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An important aspect of the diagnostic and prognostic work-up of patients with ischaemic cardiomyopathy is the assessment of myocardial viability. Patients with left ventricular dysfunction who have viable myocardium are the patients at highest risk because of the potential for ischaemia but at the same time benefit most from revascularisation. It is important to identify viable myocardium in these patients, and radionuclide myocardial scintigraphy is an excellent tool for this. Single-photon emission computed tomography perfusion scintigraphy (SPECT), whether using 201thallium, 99mTc-sestamibi, or 99mTc- tetrofosmin, in stress and/or rest protocols, has consistently been shown to be an effective modality for identifying myocardial viability and guiding appropriate management.Metabolic and perfusion imaging with positron emission tomography radiotracers frequently adds additional information and is a powerful tool for predicting which patients will have an improved outcome from revascularisation. New techniques in the nuclear cardiology field, such as attenuation corrected SPECT, dual isotope simultaneous acquisition (DISA) SPECT and gated FDG PET are promising and will further improve the detection of myocardial viability. Also the combination of multislice computed tomography scanners with PET opens possibilities of adding coronary calcium scoring and noninvasive coronary angiography to myocardial perfusion imaging and quantification.  相似文献   

A cDNA encoding acetylcholinesterase (AChE) (EC from Torpedo californica was isolated and from its nucleotide sequence the entire amino acid sequence of the processed protein and a portion of the leader peptide has been deduced. Approximately 70% of the tryptic peptides from the catalytic subunit of the 11 S form have been sequenced, and a comparison of the peptide sequences with the sequence inferred from the cDNA suggests that the cDNA sequence derives from mRNA for the 11 S form of the enzyme. The amino acid sequence is preceded by a hydrophobic leader peptide and contains an open reading frame encoding for 575 amino acids characteristic of a secreted globular protein. Eight cysteines, most of which are disulfide linked, are found along with four potential sites of N-linked glycosylation. The active-site serine is located at residue 200. Local homology is found with other serine hydrolases in the vicinity of the active site, but the enzyme shows striking global homology with the COOH-terminal portion of thyroglobulin. Further comparison of the amino acid sequences of the individual enzyme forms with other cDNA clones that have been isolated should resolve the molecular basis for polymorphism of the AChE species.  相似文献   

It is well accepted that strain and strain rate deformation parameters are not only a measure of intrinsic myocardial contractility but are also influenced by changes in cardiac load and structure. To date, no information is available on the relative importance of these confounders. This study was designed to investigate how strain and strain rate, measured by Doppler echocardiography, relate to the individual factors that determine cardiac performance. Echocardiographic and conductance measurements were simultaneously performed in mice in which individual determinants of cardiac performance were mechanically and/or pharmacologically modulated. A multivariable analysis was performed with radial and circumferential strains and peak systolic radial and circumferential strain rates as dependent parameters and preload recruitable stroke work (PRSW), arterial elastance (E(a)), end-diastolic pressure, and left ventricular myocardial volume (LVMV) as independent factors representing myocardial contractility, afterload, preload, and myocardial volume, respectively. Radial strain was most influenced by E(a) (β = -0.58, R(2) = 0.34), whereas circumferential strain was strongly associated with E(a) and moderately with LVMV (β = 0.79 and -0.52, respectively, R(2) = 0.54). Radial strain rate was related to both PRSW and LVMV (β = 0.79 and -0.62, respectively, R(2) = 0.50), whereas circumferential strain rate showed a prominent correlation only with PRSW (β = -0.61, R(2) = 0.51). In conclusion, strain (both radial and circumferential) is not a good surrogate measure of intrinsic myocardial contractility unless the strong confounding influence of afterload is considered. Strain rate is a more robust measure of contractility that is less influenced by changes in cardiac load and structure. Thus, peak systolic strain rate is the more relevant parameter to assess myocardial contractile function noninvasively.  相似文献   

Over the past decade, multi-disciplinary approaches have led to the discovery and characterization of several classes of adhesion molecules. Under normal conditions, these molecules provide support for cells, regulate cell migration and contain information that cells use when sensing their environment. In disease, adhesive function is frequently compromised and results in tissue disorder, aberrant cell migration and dysregulation of signalling pathways. The integrins are a major family of adhesion receptors produced by most cell types and are a means by which the cell senses its immediate environment and responds to changes in extracellular matrix composition. Recent years have seen major advances in our understanding of integrin-ligand interactions, and have revealed a structurally dynamic family of receptors capable of translating information into and out of the cell.  相似文献   

