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Integrin-linked kinase (ILK) links integrins to the actin cytoskeleton and is believed to phosphorylate several target proteins. We report that a keratinocyte-restricted deletion of the ILK gene leads to epidermal defects and hair loss. ILK-deficient epidermal keratinocytes exhibited a pronounced integrin-mediated adhesion defect leading to epidermal detachment and blister formation, disruption of the epidermal-dermal basement membrane, and the translocation of proliferating, integrin-expressing keratinocytes to suprabasal epidermal cell layers. The mutant hair follicles were capable of producing hair shaft and inner root sheath cells and contained stem cells and generated proliferating progenitor cells, which were impaired in their downward migration and hence accumulated in the outer root sheath and failed to replenish the hair matrix. In vitro studies with primary ILK-deficient keratinocytes attributed the migration defect to a reduced migration velocity and an impaired stabilization of the leading-edge lamellipodia, which compromised directional and persistent migration. We conclude that ILK plays important roles for epidermis and hair follicle morphogenesis by modulating integrin-mediated adhesion, actin reorganization, and plasma membrane dynamics in keratinocytes.  相似文献   

Control of murine hair follicle regression (catagen) by TGF-beta1 in vivo.   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
The regression phase of the hair cycle (catagen) is an apoptosis-driven process accompanied by terminal differentiation, proteolysis, and matrix remodeling. As an inhibitor of keratinocyte proliferation and inductor of keratinocyte apoptosis, transforming growth factor beta1 (TGF-beta1) has been proposed to play an important role in catagen regulation. This is suggested, for example, by maximal expression of TGF-beta1 and its receptors during late anagen and the onset of catagen of the hair cycle. We examined the potential involvement of TGF-beta1 in catagen control. We compared the first spontaneous entry of hair follicles into catagen between TGF-beta1 null mice and age-matched wild-type littermates, and assessed the effects of TGF-beta1 injection on murine anagen hair follicles in vivo. At day 18 p.p., hair follicles in TGF-beta1 -/- mice were still in early catagen, whereas hair follicles of +/+ littermates had already entered the subsequent resting phase (telogen). TGF-beta1-/- mice displayed more Ki-67-positive cells and fewer apoptotic cells than comparable catagen follicles from +/+ mice. In contrast, injection of TGF-beta1 into the back skin of mice induced premature catagen development. In addition, the number of proliferating follicle keratinocytes was reduced and the number of TUNEL + cells was increased in the TGF-beta1-treated mice compared to controls. Double visualization of TGF-beta type II receptor (TGFRII) and TUNEL reactivity revealed colocalization of apoptotic nuclei and TGFRII in catagen follicles. These data strongly support that TGF-beta1 ranks among the elusive endogenous regulators of catagen induction in vivo, possibly via the inhibition of keratinocyte proliferation and induction of apoptosis. Thus, TGF-betaRII agonists and antagonists may provide useful therapeutic tools for human hair growth disorders based on premature or retarded catagen development (effluvium, alopecia, hirsutism).  相似文献   

Members of the transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta) superfamily of signaling molecules are involved in the regulation of many developmental processes that involve the interaction between mesenchymal and epithelial tissues. Smad7 is a potent inhibitor of many members of the TGF-beta family, notably TGF-beta and activin. In this study, we show that embryonic overexpression of Smad7 in stratified epithelia using a keratin 5 promoter, results in severe morphogenetic defects in skin and teeth and leads to embryonic and perinatal lethality. To further analyze the functions of Smad7 in epithelial tissues of adult mice, we used an expression system that allowed a controlled overexpression of Smad7 in terms of both space and time. Skin defects in adult mice overexpressing Smad7 were characterized by hyper-proliferation and missing expression of early markers of keratinocyte differentiation. Upon Smad7-mediated blockade of TGF-beta superfamily signaling, ameloblasts failed to produce an enamel layer in incisor teeth. In addition, TGF-beta blockade in adult mice altered the pattern of thymic T cell differentiation and the number of thymic T cells was significantly reduced. This study shows that TGF-beta superfamily signaling is essential for development of hair, tooth and T-cells as well as differentiation and proliferation control in adult tissues.  相似文献   

