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Food mixing strategies were compared in the cryptically coloured, relatively sedentary `solitarious' and the highly mobile, conspicuously coloured `gregarious' phases of the desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria. Based on phase related differences in behaviour and nutritional regulatory responses, we predicted that solitarious nymphs, compared to gregarious nymphs, would move less between nutritionally complementary foods, particularly as the distance between the foods increased. We manipulated the nutritional composition [protein (p) and digestible carbohydrate (c) content] of two foods in an experimental arena and varied the distance between the foods using a factorial experimental design. Results indicated that in general, solitarious nymphs showed greater fidelity to individual food dishes than did gregarious insects (i.e., they concentrated their feeding mainly on one dish). However, results also demonstrated that for both phases fidelity to a particular food dish increased as the distance between the dishes increased, and that the number of switches between dishes decreased with increasing distance. In the smallest arenas, though, gregarious nymphs switched more frequently between the two food dishes than solitarious nymphs, even when the two dishes contained the same, near-optimal food (p18:c24). When challenged by having the two dishes either placed furthest apart (2 m) or more divergent in nutritional composition (p29:c13 vs. p7:c35), insects of both phases regulated protein intake more strongly than carbohydrate intake, by eating more from the dish containing higher-protein food.  相似文献   

One of the central dichotomies in primate behavior is between species in which there are relationships among females that include stable dominance relationships, and those in which the relationships include weak or unstable dominance relationships. This dichotomy has been attributed to differences in food resources, with stable dominance hierarchies occurring in species that feed on usurpable foods. We compared rank-related differences in nonagonistic behaviors considered to be tightly linked to ecology in broadly sympatric vervets (Cercopithecus aethiops) and patas monkeys (Erythrocebus patas), two closely related cercopithecines that are exemplars of this dichotomy, with the expectation that vervets would exhibit stronger rank differences than patas monkeys in these behaviors. Overall, rank explained more than twice as much variation among vervets as among patas monkeys in ranging behavior, activity budgets, and diet. Vervets did not, however, exhibit stronger rank differences when they used Acacia xanthophloea habitat, in which foods are more usurpable, compared to Acacia drepanolobium habitat, in which foods are less usurpable. In Acacia drepanolobium habitat, to which patas are restricted, higher-ranking vervets converged in behavior with patas monkeys to a greater extent than lower-ranking vervets, suggesting that social constraints interfere with the foraging efficiency of lower-ranking vervets even in habitats in which there are fewer opportunities to usurp foods.  相似文献   

Plant secondary compounds can prevent feeding by phytophagous insects or, if ingested, can be poisonous to them. Less attention has been paid to the additional effects they have on feeding behavior when they are only weakly deterrent or not deterrent at all. Experiments were carried out on the generalist grass-hopperSchistocerca americana. Individuals were presented either with two cakes of high-quality artificial food with a single deterrent compound added or with two cakes, each with a different added deterrent compound. The deterrents consisted of single plant secondary compounds that were either marginally or strongly deterrent. There were profound differences in feeding behavior between those individuals given identical and those given different cake types, including longer feeding bouts on single cakes when a choice of different cake types was available. The behavioral effects demonstrate that the presence of secondary compounds in one food can influence the patterns of feeding on other available foods and suggest that such chemicals could impact foraging activities in a complex manner.  相似文献   

食物对棉铃虫生长发育及繁殖的影响   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
侯茂林  盛承发 《昆虫学报》2000,43(2):168-175
用棉花、花生、玉米及人工饲料作为食料,模拟幼虫田间取食习性,同时为雌蛾设立补充和无补充营养两个处理,研究了食物对棉铃虫 Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) 生长发育及繁殖的影响。4种食料组幼虫历期之间有显著差异;雌、雄蛹重花生组显著小于其余三组。雌蛾腹部干重及其脂肪百分含量与雌蛹体重的排列顺序一样,雌蛾腹部干重人工饲料组显著大于棉花组和花生组。雌蛾寿命和繁殖受幼虫食料和成虫食物的双重影响。喂10%蜂蜜时,雌蛾寿命、交配率和产卵量在四个幼虫食料组之间没有显著差异。但喂以清水时,花生组雌蛾均未交配,寿命和产卵量显著小于其余三组。从同种幼虫食料来看,除人工饲料组外,其余3组雌蛾喂清水时的产卵量和寿命均比喂10%蜂蜜溶液时的显著下降。基于这些结果,作者认为棉花、玉米比花生更适合于棉铃虫的生长发育和繁殖。在田间自然栽培状态下,不同食料植物的糖分含量对棉铃虫生长发育和繁殖影响较大,含氮量的变化影响小。  相似文献   