Members of the ATP-binding cassette (ABC) family of membrane-bound transporters are involved in multiple aspects of transport and redistribution of various lipids and their conjugates. Most ABC transporters localize to the plasma membrane; some are associated with liquid-ordered cholesterol-/sphingolipid-rich microdomains, and to a lesser extent the membranes of the Golgi and endoplasmic reticulum. Hence, ABC transporters are well placed to regulate plasma membrane lipid composition and the efflux and redistribution of structural phospholipids and sphingolipids during periods of cellular stress and recovery. ABC transporters can also modulate cellular sensitivity to extrinsic pro-apoptotic signals through regulation of sphingomyelin-ceramide biosynthesis and metabolism. The functionality of ABC transporters is, in turn, modulated by the lipid content of the microdomains in which they reside. Cholesterol, a major membrane microdomain component, is not only a substrate of several ABC transporters, but also regulates ABC activity through its effects on microdomain structure. Several important bioactive lipid mediators and toxic lipid metabolites are also effluxed by ABC transporters. In this review, the complex interactions between ABC transporters and their lipid/sterol substrates will be discussed and analyzed in the context of their relevance to cellular function, toxicity and apoptosis.  相似文献   

Cardiac fibroblast (CF) proliferation and differentiation into hypersecretory myofibroblasts can lead to excessive extracellular matrix (ECM) production and cardiac fibrosis. In turn, the ECM produced can potentially activate CFs via distinct feedback mechanisms. To assess how specific ECM components influence CF activation, isolated CFs were plated on specific collagen substrates (type I, III, and VI collagens) before functional assays were carried out. The type VI collagen substrate potently induced myofibroblast differentiation but had little effect on CF proliferation. Conversely, the type I and III collagen substrates did not affect differentiation but caused significant induction of proliferation (type I, 240.7 +/- 10.3%, and type III, 271.7 +/- 21.8% of basal). Type I collagen activated ERK1/2, whereas type III collagen did not. Treatment of CFs with angiotensin II, a potent mitogen of CFs, enhanced the growth observed on types I and III collagen but not on the type VI collagen substrate. Using an in vivo model of myocardial infarction (MI), we measured changes in type VI collagen expression and myofibroblast differentiation after post-MI remodeling. Concurrent elevations in type VI collagen and myofibroblast content were evident in the infarcted myocardium 20-wk post-MI. Overall, types I and III collagen stimulate CF proliferation, whereas type VI collagen plays a potentially novel role in cardiac remodeling through facilitation of myofibroblast differentiation.  相似文献   

There is a need for better methods to quantify regional myocardial function. In the present study, we investigated the feasibility of quantifying regional function in terms of a segmental myocardial work index as derived from strain Doppler echocardiography (SDE) and invasive pressure. In 10 anesthetized dogs, we measured left ventricular (LV) pressure by micromanometer and myocardial longitudinal strains by SDE and sonomicrometry. The regional myocardial work index (RMWI) was calculated as the area of the pressure-strain loop. As a reference method for strain, we used sonomicrometry. By convention, the loop area was assigned a positive sign when the pressure-strain coordinates rotated counterclockwise. Measurements were done at baseline and during volume loading and left anterior descending coronary artery (LAD) occlusion, respectively. There was a good correlation between RMWI calculated from strain by SDE and strain by sonomicrometry (y = 0.73x + 0.21, r = 0.82, P < 0.01). Volume loading caused an increase in RMWI from 1.3 +/- 0.2 to 2.2 +/- 0.1 kJ/m3 (P < 0.05) by SDE and from 1.5 +/- 0.3 to 2.7 +/- 0.3 kJ/m3 (P = 0.066) by sonomicrometry. Short-term ischemia (1 min) caused a decrease in RMWI from 1.3 +/- 0.2 to 0.3 +/- 0.04 kJ/m3 (P < 0.05) and from 1.3 +/- 0.3 to 0.5 +/- 0.2 kJ/m3 (P < 0.05) by SDE and sonomicrometry, respectively. In the nonischemic ventricle and during short-term ischemia, the pressure-strain loops rotated counterclockwise, consistent with actively contracting segments. Long-term ischemia (3 h), however, caused the pressure-strain loop to rotate clockwise, consistent with entirely passive segments, and the loop areas became negative, -0.2 +/- 0.1 and -0.1 +/- 0.03 kJ/m3 (P < 0.05) by SDE and sonomicrometry, respectively. A RMWI can be estimated by SDE in combination with LV pressure. Furthermore, the orientation of the loop can be used to assess whether the segment is active or passive.  相似文献   

