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Summary Mono-specific communities of the C3 sedge, Scirpus olneyi and the C4 grass, Spartina patens, were exposed to normal ambient or elevated CO2, (ca. 680 l l–1) throughout the 1987 and 1988 growing seasons in open-top field chambers located on a tidal marsh. Single stems of C3 plants grown in ambient or elevated CO2 showed an increased photosynthetic rate when tested at elevated CO2 for both seasons. This increase in photosynthetic response in the C3 species was maintained throughout the 1987 and 1988 growing season. The stimulation of photosynthesis with elevated CO2 appeared to increase as temperature increased and decreased as photosynthetic photon flux (PPF) increased. Analysis of the photosynthetic response of the C3 species during the 1988 season indicated that significant differences in light-saturated photosynthetic rate between ambient and elevated CO2 conditions continued until October. In contrast to the C3 sedge, the C4 grass showed no significant photosynthetic increase to elevated CO2 except at the beginning of the 1988 season.  相似文献   

Physiological responses to elevated CO2 at the leaf and canopy-level were studied in an intact pine (Pinus taeda) forest ecosystem exposed to elevated CO2 using a free-air CO2 enrichment (FACE) technique. Normalized canopy water-use of trees exposed to elevated CO2 over an 8-day exposure period was similar to that of trees exposed to current ambient CO2 under sunny conditions. During a portion of the exposure period when sky conditions were cloudy, CO2-exposed trees showed minor (7%) but significant reductions in relative sap flux density compared to trees under ambient CO2 conditions. Short-term (minutes) direct stomatal responses to elevated CO2 were also relatively weak (5% reduction in stomatal aperture in response to high CO2 concentrations). We observed no evidence of adjustment in stomatal conductance in foliage grown under elevated CO2 for nearly 80 days compared to foliage grown under current ambient CO2, so intrinsic leaf water-use efficiency at elevated CO2 was enhanced primarily by direct responses of photosynthesis to CO2. We did not detect statistical differences in parameters from photosynthetic responses to intercellular CO2 (A net-C i curves) for Pinus taeda foliage grown under elevated CO2 (550 mol mol–1) for 50–80 days compared to those for foliage grown under current ambient CO2 from similar-sized reference trees nearby. In both cases, leaf net photosynthetic rate at 550 mol mol–1 CO2 was enhanced by approximately 65% compared to the rate at ambient CO2 (350 mol mol–1). A similar level of enhancement under elevated CO2 was observed for daily photosynthesis under field conditions on a sunny day. While enhancement of photosynthesis by elevated CO2 during the study period appears to be primarily attributable to direct photosynthetic responses to CO2 in the pine forest, longer-term CO2 responses and feedbacks remain to be evaluated.  相似文献   

Leadley  Paul W.  Drake  Bert G. 《Plant Ecology》1993,104(1):3-15
Open top chamber design and function are reviewed. All of the chambers described maintain CO2 concentrations measured at a central location within ±30 ppm of a desired target when averaged over the growing season, but the spatial and temporal range within any chamber may be closer to 100 ppm. Compared with unchambered companion plots, open top chambers modify the microenvironment in the following ways: temperatures are increased up to 3°C depending on the chamber design and location of the measurement; light intensity is typically diminished by as much as 20%; wind velocity is lower and constant; and relative humidity is higher. The chamber environment may significantly alter plant growth when compared with unchambered controls, but the chamber effect on growth has not been clearly attributed to a single or even a few environmental factors.A method for modifying an open top chamber for tracking gas exchange between natural vegetation and the ambient air is described. This modification consists of the addition of a top with exit chimney to reduce dilution of chamber CO2 by external ambient air, is quickly made and permits estimation of the effects of elevated CO2 and water vapor exchange.The relatively simple design and construction of open top chambers make them the most likely method to be used in the near future for long-term elevated CO2 exposure of small trees, crops and grassland ecosystems. Improvements in the basic geometry to improve control of temperature, reduce the variation of CO2 concentrations, and increase the turbulence and wind speed in the canopy boundary layer are desirable objectives. Similarly, modifications for measuring water vapor and carbon dioxide gas exchange will extend the usefulness of open top chambers to include non-destructive monitoring of the responses of ecosystems to rising atmospheric CO2.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that increased carbohydrate flux under elevatedCO2 regulates accelerated development using rice (Oryzasativa L. cv. Jarrah). Plants were grown either in flooded soil orsolution culture at either 360 or 700 L CO2L–1. Total dry mass, shoot elongation rates (SER),tiller appearance rates (TAR) and ethylene release from intact rice seedlingswere measured from 5 to 42 days after planting (DAP). At maturity, shoot andsheath length, tiller number and grain mass were also measured. ElevatedCO2 had a profound effect on growth, morphology and development andthe effects were more pronounced during the early growth phase. Total aboveground biomass increased at elevated CO2 and this was accounted for by enhanced tiller number. Grain yield was increased by 56% under elevated CO2mainly due to increased tiller number and hence panicle number. TAR and SERwereenhanced at elevated CO2 but SER increased only untill 25 DAP.Elevated CO2 stimulated a 2-3-fold increase in endogenous andACC-mediated ethylene release but the ACC concentration in the leaves waslittleaffected showing that rates of ACC synthesis matched its oxidation. Inhibitionof ethylene action by 1-aminocyclopropane (1-MCP) had a more pronouncedinhibitory effect on ethylene release in plants that were grown at 700 ascompared to 360 L CO2 L–1. Feedingsucrose to intact plants enhanced ethylene synthesis and these results areconsistent with the hypothesis that increased accumulation of sucrose atelevated CO2 may enhance expression of genes in the ethylenebiosynthetic pathway. We conclude that increase in ethylene release may becentral in promoting accelerated development under elevated CO2 andthis coincides with the release of auxiliary buds and accelerated rates oftiller appearance hence increased grain yield at elevated CO2.  相似文献   