This study investigated behavioral syndromes, which are defined as correlations between behaviors. Behavioral syndromes can lead to the unintentional alteration of a wide range of behavioral traits of hatchery fish if unintentional selection on one behavior leads to selection on a correlated behavior. Specifically, this study used brown rockfish, Sebastes auriculatus, to test the hypothesis that a fish that feeds at high rates in the absence of a predator also takes more risks when a predator is present, and that through such a correlation, unintentional hatchery selection for high feeding rates may also lead to changes in risk taking behavior (here defined as behavior that increases predation risk). Behavioral syndromes were found—feeding behavior in the absence of a predator tended to correlate positively with both feeding behavior in the presence of a predator model and time near the model. These syndromes were stable through time—that is, the same correlations appeared 10 days later when the behavioral assays were repeated. However individual behavior was inconsistent (plastic). A fish could both feed and take risks at high rates on Day 1, but then both feed and take risks at low rates on Day 10. Thus, while behavioral syndromes were stable (i.e. present in both rounds 1 and 2), individuals were plastic in their behavior (i.e. inconsistent between rounds 1 and 2). After 16 weeks of hatchery rearing, neither growth nor survival were predicted by behavior. It is suggested that the behavioral plasticity within individuals through time makes consistent selection for strong feeders less likely, and that species with more plastic behavior may be less susceptible to unintentional selection on behavioral syndromes than species with behavior that is more fixed.  相似文献   

We examined (i) whether bonobos display a specific food-calling behavior when discovering a hidden food resource, (ii) whether the presence of competitors affects this behavior, and (iii) whether food quantity or gender influences its appearance. We carried out experiments (n = 108) within a captive group of eight bonobos at the Animal Park Planckendael (Mechelen,Belgium). We hid highly preferred food items (n = 7 or 25) in their enclosure and recorded vocal behavior and interactions between discoverer and group members. As a control, we gave the same number of items to the individuals when isolated from the group, a situation without potential food competition (n = 38). The only vocalization frequently uttered by the discoverer was the food peep. They uttered food peeps significantly more often when no food competition was possible. The amount of food had no significant influence on whether food peeps were uttered. The same applies to the individuals’ identity or gender. Although the costs of food calling behavior seemed much higher for males, both sexes uttered food calls to the same extent. We hypothesize thai males signal food presence in order to attract potential mates and are willing to give up the discovered food resource in return for sex: sex for food exchange. In contrast, females may vocalize to attract coalition partners. Through these coalitions, they can monopolize food resources vis-à-vis males. It is also possible that females have less reason to suppress food calk, since they are dominant to males. This study suggests that bonobos are able to give shaded signals about their environment and have the potential to communicate this information in order to promote their sexual strategy.  相似文献   

Members of a single group of green monkeys spent, on average, 44.8% of their waking time foraging, 46.7% resting, and 8.5% in social activities, over 1 year. There was significant variation in activity budgets over months (ranging from 35 to 55% of the time spent feeding). Diurnal rhythms of feeding and ranging were influenced by the daily cycle of temperature in predictable ways in different seasons: in the dry season, activity was reduced if it was too hot or too cold, while the temperature in the wet season did not affect activities. Feeding was also synchronized among individuals on a finer time scale, irrespective of the time of day. There was closer synchrony when feeding on less common foods. An ecological model of foraging time and energetics was tested, using estimates of the costs and benefits of foraging and predicting how these are optimally balanced in relation to the food density. Both feeding time and distance traveled increased as food availability increased. Costs and benefits were balanced over several days. Comparisons between populations of Cercopithecus aethiopswere made; differences in time budgets were compared with differences in the availability and quality of food. Insufficient comparative data are available for firm conclusions about the role of different energetic and nutritive strategies in population differences.  相似文献   

