that sphingosine promotes mitochondrial permeability transition pore opening, which may result in uncoupled respiration and participate in cardiac contractile dysfunction.  相似文献   

Mitochondria display a variety of shapes, ranging from small and spherical or the classical tubular shape to extended networks. Shape transitions occur frequently and include fusion, fission, and branching. It was reported that some mitochondrial shape transitions are developmentally regulated, whereas others were linked to disease or apoptosis. However, if and how mitochondrial function controls mitochondrial shape through regulation of mitochondrial fission and fusion is unclear. Here, we show that inhibitors of electron transport, ATP synthase, or the permeability transition pore (mtPTP) induced reversible mitochondrial fission. Mitochondrial fission depended on dynamin-related protein 1 (DRP1) and F-actin: Disruption of F-actin attenuated fission and recruitment of DRP1 to mitochondria. In contrast, uncoupling of electron transport and oxidative phosphorylation caused mitochondria to adopt a distinct disk shape. This shape change was independent of the cytoskeleton and DRP1 and was most likely caused by swelling. Thus, disruption of mitochondrial function rapidly and reversibly altered mitochondrial shape either by activation of DRP1-dependent fission or by swelling, indicating a close relationship between mitochondrial fission, shape, and function. Furthermore, our results suggest that the actin cytoskeleton is involved in mitochondrial fission by facilitating mitochondrial recruitment of DRP1.  相似文献   

Long-chain acyl-CoA synthetase 1 (ACSL1) contributes more than 90% of total cardiac ACSL activity, but its role in phospholipid synthesis has not been determined. Mice with an inducible knockout of ACSL1 (Acsl1T−/−) have impaired cardiac fatty acid oxidation and rely on glucose for ATP production. Because ACSL1 exhibited a strong substrate preference for linoleate, we investigated the composition of heart phospholipids. Acsl1T−/− hearts contained 83% less tetralinoleoyl-cardiolipin (CL), the major form present in control hearts. A stable knockdown of ACSL1 in H9c2 rat cardiomyocytes resulted in low incorporation of linoleate into CL and in diminished incorporation of palmitate and oleate into other phospholipids. Overexpression of ACSL1 in H9c2 and HEK-293 cells increased incorporation of linoleate into CL and other phospholipids. To determine whether increasing the content of linoleate in CL would improve mitochondrial respiratory function in Acsl1T−/− hearts, control and Acsl1T−/− mice were fed a high-linoleate diet; this diet normalized the amount of tetralinoleoyl-CL but did not improve respiratory function. Thus, ACSL1 is required for the normal composition of several phospholipid species in heart. Although ACSL1 determines the acyl-chain composition of heart CL, a high tetralinoleoyl-CL content may not be required for normal function.  相似文献   

Sterols are essential lipids, involved in many biological processes. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the enzymes of the ergosterol biosynthetic pathway (Erg proteins) are localized in different cellular compartments. With the aim of studying organelle interactions, we discovered that Erg27p resides mainly in Lipid Droplets (LDs) in respiratory competent cells, while in absence of respiration, is found mostly in the ER. The results presented in this paper demonstrate an interplay between the mitochondrial respiration and ergosterol production: on the one hand, rho° cells show lower ergosterol content when compared with wild type respiratory competent cells, on the other hand, the ergosterol biosynthetic pathway influences the mitochondrial status, since treatment with ketoconazole, which blocks the ergosterol pathway, or the absence of the ERG27 gene, induced rho° production in S. cerevisiae. The loss of mitochondrial DNA in the ∆erg27 strain is fully suppressed by exogenous addition of ergosterol. These data suggest the notion that ergosterol is essential for maintaining the mitochondrial DNA attached to the inner mitochondrial membrane.  相似文献   

