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Xylotrechus arvicola is a pest of grape in some vine‐producing regions of the Iberian Peninsula. Biological parameters and relationships (fecundity and percent fertility of eggs in relationship to body size) of females obtained in the laboratory and captured in vineyards were studied. In laboratory conditions, the mean developmental time of larvae ranged from 384 to 392 days and pupal stage varied between 12 to 14 days. Body size (BS) of X. arvicola females was significantly bigger than males. Fecundity was greater in the laboratory (147 eggs) than in the field (50 eggs) females, but the percent fertility of the laboratory eggs was lower (16 eggs). Laboratory females showed a bigger relationship between the production of eggs and BS than females captured in vineyards. Wild females (PDO Ribera del Duero and Tierra de León) had a positive relationship between the percent fertility of eggs and the BS. No correlation between the percent fertility of eggs and the BS was displayed by females captured in PDO Toro, but these females had a higher percent fertility (53 eggs) than the others PDO's. These biological parameters and relationships studied suggest that the artificial diet may lack certain essential nutrients that vine varieties can provide that favor the fertility of eggs. This explains why wild females have the potential to become a problem pest in the Tempranillo grape variety, with bilateral cordon and bush vines training systems that have the highest incidence of this cerambycid.  相似文献   

A population of M. micrura Kurz from a shallow, muddy and temporary pond, located in Peninsula of Paraguaná, western Venezuela, was studied from filling to drying phase. Population density, age structure, fecundity, and length of females, were determined. This population showed a low population density (< 50 ind/1), a low and density-dependent fecundity (mean eggs/adults = 1.3; mean clutch size = 2.1 eggs + embryos), and low juveniles to adults ratio (0.71). No significant correlation was detected between mean clutch size and mean body length of ovigerous females. Our results suggest effects of food limitations, and fish predation on demographic parameters of this population. Still, in unfavourable conditions, some demographics features associated to opportunistic species were evident.  相似文献   

Monogamy is often presumed to constrain mating variance and restrict the action of sexual selection. We examined the reproductive patterns of a monogamous population of smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieui), and attempted to identify sources of within-season fitness variation among females and known-age males. Many males did not acquire a nest site, and many territorial males were unsuccessful in acquiring a mate. The likelihood that territorial males mated depended on several aspects of nest sites. Mated males of age three were larger than the average size of age-three males in the population. The mean sizes of age-four and age-five mated males were not different from the average of same-age males in the population. Thus, selection resulting from the acquisition of a mate favored large size among only age-three males. Timing of nest construction and breeding among territorial males was negatively related to male size and did not depend on male age after taking male size into account. Indirect evidence (numbers of eggs deposited in nests) suggests that the timing of spawning among females was also negatively related to female size. Fertility selection favored early reproduction within the season by males of all ages, but large male size was favored among only age-four males. The combined early breeding of fecund females and female mate choice of large males may explain the positive correlation between the size of age-four males and the number of eggs acquired. Despite large differences of female fecundity, however, the variance of relative mate number contributed about two times more than the variance of relative fertility among females to the total variance of relative fitness within each sex.  相似文献   

Female adults of the migrant skipper, Parnara guttata guttata, lay different-sized eggs on different host plants in different generations. Moreover, P. g. guttata maintains large egg size variation either in the population or in the individual. Why such phenotypic plasticity in egg size is maintained has not been clarified. In the present study we performed a series of experiments to verify whether or not females of P. g. guttata discriminate between the different host plants, i.e., rice plant Oriza sativa in the first and second generations and cogon grass Imperata cylindrica in the third (overwintering) generation and manipulate egg size accordingly on these host plants. When a caged female was allowed to lay eggs alternatively on soft-leafed rice plant and tough-leafed cogon grass, the size of the eggs laid on cogon grass was significantly larger than that on rice plant. When a caged female was allowed to lay eggs on the two host plants that were supplied on alternate days, the size of eggs laid on cogon grass was also significantly larger than that on rice plant. A preliminary experiment using crude extract from the plants suggested that females did not manipulate egg size in response to chemical stimulants alone. The skipper female was able to lay different-sized eggs instantaneously after assessing the host plant. However, the reaction norm to different host plants differed among females. Eggs of various sizes were matured in each ovariole, and egg size variation at the lowest part of the ovariole ranged from the size of the larger eggs laid on cogon grass to that of the smaller eggs laid on rice plant, although how the female chose the appropriate-sized egg at each occasion is unknown.  相似文献   