Macoma balthica (L.) is a common clam of the estuarine seafloor, belonging to an important group of invertebrates possessing the capacity to choose between the two fundamental modes of feeding available, using its siphon to inhale either suspended food particles from the water or food particles deposited on the sediment surface. Field experiments demonstrate that intraspecific competition, effects of other competing benthic invertebrates, and complex interactions between competition and partial predation (siphon cropping by fishes) modify the foraging behavior of Macoma. When protected by caging from siphon nipping by fishes, Macoma demonstrated greater siphon regeneration at lower density, indicating the importance of competition for limited resources. In the absence of siphon croppers, these same clams also exhibited more deposit feeding at the lower density either because of improved ability to deposit-feed with longer siphons or because deposited foods become more rapidly depleted than suspended foods on local spatial scales. Addition of siphon-nipping fishes caused greater reductions in siphon size of clams at lower density, presumably because the intensity of nipping per clam was greater where clam targets were fewer and because deposit feeding, which was more intense at lower densities, confers a greater risk of cropping from greater siphon extension and activity than characterize suspension feeding. Deposit feeding by Macoma was reduced in the presence of siphon croppers at both high and low density of clams, but the intensity of deposit-feeding activity at low density was substantially higher than predicted by additive effects of clam density and cropping. This suggests operation of a balancing strategy in Macoma whereby it is accepting greater risks of partial predation when rewards of greater food harvest are larger. The surprising failure to adopt a risk-averse stratery may be explained by the non-lethal nature of partial predation, which renders siphon loss an energetic penalty replacable through regeneration. The presence of a bed of suspension-feeding Rangia cuneata also altered foraging behavior of Macoma by inducing a switch to more intense deposit feeding, in response either to the documented near-bottom depletion of suspended foods or to likely enhanced biodeposition from feces and pseudofeces. The induction of greater deposit feeding by the presence of this competing suspension feeder led to greater siphon losses during exposure to croppers because Macoma was practicing more risky feeding behavior. This enhanced loss of siphon tissues to croppers in the presence of the suspension-feeding Rangia induced an interaction between the effects of siphon croppers and Rangia, such that Macoma exhibited a larger switch away from deposit feeding in the presence of siphon croppers when Rangia were also present. Clearly, the foraging decisions made by individuals can only be understood in a broad holistic context of population, community, and ecosystem processes.  相似文献   

Egg size was measured at different rates of egg laying in three polyphagous carabid species, known to be useful predators of cereal aphids; the small Bembidion lampros Herbst and the medium-sized Pterostichus cupreus L. and P. melanarius Illiger. Variations in fecundity, as well as the ability of the medium-sized species to also build up fat reserves, were obtained when beetles were subjected to different dietary regimes consisting of aphids, or foods with a lower or higher protein content. Egg size was found to be dependent on the rate of egg laying within a species. A diet of cereal aphids appeared to be adequate for egg production in these polyphagous carabids, but female P. cupreus were unable to build up fat reserves when they ingested aphids contaminated with the aphicide pirimicarb. Beetles were able to devote resources to more and larger eggs (B. lampros), or to larger eggs and/or fat reserves (P. melanarius/P. cupreus) when given access to a carbohydrate-rich food with low protein content. The highest rate of egg laying was obtained when female P. cupreus and P. melanarius were given a more varied diet at frequent intervals; including regular shifts between unsprayed aphids, carbohydrate-rich food and protein-rich maggots. Within the varied diet treatment a negative relationship was obtained between egg size and egg number among similar-sized individuals of P. cupreus and P. melanarius; females producing the largest number also laid the smallest eggs. Egg size affected larval survival, since first instars hatching from large eggs were found to survive longer than those hatching from small eggs. The influence of differences in food intake on reproduction, maintenance metabolism, and survival of fieldinhabiting carabids is discussed.  相似文献   

I tested the hypothesis that mother-young cofeeding correlates with a systematic similar food selection in wild Mayotte brown lemurs (Eulemur fulvus). I simultaneously recorded the feeding behavior of 4 maternal dyad members, from infant birth to weaning, and 10–12 mo of juvenile age, during 10-min focal periods, each separated by 5-min intervals over 10 mo. I recorded the solid food items selected for each feeding behavior at the level of specific plant part, along with the distance between the 2 individuals. I considered feeding behaviors simultaneous (between the young lemurs and their mothers) when the young began to eat a food item while the mother was already eating, regardless of the separation distance. During their first year, most of the feeding events of the young brown lemurs were initiated by their mothers. However, infants also selected different food items from those chosen by their mothers in almost one-third of cases, and the food selection dissimilarity was not attributable to an increase in the distance of separation. For juveniles, dissimilar food selection was significantly lower and linked to an increase in mother-juvenile separation distance. Thus, the substantial proportion of dissimilarity in solid foods selected by the infant during the synchronized feeding behaviors strongly suggests that social influences were not food-specific and might instead drive the acquisition of group feeding activity rhythm rather than food selection habits.  相似文献   

