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The de novo synthesis of pyrimidine nucleotides in plants has been analysed on a molecular level with special focus on cDNA cloning and structure analysis of all genes involved and their expression pattern during development. The exhaustive cloning of all cDNAs resulted from screening with heterologous cDNAs or by using complementation strategies with Escherichia coli mutants and subsequent enzyme activity measurements. Southern hybridization and comparison with the Arabidopsis genome reveals plant specific aspects and a simple genomic organization of pyrimidine synthesis in plants, which is superimposed by the postulated, complex subcellular compartmentalization. Northern hybridization evinces coordinated expression of all genes under developmental control during tobacco leaf growth.  相似文献   

Cultured neuroblastoma cells (NIE-115) rapidly incorporated the essential fatty acid, linoleic acid (18:2 (n = 6), into membrane phospholipids. Fatty acid label appeared rapidly (2-10 min) in plasma membrane phospholipids without evidence of an initial lag. Specific activity (nmol fatty acid/mumol phospholipid) was 1.5-2-fold higher in microsomes than in plasma membrane. In these membrane fractions phosphatidylcholine had at least 2-fold higher specific activity than other phospholipids. With 32P as radioactive precursor, the specific activity of phosphatidylinositol was 2-fold higher compared to other phospholipids in both plasma membrane and microsomes. Thus a differential turnover of fatty acyl and head group moieties of both phospholipids was suggested. This was confirmed in dual-label (3H fatty acid and 32P), pulse-chase studies that showed a relatively rapid loss of fatty acyl chains compared to the head group of phosphatidylcholine; the opposite occurred with phosphatidylinositol. A high loss of fatty acyl chain relative to phosphorus indicated involvement of deacylation-reacylation in fatty acyl chain turnover. The patterns of label loss in pulse-chase experiments at 37 and 10 degrees C indicated some independent synthesis and modification of plasma membrane phospholipids at the plasma membrane. Lysophosphatidylcholine acyltransferase and choline phosphotransferase activities were demonstrated in isolated plasma membrane in vitro. Thus, studies with intact cells and with isolated membrane fractions suggested that neuroblastoma plasma membranes possess enzyme activities capable of altering phospholipid fatty acyl chain composition by deacylation-reacylation and de novo synthesis at the plasma membrane itself.  相似文献   

When neuroblastoma cells (N18) in vitro were exposed to the bifunctional alkylating agent di-2-chloroethyl sulfide (HS), the specific activity of acetylcholinesterase began to rise rapidly after an initial lag period of 1 to 2 days. The five-fold increase in enzyme activity at 4 days after exposure to 0.5 μg/ml of HS was accompanied by a 25-fold rise in the rate of reappearance of acetylcholinesterase activity following essentially irreversible inhibition. Based on previous experience with acetylcholinesterase synthesis in serum deprived neuroblastoma cells, this behavior indicates induction of the enzyme. Vinblastine blocked the concomitant large increase in neurite extension which was stimulated by HS, but left acetylcholinesterase induction unaffected. Since enzyme activity was inversely related to the ability of the monolayer cells to form microcolonies, we conclude that acetylcholinesterase induction is dependent upon inhibition of cell division and independent of neurite extension. The monofunctional analogue of HS, 2-chloroethyl ethyl sulfide (CEES), produced similar effects, but much higher concentrations were required.  相似文献   

The 16S and 8S forms of acetylcholinesterase (AchE), which are composed of an elongated tail structure in addition to the more globular catalytic subunits, were extracted and purified from membranes from Torpedo californica electric organs. Their subunit compositions and quaternary structures were compared with 11S lytic enzyme which is derived from collagenase or trypsin treatment of the membranes and devoid of the tail unit. Upon sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the absence of reducing agent, appreciable populations of monomeric through tetrameric species are observed for the 11S form. Under the same conditions, the 16S form yields only monomer and dimer in addition to a higher molecular weight species. If complete reduction is effected, only the 80,000 molecular weight monomer is dominant for both the 11S and 16S forms. Cross-linking of the 11S form by dimethyl suberimidate followed by reduction yields monomer through tetramer in descending frequency, while the 16S form again shows a high molecular weight species. A comparison of the composition of the 11S and 16S forms reveals that the latter has an increased glycine content, and 1.1 and 0.3 mol % hydroxyproline and hydroxylysine, respectively. Collagenases that have been purified to homogencity and are devoid of amidase and caseinolytic activity, but active against native collagen, will convert 16S acetylcholinesterase to the 11S form. Thus, composition and substrate behavior of the 16S enzyme are indicative of the tail unit containing a collagen-like sequence. A membrane fraction enriched in acetylcholinesterase and components of basement membrane can be separated from the major portion of the membrane protein. The 16S but not the 11S form reassociates selectively with this membrane fraction. These findings reveal distinct similarities between the tail unit of acetylcholinesterase and basement membrane components and suggest a primary association of AchE with the basement membrane.  相似文献   