To study the effect of elevated CO2 concentration on plant growth and photosynthesis, two clones ofHevea brasiliensis were grown in polybags and exposed to elevated concentration (700±25ppm) for 60 days. There was higher biomass accumulation, leaf area and better growth when compared to ambient air grown plantso From A/Ci curves it is clear that photosynthetic rates increases with increase in CO2 concentrations. After 60 days of exposure to higher CO2 concentration, a decrease in the carbon assimilation rate was noticed.  相似文献   

Holtum JA  Winter K 《Planta》2003,218(1):152-158
Do short-term fluctuations in CO2 concentrations at elevated CO2 levels affect net CO2 uptake rates of plants? When exposed to 600 μl CO2 l?1, net CO2 uptake rates in shoots or leaves of seedlings of two tropical C3 tree species, teak (Tectona grandis L. f.) and barrigon [Pseudobombax septenatum (Jacq.) Dug.], increased by 28 and 52% respectively. In the presence of oscillations with half-cycles of 20 s, amplitude of ca. 170 μl CO2 l?1 and mean of 600 μl CO2 l?1, the stimulation in net CO2 uptake by the two species was reduced to 19 and 36%, respectively, i.e. the CO2 stimulation in photosynthesis associated with a change in exposure from 370 to 600 μl CO2 l?1 was reduced by a third in both species. Similar reductions in CO2-stimulated net CO2 uptake were observed in T. grandis exposed to 40-s oscillations. Rates of CO2 efflux in the dark by whole shoots of T. grandis decreased by 4.8% upon exposure of plants grown at 370 μl CO2 l?1 to 600 μl CO2 l?1. The potential implications of the observations on CO2 oscillations and dark respiration are discussed in the context of free-air CO2 enrichment (FACE) systems in which short-term fluctuations of CO2 concentration are a common feature.  相似文献   

Plant species differ broadly in their responses to an elevated CO2 atmosphere, particularly in the extent of nitrogen dilution of leaf tissue. Insect herbivores are often limited by the availability of nutrients, such as nitrogen, in their host plant tissue and may therefore respond differentially on different plant species grown in CO2-enriched environments. We reared gyspy moth larvae (Lymantria dispar) in situ on seedlings of yellow birch (Betula allegheniensis) and gray birch (B. populifolia) grown in an ambient (350 ppm) or elevated (700 ppm) CO2 atmosphere to test whether larval responses in the elevated CO2 atmosphere were species-dependent. We report that female gypsy moths (Lymantria dispar) reared on gray birch (Betula populifolia) achieved similar pupal masses on plants grown at an ambient or an elevated CO2 concentration. However, on yellow birch (B. allegheniensis), female pupal mass was 38% smaller on plants in the elevated-CO2 atmosphere. Larval mortality was significantly higher on yellow birch than gray birch, but did not differ between the CO2 treatments. Relative growth rate declined more in the elevated CO2 atmosphere for larvae on yellow birch than for those on gray birch. In preference tests, larvae preferred ambient over elevated CO2-grown leaves of yellow birch, but showed no preference between gray birch leaves from the two CO2 atmospheres. This differential response of gypsy moths to their host species corresponded to a greater decline in leaf nutritional quality in the elevated CO2 atmosphere in yellow birch than in gray birch. Leaf nitrogen content of yellow birch dropped from 2.68% to 1.99% while that of gray birch leaves only declined from 3.23% to 2.63%. Meanwhile, leaf condensed tannin concentration increased from 8.92% to 11.45% in yellow birch leaves while gray birch leaves only increased from 10.72% to 12.34%. Thus the declines in larval performance in a future atmosphere may be substantial and host-species-specific.  相似文献   