We studied the influences of food type, food quantity, water currents, starvation and light on growth and reproduction of the sea hareaplysia oculifera (Adams and Reeve, 1850) under laboratory conditions. Out of five species of algae served as food,Enteromorpha intestinalis promoted the fastest growth ofA. oculifera, Ulva spp. slower growth,Cladophora sp. allowed maintenance spp. slower growth,Cladophora sp. allowed maintenance of steady body mass, and the brown algaeColpomenia sp. andPadina pavonia were rejected by the sea hares. When sea hares were exposed to four levels of water currents, growth rates decreased as water currents increased. Sea hares fed on 50% ration grew slower than those fed on 100% ration (ad libitum). During 10 days of starvation sea hares lost weight, but when subsequently fed 100% ration they recovered and grew at a rate similar to those fed continuously with 100% ration. Under shade and under natural sunlight sea hares grew at the same rates. Whenever growth rates decreased, sea hares began to spawn at a smaller body size.A. oculifera demonstrated physiological plasticity that adapted them to varied and unpredictable environmental conditions. At different conditions of food availability they applied different tactics of resource allocation between growth and reproduction.  相似文献   

Synopsis Although juvenile chum salmon,Oncorhynchus keta, are generally regarded as a schooling fish, when presented with a defensible point-source of food, some individuals abandon schooling, aggressively subordinate competitors, and monopolize food. When food is removed, fish gradually abandon solitary agonistic behaviors and return to schooling behavior. Agonism increases in frequency and intensity as juveniles age. The ability to alternate facultatively between schooling and solitary agonistic behavior may enable juvenile chum to respond to local patterns of food distribution and predation risk. The ontogenetic increase in agonism may result in school dispersal as fish move from the estuary into coastal waters, and may well reflect a shift in the costs versus the benefits of schooling as fish mature and become less vulnerable to predation.  相似文献   

The prediction of water temperatures in chalk streams from air temperatures   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
The transmission of Epistylis daphniae infection among Boeckella triarticulata and the effect of peritrich epizoites on the copepod hosts were examined at 15 °C in the laboratory. After being paired with carrier copepodites, 97.5% of non-carrier adults became hosts to E. daphniae. When food was present there was no difference between carriers and non-carriers in growth of copepodites, and in survival and reproduction of adults. When food was absent, copepods infected with E. daphniae survived for shorter periods than non-carriers (p < 0.002). Therefore, colonial peritrichs may contribute to the decline of copepod populations when they are in a food-limited environment.  相似文献   

To explore the potential grazing effects of mussels on Microcystis aeruginosa, a common bloom-forming phytoplankton, Unio douglasiae and Corbicula fluminea were fed with Scenedesmus obliquus, toxic and non-toxic strains of Microcystis aeruginosa as single food and as mixtures in the laboratory. When fed with single foods, U. douglasiae has similar clearance rates on the three algae populations, while C. fluminea has significantly lower clearance rate on toxic M. aeruginosa than those on the other two algae populations. When fed with mixture foods, both the mussels show significantly higher clearance rates than on single foods. The clearance rates of U. douglasiae on the different food mixtures are not significantly different, and C. fluminea has a significantly lower clearance rate on the toxic food mixtures than that on non-toxic food mixtures. Although the relative lower clearance rates of C. fluminea on toxic food, we may still deduce that both the mussels can exert grazing pressure on phytoplankton. The deduction is supported by the composition of the excretion products. The excretion products (faeces and pseudofaeces) of both mussels contained mainly S. obliquus. In both mixed-food treatments, the ratios of S. obliquus to M. aeruginosa in the excrete products are significantly higher than those in the foods. Therefore, it can be concluded that both mussels prefer M. aeruginosa to S. obliquus, and can cause grazing pressure on M. aeruginosa.  相似文献   