During normal development, the neural cell adhesion molecule N-CAM changes at the cell-surface from a sialic acid-rich embryonic, or E form, to several adult, or A forms that have less sialic acid (E-to-A conversion). To investigate the cellular and molecular mechanisms that underlie these changes, we have established conditions under which E-to-A conversion occurs in cultured explants of central nervous system tissues. Mouse cerebellum, chick spinal cord, and chick retina that express the E form of N-CAM were dissected and cultured on collagen gels. After 3-6 d in culture, increased proportions of A forms were synthesized, as revealed by specific immunoprecipitation and immunoblotting. The rate of E-to-A conversion and the proportions of the different A forms synthesized in vitro were similar to those observed for the tissues in vivo at comparable times. In addition, the explants incorporated radioactive precursors of amino sugars into N-CAM, and the electrophoretic mobilities of the E and A forms of N-CAM were altered by treatment with neuraminidase in a way comparable to that found for N-CAM obtained directly from tissue. These results suggest that the post translational processing in vitro was similar to that in vivo. Logistic studies on cell division and death in the explants suggested that E-to-A conversion resulted mainly from a specific increase in synthesis of A forms in individual cells rather than as a consequence of differential birth or death within distinct cell populations. The data were consistent with the possibility that the increase in synthesis of A forms occurred either in cells that had previously synthesized E forms or in a distinct population of cells that already synthesized A forms. Cells dissociated from embryonic central nervous system tissues and cultured in vitro were also found to undergo E-to-A conversion at the same rate as the explant cultures, which suggests that if intercellular signals were responsible for initiation of the change in synthetic pattern, they had already occurred in vivo before the time of culture. In pulse-chase experiments, the E form of N-CAM that was synthesized during the first day after explantation persisted as E form for several days, at times when newly synthesized N-CAM was predominantly in A forms. These results indicate that in cultured neural tissue, the E form of N-CAM is not processed into A forms but is gradually degraded and replaced by newly synthesized A forms.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The activity of transglutaminase (TGase) was measured in cultured C6 glioma cells after their stimulation by either isoproterenol and isobutyl-methylxanthine or by a serum-containing medium. The activity fluctuated in a biphasic manner, with the peaks at 2-3 hr and 7-8 hr poststimulation. The first peak of TGase activity was affected neither by cycloheximide nor by actinomycin D, which inhibited protein synthesis. The second peak, on the other hand, was completely eliminated by cycloheximide and was reduced by actinomycin D. Immunological procedures were employed to find out whether or not the activity of TGase corresponded with the presence of the TGase antigen in the cultured cells. Indirect immunofluorescent staining and radioimmunoblot techniques suggested that unstimulated cells contained an inactive enzyme. This inactive, or cryptic, enzyme had the same molecular weight as its active counterpart. Activation of the enzyme was mediated by cell stimulation, probably by its release from the membrane. This step did not require protein synthesis, unlike the second step, which was dependent on de novo protein synthesis.  相似文献   

A comparative study of the molecular forms of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) was made in various smooth muscles (intestine, vas deferens, ciliary body, iris, nictitating membrane retractor, ureter, arteries, anococcygeus muscles) of some mammals (cat, guinea-pig, rat, rabbit, mouse), seeking for a correlation between the presence of 16 S (asymmetric, tailed) form of AChE in smooth muscles and their type of innervation defined by morphological criteria, as well as by the nature of the main neurotransmitters involved in their neuroeffector junctions. Contrary to previous assertions, many smooth muscles contain 16 S AChE, although all those examined here exhibited a proportion clearly less than that of striated muscles. There are large species-specific and individual variations in the percentage of 16 S AChE. The highest percentages of 16 S AChE were found in ciliary and iris muscles, which are provided with an individual (= multiunit) cholinergic innervation. The vas deferens muscles, which are also individually, but noradrenergically innervated contain practically no 16 S AChE. In the muscles having a fascicular (= unitary) innervation, the differences are striking: 16 S AChE is in rather high amount in intestine muscle layers, whereas it is very low or virtually absent in ureter or arterial muscles. Thus, the type of innervation is not clearly involved in the amount of 16 S AChE present in smooth muscles. As for the nature of neurotransmitter a clear correlation exists only in the case of individual innervation, in which only one neurotransmitter is involved or largely predominant.  相似文献   

