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Dendrite ultrastructure was studied in different brain areas of old rats, aged 28-30 months. Different ultrastructural forms of the reactive and destructive processes in the dendrites, irregularity of their pathomorphological changes with ageing and greater destruction of large dendrites, as compared to small ones are demonstrated.  相似文献   

Xiong W  Chen WR 《Neuron》2002,34(1):115-126
A unique feature of the olfactory bulb circuit is the long projection of the mitral cell lateral dendrites. Through dendrodendritic reciprocal synapses, these dendrites connect one olfactory glomerular module to hundreds of others; but the functional principles governing these extensive lateral interactions remain largely unknown. Here we report that the spatial extent of action potential propagation in these dendrites is dynamically regulated by inhibitory synapses distributed along the dendrites. The extent of propagation determines the spatial pattern of Ca(2+) influx and thus the range and number of dendrodendritic synapses to be activated. Accordingly, network control of spike traffic in the mitral cell lateral dendrites can mediate dynamic interaction with different combinations of glomerular modules in response to different odorants.  相似文献   

Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) can be used to measure kinetic properties of single molecules in drops of solution or in cells. Here we report on FCS measurements of tetramethylrhodamine (TMR)-dextran (10 kDa) in dendrites of cultured mitral cells of Xenopus laevis tadpoles. To interpret such measurements correctly, the plasma membrane as a boundary of diffusion has to be taken into account. We show that the fluorescence data recorded from dendrites are best described by a model of anisotropic diffusion. As compared to diffusion in water, diffusion of the 10-kDa TMR-dextran along the dendrite is slowed down by a factor 1.1-2.1, whereas diffusion in lateral direction is 10-100 times slower. The dense intradendritic network of microtubules oriented parallel to the dendrite is discussed as a possible basis for the observed anisotropy. In somata, diffusion was found to be isotropic in three dimensions and 1.2-2.6 times slower than in water.  相似文献   

The olfactory system of 17 goldfish was stimulated by natural odors, and from 31 mitral cells activity was extracellularly recorded as a response to the stimuli. 40 experiments were available for evaluation because nine of the 31 cells were investigated with respect to two different odors. The aim of this study was to examine the changes of the activity patterns during repeated runs of an experiment. 120 runs were taken in 15 experiments, 40 runs in 25 experiments, and 37 runs in 2 experiments. Nineteen out of the forty recordings showed patterned activities. In ten cases the patterns remained constant in all runs, while pattern changes occurred in nine cases. These changes sometimes happened abruptly after the first run or developed gradually over up to forty runs in other cases. Possible causes of the pattern changes are discussed.  相似文献   

《Developmental cell》2021,56(21):2952-2965.e9
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Dendrite arborization patterns are critical determinants of neuronal connectivity and integration. Planar and highly branched dendrites of the cerebellar Purkinje cell receive specific topographical projections from two major afferent pathways; a single climbing fiber axon from the inferior olive that extend along Purkinje dendrites, and parallel fiber axons of granule cells that contact vertically to the plane of dendrites. It has been believed that murine Purkinje cell dendrites extend in a single parasagittal plane in the molecular layer after the cell polarity is determined during the early postnatal development. By three-dimensional confocal analysis of growing Purkinje cells, we observed that mouse Purkinje cells underwent dynamic dendritic remodeling during circuit maturation in the third postnatal week. After dendrites were polarized and flattened in the early second postnatal week, dendritic arbors gradually expanded in multiple sagittal planes in the molecular layer by intensive growth and branching by the third postnatal week. Dendrites then became confined to a single plane in the fourth postnatal week. Multiplanar Purkinje cells in the third week were often associated by ectopic climbing fibers innervating nearby Purkinje cells in distinct sagittal planes. The mature monoplanar arborization was disrupted in mutant mice with abnormal Purkinje cell connectivity and motor discoordination. The dendrite remodeling was also impaired by pharmacological disruption of normal afferent activity during the second or third postnatal week. Our results suggest that the monoplanar arborization of Purkinje cells is coupled with functional development of the cerebellar circuitry.  相似文献   