One of the most debilitating effects of primary aging is the decline in aerobic exercise capacity. One of its causes is an age-related decline in peak exercise stroke volume. This study's main purpose was to determine the cardiovascular adaptations to aging that most influence peak exercise stroke volume in the elderly. We hypothesized that increased left ventricular (LV) filling and mild concentric LV remodeling would be associated with an increase in peak exercise stroke volume corrected for lean body mass (LBM) and that an increased augmentation index (AI), which is a marker of arterial stiffness, would be associated with a decrease. A second aim was to determine the adaptations to aging that most influence LV concentric remodeling in the elderly. We hypothesized that AI would be a predictor of LV mass/LBM and the LV posterior wall thickness-to-LV radius ratio (h/r). We performed a cross-sectional study of cardiac and vascular adaptations to aging in 52 sedentary, elderly subjects. LV filling [as measured by the early-to-late transmitral flow velocity ratio (E/A)] was inversely correlated with and was an independent predictor of peak exercise stroke volume/LBM and was also a predictor of LV remodeling. AI was a predictor of LV remodeling (LV mass/LBM) but not of peak exercise stroke volume/LBM. We conclude that 1) maintenance of LV filling (E/A <1) is associated with a higher peak exercise stroke volume/LBM in very elderly subjects and thus may be a useful adaptation that enhances stroke volume during peak exercise, 2) LV remodeling and AI are less influential on peak exercise stroke volume/LBM, and 3) AI was the most important predictor of LV remodeling.  相似文献   

The effect of desiccation on the viability of microorganisms is a question of great interest for a variety of public health questions and industrial applications. Although viability is traditionally assessed by plate counts, cultivation-independent methods are increasingly applied with the aim to gain more insight into why cells might not form colonies and to optimize production processes. To evaluate their usefulness, we applied in this study a multiparameter viability assay to selected bacteria (Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Enterococcus hirae, and Staphylococcus aureus) subjected to air-drying in the absence or presence of supplements. Tests included growth on solid culture medium and the measurement of membrane integrity, membrane potential, esterase and respiratory activities using fluorescent dyes. All measured parameters were responsive to desiccation stress. Results suggested that extending plate count analysis with cultivation-independent methods can greatly enhance resolution especially for moderate stress conditions, which do not get reflected in plate counts due to cellular recovery. Whereas plate counts reflect the final effect on viability, immediate measurement of cellular functions provides a snapshot picture of the fitness status at a specific point in time. Special emphasis was given to MgCl(2) which in concentrations≥50mM dramatically increased the bacterial susceptibility to desiccation in the case of the gram-negative bacteria and to a lesser extent also for the gram-positive bacteria. The study in addition confirmed a good agreement of results obtained with the recently developed real-time viability (RTV) assay and the BacLight LIVE/DEAD method in combination with a fluorescence plate reader.  相似文献   

The identification of geometric relationships between protein structures offers a powerful approach to predicting the structure and function of proteins. Methods to detect such relationships range from human pattern recognition to a variety of mathematical algorithms. A number of schemes for the classification of protein structure have found widespread use and these implicitly assume the organization of protein structure space into discrete categories. Recently, an alternative view has emerged in which protein fold space is seen as continuous and multidimensional. Significant relationships have been observed between proteins that belong to what have been termed different 'folds'. There has been progress in the use of these relationships in the prediction of protein structure and function.  相似文献   

