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We synthesise the results of the papers in this Special Issue, place them within the context of current trends in floodplain research, and outline promising new avenues that emerge from the contributions. The indication system presented complements existing approaches by focussing on a quantitative indication of environmental parameters. A promising research line that emerges is an extension of the systematic comparison of taxonomic groups with contrasting traits in terms of their performance as quantitative indicators for different environmental parameters. The studies show similarities and dissimilarities in the traits explaining the functional response of plants, molluscs, carabids, and syrphids to site conditions but trait databases and studies on additional taxa are required before broad generalisations can be made. The rigorous study design developed for the RIVA project, of which all contributions in this Special Issue are a part, not only was essential for an improvement of the understanding of species environment relationships and the role biological traits play for it, it also provides a baseline for assessing future change as part of long‐term ecological monitoring of floodplains. (© 2006 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

As clinical academic medical departments strive to improve the quality of their research, clinicians and scientists are forced into closer liaison. In many cases, clinical departments now have research laboratories directed by "basic scientists" but often staffed, in part at least, by doctors. To someone who has not worked in one, these laboratories may seem uncompromising and forbidding work environments. This article presents a "case report" written from the viewpoints of the doctor, the scientist, and the professor.  相似文献   

1. Natural experiments, in the form of disturbance from spates, were used to study the resistance and resilience of interstitial communities. Investigations were conducted in a by-passed section of the Rhône River characterized by an artificial hydrology with frequent spates separated by regular minimum discharge of 30 m3 s–1. 2. Three areas of a bar were studied, upwellings at the head of the bar (stations 1 and 2), and downwelling at the tail of the bar (station 3). In the head of the bar the substratum was characterized by stable cobbles, while mobile gravels dominated in the tail of the bar. At each station, samples were derived from four depths (0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 m below the surface of the substratum). Fifteen spates occurred during the study period whose peak discharge ranged from 50 to 1640 m3 s–1. Temporal variations of the fauna were studied by comparing the spate effect observed 1 day (resistance), 7 days (resilience) and 17 days after the spate. Within-class correspondence analysis was used to compare the temporal variability of the fauna within each class {station/depth}. 3. The fauna differed markedly between the three stations, and the relative density of stygobionts (i.e. hypogean fauna) decreased from 55% at station 1 to 4% at station 3. The spatio-temporal variability increased dramatically from station 1 to station 3. 4. The results suggest that the hyporheic zone acts as a patchy refugium: the stations were more or less active refugial zones, depending on hydrology (upwelling or downwelling), substratum stability and spate amplitude. 5. The downwelling station was the main refugium area for benthic taxa. Important migrations of benthic groups (e.g. Gammarus, Cladocera) or hyporheic taxa (e.g. Cyclopoida and Harpacticoida) were observed deep into the sediment (2 m). Vertical movements of stygobionts (Niphargus, Niphargopsis) were also observed at high amplitude spates. These movements were very important (great numbers of individuals migrated) at low and medium magnitude spates, but were unimportant at high discharge, when the threshold of sediment instability was exceeded. In this case the substratum became mobile and induced drift of benthic organisms. 6. Conversely, in the upwelling stable stations, accumulation was less important (lower number of species and lower densities) but more constant with increasing discharge, suggesting that substratum stability is also a key factor. 7. Generally recovery was rapid at all stations (within 7 days) but no relationships were found between resilience (rate of recovery) and the amplitude of spates.  相似文献   

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