Molecular principles of hair follicle induction and morphogenesis   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
Hair follicle (HF) development is the result of neuroectodermal-mesodermal interactions, and can be divided into morphologically distinguishable stages (induction, organogenesis and cytodifferentiation). The spacing, polarity and differentiation patterns of HFs are driven by interacting, self-assembling gradients of inhibitors and activators, which are established jointly by the skin epithelium and mesenchyme. For HF development to occur, the dominant-negative influence of inhibitors of the HF differentiation pathway must be locally counteracted by specific antagonists and/or overriden by stimulators of hair placode formation. Once a mesenchymal condensate of inductive fibroblasts has formed, it takes over control of most subsequent steps of HF organogenesis and of epithelial stem cell differentiation into distinct lineages. In this review we introduce the morphological characteristics, major underlying principles and molecular key players that control HF development. The focus is on recent insights into the molecular interactions leading to hair follicle induction, and we close with synthesizing a corresponding working hypothesis.  相似文献   

When beta-catenin signalling is disturbed from mid-gestation onwards lineage commitment is profoundly altered in postnatal mouse epidermis. We have investigated whether adult epidermis has the capacity for beta-catenin-induced lineage conversion without prior embryonic priming. We fused N-terminally truncated, stabilised beta-catenin to the ligand-binding domain of a mutant oestrogen receptor (DeltaNbeta-cateninER). DeltaNbeta-cateninER was expressed in the epidermis of transgenic mice under the control of the keratin 14 promoter and beta-catenin activity was induced in adult epidermis by topical application of 4-hydroxytamoxifen (4OHT). Within 7 days of daily 4OHT treatment resting hair follicles were recruited into the hair growth cycle and epithelial outgrowths formed from existing hair follicles and from interfollicular epidermis. The outgrowths expressed Sonic hedgehog, Patched and markers of hair follicle differentiation, indicative of de novo follicle formation. The interfollicular epidermal differentiation program was largely unaffected but after an initial wave of sebaceous gland duplication sebocyte differentiation was inhibited. A single application of 4OHT was as effective as repeated doses in inducing new follicles and growth of existing follicles. Treatment of epidermis with 4OHT for 21 days resulted in conversion of hair follicles to benign tumours resembling trichofolliculomas. The tumours were dependent on continuous activation of beta-catenin and by 28 days after removal of the drug they had largely regressed. We conclude that interfollicular epidermis and sebaceous glands retain the ability to be reprogrammed in adult life and that continuous beta-catenin signalling is required to maintain hair follicle tumours.  相似文献   

Disruption of the c-Kit/stem cell factor (SCF) signaling pathway interferes with the survival, migration, and differentiation of melanocytes during generation of the hair follicle pigmentary unit. We examined c-Kit, SCF, and S100 (a marker for precursor melanocytic cells) expression, as well as melanoblast/melanocyte ultrastructure, in perinatal C57BL/6 mouse skin. Before the onset of hair bulb melanogenesis (i.e., stages 0-4 of hair follicle morphogenesis), strong c-Kit immunoreactivity (IR) was seen in selected non-melanogenic cells in the developing hair placode and hair plug. Many of these cells were S100-IR and were ultrastructurally identified as melanoblasts with migratory appearance. During the subsequent stages (5 and 6), increasingly dendritic c-Kit-IR cells successively invaded the hair bulb, while S100-IR gradually disappeared from these cells. Towards the completion of hair follicle morphogenesis (stages 7 and 8), several distinct follicular melanocytic cell populations could be defined and consisted broadly of (a) undifferentiated, non-pigmented c-Kit-negative melanoblasts in the outer root sheath and bulge and (b) highly differentiated melanocytes adjacent to the hair follicle dermal papilla above Auber's line. Widespread epithelial SCF-IR was seen throughout hair follicle morphogenesis. These findings suggest that melanoblasts express c-Kit as a prerequisite for migration into the SCF-supplying hair follicle epithelium. In addition, differentiated c-Kit-IR melanocytes target the bulb, while non-c-Kit-IR melanoblasts invade the outer root sheath and bulge in fully developed hair follicles.  相似文献   