Subsarcolemmal mitochondria sustain progressive damage during myocardial ischemia. Ischemia decreases the content of the mitochondrial phospholipid cardiolipin accompanied by a decrease in cytochrome c content and a diminished rate of oxidation through cytochrome oxidase. We propose that during ischemia mitochondria produce reactive oxygen species at sites in the electron transport chain proximal to cytochrome oxidase that contribute to the ischemic damage. Isolated, perfused rabbit hearts were treated with rotenone, an irreversible inhibitor of complex I in the proximal electron transport chain, immediately before ischemia. Rotenone pretreatment preserved the contents of cardiolipin and cytochrome c measured after 45 min of ischemia. The rate of oxidation through cytochrome oxidase also was improved in rotenone-treated hearts. Inhibition of the electron transport chain during ischemia lessens damage to mitochondria. Rotenone treatment of isolated subsarcolemmal mitochondria decreased the production of reactive oxygen species during the oxidation of complex I substrates. Thus, the limitation of electron flow during ischemia preserves cardiolipin content, cytochrome c content, and the rate of oxidation through cytochrome oxidase. The mitochondrial electron transport chain contributes to ischemic mitochondrial damage that in turn augments myocyte injury during subsequent reperfusion.  相似文献   

Summary Isolated rat liver and kidney mitochondria were swollen in hypotonie sucrose solutions and then examined in the electron microscope. The results were consistent with the hypothesis that unfolding of the cristae plays some part in swelling since cristae of swollen mitochondria appeared less abundant and with increased intercristal distances. The matrix became more electron-transparent. The fate of the outer membrane is uncertain.This investigation was supported by Public Health Service Research Grants GM-08900, NB-02145, Interdisciplinary Grant 5T1-MH-6418 and a Lederle Medical Faculty Award.  相似文献   

Calcium transport in mitochondria   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  

The subapical compartment (SAC) plays an important role in the polarized transport of proteins and lipids. In hepatoma-derived HepG2 cells, fluorescent analogues of sphingomyelin and glucosylceramide are sorted in the SAC. Here, evidence is provided that shows that polarity development is regulated by a transient activation of endogenous protein kinase A and involves a transient activation of a specific membrane transport pathway, marked by the trafficking of the labeled sphingomyelin, from the SAC to the apical membrane. This protein kinase A-regulated pathway differs from the apical recycling pathway, which also traverses SAC. After reaching optimal polarity, the direction of the apically activated pathway switches to one in the basolateral direction, without affecting the apical recycling pathway.  相似文献   

Following abiotic stress to induce barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) androgenesis, the development of 794 enlarged microspores in culture was monitored by time-lapse tracking. In total, 11% of the microspores tracked developed into embryo-like structures (type-I pathway), 36% formed multicellular structures (type-II pathway) and 53% of the microspores followed gametophytic divisions, accumulated starch and died in the first days of tracking (type-III pathway). Despite the microspore fate, enlarged microspores showed similar morphologies directly after stress treatment. Ultrastructural analysis, however, revealed two morphologically distinct cell types. Cells with a thin intine layer and an undifferentiated cytoplasm after stress treatment were associated with type-I and type-II pathways, whereas the presence of differentiated amyloplasts and a thick intine layer were associated with the type-III pathway. Tracking revealed that the first morphological change associated with embryogenic potential was a star-like morphology, which was a transitory stage between uninucleate vacuolated microspores after stress and the initiation of cell division. The difference between type-I and type-II pathways was observed during the time they displayed the star-like morphology. During the transition phase, embryo-like structures in the type-I pathway were always released out of the exine wall at the opposite side of the pollen germ pore, whereas in the type-II pathway multicellular structures were unable to break the exine and to release embryo-like structures. Moreover, by combining viability studies with cell tracking, we show that release of embryo-like structures was preceded by a decrease in viability of the cells positioned at the site of exine wall rupture. These cells were also positively stained by Sytox orange, a cell death indicator. Thereby, we demonstrate, for the first time, that a position-determined cell death process marks the transition from a multicellular structure into an embryo-like structure during barley androgenesis.  相似文献   