Y. Takemon 《Limnology》2000,1(1):47-56
The reproductive behavior and genital morphology of a leptophlebiid mayfly Paraleptophlebia spinosa Ueno were studied in a population inhabiting a mountain stream in Kyoto, central Japan. Males formed swarms along gravel shores, caught females in the air, and mated on the ground. The distribution of the oviposition sites coincided with that of the swarming sites along the stream shore. The lobes of the male penis were characterized by a shallow pocket opening on the ventral side. The female vestibule formed a square-shaped chamber into which eggs were released from the oviducts. The number of eggs carried by females caught during copulation in the field showed a greater variation than the number of eggs of virgin females. Copula duration was strongly correlated with the number of eggs carried by the female. Significantly short copula duration with spent females (egg loading less than 20% of the estimated fecundity) may indicate that males could identify spent females. Copula duration with partially loaded females (egg loading between 20% and 80% of fecundity), however, was not shorter than that with fully loaded females. Male mating tactics with respect to copula duration and the possibility of kinematic sperm displacement are discussed with reference to the behavioral and morphological characteristics of the species. Received: September 3, 1999 / Accepted: December 9, 1999  相似文献   

The biology and the population dynamics of Porcellionides sexfasciatus Budde-Lund (1879) were studied on a field and carried out at Garat Naam (Kasserine, Tunisia) from July 1996 to June 1998. The reproduction exhibited a seasonal pattern extending from February/March to October/November. The juveniles appeared in the population from April to November. Size frequency distributions were analysed and 14 cohorts were recognised during the sampling period. Six cohorts were identified at the first sampling and eight new ones on the other samplings. Among these latter cohorts, three were tracked till they disappeared. Minimum average length of new cohorts ranged from 3.07 +/- 0.35 mm to 3.47 +/- 0.2 mm. Maximum average length of cohorts was 10.42 mm. P. sexfasciatus is a semi-annual species (females producing two or three broods per year), with iteroparous and amphogenes females (females reproducing twice or more in their life and producing both males and females), and bivoltine life cycle (two generations per year). The females are able to produce two broods, in the laboratory, without new mating. Fecundity and fertility, corresponding to the number of eggs or embryos per brood, appeared positively correlated with females' size. Although oscillating throughout the year, the sex ratio was often in equilibrium.  相似文献   

Abstract:  The effect of diamondback moth (DBM), Plutella xylostella (Lep., Plutellidae) male and female multiple mating on fecundity, fertility, and longevity was studied. Males could mate for five times with virgin females during scotophase. The successful copulation rates, fecundity of female, and longevity of both females and males decreased when male mating times increased, whereas copulation duration increased. Correlation coefficient between copulation duration and male mating times was significant ( r  = 0.7358, P = 0.0001, spearman rank-order correlation). There were linear relationships between mating history of males and longevities of males and females, and regression relationships between them were significant. Mated females had similar daily reproductive pattern, which laid the most eggs on the first day after mating in spite of their mates' mating history. Virgin females laid some infertile eggs before they died. Most of the females mated once during their lifespan but 19.9% of females mated twice when one female kept with one male during scotophase. There were no significant differences in the fecundity, fertility and longevity between the single- and twice-mated females. Correlation coefficient between copulation duration and female mating times was not significant ( r  = 0.0860, P = 0.8575). Results suggested that DBM females may be monandrous. Multiple mating did not increase male or female mating fitness.  相似文献   

The phlebotomine sand fly Lutzomyia serrana (Damasceno & Arouck) was mass-reared tinder conditions of varying densities in an effort to improve colony production efficiency. To do this, the experimental carrying capacity of a standard rearing chamber was determined, i.e., the optimum population size in relation to density (individuals per unit of space). Rearing chambers of 100 cm3 were populated with 1-50 L. serrana engorged females and an equal number of males. Laboratory conditions were maintained at 23-26 degrees C and 85-95% RH. The following parameters were recorded for each experimental chamber (three replicates): (1) female mortality without oviposition, (2) number of eggs oviposited and (3) number of adults emerging from the egg cohort. Female mortality began to increase substantially in the 26-female chamber, from 5.7% to 15% and finally reaching 60.2% in the 46-50 female chambers. In the chambers containing 1-20 females, egg number and realized adult progeny increased linearly to reach an asymptote. In the 20-50 female chambers, the number of eggs ranged from 420 to 699, and adult production from 306 to 432. The optimum carrying capacity for the 100-cm3 chambers was 22 +/- 2 females. Beyond this number, auto-regulation was initiated, i.e., female mortality without oviposition increased as the number of females per chamber increased. Total number of eggs and adult production was similar in all chambers containing 20-50 females. In conclusion, for optimizing production of mass reared sand flies, determination of the carrying capacity is essential to optimize use of insectary resources, to avoid loss of valuable potentially ovipositing females, and to increase overall production efficiency.  相似文献   