Some mutations of the DHODH (dihydro-orotate dehydrogenase) gene lead to postaxial acrofacial dysostosis or Miller syndrome. Only DHODH is localized at mitochondria among enzymes of the de novo pyrimidine biosynthesis pathway. Since the pyrimidine biosynthesis pathway is coupled to the mitochondrial RC (respiratory chain) via DHODH, impairment of DHODH should affect the RC function. To investigate this, we used siRNA (small interfering RNA)-mediated knockdown and observed that DHODH knockdown induced cell growth retardation because of G2/M cell-cycle arrest, whereas pyrimidine deficiency usually causes G1/S arrest. Inconsistent with this, the cell retardation was not rescued by exogenous uridine, which should bypass the DHODH reaction for pyrimidine synthesis. DHODH depletion partially inhibited the RC complex III, decreased the mitochondrial membrane potential, and increased the generation of ROS (reactive oxygen species). We observed that DHODH physically interacts with respiratory complexes II and III by IP (immunoprecipitation) and BN (blue native)/SDS/PAGE analysis. Considering that pyrimidine deficiency alone does not induce craniofacial dysmorphism, the DHODH mutations may contribute to the Miller syndrome in part through somehow altered mitochondrial function.  相似文献   

Kim HL  Choi YK  Kim do H  Park SO  Han J  Park YS 《FEBS letters》2007,581(28):5430-5434
A putative cellular function of tetrahydropteridines (l-erythro-tetrahydrobiopterin and d-threo-tetrahydrobiopterin) was investigated in Dictyostelium discoideum Ax2 using a mutant disrupted in the gene encoding sepiapterin reductase (SR). The SR mutant, which produces about 3% of tetrahydropteridines if compared to wild-type, was elucidated to have several functional defects related to mitochondria and oxidative stress: retarded growth, poor spore viability, impaired mitochondrial function, and increased susceptibility to oxidative stress induced by hydroxylamine or cumene-hydroperoxide. However, the physiological defects were almost completely rescued by extrachromosomal expression of Dictyostelium SR. The results strongly suggested that tetrahydropteridines in Dictyostelium are associated with mitochondrial function, probably via direct protection against oxidative stress.  相似文献   

Cardiac and skeletal muscle critically depend on mitochondrial energy metabolism for their normal function. Recently, we showed that apoptosis-inducing factor (AIF), a mitochondrial protein implicated in programmed cell death, plays a role in mitochondrial respiration. However, the in vivo consequences of AIF-regulated mitochondrial respiration resulting from a loss-of-function mutation in Aif are not known. Here, we report tissue-specific deletion of Aif in the mouse. Mice in which Aif has been inactivated specifically in cardiac and skeletal muscle exhibit impaired activity and protein expression of respiratory chain complex I. Mutant animals develop severe dilated cardiomyopathy, heart failure, and skeletal muscle atrophy accompanied by lactic acidemia consistent with defects in the mitochondrial respiratory chain. Isolated hearts from mutant animals exhibit poor contractile performance in response to a respiratory chain-dependent energy substrate, but not in response to glucose, supporting the notion that impaired heart function in mutant animals results from defective mitochondrial energy metabolism. These data provide genetic proof that the previously defined cell death promoter AIF has a second essential function in mitochondrial respiration and aerobic energy metabolism required for normal heart function and skeletal muscle homeostasis.  相似文献   

A key adaptation enabling the fetus to survive in a limited energy environment may be the reprogramming of mitochondrial function, which can have deleterious effects. Critical questions are whether mitochondrial dysfunction progressively declines after birth, and if so, what mechanism might underlie this process. To address this, we developed a model of intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) in the rat that leads to diabetes in adulthood. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) production and oxidative stress gradually increased in IUGR islets. ATP production was impaired and continued to deteriorate with age. The activities of complex I and III of the electron transport chain progressively declined in IUGR islets. Mitochondrial DNA point mutations accumulated with age and were associated with decreased mitochondrial DNA content and reduced expression of mitochondria-encoded genes in IUGR islets. Mitochondrial dysfunction resulted in impaired insulin secretion. These results demonstrate that IUGR induces mitochondrial dysfunction in the fetal beta-cell, leading to increased production of ROS, which in turn damage mitochondrial DNA. A self-reinforcing cycle of progressive deterioration in mitochondrial function leads to a corresponding decline in beta-cell function. Finally, a threshold in mitochondrial dysfunction and ROS production is reached, and diabetes ensues.  相似文献   

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