The presence of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) mRNA and activity in the tissues and cells involved in immune responses prompted us to investigate the level and pattern of AChE components in spleen. AChE activity was higher in mouse spleen (0.46 +/- 0.13 micromol of acetylthiocholine split per hour and per mg protein) than in muscle or heart, but lower than in brain. The spleen was essentially free of butyrylcholinesterase (BuChE) activity. About 40% of spleen AChE was extracted with a saline buffer, and a further 40% with 1% Triton X-100. Sedimentation analyses, the splitting of subunits in AChE dimers, phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C (PIPLC) exposure, and phenyl-agarose chromatography showed that hydrophilic (G1H, 43%) and amphiphilic AChE monomers (G1A, 36%), as well as amphiphilic dimers (G2A, 21%), occurred in spleen. All these molecules bound to fasciculin-2-Sepharose, although the extent of binding was higher for G1H (77%) than for G1A (63%) or G2A (48%) forms. Differences in the extent to which wheat germ lectin (WGA) adsorbed with AChE of mouse spleen and of erythrocyte allowed us to discard the blood origin of spleen AChE activity. A 62 kDa protein was labeled in spleen samples using antibodies against human AChE. The protein was attributed to AChE monomers since its size was the same, regardless of whether disulfide bonds were reduced or not. Since cholinergic stimulation modulates proliferation/maturation of lymphoid cells, AChE may be important for regulating the level of acetylcholine (ACh) in the neighborhood of cholinergic receptors (AChR) in spleen and other lymphoid tissues.  相似文献   

The importance of de novo purine synthesis as opposed to the reutilisation of metabolites by salvage pathways, and the nature of the excretory product(s) of purine degradation, have been examined in cultured preimplantation mouse embryos. In the presence of azaserine and mycophenolic acid, which inhibit de novo purine synthesis, embryo cleavage was blocked prior to compaction, the precise stages at which this occurred depended on whether the cultures were established on day 1 or day 2 after fertilisation, and indicated that salvage pathways were insufficient to fulfil the demand for nucleotides during early preimplantation development. The end-product of purine degradation appeared to be xanthine, which was excreted in very small amounts on days 1, 2 and 3, with a pronounced rise from the early to late blastocyst. Uric acid formation or excretion could not be detected. Exogenous hypoxanthine and adenine, which partially inhibited development, were taken up by the embryos and converted to xanthine, most probably by salvage pathways, since the enzyme xanthine oxidase, which converts hypoxanthine directly to xanthine and then to uric acid, could not be detected. Exogenous guanine had little effect on development and was also converted to xanthine, but in this case, the conversion was probably in a single step, via the enzyme guanase.  相似文献   

Mechanisms that function to regulate the rate of de novo phosphatidylinositol (PtdIns) synthesis in mammalian cells have not been elucidated. In this study, we characterize the effect of phorbol ester treatment on de novo PtdIns synthesis in C3A human hepatoma cells. Incubation of cells with 12-O-tetradecanoyl phorbol 13-acetate (TPA) initially (1-6 h) results in a decrease in precursor incorporation into PtdIns; however, at later times (18-24 h), a marked increase is observed. TPA-induced glucose uptake from the medium is not required for observation of the stimulation of PtdIns synthesis, because the effect is apparent in glucose-free medium. Inhibition of the activation of arachidonic acid substantially blocks the synthesis of PtdIns but has no effect on the synthesis of phosphatidylcholine (PtdCho). Increasing the concentration of cellular phosphatidic acid by blocking its conversion to diacylglycerol, on the other hand, enhances the synthesis of PtdIns and inhibits the synthesis of PtdCho. The TPA-induced stimulation of PtdIns synthesis is not the result of the concomitant TPA-induced G1 arrest, because G1 arrest induced by mevastatin has no effect on PtdIns synthesis. Inhibition of protein kinase C activity blocks the stimulatory action of TPA on de novo synthesis of PtdIns but has no effect on TPA-induced inhibition. Potential sites of enzymatic regulation are discussed.  相似文献   

