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Abstract. 1. Seventy‐seven individual last‐instar caterpillars foraging in the field were examined for 6 h each. They represented four species of Arctiidae of similar size and habitat use. Two, Hypocrisias minima and Pygarctia roseicapitis, are specialists restricted to particular plant genera. The other two, Grammia geneura and Estigmene acrea, are extreme generalists that use many host plant species from multiple plant families. 2. Parameters of behavioural efficiency were monitored. Generalists spent more time walking, rejected more potential host plants, took longer to decide to feed after inspecting a plant, and took relatively more small feeding bouts compared with specialists. 3. This is the first test of differential foraging efficiency in the field in relation to diet breadth of insects and the data indicate that generalists are less efficient in their foraging activities and may suffer from divided attention. The need for attentiveness to enhance efficiency and thereby reduce ecological risk is discussed.  相似文献   

Food mixing by herbivores is thought to balance nutrient intake and possibly dilute secondary metabolites characteristic of different host plant species. Most empirical work on insect herbivores has focused on nutrient balancing in laboratory settings. In this study, we characterize food mixing behaviour of the caterpillar Grammia geneura (Strecker) (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae) in nature and use the observed patterns to design ecologically relevant experiments that reveal the relative importance of these processes in food-switching behaviour. Our design involved both choice and no-choice experiments with chemically defined diets in which primary nutrients and secondary metabolites were manipulated in tandem. We analysed two stages in the process of food-switching behaviour: leaving food and accepting new food. In nature, an individual's rate of leaving host plants was positively associated with its probability of rejecting plant species most recently eaten, but not related to its probability of accepting different host plant species. Furthermore, an individual's leaving rate was negatively related to its average feeding bout duration. This relationship resulted partly from variation in the response of individuals to nutrient imbalance and partly from shortened feeding bouts prior to switching, suggesting that a decline in feeding excitation preceded searching for food that differed from that most recently eaten. Laboratory experiments with synthetic diets indicated the importance of secondary metabolites in the decline in feeding excitation prior to switching. Preference for new food depended strongly on secondary metabolites in a manner consistent with toxin dilution. This is the first experimental evidence for the process of toxin dilution in caterpillars, and for the combined influence of nutrients and secondary metabolites on their foraging patterns in nature. Copyright 2002 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

We examined the foraging behavior of woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) relative to the spatial and temporal heterogeneity of their environment. We assessed (1) whether caribou altered their behavior over time while making trade-offs between forage abundance and accessibility; and (2) whether foraging decisions were consistent across spatial scales (i.e., as scale increased, similar decision criteria were used at each scale). We discuss whether caribou adjusted their behavior to take advantage of changing forage availability through time and space. At the scale of the feeding site (as revealed by discriminant function analyses), caribou in both forested and alpine (above tree-line) environments selected sites where the biomass of particular lichen species was greatest and snow the least deep. Caribou did not select those species with the highest nutritional value (i.e., digestible protein and energy) in either area. Where snow depth, density, and hardness limited access to terrestrial lichens in the forest, caribou foraged instead at those trees with the greatest amount of arboreal lichen. Selection of lichen species and the influence of snow differed across time, indicating that in this system the abundance or accessibility of forage temporally influenced foraging behavior. A path analysis of forest data and multiple regression analysis of alpine data were used to test the hypothesis that variables important at the scale of the feeding site explained foraging effort at the scale of the patch. For forest patches, our hypothesized model reliably explained foraging effort, but not all variables that were statistically important at the scale of the feeding site were significant predictors at the scale of the patch. For alpine patches, our hypothesized model did not explain a statistically significant portion of the variation in the number of feeding sites within the patch, and none of the individual variables from the feeding site remained statistically significant at the patch scale. The incongruity between those variables important at the scale of the feeding site and those important at the patch showed that spatial scale affects the foraging decisions of woodland caribou. At the scale of the landscape, there was a trade-off between forage abundance and accessibility. Relative to the alpine environment, caribou in the forest foraged at feeding sites and patches with greater amounts of less variably distributed lichen, but deeper less variable snow depths. Considering the behavioral plasticity of woodland caribou, there may be no distinct advantage to foraging in one landscape over the other.  相似文献   