Summary Many neurones are extremely invaginated and possess branching processes, axons and dendrites. In general, they are surrounded by a restricted diffusion space. Many of these cells exhibit large, slow potential changes during the passage of current across their membranes. Whenever currents cross membranes separating aqueous solutions, differences in transport numbers of the major permeant ions give rise to local concentration changes of these ions adjacent to the membranes, which will result in various electrical and osmotic effects. These transport number effects are expected to be enhanced by the presence of membrane invaginations. Dendrites are equivalent to reversed invaginations and there should be significant changes in concentrations of permeant ions within them. In general, the effects of such changes on the electrical response of a cell will be greater when the concentration of a major permeant ion is low. The effects have been modelled in terms of two nondimensional parameters: the invagination transport number parameter and the relative area occupied by the invaginations A. If these two parameters are known, the magnitudes and time course of the slow potential changes can immediately be estimated and the time course converted to real time, if the length of the invaginations (l) and ionic diffusion coefficient (D) within them are also known. Both analytical and numerical solutions have been given and predictions compared. It is shown that in the case of large currents and potentials the analytical solution predictions will underestimate the magnitudes and rates of onset of the voltage responses. The relative magnitude of the transport number effect within the invaginations (or dendrites) and other transport number contributions to slow potential changes have also been assessed and order-of-magnitude values of these are estimated for some biological data.  相似文献   

Limited proteolytic digestion of uncoupling protein-1 (UCP1) from hamster brown adipose tissue mitochondria was studied. Under optimal conditions, trypsin and chymotrypsin cleave at Lys-292 and at Phe-102, yielding major products 31-kDa T1 and 22-kDa Ch1. Both T1 and Ch1 remained dimers, as in UCP1. Using fluorescent nucleotide derivative 2'-O-dansyl GTP, it is shown that T1 retains the nucleotide binding affinity (K(D)=1 microM for dansyl GTP) while Ch1 does not bind nucleotide. Previously kinetic binding and H(+) transport studies [Biochemistry 35 (1996) 7846] have shown that UCP1 forms tight complexes to varying degrees with nucleotides and their derivatives. Nucleotides strongly protect against tryptic digestion but less against chymotryptic digestion, because the chymotryptic product Ch1 does not bind nucleotide. The nucleotides and derivatives show the same potency profile in protecting against both trypsinolysis and chymotryptic digestion, suggesting that UCP1 undergoes a major conformational change upon nucleotide binding from an initial loose complex into a tight complex, in which the cleavage sites become masked from proteolysis.  相似文献   

In addition to their role in cellular bioenergetics, mitochondria also initiate common forms of programmed cell death (apoptosis) through the release of proteins such as cytochrome c from the intermembrane and intracristal spaces. The release of these proteins is studied in populations of cells by western blotting mitochondrial and cytoplasmic fractions of cellular extracts, and in single cells by fluorescence microscopy using fluorescent indicators and fusion proteins. However, studying the changes in ultrastructure associated with release of proteins requires the higher resolution provided by transmission electron microscopy. Here, we have used fluorescence microscopy to characterize the state of apoptosis in HeLa cells treated with etoposide followed by electron microscopy and three-dimensional electron microscope tomography of the identical cells to study the sequence of structural changes. We have identified a remodelling of the inner mitochondrial membrane into many separate vesicular matrix compartments that accompanies release of proteins; however, this remodelling is not required for efficient release of cytochrome c. Swelling occurs only late in apoptosis after release of cytochrome c and loss of the mitochondrial membrane potential.  相似文献   

This paper presents a theoretical study, based on modified Smith-Simmons equations, that compares transport of intracellular organelles in two different neurite outgrowths, dendrites and axons. It is demonstrated that the difference in microtubule polarity orientations in dendrites and axons has significant implications on motor-assisted transport in these neurite outgrowths. The developed approach presents a qualitative theoretical basis for understanding important questions such as why axons exhibit almost an unlimited grows potential in vitro while dendrites remain relatively short. It is shown that the difference in a microtubule polarity arrangement between axons and dendrites may be a regulatory mechanism for limiting dendritic growth. Other biological implications of the developed theory as well as other possible reasons for the difference in microtubule structure between axons and dendrites are discussed.  相似文献   

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