Molecular forms of acetylcholinesterase in Xenopus muscle   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Xenopus adult muscle, whole Xenopus embryos, and cultured embryonic myocytes together contain five acetylcholinesterase forms which can be resolved by sucrose density gradient centrifugation. These are identified as the collagenase-sensitive asymmetric forms A12 and A8, and the globular forms G4, G2, and G1. Asymmetric forms rise in whole embryos during the period of neuromuscular synapse formation, but their rise is not prevented by tricaine methanesulfonate, which abolishes motor activity. Aneural myocyte cultures synthesize primarily asymmetric acetylcholinesterase, much of which is extracellular. Prior nerve contact is not required for its expression. The proportion of asymmetric forms is neither decreased by tetrodotoxin, nor enhanced by veratridine and aconitine. We conclude that muscle activity does not modulate the expression of asymmetric acetylcholinesterase in Xenopus.  相似文献   

Primary cultures of rat type II alveolar epithelial cells (AECs) or human AEC-derived A549 cells, when exposed to bleomycin (Bleo), exhibited concentration-dependent apoptosis detected by altered nuclear morphology, fragmentation of DNA, activation of caspase-3, and net cell loss over time. In both cell culture models, exposure to Bleo caused time-dependent increases in angiotensinogen (ANGEN) mRNA. Antisense oligonucleotides against ANGEN mRNA inhibited Bleo-induced apoptosis of rat AEC or A549 cells by 83 and 84%, respectively (P < 0.01 and P < 0.05), and prevented Bleo-induced net cell loss. Apoptosis of rat AECs or A549 cells in response to Bleo was inhibited 91% by the ANG-converting enzyme inhibitor captopril or 82%, respectively, by neutralizing antibodies specific for ANG II (both P < 0.01). Antagonists of ANG receptor AT(1) (losartan, L-158809, or saralasin), but not an AT(2)-selective blocker (PD-123319), inhibited Bleo-induced apoptosis of either rat AECs (79%, P < 0.01) or A549 cells (83%, P < 0.01) and also reduced the activity of caspase-3 by 52% (P < 0.05). These data indicate that Bleo, like Fas(L) or TNF-alpha, induces transactivation of ANG synthesis de novo that is required for AEC apoptosis. They also support the theory that ANG system antagonists have potential for the blockade of AEC apoptosis in situ.  相似文献   

Changes of acetylcholinesterase activity and its molecular forms, extracted by Triton X-100 and separated by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, were studied in the rat hippocampus following septal lesions. Detection of acetylcholinesterase was made densitometrically. While the total activity of acetylcholinesterase was decreased, its molecular forms exhibited a different pattern of changes: the heavy forms were decreased, while the light ones were increased. The results support the view that different acetylcholinesterase molecular forms serve different regulatory mechanisms.  相似文献   

Elastic fibers contribute to the structural support of tissues and to the regulation of cellular behavior. Mice deficient for the fibulin-5 gene (fbln5(-/-)) were used to further elucidate the molecular mechanism of elastic fiber assembly. Major elastic fiber components were present in the skin of fbln5(-/-) mice despite a dramatic reduction of mature elastic fibers. We found that fibulin-5 preferentially bound the monomeric form of elastin through N-terminal and C-terminal elastin-binding regions and to a preexisting matrix scaffold through calcium-binding epidermal growth factor (EGF)-like (CB-EGF) domains. We further showed that adenovirus-mediated gene transfer of fbln5 was sufficient to regenerate elastic fibers and increase elastic fiber-cell connections in vivo. A mutant fibulin-5 lacking the first 28 amino acids of the first CB-EGF domain, however, was unable to rescue elastic fiber defects. Fibulin-5 thus serves as an adaptor molecule between monomeric elastin and the matrix scaffold to aid in elastic fiber assembly. These results also support the potential use of fibulin-5 as a therapeutic agent for the treatment of elastinopathies.  相似文献   

In the muscles of the frog, four main molecular forms of acetylcholinesterase are present, with sedimentation coefficients of 5.7, 10.4, 13 and 17.6 S. The heaviest forms, 13 S and 17.6 S are found in both nerve-free segments and endplates zones of sartorius muscle. They decrease in long-term denervation experiments. Consequently, these two forms are not specifically localized in endplates containing regions. However, they depend either on muscle activity or on neural influence or both.  相似文献   