Impact of urbanization on coastal wetland structure and function   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract Urbanization is a major cause of loss of coastal wetlands. Urbanization also exerts significant influences on the structure and function of coastal wetlands, mainly through modifying the hydrological and sedimentation regimes, and the dynamics of nutrients and chemical pollutants. Natural coastal wetlands are characterized by a hydrological regime comprising concentrated flow to estuarine and coastal areas during flood events, and diffused discharge into groundwater and waterways during the non‐flood periods. Urbanization, through increasing the amount of impervious areas in the catchment, results in a replacement of this regime by concentrating rain run‐off. Quality of run‐off is also modified in urban areas, as loadings of sediment, nutrients and pollutants are increased in urban areas. While the effects of such modifications on the biota and the physical environment have been relatively well studied, there is to date little information on their impact at the ecosystem level. Methodological issues, such as a lack of sufficient replication at the whole‐habitat level, the lack of suitable indices of urbanization and tools for assessing hydrological connectivity, have to be overcome to allow the effects of urbanization to be assessed at the ecosystem level. A functional model is presented to demonstrate the impact of urbanization on coastal wetland structure and function.  相似文献   

Isolated canine heart has an expressed ability for autoregulation of mechanical restitution irrespective of the influence of neurohumoral factors and Frank-Starling law on the work of the heart. Mechanical restitution of canine heart in diastolic period starts after the end of mechanical refractory period of the heart and develops exponentially. The higher the heart rhythm the faster the speed of mechanical restitution. The higher the heart rhythm the shorter the mechanical refractory period. Mechanical refractory period of the heart is longer than bioelectrical refractory period.  相似文献   

Handball activity involves cardiac changes and demands a mixture of both eccentric and concentric remodeling within the heart. This study seeks to explore heart performance and cardiac remodeling likely to define cardiac parameters which influence specific performance in male handball players across different age ranges. Forty three players, with a regular training and competitive background in handball separated into three groups aged on average 11.78±0.41 for youth players aka “schools”, “elite juniors” 15.99±0.81 and “elite adults” 24.46±2.63 years, underwent echocardiography and ECG examinations. Incremental ergocycle and specific field (SFT) tests have also been conducted. With age and regular training and competition, myocardial remodeling in different age ranges exhibit significant differences in dilatation’s parameters between “schools” and “juniors” players, such as the end-diastolic diameter (LVEDD) and the end-systolic diameter of the left ventricle (LVESD), the root of aorta (Ao) and left atrial (LA), while significant increase is observed between “juniors” and “adults” players in the interventricular septum (IVS), the posterior wall thicknesses (PWT) and LV mass index. ECG changes are also noted but NS differences were observed in studied parameters. For incremental maximal test, players demonstrate a significant increase in duration and total work between “schools” and “juniors” and, in total work only, between “juniors” and “seniors”. The SFT shows improvement in performance which ranged between 26.17±1.83 sec to 31.23±2.34 sec respectively from “seniors” to “schools”. The cross-sectional approach used to compare groups with prior hypothesis that there would be differences in exercise performance and cardiac parameters depending on duration of prior handball practice, leads to point out the early cardiac remodeling within the heart as adaptive change. Prevalence of cardiac chamber dilation with less hypertrophy remodeling was found from “schools” to “juniors” while a prevalence of cardiac hypertrophy with less pronounced chamber dilation remodeling was noted later.  相似文献   

Somewhere in the region of 3 billion years ago an enzyme emerged which would dramatically change the chemical composition of our planet and set in motion an unprecedented explosion in biological activity. This enzyme used solar energy to power the thermodynamically and chemically demanding reaction of water splitting. In so doing it provided biology with an unlimited supply of hydrogen equivalents needed to convert carbon dioxide into the organic molecules of life. The enzyme, which facilitates this reaction and therefore underpins virtually all life on our planet, is known as Photosystem II (PSII). It is a multisubunit enzyme embedded in the lipid environment of the thylakoid membranes of plants, algae, and cyanobacteria. Over the past 10 years, crystal structures of a 700 kDa cyanobacterial dimeric PSII complex have been reported with ever increasing improvement in resolution with the latest being at 1.9 details of its many subunits and cofactors are now well understood. The water splitting site was revealed as a cluster of four Mn ions and a Ca ion surrounded by amino acid side chains, of which seven provide ligands to the metals. The metal cluster is organized as a cubane-like structure composed of three Mn ions and the Ca2+ linked by oxo-bonds with the fourth Mn attached to the cubane via one of its bridging oxygens together with another oxo bridge to a Mn ion of the cubane. The overall structure of the catalytic site is providing a framework on which to develop a mechanistic scheme for the water splitting process and gives a blue print and confidence for the development of catalysts for mimicking the reaction in an artificial photo-electrochemical system to generate solar fuels.  相似文献   