The larger-the-better theory predicts that fitness is positively linearly associated with body size or weight. We used the kiwifruit pest, Cnephasia jactatana Walker, to test whether larger insects perform better reproductively. We divided our insect population into three weight groups: light, average, and heavy, and assessed the reproductive performance of 9 breeding treatments (3 male weights × 3 female weights). Female fecundity is positively correlated with female body weight in low and average weight groups. There is no such correlation in the heavy weight group, suggesting that further weight increase has no fitness gain for females. The positive linear relationship between fertility and female weight in all weight groups may be attributed to the fact that permanently paired heavy females are more likely to remate, gaining more sperm and thus higher fertility. However, the previous study also indicates that mated females are less likely to be mated again when males have a choice. Therefore, in the natural environment the realized fertility may still follow an asymptotical pattern similar to the fecundity in relation to female weight. Males' beneficial effect on female reproductive outputs increases linearly with their body weight in all weight groups, indicating that male reproductive performance fits the larger-the-better theory. Fertility rate is not affected by the body weight of either sex. Heavy and average females lay eggs earlier and have higher daily fecundity and fertility than light females. Females of all weight groups have similar oviposition and postoviposition periods. Male weight and female–male weight interactions have no effect on oviposition parameters.  相似文献   

Data were obtained on the population structure and reproduction of Atlantoscia floridana, one of the most common species of terrestrial isopods in the restinga (coastal dune) forests of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil. During a 19-month period, a total of 7833 individuals were sampled: 2792 males, 3400 females and 1691 mancas. There was a significant difference between the size of both males and females collected in 2000 and 2001: the mean size was smaller in the second year when individuals in the larger size classes were lacking. Population density varied with season. The minimum population was 131 ind per m2 individuals, the maximum 1040 ind per m2 and the mean 450  per m2. While the overall sex ratio was clearly female biased, the operational sex ratio favored males, and showed no changes with season. Because both ovigerous and post-ovigerous females were present throughout the year, reproduction is considered continuous; however, reproduction peaked during autumn and spring. Ovigerous females were measured (CW = cephalothorax width) and the number of eggs was counted. Fecundity (F) varied from 5 to 23 eggs ( = 11.18 ± 4) per female, and was expressed by the regression F = –18.48 + 22.59 CW, with the female cephalothorax width varying from 1.04 to 1.68 mm. Marsupial mortality was only 0.9%. Egg production was 588 eggs per m2 in spring and 660 eggs per m2 in autumn. Recruitment occurred in all months, and eggs, embryos and marsupial mancas were also present year-round. A. floridana is the dominant species of terrestrial isopod in the study area. Its most remarkable characteristic is its high reproductive investment.  相似文献   

In southern Sweden, the starling (Slurnus vulgaris) has a variablemating system with some males mating monogamously and othersattracting several females. Mating status affected the reproductivesuccess of females: monogamous and primary females laid largerclutches and fledged more and heavier young than secondary females.This pattern was explained by female competition for male help,with the male primarily helping the offspring of highest value(i.e., the oldest brood). However, when the nesting attemptof the primary female failed, the success of the secondary femaleincreased to the same level as that for primary and monogamousfemales. The success of the secondary female in terms of fledgingsuccess and fledgling size was higher when the secondary femalehatched her eggs soon after the primary female. This was dueto the fact that a male divided his effort between his broodswhen the age difference between broods was small.  相似文献   

Maternal hormones in vertebrate eggs can mediate important forms of maternal effects. However, the function of hormone transfer to the eggs is still debated, especially because long-term fitness consequences have been little studied. We investigated the effect of prenatal exposure to physiologically elevated yolk testosterone (T) levels on reproduction of female pheasants (Phasianus colchicus) in captivity. We found that females hatching from T-injected eggs (T-females) had a lower egg-laying rate than controls, and their eggs were more frequently infertile than those laid by control females. There were no effects of prenatal maternal treatment on egg size and yolk T concentration, but eggs carrying a female embryo laid by T-females had smaller yolks than eggs with a male embryo, while there was no sex difference in yolk size among the eggs laid by control females. Progeny sex ratio was unaffected by maternal treatment. These findings suggest that the transfer of high androgen levels to the eggs by the mother is constrained by complex trade-offs between direct effects on her daughters' reproduction and by trans-generational differential consequences on male and female descendants.  相似文献   