Aedes albopictus is one of the most invasive insect species in the world and an effective vector for many important arboviruses. We reported previously that Ae. albopictus Nix (AalNix) is the male-determining factor of this species. However, whether AalNix alone is sufficient to initiate male development is unknown. Transgenic lines that express each of the three AalNix isoforms from the native promoter were obtained using piggyBac transformation. We verified the stable expression of AalNix isoforms in the transgenic lines and confirm that one isoform, AalNix3&4, is sufficient to convert females into fertile males (pseudo-males) that are indistinguishable from wild-type males. We also established a stable sex-converted female mosquito strain, AalNix3&4-♂4-pseudo-male. The pseudo-male mosquitoes can fly and mate normally with wild-type female, although their mating competitiveness is lower than wild-type. This work further clarifies the role of AalNix in the sex determination pathway and will facilitate the development of Ae. albopictus control strategies that rely on male-only releases such as SIT and sex-ratio distortion.  相似文献   

In Xenopus, the Mix/Bix family of homeobox genes has been implicated in mesendoderm development. Mixl1 is the only known murine member of this family. To examine the role of Mixl1 in murine embryogenesis, we used gene targeting to create mice bearing a null mutation of Mixl1. Homozygous Mixl1 mutant embryos can be distinguished from their littermates by a marked thickening of the primitive streak. By the early somite stage, embryonic development is arrested, with the formation of abnormal head folds, foreshortened body axis, absence of heart tube and gut, deficient paraxial mesoderm, and an enlarged midline tissue mass that replaces the notochord. Development of extra-embryonic structures is generally normal except that the allantois is often disproportionately large for the size of the mutant embryo. In chimeras, Mixl1(-/-) mutant cells can contribute to all embryonic structures, with the exception of the hindgut, suggesting that Mixl1 activity is most crucial for endodermal differentiation. Mixl1 is therefore required for the morphogenesis of axial mesoderm, the heart and the gut during embryogenesis.  相似文献   

The basement membrane of hair follicle stem cells is a muscle cell niche   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The hair follicle bulge in the epidermis associates with the arrector pili muscle (APM) that is responsible for piloerection ("goosebumps"). We show that stem cells in the bulge deposit nephronectin into the underlying basement membrane, thus regulating the adhesion of mesenchymal cells expressing the nephronectin receptor, α8β1 integrin, to the bulge. Nephronectin induces α8 integrin-positive mesenchymal cells to upregulate smooth muscle markers. In nephronectin knockout mice, fewer arrector pili muscles form in the skin, and they attach to the follicle above the bulge, where there is compensatory upregulation of the nephronectin family member EGFL6. Deletion of α8 integrin also abolishes selective APM anchorage to the bulge. Nephronectin is a Wnt target; epidermal β-catenin activation upregulates epidermal nephronectin and dermal α8 integrin expression. Thus, bulge stem cells, via nephronectin expression, create a smooth muscle cell niche and act as tendon cells for the APM. Our results reveal a functional role for basement membrane heterogeneity in tissue patterning. PAPERCLIP:  相似文献   

Lateral blastoderm isolates (LBIs) at the late gastrula/early neurula stage (i.e., stage 3d/4) that lack Hensen's node (organizer) and primitive streak can reconstitute a functional organizer and primitive streak within 10-12 hours in culture. We used LBIs to study the initiation and regionalization of the body plan. A complete body plan forms in each LBI by 36 hours in culture, and normal craniocaudal, dorsoventral, and mediolateral axes are re-established. Thus, reconstitution of the organizer is sufficient to re-establish a fully patterned body plan. LBIs can be modified so that reconstitution of the organizer does not occur. In such modified LBIs, tissue-type specific differentiation (with the exception of heart differentiation) and reconstitution of the body plan fail to occur. Thus, the reconstitution of the organizer is not only sufficient to re-establish a fully patterned body plan, it is also required. Finally, our results show that formation and patterning of the heart is under the control of the organizer, and that such control is exerted during the early to mid-gastrula stages (i.e., stages 2-3a), prior to formation of the fully elongated primitive streak.  相似文献   

The secret life of the hair follicle.   总被引:39,自引:0,他引:39  
The mammalian hair follicle is a treasure waiting to be discovered by more molecular geneticists. How can a tiny cluster of apparently uniform epithelial cells, adjacent to a tiny cluster of uniform mesenchymal cells, give rise to five or six concentric cylinders, each of which is composed of cells of a distinctive type that synthesize their own distinctive set of proteins? There is now evidence that several growth factors, cell adhesion molecules and other molecules play important roles in the regulation of this minute organ.  相似文献   