This paper investigates how variability in partial foraging preferences for patch types can be used as a behavioral indicator of the energetic value of that patch type, and of overall food availability in the territory. The species studied was the lesser spotted woodpecker (Dendrocopos minor) and the patch types it uses are four groups of tree species (oak Quercus robur, birch Betula pendula, B. pubescens, alder Alnus glutinosa, and lime Tilia cordata), in which it feeds upon wood-living insect larvae. We partition the variation in foraging preferences into three scales. Firstly, within territories, the foraging preference for a tree species group was positively related to the prey density in that species group. That is, the preferences measure the patch types' energetic profitabilities. This result should be general in cases like the present, where the costs of using different alternatives do not differ substantially. It may therefore be the preferred behavioral indicator in determining the relative benefits associated with different alternatives. Secondly, between the seven years of study, much of the variation in tree species group preferences was attributable to measured fluctuations in the density of one important prey species (Argyresthia goedarthella, Argyresthidae, Lepidoptera), which occurred in some years on birch, in others on alder, and in one year was virtually absent. Thus, in concordance with the previous result, the values of these tree species groups fluctuated between years according to prey density. Thirdly, between territories, we found that the preference for one tree species, lime, was higher in areas where it was more abundant. We attribute this to the fact that the density (per patch) of at least one important prey species (Stenostola dubia, Cerambycidae, Coleoptera) on lime increased with the abundance of its host tree species in the territory. That is, the overall food availability was higher in territories where lime was more common. Hence, the preference for lime estimates overall food availability. This conclusion is strengthened by two additional facts: the preference for lime correlates positively (1) with the average giving-up density of food, which has previously been shown to estimate overall food availability in the territories, and (2) with reproductive success, at least during the early stages of reproduction.  相似文献   

Tropical forests are characterized by marked temporal and spatial variation in productivity, and many primates face foraging problems associated with seasonal shifts in fruit availability. In this study, I examined seasonal changes in diet and foraging behaviors of two groups of squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus), studied for 12 months in Eastern Brazilian Amazonia, an area characterized by seasonal rainfall. Squirrel monkeys were primarily insectivorous (79% of feeding and foraging time), with fruit consumption highest during the rainy season. Although monkeys fed from 68 plant species, fruit of Attalea maripa palms accounted for 28% of annual fruit-feeding records. Dietary shifts in the dry season were correlated with a decline in ripe A. maripa fruits. Despite pronounced seasonal variation in rainfall and fruit abundance, foraging efficiency, travel time, and distance traveled remained stable between seasons. Instead, squirrel monkeys at this Eastern Amazonian site primarily dealt with the seasonal decline in fruit by showing dietary flexibility. Consumption of insects, flowers, and exudates increased during the dry season. In particular, their foraging behavior at this time strongly resembled that of tamarins (Saguinus sp.) and consisted of heavy use of seed-pod exudates and specialized foraging on large-bodied orthopterans near the forest floor. Comparisons with squirrel monkeys at other locations indicate that, across their geographic range, Saimiri use a variety of behavioral tactics during reduced periods of fruit availability.  相似文献   

Climatic determinants of diet and foraging behaviour in baboons   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Baboons (Papio spp.) are characterised by a large degree of variation in foraging behaviour and dietary composition. Previous analyses have suggested that much of this can be traced to differences in ecological conditions between sites. The proximate mechanism underlying these relationships is assumed to be mediated via the impact of climatic conditions on food availability, and ultimately the impact that this has on dietary composition. This paper examines these relationships more explicitly. Data from 15 baboon populations were used to assess the relationship between foraging variables and dietary composition. Only feeding time showed significant relationships with dietary composition, with percentage of time spent feeding decreasing with proportion of fruit in the diet, and increasing with the proportion of subterranean items. No relationships were found between diet composition and moving time or day journey length, although significant relationships were found between these variables and group size. The proportions of feeding time spent feeding on fruit, subterranean items and leaves were functions of the ecological conditions experienced by that population, although no relationships were found for the percentage of feeding time devoted to flowers or animal material. The relationships between the proportion feeding time spent on fruits, leaves and subterranean items and ecological variables could be best explained through understanding the way in which bush and tree level vegetation respond to the climatic environment and the impact this has on fruit availability. In this respect, temperature and seasonality are the key climatic parameters. This provides good support for the idea that the proximate mechanism underlying the relationship between foraging time and ecological variables is mediated via the impact of the climatic environment on vegetation structure and food availability. Similar factors have been proposed to explain much of the geographic variation in species diversity, suggesting that these relationships have far wider relevance and may account for much of the observed geographical variation in mammalian behaviour.  相似文献   