Life table, reproduction, and population growth parameters of the beet armyworm, Spodoptera exigua (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), were determined on nine soybean (Glycine max L.) cultivars ('032', '033', 'Hill', 'M4', 'M7', 'M9', 'M11', 'TMS', and 'Zane') at 25°C. The age-specific survival rate of eggs and immature stages was higher on 033 in comparison with other cultivars. The gross fecundity rate ranged from 911 on M9 to 1,296 on Zane, but the differences were not statistically significant. The net fecundity rate was significantly higher on 033 (1,082 eggs per female) than on other cultivars. The gross fertility rate significantly differed on tested cultivars, and was the highest on Zane (1,257 eggs per female) and lowest on Hill (813 eggs per female). The net fertility rate varied from 532 on M11 to 1,082 eggs per female on 033. Both daily number of eggs and daily number of fertile eggs laid per female varied significantly among the different cultivars, and were the highest on TMS (90 for both parameter) and lowest on M7 (47 and 43), respectively. The values of net reproductive rate, intrinsic rate of increase, and finite rate of increase were significantly higher on 033. The shortest generation time (23 d), shortest doubling time (1.66 d), and highest percentage of female offspring (56%) also were obtained on 033. According to population growth parameters, 033 and Hill partially were susceptible and resistant, respectively, to S. exigua. The results of this study provide direction to design a more comprehensive integrated pest management program for this pest.  相似文献   

Successful behavioral-based control methods rely on the accurate knowledge of the mating dynamics of the target insect. Age at first mating affects reproductive potential and the chance of multiple mating. The cabbage moth, Copitarsia decolora (Guenée) is an important pest of a number of commodities. We investigated combinations of age, body size and mating history to determine how these variables affect insect reproductive capacity. Fecundity and fertility decreased as the age of mating pairs increased, heavy and average sized females laid more eggs than light females. Female multiple mating did not enhance fecundity nor fertility potential. Furthermore, spermatophore size did not determine female re-mating behavior. However, female fecundity and fertility was related to the male mating history. Our results show that SIT is a valuable tool for controlling this pest.  相似文献   

Austropotamobius pallipes juveniles for restocking should originate from native breeders to preserve the genetic integrity of the populations. We compared the reproductive performance in captivity of A. pallipes populations of four drainage basins of the Abruzzi Region to assess their reproductive efficiency and improve their aquaculture. The broodstock were collected before the breeding season and reproduction took place in an experimental hatchery. The female carapace length ranged from 35.4 to 59.0?mm. Spawning occurred in 84% of females (range 69–93%) and the mean number of eggs per female was 89 (range 80–104). No significant differences were observed among the groups. Close to hatching, two groups maintained a high percentage of egg-bearing females (52%) and a high number of eggs, while the other groups lost most of their eggs. At the end of the cycle, the stage 2 juveniles obtained represented 19.5% of the initial egg number. The efficiency for stage 2 juvenile production ranged from 48.2 to 0.1%, and the mean number of stage 2 juveniles per female ranged from 42.2 to 1. These differences were not attributable to maternal size, but the characteristics of the brooks of origin might have influenced the reproductive performances of crayfish in the hatchery.  相似文献   

Summary Sixty female Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba Dana) spawned in shipboard experiments and the interval between egg-laying and ecdysis was noted. The number of eggs laid per female ranged from 263–3662, most females produced only one batch of eggs before moulting, and the post-spawn ovaries of all females contained few, if any, mature oocytes. As reported in other studies, the total number of eggs produced per female was not well correlated with body size. Females appeared to spawn at all times during the moulting cycle and although no diurnal rhythm in spawning was observed, moulting occurred mainly at night-time despite the animals being kept in near-constant darkness. No evidence of synchronous moutling was detected.  相似文献   

1. For many fish species, survival during early life stages is linked to the size and energetic condition of females prior to reproduction. For example, females in good energetic condition are often more fecund and produce larger eggs and offspring than those in poor condition. 2. We measured the characteristics of female yellow perch (Perca flavescens) that may influence annual population fluctuations. From 2005 to 2007, we measured spatial variation in female reproductive traits, such as age, length, mass and energy density (J g?1) of somatic tissues and ovaries among four spawning aggregations of yellow perch in western and central Lake Erie. 3. Maternal traits, such as somatic energy density and spawner age distribution, differed between the western and central basin, whereas reproductive traits, such as fecundity and ovarian energy density, differed across years. 4. To understand the implications of observed differences in demographic rates (growth and mortality rates) between basins, we developed a deterministic model to simulate the total egg production in the western and central basins under different scenarios of fishing mortality. 5. High growth rates and low mortality rates combined to produce higher modelled estimates of total egg production in the central than in the western basin, and a larger proportion of eggs were produced by old age classes in the central basin than in the western basin. 6. Our results demonstrate that changing harvest levels for populations with different demographic rates can influence total reproductive output through complex interactions between age‐specific mortality, growth and size‐specific fecundity, which has implications for the population dynamics of yellow perch and related species across a broad geographic range.  相似文献   