Summary Life table experiments were conducted on the generalist suspension feeder Daphnia galeata, using as food the two green algae (Chlorophyta) Scenedesmus acutus and Oocystis lacustris. Oocystis was hypothesized to be a lower quality food because it is convered with a thick sheath, believed to reduce digestibility. Results showed that Oocystis is a lower quality food for Daphnia, but only at relatively low food concentrations (0.15 mg C/L) and not at higher concentrations (1.0 mg C/L). At 0.15 mg C/L, Daphnia intrinsic rate of increase (r) when grown on Oocystis was only half that when grown on Scenedesmus. Daphnia r was similar at 0.15 mg C/L Oocystis and 0.075 mg C/L Scenedesmus, indicating that Daphnia requires twice as much Oocystis as Scenedesmus to achieve the same fitness. Intrinsic rate of increase was lower on Oocystis mainly because age at first reproduction was greatly delayed compared to that on Scenedesmus (13.6 vs 7.3 d). In addition, juvenile growth and survivorship were reduced on Oocystis compared with Scenedesmus. Clutch sizes were similar on the two foods, indicating that once individuals reached adulthood, the two foods were similar in quality. In contrast, at high food concentrations (1.0 mg C/L), the two algae were similar in quality for both juveniles and adults, and r was not significantly different on the two foods. Ingestion and assimilation rate experiments whowed that Daphnia consumes the two algae at identical rates, and that adults assimilate the two algae at similar rates. However, juveniles assimilate Oocystis at much lower rates than Scenedesmus, possibly accounting for reduced juvenile growth and delay in age at maturity at low concentrations. Thus, Daphnia exhibits an ontogenetic shift in its ability to utilize Oocystis, and this can result in juvenile bottlenecks in which survival and growth of young age classes are of critical importance in determining population dynamics. Because food quality effects were manifested primarily in juveniles and at low concentrations, food quality effects in nature will depend on phytoplankton abundance and age-structure of Daphnia populations.  相似文献   

To compare host-searching and ovipositional behavior of Cardiochiles nigriceps Viereck (CN) in tobacco and cotton, behavior of CN females was observed on Hellothis virescens (Febricius)-infested plants and recorded using a Psion Organizer II with Observer software. Hover, search, oviposit, preen, rest, walk, agony-search, drop-search, and miss-search were the nine behaviors observed for each plant species. Agony-search was a searching behavior exhibited when CN females were prevented from ovipositing in a host because they were unable to reach the host. Drop-search and miss-search were the searching behaviors that occurred by CN females after a host dropped from the plant and when CN females missed ovipositing in a host, respectively. Hovering, searching, oviposition, miss-search, resting, and walking were equally common for CN on tobacco and cotton. Agony-search was exhibited more on tobacco than cotton, while drop-search and preening occurred more on cotton than tobacco. Female CN spent more time hovering in tobacco than in cotton, indicating that these females preferred tobacco to cotton. Female parasitoids also spent more time in the main ovipositional sequence, hover–search–oviposit, in tobacco than in cotton, mainly because females hovered more in tobacco than in cotton. Frequency and time of behavioral sequences associated with experiencing frustration in ovipositing due to difficulty in reaching or finding a host and subsequent level of success in ovipositing in a new host were determined. Overall, the rate of successful oviposition by CN females was significantly higher in tobacco (87.7%) than in cotton (79.5%). For cotton and tobacco, the rate of successful oviposition by CN females was significantly reduced (ca. 40.0%) when they experienced frustration in ovipositing compared to the rate of ovipositional success (100%) for CN females when hosts were present and easily accessible. Encountering ovipositional frustration also increased the duration of time for successful oviposition in comparison to the time spent for problem-free oviposition in cotton and tobacco. Interestingly, with successful oviposition, the amount of time spent in a behavioral sequence was not significantly different for tobacco and cotton regardless of whether females experienced ovipositional frustration or not. However, female CN invested more time in tobacco than in cotton when they were unsuccessful in ovipositing due to the inaccessibility or disappearance of hosts. CN females' preference for tobacco over cotton probably gave them more motivation to continue searching for hosts, especially those not easily attained, on tobacco than on cotton. Nevertheless, CN females readily searched in cotton for HV even in the presence of host-infested tabacco. CN females possibly could be successful in maintaining levels of HV below an economic threshold when using a tobacco trap crop to protect cotton as the main crop.  相似文献   