5-Formyltetrahydrofolate (5-formylTHF) is the only folate derivative that does not serve as a cofactor in folate-dependent one-carbon metabolism. Two metabolic roles have been ascribed to this folate derivative. It has been proposed to 1) serve as a storage form of folate because it is chemically stable and accumulates in seeds and spores and 2) regulate folate-dependent one-carbon metabolism by inhibiting folate-dependent enzymes, specifically targeting folate-dependent de novo purine biosynthesis. Methenyltetrahydrofolate synthetase (MTHFS) is the only enzyme that metabolizes 5-formylTHF and catalyzes its ATP-dependent conversion to 5,10-methenylTHF. This reaction determines intracellular 5-formylTHF concentrations and converts 5-formylTHF into an enzyme cofactor. The regulation and metabolic role of MTHFS in one-carbon metabolism was investigated in vitro and in human neuroblastoma cells. Steady-state kinetic studies revealed that 10-formylTHF, which exists in chemical equilibrium with 5,10-methenylTHF, acts as a tight binding inhibitor of mouse MTHFS. [6R]-10-formylTHF inhibited MTHFS with a K(i) of 150 nM, and [6R,S]-10-formylTHF triglutamate inhibited MTHFS with a K(i) of 30 nm. MTHFS is the first identified 10-formylTHF tight-binding protein. Isotope tracer studies in neuroblastoma demonstrate that MTHFS enhances de novo purine biosynthesis, indicating that MTHFS-bound 10-formylTHF facilitates de novo purine biosynthesis. Feedback metabolic regulation of MTHFS by 10-formylTHF indicates that 5-formylTHF can only accumulate in the presence of 10-formylTHF, providing the first evidence that 5-formylTHF is a storage form of excess formylated folates in mammalian cells. The sequestration of 10-formylTHF by MTHFS may explain why de novo purine biosynthesis is protected from common disruptions in the folate-dependent one-carbon network.  相似文献   

Weeks AM  Chang MC 《Biochemistry》2011,50(24):5404-5418
Living organisms have evolved a vast array of catalytic functions that make them ideally suited for the production of medicinally and industrially relevant small-molecule targets. Indeed, native metabolic pathways in microbial hosts have long been exploited and optimized for the scalable production of both fine and commodity chemicals. Our increasing capacity for DNA sequencing and synthesis has revealed the molecular basis for the biosynthesis of a variety of complex and useful metabolites and allows the de novo construction of novel metabolic pathways for the production of new and exotic molecular targets in genetically tractable microbes. However, the development of commercially viable processes for these engineered pathways is currently limited by our ability to quickly identify or engineer enzymes with the correct reaction and substrate selectivity as well as the speed by which metabolic bottlenecks can be determined and corrected. Efforts to understand the relationship among sequence, structure, and function in the basic biochemical sciences can advance these goals for synthetic biology applications while also serving as an experimental platform for elucidating the in vivo specificity and function of enzymes and reconstituting complex biochemical traits for study in a living model organism. Furthermore, the continuing discovery of natural mechanisms for the regulation of metabolic pathways has revealed new principles for the design of high-flux pathways with minimized metabolic burden and has inspired the development of new tools and approaches to engineering synthetic pathways in microbial hosts for chemical production.  相似文献   

The pattern of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) molecular forms, obtained by sucrose gradient sedimentation, was studied at different in vitro developmental stages of myogenic cells isolated from adult mouse skeletal muscle. Only the globular forms were present in rapidly dividing satellite cells during the first days in culture. After myotube formation, a pattern similar to that described in mammalian fast-twitch skeletal muscle was observed. This pattern did not change during the following period in culture (up to 1 month) nor could it be modified by co-culturing with spinal cord motoneurons or by addition of brain-derived extracts. The internal-external localization of AChE molecular forms has been determined by the use of echothiophate iodide, a membrane-impermeant irreversible inhibitor of AChE. Echothiophate-treated cultures showed about 40% of both asymmetric and globular forms localized on the sarcolemma, with their active sites oriented outward. Analysis of culture medium from untreated cultures revealed the presence of both asymmetric and globular forms. When the same analysis was repeated on cultures of myoblasts derived from 16-day-old mouse embryos, the pattern of AChE forms was different. The myotubes derived from these cells exhibit a very small proportion of asymmetric form, which was not released into the medium. This pattern was not further modified during the following days of culture, nor by co-cultures with spinal cord motoneurons or by incubations with brain-derived extracts. Thus, the myotubes derived from myoblasts express in culture a clear phenotypic difference when compared to the corresponding myotubes from satellite cells, supporting the view that these two myogenic cells are endowed with different developmental programs.  相似文献   

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