Evolutionary constraints on the ability of herbivores to efficiently use a set of phytochemically similar hosts, while maintaining a high performance on phytochemically different hosts, are central in explaining the predominance of host specialization in phytophagous insects. Such feeding trade-offs could be manifested within insect populations as negative genetic correlations in fitness on different host species. We tested the hypothesis that feeding trade-offs were present within a population of the obliquebanded leafroller,Choristoneura rosaceana (Harris). Components of fitness were measured in families originating from an apple orchard that were fed on four host-plant species in the laboratory. Under the conditions of this experiment, all across-host genetic correlations were strongly positive, suggesting that this population comprised true generalists. With the exception of diapausing propensity, the heritability of the fitness components tended to be lower in caterpillars fed on apple leaves than in insects fed other hosts. This suggests a constraint on the selective response of the fitness components in the orchard environment.  相似文献   

The genetic and morphological differentiation of insect populations in relation to the use of different host plants is an important phenomenon that predates ecological specialisation and speciation in sympatric conditions. In this study, we describe the morphological variation of populations of Brevicoryne brassicae (Homoptera: Aphididae) associated with two host species, Brassica oleracea and Brassica campestris, which occur sympatrically in the highlands of Chiapas, Mexico. The study is aimed at obtaining evidence regarding phenotypic differentiation induced by, or associated with, the use of distinct but closely related host species. Seven morphological characters were measured in 696 wingless aphids collected from plants of the two host species at four localities. Morphological variation was summarised through principal components analysis (PCA). Sixty-two percent of morphological variation was explained by the first two PCs. The first component (PC1) was related to the general size of appendages, and PC2 was interpreted as the relationship between body size (body and leg size) and antenna length. Aphids growing on B. campestris were bigger than those collected from B. oleraceae. Significant differences between hosts were detected for PC1, whereas a significant effect of locality, host, and the interaction locality × host was detected for PC2. These results indicate that the average phenotype of B. brassicae individuals inhabiting different host-plant species differs as a consequence of the contrasting feeding environments the host species provide.  相似文献   

It was suggested by Heinrich that cryptic, palatable caterpillars would adopt foliar foraging techniques which would reduce the chance of their being detected. I wished to test this hypothesis further and to determine the post-discovery tactics. I found that caterpillars of Larentia clavaria pallidat, contrary to expectations, usually rested on upper surfaces of young Althaea setosa leaves but moved to the undersides when exposed to higher light intensities. This species may be effectively concealed by older canopy leaves. These larvae usually responded to predator-like stimuli by assuming a deimatic s form but rarely dropped. Dropping may be infrequent partly because younger caterpillars could not easily relocate the foot plant. I discuss, briefly the implications of host-plant selection.  相似文献   

The gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar, and the northern tiger swallowtail, Papilio canadensis, overlap geographically as well as in their host ranges. Adult female swallowtails are incapable of distinguishing between damaged and undamaged leaves, and the opportunities for competition between these two species are numerous. We designed field and laboratory experiments to look for evidence of indirect competition between P. canadensis and L. dispar larvae. Swallowtail caterpillars were reared in the laboratory on leaves from gypsy-moth-defoliated and undefoliated trees to explore host-plant effects. We tested for pathogen-mediated interactions by rearing swallowtail larvae on both sterilized and unsterilized leaves from defoliated and undefoliated sources. In addition, we measured the effects of known gypsy moth pathogens, as well as gypsy moth body fluids, on the growth and survival of swallowtail larvae. Field experiments were designed to detect the presence of parasitoid-mediated competition, as well: we recorded parasitism of swallowtail caterpillars placed in the field either where there were no gypsy moth larvae present, or where we had artificially created dense gypsy moth populations. We found evidence that swallowtails were negatively affected by gypsy moths in several ways: defoliation by gypsy moths depressed swallowtail growth rate and survival, whether leaves were sterilized or not; sterilization significantly reduced the effect of defoliation, and gypsy moth body fluids proved lethal; and swallowtail caterpillars suffered significantly increased rates of parasitism when they were placed in the field near gypsy moth infestations.  相似文献   