The growth responses of a grass,Poa pratensis, to elevated CO2 and nitrogen were investigated. Light-saturated photosynthetic rate per unit leaf area increased with exposure to elevated CO2, while dry weight did not respond to increased CO2. Patterns of biomass allocation within plants, including leaf area, leaf area ratio, specific leaf area, and root to shoot ratios, were not altered by elevated CO2, but changed considerably with N treatment Shoot and whole-plant tissue N concentrations were significantly diluted by elevated CO2 (Tukey test, P < 0.05). Total N content did not differ significantly among CO2 treatments. The absence of a concomitant increase in N uptake under elevated CO2 may have caused a dilution in plant tissue [N], probably negating the positive effects of increased photosynthesis on biomass accumulation.  相似文献   

Elevated CO2 has been shown to increase methane emissions in herbaceous wetlands, but it is not clear that this will occur in wetlands dominated by woody plants or in wetlands that are not inundated. We determined the effects of elevated CO2 and water table position on methane emission and oxidation rates from plant-soil microcosms planted with a woody tree, Taxodium distichum, or an emergent aquatic macrophyte, Orontium aquaticum. Experiments were conducted in replicate glasshouses (n = 2) at CO2 concentrations of either 350 or 700 ppmv. Plants were grown from seed and subjected to two water level depths, flooded (+5 cm above the soil surface) and non-flooded (–10 cm for T. distichum and –6 cm for O. aquaticum). Elevated CO2 increased whole-plant photosynthetic rates in both water table treatments. Methane emission rates increased by 62 to 69% in the T. distichum treatment and 27 to 29% in the O. aquaticum treatment. Whole-plant photosynthesis and biomass were strongly correlated with methane emissions (r2 0.75, P 0.01). This relationship provides evidence of a tight coupling between plant and microbial activity and suggests that similar relationships from other wetland studies measured at ambient CO2 can be extrapolated into the future. In the O. aquaticum, non-flooded treatment, methanotrophy consumed 14 and 22% (replicate glasshouses) of the methane produced in the ambient treatment compared to 29 and 36% in the elevated CO2 treatment. However, there was no significant methane oxidation detected in the flooded treatment. We concluded that woody and non-woody wetland ecosystems growing in a future CO2-enriched atmosphere will emit more methane regardless of water table position, but the degree of stimulation will be sensitive to changes in water table position, particularly in forested wetlands.  相似文献   

Summary The response of tussock tundra to elevated atmospheric concentrations of CO2 was measured at Toolik Lake, Alaska in the summer of 1983. Computer-controlled greenhouses were used to determine diurnal ecosystem flux of CO2 under four treatments: 340 ppm, 510 ppm, and 680 ppm CO2, as well as 680 ppm CO2 with a four degree centrigrade increase in temperature. For the seven days of data analyzed, net daily CO2 flux was significantly different between treatments. Net uptake was positively correlated with CO2 concentration in the chamber and negatively correlated with temperature. A nonlinear model was used to analyze this data set and to determine some of the reasons for different net CO2 flux. This model allowed an estimation of light utilization efficiency, total conductance of CO2, and a comparable measure of total respiration. From this analysis we conclude that nutrient limitations in the arctic decrease the capacity of tundra plants to make use of elevated CO2 concentrations. The plants respond by decreasing conductance in the presence of elevated CO2, which results in approximately equal gross uptake rates for the three CO2 treatments. Apparent changes in system respiration result in higher net uptake under elevated CO2 but this may be due to biases in the data. The treatment with increased temperature exhibited higher conductances and, consequently, higher gross uptake of CO2 than the other treatments. Higher temperatures, however, also increase respiration with the result being lower net uptake than would be expected in the absence of temperature inscreases.  相似文献   