Group II introns are some of the largest ribozymes in nature, and they are a major source of information about RNA assembly and tertiary structural organization. These introns are of biological significance because they are self-splicing mobile elements that have migrated into diverse genomes and played a major role in the genomic organization and metabolism of most life forms. The tertiary structure of group II introns has been the subject of many phylogenetic, genetic, biochemical and biophysical investigations, all of which are consistent with the recent crystal structure of an intact group IIC intron from the alkaliphilic eubacterium Oceanobacillus iheyensis. The crystal structure reveals that catalytic intron domain V is enfolded within the other intronic domains through an elaborate network of diverse tertiary interactions. Within the folded core, DV adopts an activated conformation that readily binds catalytic metal ions and positions them in a manner appropriate for reaction with nucleic acid targets. The tertiary structure of the group II intron reveals new information on motifs for RNA architectural organization, mechanisms of group II intron catalysis, and the evolutionary relationships among RNA processing systems. Guided by the structure and the wealth of previous genetic and biochemical work, it is now possible to deduce the probable location of DVI and the site of additional domains that contribute to the function of the highly derived group IIB and IIA introns.  相似文献   

Identification of a Strain Energy Function (SEF) is used when describing the complex mechanical properties of soft biological tissues such as the arterial wall. Classic SEFs, such as the one proposed by Chuong and Fung (J. Biomech. Eng. 105(3) (1983) 268), have been mostly phenomenological and neglect the particularities of the wall structure. A more structural model was proposed by Holzapfel et al. (J. Elasticity 61 (2000) 1-48.) when they included the characteristic angle at which the collagen fibers are helically wrapped, resulting in an excellent SEF for applications such as finite element modeling. We have expanded upon the idea of structural SEFs by including not only the wavy nature of the collagen but also the fraction of both elastin and collagen contained in the media, which can be determined by histology. The waviness of the collagen is assumed to be distributed log-logistically. In order to evaluate this novel SEF, we have used it to fit experimental data from inflation-extension tests performed on rat carotids. We have compared the results of the fit to the SEFs of Choung and Fung and Holzapfel et al. The novel SEF is found to behave similarly to that of Holzapfel et al., both succeed in describing the typical S-shaped pressure-radius curves with comparable quality of fit. The parameters of the novel SEF obtained from the fitting, bearing the physical meaning of the elastic modulus of collagen, the elastic modulus of elastin, the collagen waviness, and the collagen fiber angle, were compared to experimental data and discussed.  相似文献   

Secretory component (SC) in association with polymeric IgA (pIgA) forms secretory IgA, the major antibody active at mucosal surfaces. SC also exists in the free form, with innate-like neutralizing properties against pathogens. Free SC consists of five glycosylated variable (V)-type Ig domains (D1-D5), whose structure was determined by x-ray and neutron scattering, ultracentrifugation, and modeling. With a radius of gyration of 3.53-3.63 nm, a length of 12.5 nm, and a sedimentation coefficient of 4.0 S, SC possesses an unexpected compact structure. Constrained scattering modeling based on up to 13,000 trial models shows that SC adopts a J-shaped structure in which D4 and D5 are folded back against D2 and D3. The seven glycosylation sites are located on one side of SC, leaving known IgA-binding motifs free to interact with pIgA. This work represents the first analysis of the three-dimensional structure of full-length free SC and paves the way to a better understanding of the association between SC and its potential ligands, i.e. pIgA and pathogenic-associated motifs.  相似文献   

The geometries of 150 guanidine-metal ion interactions retrieved from crystal structures deposited in the Cambridge Structural Database have been analyzed. Metal ions exhibit a preference for anti coordination stereochemistry in the plane of the unprotonated guanidine group, usually in chelate complexes with a diguanidine moiety, but syn-oriented interactions are occasionally found for single guanidine-metal interactions. Three L-arginine-metal coordination interactions are found in metalloenzyme structures deposited in the Protein Data Bank: biotin synthase from E. coli, His-67 --> Arg human carbonic anhydrase I, and inactivated B. caldovelox arginase complexed with L-arginine. In these proteins, L-arginine-metal coordination adopts syn/out-of-plane and anti/in-plane coordination stereochemistry. The implications of these results for L-arginine-metal interactions in protein structure and function are discussed. Although such interactions are rare, this analysis serves as a useful reference point for the growing interest in enzymes containing L-arginine residues that function as general bases or metal ligands.  相似文献   

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