The genetic basis of host plant use by phytophagous insects can provide insight into the evolution of ecological niches, especially phenomena such as specialization and phylogenetic conservatism. We carried out a quantitative genetic analysis of multiple host use traits, estimated on five species of host plants, in the Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Mean values of all characters varied among host plants, providing evidence that adaptation to plants may require evolution of both behavioral (preference) and post-ingestive physiological (performance) characteristics. Significant additive genetic variation was detected for several characters on several hosts, but not in the capacity to use the two major hosts, a pattern that might be caused by directional selection. No negative genetic correlations across hosts were detected for any 'performance' traits, i.e. we found no evidence of trade-offs in fitness on different plants. Larval consumption was positively genetically correlated across host plants, suggesting that diet generalization might evolve as a distinct trait, rather than by independent evolution of feeding responses to each plant species, but several other traits did not show this pattern. We explored genetic correlations among traits expressed on a given plant species, in a first effort to shed light on the number of independent traits that may evolve in response to selection for host-plant utilization. Most traits were not correlated with each other, implying that adaptation to a novel potential host could be a complex, multidimensional 'character' that might constrain adaptation and contribute to the pronounced ecological specialization and the phylogenetic niche conservatism that characterize many clades of phytophagous insects.  相似文献   

Social foragers can alternate between searching for food (producer tactic), and searching for other individuals that have located food in order to join them (scrounger tactic). Both tactics yield equal rewards on average, but the rewards generated by producer are more variable. A dynamic variance-sensitive foraging model predicts that social foragers should increase their use of scrounger with increasing energy requirements and/or decreased food availability early in the foraging period. We tested whether natural variation in minimum energy requirements (basal metabolic rate or BMR) is associated with differences in the use of producer–scrounger foraging tactics in female zebra finches Taeniopygia guttata . As predicted by the dynamic variance-sensitive model, high BMR individuals had significantly greater use of the scrounger tactic compared with low BMR individuals. However, we observed no effect of food availability on tactic use, indicating that female zebra finches were not variance-sensitive foragers under our experimental conditions. This study is the first to report that variation in BMR within a species is associated with differences in foraging behaviour. BMR-related differences in scrounger tactic use are consistent with phenotype-dependent tactic use decisions. We suggest that BMR is correlated with another phenotypic trait which itself influences tactic use decisions.  相似文献   

Born  E. W.  Rysgaard  S.  Ehlmé  G.  Sejr  M.  Acquarone  M.  Levermann  N. 《Polar Biology》2003,26(5):348-357
Food consumption of Atlantic walruses (Odobenus rosmarus rosmarus L.) was quantified by combining underwater observations of feeding with satellite-telemetry data on movement and diving activity. The study was conducted between 31 July and 7 August 2001 in Young Sound (74°N-20°W) in Northeast Greenland. On ten occasions, divers were able to accompany foraging walruses to the sea floor and collect the shells of newly predated bivalves (Mya truncata, Hiatella arctica, Serripes groenlandicus) for determination of number of prey and biomass ingested per dive. Simultaneously, the activity of a 1,200-kg adult male walrus was studied by use of satellite-telemetry during an entire foraging cycle that included 74 h at sea followed by a 23-h rest on land. An average of 53.2 bivalves (SE=5.2, range: 34-89, n=10) were consumed per dive, corresponding to 149.0 g shell-free dry matter (SE=18.9, range: 62.4-253.1 g), or 2,576 kJ per dive (SE=325.2, range: 1,072-4,377 kJ). During the foraging trip, the walrus spent 57% of the time diving to depths of between 6 and 32 m, and it made a total of 412 dives that lasted between 5 and 7 min (i.e. typical foraging dives). If the entire feeding cycle is considered (97 h), the estimated daily gross energy intake was 214 kJ per kg body mass (95% CI: 153-275 kJ), corresponding to the ingestion of 57 kg (95% CI: 41-72 kg) wet weight bivalve biomass per day, or 4.7 (95% CI: 3.3-5.9%) of total walrus body mass. Due to ice cover, walrus access to the plentiful inshore bivalve banks in the area is restricted to the short summer period, where walruses rely on them for replenishing energy stores. It is hypothesised that the documented decrease in the extent and duration of Arctic sea ice may increase food availability for walruses in eastern Greenland in the future.  相似文献   