B. L. Howes  J. M. Teal 《Oecologia》1994,97(4):431-438
Spartina alterniflora has been reported to lose significant amounts of oxygen to its rhizosphere with potentially important effects on salt-marsh biogeochemical cycling and plant productivity. The potential significance of this oxidative pathway was evaluated using laboratory split-chamber experiments to quantify oxygen loss from intact root systems under a wide variety of pre-treatment and incubation conditions including antibiotics to inhibit microbial respiration. The aerenchyma system of S. alterniflora was found to transport O2, N2, Ar, and CH4 from above-ground sources to its below-ground roots and rhizomes. While non-respiratory gases were observed to move from the lacunae to water bathing the root systems, net O2 loss did not occur; instead oxygen present outside of the roots/rhizomes was consumed. Net oxygen loss was found when resistance to gas transport was reduced in the lacunae-rhizosphere pathway by placing the root systems in a gas phase and when plant respiration was significantly reduced. Root system respiration appeared to be the major variable in the plant oxygen balance. When root and rhizome respiration was inhibited using poisons or lowered by cooling, the oxygen deficit was greatly reduced and oxygen loss was indicated. The effect of seasonal temperature changes on root system oxygen deficit presents a possible explanation as to why Spartina produces root systems with respiration rates that cannot be supported by gas transport. Overall, while oxygen loss from individual plant roots is likely, integrating measured root system oxygen loss with geochemical data indicates that the mass amount of oxygen lost from S. alterniflora root systems is small compared to the total oxygen balance of vegetated salt marsh sediments.  相似文献   

Seedlings of loblolly pine Pinus taeda (L.), were grown in open-topped field chambers under three CO2 regimes: ambient, 150 l l–1 CO2 above ambient, and 300 l l–1 CO2 above ambient. A fourth, non-chambered ambient treatment was included to assess chamber effects. Needles were used in 96 h feeding trials to determine the performance of young, second instar larvae of loblolly pine's principal leaf herbivore, red-headed pine sawfly, Neodiprion lecontei (Fitch). The relative consumption rate of larvae significantly increased on plants grown under elevated CO2, and needles grown in the highest CO2 regime were consumed 21% more rapidly than needles grown in ambient CO2. Both the significant decline in leaf nitrogen content and the substantial increase in leaf starch content contributed to a significant increase in the starch:nitrogen ratio in plants grown in elevated CO2. Insect consumption rate was negatively related to leaf nitrogen content and positively related to the starch:nitrogen ratio. Of the four volatile leaf monoterpenes measured, only -pinene exhibited a significant CO2 effect and declined in plants grown in elevated CO2. Although consumption changed, the relative growth rates of larvae were not different among CO2 treatments. Despite lower nitrogen consumption rates by larvae feeding on the plants grown in elevated CO2, nitrogen accumulation rates were the same for all treatments due to a significant increase in nitrogen utilization efficiency. The ability of this insect to respond at an early, potentially susceptible larval stage to poorer food quality and declining levels of a leaf monoterpene suggest that changes in needle quality within pines in future elevated-CO2 atmospheres may not especially affect young insects and that tree-feeding sawflies may respond in a manner similar to herb-feeding lepidopterans.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the long-term effects of elevated CO2 concentration (doubling of ambient CO2 concentration) and temperature (2–6°C elevation) on the concentration and content of secondary compounds in the needles of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) saplings grown in closed-top environmental chambers. The chamber treatments included (1) ambient temperature and CO2, (2) ambient temperature and elevated CO2, (3) elevated temperature and ambient CO2, and (4) elevated temperature and elevated CO2. The needle sampling and analyses of monoterpenes, HPLC-phenolics and condensed tannins in current- and 1-year-old needles were made in two consecutive years. The results showed that the effects of elevation of CO2 and temperature were greatest on the monoterpene concentration in the needles while the concentration of HPLC-phenolics remained almost unaffected by the changed growing conditions. Most of the observed decrease in monoterpene concentration was caused by the CO2 enrichment while the effect of elevated temperature alone was not as significant. The accumulation of condensed tannins tended to increase due to the elevation of CO2 alone compensating the reduced carbon allocation to monoterpenes. Overall, the responses of the concentrations of secondary compounds to the elevation of CO2 and temperature are variable and depend strongly on the properties and characteristics of each compound as well as on the interrelation between the production of these compounds and the primary production of trees.  相似文献   