Kim CM  Park SH  Je BI  Park SH  Park SJ  Piao HL  Eun MY  Dolan L  Han CD 《Plant physiology》2007,143(3):1220-1230
Root hairs are long tubular outgrowths that form on the surface of specialized epidermal cells. They are required for nutrient and water uptake and interact with the soil microflora. Here we show that the Oryza sativa cellulose synthase-like D1 (OsCSLD1) gene is required for root hair development, as rice (Oryza sativa) mutants that lack OsCSLD1 function develop abnormal root hairs. In these mutants, while hair development is initiated normally, the hairs elongate less than the wild-type hairs and they have kinks and swellings along their length. Because the csld1 mutants develop the same density and number of root hairs along their seminal root as the wild-type plants, we propose that OsCSLD1 function is required for hair elongation but not initiation. Both gene trap expression pattern and in situ hybridization analyses indicate that OsCSLD1 is expressed in only root hair cells. Furthermore, OsCSLD1 is the only member of the four rice CSLD genes that shows root-specific expression. Given that the Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) gene KOJAK/AtCSLD3 is required for root hair elongation and is expressed in the root hair, it appears that OsCSLD1 may be the functional ortholog of KOJAK/AtCSLD3 and that these two genes represent the root hair-specific members of this family of proteins. Thus, at least part of the mechanism of root hair morphogenesis in Arabidopsis is conserved in rice.  相似文献   

We screened for genes specifically expressed in the mesenchymes of developing hair follicles using representational differential analysis; one gene identified was MAEG, which encodes a protein consisting of five EGF-like repeats, a linker segment containing a cell-adhesive Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD) motif, and a MAM domain. Immunohistochemistry showed that MAEG protein was localized at the basement membrane of embryonic skin and developing hair follicles, while MAEG expression diminished at the tip of the hair bud. A recombinant MAEG fragment containing the RGD motif was active in mediating adhesion of keratinocytes to the substratum in an RGD-dependent manner. One of the adhesion receptors recognizing the RGD motif was found to be the alpha8beta1 integrin, the expression of which was detected in the placode close to MAEG-positive mesenchymal cells, but later became restricted to the tip of the developing hair bud. Given its localized expression at the basement membrane in developing hair follicles and the RGD-dependent cell-adhesive activity, MAEG may play a role as a mediator regulating epithelial-mesenchymal interaction through binding to RGD-binding integrins including alpha8beta1 during hair follicle development.  相似文献   

1. During the early differentiation of the cuticle the cell membranes smooth out and the cells become closely attached over most of their surface. The change seems to be due to a layer of cement which forms between them. The plasma membranes also increase in density. 2. The decreased membrane activity of the cuticle cells may prevent a phagocytosis of the melanocyte processes and thus account for the non-pigmentation of the cuticle. 3. The flattening and imbrication of the cuticle may possibly be explained by a zipper-like spread of cell contacts. 4. Keratinisation of the cuticle occurs at a late stage in its development; the keratin formed is an amorphous type, similar to the gamma-fraction of the cortex which is produced at a similar level. 5. Keratinisation is accompanied by the formation of complex intercellular layers similar to structures observed in the inner root sheath (see Part 3). 6. In the final stage of keratinisation the remaining cytoplasm condenses with the result that the cell is divided into a laminated structure with an outer keratinised layer and an inner layer, which is insoluble in keratinolytic solvents.  相似文献   

Mammalian Staufen2 (Stau2) is a member of the double-stranded RNA-binding protein family. Its expression is largely restricted to the brain. It is thought to play a role in the delivery of RNA to dendrites of polarized neurons. To investigate the function of Stau2 in mature neurons, we interfered with Stau2 expression by RNA interference (RNAi). Mature neurons lacking Stau2 displayed a significant reduction in the number of dendritic spines and an increase in filopodia-like structures. The number of PSD95-positive synapses and miniature excitatory postsynaptic currents were markedly reduced in Stau2 down-regulated neurons. Akin effects were caused by overexpression of dominant-negative Stau2. The observed phenotype could be rescued by overexpression of two RNAi cleavage-resistant Stau2 isoforms. In situ hybridization revealed reduced expression levels of beta-actin mRNA and fewer dendritic beta-actin mRNPs in Stau2 down-regulated neurons. Thus, our data suggest an important role for Stau2 in the formation and maintenance of dendritic spines of hippocampal neurons.  相似文献   

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