Dietary differences in the ages and sexes of Sika deer (Cervus nippon) were studied on Kinkazan Island, northern Japan from October 1990 to July 1991. Larger deer consumed more graminoids than smaller deer except in spring, and less dicotyledonous leaves in all the seasons. Fecal nitrogen concentrations were lower in larger deer than in smaller deer in all the seasons. The age-sex differences in foods were smaller in summer and winter when foods were most abundant and scarce, respectively, while they were greater in spring and autumn when food availability was intermediate.  相似文献   

Infant marmosets and tamarins (Callitrichidae) frequently receive food from older group members. Three possible functions of food sharing in lion tamarins were examined experimentally. The first hypothesis, that food sharing ensures that infants receive sufficient food even if it is difficult for them to acquire it themselves, was tested by varying the ease with which infants could reach a food source. When access to food was restricted, infants fed themselves less, received more food from others, and had a higher success rate in begging attempts. The second hypothesis, that food sharing helps teach infants an appropriate diet, was tested by presenting fruits that were novel to infants. Although infants fed themselves less under these conditions, adults were less likely to share novel foods than familiar foods. The final experiment compared food sharing when food was abundant with behavior when food items were presented singly. Infants fed themselves less and received more food from others when food items were rare. These results suggest that food sharing in lion tamarins helps to ensure that infants receive adequate amounts of food which is difficult to locate or acquire, but that it is not involved in teaching infants which foods they should eat. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Weeks  Stephen C.  Duff  R. Joel 《Hydrobiologia》2002,486(1):295-302
Herein we report the first genetic comparison among species in the genus Eulimnadia. Multilocus genotypic patterns (using six allozyme loci) were compared for a total of 2277 clam shrimp from nine populations from Arizona and New Mexico. Seven of these populations were morphologically typed as Eulimnadia texana Packard and two were typed as Eulimnadia diversa Mattox. All populations were hermaphrodite-biased, and highly inbred (inbreeding coefficients ranging from 0.33 to 0.98). Genetic distances showed the two species to be within the range described for other arthropods. One of the two E. diversa populations appeared to be a hybrid between E. texana and E. diversa, showing electrophoretic patterns similar to both species, although morphologically, they were typed as E. diversa. A phenogram (generated using coancestry distances and a neighbor joining algorithm) placed this hybrid population half-way between these two species, and a breakdown of individuals within this hybrid population (based on allozyme scores) indicated individuals very similar to the second E. diversa population, and two groups of apparent hybrid individuals. Therefore, the distinction between these two species is questionable due to their apparent hybridization in this area of Arizona. Genetic population structuring was noted among the seven E. texana pools. Estimated migration rates were less than one migrant per generation. Even in the geographically close pools in New Mexico, which were separated by only hundreds of meters, significant sub-structuring was noted, and estimates of migration rate were less than two migrants per generation.  相似文献   

We examined the spatial and temporal distribution of the foods of ursine colobus (Colobus vellerosus) at Boabeng-Fiema, Ghana as a means to predict the monopolizablity and usurpability of their food resources. Recent evidence suggests that food may not be limiting for folivorous primates, and that male sexual coercion may be a more important influence on folivore social organization. To address the question, we collected focal data on the feeding behavior of adult females and males over 11 mo (September 2000-August 2001) on 2 groups: WW (n = 31–33 individuals) and B (n = 8–16 individuals). We also conducted phenological monitoring and a tree survey of the two-group home ranges to establish food availability and distribution. We used 2 behavioral or organism-defined indicators of feeding behavior to assess potential resource contestability: food site residence time and distance moved between food sites. The colobus fed on a high diversity of species, most of their food trees were not clumped in distribution, within-tree interfood distances were short, and food trees were large. The only condition associated with the potential for monopolization was low food tree density. However, low food tree density may be offset by the colobus’ use of large trees. Taken together, the ecological and behavioral indicators suggest the food resources of Colobus vellerosus had a low potential for monopolization. Our results also indicate mature leaves had the longest food site residence time, which may suggest they should be the most usurpable plant part, though their presumed low quality and high abundance probably counteracted the effect. The pattern implied the potential for direct feeding competition among Colobus vellerosus at Boabeng-Fiema was low and agonistic interactions over food are not expected. Instead, a group size effect on feeding efficiency should be a more predominant influence on feeding efficiency, if food is limiting for the species.  相似文献   

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