Dry weight and Relative Growth Rate of Lemna gibba were significantly increased by CO2 enrichment up to 6000 l CO2 l–1. This high CO2 optimum for growth is probably due to the presence of nonfunctional stomata. The response to high CO2 was less or absent following four days growth in 2% O2. The Leaf Area Ratio decreased in response to CO2 enrichment as a result of an increase in dry weight per frond. Photosynthetic rate was increased by CO2 enrichment up to 1500 l CO2 l–1 during measurement, showing only small increases with further CO2 enrichment up to 5000 l CO2 l–1 at a photon flux density of 210 mol m–2 s–1 and small decreases at 2000 mol m–1 s–1. The actual rate of photosynthesis of those plants cultivated at high CO2 levels, however, was less than the air grown plants. The response of photosynthesis to O2 indicated that the enhancement of growth and photosynthesis by CO2 enrichment was a result of decreased photorespiration. Plants cultivated in low O2 produced abnormal morphological features and after a short time showed a reduction in growth.  相似文献   

韩智献  仝川  刘白贵  黄佳芳  张林海 《生态学报》2022,42(11):4561-4571
河口潮汐沼泽湿地是全球重要的蓝碳生态系统之一。海平面上升和氮负荷增加是入海河流河口湿地面临的两个主要环境问题。近年来,干旱事件频发,干旱及其与海平面上升、氮负荷增加的叠加将如何影响河口潮汐沼泽湿地生态系统净CO2交换,目前还未见报道。2020年夏秋,福建沿海经历了数月严重的气象干旱,这为揭示干旱对河口潮汐沼泽湿地生态系统净CO2交换量(NEE)和生态系统呼吸(ER)的影响提供了一个契机。分别于2019年8—10月(正常天气)和2020年8—10月(干旱天气),在闽江河口微咸水短叶茳芏沼泽湿地运用光合作用测定仪+箱法测定不同处理(对照、模拟海平面上升、模拟氮负荷增加、模拟海平面上升+模拟氮负荷增加)短叶茳芏湿地生态系统NEE和ER,以期揭示气象干旱与海平面上升、氮负荷增加的叠加对河口沼泽湿地生态系统净CO2交换的影响。与正常天气相比,干旱天气下各处理(包含对照)的NEE均显著降低(P<0.05);对照、海平面上升以及氮负荷增加处理样地的ER显著减少(P<0.05),海平面上升+氮负荷增加处理ER显著增加(P&l...  相似文献   

Populations of the annual hemiparasites Melampyrum pratense L. and Melampyrum sylvaticum L. were studied at the treeline in the Swiss Alps after 3 years of in situ CO2 enrichment. The total density of Melampyrum doubled to an average of 44 individuals per square meter at elevated CO2 compared to ambient CO2. In response to elevated CO2, the height of the more abundant and more evenly distributed M. pratense increased by 20%, the number of seeds per fruit by 21%, and the total seed dry mass per fruit by 27%, but the individual seed size did not change. These results suggest that rising atmospheric CO2 may stimulate the reproductive output and increase the abundance of Melampyrum in the alpine treeline ecotone. Because hemiparasites can have important effects on community dynamics and ecosystem processes, notably the N cycle, changing Melampyrum abundance may potentially influence the functioning of alpine ecosystems in a future CO2-rich atmosphere.  相似文献   

Onion (Allium cepa L.) plants were examined to determine the photosynthetic role of CO2 that accumulates within their leaf cavities. Leaf cavity CO2 concentrations ranged from 2250 L L–1 near the leaf base to below atmospheric (<350 L L–1) near the leaf tip at midday. There was a daily fluctuation in the leaf cavity CO2 concentrations with minimum values near midday and maximum values at night. Conductance to CO2 from the leaf cavity ranged from 24 to 202 mol m–2 s–1 and was even lower for membranes of bulb scales. The capacity for onion leaves to recycle leaf cavity CO2 was poor, only 0.2 to 2.2% of leaf photosynthesis based either on measured CO2 concentrations and conductance values or as measured directly by 14CO2 labeling experiments. The photosynthetic responses to CO2 and O2 were measured to determine whether onion leaves exhibited a typical C3-type response. A linear increase in CO2 uptake was observed in intact leaves up to 315 L L–1 of external CO2 and, at this external CO2 concentration, uptake was inhibited 35.4±0.9% by 210 mL L–1 O2 compared to 20 mL L–1 O2. Scanning electron micrographs of the leaf cavity wall revealed degenerated tissue covered by a membrane. Onion leaf cavity membranes apparently are highly impermeable to CO2 and greatly restrict the refixation of leaf cavity CO2 by photosynthetic tissue.Abbreviations Ca external CO2 concentration - Ci intercellular CO2 concentration - CO2 compensation concentration - PPFR photosynthetic photon fluence rate  相似文献   