The development time for eggs and nymphs and female fertility were determined for Nesidiocoris tenuis Reuter (Het., Miridae: Dicyphini) at 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40 ± 1°C, using tomato, Solanum esculentum (Miller), as substrate and eggs of Ephestia kuehniella Zeller as substitute prey. At 40°C, N. tenuis was unable to develop and barely reproduced. Egg development ranged from 30.8 days at 15°C to 6.3 days at 35°C. The cumulative thermal requirements for the eggs were 148.6 degree days (°d) and the lower thermal threshold, 10.3°C. The duration of the nymphal instar decreased from 55.9 days at 15°C to 8.6 days at 35°C. The thermal constant for the nymphs was 182.3 °d and the lower thermal threshold 11.7°C. No nymphs survived at 40°C, and the highest mortalities were at extreme temperatures (15 and 35°C). Female and male weights were influenced significantly by temperature. The fertility of N. tenuis females was reduced greatly at 15 and 40°C. The highest fertility during an observation period of 18 days following female emergence (79.5–60.0 nymphs per female) was within the temperature range of 20 to 35°C. Fertility was related directly to female weight and temperature (r2 = 0.932). Based on development, reproduction data and thermal requirements, the optimum temperature range for N. tenuis was established as being between 20 and 30°C. Overall, N. tenuis is the most thermophilous of all dicyphines from vegetable crops in the Mediterranean area studied so far.  相似文献   

The relationship between egg size and offspring phenotype is critical to our understanding of the selective pressures acting on the key reproductive life-history traits of egg size and number. Yet there is surprisingly little empirical evidence to support a strong, positive relationship between egg size and offspring quality (i.e., offspring growth, condition, and survival) in birds, in part because of confounding effects of parental quality and the lack of experimental techniques for directly manipulating avian egg size independently of maternal condition. Previously, we showed that treatment of laying female zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata) with the antiestrogen tamoxifen can decrease egg size by ca. 8% but that this reduction in egg size had few effects on offspring mass and size at fledging. Here, we extend the use of this technique to induce larger decreases in egg size (up to 50% in individual females) and show that a reduction in egg size of ca. 18% is associated with decreased embryo viability, increased hatchling mortality, and lower posthatching offspring survival. Furthermore, we show that although hatchlings from eggs reduced in size by ca. 9% can survive to fledging, these chicks show slower initial growth during the linear growth phase (5-10 d of age), fledge at lower masses than chicks from control eggs, and show postfledging compensatory growth. Our results provide empirical support for significant effects of egg size on offspring quality and further suggest that among individual females there is a minimum egg size required to maintain embryo viability and offspring quality.  相似文献   

Polyandry, female mating with multiple males, is widespread across many taxa and almost ubiquitous in insects. This conflicts with the traditional idea that females are constrained by their comparatively large investment in each offspring, and so should only need to mate once or a few times. Females may need to mate multiply to gain sufficient sperm supplies to maintain their fertility, especially in species in which male promiscuity results in division of their ejaculate among many females. Here, we take a novel approach, utilizing wild‐caught individuals to explore how natural variation among females and males influences fertility gains for females. We studied this in the Malaysian stalk‐eyed fly species Teleopsis dalmanni. After an additional mating, females benefit from greatly increased fertility (proportion fertile eggs). Gains from multiple mating are not uniform across females; they are greatest when females have high fecundity or low fertility. Fertility gains also vary spatially, as we find an additional strong effect of the stream from which females were collected. Responses were unaffected by male mating history (males kept with females or in male‐only groups). Recent male mating may be of lesser importance because males in many species, including T. dalmanni, partition their ejaculate to maintain their fertility over many matings. This study highlights the importance of complementing laboratory studies with data on wild‐caught populations, where there is considerable heterogeneity between individuals. Future research should focus on environmental, demographic and genetic factors that are likely to significantly influence variation in individual female fecundity and fertility.  相似文献   

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