Observations of bottlenose dolphins ( Tursiops truncatus ) in Florida Bay, Florida, between 2002 and 2005 revealed the use of three distinct foraging tactics. The goal of this study was to identify ecological correlates with tactic use and describe the impact of foraging specializations on the overall habitat use and distribution patterns of this dolphin population. Foraging tactics showed strong association with contrasting environmental characteristics, primarily depth. Locations of two of these tactic groups were spatially repulsed. Analyses of sighting histories of individual dolphins observed at foraging events determined that dolphins which employed one tactic never employed the other, and vice versa . Although bottlenose dolphins have plastic foraging behaviors, dolphins in Florida Bay appear to specialize in one tactic and subsequently limit their overall distribution patterns to coincide with habitats that facilitate success using that foraging tactic. This study demonstrates how foraging behavior can be an ecological determinant of overall dolphin habitat use patterns and works to create spatial structure within a population due to consistent mapping of tactics onto environmental variation. These foraging specializations potentially impact the social and demographic patterns of this dolphin population. The possible evolutionary mechanisms behind this intraspecific variation, including resource limitation and social learning, are considered.  相似文献   

Herbivore–carnivore interactions are influenced by the plants on which herbivores feed. Accordingly, dietary generalist herbivores have been shown to experience differential risk of mortality from carnivores on different host-plant species. Here, we investigate whether caterpillar density and host-plant quality play a role in driving variation in generalist forest caterpillar mortality from insect parasitoids using a large-scale, multi-year observational study. A total of 4,500 polyphagous caterpillars were collected from eight host-tree species in Connecticut deciduous forests over 5 years, and frequencies of mortality from insect parasitoids (flies and wasps) were compared across the eight host-plant species for the entire generalist caterpillar assemblage (76 species). Separate comparisons were made using seven numerically dominant generalist species, allowing us to account for variation in caterpillar species-specific parasitism risk. We find significant variation in parasitism frequencies of generalist caterpillars across the eight host-plant species when accounting for variation in caterpillar density. We find no support for an influence of caterpillar density on parasitism and no clear evidence for an effect of host-plant quality on parasitism. Therefore, the results of this study discount the hypotheses that variation in caterpillar density and host-plant quality are responsible for variation in parasitism frequencies across host-plant species. Instead, our findings point to other plant-related characteristics, such as plant-derived parasitoid attractants, which may have robust, community-wide effects.  相似文献   

The light brown apple moth, Epiphyas postvittana is a key pest of wine grapes in Australia. Two parasitoids, Dolichogenidea tasmanica and Therophilus unimaculatus, attack the larval stage of this pest. D. tasmanica is dominant in vineyards, whereas T. unimaculatus is mainly active in native vegetation. We sought to understand why they differ in their use of habitats. Plants are a major component of habitats of parasitoids, and herbivore-infested plants influence parasitoid foraging efficiency by their architecture and emission of volatile chemicals. We investigated how different plant species infested by E. postvittana could affect the foraging success of the two parasitoid species in both laboratory and field experiments. Four common host-plant species were selected for this study. In paired-choice experiments to determine the innate foraging preferences for plants, both parasitoid species showed differences in innate search preferences among plant species. The plant preference of D. tasmanica was altered by oviposition experience with hosts that were feeding on other plant species. In a behavioral assay, the two parasitoid species allocated their times engaged in various types of behavior differently when foraging on different plant species. For both parasitoids, parasitism on Hardenbergia violacea was the highest of the four plant species. Significantly more larvae dropped from Myoporum insulare when attacked than from the other three host-plant species, which indicates that parasitism is also affected by interactions between plants and host insects. In vineyards, parasitism by D. tasmanica was significantly lower on M. insulare than on the other three host-plant species, but the parasitism rates were similar among the other three plant species. Our results indicate that plants play a role in the habitat preferences of these two parasitoid species by influencing their foraging behavior, and are likely to contribute to their distributions among habitats.  相似文献   

The feeding niche ofColostethus stepheni changes during ontogeny. Small individuals eat small arthropods, principally mites and collembolans, and larger frogs eat bigger prey of other types. The shift in prey types is not a passive effect of selection for bigger prey. There is a strong relationship between electivity for prey types and frog size, independent of electivity for prey size. Four indices of general activity during foraging (number of movements, velocity, total area utilized and time spent moving), which are associated with electivity for prey types in adult frogs and lizards, did not predict the ontogenetic change in the diet ofC. stepheni. Apparently, the behavioral changes that cause the ontogenetic change inC. stepheni are more subtle than shifts in general activity during foraging. Studies of niche partitioning in communities of anurans that do not take into consideration ontogenetic changes in diet and seasonal changes in the size structures of populations present a partial and possibly erroneous picture of the potential interactions among species.  相似文献   