Sustained increases in plant production in elevated CO2 depend on adequate belowground resources. Mechanisms for acquiring additional soil resources include increased root allocation and changes in root morphology or physiology. CO2 research to date has focused almost exclusively on changes in biomass and allocation. We examined physiological changes in nitrate and ammonium uptake in elevated CO2, hypothesizing that uptake rates would increase with the amount of available CO2. We combined our physiological estimates of nitrogen uptake with measurements of root biomass to assess whole root-system rates of nitrogen uptake. Surprisingly, physiological rates of ammonium uptake were unchanged with CO2, and rates of nitrate uptake actually decreased significantly (P<0.005). Root boomass increased 23% in elevated CO2 (P<0.005), but almost all of this increase came in fertilized replicates. Rates of root-system nitrogen uptake in elevated CO2 increased for ammonium in nutrient-rich soil (P<0.05) and were unchanged for nitrate (P>0.80). Root-system rates of nitrogen uptake were more strongly correlated with physiological uptake rates than with root biomass in unamended soil, but the reverse was true in fertilized replicates. We discuss nitrogen uptake and changes in root biomass in the context of root nutrient concentrations (which were generally unchanged with CO2) and standing pools of belowground plant nitrogen. In research to date, there appears to be a fairly general increase in root biomass with elevated CO2, and little evidence of up-regulation in root physiology.  相似文献   

Responses of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPCase) to an elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration were determined along with net CO2 uptake rates for the Crassulacean acid metabolism species Opuntia ficus-indica growing in open-top chambers. During the spring 13 months after planting, total daily net CO2 uptake of basal and first-order daughter cladodes was 28% higher at 720 than at 360 l CO2 l-1. The enhancement, caused mainly by higher CO2 assimilation during the early part of the night, was also observed during late summer (5 months after planting) and the following winter. The activities of Rubisco and PEPCase measured in vitro were both lower at the elevated CO2 concentration, particularly under the more favorable growth conditions in the spring and late summer. Enzyme activity in second-order daughter cladodes increased with cladode age, becoming maximal at 6 to 10 days. The effect ofelevated CO2 on Rubisco and PEPCase activity declined with decreasing irradiance, especially for Rubisco. Throughout the 13-month observation period, O. ficus-indica thus showed increased CO2 uptake when the atmospheric CO2 concentration was doubled despite lower activities of both carboxylating enzymes.  相似文献   

Summary Lacunal allocation as the fraction of the total cross sectional area of leaves, stem bases, rhizomes, and roots was determined in both tall and short growth forms of Spartina alterniflora collected from natural monospecific stands. The results indicate that in both growth forms lacunal allocation is greater in stem bases and rhizomes than in leaves and roots and that tall form plants allocate more of their stem and rhizome to lacunae than short form plants.Measurements made in natural stands of Spartina alterniflora suggest that total lacunal area of the stem base increases with increasing stem diameter and that stem diameter increases with increasing plant height and above-ground biomass. However, the fraction of cross section allocated to lacunae was relatively constant and increased only with the formation of a central lacuna.Experimental manipulations of surface and subsurface water exchange were carried out to test the influence of flooding regime on aerenchyma formation. No significant differences in lacunal allocation were detected between plants grown in flooded (reduced) and drained (oxidized) sediments in either laboratory or field experiments. While aerenchyma formation in Spartina alterniflora may be an adaptation to soil waterlogging/anoxia, our results suggest that lacunal formation is maximized as a normal part of development with allocation constrained structurally by the size of plants in highly organic New England and Mid-Atlantic marshes.The cross sectional area of aerenchyma for gas transport was found to be related to the growth of Spartina alterniflora with stands of short form Spartina alterniflora exhibiting a lower specific gas transport capacity (lacunal area per unit below ground biomass) than tall form plants despite having a similar below-ground biomass supported by a 10 fold higher culm density. The increased specific gas transport capacity in tall vs. short plants may provide a new mechanism to explain the better aeration, higher nutrient uptake rates and lower frequency of anaerobic respiration in roots of tall vs. short Spartina alterniflora.  相似文献   

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