Understanding the principles that underly primate social evolution depends on integrated analysis of data on behavioral ecology, demography, life history tactics, and social organization. In this paper, data on the behavioral ecology of gorillas are reviewed and comparisons made among the three subspecies. Gorillas are selective feeders; and, their patterns of food choice are consistent with models of feeding by large generalist herbivores. They rely heavily on terrestrial herbaceous vegetation, which provides an abundant supply of densely distributed food. Availability of this food varies little in space and time; and, gorilla foraging activity can maintain its productivity. The level of frugivory and the extent of seasonal variation in diet and habitat use vary among and within populations. Low variability in food distribution patterns makes cooperative defense of foraging areas not worthwhile; but, it also means that ecological costs associated with gregariousness are low. However, demographic and life history data on mountain gorillas show that these costs may be sufficient to reduce female reproductive success as group size increases. Advantages to being with high quality males apparently can outweigh these costs. The implications of these data for the evolution of the mountain gorilla social system, and the possible roles of male protection, predation, and female/female competition in this regard, are discussed.  相似文献   

Insect herbivores contend with various plant traits that are presumed to function as feeding deterrents. Paradoxically, some specialist insect herbivores might benefit from some of these plant traits, for example by sequestering plant chemical defenses that herbivores then use as their own defense against natural enemies. Larvae of the butterfly species Battus philenor (L.) (Papilionidae) sequester toxic alkaloids (aristolochic acids) from their Aristolochia host plants, rendering larvae and adults unpalatable to a broad range of predators. We studied the importance of two putative defensive traits in Aristolochia erecta: leaf toughness and aristolochic acid content, and we examined the effect of intra- and interplant chemical variation on the chemical phenotype of B. philenor larvae. It has been proposed that genetic variation for sequestration ability is ??invisible to natural selection?? because intra- and interindividual variation in host-plant chemistry will largely eliminate a role for herbivore genetic variation in determining an herbivore??s chemical phenotype. We found substantial intra- and interplant variation in leaf toughness and in the aristolochic acid chemistry in A. erecta. Based on field observations and laboratory experiments, we showed that first-instar larvae preferentially fed on less tough, younger leaves and avoided tougher, older leaves, and we found no evidence that aristolochic acid content influenced first-instar larval foraging. We found that the majority of variation in the amount of aristolochic acid sequestered by larvae was explained by larval family, not by host-plant aristolochic acid content. Heritable variation for sequestration is the predominant determinant of larval, and likely adult, chemical phenotype. This study shows that for these highly specialized herbivores that sequester chemical defenses, traits that offer mechanical resistance, such as leaf toughness, might be more important determinants of early-instar larval foraging behavior and development compared to plant chemical defenses.  相似文献   

The influence of temporal and spatial heterogeneity in seed availability on the foraging behaviour of the harvester ant Messor arenarius was studied in an arid shrubland in the Negev Desert, Israel. The study investigated the implications of behavioural responses to heterogeneity in seed availability for the seed predation process and the potential for feedback effects on vegetation. Vegetation and seed rain were monitored across two landscape patch types (shrub patches and inter-shrub patches) in 1997. Shrub patches were shown to have higher plant and seed-rain density than inter-shrub patches. Patch use and seed selection by M. arenarius foragers were monitored through the spring, summer and autumn of 1997. After a pulse of seed production in the spring, the ants exhibited very narrow diet breadth, specialising on a single annual grass species, Stipa capensis. At this time, ants were foraging and collecting seeds mainly from inter-shrub patches. In the summer, diet breadth broadened and use of shrub patches increased, although the rate of seed collection per unit area was approximately equal in the two patch types. The increase in the use of shrub patches was due to colony-level selection of foraging areas with relatively high shrub cover and an increase in the use of shrub patches by individual foragers. In the autumn, a pulse of seed production by the shrub species Atractylis serratuloides and Noaea mucronata led to a reduction in diet breadth as foragers specialised on these species. During this period, foragers exhibited a large increase in the proportion of time spent in shrub patches and in the proportion of food items collected from shrub patches. The seasonal patterns in foraging behaviour showed linked changes in seed selection and patch use resulting in important differences in the seed predation process between the two landscape patch types. For much of the study period, there was higher seed predation pressure on the inter-shrub patches, which were of relatively low productivity compared with the shrub patches. This suggests that the seed predation process may help maintain the spatial heterogeneity in the density of ephemeral plants in the landscape.  相似文献   

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